Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 24, 1887, Image 3

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    Wixt miok JWtoL
J ACKS0Kntxi,TaCE6BAT, November2, 1887.
To the Public.
In order to protect the public from ex
tortionate prices, the Senttxei. will pub
lish advertisements for sheriff's sale of
real and personal property under fore
closure of mortgage or execution, for the
reasonable sum of ten dollars.
Gold nai, 1st Sab., forenoon and evening
Central Point2d '
Medford, 3d
Jacksonville 4th " " " "
J. W. Milleb. Pastor.
Society Notice. Members of "Warren
lodge, A. F. & A. 31., are requested to be
in attendance on Wednesday evening,
the 30th,at the regular meeting of the or
der. Officers will be elected on that
The men ho swindled the farmers in
the "Willamette valley a short time since
with their wheat scheme, were arrested
in San Francisco recently and taken back
to Eugene City. It is said they made
The State Election-. Official returns
from twenty-two counties show the fol
lowing vote: Prohibition, yes 17,556, no
57,87, majority against 8231; Salaries,
yes 5291, no 31,215, majority against 25,
821; Elections, yes 17,590, no 21,730, ma
jority against 4141.
Teachers' Institute. A local teach
ers' institute for Jackson county will be
held at Medford, on Saturday, Nov. 26th.
The following programme has been se
lected by School Supt N. A Jacobs:
School discipline, J. S. Sweet; penman
ship, II. G. Fairclo; number work, J. T.
Hover; history, W. 31. Blackford ; lan
guage, W. C Roberts; physiology, 'F. K.
Neil. Nine o'clock is the lime set for the
Successful work. -Wm. M. Colvig,
state's attorney fort he 1st judicial district,
met with very good eultcs at the term
of court recently held at Linkville, Klam
ath county. In the cases which came
before him, 15. A. Godfrey was tried for,
an assault with a dangerous weapon up
on Herbert J. Clirienun and found guil
tv; James DoJd pleaded guilty to telling
liquor to a minor and was fined fifty doll
ars and costs: the action brought by
Klamath county against Win. M. CoUlg
to recover the fees allowed in the Munz
case as disinised at the cost of the
county. Did district attorneys always
meet with like success, had jurors always
a proper conception of their duties and
bad the courts throughout the ftate suf
ficient self-confidence and backbone to
try every case fearlessly ndnot be bam
boozled and frightened by attorneys for
the defens-e, justice would be far more
expeditious and certain and crimes cor
respondingly les.
Tuuckeu, Nov. 10. Geoi-ge Weath
arbee, a lumberman in the employ of the
Pacific Lumberiind Wood Company at
Clinton, came to Boca on Wednesday
evening. While thcrohe w as "stood up"
bv two men and robbed of $1. He
came to Truckce and swore out a warrant
for the arrest vl the parties, and accom
panied by Officers Reed and Chapman,
ho returned and arrested two men whom
he identified as the robbers. They are
tough characters. Ono is known as Ed
win Booth, alias J. Smith, alis James
Kinksad, who is from'Lakeview, Or.,
and is said to have kdled his man at that
place. The other is known as Claua Ber
gando, alias Jack Wright, alias James
Green, from Madera. This is one of the
roost audacious robberies that has ever
been committed at Boca. Attheirexam
ination here yesterday the robbers were
held for trial before the Superior Court,
with bonds fixed at one thousand dollars
We clip the above from the S. F.
Chronicle and we have reliable informa
tion that Ed Booth of Jacksonville, is in
Baker City in charge of some race horses,
one of which was beaten only last week.
We montion the fact so our readers may
not judge hastily.
Land buyers are plentiful.
More rain is what we want, say the
There aro several cases of typhoid fever
In this vicinity at present.
Mrs. O. Foote and children start in a
few days for California where they are
to spend the winter.
Jno. Sisemore and Jas. Pelton, of Was
co county, arc visiting relatives and
friends here. The former returns soon
to his extensive stock interests in the
above county, while Mr. Pflton will re
main in Jackson county during the win
ter. Since our last writing death has visited
another home here, and on Tuesday Nov.
IS, the oldestsonof Mr. and Mrs. F. Cox
was summoned to cross the dark river.
