Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 04, 1886, Image 3

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Baxdkdat, December 4, 1886.
.1 ArTn'vii.vR
LOCAL iTiiiMri.
V ar ji'
Recovkbiko General Ross' niAnyjj
friend will be pleased to learn that lie
is emnn'lv rerovpr'n" fni b'fl
I'iimsa Linj- msv 'ho General livpf
Aprr.E.vTioE Wartkd: J. C.l
"Whippwanw a. young man as an ap
nstntice in Ins msrble work? that wil'E
star until he learns the trade. A boy
from the country preferred.
The fog has gone.
Medford wanti a flour mill.
Frosty nights and bright days.
Frank Ennis is at Galiee creek.
Th- fas 'olljctor is abroad in
Kdeath of La. Grande H. HilL one ot;
Uro. ir&nk Kxause was born ina'tbs pianeew of this valley.
Ho diedgSTTVER DYER At tat residence
Burlington, Iowa, March 5th, 185J,tat tha resideiica of his sister Mrs. P.H Hon. G. W. Colvig in Riddle, Not.
imJ JU f u. i,nn. t. t.i-o,-;iu 1r : a.mj i..t- tv.,.... M 18SG. Ly wm. T. Hall. J. P. .Thes.
Nnv lSSfi H- Mm tn .T.BV.0:W lu lnn.nfl v.rv .inrl Slid SAly"- ota C?UCT and -Hfiss Lucy2
, , .. . ,.....,,..... .....- ---j ,-....... ...-" uveroriiou'ias county.
county wun nil parents in Jiay,3aag. .for several osysonnng the lastSRIFNER HASK1NS In this city, at?
1867. he bom? their only chiM.l?srpir nf his illness he Vas Intallv-J the residence of V. P. Cook. JVbv 2-lths
(lJeuf', t-.'h-r d;;d .rh2! he v. .-V,,.' 1 t o.i 'le'ttav of bi death Utr v , q ' D lt
quite .wig and l, i '..., ...J j rrWrr;e,d J trfMLDLOVER-In Tablef
CUnlral Point is to have a daneln.-.iU tt i ."....-..: .' .v-... -n". . . Rook precinct, at thn residence
v-imfi;c 13 learneu tu nraHJi:ri.-nnscmnsntsH 1:1 tna maw i.iiniaiiBr& j A .. ... ... . . .
-.ji J n v r. n . .IT. uES. . , nn... J....J ..-. . i nI K"rnn, aur "o-n.oTJ. U,
,.. u - AJ. i. Vsl- 11 1 'SSI- fciij- UI'U IJ.aC Jll i(IHI -J -.. lr-J
tixel otSep, aad Lutaeqaontlv vhil5,v attended. Ho wan buried Tn thp
Fieemaks MEnTiKO The recolart
nonthlr meeting of thn JacksonvilleS
Go to Margly a if you want c fin
lamp clifap.
Top Rogue Hiver Distillery Etartad,
perations last week.
The ne"w telecraph line has baen fia
Norton, J. P. M. S.
Mi Ann M S'ot.
Mil field tor-
Fir Company will he held at thfpinhed as far as Yrelca.
"" "al ?n ne" o7 evening-ui Th(J yM hftS ln CQVOred ilh a
" iffl1M(.fi fntr fnr Inn rmut. vpaIt
acted and a full attendance of thejj?
Jnembiri ia desired. kj . The regular Decpmber term of the)
county court will tie held next week
.. n amul a . - a I - -t 1 . 1 1 M a ! I .1 Ji - .. 4 1. .. T 'ri
m cuijiajjctr hi mc ouip", iraruru ici Tiaimana vmniri un'.n hio HU'piceajnTypn pAM'n T PI "
.,,',, , . - , tr i., .. . ?j ant creek urpcjuct, at th roiildencpa
.i'lna-'i-r "f Mi" '"'prph office lnMwas mrmbep. He leaves thrne fis-M . . , ' T ,- . . ,. ti
K.i .. m n i. . l u -,. W j u . . .1 v. pi Stpnnen Bpm Nov oO h, by SSI
ai,r. W T..bhH au... r bmng.P and a brotner who hav., the eym-H , '. , T p - H
irn A rr (ip . J 1 " -''- .- - t
ith Mr. Huuser. Iib C4U
J ci:oufl!e in 1876. "Feu
arriage?lpthT of a Iatb
bpV lejtqmiiitance ia thair hour of bereave i
Lodge Elxctioks. At the latreg-g
tllar ciuncil of Oregonian-Pocahon-atL
Tribe No. 1, Irap'd O. R. JL of Urn
place, held last Tuesday evening the
fallowing otncpra were elctcd for th
ensuing term. Sachem, J G. Lir,lnpl
Senior Sneamsrc, . Jia Croneisiillr;S
It is high time pomething wa binf
la o.s-nen!
