j 1 r - k. 4 lata :Jigs4lW!tjyjiteazKg!1 H I T 1 1 E L . ssSr1 I! INUDI'UNIICNT ONil.L BUIUECTS UKVOTIill TO THE 1IK8T I NT MUSTS OF SOUTItr.UN OltKOON. TEH MS 85 00 PER ANNUM. &? V ftumlicr 1. Vbimnc A. I V I K Vs... rai'. tayloii & mlakely. mx k : f ., l T TABIJ&!llCK SENTINEL U CltUfllUOBVlllV SlTflllHY, Y T'WMJLT. TASUOB & BLAKELY. u Tcrmifr Advance t One espy, for onl rear, ?- " all mouths J 00. " thre months, $!IC0. A1IVG11T sfiMKNTH . YM-' Inserted s.1 the following rates ! Orfi rnro of twelvi lino or lew, three In srttMis, ' 00 ; cao subsequent Insertion, tl (W. 'A liberal dcjuelloti made to yearly Dullness Cards, of len lines or Icm, (or on? i ii $30 : to persons who advcrllso to thj it f thrro iqinrrfl or more, a n fu'i n au per coin. win iw mane. U Tho number of insertions '"'" n .1 .L.iiitAmnrkcil on the irniraln. otherwise Lnwy hTuo contlnuod till forlldcu, and "tUurJI IUX-J. &. ;JP0CiTl?. aer--x " HHv Perplexed I.ousekeuiior. nv mks. v. n.uvai:, lvlsh I bad a dor.cn pvlw Of'hands this verv idnutot 1M An puUll these Olngs to rights inevtry iicticois in ii Ilcrafs n big washing tolc done, Oue.mlr of hands to lo It : Sheets, shirts and stodlngsoats and , ipjlltn, ,Ilow will I e'er gt llrough It! Dinner to set for fix or more. Kn loaf left o'er from Sunday -. An'd'baby cross ns hu ens live lln'iinlwnys so on Moitlay. And there's tho cream, 'tis getting sour, AtxiiimiHiuriimiiii no tuurmug, And here's Hob waul a bit Ion en Whleh way shall I be turning I 'Tls time tho meat wns In lio pot, VTbtfibrcail was worked fir Imklntr. ThoMothes wero taken fron tho boll OUdfar.iitheluby Is waking. Husbshahy, dear I there, huh-sleih I lwih he'd sleep a little, Tilt I could run and gut tone wood Ja'Jiurry up that kettle. Ofc.dMrt If 1' comes ho, Andfindsthlugsln thli pother, t ilU'M'iuit begin to tell mo all AWut his tldr mother I IToV a!o her kitchen uccl to be, Itcrfinnni-r ninny rendy Evscllyiwheu thu nuon-lKll rung Hush, hurhl dear llttlu l-'rn'dy. And Mienvlll comosoms baity iron), . .Htghlcit beforo I'm thinking Theyisay that baity wordi from nlves Set sober ucn to drinking. ' tffowjtsri't that a great idea, Tli4juen tliould take to flnnlag, IIccouhj n weary, lmlf-ulck wife Can't'nhvays fmlle so uinulng? Vlien'Iiwas young I UKt to earn My lUlog nlthqiit trsouble ; JIkI Cj1uthe and pocket-money, too, Andjwurs of lvlturo double. J nerer dreamed of such n f.il-, When i, a-Jaitt wsicouriol W. jBtathcr, uiirsc, ru4tiilrr.. cook, MOUtArCf"ir, cuuniivriuuiii! inuiniiir Ullry wemsn and,crHb genrrally-Hlolitc tha iork.ofsl Kr tha s.ikc of belsg supportci! A CioocI Old ii'ocni. Who ilisll judgou man from mtiiie? . V.'U.Jiall know lilm by liU drvMt J'aupcrnuny oe in lor ixiucr.', il'riuLus lit fur touieUiloft htf. jWraplct shirt nnd ditty Jaket Itii'rtlJecioL'io tho collen oro Of tbddeepcit thought and feeling, iMii!iiTeii coum uo iu more. & Qtft. who counts by soi, notdressei, AVtlMic nines thronet the highest "! Ill,ruM,v, J" " HiVi Hal M pebbles on tuo sea, Wnr,npraliol ahovo his fellowi , Oft'forgcU hU fellowi then ; Usstcnurulers, lords, rfuiember TLat'jour mtnnitt hiuds uro men I A ileajlf Ubor, men of feeling, Wji cdthought and ntu of fane, CIMuldf: equal right torunshlne vJa's. nun's ennobling Diimc. AHW4 yj'iiti foam-cmbroMcrcd oeesns, " 1-115m IjUlo wecl-clail rlll , jiirrt arniecoio men iiigb sanliuj There sro cedars ou the bills. "fiod, tl counts by souls, not shtloa Loves and prospers you and mu ' For lo him all alnMlitluctlons Arc Mpcbblcs ou the sea. Tolling luinds nlouu aro builders Ofa-aAtlon'sttcalthaml fame J Tilled Uulncaa is pensioned, 1 F awI lattened on tlio 6amc. 