Jdttdo tHjcsrrJtj 34vO -tfW- -n' I PBxitt .xu2 -Pvfeliiked Tkmrs&aya, AT JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. or WILT, JACKSON & J. W. MERBITT. Advertising Hates: Advertisements will be; inserted In Sentisei. at the following rates; Ten lines, one insertion $2 M " " each subsequent insertion . 75" TatLegal advertisements inserted reason ably. Locals, per line, first insertionv 12 cents each subsequent insertion, 5 centt. t Job work of all kinds done on prompt no tice and in woikman-like manner. A Liberal DUcoanllo Yearly tdvrrtltwrs ' TERMS: . 82.30 JACKSOIWILLE, OREGON, THUESDAY, DECEMBEE 22, 1887. f OL. XXXII. NO. 51. fM0tt fitttftoC ASSES' w PfiP I'll r1 imWB "'"'HflftlaJLF- 4 Official Directory. STATE Of OREGON. U. S. Senator. J. H. Mitchell, J. N- Dolpb Jongressraun, B. Hermann; Governor, 8. fennoyer; Secretary of State, Gcorce W. McBride; State Treasurer, Geo. Webb; State Printer. F. C. Baker; Supt. Public In trusion, E. B. McElroy; Supreme Judges, Vf. P. Lord, Chief Justice W. W. Thayer, R.S.Strahan. nBST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Comprising Jackson, Josephine, Lake and ilamath counties: Cirwtt Judge, L. K. Webster; District Attorney, W. M. Colvig., JACC60 COOTTY. Senator, A. C. Stanley; Representatives, J. T. Bowditch, R. A. Miller; County Judge, . Del'eattt: Commissioners, Benl. Hay mond, S. A. Carlton; Clerk, W. II. Parker; BheritT.B.W. Dean: Treasurer. N. Fisher; Assessor, J. Jl.Childcrs; School Superinten dent, Win- Pnest;iSurveyor, F. A. English; Coroner, R. Pryee. jostmixi COCXTT? Clerk. C. K. Chanslor. Sheriff. T. O. Patter ion; Treasurer, J. W. Howard ; Assessor, J.B. Lewis; School Superintendent, E F. Hatha ay; Surveyor, W. N. Saunders ; Cor oner, Dr. Krcmer. KLAMATR COCHTV. Joint Senator, C. M. Cartwright of Wasco; Representative, R. McLean of Klamath; County Judge, G. W. Smith; Commis sioners, J. L. Hanks, R. A. Emmitt; Clerk; W. C. Hale; Sheriff, M I). Childcrs: Treas urer, C. T. Baldwin; Assessor. R. B. Hatton ; School Superintendent, W. E. Greene; Sur veyor, R. B. Moore. LIKE COVHTT. Senator. C. M. Cartwright of Wasco; Rep resentative, K. McliCan ol Xlaniam; county Judge, A. Fitts; Commissioners, Geo. If. Jones, C. Loftus; Clerk, W. T. Boyd; Sher iff, A. J. uiiarilon; ireasurer, a. acoai len; School Superintendent, A. H. Fisher; Assessor, 0. L. Stanley. meetixu or OOOBTS, rTC. The Supreme Court of Oregon meets at Salam, regular term commencing on the firt;Mondays in March and.October. Circuit Court for Jackson county meets the first Mondavin April, September and December; for Josephine, the first Monday In March and August; for Ki-imath, the second Monday in June and first Monday in November; for Lakc.thc third Monday in May aad the second Monday in October. For Jackson County, Probate and 'Com missioners1 courts meet every month, com mencing with the first Monday; for Jose phine county, the first Monday in January, April, Julv and September; for Lakecounty every alternate month, commemnng the first Monday in January. For Klamath county the first Wednesday in March, Jure, September and November. PROFESSIONAL. WILLARD CRAWFORD, Attorney-ANcf counselor atiaw. Meirord, Orcton. "Will practise In nil the courts of the State. 0 Dice in Hamlin's brick block, up-stairs. X. J3. ICErsIT, ATTORNEY J: COUXSP.LOK-AT-LAW Jackuatllle, Or. Will practice In all the Courts of this State. Ofllce on California street, opposite J. Nu uau's store. II. IC. IIAINTVV, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jacksonville ----- Okecjok. Will practice in all the Courts of Oregon. Offlea On Oregon Street, in Orth's Block. i. i. jprim:, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Jacksonville, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Office in Court House. J. W. Romicsos, M. D. B. M. Gill, M. D. DRS. ROBINSON & GILL, Physicians and Surgeons, Jicksonrillt, Ortgon. Office on California Street, in Mrs. Ga nung's building. -Calls promptly attended day or uight, J. O. ALLEN, M. D. MEDFORD OREGON. JD Diseases of women and children a BPECIALITY. "WlliX. JACKSON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Teeth extracted at all hours Laughing gas administered, if 'desired, for which extra charge trill be made. Office on corner of Califor nia and 5th streets. T. JR. YOTJlVGr, M. I. Physician & Surgeon, CENTRAL POINT, OR. