The Table Rock sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1855-1858, January 05, 1856, Image 2

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"" ""- -w tuf im.iM. -,-. - , M, IW ,
il nur JIT i"uCTf iwnwuui'Ai vFiinwiyn
J- - V
t3ti"iiiuunMiii.iimi-ftrt.iw.i uauj inmwiw'i.iKiinnnmmMm miff viiitii.tttitiwm.lL jJ'jwwjm.iihiw.iwuji i ' n,i i mi I'liinuiinmmn nmmt im.
3 Aft
US '
!jc Sentinel. J
, h
Ntitiinhty, .7nuu;iry f, iyrG.
'i'lu W. iituto' utiri KiiRland.
t, Hy tlic l.'tst Atlantic tlcmiiur it socini
tlmt thu excitement iii England in io
gnrd ton probable rtiptitru between the
two countries, lina subsided. It w.-n
produced by ii rumor that our Minister
had broKon oil' diplomatic intercourse!
jiiuI demanded his passports tlio cor
rectltui of tho error resulted in tlio re
storation of quiet.
Wo have known from the first tlmt tlio
prevalent apprehension of war was not
(sustained by n correct vluw of farts.
' l'eoplo are privileged to bo excited upon
bucb questions but thosu who under
stand the strength of tho ties thai bind
llieso couiitriosjinow that in the present
circumstances uro no cnusis suiiieieuuy
strong to break them asunder.
Aloro than half thu uouunerco of the
world is tho property of these iintiuns.i
Comparatively, thoy are tho great com. .,
mercial nations of tho world, and llie,
world's commerce would bo destroyed
in tho collision. No man can form a
just conception of ilia amount of mon
ey invested in foreign trade ami ship- f
ping by thu people of thu United State
and tho llrltish Empire; and every dollar
of this amount is an iniurauce of pcrpct-,
ual peace. Thu inconceivuliiu extent
of other varied interests involved in Ihuji
relations of tho two governments, andh
which must ho impairotl or destroyed n jn lmm,, ,iroUg, ,js )0tir(( grazing
by war, Is a guarranty the strength of li(, f(BOi .i;l0 irm,p hearing the firing,
which ennnot bo nfMsiircd, tlmt wlmt. mlci ,nnieut to load their rillcs,
over diploiiiatfo difficulties may occur, mu inttoneii up, but found the body
there can bo no such thing as war bo- l0f jjr, a. and Ihhtof bis horse, already
twecn them. stripped, and tiio Indians, springing
Jn the present condition of things, it0 tliu undergrowth, escaped,
thcro nro causes of annoyance and per-1 j pl0 rmagWoro supposed to bo In
perploxlty, but not of war. The pusi- j frCtf nm jj r. VA(1NK bastoued back
tion of England and l-riince has long ,0 l0W fr uanco. In n few ml
bcou that of n protectorate over thol mUS ft C0I,my of mounted men were
crumbling Spanish monarchy, to pro- ,, lu.r wny , ,lu conor t,0 affray,
vent our wresting the Island of Culm jillt ,, tj,cir irrjvni H,0 oncmv im, Hcl
from its possession, and oVer.tho perish. ,,., (l precipitous mountain, "innccossi
ing Ottoman power to prevent its bo. ,j0 ,0 10rw8( nmi ,l0y rclurnoil, bring,
ing overrun by Russia. Ine r.-sfiM I ilIB wIll them tho body of .Mr. Angel,
decllno of tho latter, has precipitated , iU ,ll8 vnw ,, (Stressed wife, but
the war now raging in tlio Crimea, and tl fl,vv ,nurs nuor gl0 ,: ,,.,rtci with
iinu'iieiiuienpiuruiiiiiv "' "!
hold of Uuij.i. lliopoli
pOliO.V Ol IllUgOV-,
ornmcut is to incur ns much hazard s
the prizo would justify, in Improving
ai. !. nBiim ! 1.II.II.I iiinf hi ii.
this ontiortunltv. while that of tho Al
lies Is to go just so far In provuuting
It. So far ns this goes, there is war
now n paper collision between Alln
isters. Tho Amotican policy lias been, of
'coune',' to root out foreign powers from
this continent tho Kurnpcnu pulley
lias been, of course, to sustain them.
Periodically some measure oiiginating
in this conllict of interests, hit atiten
to threaten the country with war but
no war has ever yet grown out of it '
An attempt was made to dispose of the
difficulty by n very remarkable and
rcmarliaiiiy loolisii siipu a ion in mo.j
AihhurtniiTroHtv. bv which tho tW
; .-..-,,,, ------ ...- -
nations woro virtually restricted to their
nrcscnt nossessions on this continent.'