'Hr thoHweat of other's foreheads, tSeijwor man's outraged frctvli ' ilylJiftilhuphlsvoIcSj- VI, nnd Justlco aro eternal, I i II 111 III LLH Vnla' Truth V?i V.th ,0V.cl'Dw "d light ; I' . -,. iiiYi-i ness auu light r .ffvHlTfi kJiitll uncsif r,. . 1 aj .iui .1 .. " never prosner I VMtoerbl7a;.a,.Yr.w t .,, , i ' --- 1 Dou r. ISW. 1 " r w" " ' ""-" ' Sing & 'IV ,Kw! X 'f" Wiolo Jn L 'iW0, rol,tInedunll lately, is thatpart ofthe ' &l "' $. T "eCOme as focky Mountain. which they ,L, lying ! I , l,Kr In the northern Wack-foot country, I t Natural History of Oregon Jirijn. HKIIUAN Kt.t.EMIOOEK, V. II. Among tho discoveries of tho expeditions organlxcd by GoTernmenl for tho survoy of tho railroad routes lo the Pnclflo coost.thoso In Natural History nro among tho most Interesting. Indeed, had no other result been obtained than tho contributions to sci- I encc, tho expense would sllll Ibo nftiply re paid. Tho mineral and agricultural resour ces of tho country havo been developed on ttioso land which will bo at once tho routes oftniTel and the liumcdlato scats of popula tion, nnd thonicntn of Industrial wealth as certained In ndvanco. In other departments, Ijcarlnc' such as zoology nnd botany, less upon public economies, but sllll having a certain Importnncc.thc Information acquired has been highly curious nnd even valuable. Several esculents wed among the natives of the Interior, hmo liccn adopted for cultiva tion, nnd medicinal plants oftnlcacy added to tho dljpcnratory A largo number of birds, reptiles and antmnh, hitherto raro or entirely unknown, have been collected and ' described, nnd specimens forwarded to the National Museum of tho .SniUinonltui Instl lute nt Washington. Among the latter, two species In particular nro noticeable, whose Tery existence has been mado a subjeut of ridicule, and whoso extraordinary confirma tion nt first sccuicd to defy probability. It is not tho llrst time, howour, that imperfect descriptions havu caused doubt to arise in tha minds of nnturnlists ns to the crnelty of narrators. Tho case of tho Dodo Is an In stance, the extinct struthlous bird, once n nathc of tho Isle of Trance, but which had come to lie ranked with the I'luenlx and tho Hoc as a creature of tho Imagination only, but tho remains of which have recently been disinterred from thu rubbish of European museums, nnd Its clasilllcatlon established beyond question, liven concerning an ant mal now as well known as the Giraffe, tho most singular Ideas formerly provsllcd. It was suppoKd.that the hind legs were dlspro tlonatcly short, and tho older books of zoil ogy figured It In tlds manner, presenting n iiiw I-,.. ..i.j.... iiiiiiuii, nhu, ns g well known, wusn mcro closet naturalist, and indulged In violent hypothex-j nnd spec ulations, went so far as to reason upon tho adaptation of this form to tho pirtlcular habits of tho animal, and its modo ofsubsls. tence. It was not until tho natural!! or the school of Cm ler applied n more careful resenreh to anatomical conformation, that this wild other like nbsurdltles,wns rejected, and examination demonstrated that Its sin gular nppearauco was due, not to Inequality orits niembcrs.but to tho height of tho tliouU dcr nnd consequent slops of the Ycrtcbrol column. There I n striking similarity be tween this caso and that of ono of the ani mals to which 1 refer, nnd which has hllli erto been regarded ns fabulous, but is ilem cmtratid toie, nswell ns Its companion, an actual nnd living inhabitant of our own country. Host of your readers hnve, I rrcsutuc, laughed orcr the story of the Yon- keo who advertised for oxhlbllion thoto ex traordinary quadrupeds, the Troek and tho Oysstutus, but I supoct Hat very few