Henry's agreeable disposition and pacific
temperament endeared him to all who
knew him, and the parent's bereavment
is shared by many friends.
The man "Smith from Jacksonville"
who several weeks since was reported to
have fallen sixty feet from a trestle on
the Siskiyous is now known to be Geo.
W. Smith of Table Rock precinct. In
stead of being unhurt as was reported at
th time of the accident, he was injured
and ia t ill detained -at the railroad hos
pital at Sacramento.
Our friend, George Jackson, is waging
war on the catamounts, having killed
four during the past few weeks at his
farm on Rogue river. These animals as
well as coyotes are very numerous here. J
Fully 500 fowls and half as many sheep
and Digs have been killed by them in
this section during the last twelve month.
It is high time that our commissioners
weie taking 6teps to rid our country of
these rests. A. Blank.
Local Items.
Grand Ball to-night.
Do you take the Sesteikl7
Potatoes are plentiful this season.
Now is the time to invest in land.
Tramps are numerous at Grant's "Pass.
Wood wanted at this office on subscrip
tion. N. Langell has returned from Klamath
The mask ball last night was a grand
N. Langell has returned from his Link
ville trip.
A large amount of wood is being haul
ed into town.
Miners are making preperations for
their winter run.
A. F. AVheeler.of Salem, is in town on
a business visit,
A good crop of black walnuts has been
gathered this year.
Ben Rosenthal, the bible agent, has re
turned from Ashland.
C. C. Beekman and family are in San
Francisco at present.
C. A. Nutley has opened an oyster and
lunch room in Ashland.
Fifty-four votes was Lake county's ma
jority against prohibition.
E. D. Foudray, now a resident of Phue
nix, was in town 3Ionday.
Dancing school is prospering nicely
and scholars all doing well.
The band boys intend giving a grand
mask ball on December 30th.
S. Rosenthal, one of 3Iedford"s mer
chants, was in town Tuesday.
The state tax levy this year will be
nearly twice as heavy as last.
J. M. Shelley, of Portland, interviewed
customers here last Thursday.
Go to 3Iax Mullers for your dry goods,
groceries etc., as he sells cheap.
3Ir. Edmundaon recently killed five
bears in one day near Eagle Point.
Gen. J. F. Miller has sold quite a large
tract of land near Linkville lately.
Wm Dome, of Applegate, has been in
town laying in bis winter supplied.
Ira Johnson, of Linkville, has gone on
a visit to see his parents in Illinois.
Fruit Tees at wholesale prices for sale
by 31. E. Bcatty, Medford, Oregon.
3Iuch of the vacant land in this section
is now being taken up and improved.
J. O. Wilson, a well-known young man
of Corvallis, spent 3Ionday in this city.
Time on the railroad between Portland
and Chicago has been shortened to four
Jacksonville has a Shakespearean and
also a Milton club, which meet once a
Miss Mabel Baker left last Saturday
mornin; for "Red Bluff, Cal., her future
Ejgs aro worth thirty cents per dozen
and butter sells at thirty cents per
A lodge cf United Order of Honor w?s
instituted at Eugene city lust Tuesday
N. K. Lytle,of Jbjs place has taken up
some land hlaVtbwn and will improve
the same.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held at the Presbyterian church in this
city to-day.
Two Pullman ileepers are now being
used on the O. & C. between Portland
and Ashland.
Little Dan Kcnney, who has been quite
low with pneumonia, is improving we
are glad to state.
Rev. Father McGrath, of Yreka, spent
last Thursday here, the guest "of Rev.
Father Hermann.
T. R. North, of Adcl, Iowa, father of
Mrs. J. H. Whitman, of this city, is pay
ing the valley a visit.
Now is the time to secure a good home
in Jacksonville while property can be
bought very reasonable.
Ono of the things people should be
thankful for on Thanksgiving day is,
that they arc not editors.
3Kks Cora Brown, who has been pay
ing Jacksonville a visit, has returned to
her home at Eagle Point.
Tke railroad depot platform at Sled
ford has been lowered to accommodate
the Southern Pacific cars.