When r.uuland became Involved In the
war with Rusjin,ourgovoriiiiieut sought
it ns a favorable limu to impair tho
treaty ttipulation, uud by dint of n lit
tlo cunning, and n good deal of perse
verance, that government was induced
to assent, to its abrogation. And now,
when tho energies of England nud
Franco nro supposed to bu employed
to tho utmost in prosecuting the war
to savo Turkey from Russian nggrs
ion, tho measure of tho conquest of
Cuba mid that of tho subjugation of
Central Amorioa.nro revived and step
designed for their consunmtion nro
chosen nnd matured too rapidly to ml
init of tho adopting of counteracting
measures by tho Allies, in their present
imuarrasseii coiiuinnu,
Ilierunruu. w.u uimvu .... .
000 refugees who took up arms lor the'
Republican causo in tho recent political
S1. . .... I. Ili.v I Wlulim lllll I
spasm in boiilliorn nnu esternr.u. i
rone, uud who, in consequence o( the
final triumph of tho monarchist party,
wero couiielled logo and watt in exile
.nn opportunity for another attempt to
liberate their country from oppression.
Tho present is favorable and thoy
nro anxious to return. They would
make tho most intrepid and ellectivo
nriny that was over organised. Fifty
thousand of them are such men ns Mu
rat might wish for rt cavalry charge.
Thoy nro prompted by the bitterest
hatred of tlio royalty uud nobility of
Russia, Austria, Prussia mid Italy, the
real confederacy, overt or covert, by
...I.i.l. iriiti n Id liai'l IIWHI 'I tint (ir.ii
niiiuii u9i, .i..j .vi uK, niuuntams to tlio noitb-wost, In
tho power needed by England and 60rch qf ,l0 mi,,ll8 who on Wod.
Franco to turn tho lido iitl'iiesday hillvil Mr. flull and Mr. Angoll.
Southern Russia, and by tho libera. T0 i,0lll0ll i3 to lollow them up until
party, to turn tho tide of battle between ,ev nr0 fomui, Capt. Wii.hi.nso.v,
the republicans uud monarchists ml ,tnon6,i nt Wagner'a Creek, was to
Southern ami Central f'Uw-,t w""ion.opcrato by sonniog n delnclimentof
tho collision comes on w.icbisnow, ,,,, C0IIIIlllllltl ,, i.)()l'B Creek. The
coming, htiglanu npeneu rocriiiiiiigjocntj0 of l0 camp is unknown.
depots in tho colouia frontier, and in., i.'ro, ,0 .jnurodiitlona committed du-
and doubtless on this side the lino a
ilopted tho means commonly used nt
auqIi times. Our guveinmeiit caiing
moro for Cuba and Central America
than republicanism in Europe, was
seized with ft violent paroxysm of ie-
gain tor treaty stipulations, tuuli n
... . .. . .; . ..i
on lira lliili.h Allnisler. Air. Crauinton."
n volley oi epistolary itiuniiertiint stopT
ped the recruiting pailially, scared the
country a little,and exposed the ndiuiuis-
(ration to tho iueirablo ridicule gf the
wol-J) " r .
'I'lll interest ortliMRovcrnmciu Is In
disturb the relalioiiHesiitlug between it
oml'llui Allies, to ITirns U nrccasary to
ncijitlre Cuba and Central America,
I tit it dates not i;o nitlte to Ilia war
point. Tlio.'e possessions are not worth
tho los which would result from n de-
iclar.ition of war, if poucu w.iv pro-
claitied tlio neat week, without the
'trilling ot ii mow. iNo lulniiiiistratiou
would daro haziid itself upon such a
measure. Tho country will bekent In
a feverish slate, by utilises of irritation
ami jilniin constantly sprhmluir from
thu coulliut of IntuicstR, but there can
bu no war.
aiuuu indian .iiikii:i:s.
List Vednoiday, about ii o'clock
P.M. our town was thrown Into the
most Intense excitement by the lutilll.
genco that Mautin Anoiii,:,, an early
settler and iniluentlal citizen of this val
ley, had been killed by tho Indians. A
force from Kort Line, composed of a
howitzer and small covcrlm: party of
1 Infantry, wcio on tho wny to join CnpU.
' fUiui and llushuy on tho Applcgate,
1 preparatory to mi attempt to dUogo a
baud of yiiadtn Indians from n fort near
Starr (iulcli. At this place they were
joined liy revoral spirited citizens, mid
proceeded on bv tho Crescent City
trail. When about two and a half
miles out, Mr. Amii'.l and Mr. V,;h,
who were about f0 yards In advance,
were lired upon by Indians from the
brush. Tour balls passed through the
head and neck or Mr. Akilliug him In
stantly, while another idiot killed his
horse. Air. V. was not injured, thougl
hiui In tlio lull Hash or Iwaltli ami ncti
,... nrvlirnrniin IITk. imiiI llin nmlMnlnil .
j,m,,ins ofber murdered husband, lie-1 1
laUlusthu wi.Iow.several children nro loft I
to lament Ills dentil. h
. .
