nr - & 1- f u -ItREOOB SBB'fiMEl feATrBTVAl Novmber 27, 188(5. sitKa So-called Civil Service- Perhaps there has pot been an inMiifice since the passu go f ti.e i called Civil Sevice Iiuv th:it so fully deinoinstratei the iimnuiit of liyjioeracj nnd dej.-ej't!in jiraci tied hjr the present atlmiiiistrai tiou, in thnir feeble efforts to can rr ontUfprovisions, as the recent remo 1 of two district attorney?, oa,from Misbouri and the other from Pennsylvania. They were beth removed by the Pieaidcnt upon the charge that they ve'ic making fpeechesfur their tiro parlies. TLeone from Teim ylvania is a l(e ubliian, and they both plead guilty of making apeechoa. They, however, dei nied that in so doing they Jicglco ted Jlieir official duties. The President, upon receiving a Htate. nieut from the Missouri Demo crat, setting forth the tacts us above Btated, immediately resin stated him. The Kejiublicnn, however, being left out iu the. cold. Does any one fur a moment believe that any explanation the Kepublican might give would ie instate him? Wo think not. Tho President ii compelled to act iu theso matters unbecoming the chief magistrate of a jj-eut nation, or disregaid tho hopes and exi pectatious of hid parly. No llu, K publican should ccinii!aiu it ie moved simply to make a place for a Democrat. Tho complaints made by tho Kepublican pre is that the department iu icrnovug ai) officer makes charges wholly false uud unsupported by evidence, iu order to accomplith the re moval without cause. This, ii. deed, is an example of the woi Ic ing of tho gieat ilugwuaip law. This new peliiical theology that will compel an office holder lo forget that he was a Kepublican or Democrat, but to assume a per fect know-nothing position on all political questions. Ho mustsur- reuder his manhood, take no in terest iu tho affairs of the nation, i.mMrtjj a" things keep mum. WMWftM. -l.ll.Al. ,. b.lillltj?-l the mouths of any man, it matters uot what position he may hold. In our judgmeut, a district attorney should havo the same right to make a stump speech as a Sena torKepresentative or Cabinet of s ficer. Every man in this great nation should have the same rights iu theso matters, without regard to hia position in life. Washington, JVov. 23. The ap.j peal for the reinstatement of Win. A. Stoue, who was suspended from the office of Uuited State attorney for the Western district of Pennsylvania, on account of "pernicious activity" in therecent elections, is modeled upon the published explanation of Mr Benton, who was suspended iu Missouri and afterward reinstated. Mr. Stonos letter was received by the attorney genoral on Friday and he immediately transmitted it to tho president, who has not yotacled uponit. Stono's friend bay that the president, to bo can sisteut, must reinstate him as lie did Benton, tho democratic dis trict attorney from Missouri. Domocrats say tho essential diff. erunco in Benton's error and Stono's offense is that the latter - niado a poiut of discrediting and "abusing tho administration whoso officer ho was. For this reason it is thought that Stono will uot be reinstated. The Missouri District attorney having made a statement aud was reinstated, the Republican, Mr. Stone of Pennsylvania made a like statement but failed. This evideutly was a splendid t-troke of policy on tho part of xhe President to get a Kepublican out and a Democrat in. This timo it was the other ox gored: garland'.- reply to stone. Deta :;i u est of Justice , Wasiu..o.. Nov. 24, "SSG. J Hon. AW. A. Stoue, Pittshnrc Pa. Sir: I am directed liy the president to say to you tliaf after consideration of your letter of the 18th inst. he will not ruvoke or change tho order heretofore miirlo, suspending yon as dictnu at ton Jiey for the vc-tcni district of Pennsylvania. Very reppetfnlly A. H. GARLAND. The RepublicauParty- Sew York, Soy. 23. The "ilu 1 and Express" says editor, ially: "The remarkable gither ing of Republicans leaders of this city, occasioue I by the death nd lu..eial of ex President Atithor.cp"1!' iHjncthc Tax-p-iyj-rs ,r-itl ,. , , , poudV furtlip nrpiKe of receivm.;. was provocation for a jfoo-i doal . V. - 1' of talk. Yesterday New York entertained scores of republican who havo won a reputa tion, including pome statesman whose names would be on the ba lots of a presidential convention it it were held to-day. Such names aa Blaine and Sherman, Edmunds and Gresham, Allison, Logan, Depew anil Evarts, JI.hv ley and others will occir lo any onCWho re.uUtho repoit of yes terday's funeral. The list is not exhaustive but sujiJiCftive. 