S1S78. he been;p rl proprietor of brK t;
0rsv.ne Sektisel To ynr K-er.g Card op Thauks. In behalf of my,
SfinHins the busii.eia of the nfica tooijlpcraaed huUnd' mother and myself f-
!:,. :..-"i.:-. v ,i,i . i..i4- : .tfT fj!ra In retarn our f.ineern "tJnnl-i.?
nc' i", iituj. ua uii n 11411 ' itoii - - - u
in the Sest.nel to Wm. M.J Turnor'o Jacksonvilla Lodge No 10, Ruth
Every one should go and see the
.Grandest and Largest Lot
New Spring Dry
Fancy Goods, Clothing
Xackxavilla -'c-.cuut vit
ivi.au juouco,
P. McMahon, Proprietor
Stares leave Jacksonville cverrironrt
'-Wedneiiv pnfl prirr tw-tJt .
sr.arriins at ialiloin Iheevmiue. whrra
Muse ctmnPTtlon i m-.do next mornin-
lor Crescent ( in VI:n the or? ks.m
tvwl Is finished aliom Janus'? Itth .
tlirouch lirket to San Francisco will bo
srM r. - tl8 bj- this routr.
xnrr?s end order hnvrru dint t r-
iduccu rates.
P McMAIIy Prcriettv
t t rpT
Charles Deckfir one of tfie leadins
'nerpliantn of Waldo was here during
;rhe wcrk.
.Tnhn ClArtpr hn polil hiR film trn
Jniiior Smkinor-. 'SkJaP 1&ivh': AJl.,., tiniZ.i'kn-'i'n'TU. I m.-,,;
Trutees, II. K. llanna, D. Cronniii3,,j Lake view; ' r ' - .
lr and U. 15. Kostol.
Jacki-onvilV Lodce No. 10. 1. 0 O
F. elected the following officers on the.
evpnine of Nov. 27th. Wm. DnnO",
N.G..A. Cbale, V. G.' W. H. Parker,
It S.; J. A. Baver, P. S ; Iv. KuVi
J . . - 1
lone toward a Christmas celebration. ' Turu"' h'th "d ":ght l.othgKekah Lr,n Lnig Jjo 4 Bner
oecomirs ncnouslv imnaireo br ciose.-9Li"''Vo J.'1" -j. " " "-t or asis-i
ance and sympathy so faneroacly ten
ierod ns in cir beroremt-ut. Alio to:
Dr Jackson went to Ashland y
erdav on professional business: ho will
be gone two days.
John Roloson, we are sorry to learn!
T.;S.J. Day,
Luy trustees.
A. H. Maegly and F Huttack of rheumatism
lis confined to bis house with c sersretfume of his deitli. For a rmr
ipplicaion to buviness itnha Sevtisl
iind telp'raph office, be was comrellei
jto retire, end Mr. Ktause acain lie- f?1"' personal i;?RtJ?, la anij out
hamo h:Ip i.rnnrielo- anJ coniiDT.d fuY1-'"t'B, ' - "su "i
unil hi-. eth. Mh -c!- T-U 1?J9. h-?:h ' aW TN i-igagi-luesJ
l hi.tiilv mrriwi. to ?,li Ai.lM-Jiir wb dwnlt; and lastin"l- grafpfuls
jli.iger, who with three childrnn, twnBtn the ttcfldincphvcian Dr. AikenJ
fJtuthtew and one ton, survive bitn.!5'i7e tepoerocr smcen- i-ppreciaiionanf
He ha ben fbr nianv vPars mar.at'er-f'ipclenee in ii!sKiirui ana nntireinc
jf'ho W. U. Twleprntih nfficn in thiipffn-f, lo a'lenatn his fufTenn? nnri
" . .-.-.... -J.l- -4 .1: :- t.: e
Spiaee. aud Hold tb nusuion at tbeR'tt"1 'e '" "' '"""" uis iavor
ofj 9
Me.rv Rawdom.
Poir.t precinct, at th rpsidensa nlH Tobuoco.
the bride's parent a, Dec 1st, 1-y El-ll
dr M. Peterson, Wm.Y. Jones to Srocsriss and Crockezy.'g'
Miss Dora Birdney. L ft
i"ivii-i-jHi;i.i ,i iij-gvjagjrgTgi Iifmrmbf r these "ool are new nndc I a
BOR h'luSht tince thc.tt'arin KaLroaJ KatcihJf
juiu urn uju
J m- r xt n J
sjneap ior cjasn.
Watchvakes asp Jswma,
CnKforaib Crest,
V A AKES a specialty ofelrsninr. aad re
plVJ. pairinc vatrlirs am! vliK-ks. Jly
sira arc reasooable. Uive me a call
POMEROY On Foots cieek, Nov.
zuio, toiur. ana Jira. is. romeioi
AIam KrhMitt. Trcpr,,
Jacksonville, Ogn.