Air. A. nail lor ii long time tilled n
largo placo in thu public eye. His
faults wero thnso which nil men might
overlook, and tho better traits of Ids
character had seuurtd to him thu kind
regard of a largo circle ot friends
Smco the destruction of life commen
ced, there has been no such sousution
of gloum and diimay upon this com-
munity, as was observable last Wed
nesday afternoon,
, Tin: Wau. Wo had expected In bo
able, by the close of (his week, in givo
BCCIJUt 0f the destruction of the
I.. ...I ..I I.,, II..,, u .,., i!, .,....- A....U.
gate. Capt. Rice's uomuuuil, with a
urge citizen lorce Iromoteiling, reach
od lliolr position nnd surrounded them
on Tuesday night, nud Capt. Ik'sii
,i:v'a company wero on tho way. The
j party from hurt Line, with tho howit
zer wero endeavoring to join them on
'Wednesday night, and the prospects
wero for nn attack on Thursday. In
jeoiucqucnco of an accident, bnwuvcr,
tho measuro was defeated (or two or
i threo days. A inulo belonging to the
! howitzer train, nnd loaded with am
munition for tho piece, lost its footing l
.and full ilowu n steep lianlt into the,1
liver, nud thus the amiiuilioii was lost,'1
1" . .?"". K '' r'VTV ,
i Indians nro in possesion of threo
miners cnblns one stockaded a few
miles nbovo Starr gulch, on the euuth
. . - . . " ..
bUJa 0f Applegat UlO llOUSCS lire
, , BUeh u comitiull) nml a f0lC0 0f
,lirty men amy defend them tigainst
IUn3t ny numjer 0r x
any number ol rtiiemen. itn
shells thoy eun bo readily diiveu out.
'They nro well known, as n dusjierate
and'teiriblu band ol Indians. It is
I supposed that in times of pence, since
'the settlement of this country, tjiey
1 have murdered moro than their own
' number of whites, and generally Imvo
j subsisted upon plunder. They nro
'such marksmen, that on Wednesday
at n dUtuuco of over two hundred
'yards they had wounded four men,
I ouo very eeilonsly if not fatally.
j On Frid.iyMiiornlng n company of
' citizens, generally miners, supplied with
such arms as thy uould get.set out over
. I ..-..
.j,,,, ,0 winter. thev nro summscd to
bo within twelvu miles of this place,
Wu learn that Capt. Alcohn, with
Ibis command, is on the scent of an In
dian camp, high up tho liultu Creek,
and that an Indian bad been killed nnd
innllior woiiiiiIhiI. Ill' liil mull, when
-- .--I, -j j---.-., -t
f0uwi.r up their
Vnmw TvsoN.of (ho Vrokit fiiwi,
I tirlll unnniit mil fin.lrtinuli'ilirniniilft Inr
Into illes of pnpets, and tlill moiu for
oniiiu iavo:u.
l HWW ' HWXtl- 1 n.. .." , ,
ANoTinm Imuvn Muiideii. La6t
'Wcdnosday the body of Mr. Cuab. Vf
lli;i,t, wag found tin (he divide between
Jackass Creel: and thu loft hntid fork
of Jackson. A company of men bunt
Ing had struck tho trail of Indian?, and
wcro folio ivliig it when they came upon
the body, llo had bi'on out with a
hunting party, and wao separated from
hit comrades, when the tudinnS'discnv
ercd mid shot him. Tho decoased was
about twetitytwo years of ago. had
formerly resided In Ypsilauti, Allelil
ln, nntl had rolallvos living here. Tlil
Indians wero undoubtedly tho band
that afterwards, and on tho amo day,
killed Air. ANonriL.
Tnt! Kxiniirrllfcr, tit Mt. Vernon
Sehnol House, on Now Year's nlffht,
went on most nmmraDiy. o wero
not presentfhut wu hear every nun who
was, uxprcismg too uigucsiHaiisinuiion
with the entertainment.
Tho room was most beautifully , "'Vni-v;
Idecornted by tlio Misses AI vi:u -tliolj..w,cVnMfn,K.N.,a,J
musiu oy Alessrs, iinuitv and Wood,
vluliiiistn, and Air. Thomas with- bis
I guitar, Wat exuolleuti Thu house was
! crowded to its utmost capacity, and
! tlio enthusiastic! plaudits of tho audience
showed how much they ndinirml all
the performances.- of the evening.