over heard of the origin of hl4lccrlption, or sup posed that It was founded on fuct. If I recollect right, the llrst person who made mention of them, although not by name,was C.ipUln Johnalhan Carver, whoso journey to tho Kocky Mountains In 176.') Is quoted by Mr. (irecnhow,nnd In whoso book tho usmo "f Oregon was llrst glun to lho river now Known M t10 Columbia. Carver, In his op. peiidls, dcterlu ,ho various animals In habiting that region, .1,1.., that! lnih country of the Onuoblons (AMloaboan..' ,tliero is n singular beast, of the bigness of a iwrsc, ami nivlog liooft, whereof two legges in one rmo nro ntnslcs sliorler than the oth er, by which wenn. It is flitted to gra,se on tie steep slopes ofthe mountulus. It Is of wnazlng swinncss, and tho salvages doo Wd It off. whereby it cannot run. but full lvr ond is so taken." And fanthcr : "I ai alto told of one which I did not see ui is 11x0 to n bear in slxo, but covered m a tbell as the tortoise, with man vbomn jsVng'lho back. It has great claws nnd tqlh and is excccdlm.' nrn nttn ,., ...1 t." Thu sclentlflo iinmi. i,ii, i n.l fl "ii.vvwimij tllMltUt.ll ck havo been vulgarUed, were confrro.! ,.. r , ...... llHIbll 111 lUUIJ "PV these animals bv tho Freeh natnr,iiii whtlmaglucd them to bo American renres eenhtlvcs of extinct Aslatlo quadrupeds. ItlJol "I'd ii)ilau.o atinmlnting exurlion, wouU seem that two or three of thnnitMii produced such (ifrota. thnt linfnr.i Itnli. ofwjlcli the osseous covering of tho Gyascu - tus I formed, had found their way to tho mlm of W"l"ratlvo Anatomy, probably lhi0Y tha Jcl,fIt '"', who obtained '''ew l,om iho ln,"ans. They wero some wI,at Jurch biu ing been carved Into dish- syurcu, m ing been carved Into dish- 1...1 r..tv 1 n. ..... ",u'u v'10" uob"- lllnM recognized them as belonging to somo air-breathing nlwBii. ,1 tlfully ingenuous specimen of sclcntlflo de-' had not bccnVxrlorrd. 11 Was naturnl icnough therefrs, that their very existence e'.ioulii uo uouicii, oiinougu Fomo oiuer mountaineers persisted In declaring that thoy had seen &m. With the exception of one of Ihoilonil protuberances, or horns of I tho GynsoutuiiJ) specimen, that I nm aware of, had over nilied tho Allantlo cltlcs.nud that.whlch wasbtalned n few years ngo by la gentleman tnnilladclphln, was supposed I to bo tho honlf an extinct Ilhlnoccros, j which it somowft, resembles, nnd attributed to tho snnio crnjt tho fossil romalnsof tho 1 Mauvnlnes Tcru or. thb Jllssourl. Tlio re- 'ceut sclcntlllo ci nidation connected with the Northern l't lie railroad c.ploratlons nm' s,,rvcy lv j flnnlly put at rest tho qiicmiuii ui iii'j n iciiku ui meno iiru uuiiu- , nls, and my acqti tlon of perfect spcolmens has dcmonstraUl their entire accordance ' with the usuil 1; of nature and their sin gulnr adaptations the circumstances under which llioy lire, I 1,,u lrocK '" '"""' urrK""""" ,s ni ti . ,1 , . .... , . f . awoiu me biii ui nuio, uuu iiku iiioiiiiiic lnnd "'' lP-jr,3P '?, lo1,uc,,u,,c:, '" lho ' Aittal T'niliia liHt,M nnllpA ImnTj Tin allm genus Knmii,lmpz cnllro hoofs. Its slue turo diners, hii7Cr,from thntof nny known nnlmal, in tbtmiii of articulation of tho shoulder amPilp; ints. This peculiar con. formation ul tins tho limbs a degrco of latoral inottoi, ci bllng the animal to clc vata or deprtu t.innt will thus, When standing ui-ona oping surface, giving It tho appcurnneiof bllqulty, as described by Ciirvor, nnd cnbl ig It to run with singular swiftness ulon st .p mountain sldcs,whcro otherwise nil nln I of Its 1U0 would nnd lib footlhild. In id t Is hardly surpassed in ! ugillty by (hi lluhorn or Kocky Mountain goat. I ncrdcircely say that tho