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. L. X.. WHITNEY M. T EAGLE POINT, OR. Having located at this place, I ask a share of the patronage of this section. Calls at tended to at any time. DR. W. H. SOMMERS, JPhysician, Surgeon and Aeeovchar Jacksonville, Otecssa. C0N8ULATI0N ' IN GERMAN AND English. Calls promptly answered both day and night. Office in the building formerly occupied by Dr. Aiken on California street. R Pares, M D E P Geait, M. D. PRYCE& GEARY. Physicians aad SargeoHS, MidUrd, Orvgoir. OrncE In Hamlin's brick, up "stairs, Residence of Dr. Pryce at the Riddle House. " "Dr. Geary oh C Street. JOHN MILLER, Mannfaatarer and Dealer in GUNS, PISTO30S, AMaCtrNITIOlV, CTJT- X.ERY. FISHING- TACKLE, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VAR NISH, GLASS, ETC. CalirorxiliT St-" ' Jacksonville, - Oregon HAVING FAILED TO CLOSE OUT my business in Jacksonville, as I wished to do, I have concluded to continue the same on a larger scale than ever. I was in San Francisco recently, where I laid in one of the largest and best stock of all kinds of Hardware. Ammunition, Cutlery, fire-arms, ana sporting uooas, ever brought to this masket. These goods will be sold at the lowest possible price. I will guarantee these goods to be just what I represent them to be. I feel thank ful to my old customers for their past pat ronage so liberally bestowed, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. John Millie. MAX lOW AT THE Postoffice Store, IS SEL1JNG GOODS AT BED KOCH PEICE. When vou want anything in the MER CANTILE line, don't forget that he has always on hand a FIKST.CI.ASS STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES "i -. iSjrATa vw- - - - CAPS CLOTHING A3TC) LADIES DEESS GOODS. IN FACT TELE Dry Goods department - -IS COMPLEE I always have on hand, a fine stock of grogebie; SUCH AS SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SYJWP, HICE, TEA, ETC., TAKEN AT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE. LUMBER I I have a fine lot of Lumber and am now ready to fill all orders for any amount desired. OTke BCTEIIS' GUIDE u issued Sept. and March, cacUyemr. 3-3L3 pge, 8KUK tneliWtWlUi over 2LB0O UlnatimUons a whole Plctnn CaUtrj'. CIIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumer 1 goods tor personal or fkmUy sue. Tells how to Order, and gives exact cost of every thing yon sue, eat, drlnlc, wear, or hatTsTfon with. These IXVAIAJABLE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets at the world. Te will mall a copy FKKE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing, ietns hear from yen. BespeetAdly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Z3T eV SX0 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 1U. X.. BEIJ15,I30S, -Practical "WATCHMAKER AND JEA'ELER, Ch liforuia Strert, TirAKES a epeciality of cleaning and ilL repairing 'watches and clocks. Charges reasonable. Give me a call. CITY BARBER SHO?. Calttokxia St. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY FRE pared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. GEORGE SCHUMPF. W ffROYAUKCrStl. 3 ssssa mmm '! - Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength and tvhglesomeocss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, chort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cins. ROTAI. BAKING Pew deb Co., 10S Wall-st. N. Y. Wm. ELANLEY. Cattle branded A on left hip and side. Earmarks: Swal low fork in left ear; crop and split in rightear. S?YWIH Et-COTE. HANLEY& LOVE. CATTLE AND HORSES BRANDED nL on left hip. Also cattle branded 3TjJrne7r lilp nr !ae"al"co mttle branded, . on left side or hip, aho branded with a figure 2 on lilt side orhip. The car-marks of the above brands are short crop in left car, and ling crop in risht. Also cattle branded with SP on left hip, and marked cn-p in right ear, hole and split-out in left. ROGUE RIVER DISTILLERY, JOHN A. HANLEY, Pre. CATON & GARRETT General Agents. PURE UNADULTERATED ABTICIJE or SOITRB'jff, H.YE AND CORN WHISKEY In Quantities and at Prices to Suit. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN A. HANLEY. Jacksonville Jan. 8th 18S7. CJty Cl&SLr Siore. ISTOXIONS etc. SHAVING, HAIRDRESSING 4 BATH ROOMS. CUITISG AND BLEEDING CARE fully performed. C. B. ROSTEL. Jacksonville Or., Dec 11. 1877. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA1 Oregon & California Railroad. And connections. 