KRATJSE At thn family residpncea
m this city. Nov 28th, Frankfj
KruiiB;aged 3D years, 8 montusannr
as dayt.
' t'otmtry prodnce boncbr.ir.U fold;'Iso
rocl. Hide. Furs anil Brer kiti -' l-l J .. .... ' ' '
'olt orders for Lumber .V,x Mviitn. I ,,nc nnn;wne.i u now prtpsr.to
Pol'1e "'ili'i'"' """c "Hjiuius ' lr "ne " utrw-v,
keg, vats or tubs, and will also di ay
Bnuoiocs Itehs. Elder M
Fetoison preaches at the Mound
chool houR9 on Sunday
B.?v. J. R. Roberts will prsach at the
M.E. Church in thin pluce next Sun
day.... Rev. F. X. Blanchet will hold;
services at the Catholic chmch in thi
place on Sunday at the usual time.
Liberal Sunday-tchool and Bible cltnts
tneets every Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M
nt the U. M. L. Hall Talent. . . . Rev
J. R. Roberts will preach at Brown
boru on the t-econd Sunday in Decern
ber, at 1 1 o'clock A. 11., and at Kiel
Point in the evening of the saioo day.
On the third Sunday at Phoenix, and
on the fourth Sundav at Antioch.
r past heffAf KG$oar hirtfelt gratitude for youri Petition for LicOllSC,
u, butnoi,vr"twfnr which is now our grcatestS
Pnterlainiupiit to be civen by the "IV
C. T. 0 nt the court house on Wednes
day evenins; promises to be an event
of unusual interest. Tho following :
the programme for the ovp'nine: Ov-
rrture, Silvrr Cornet Bind; Maic, by
the Choir; Prayer, Roy. J. A. Slorer;
Duet, Miss Cora and Ma?cio Linn;
Address of Welcome, Hon W . R An
rlrews; Song, Carrio Cronpmiller,
Johnny lMiller and Millie Millr, Ad-
ilresn, "Hsmlet," Rev. J. R. N. BH
Duet, the Misses Iih; Son;: hv the
Choir; Benediction, Rev. J, A. Slovpr
i.uuic,aiivpr uornat l.and. iu c,
prc will biin - ? 'bJ'-. '
edmiiuiitm is onlv 25 cents and li
proi-eeds go to tlm library fund no ony
febouid fail tn attpndr
If you want to buy Christmas goods,!
come to Jacksonville tor our mer
chants will not be undersold.
Geo. Nuber and Tom Rosa opened
heir ukatine rink last Friday evening
ind are being well patronized.
John Carter has moved to Lakevipw'
where he will continue the painting
business. He ia a first class workman.
The Ahhland water question lisp
been hettled at last. Tiiu "pipe" fac
tion won, and thi: pipes are to be laid
it once.
The dwelling lioiue of Mrs. Ida,
Tones of Brownsboro together with itJ
ontentR, burned last week. Tnes
fire originated from a defective flue.
lue "lidings cava that a voungq
'couple well ana favorably known in
PJJackson and Klamath counties will b
uttrrieu nere uhu wck. cfi.ir.- . e .. " j : v
BJ HUni 9I1UI. JI Ujllllillll, 11(111 IJJ tUIJ IIIJ3I
Xhs "Oregon Siftins cives an nc She.ted political contest?, his courn
count of the romantic marnace of:
Oil. Cunningham, a younz "entlemau
well known in this community.
Gratefuly yours.
Mrs. Frakic Kit a use.
Mrs. M. Hadsf.r.
;ad not enjoyed loUiioi bciUj. butnolK'
ipprehending fceiiou icsuiie, he uuu juuollion.
'inued bia business until fi-e weokow
ince, when he was taken wih thedis-M
-ass vvlrcb reu!id in his death. Of , . . " ,. T
emiaa inr-entasr, he noaxwrd all thpS,," "P'S " , ,, .' ?'
nobla und generous chsracWisticS of ',orS' -"r ,al.e, uu " B,'ot lnej
thii race, blended wnb tha cnt .r. IB ""?"" """"' "1"" '"..mery to.