tradt.jln,,,,., Tlio mean nnlmi5l temperature lions oi ns acig uiutiiio iu turn, uuu mu consequent sjeic of capture, are mere In vention. Itlwi o tills mistake, however, that it owcslUC -cck appellation, derhetl from n verb, r;ifylng t run round, ns it was suppose It ijicirclo tho mountains In IU course. . , The Gynstuli '(Itaicutut ll'aMiigto iiieiuu Noll! ' as believed by Carver to bo n beast of pi It Ii,howcrer,n rodent, partaking utrfr tho ch.iraclcrlWo of the Tnrdigrada, t4! :li Kdong lho Sloths; and notwlilutnmlliil i great strength and terrl bio npjaranoi i perfectly harmless, its fooil eoiislstlii(-I clly of lho root of tlio ramttitia MeiiLij,whlch its powerful nulls enable it 10,, f.,nuM .j... mhw dlnary nulmsipiibout three feet in height nutl nluo in etimo length, its corrugated tall being iibcatno foot. Its back iscov- cred wl.h n ,Mol, composed of scales, or! rawer .ui,oi.n omc iiiusunce, m- poed upon nrinydermatous hide ; forming 11 (luxlblo bu! ecu re armor, nnd having 1 .iIa.IM ,! .l.i A ktrtl.. A B..ad .. ul.. .( ' iiivii iiiv iiui u jjiuira n tun u ruurv uim powerful hort .lightly recur ed, which ex tend from the baldcrs to tho loins. 1'rom these the carMilIsheHaiid spoons so eoni inon among I Indians of tho north uro manufactured, ud It was these also that isungested tho isoof tho animal Itself. Your classical 'sders will at once recall tho ('fortlG)ai,M!rquo Cloanthus" of Vir gil, and tho d( ilptiou given in tho fourth , Iwok of tho ,1 j ul of the buckler carried by 1 the former In I Ic. It was tlio Cyasicutos, or shield of G s, formed of tho scales of Isama ww.d ,..., rw, .i.i.i. n...! '(ierlve.lll.eau latl'on of tl.I nnlm,l. i which I ha 8V added tho spcclllo de.lg- nation. Iu tft oluino of Natural History ' nccompinvinfi Iteuortof tho Uxncdltlon. such of our r lers as dcslra may II ml a -" i . more detailed s unt of theso singular quad rupeds I remain, t truly yours, UXMi :m.c-iio(ju, M. D I. of Steven's Uxncdltlon. i . , . IltraU 'to. 10, 'M. I i.'ULsFiu Krioinsi.v Okatuiiv. uuuii nuvr -ei wits uorn,ui3 iiitner, .'...... ..,-. . i i, . tho liral buroc , finding liimsoll' rislnj,' dully In weulilnnd consequence, nnd beliuving that ouoy, in tlioso neculi.ir davg, could a rnys, conimniul r.seut in I'atliuiiient. jtermlned to hrinu nn his son oxjiiifsly for the Ilouso of Coinmoiis. Wien that son wns nuito a child, Sir tybert would frequently nl btm m il,..i..i.l i ..... nv..... -VI mi iiiusii nil-. Ullll niiv. i iw Uobin nmo a kioucli. nnd I will i.iv,. I'vou ihia chom." Wlmt bw will tlio litllo felluwbrodiiced woro nnnl.iu. 1'" ws ton year) old.he could renllymU jllress tho coiii4ny with somo degree oi eloquence. 4s lie grew up, ills futli er constnully tcxiJc lilm ovory Suiid.13 into bis iirivuto loom, and inndu'him le pent, as well as' ho could, tho Eurmoti which had oeennroiichcd. Littlo nro. grew in elluctieg this wns mado, und litllo was oxjxcted nt first, but by steady persavemico tho habit of mien- " b,v" '"mhiii, "io seriuon WlS rvPme." a,,ll(,st verbatim, When, ui urjr (insmiii nny, 1110 senator re. niemboiing aociirntuly lho speech of nn opponent, auswtring his arguments in correct succession, it was llttlu known (tliat tho power of so doing wasorig- Hiaiijr uvijiiireu 111 uriiyiuii cuurcii, j (XT ltis . Qjenilv. Ho abstemious, j I'liktlior KnlorcRtliip Onoldviits of ttio Ari'tioAdvciKiirur. Tho subjoined is thu nnrratlve of Dr. Krttio: Tho expedition succeeded In crossing Mel villa liny, nnd reaching tho headlands of Smith Sound us early ns tho Gth of August, 180.1. I'indlng tho Ico to tlio. north com pletely Impenetrable, they were forced to attempt a temporary passago along the I