'Kvnry ientnro of thu opuasiou was
well, sustained by those to whom it
wan entrusted. Wo trust that when
another alTalr of the kind comes oil'
there, wo will bo among those who
AIcssus. oc Smtiii had a
grand opening on New Year's live,
with which the ball-iroiif" community
wcru excessively ileaiieil before and
after. Wu had an opportunity to tent
their Eiimptuouo supper, got up !y
lloriii I'orrint, tho Cook-of-Coolii,
and by tlmt means discovered nno of
the'causeaof tho rapidly growing funic
of !io Union House.
Mr. J. A. Uir.r.Y, MNiiresjinan be
tween Crescent City nud Jacksonville,!
reached here Jan. nd bringing inte
dales via. the firmer place, for whleh
wo nrv under obligations. Ho reports
the snow deen on the mountains, and
the trail in places next to Impassable.
Kitozii.v to Diutii. Mr. Kti.uv
brings the information that a Air, Spun.
(UN was frozen to death at Althnuso in
tlwt nnhli liurf nC llln ivimlr Ilia flrtl
Iii.inin wu nniwil l.mpn imr lita fiirtinir
placo of residence. Ho has lived in
this neighborhood, nnd his iiamo is fa-
miliar to many.
l'or tho ficntlncl.
Aiiitsits. I'ditoiis : I'lirmil us thro'
tlio columns of your valuable paper, to
congratulate our old and much esteem
ed friend, Dr. AIcIti:i:nv, on bis np
polutmeut in Regimental Surgeon, for
the lid Regiment of Oregon Mnunld
Volunteers. o liao l..on.n i)0 l)r
"loiiirnud well, nnd beliuvo n bettor up-
jjpoinlinciit could not have been m.ide.l
' Wo believe that bo has the entire con-';
flciico of tho Medical faculty, mid nt
far in wo can learn, of thu Volunteers
I Wo sincurelv thank our worthy Clov-
ernor for the Doctor's uppoiulment.nnil
can but believe tlmt such regulations
will be inndo in tlio 'selection nnd nr.
rangement of tho Stall", ns will give
outiro satisfaction tn nil concerned.
Yours, vory respectfully,
G. W. Gitiii-.u, AI. I).
Lucius Dankoiu'ii, AI. D.
ESoipllul Ztepurt
ov, mtu. 21, 1855.
Capt. Win. IJ. Levls, wounded at
Gallico Creek, Oct 17; wounds Imvo
healed and nro nearly well.
Milton IJIauklldge, of Cnpt. Lewis'
company, wuuuded Oct. 17; well.
.lolin iirslcsoii, oi Liuwis company,
funded Oct. 17 , well
Joseuh UiiiiKiun. of Lowls' compa-
ny, wounded Oct. 17; wound healed.
Aiiinsa Alorse, of Cnpt. Williams'
'company, wounded jm ltoguo Rivor, !l
'miles below the mouth of .lump oil' Joe,
Oct. 10; diction tho 18, following.
J. T. Calwell, Cnpt. Alcorn's com.
pany ncuto rhenutUm: tmnsferrcd to
tho 'Hospital nt Jacksonville.
David Saxtun, of Williams' co.,
wounded Nov. 27, at tho Aleadows ;
transferred to'Jacksonville.
Robert "Ununnlll, of WillinmsUco.,
wounded Novr27, nt tho Aloadotvs;
transferred to Jacksonville.
Jacob Long, or Capt. Rico a co.,
wounded Nov. 27, nt tho Aleadows;!
transferred to Jacksonville.
Jameil Sanders, of Capt. Wikinson'n
co,, inllauiation arising lioin nn injured
uorvo rosultlng in qlceralion.
Ellas Aluskor, of Wilkinson's co.,
iutormltting fever ; well
Samuel C. Nicholson, of Alcorn's
co chronio ophthalmia; well.
Joseph carter, of Rico'd co., rhoum
ntism, Timoleou Love, of Qr. Mastor Do.
pnrtiiieut, sick; convalescent.
'Al. Conroy, of Alcorn's co,, catarrh
and fuver; well,
Edward Smith, of Hospital Depart
ment, intermitting fever.
Zneheus Van Oruiaui, of Williams'
co., Iltlx.
casus outsiih:.
Iutermittiiig fever, 0; remitting fever,
5; cntarrh uud fover, M; rheumatism,
7; llux.5; diarrliaja, 0; chronic-con.
stitmtiou, 2, iioiuouj airectiqns, 1;
opiitbahiiia, 1 ; thrown nud injured b
hotses and mules, 2; hemorrhoids, ii.