. ... Hi. hfiTP'lint linn nml nrp IhapaFiwn half..1
ptions ann libera! idea of the Wea-P . , , ' . v.. uc.
tern American. Jle had been fori'.'"1", """" ' -!"' " "
many jears a member of Jacksonvi'le
f,m i, nri
r,1 T "mi'm. ! kind of rcpairiii:; in thin line g..ol
lit I fj-v" I assortment ol suitable Umber kept n
U&. ii J lant1r on hand.
fSorcbum kecs made to "order in quan
titirv to suit at reducnl p-ict-s. flive me
Oiunty ourt at the KoveXi .essinn.g; C! w'.'" ' "ndr7P"Trta",I1' ' ' .
ilirens to sell linunr
than one gallon in the tnw'u of Ce
in I.M nnnlTllnQWM "
new turning out a first class arlhle
"&.. l.s-i. "s. : r. K
i'tr'S uuur, nuicil 13 kll up ill uuriuiinu
SPoint tnr tl.e nrriml nf t mnntli, fn.mir. 1 KacKs.ai.ii every f.icK is warrant )
ii.. . . . . .- -,.... ir.'t
tOctalier 1st. 188C. F.. It. '"atos.
Central Point, October 1st. 1SSG.
. .... 1 'w ll 1 .,.
! b coniaiu pnauus hi nnar 11 you umi i-vr . ,. ... -. . . .r
Ix-Iieve tliis, just compare a sacs ot our; "' y rin'iic, neat cmom Ayz.
fe lour with ;iny other brand ofTi-rwI for Siilei
L'j'n this market, aud note tbu difference in?j
Lvlgp, No. U.-and Ruth Rebekab De
ierec lijdgp, ilo 4, aud was eti trter
;iiim'p of B inner Lodce, No. 23. A
.0. IT. W. A quick and ready deba-jter,-
generous nud liberal in his eon
is'ructioa of law, ful'v imbued witli
the teachings insulated br ths prinri-
Jples of Odd Frllowflhip, ho was eve
mot interosting and urnful meuib-r
Repuh'ican in politic, he was a life
oiiir exponent of ith principles, bu. i-os
sensed that true spirit of conservatism
'bat accorded to others the risbt of
ne iniuandH ot tnc trade. (Jat
irnuud and sea tor yourself, and you!
Ail ba cstnnNhed at the magnitude) of
nodern inventions for manufdcturingl
iiinware; take along all your old pam!
ind bucketfi, and it will be so small al
job for Bob to mend them for you that?
9 trill thank jou for the favor and spnperly owned by .Inrnes O'ujicaie a
Town Property EV.r S2le!dweisht-
TnEnEinROFj?iES"i.TJGG.GEw 'OSr QHu ..1.1.-1 era
deenseH nffer tVir anln tlieirnrnnerltK?
situation within the corporation orJii-kK:'"nstantly on hand and exchanged forf
sonvilic, having lelt uic nisposii oi iuik""'
same in the hands of the undersigned. H
A'l parties in poss-.-ssion otitnv or tu fa
-harge tli. usual price.
Slanv hanltoiue pieces of marble
r . .... .
iwurfc. have lately been nut up in the
The ots pf Mr
5Be?kman, and Jiv. Linn, havo be-n
ihotimeof his death aienotineil tn ce.I k'
at onec find make nrr.-.nseinrnts for p-ij Ji
Having added a set of Barley Rollers ti
Abstracts made of Tiliea to Laada
Xiosal SoouuxoxAt
Of all kinds drawn up, especially perun.
1U 1U IUC kCUIl'Cl-Ul OI IJIdleS.
Collector of Account Prompt
Investment Securities
.,.... n,iiiT i ..... .... : .i ,!. Q invcsiment urenrmrs
hmentni rents, elo. if th.-v 'psire to Inn -j., ,, , f . 'T, ..Mlacit.u oounty bcrip liou5U:
Among tint Christmas entsrtain-
jinpnts will be a ball in Stanleys hall v
jwoodvillp given for the benBUl of the
the public school of that district.
The DeMoss family cave a musical
nterta:nmentat th U. S. Hill- Jast'jS'ed by his eniploypps.
Monday evpfiiue. The midiencQ. wasHlnne weeks of hij
latksonvil'.o uemetry.
i-nclo'cd wi h aubatantial ftcne coping
irnamentad with marble 'urns and vas
i", boicli improving the apuearanco of
iniip.!;t.,I ritlier il.on .nt,nnni.l Z"' V ot toe couietry. in thi
, .....,. ., ........... .. ..)ja .. .
ji'Dosins elemnts. In bi b-tuo life.Ml0WD m'"r a vei"T eirgant moument
hnwas a dutiful ard Jovoted Eon. ntt'- h 'rPCted over the grav. ot
and .ffi..!tnnHte bimbind. .fiuowland Hall. Ihe material is Rut-
- - -i 1 a j ii J.1..I"
'ann marine, mm uie hi io is massivr
"er retain possession of the fam
Jackwnviile, Oct 1,13S.
uiJ 3olJ.
j".m11 be done on short noiire, so that p:u 3
.lies can return with their grist the sam.a I here a complete set or Mays of all
fclny. I am prepared to mil barley at al Jiurvryi-il Lands in this enunly. und r-
Slimi-s and in the best manner. This nro Te abstracts monihly from Hoteburr vt
iccss is lar ahead of the crusher
Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 1S3X
RWantodto 23cclif.3io.
kind mdulcent father, a faithful and
- aalfa8t friend. A man of strict in
.legrity, of kind and generous flijrf-!