3FTHE MT. SHASTA ROUTE Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Co. C05i.T 20 Milis or SrAGrss.-V! Time between Medford and San Francisco, 34 hours CAUroKSIA EXrKESS TKAISS DAILT, nP'Jt fhl GmilJlrflA 4KIS CT A J South I I Kortfi 4:00 nt Leave Portland Arrive 10:40 am 8:05 am Leave Medford Leae G:25r-M, 8.30 am ArrivcAshland Leave 5 :40 pm Pullman Buffet Sleepers daily between Portland and Ashland. Siskiyous and California, EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS, between Portland and Ashland, Sisdvous and San.Trancisco, FREE OF CHARGE, The O. & C. R.R Ferry makes connection with all the regular trams on the East Side Division from foot of F. street. "West Side Division; BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL TBAET DAILY(EXCErT SUKDAT.) 7:30 am Leave Portland Arrive iO:lop at I2:25px Arrive Corvallis Leave 1 1:30 p m EXPRESS TKAEJ DAILY (EXCEPT SOTDAY.) 40" p K f Leave Portland Arrive f 9:00 A M 8:00 P M I ATVeM'Mi'nvilleLe've 5:45 A M At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains. oLtlie Oregon Pacific Railroad R. KOEHLER, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, G.F.&rass. Agent. sotrrneit.'s oitKcd.v. Editob Dispatch, York, Pa: Betnga native of York county, as well as having been a resident thereof for several years during the early part of my life, I re ceive occasional letters from your section making various inquiries about -Oregon, of which State I have now for "Oany years been a resident. With, your .kind permission I will endeavor to answer some of these inquiries in your" valuable Journal, as there"are, doubtless, Jnany persons beside my own personal ftfinds, living in yoursection that would like to hear something about this, part cf the world. I One of these writes: "How is the cli mate where you live in the winter? I had a discussion on the subject with a gentleman inWrightsville. He said that he had always understood that our win ters were your wet season; but have been informed that you had cold weather also. It would interest me much to know air about such matters, etc." Another says: "In what part of Ore go h are you ? Are you east of the moun tain range, or between that and the coast?" And again: "You speak of tno rainy season there, what do you do while it lasts? Read I suppose." To the question, "Are you east "f the mountain range or bs tween that and the coast?" I said: "To an Oregonian, yonr question betrays this fact; namely, that you are not posted quite as well in re gard to the physical, features of .JJncle Sam's domain as we who live here are. You do very well, however, for a non resident and one wlio has had no occa sion to make a special study of the topographical features of this region," stating, however, that I would answer said question in due time. But at the question, "You speak?of the rainy season there, what do yon do while it lasts? Read I suppose," I had toj-jruile ; for I saw that the writer quita misappre hended the character of our rainy sea son. I will now endeavor, as best I may, to answer these questions. And first in regard to the rainy season. In general terms our rainy season correspord3 to the winter, and the dry season to our summer, with the spring andoh fall months partakingof tfief characJtetjSlfrs of both. That is to say: the rainy season extends from December to February in clusive, the dry seaso i from June to Sep lembermcltisive.wilh spring months and a short 'ime during the fall months par taking, as I said before, of the character istics of both; all thi3 varying much, however, in different years. Thus some j ears the rains begin pretty early in the fall, in other jears they hold off quite late; and the same is true of the spring months; some yeara the rains cease ear ly in the spring, in other years they hold on quite late. The rainy season begins therefore, I may say with occasional rainy spe'Is in October, or perhaps as when the rains hold off quite late, as they did this fall not till Nov., and gets 'fairly underway usually sometime in Dec, and ends gen erally in Feb. or March with occasional showers or rainy days, or perhaps even short rainy spells, later on. However, during what we may regard as the true rainy season that's to say, December, January and February there are are often two or three and sometimes even four or five weeks of continuous fine weather; and that, too, oHho