coast, where the rapid tides running nt ihoTnto of four miles nn hour, with n rise and fall of sixteen feet had worn n tcmno-1! rary opening. Previous to taking this ... ...l.tl. lHBnluA.1 .aI .... . u t,. , I OICJ', lVilltil IMIUITUU ri'MV rUBJIOIIHIUII - Ity, nnd which was, In fuct, equivalent lo sacrificing tho YCMth n Francis mctillio bout, with n canoe oT provisions, was con cealed as a mcuns of retreat, Tho penetration of.tho pack' led was at tended iby many obstacles. Tho vessel grounded with every tide, nnd but for her , extreme strength would not havu been able to sustain tho shucks of the Ice. She was twlco nn her beam ends, nnd once on nro from tho upsetting uf the stoves. Somu Idea of this navigation may bo formed from'1"0)' were afterward reduced to lho ncccs tho fact oHicr loaning her Jib-boom, lie st bower anchor mid bulwarks, hcsldc ".out COO fathoms of warping lino. They were cheered, how over, by n small dully pro gross; and by tho 10th of September 80M, had succeeded in gaining tho uorlhcn. itcoof Greenland nt a point never reached .before. Here tho young Ico fro around the vessel nnd compelled them to seek a winter asylum, Tho winter gavo them a degrco of cold much below nny prc Ions rc(istratlon on reevrd. Whisky frozo In November, and for four mouths In tlio year mercury was was nvo degrees talow zero, summer and winter Included. This, without a doubt, was lho grcntvit cold aver experienced by man, ns lho scut of their winter quarters was nearest lho pole, The scurvy was readily controlled, but the most novel foaturo of this winter was a tetanus, or loik-Jaw, which defied all treat ment. It carried away flfly-scvcn of tlalr lest slcdgo dogs, and was altogether n frightful scourge. Tha operation of search commenced ns curly as March. Thu llrst parties, under the personal clnrgtf ofl)r. Kane, crossed tho Ico nt n temperature of 67 deg. Iiolow zero, Tlio loi of their diun wii 4l.,. mi ivuij alternative, to adopt this early travel Manv ofthn nartv with front blttim nmliin. (lenient amputation of tho toes. It was by -uwwlc(, , ,,.,. brtck (a.Ir 'l IllttitllSl ft lliiiua jf1,Stal Hint 11.. a w.n.1I 1 1.... rc..ilts. Tho parties wero In tho Held u lato as the 10th of July, only ceasing from labor when lho winter darkness mado it Im possible to travel, Greenland has Iteen followed and survey ed by Dr. Kane toward tho Atlantic, with a comthiio fronting duo north, until nstu peiiduou glacier checked their progress. I This mass of ico nwo In a lofty precipice, UQ0 feet high, nbutting Into tho sen, It is I undoubtedly the only barrier between Green land and tho Atlantic It is nn effectual Uir 'rlertonll future explorations. ' This ghuicr, in splto; of tho difficulty of fulling bergs, was followed out to sea by 11,", ofsledges, the party rafting them 'olvesacrossojHMi water spaces on masses of CC . .. ' . y '"cUed "In travel- ,,K 'B",y mm monR '" DMQ' nnu lrucM It In n northern land. This glailcr Is, wo believe, the largest discovered by any pre' vlousiinwgitor. This new lnnd thus cemented to Green laud by ico, wns named Washington. Tho largo bay which Intervenes between it nud 1 Greenland, bears, wo bcllec, the name of reauouy, 01 jiaiuuiore, ouo or the pro ijeelors of tho expedition. This ley coii' 'nectlou of tho old and new worlds seems a feature of peculiar interest. The rnngo of tho slcdgo Journals may be ; understood from tho fuct that tho entlro j circuit of Smith's Sound has been cllccted 1 nnd its shores comnletel v charted. llut ibo real ditcovory of the expedition Dr, Knno clalmi is the real polar sou. Th chanucl leading to tboso waters was entirely fiee from Ite, nnd this mysterious