Miicu, be wns honored by his fellow-l
m-n, and nnivsratiy loVeil and respeO
Thronch ttoe'
nekntrss hfc
!Snd beautiiul. The Bvbep lot has nbo
ijeeti enchifed with a t-tone copins and
t msguificinit family monument plac-
cl in powilioa. 1 ho material is Rut-
p-ira:roie oi a ncnt tliade: upon at
t juble sandstonp bswi tji a mastivej
W jdimr., j,imi with brother WoTk-3 !F,,rir-Z column, upon whiuli is an urnj0 ,1I(arn' i",
awr-.ttron it, nt-ar pnlilii-Mihool nmlstreciH li.rges in acc'-ulancs Willi the tlnct.
Cears, in thy nf IMrihnd, rents fur 35 peig Ri-ferv, by perniisiiou tn ,i Krvi--jtnoiilh.
tt'ill CKrhtrii: fur gO"k stoekg Man, Eq.. Bnuker; lo Una. r. It. WiV
'lr lutein Snutliern (ire-ron. fs-'-er, Jud- of thisjudleis! iliatrirt act to
J Iddicsa, C W
Our old friend CharVs Hnjhrscame
oer from Jrtephine oocnty and siietit!
rhurw'.v with us. Ha is now occu-
fepied in ove-pping aud impioving hijt'T'
IlBftf Wrtldo.
nan ami Odd Fell jwp, to rimi-ipr U-g'' """"J1 KesiSn. !llf draped. 1'llgp'our tine forks
of the dark feftin,,'estpr Rifles, (octagon baT'lJ 18 0-
.!-; a ,,r fcHand Saws 1 "
.';" n,.,r-gPiick Saws 'comnktedist'r.ca plate 1 W
His want, cimrnet and eootbc litni IiiB " '. " -.u-i-cl..o .c.j '"-"KWli.te U-.d,23 lb. keg
his Miff-sriiiir. and inmam 'heir nrav-a"'"in' "1 'uo u"15" 1K '""BMnwii Oil, per gal
One of the most tooclnns, niUxto t. . , ..' . , . . . ?r and tears with lite hp-irt-WkeiiSi """ R"'1 lvv wrought in tracery
tltul incidents of Odd FePoHhi, !''"..' IS ife and n.ither. BMi.Ued in n.f.ncv.fTThe eix graves markers are o
occured at tho funeral lat Tiiesdtv 1 Kb fci nn i.ors. nv ", tha.eh r-g marble u,,on a bae of pure
TEM m. v . . . - ! 1- I .. ... .. a I
Uro. Turner, wih "hou3 Bra. KrnugeS liie ladHs Aid Society nf Uentralffiiulion?. but -in his last sick-fr l,lc- lhe wo" exquuilo li'tle pit-cfg-Gun Powder, per lb
lid been for uiii tt-nrs amiociiitBd u.L,Fo;at ni'l givcaa rntertainfflent aji.tj-.e! be , bvi.lenced bis hope ?J'f "larbln wnrk marks Uia grave of Mr "Shot, per lb
the publication of" the. SextIVKL, arfVO!'!,rr t. that plfic on the evrninc r.f,f "imtnsrtalitv, and ai-ktsl his loyenWh,l'I's 'ittle daughter; it is a tint rtadi. per box
unable by roasoo of ill health to'fD.c. 10 b. Ths piooeds are to beMKw tn mpt him in Im.vp n, thus civJ-r'net' with marbla copmg. The fro,l,K,iar;'ridcs,p!-rbox".!
nieaent at thai funeral, but hi? il.e l,!.r-'..Jel to bfild church. Bn.-.ni.r.. 'k.i R.j m,.i.,i .v.H's a pai-oII with rustie lutterinc; acrcsitlp oo n.. ',w
of lbs chrtplam, he .nt the sp-ig of r w Powell K Raciinthil G Vv N-i," of hia infint ecnsejrr'atin, tlw'''" ,0,'e 's a 7rtn f "7 and immorgnorse Shoes, per lb..
To pTeh".n?pa liiiusptifit moras anil
nls lOOvlO'l leel wilb tipTing aud eis'on 'A
in new entries made, l am thus i
larcd to make out HocirMead and jr
-mptioi papers, and can thus save lo par.
iestl.e exneuse of a trip to Ittneburt
r,a- d Office
Several fine farms sro In my haadi tx
rorapt reply made to all letters.
iiAUUK'9. (I. It IN. Co. fny nusiiieas uouae m Jackiniivlllr.