finest weather imaginable clear blue skies, warm sun, and a few early wild flowers, brought forth by the mild weather, peeping above the ground. These spells of fine weather, occurring as they do in mid-winter, and we have them almost every winter, are, in fact, the most charming and delightful, part of the year. This beautiful w either, so" often experi enced here during the winter fccason, is, in fact, one of the chief things that weds all old residents sij. firmly o this coast. Indeed, some winters (tbe terms win ter and rainy season are ..here inter changeable, the reader wilT remember) there is hardly any interruption to the plowing and other farm work, and there are really but few days during an ordina ry winter that one cannot work rith all convenience at out-docr, work. It is true we occasionally have a severe winter.have snow and ice, which int'rts for a time with certain kinds of work, as plowing and seeding; but, as a general thhfg, with the exception of some few days of continued heavy rain, the rainy season, or the winter as you may rfease to term i is here a busy season of out-door work. "We do not, of conrse, mind a lit tle rain; and often one can work between' the showers of even a rainy day. So that we do not, here, in Southern Oregon, have to hibernate during the long months of a dismal rainy season, stowed away in some half darkened and gloomy apartment, miserable beings, liv ing a dreary life, for months bt a time without one ray of sunshine or rational enjoyment of any kind. Nor do we for several consecutive months, while said rainy season lasts, have nothing to do but sit around the fire and crack stale jokes, or tell long endless stories about nothing, or perhaps, with more religious zeal, spend our time dissecting the characters of our neigh bors. Nor can we', even if our tastes take a more literary turn, find exense through abundance of rain, to sit around for months at a time and read up in what' c subjects might interest ti3 most. are we compelled to spend so long a time reading in a listless sort of way whether we want to or not, simply be cause the weather will not give us oppor tunity to do anything else. We have not, I assure, my dear reader, attempted here in Southern Oregon, to vindicate Darwin by encouraging the de velopment of webs between the phalan ges of onr pedal extremities, as ye desic cated Californian popularly supposes. That curious f jature in the natural histo ry of our species we have left to our more amphibious neighbors of the Willamette valley to cultivate: and especially to the denizens of that delightful and aquatic region yclept the Long Tom, where, it is said, the good housewife may often be seen during the rainy season, bucket on arm, wading around the yard with a long pole hunting for the well. There, indeed, as we are assured on the testimony of those reliable persons, the early pioneers, the white people had no sooner begun to settle in tbe country than the boys and girls born therein began to develop the most singular and curious processes between the toes; which curious processes, strangoto say, matured into the most complete and perfect web ; Whereby these people came to be called webfeet, a name by which the good peo ple of this rcigon, and, in fact, of tho whole Willamette valley have been dis tinguished ever since. No, indeed. To the gentle epithet of Tarhead, a name which the good people of the Willamette hao seen fit td retort upon us, we will graceially submit, but to be called Webfeet never I But I do not wish, my dear friends, to accuse you of drawing sounfair a picture of us as this; but I did think some of you were under a little misapprehension in regard to the character of our rainy sea son. I do, indeed, take great pleasure in-l reading when a rainy day or a rainy spell occurs, and the state of my wardrobe is not such as to compel nil to take cogni zance of the more or less numerous infrac tions of intf grity in those garments sub ected most to daily wear, and to spena my time repairing these not infrequent rents and abrasions which various di sa'tsrand tho constant and gradual wear tfirougtr natural "cause havo --occasioned and to which, I am sorry to say, said gar ments are only too prone to be subject. So njuch in explanation of tho charac ter of our rainy season. Now in regard to itliat part of Oregon in which I lhe. In ordjr however, that