feature wns rcudeicd more remarkable by thoe.x istenco of n bolt of solid ico extending ono hundred and twenty-nvc miles to the south ward. This sea verified tho views of Dr, Kane, as expressed In tho Geographical So ciety, befoio his (Upartuic. Tho lashing of the surf against this frozen beach of Ice was Impressive bejood description, and ouo of tho most remarkable sights ilurig the expedition. An area of three thousand miles h been seen entirely free from Ice, and v, uamtd after lho Hon. J. P. Ken Jy, !ato Secretary of tho Navy, under whoso auspices tho expedition v. us under taken. The land to the north nnd west of this channel mv been charted as high us 62.S0 This is tho nearest land to the role yet known. It bears the name of Mr. Henry Qrlnncll, tho founder of the enterprise. During the winter of 1634-5 they ndopt- ed tho habits of tho Ksquniau.Y. living upon raw walrus meat nnd surrounding them- selves with moss. Iu spite of tbvso precau. tlons the jcurvy advanced wi(h steady pro- grcssj but by tho old of a slnglo team of! dOgs Dr. htino succeeded In clfeetlng a com munication with n Bcttlcmcnt uf Iqulmaux seventy nlllrs to tho southward, and by or ganizing n hunt relieved tho party. Tho vcisels oro In good trim, staunch and ready for another tussel with the elements ; but no doubt for the present they will bo laid up In ordinary Wo observed numer ous articles of frqulhmllx manufacture on board ; among them ladles' seal skin brcccli- cs, elegant leggtus nnd moccasins, thnt look- cd cxtcrnnlly big enough Air n giant, but so " on tho Inside that only n vtry delicate I fni nn.ilil .!.. .I...... , lwu vwum UU1I WlflU. Our reporter found on tho forecastle n somewhat aged nnd ilocllo specimen of tho cnnlnc species, whose history Is milto event ful. He is a large full blooded animal of the I'squlmaux breed, known by tlio soubriquet of "Toodlcs,"nnd Is n great favorite with tho men, both on account of hi sagnclty and thofalthfulncss with which he has served ' them, during tho cruise. He Is the solo sur- Ivor of a paok of sixty dogs, used by Dr."' IKnno nnd his companions, some of which' slty of killing for food. I'oor Toodles Nad a narrow escape. One morning found the party without a pnrtlclu of food and only a slnglo dog this fallli ful nnd affectionate Toodles, who had been tho companion of their vlclsltuitcs, shared their sufferings, nnd who had lost tho uso of two toes by front In their service. Thus Toodles hnd accumulated claims on their gratltudo, nnd Ibr n'long time they hesitated before mcrlflclng him Hut al though the ties of friendship are hard to break, the calls of a Jiungry stomach will not bo satisfied with sentiment, nnd conte- ciucntly Toodles was doomed. The plitol, was already loaded, and tho slew 11.111 pre-1 pared which was to convert tlio shaggy body 1 1 of Toodlcsliilo a savory ragout, when 0110 of the party made his nppenrunce with n seal which lie bad Just wuciedcd In cap-, luring. Tho nppcaratice of a numerous' I..i. r ....1 t.. ,!.... . i.t..t... . .-.1 .1 uviu ui etui 111 unit ncillliy pri'TCUICU 1UC recurrence of nctuul starvation, und thus1! Toodles was acd. This expedition has traveled In n lower , tempernturo thitit ha- ever Itcforo ken at tcmptcil ; Minus 4(1 deg., mid in one case 07 deg. below zero was borne by the paity in tho Held. 1'rom tho TiWi wo tnko the following, supplied by Mr. .Morton, steward ofthe Ad Ilriini-ii I ! Tho lllslanco of tho winter ouartcrs frem' the benrest I.qulmaux settlement was scv' leiity miles. Notwithstanding thu distance, .however, tho Indians made frequent visits to tho ship. They enmo ocr the Ice, In 'sledges drawn "by dogs; nnd these nnlmnls