I'ortland.Owgon ij Offlce at south east corner ('a Hcraii
Bind &lii street. Jacksouvil'p ilrecen.
aiLASj. DAY.
F-l F have raide ft r"iInrlioi In tin nnVn nf si
-iOix meat novr selling K
llShoulilers, C cents ner tiound h
h ide-ncat, 5 cents per "pound h
Farm Kit's
McnroRD, Oaroow.
L i-r ,m. " .r-i....v 4t..M
Kuooa Lara, tt cents per pound. firiuLt &, rLVSVlitLfc rrr.
c Ci a
.l.iS Tt la ..11 .n. 4A. 1 .1 I 3
1' ii muuujicu iui iucuiiuu nuu I7ar.fl
25 ftrantcd. JounOrth. S
1-ave trat',,,
n... adrei
UU U'.JC-l
over.:reen, to be dPfHj'ite-J in his iiamp,gtj0,rd p r. pi.-.,,, tr Kine SoroniiVd E-ernsl life. He
in the grave of his d.'parted brether.p,, F A,iLingj lhi0 Wolf, Mr. Weli-"'" "'fe ?"J. J-n an
a uw iin cnimeni aropieo upon m. jJiae u -n, ,Ie.i?urJ lu mund tban',n"'i tn ""' 'JI1' '"Other tho mwnon
casket of the unconcio-. sleeper, it con t,uuera'0f Frank Kraute ffl-f his liMong and dutiful affection, tc
nticraied anew the vows reeiHtered a'l
the altar of the Order, and touolie I thel
electric links of the great chain of 0Mf
Frtllowthip, and from the herts of thr!
muamoiea orotners and sistorR. arose!
tho silent prayer, that the All Seeing
iye, that never slumbers, would kppp
wotch over the absent brother in bu
sickness, soothe, and soften hispillon
by tha hand of Odd Fellowship, and!
bless and prosper our beloved Ordet
tbrougbout the world.
lin fripnil the nscllrflnpA tlint. lin viii'iarSa1
ThssT-Turner has returnsd fromSi.nn,.,! , fB,i man on,i , vj.Wi
f,Portiaud and has taken charea of theB8i,.i tua ,:....i : ii ,,.M
telegraph office at this place. Tom fcgthgt he has worn honorably and ac-L1
no of our best and brightest boyS1,pnt.i1it,. p n .n,l P i wa
and w0 ra glad ta welcome him backkrhere is a broken link in the LocWH
itelliiau Hbovo it is a dove in fl.t-ht. The;
pn is n rare combination of art and
'emus that cannot be excelled on thisS
oist. Thn wo'k has all been execut
d at thn marble works j)f J. C. "Whippfc
in Jackt-onville.
to his old home.
We learn that Mr. Frank Krause.i
editor and publisher ot the Jackson
ville Skntinf.l, died last Sunday mom
ing, alter a seere lllnofs ot scnit-E
time pint. Wo regret the death off
our worthy contemporary, and pxtnd
Rav. A. R. Bickenbncb, who ban incete sympathy to his bereaved fauii
urcii tor iwo Hnu one nan years pastot jly. Vreka Journal.
nt thn Prpislirliiridn alinrali in lltt. I
place, was forced to "ive up his pastor, i "kfonville people keep talking
nte hir re.nn f .'m,..;, l.awi.i. ..: "out the brunch railroad, but as yet
left with" his family this week' fot a!'. J?B nJ?.,kinS that . looks ,ik
Rnntbern fi.l.fnm;. ,l.rU v.. ;ii 'Jouiiitme it. llipy can well afford to
une nastoial charrre nf ehnrri, tl.nre ':,,oi!i tllB roR(i. f thfi moneyed men of
Mr. RiekHnh.pb n.I bia .f,m..,i ;f. r."10 I'1"00 wil1 on,y tear their due
lii endenr.,ltl.e,,,lul.0. .',?., nn.,, 3rllarn " nroportimi to their interesti
Miunity by their contentious Chris m lne tow Tld""?'-
tain labors in the church and Sabbaih i J. R. Littlp, rpprpsenting A. B
echool, and their social uitetcourse with Stmlmch & Co. cloihiers and hatters.
tha people, especially directing their "of Portlond, Oregon, if paying this sec m
efforts in behalf of the young people Jtion n bnrinpss sit. Jim is an-activeja
nd children of Jacksonville. The reliable business man and his cni-Sl
bUo wear, well and worthily, thn snow, plovers interests are safe in his hands
flake emblems nf the W. C. T. IT., hav- this many friends in Jacksonville gav
been charter members of the Jackson- ? him a cordial welcome homo.
villo Union. Their departure from
the State is sincerely regretted by ou
people, and they carry with thoni the
best wishes of the entiro community
X7e commend them to Christatn work
ers in their new home, nnd to the crand
white nbbou army of tho W. C. T. U
Ane ciotnes nno tmet is abroad in!