the reader may have a better understanding of tho vari ous localities of Oregon in general, and of my own neighborhood in particular, before proceeding to tell in what part of Oregon I live, I shall make some expla nation in regard to the various localities first. When I was asked whether I lived east of the mountain range or between that and the coast, tho writer had refer ence, of course, to the Cascade range, as that is the chief mountain range in Ore gon, and the one usually represented on the map, the summit of which is. in the main, parallel with, and distant from, the coast about ISO miles. There, is however, another great range in Oregon nearer the coast than the Cas cade range. 'Jtliis is the Coast range, the western slopes of which extend quite to the ocean throughout almost the whole length of the state. There are nowhere any valleys it least none of any great extent between it and the sea. In fact, through almost the whole extent of Oregon, the coast is extremely rugged and mountainous, and is, in most places, qnito uninhabitable. The very few settlements that are in that part of tho state are mestly at the mouths cf the rivers after theso have, for the most part, broken through the mountaiiis in deep and rugged canyons. The few excep tions to this I will explain further 6ri. JThe great valleys of Oregon : namely, the Willamette, tho Umpqua, and the Rogue River valleys, which contain with in their limits by far the greatest part of the arable land within tho borders of the state, lie between these two great moun tain ranges. It will not be necsary for my present purpose to enter into any description of the great mountain ranges of the state. It will be necessary, however, to explain that there are, in Oreson, two systems of transverse ridges extending east and west across the country intervening be tween the two great ranges, and another like system of transverse ridges on the border of Oreeon ind California. The first of these transvereTridges, tho Calapooia mountains, separates the val ley of the Umpqua from the Rogue River valley; and the third, called the Siskiyou mountains, is, as I said before, on the border of Oregon and California. Of these transverse ridges' the Siski yous are much the highest. Through the Calapooia mountains there are three different roads, two of them being over the ridges, and one through by what is called the Pass creek route where there is no ridge at all to be crossed. Throuah the Umpqua mountains and the Rogue River m untains, including what is call ed locally the canyon, the Cow creek hills, and the Grave creek hills, there is' only one wagon road, and only one la reasonably passible. ' , Of the valleys named above, lhe' 'Wit' yer "Nora laraette valley is much tlie largest, being about 50 by 150 miles in extent. It is here popularly called Webfoot, and tho inhabitants thereof Webfeet names suggested by the rainy character of that region. The Umpqua basin, called in a general way the "Umpqua valley, consists of a great number of small valleys sepaiated from each other by various ranges of hills, there being no one valley of any great extent. In these valleys, however, the soil is very fertile. The climate is delight ful; and the whole country 's a most beautiful ahd picturesque region iiearly a paradise, in fact. The Rogue River valley differs again from either the Willamette or tho Ump qua. AVhile there are several smaller valleys, each having its local name, in cluded in what is tefmed, in a general way the Rogue River valley, there is also one main valley which is more particular ly spoken of as the Rogue River valley, and which includes again some of these smaller valleys, but of whose separate existence apart from the main valley a stranger, looking out over this same main valley from anyone of the many favora ble points along tho old stage road be tween Jacksonville and Willow Springs, which road here follows along the baso of the foot hills bordering the west sido of the valley, would not have, the least idea. Now, all that part of Oregon lying east of the Cascade range is here called East ern Oregon; that part lying west of the Cascade rango and north of the Calapooia mountains is called Western Oregon ;,and thitpart west of the Cascade range 'and south of the Calapooia mountains, is called Southern Oregon. Southern Ore gon does not, the reader will take