mnde rapid Journeys- traveling often as much as seven or eight knots an hour. Thu Esquimaux women wero often on board the icssel. Iloth mci' and women wero some times taken iu, loJged nnd fed, nnd they usually behoved well, but they will steal ' everything they ean lay their hands on, without regarding its uso nt all. The only ar-i tlcles of which they nppeared to understand I tho purpose, wore knh es, rope, and lmplc ments of iron. Of philosophical instru. mente, ship's npparntus, nnd the ordinary j appliances of civilized life, they had not the most distant conception. They stole them because they loved to steal, that wu all. I ijii person uiey nro siout, of low stature, and vcryfut. They havo no boats, nnd do- peml wholly for means of transportation' upon their dogs and sledges. JUUCI..WA Six Months Ajirn tiik Dat-' tix. Itectangular patches of long, rank, rlftl. ...,.. ,....l.. l.ll. , .1 ..v.. bi..., nuiiiig HijjH uuuru iuc more nn- luiiu green meauow, marKcU the mounds ' , whero the slain ofthe Wth of October aro r,in.l.i.. (V.,-.- 1 II,. I..- 1 I ...,.-...,, .-.,, ..., ...,.,8HrrvsPnro firnI. lound 8r0llnd tbuil( pjon,, refuse to cat the unwholesome shoots. As ,,., . fi..i..i...n 1. .. ',,..,. tho forco moved 011, ev Ideuces of Hint fatal , and glorious day became thick and painful. I Tho skeleton of nn Kngllth dragoon, said toj !. -Il. !..!. 1... ..Ill ......... 1 .. 7 , r '" ,'7' " 7 , , '" T , .:,n Yt"v Wie Journal,,: ho plain wh tattered bits of red cloth t,0 rak thJ Mn)rtJ mrM wee unnglng to lho b(n.c of li s armi. All tbv . i . V ibuttons had been cut off the Jacket, The man must havo fallen early In the day. when Iho heavy cavalry w cro cloto lip to 1 Canrobert'shlll, ntid enmo under tho fire of I' tho ltuwlau artillery, There was aUo a llusslan clone nt band In ghastly companion hip. The Small, bullet skull, rouud as u camion ball, had been p'cKetl bare, nil save1 tho sculp, which Was. still covered with grizzly red locks. ,- 1L ... 1 menta of shell and rouhd shot, (he body of another Ilusslun seemed starting out of the grave, which scnrtoly covered his lower ex-j' trcinltles, Tho hair-decnyed skeletons vt J artillery and cavalry horses, covered wllh rotten trappings, harnesa nnd saddles, Jay as they full in tho agonies of death, or had crumbled awny intou dtlrh of lone and , skin, nnd leather straps, cloth ond buckles. J' From the numerous graves, tho uncov ered ! bones of tho tenants have starled through the Holl.nsif to nppcal ngnlnst tho haste with which they had lcen bulled. With tho clash cf drums, and tho shrill strains ofthe fife, with thu champing of Wis, and ringing' of steel, man ami horn' nownvcpt over Hie remains of their fellows In all the pride ol London T Imes' correspondence. a-nriner ou, nmm irog.'i0iHe,ann St. Petersburg who car stand Tho editor of n newspaper down east, hss been Med to Improve the circulation of his papers. Monkeys have been dying of cholcr In the Island of Trlutdad ; nnd their nearest rela tives, our city dandles, are nil of tremble In j consequence. ' nnro-fncctl falsehoods Hl told by tho j ladles In ths present stylo of bonnets. I The cloak of religion is to 'e known sometimes (says the London Punch) by tho ftnt u hM lurlhB fcrnion ttnic I The fellow who kept a "stiff upper lip," regretted afterwards thnt he didn't gtvo it , to a pretty girl. A lcssui fur future prac I tice. 1 " Med has run away with your wife," said one friend to another, "l'oor fellow, I pit him!" was the reply. A part of tho mountain of sorrow which nn liicbrinto had heaped upon his own bead, lately slid off and broVo down tho bridge of his note. " John, howdoos tho thermometer