J. Hii.wiAN, Ass't Surgoon.
R..S. llglknap, Steward.
llenj. Uurrus?, Aw't "
Tlio Tlilrty-fourlli ConjtieM.
TIlO'N. lY. Jfcntlil cites Urn fiillnwlM-
.lalcrncat of tho co.uplox on cf tho Thirty.
loiirin Miijrrs, vr.iu a list oi ttmincmbcr.:
T""1 iov"o"(i ? ywAj'
and tcrmlimtfs March -1, I8.f. Tlio flrnl
session will meet mi Monday, J)ec. 3, lKou,
Tlio Senate cninUts of tro fienatoM IVnm
c.ioli Stale, there are thfrt(-onu Stntw,
roprcieatifll by Klxty-two Semtors.
VIi1ri In nfi ; Dciuocrils In Itoman
A., Aliulltlonlfltj K. N., Knew Nothing.
Prnlilcnt Jejol). Jlrlght.
Secretary Aslilury I)Icken. im v. llxpirt. Jimiio s- Expire
OleiaeatO.ClayJr'oll Low It (Jam
vacancy (il Clus 1!. Stewart '.Ml
tt'. K. Hclimtliin '!) 'Blcr4" A!nm, T.7
ltoh't V'..Io1ni8.m '01 Alhoit (2. Ilrown 'AD
Iiane Toucy 'lid
L. A. Foster, (A.)'(il
John II. Welter '57
Vacancy 'HI
Ittnry S. Oyer VJ
Vncncy 'til
Jnhrl'. Halo a. ViU
Jamli lUll '01,
Ktnv yoiiK.
ltnnilton Fith 'fi7
m:w jki!i:v.
J. I, Thuniiicou, V'7
WnJ Wrlcht, 'fit)
S. It. Jlollury,
IKivItl L. Yuleo
Itnierl Woombt
AHVod Ircrsou
Jetc I), llrluht
jaTllellOl.IA. I
lM'ld S. Hold, MO
AsiJllRKU fli
oillo. 1
J.T. H'mMA) T.7
arRo i:. l'uKh 'oi
! Vacancy .
. S. A. Unimlai.
iuioio: tsi.vNn,
Clco. W. .Jones Mil
Jdinei'JIttrlnn '1)1
J. It Tlwmpwn 'M
CUrltsT. JiuaesT7i
l'illir Allen M!)
tuirn OAitni.iS'A.
Jiiiar. J. Hvans till
JXlvinnri M7
J$n licit M3
TSo..T. Ituiilr. MV
fc'im Houston K.N'.no
JitolVoHaiiuirn. '01
f-floiluii Foate M7
. J' Jlenlamin MO Sllilell '01
Cmt. Xtimntr, a. '57
Henry wiitou a.
V. . Prult,
Jama A. l'ierec
M7 Jim M .Miivm
'01 Il.V. T. lliuiltr
.1 nry DixIro M7
. thai, llurkcc, o. '01
"Ma. Jltm. Aio.
l-'lorkl i,
MaMachmctti, 1
North Carolina,
Now llaiupdilrc,
New Jr'y,
Nuiv Yoik,
Ithoilo Manil
Houtli Carolina
1 -'
vr :
.4 - I
1 .
I -
B7 "ii
A AIan Shot jiv thi: Indians.
AIr.,AItirmy handed us tho following
communication frouplr. W. J. Cnrsou,
packers, camped oiijlinllli river, being
detained by the latuuufavorablo won
ilwr- ' I - . ..
"Mil. EniToii J, Harris Case,
ono of the ninny paows camped horo
on account of the ld storm, was out
looking, for his "" l,l tMU
north of Thompsonfiid Rlack's Jerry.
Ho was fired upon J; tho Indians, one
shot passingMlirongl i left band, and
one through his paitdoons near tho
kncQ. Tlio remaiiiiig shots missing
him ho imniediateb ded, but the In
dians following him.U turned and fired
mi ilmi.. ilinv ilai lmvo up the
I i'Iihrp TIhiv nro iipnosed to bo tlio
'samo Indians tlmt escaped from the
1' liPiul nf iMvrilo oreet ionic tlmo since.
Our icadeis wilUecollect that in the
rtrxt ilnvH of Novemler last, tho old In
dian chiofon Siniti tivr, warned tlio i
whiles of n small bud or hostile In
dians hid about tin head waters of
myrtlo creek. A jnrty led by Dr. C.