J. C. Overbeck, formerly of Jacksonville,
is now located at Heron, 31. T., in the
employ of the N. P. R. R.
Simon Caro, of Roseburg, was in town
last Thursday on business connected with
the Mensor insurance case.
The Sentinel office received a pleasant
call from Misses Carrie Cronemiller and
Mollie Miller last Saturday.
J. C. JlcCully and party returned Tues
day from their bear hunt on Slate creek.
They report no bears killed.
T. Judsen, of the firm of Sherer & Jud
son, hardware dealers of Grants Pass,
spent last Monday in town.
Judge L. R. Webster and Dis't Attor
ney Colvig have returned from Linkville,
court having been adjourned.
F. H. Lamb, asst. Supt., -W. U. Tel.
Co., passed through the valley .Tuesday
eTtning on his way to Portland.
3frs P. J. Ryan's millinery store and
Mcnsor's store now sport new and neat
signs,1he work of Kress & Fischer,
A large amount of grapes from Miller's
vineyard have been shipped to Willamette
valley points during the past week.
A few of the farmers are busy plowing,
but in most places not enough rain has
fallen to enable them to do satisfactory
Tho 3Icdford Transcript says the Rid
dle house register shows the names of
seventy-two arrivals for one week. Dur
ing the same time the names on the U.
S. hotel register in this city numbered
The Hemphill & Vine Concert company
succeeded in getting up a class at Ash
landwhich numbers sixty-seven mem
bers. Dr. J. H. Chitwood, one of Ashland's
most prominent and respected citizens,
died in that city on Thursdaj afternoon
. The weather during the past week in
the day time has been warm and pleas
ant, but the nights have been pretty
The case of Klamath county vs. W. 31.
Col vig, District Attorney, to recover mon
ey, was dismissed at the cost of the
3Iiss Francis Colvin, niece ot A. G.
Colvin of this place, was married to 3Ir.
J. S. McLaughlin, at Lakeview on tho
13th inst.
The people of the east are still endur
ing blizzards and cold weather. Here in
Southern Oregon we are enjoying the
A son of Lieut. Swift, U. S. Signal Ib
speetor at Ashland, has been appointed
operator for the Postal Telegraph Co., at
that place.
The following are the majorities lor
Klamath county: For prehibition,81;
against salary, 190; for changing elec
tions, 205.
A one-legged man from the county hos
pital was arrested last Friday as insane.
He w ill be examined upon Judge DePcatt's
Track on the California & Oregon is
now laid within 9 miles of Ashland. It
will be only a short time until the road
is completed.
The Western "Union Telegraph Co.,
'commencing December 1st, will make a
general reduction of their telegraph rates
on this coast.
J. A.. Cardwell, of this place, sold his
apple crop for fifty-two cents per bnshel
in the orchard. Fruit raising beats
growing grain.
Jlax Muller's new residence on Califor
nia street is nearing completion. "When
finished it will be one of the neatesthous
es in the country.
A match game of base ball will take
place to-day at Grant's Pass. Tho con
testing nines are the Academy boys and
the citizen's nine.
Dolph Cheesman and wife of Lake
view, spent Tuesday in Jacksonville.
31rs. Cheesman is a sister of 3Ir. Shat
tuck of Applegate,
Now is the time to make your land
purchase, as land is cheaper now than it
will be again, reople looking for homes
should invest now.
At a special school meeting held last
Thursday, a tax of five mills was levied
to assist in the maintenance of the Jack
sonville public school.
Sam Colvcr, of Fhoenix, is going to
run a grist mill near Keno, Klamath
county, having purchased the necessary
outfit for the enterprise.
New York city claims an increase of
70,000 in population during the past year.
Land four miles north of tho city hall is
worth $144,000 an acre.
Welcome Fowler, an' immigrant from
California and a very det-irfcble citizen,
has bought the Clark farm near town.
The price paid was $73C0.
A good deal of paint is being used
around cown on houses and fences.
Even-body should see that their premises
are kept neat and clean.
The Yreka Journal says the building
of the branch railroad will be postponed
till spring, as the cost of construction
may be considerably reduced thereby.