notice, include all the southern part of the Btate. Neither docs Western Oregon include all the western part of the state; but East em Oregon does include all the eastern part of the state. South-eastern.Oregon is a term by which the southern part of Eastern Oregon is sometimes designated. What I have said above in regard to the rainy season has no reference whatever to Eastern Oregon. Owing to the great elevation of that section above the sea, the winters there are iron bound. Dur ing the winter season there snow and ice reign supreme. The climate, hewe'ver, is dry, bra-iug and healthful. Even the beef there, owing to (he very nutritious character of the grasses and the purity of the water, is of superior richness and flavor. Theso are not highly colored itatements made for effect, remember, they are positive facts. Ths writer of this resided for a considerable period in South-eastern Oregon. The reader will also remember that in the country west of the Cascade range the further north tho more it rains and the longer the rainy season lasts. If the reader will now refer to a map of Oregon, he will see that, according to the definition given above', Jackson county is in Southern Oregon; and any late map will show that said county lies wholly west of the Cascade range. Now, therefore, since I am a resident of Jack son county, I live in Southern Oregon and am west of the Cascade range, but with a very big mountain range between me and the coast. The very few exceptions to,the rugged and mountainous charac ter of the coast region I will now pro ceed to explain. The chief exception to this mountain ous chacter of the coast of Oregon is tj be found in the county of Coos. This county is separated from Douglas county which county includes all the Ump qua country by the Umpqua moun tains which here become part of the coast range. Hero on the CoqueUo riv er and on Coos river, as well as on Coos bay is much level and very rich bottom land ; but tho wholo country is exceed ingly heavily timbered. Indeed, so heavily timbered is the country here that the only means of communication be tween the different paris of the settle ment is by boat. The timber is the fin est in the worldr It usea to be said that when a hunter killed an elk in this re gion, he had to cut a way through the timber to get it out. The standing tim ber itself is not so much in the way as are the immense fallen logs. Another very serious matter is that during the winter pretly much all these bottom lands are overflowed, so that the settler must find Bome locality where he can build on the spurs or bench lands of the surrounding hills. On Smith river in Douglas county, a stream which flows into the Umpqua river after the latter has debouched from the mountains, there is also a consider able area of heavily timbered bottom land. Of the counties further north, there may be in Tillamook county some level land on the coast; but I have nev er been in that county and cannot- speak from any personal knowledge concern ing it. And now something in regard to m own immediate neighborhood and of cer tain parts" of Jackson county and I will bring my communication to a close. I am living, then, I would explain, among the foot-hills (pretty big mountains, tho folks in York county will think them,' and very rough and rugged withal) in a well-watered district called Sykes creek. This stream empties two and one-half miles below my place, into Evans creek, a considerable stream which receives sev eral tributary streams in its course, and which, flowing in a southerly ebursC, dis charges its water into Rogue river at ' Woodville, twelve miles from my place. Across the hills west of me, about two miles, is another creek, called Pleasant- creek, which is a larger stream than Sykes creek, and which also empties into Evans creek. This also has a tributary stream called Ditch creek flowing In from ' the west. Below tho mouth of Pleasant creek there is nd stream flowing into Evfiis creek largo enough to. be-djgni- f fied by the name of creek. Ovor tba ridge east of mo there is another small mountain stream called Mays creek.which also empties into Evans creek. There is a good trail throuch a tolorablv lmv mn in the hills to Pleasant creek. On all these streams mentioned here as flow ing into Evans creek there la an nbim. dance of the finest sugar pine and pitch or yeuow pice, together