the land again. Saturday night the
clothes belonging to Mrs. Tyler on
tbe line at Xioug Jones residence were
artfully abstracted during the night,
nd luesday night Mrs. McCullv
lint was robbed, and Wednesday night,
P. Donegan's. As Judge Day wn'
going down town for medicine Satur
day night at 11 o'clock he picked uj
ou ariicm oi iniani apperai on llu
way, which Mrs. Tyler has identified hi
bers. It is to be hoped that thr) mis
creant will soon be detected and put un
derlnckand key, as the weather is dami
nnd foggy, it is almost iniposMhtp to dr
clntliSRwiihont allowing ihem toremiiin
out over tncht, and it u Romewhat
personal to wake up these cold morn-!
ings ann una your wardrobe reduced
to the fig leaf ityle. It is evidently a'
house holder, who is the guilty party,!
at all the clothes stolen are infants'
linen, and children's small clothes.
lerUm parties, are suspected.
in ivansas, wnce rroinmtion ha
Kqono into effect, it has been discovered
that whiskey is almost a sure euro for
bnndrpds of dispaes. Prescription
havp hpon prpspntpd to druggists
whiskey to be taken as a remedy for 150!
different diseases, nnd it nppears t
produce almost immediate relief for
the patient and ho always demand
jAi. Handles
Miner's Picks
jlland-saw Files. ..
Cnss cut Saw Files
'Door Locks
Cow srIs
..15 cts. to 1
The undersigned takes pleasure In .
nnuncingtiiat he has openc! lii u!ae. ,f
'-TT T 1?T! "r"' .? tHiO gbusiness in the new town cT lledSs'l, dr.
H.S-Ll&JjllL'b iiCJn.t'0".nndi, niy" Prel)arcd to furalih, la
Vpiaumicsiu sun,
FineCWefor t H&6CQ.U D32SWSS:.nS
TTST OTTT-TTTm.-NT 01,1(0111 7r:P9A"VT tailors
The undersigned has subdivided his fine farm adjacent to the town of Taletit.:iAC5tSOrJ,YELLE, CGN
3n the O. h C. R. R., and will bell
nzc.cp'srsi 2:Ef 33. r2D2 & -5305.":?
At public auction to the highest best on
.Mr. iiiguueid, being in Eearcn ot n
wi,p hied himself to tbo home of tin
widow Kelly, wooed and won the wid
:ow, and then wpnt back on her. Shtj
Uppealed from Cupids Court to the Cir
uit Court at Portland and a jury found
a verdict in her favor of SH.OOOj
against the fiskle nighfield and it wat
not a cent too much either.
room to be welded by tho maslerf
hand in Eternity, an accepted Work-H
man at rest at eventide, a vacant chair
n the fireside, a homo altar desolate,
tut around the bereaved wifo ami
mother, nnd hpjplps - orphans nri
'hrown the protecting links of Odd
hellnwsbip, tho strong wall of thi
Workman, cemented by the trippl
bends of personal friendship, an
waitthed over bv tho All Merciful One,
who has promised to never Iean o
orsako iheni, nnd into His Lovtns
hands wo commend them in their sorrow
nd berpavpuirtnt. Impresivp funer.il;
sarvices were con'lurted.st.tlie rpsidenc
by Rev. A. R. Bickcnbach. A large
concnurRo of relatives and friends.
brother Workinpn and Odd Felloiv
followed tho remains to their Ian
'resting place in tho Odd Follows cp
prv wnermue o-autuui burial servt-ev
if the Onler were conducted by spec-
pal request of the deceased bv Broth
er Day. At tho close of the service-
the new made grave was covered bv a'
exquisitely wrought floral tributes, a
?-K. J l. .!. 1 J 1 . I!
lasuniueu uy ins nanus OI I0V1CC
friends. May the spirit of the de
parted brother rest in peace.
In F. L t T.
We wid receive in about ten dav (
iv tre&li kuiiii v nf npw oaa.1i ;- J vecommoaauona uusurunsseu tor comiort ana siieiy. jiirni anu ireignirr.
from the Eastern market consisting' Snueh less than by any other route between all pointsin th Will amette Val-j
f Ladies Fine Dress Goods, Flanneb a e7 an S-111 Francisco. Only route via
Prints. Uosierv. Rubber Gondii il
Lidies, Gents and Misses Shoes. Well Vanninn Rntr fr Son Vrnnp.iSP.n '!
keep constantly in stock a complete H
i.Miiiiucii. ul uruuenru. jTroviaion",
Bealcrs in
Field Vtstlnblc and Flower Seeds
Imperial Egg Food,
CJardsn Tcols, Fertilisers,
123 2d St.,betweffa Salmon andTavlor.
j Portland, Ore grj
DRY 000D8, CLOTH lift, 1
My stock Is fresh and first-rises, aad I
l assortiueui oi every.