The Jacksonville Silver Cornet band
is making rapid progress under Prof
The fleet river steamer Telephone, said
to be the fastest boat of its kind in the
world, burned to the water's edge at As
toria Sunday evening, Just before landing.
About 160 passengers were on boanfand
only one person was injured. Loss $45,
000; insnrance $30,000.
A man whose name we were unable to
learn ? met with a seriouH accident at J.
A. Card well's place last Monday evening.
He fell from the hay-loft, breaking one of
the bones in his left arm, besides dislo
cating his shoulder. He was attended
by Drs. Robinson Gill and is improv
ing. Just received at J. Nunan's: Ladies'
all wool scarlet veBts, chiviots, cambrics,
French elastic canvass, bleached and un
bleached domestics, calicoes, canton flan
nels, Oregon city woolen blankets, bed
ticking and a fine line of cashmere
shawls. Go and inspect this fine selec
tion of goods.
C. E. Phillips, the new hotel man at
Linkville, is a. ruBtler. He advertises in
the Ashland Tidings, "Yreka Journal,
Lake County Examiner, Klamath Star
and the SECTnqu-all adjacent to his ex
pected business. He should be a suc
cessful hotel man, and we believe he
will. His wife superintends the culinary
We are informed by "Mr. N. Langell,
who has just returned from Klamath
county, that Mr. Collahan, who was in
jured a few days ago by the running away
of his team, is dangerously hurt, so much
so as to cause serious doubts of his re
covery. He was removed to Linkville
when he could receive better medical at
tendance. We learn that the Edson Bros, propri
etors of the celebrated Shovel creek
springs will, during the winter, erect a
large and commodious stone hotel to ac
commodate the large and increasing de
mands of that place. They will spare
neither money nor pains to make it one of
the most pleasant places for tourists and
invalids in the United States.
Joe Davis, alias Hash, the man who
has been under arrest at 31arysville, on
suspicion of having murdered his wife,
and threw her body in the Willamette
river, in Clackamas county, a few weeks
ago, and who detailed his version of how
she died to a press correspondent, was
found hanging in his cell in the city pris
on one morning last week life being ex
tinct. It is the general impression of the peo
ple residing in the vicinity of Hornbrook
station and Linkville that a branch rail
road will, in the near future, be located
up the Klamath river from the above
named station. They basethis belief
upon the fact that parties who are sup
posed to be on the inside with the rail
road company are securing all the avail
able timber land along said river, and
also that capitalists are purchasing largo
amounts of land in It lamath con; f
New Yobk, Nov. 12. A report says
that Miss Mattie Mitehell, daughter of
the Senator from Oregon, and who is
the prettiest girl in Washington, and the
only one who can dispute the palm with
Miss Adele Grant this winter, had an
opportunity last summer to ally herself
with a representative of one of the oldest
and most distinguished names in France,
the Due de la Rochfoucauld ; but the
young lady, like a true daughter of the
West, gave the preference to her own
country and eople and declined the title
and orders that were laid at her feet.
ciRccrr coirt proceeding.
Proceeding of the September term of
circuit court in and for the the county of
IClamath, s'ate of Oregon-
Baldwin & Forbes vs. D J and Mary
E Ferree. Suit dismisssd at plaintifis'
State of Oregon vs. Joseph Hendrix.
Not a true bili.
Daniel Cronemiller vs. C Cunningham.
Verdict in favor of defendant.
State of Oregon vs. S Stonier; indict
ment. Not a true bill.
Chas Putnam, C A Cogswell, J W
Hamaker and J H Collahan, vs. Wm S
Webb, Sr.: injunction. Suit dismissed.
E R Reames vs. Ben Shrieve and H F
Shallock. Action at law to recover mon
ey. Case dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
WSWebb, Sr.,vs. ChasPutnam. Ap
peal from justice's court. Dismissed at
defendant's cost.
M S Acer vs. S C Ager. Suit for di
vorce. Taken under advertisement.
James Taylor vs. Klamath county.
Verdict for plaintiff, $54 and costs.
John Glelm vs. F W Clift Ordered
that suit be dismissed, and that defend
ant recover off and from plaintiff costs
and disbursements.
In the matter of the application of
James Dawson to become a citizen of the
United States of America. Admitted.