with plenty of red fir and white fir; white cedar and yew also abound. There is also an abundance of black oak and some white oakv There are also manv othnr ' . as tho beautiful evergreen madrona, the mapie, the ash, the alder, tho cotton wood, live oak, chinauaDin and drxrwrwl each useful in its way; but as those men tioned nrst are the most abundant,, as well as the most useful, they aro there' fore the most important. There is cer tainly a fine opportunity for some one to do well with a jiortable steam saw mill. Owing to tho fine grazing in many places on tho hills through whLh theso streams course, cattle raising is the most important industry hore at present. . Woodville, which I have spoken of above as being at, tho mouth of Evans creek, is situited on the right bank of Rogue river eight mijes below Gold Hill and nine miles abovo Grant's Pass, each of which is a much larger place than Woodville. All three aro stations on the railroad. Grant's Pass and Gold Hill aro new towns' built since the advent of tho railroad. The lower end" ol the main valley men tioned above is a miloor so abbvo Gold Hill. Tromthis latter place nearlv to Grant's Pass the1 valley is quite narrow At no placo'is there more than nne-lmll1 to three-fourths mile cf level land inter vening between th river and tho liillsj At some places in fact thei bUls-comST'-' quite down to the river. If is a very picturesque region, however: the hills- here presenting aplea3in2 variefv in mn. eral contour, and being quite different - trorn what they are in Pennsylvania. For the most part they aro rough, rugged and steep, and not always covered with timber as they are at the East, charac teristics which endear them very much . to those of us living here who are Iovera of the beautiful and picturesque in natur- at Fcenery. The scenery along this part of the river is to me always a feast to the ev'cs. Central Point and Jfedordare new and thriving towns on tho railroad near the central part of the main valley spoken of aoove. lhe latter is at present the prin cipal shipping point of the vallev : nnd both are towns of considerable asfira- tions. Their central position in th vnl. ley, it must be admitted, is quite a feath er in their cap3. Still further up the valley, and also on the railroad, is the town of Phnnnr. where some of tbe finest flour in South ern Oregon is made. At the upiver (south) end of tho vallev. near the foot of the Siskiyou mountains, ana also on the railroad, 13 Ashland the largest town in the valley, and, next to Rosebnrg, the county seat of Douglas county, the largest in So-Jthern Oregon; .-lsmanu Boasts 0: an academy, si woolen mill, a flour mill and a foundry. Tho bra'id of flour made here hag long enjoy a high reputation. And now that the rail road officials havo decided to locate hero their round bouse; machine shops and eating station, Ashland" may be expected to take its place soon a3 one of tho lead-' ing,towns of the state. Nestled in a littio cove at the baso of tne foothills on the west sido of tho vaN ley, about four miles from Central Point aud five or six from Medford is the town of Jacksonville, tho county seat of Jack son county, and next to Ashland, thd largest town fh Rogue River valley. Jacksonville has a large steam flour mill that does its share of the local business It has a court house of which many coun ties much wealthier than Jackson might well be proud. Its schools aro among the best in the state. Tha view of tho valley (the main Rogue River valley mentioned above) from almost any point in and about Jacksonville is ex tremely fine. Indeed, the valley, as seen from Jacksonville, is as lovely a view as one might find in a life time of travel. It is worth not merely a visit ta Jacksonville to see ; it is worth a life in Jacksonville to enjoy. As seen front tins place the" valley is certainly among Jhe fairest of tho fair. If I were to maker fany prediction I would say that the gen erations to come in Jackson county will bless the day that secured to tliem so fair a comity seat In both Jacksonville and Ashland are many, pleasant homes in which rare and beautiful flowers and choice shrubbery form a very pleasing feature. -Eagle Point and Brownsboro are smaller towns the former with a valuable watfer power and flour mill situated in the? eastern part of the valley. continued on. fourth pogfi r Y . ("DTI 103.0