A. llillman with he chiof for their
guide, went out, sirprlsed nnd killed
two of them. Thejbalntico ilud, and It
is to these, fugitiys that tho above
oniiiiuunicnlion nlliies. Inquiries about
ll,,. ninitiiptiiivn linm snt nil foot. It 'S
Iw.iv.itinp eiil-niUllr tll.'lt IIOtllinR 01
thclf whereabouts slould lmvo been tils
covered beforo till as some twenty
h.nLnra (ifi.nniid ill tllO ieilllH)r-
.,.i .. .a:n.r ii.rriM.n IiIIIh tlailv cither
In search oftheiriMiiiialsorJuquest of
nnmo. Cresaitt Oily Ueraia,
To AIusBrs.
Himium fc WmrNi-.v
wo nro very much indebted for vnlualilo . j tweo(i Gronturitain uud Spain. '
papors. by lir.Kiir., Express, far in'.j,, referenoo to tho cn&o ofn Mr,
ndvunco of tho m.tiU.
It Is rumored thstiRussia has nooop.
tod the oflivo of niwjlalpr between Den
mark and the United suites.
Oaju Week later from Europe.
n JUl0 rrfvnl of ,. -. . ..J "w ..m .!.. r.... r i " ..
.. . loii, r N,we i: ;:: . . .r, , :
were to the yd of tho same month.
.,.. i . .. . , . . . iiiijiorinnt leaturo of the
news is t 10 rllnrt i,.,..l i...
brnnco mid ICnglanil to bring Swecdon '
into nctlvo alliance with thorn. Gene-,
rnl Canroburt Is in Stockholm, olmiuetr
...111. ll.t ...!-.! I ItTWf
wiiii una imssiuii, anu oweuoipu re
quired either to assent or refuse.
It Is reported that tho Czar, has re
ccnllv made n conilduntlnl communl
chtioulrj I'russht nnd Austria r his
wlsli to renow negotiations, and that AI.
Honrnuoriey lias returned to Vlcnnn
.with Iro'sh instructions tonicdttho con. or.propnsals from Russia. It
is lurUifr said tlmt Prince Gortshakon;
tllO dilllOnillllat frnnt VI........ ...! I...
Ulan iMInlstora frnm nilm'r ii..
Courts, nro certainly to meet tho Czar
it nrannr in tho pild.llo oftlib month,1
iiii u.o iiiv8(ioii oi a renewal of lie-
fa-iMiiiiiuii3 win no semen, h g n
that tho Dmperor of 1'rutici, j
o to it renewal of diplomacy.
Ilia Austrian Gazette states author!,
tatlvely that u French Ciinip of riO.OOU
men is being formed at Siliblria.
I'rnm the Crimen there is absolutely
liolhliiif to renort. Tim arnilim nn
'gaged in building huts for' the wlutor.
several rumors ol battles near Sim
pheropol bnvu turned out to bo false.
Letters from Subastopol say that
Russian projuctilea from tlio north sidu
j reach iilmost every part or the city,
and that a desultory lire Is kept up on
both sides.
The Allies say that tho Russians, nl.
though keeping up n continual lire, nro
limiting preparations lor n retreat.
(Jen. LoVaillant bus boon appointed
by tho French Governor olSebas
topol. I
Sir Colin Cnnipboll, taking oflunco
at tho appointment of Gen. Codring
ton, bus asked loavo to return to Enu-1
I laud.
Tho IVetich will garrison Ktnhtirn
uuiintrpieutly the Eugllih returned to
Seb.tsionol November Sid.
An Anglo-French force from Eupn -
titriii iiiiil..f!.ui t A It.... ..til ......I.. ..
lllllll. UIMIUI lt'll MM JklllJllt till). Ilintlll IV
riiinniliift-ittii'il nil I im '.! In n.r In
: . F
I With u lartro force of tho uueniy. ollered
I "" w " -I "i"tj -..
name, nut 1110 uussuus lellreu niter an
excbuiigo of a fow rounds of artillery,
Tlio Alllos. burned thu villages of
AcliiidoH'ku, Karnquert, Tuzelu uud the
battle, but tho Russians u-lired ufter an
tOWII uf Sulti : alio, iniiiii- rm-ma niwt
etorna ulunu t.. .....i .. .1... mii..,i
r.itiirnml tn Ktinntoria.
lntelligonco Inini Uilessnol tlio iJ7lb
October, says tliat lodtleton is fust
rendering isienhilell' defensible below
Passka, where tho rivor Is only (100
fiithuuib broad. (iunboaU manned by
iho crewvof thoTormer Rlack Sen (loot
nro stationed, nnd batteries aru being e
reuled on both sides of thu river. The
iuhebitants of Nieolatelf and Kherson
nro informed that thosu cities may be
attacked, and largo numbers have gone
Into tho Interior nt government expense.