E E Hiedrich, trustee of an express
trust, vs. James Moore. Judgment for
plaintiff, in the sum of $276.58.
Klamath county vs. Wm 31 Colvig.
Action at law to recover money. Dis
missed at cost of plaintiff.
B Price vs. Wm and Leroy Nail. Ac
tion for recovery of personal property.
Found for defendants.
B F VanBr'mmer vs. 3Iarion Smith.
Mortgage foreclosed.
Klamath county vs. James K Ingals.
Suit for injunction. Plaintiff allowed
twenty days to file amended complaint.
Stato of Oregon vs. James Dodd in
dictment. Fine paid and defendant dis
charged from custody.
State of Oregon vs.B A Godfrey. In
dictment for assault with a dangerous
weapon. Motion for a new trial argued
and taken under advisement.
W S and C S 3Ioore vs. August Beihn.
Suit to foreclose a mechanics lien. Judg
ment for plaintiffs.
State of Oregon vs. J F 3Iunz. Indict
ment for murder. Continued until next
term of this court, and that a bench war
rant be issued tor the arrest of the de
fendant. James 3Iorton vs. S A faorton. Suit
for divorce. Dismissed at coxt of plaint
J F Bloominecamn vs. Paul and Anna
"Breitenstein. Action to recover money.
Judgment for plaintiff in tho sum $103,
costs and disbursements.
To Fall and Winter BuyersI
j9l 3NTei7fr Vxa.dL Complete Stoclt
FaII txlca. "VrixxterG-oocajs
consisting of
and the largest line of GENTS' CLOTHING in the City is now.displayed
Merriif's Gash Store
In JctcljCjsoii'crLllo, Oregon,
Don't buy until you have soen my goods.
One price to all,
Cash from all.
Credit to none-
Opposite Postoffice,
Jackson vile. Or
Stttplc, Drj- and ITancy Goods, Ladies' and Gout a
JTixrnisliing; Gooils, Boots, Sliocs, IXivtss, "Wall
Paper, AVindo-w Shades. Oil Cloths & Car
pets, Groceries, l?ro--isions, &; Confec
tionery, Croclccry ,Sc Glass--vrare
Coal Oil, Tobacco,
Cijjars, etc , etc
A complete line of the celebrated
CALL and examine our stock, and ascertain onr nripfts'hpfnro mirrhnsinf Mdvtiaro
as we are here to do business, and determine to pleasejour customers. Country produe
'.aken in exchange at the.standard market price,
ion to the store.
We also keep HAY SCALES in addi-
Suttmers leadership, and can compare
with any other band out side of Port
land. ,
II. B. Heed has located in Linkville
and in connection with R. C. Miller will
continue to manufacture the best lence
made the combination wire and" picket
Mrs. A. Klippel and daughter, Ida
Klippcl, ho for tuo past two months have
been visiting in Missouri and Kansas,
returned to theij.home in Portland last
Will Jackson has returned from Link
ville and can be found at his dental of
fice ready, willing and waiting to do any
kind of dental work in the best and ap
proved styles.
A terrible ocean disaster occured last
Saturday near Dover.England, in which
130 people lost their lives. It was caused
by a collision of two boats en route to
New York from Holland.
Trofesyors A. Schmitt & A. Suttmerof this
place have organized a string band, and are
ready to take engagements for dances and
private parties at rates to suit the times.
Consult them before going elsewhere.
The Leever farm, four miles north of
Jacksonville, has been'sold to John Bel
linger, of California. It contains 100
acres and the price paid was $2,200. M.
E. Beatty of Medford made the sale.
Vitality and rolor are restored to weak
and gray hair, by the use ot Ayers Hair
Vigor. Through its cleansing and heal
ing qualities, it prevents the accumula
tion of dandruff and cures all scalp disea
ses. "Billy," she said, tenderly, "do you
believe in the old saying, 'Out of sight,
out of mind?' " "Well, no not altogeth
er," responded Billy, hesitatingly. "For
instance, take a boil on the back of one's
W. J. Flymale is running a daily stage
Irom Jacksonville to Medford to connect
with the trains both north and south.
His-stage leaves Jacksonville promptly
at 7 a. m. and 4 r. si. A liberal share of
the paronage is solicited.