. at
FIIDAY, DEGEIBBE 10, 1886, AT 19. A.
The land to be solo comprises about 50 acrps of black loam, fren soil, lvinj
vest of the state road, adjoining Talent on the north. Jx is ull firet-cluss
'Vuit land; also good garden nnd grain land
TERMS OF SALE. Ons third cash: balance equal payments in one aur:
two yeara and bearing ten percent interest.
Title Porfoct. V "Warranty Deed Given.
G. F, PEN KEBAKER, Talent, 0
Past Tinie, Scro Gonsoction, Nw
t Pleasure in infi-n.i..n-flin nuhlt. l...i?
M.l.-1 .. ,- 1. - 1 "- Him
v.ut u;ivcuneneii -l ennn npTt rifwi.. a r '
jgt'oivln's siore, where they arc now display
Ring a larfa-e slock ol J
All I ask Is a trial.
E57"HIgkeit price paid for P-odace.
"Senlnol" 0!Dcc Por Knh
:ustomers on short notice without ex-XJ
tra charge. Inspection Is rcsnectfu'hti-
olicited from all interested purchasers flh
Thankins thn public for past patro-til
Inage and inviting a continuance of tb
ame, in the fa ore, wb remain
Respectfully. Reaiies & White
j r "r. s sr
Yaquma Kav to Nan Hrancisco.':
Ulna at 7:30 a M. O
The Oregon Development CompanpV
!onfectionery, Tobacco and Ctgais Hr'rt,L- rVr ' O":40 .SJ-y.r ?. .,,.? -
nv coeds not in Rtoe.V. ordered f. ''"r'" w r- tave v aquina at . Wu a . VS.. w....
llVVoir SitHcs (rrivia ftnuvt at rTnnllia
The graders nre pushing olong the'
twork this Mae of the summit, and. in
a COUPIp of week.! mnra nt lpacf tnJ
itrack will bo hid so as tn tiermit tbe?;
'riiniing of construction trains to1 r,neouracmg reports are received
.Butteville.. A year from now we nnvl'rnm ,fl -"PPel Baumtp qnartr
"exnect. to see trains msaim.'"1" " Jacimon crepR. fames wh
'hrnu?b onrcountv bplween Sn Frnn Sbavp hid their
?cis?n and Portlaud. and within a few""11 al'PBr """
years morp, we may anticipstp crO'-si,",,t onrt nv', c
irrmly whiph tha ..!i.n.j - flmore. All parties
fi- 1 ....... ...vj ai..,.,.!.., unaiiacin. i'.
.?,!,. ",, . . a a ..... .4. ..n.LnJ . . .. C 1 1 'Itt.'
(wiu uuim a teeders m Eeounng more llu""- wuou &ui Bn.ii.nea ana wiapD-
FROM taquixa:
Satnrday... ; .'.Not 27
Thursday Deo. 9) Thursday .
Tueesdav " 211Tup-dv,
Desiring to ensais In other i
the Mndersigned offers the
which tbev nre nrcnared.to mannrnpttml
"X"'".n; "HUB latest styles. Kfn. .ale at a bar-'aln Fot tbe -ataauit
ia onus m-uij lor $-0 and upwards pcquired no bolter investment rould l-t
liepairiflg aspecnlty. rrmind fora paylnTbusiiiesr For furibtr
liARsO& IIAGQLUND. gpa.ticulars cnlloa or addrtj,
cpt. 13.1SS3. R Framk Kralsk.
Wo wonld reapectfullv ask on r patruis nnd fritviAa to call nd a
?rilir Iinpi rf irnntlj l.prnrit tiiiri-lioniiit' aataoToliApn .a htm tnol tnrp. lav a
7E0M SAN FRANCISCO : f k -"- f, .. . .,
Saturday Dee4ecun
Sell As Low! F Not Lover
businss Yreka Journal.
continue getting out quartz.
' TT TlS.nij Jan 2 Sunday-. Jan. 9, '
quartz cruhpd at t",SFridy . ixF.idav " 21 ' "nn nuy urc-t-oaja goodi cau be sold for: and wo guarantee all -w
pleased with the re-? ". goods as rcpreaentod.
lommenced getting out? The Company reserves the right to chang. salting d.ya ? PPnvtrMTr Wli A NT, HIRnQTS-V
irt.es who have hadl FdtoB j Jj bti, $1L 'Bail and steerage, $9.83. For information ap- i CRONIlvMILLhR AND BIEDSBT.
- rnaS " W SP'J-to - ' a C- H0GUE. I Jackaonville, O.s.gon, 3hj 0, 1SSL
; out quartz. tl AetinsG.-F. & Pass. Agent. Corvallii Or.i