It is reported that Odessa will bu (lis.
iirmed uud the guns there sent to Nico
laiell'. Cctiorul Ludors, with tho grenadiers
and cavalry, is postod between Kinburii
and Kherson.
It Is confirmed that tho Czar ami the
Ornud Dnko Constnnthio wilnussed the
capturo of Kinburii from Otscbaknir.
Tho Czar 1ms returned to St. IVters
burgh direct from NlcolnlclV, without
staying nt Warsaw.
Tho squadron oftho Uugbavo towed
out two rafts of oak limber, worth
1110,000. lloyuiui tuts nothing lint
boon duno except milking reconnais
A recent renort arrived from Odessa Allles'had eilected n binding.
? 'r , , ffvj : ouse ,miiiji .ww u m
miiir IVrelmn. and Hussion
Later tulvlces rentier u 'i"" .(
ful. ' ' '
St. Putersburgh despatches sny fie
. 1 .1.. p;.nni lllll J".
tho RuBbiau unity in tlio Crimea fai
provi.ious for eight month.
A Vienna pnper, the I remdem Jljah
lenrna from Ciortscbakoirs honihMn
lurs, that tho Hussions in tho Crf.iiot
i.... onn (inn mon. A uroi'
,y)T ,,u.uw. ---I----" ,, rfi'.ion uimos'
titer corps una urr ye t " I'" ," :
nccompanieil by ouuw nBu..., v.-
by oxen, so tlio nrim is iru "
six months, Gortsohakolf 'will not ;
..on ...munvs after fsoveuiner, j-i
,.u. ww...-rf- -- . ,. i. ,..
tho stejipcs, it is expected, pi
ered with snow. - .
CiKtiAi iui"-"
...m nnilM U
Tho oxoltemont respecung yi
with tho Unliett diuieo mo um..,-...-
, nnd tho loauing journals, asiauiwy
of tho panio tuey uruuicu, "
.1 ... ...... ..,. 1 nHnlllll I1
excuse it, nnd lot themselves dow.ri(Ui
quietly by attributing what tleycal J j nm ,0ia
tho hostile uttitudo of the Arteriort , not nuout
tiovoinmout to on election ruse on t
art of tho Presidont and lus tauiu
idtboiiL'h it is notorious that tin excit-
i.idni vena lipirun. fostered and lift
alivo by tlio London Tin
..... ,...- -.0-.. .
lines. I
Tlio monthly statoment of the II
lll.'. to ulntnil lint 111 llfl UUU
IIII I 111111,1 IB DLllkl. 1IWV " -- '
! able in its general oharnotor.
iTr,in.,illi. rnlntlons aro nrisinf
"-""' J. .; , a ....!.. I
s expelled finm-Colia in Al.riibl..,P"Wa
.,tiitn.iiliiiL' tlio nKioeinent -.-' I
notwithstanding tho ng
VJS&SSi Oo. U -
to submit his gflovanowito In"
. .
"""go Mmillck,iui (Jovernorfd
......... iu. untain (emnndsMi
r?r;' ."
, ivu iiiuviom,iv inn ni,i Inn IjtaftJ
'appoinitnentis nsiilllng tti llif.
, . . - uav rra
i luuiinijH iiuu niiisijU onn
T .m.. !.... U
I)0)tllAKn.VKS'T Or'MiKni.Jt
dispatch from Yicnna savs tlSn
S'lgo Iintl Imnii rece ved tl '
l. nnilni.. .-!.. .i... .i. i .i
i ""-. i DiiiLiiiir Him ii iiniriHM
of Nicolnicfl' commenced ori'tW
ol Uctubor, and continued hmb& Um
Wholoofthu follouIlW (ll.!.
ouii, m liui Known. It A-n a
...i i. .... i v "V- v? 'T" 'r'
, tho Emperor Alewmlor liai,
(luced to ieavo (ho t.lftCo
bombardment beRan, ' tut )i
Conbtnntino could not
upon to quit tlio town.
SIiocUIiik Indian Atro
Cait. llnwrrr's Lkttk.'? $
Sr.ATTt.r., W. T. Nov.feftjs,,
mil. jmutou i navo justi
from tho scene of the into tn
White rlvor, nhout tldriv orjl 1-... .1! i .7.l ..J
miles from this placo, apd 4lMt(4t
to give you n brief atnteaWkVliw
Oil Suuilay exiling, Oct,!
hiui ii v ii i iiiuiii ol JL.aH
this placo with two families'
nnd Air. Kirkhnd) nnd re
no iinu uoeu sunt at nid
1 while standlr noar iUafHir mt
Air. Cox, nnd had hoard JfSjMu im4
. screntiiB in tin direction ol jWrfrW
' olher iielghbo's. TIiIb was SftirtiVsf
o'clock the wnio iiiornliigtIiVmic.