When in Linkville don't fail to stop at
the restaurant kept by Mrs. Williams.
The rooms are large and well-lighted, the!
beds clean and BOft, the table loaded with
wholesome, well-cooked food and presid
ed over by a nice young lady.
One of the most important things to
be considered by a stronger settling in
our midst is the matter of schools. Prox
imity to schools, length of .school terms
and quality of instruction given, are ele
ments of prime importance in the selec
tion of a home. So vital are th y and o
necessary to be considered that no judi
cious man neglects to inform himself con
cerning them.
To the intending Betiler, we would say
that no rural section of the United States
affords better facilities for education than
are offered by Jackson county. Educa
tional interest here has been on the in-
rcrease during the last ten or fifteen years,
until a very desirable standard of excel
lence has been reached by teachers and
is demanded by patrons. Many of the
older and richer states are less progres
sive in their school work than we are,
and have less reason for congratulation
as to system, methods and results. The
attention of strangers in our valley is par
ticularly, invited to the public school at
Jacksonville. This school is recognized
as oce of the very best in the state, and
has no superior anywhere on the coast..
The libei ality and energy of the people
were earlv directed toward the establish
ment of a good public school in the town,
and of such it justly boasts to-day. Young
men ate here fitted for college and the
active business walks of life, young wo
men for teaching and other useful pur
suits, and all the youth of the town are
given a practical education. The bur-
Choice farms in the choicest portion of
the valley may be bought frox M. E
Beatty of Medford, Or.
Jas. Collahan met with a very serious
accidenta week ago last Thursday even'
ing,while on his way home from Linkville,
His horse became frightened and ran
away, throwing Mr. Collahan with much
force to the ground, where he
was found next day in an unconscious
condition, having remained out all night
in the rain. He will recover. Klamath
Billy Carll is deserving of more praise
than he can possibly get. He has finish
ed up on the slash road and done work
that will last for ages, and is a credit to
the country. And he has made the mon
ey go farther than a poor family could in
panic times. We like to see a rustler
succeed, and bestow praise where it ia
justly merited. Hurrah for Billy Carll.
We don't believe any other man could
have dons &s well with that amount of
Blankets, Woolens, Flannels, Hoisery Tarns,
Etc., are immense.
HMCon's jFo,11 a-nca. "VST-JLtxtex Olotlolaagr.
Button ad Lace, Calf and Kip Shoes for "Winter use.
MrKTE!B.'S urir3 TA Ts TVnsTFg
11 V S 'INK KKKKK ( ffl'S
Hip Gum boots, Knee boots, ISnoiv Ex
cluders, Parkers leather-soled hip
pure gum boots, best in the
r World. - .
SHOES, eto.
Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provisions.
KENT In Jacksonville, Nov. 21st, 1887,
to the wife of T. B. Kent, a son.
CARTER At Squaw lake, Nov. 9, 1887,
to the wife of S. C. Carter, a son 10
PHELPS In Medford, Nov, 17th to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. C. Phelps, a son.
SLY Near Medford, Nov. 17th to Mr.
and Mrs. George Sly, a daughter.
den of costs is so adjusted as to be borne
by all and be grievous to none. Those
desiring the best opportunities for educa
ting their children need not hesitate to
come to this county. In no other place
can better be found.
corrected WEEKLY
Flour, per thousand lbs $18,00
Wheat, per bushel..i 65
Barley, " 40
Oats, " ..: 36
Mill Feed, per ton 20,00
Hay, wheat or timothy, per ton , . 12.C0
Eggs, per dozen SO
Butter, per lb.... 30
Potatoes, per lb 1
Cabbaee. " 01
Onions, " , 01&
Beans, " 03
Commeal, per 100 lbs...., z,uu
Lard, per. lb in tins 10
Ham and Uacon 10 1Z4 14
Dried Apples, per lb 06
" Plums in .
" Pears,' " .'..V. 10
" Peaches," 10
In giving the market price of any article
we cannot be responsible for fluctation in
small m arket like this.
Oils, etc, etc.