stand )'' "Agutnst the wall, tliul." "I mean how Is lho mercury!" "I guess It's pretty wcl, dad; it hasn't complained lately." " You llttla rascal, ic it colder than ycstci day?" "1 don't know, dad, I'll go out und feel." It is said that there aremoro 11 cs told in the brief sentence, " 1 nra glad to see you,'l than In nny other single sonteuce in tho Eng lish langubgO, A writer in one of the northern papers ou School Discipline, says t ' Without n liberal uso of tho rod, It Is impossible lo make tuo noy smart." A codlluh breakfast nnd n india-rubber coat w 111 keep a man dry all day. ' Company which does not help to Jmptovo ui, will certainly have the contrary effect 1 Asioclato with uono but the intcllgcnt and good. pO Quaker joung ladles in the Malno Luw States, It is said, still continue to kiss tho lips of tho young temperance men to see if they havo been tnmpcribg with liquor Just Imagine a beautiful girl approaching you, young tcmpcninco man, with all tho dignity of nn executive officer, nnd the In uocenco of a dove, with the charge "Mr. , tho ladles believe you nrcin tho habit of tamper Ing with liquor, nnd the have appointed mo to examine, you accord. Ing to our established rules aro you wll illluj!" You nod acquiescence. fJhe gently steps closo up to you, lays her soft white arm around your neck, dashes laoV her raven curls, raises her sylph like form upon hef tip toes, her rounil, snowy, heaving bosom against your own, nud with her angelic features lit up with emllo as sweet en heaven, places her rich, rosy, pouty, sweet sugar, molasses, bul.rr, eggs, strawberry, honeysuckle, sun-flower, lllly, baby-Jumper, rosebud, cream, lart, npplc-ple, pouch-pud ding, npple-dumpling, ginger-bresdi nectar lips against yours, nnd (Oh, Jerusalem J hold usl) busses you, by crackey I Hurrah! for tho gals, and tlio Maine Liquor Law, and death to all opposition I Several oi our bachelor friends say they (would like (olive In Maine. l'ANT.tl.OO.S WITHOUT Sltl'lMirUS. TH(. 1 LaU,rdc' of Bmtil Carolina College, In his I rlclu' wor on roysioiogy, says 1 As tho women have concluded to dlspcnso with shoulder straps, somo men, especially in the city, have thought thoy would provjr pantaloons to bo worn without suspenders. iq'bo men now strut the streets with their pantaloons tightly buttoned side by side wlttl tllA WAmsn wliVOi 1'tv la) nsmaiiUAnii v.., m-v -.. v. !""" wj'wii ihm livn IUV V'll V BI1IVSI1 WUtll coses ; pressure upon tho vital organs, lm- palrmcnt of their proper action, want of de- lrilhstmit (ltflaSiaa Ami i.aAih f na. ,1..aL . ""r""""l - u.m puuuiu.nucuiil, .,, wllh ,illIrnanla ,lllp,,,(1 ',,.. v., ...... ...... j- ..... w..... ... ..u .. around tholrdstonuccted bodies, preventing growth at the rapidly growing ne, and tho result is a generation of dyspeptic pale- faced, puny apologies for men. Aml'si:mi:.nts or a Uuuiak Mis. Tiir3S,!-'A recent rrench traveller in Russia S4V8 : " I know tho wife of un ... . J - - 'for a quarter of an hour over 010 of 'her serf grJs, nnd in cold bltfod, beat her black nnd blue. I could mention the name of a liyeim who fntented a special instiumont of torlQte to punish her cliniiiber-inuld. She fiutoned a needle in one end of n short piece of wood, llkei n whip bundle. 'Whenever the poor girl did miything contrary to ber wishes, she wouKl eullher un. i'ho unlmppy wretch wastBen lorceuto pull iuP ber kleeves, etaud by her mistress's- side, nnd while tho latter read a ro. mnnce, she drove the needle im'o lho' irl's arm. till the Wood ran' ' y im aiaimiaj ! mil QZr (.'Heaven helps thus? yrLo.ielf themselves?' tt " - , r 4 f i ' r r .1 c ft ) alBV 1 laKaaEi .JH WlUSMaVVW t r .J&'