I diately muste.'ed forty nisMil'Awr
i Northern Iniiaus. uud ntll'UVMicu
I Aiuuuay innniiug, atarieu ih
ii . i .... . !!.. . i a.ti,i
I oi action win such guns .
, wo could coiimauu. Alter
, hnrd work, reached the Ii
Cox, which wo found robi
...t.... -. ....!..! .!.- c
iiiiii uur mvpieiuiia iinik j
, culer hail bfun lono to tu
I farther up tho river. AV
eceded to Air. Joiiob' lilac
fJW "
iiionniisowus t)uraMvi(VMm
Mr. Junes (who s-nVi'ilw . . t 1."a
burned in It. hmSiSSmm
found lyiit; nbout thirty,
,1 ''"'. shot through tho HB4
(tut lttmtafiinn Mint intt'ft Imia
IMW iuii.n (ww imdi UMHMHiH
,, w f Jja.yJ t.
i . tl-W-mmiL.
' head of in nx. 1 He UonoBpWflrJftHMi
wo foiud tlio roasted hmj
I u iu
i u"en ei
'Air. Co
. Jones i
been enton oil by tlio nog
ooner, wiio was II
iittliotime, about immfm mm
IthullOUle. SllOt tlirotinll (OT'lSMMk'tM
-" uiil"t; thu left lire;
I ted tho bodies nud nroaMsMliS tito
," '" "' - irown, ajwfc. WiUiit.
l-iro. ii. mill Ullllll WO IOIIMS W'BMl'WSflL
i... 1.....1 .1 . ..
iicr iii-aii uuwiiwarus ; Ilia
stabbed to tlio heart, tblSilr Mtvr.
ing the lower part of the lollkMfH'wU
also in tho back nud ba'vkTCmjfff lb
head. Shu had ojmiireiirlaiKftwlljto
run wiiii nor ciiiiu pin itiMtst'ii
montlis old) in Iior nrnis,r
taken and nitched into tlriwJI?r?.Tki
i i i .., . '-iJi,
uuiiii was ueioir ner, miimmnmjmim
Icuro upon it. It was fcslfripiiiiiil
showing thut the mothsWXyiVii' k
trom me lieu no nuciuiMrajjv wh
I in tra&ilt.
TlnfUttfiMsl iU
.Mr. U. wan lounu in ttMM
ally out to pieces. TlieMTfeiMt InmI
two cuts, ns though li)I
a iinue una utui it puucni
tho baud to the bonofl
also two stabs In tho palisf
liniiii na tliouU bu lis
wind olftbu fatal wear
and legs wore badly cuJi
iiinn mere wuro us mail
teen etabs in bu back
bo.ow the I' ft ehouldurH
termed In bhow tlintfJyM
disiieratcly. nud I tbiul
klled some ol the ucvimh
'- T'T "' WM!
I . H
'.. "."." .9 "" ".,
Alter burying tbeuiT
Piiio.i'i'iocs would tiiiii
ded to tholiouso ofAli
whero lis houso was,)
I tit nt i.i I tr no mu ...! j .
UMiiivu u ugiiL-s, HUH iim
horrible spectacle of nllfS
Joue and thu two UttwfSi
burnt In tho house, M
.ui. iiug, auer ueiug i
ton iilmost entirely i
AIr. King was lyiiw
.ff0W Il0 ruins, almorf
Mllto 0f nuditv. Sho j
, f,', ,,
, .". . -ft ". , x .... 5.
iiii; lliu itiumv. .'.,
cM untMy ofl; sw vySZ&vmfSk
i,o nit oftlio
i "... I !!'
trJ o) tlio nuuonien, m
mlcd out on eitlier t.;
Vc pennrinen ine
IiacCnilod back to
id tho noxt mornia
, vm-
bv bla
three mils
smnmeut. tliat on si
.ito side of tho river1
'.lom)C(i ho saw fiv
j...),n, ho knew, from
,., . ,.
'that there wcro i.OiJ
w uriemw. Secondly, wii
t'''CJto the npiflluimont ofl
3iiwW V
i. nbout toy encauipm
K t,..r,i). The Minpc
f i.ii cnllected tlioir , If they !
...i,,i.t it t'M dnno I8
m.s... :T- - . fj
aae. as v"'v-r- ,j
vn....., t...niiant.
,v. liroij iif-v-J
.... wi.iu .ior. I
i. ii... . .
i P. S.-r' luce c
, ;. -I
" ;ji:? .$
-ij-J tjp -.. j,40rk $ :. '
a , J$$
sV- - -- i --"
j -
A r - &.,