When Contemplating buying your Fall and Winter supplies, don't forget I am bottoc
prepared this year to oiler you Standard Brands of Goods for less money than any othes
man in Southern Oregon. I exchange for all kinds of Farm Produce.
J. NUNAN, Jacksonville, Or.
225 Miles Shorter, 20 Hours Less Time.
Accomodations unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and freights via Yaqulna
id the Oregon Developement Co's Steamships much less than by any other routo bo
reen all points in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco.
PA.TTsTT DEA.SS3E:KrG5-Jb:jrL rPT? ATivrsi
Except Sundays
Leave Yaquina
Arrive Corvallis
Arrive Albany
6:30 a. M, Leave Albany
10:33 A. If. Arrive Corvallis
1:47 f.x
5:60 r. it
The Phenomenon Explained
The following clipping from a Willam
ette valley paper, with the subjoined ex
planation, was sent to us by an occasional
correspondent from Central point
Mr. J. Watt, of Benton county, last
week was boring a well on hi place for
the purpose of waltering stock, and when
down about 15 feet he struck a bed of
coal from which a fearful smell arose. He
then abandoned it and went about 200
yards farther off and again commenced
bonng down into the bowels of the earth.
At the depth of about 20 feet he again
struct the coal Dea, ana trie gases and
fumes arising therefrom were so strong
that the men were compelled to abandon
the work. Mr. Watt is of the opinion
that either he has cut something in the
bowels of the earth or else he has struck
a gas well.
Explanation: Mr. Watt has simply
run bis augsr down into the sanctum of
the Southern Oregon Transcript and
struck the only thing there gas.
Mission Soap and Candle Works,
Manufacturer of the celebrated
Mission Chemical "Wax
Mining Candles
Nonpareil Laundry Soap
Offlci end Salesroom, 108 Buth tt,
Sin Francitco.
11 :15 A. M. 'Arrive Yaquina
O. & C. Trains connect at Albany and Corvallis
Fares between Corvallis and Albany and San Francisco,
General Manager,
Acting G. F. & P. Agent,
Corvallis. Oregon.
Steamsnip lane
connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oregon Pacific Rail Road Company.
purest materials, do not contain any
injurion? ingredients and posess all the de
tergent and soluble properties required for
making a fine laundry soap.
The'-candles are guaranteed the best made
for the money asked.
Jacksonville - - - Crescent
City Mail Route,
Mrs. Jane McMahon, Propr.
Stares leave Jacksonville everr Mondav
and Friday at 6 a. . for Wilderville, return
ing Tuesdays and Saturdays. Stage leaves
(or Wrights Wednesday at 10 A. K. return
hie Thursdays. ,
Passengers taken at reasonable rates.
Yanuina Citv
Willamette Valley,
Eastern Oregon, "
Willamette Valley,
ivastern uregon.
Monday, Oct 31. 10am
Saturday, Nov 5. 11 "
Friday, " 11. 9 "
Wes'day " 1G. 10 "
Tuesday, " 22- 11 "
Bnndav " 27. 9 "
The Company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing dates.
8. B. TOBY,
Gen. F. P. Agent,
30t Montgomery St. Ban Francisco, Cal.
noit TAtjtrruA
Sunday, Nov 6. 1pm
Friday, " 11. 7am
Thursday, " 17. 11 "
Tuesday, " 22. 5 '
Monday, " 23. 10 "
Saturday, Dec 3. noon
84000 CO,
Fob Sale. A fine farm, near Eagle Point,
Or., contains 200 acres, all fenced, 100 acres
in cultivation, excellent house, good barn
and other outbuildings, 123 fruit trees. No.
1 mill-site, good well, bring springs, stream
of Water Sowing through and a. .system of
irrigating ditches by means ""of-which 60
acres of land may be irrigated. Excellent
bargain. Terms cash.
Enquire of 3. W. Merritt, Jacksonville,
The undesigned will pay the highest cash
price for all kinds of hides and furs at hia
meat market in Jacksonville. Bring them
tome. JOHN ORTH.
JacksonTille, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1887.
Farm for Sale.
IN THE Antioch district a farm of "300
acres, SO acres" in cultivation, a good
house and barn, will sell cheap. For fur
particulars call at the ScxnyEL officii.