'if the regular national conven. tion were to be held lo morrotv Blaine would be nominated by acclamation. The friends ol Biame are int pressing hisca'udi. dacy or antagonizing the friei-ds if Other poasiblo candidate. There is a dagrco of republican harmony and of supreme regard ifor the party abovo all le.i'lers that has never before exi-ted. II Blaine's figuro is so m ghty in republican politics it is largely becauce of tho magnificent sen vice ho has bee.n rendering as a private citizen, leading tho great campaigns iu Maine and I'enii-yli vania w-th su es because of his qiMlifR-ittinns for leadershi, ami not because lie had boon a c-auili date for the presideiu-y. The re publican party contains intelh. gence, and has the fairness to judge all the eff-rts ol its loatler- to strengthen and impiro the only party- which has a definite, com inon, charly understood form of principles that arc supported iu the same manner and by tho same arguments all over tho coin-try." Ex-President Author Dead NlwYokk, Nov. 13. Ex-President Chester A. Arthur d.ed li's Lome in this city at 5 o'clock this morning. The news of his sudileu death came as a great suprice. Notwithstanding the al arminir rumors us to hia, healtlL cluru.g tbe biimmer months, it was supinsed an impiovemeir in his condition was noted during ids stay iu Loudon, Conn., am! the apparent confidence expresned by Mends who remained clo-'e tu him created the impre-sion that his health bad been radically im jproved, giving him prumibe of i icnowed lea-sc of life. Hid di ease was one effecting his kidnejt and those near him had no in h s recovery; but his sudde demibe was not spoken of. If began to sink Abort ly after mid night, uud at 8 o'clock ii wa. kiio'.vn that death was approach uii. He passed away without up parent pain. uuiumn vCIjnngc hi iUanagcmciit OF Taazs U, S. HOTKL, Cor. 3d and California ta., Jacksonvill - - Ogn, Having taken clnrr )f th .ml'l tlir nnrtiTsisnMl take pl--nure in ainorneiii" to llie public that a complete change" mil be made. Tr3a.o 'Ja.lto will be supplied with "vciything thr market ffdi-Js, and a general renovation ol the fvxxcl XTtoozsia "will bo made. The patrouhKoof the pub lic U&aUdted. JDElJauocsi. G0. SIEVES, WAGON MAECUK. Jacksonvill, At llie olu stand of S. P tlnnna. in Crone- uiiller's buildni!;, kiepsou hand a full line of Wagon Material. And i pi and to do all w-nrk in hit line on sii I nonce and id h won.m.uiliKe wan cr. Vehicles of every des cription made to orJcr. Jietxiirinff A Specialty. Term" reasonable and sanisfar.uinn guann te d. Geo. Bi eves 01TY BABBER SHOP Cauforkia St., Jack6BVi,,e Ore;oB, The unJcrsttrned is fully prepared to do all work in bis line in tbebes' "uauaeraud at rea.omb'e prices. ItfOO-JfcOiEj TAX PAYERS ! ! rpin: JERSIGED,'SHF1FF, OF Jaruion Oiii: tr Ori-ciM. or ln Tj-scs for SGSG, O.i Hi- following tlivs. in lliri: respective pr. rinrts. at their itsu-il p!:ic s ofviirins. and will rem tin in each prrcincl Inim 9 o'clock a. m. until 4 1-. ii. e.ich il.iv, nw uil: V - " . -" (.'liiainey.Rock ,. VAs Buns I.illla Bdtte Flounce Kock. ... Trail Creek .Ve-idows .... . Table Hook 1'le.ttant Creik. . . Nov lUh. .. "" 12ih. .. " ISih ..'" l."th, . " l(i!h ., " 17i b, '., '- 18ih .. " lOtli .. " Siiih. 1. " 2-:t ... ' S3!. .. " 2lih. .. " 2-Vh. ... " 2'ltli. .. " 2Tlli .. ' 29tli . Dee. I ; 2d 31 .. " -till ." Cth Woodvillc Rv-k Point Foots Creek Willow Sprin;;-. Sterlinsville".. Unioiitown .IppVcate S i5iml)ont . . . . Vnnzuiiti ...! .Vdl'ord Eden...., sli'aml Ja ksontiile.... v,- stir-nst iini-.lirtirmiif't be paid r& Tax.Paycrs wi 1 p!?i' pay tliels at ilif nl"ne f-t-ttui times, 'the law in tp- caidto their collection n ill be strictly rnforccd. B. U. D.'in 51ien(T an Tax-Collcctor of Jackson County. Ctsrsraons. In io CircnilCirt c.f the State o! Ore- ,-n, lor llie county or Jarkson. jnsrpliint! Fonl PlainlifT, vx, Wilbcr Foid, Defendant, suit in equity for a Divorce. To ilber Ford, tlic above TV THE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF l-On-iro-i.Ton are Lerehv rtfmr d to a-. per and answer the em plaint of llie abive Pl.iinlilT. filid asntu-t jou in tin ibuvc cntilktl '.n't, in which" Jo"liini F ml is PlamlllTiind Willn-r Fori is I) -f, n or before the first day of t u net term of said Circuit Com", to wt: llie second Jlond.iy of January, A. I). 1857. And if jou fail to nppeir am mwer, Jtf.iull tv ill lie tiketi ayuni o i md fot want ofanwc-r1 the Plaintiff i' tpply to Kiiil i-ourt for the ri-lii-l prr e for in slid (nmpl-sint. whi;h ?a lor a d u-e of fcaiu court d"ssn!vin:; the m irriasr fract heretofore and now rxistia ' tu tw;n T"u anll l,le Plain tiff; and fo jr- aul eu-ody of U ilber Ford, Ir Sarah Foul, and Me.:mdl.r Fonl. Ih uinor children, -nd issue of sml ma ria-c- relation, and a judgment ij:ain-t u fi.r ibe costs ai.d disburt-cmju's i he suit. 'v order of 1. R. v. cwir. t"in-ji U raad at cl .m i r oj the 17th dd . iit,.I. D. i80 H.Eelley, A"v fn PUT Surface Indications What a piner would vcrr properly tenu "f-urfuco Imlk-Htiaus" of v bat is btiieatli, tire Iho l'lmples, Sties, Soro lZycs, llolls, and Cutnueous lrnption3iitli wliirh iopIo are annorcd in ipriii- tad r.irl kiunmcr. Tho cifeto nutter accuran- - latril during Iho vdatcr nionllis, now nnkrsiis prcseiu-e felt, throu-'li Kature's i ii.lrnx ors to c.v;)el it from the svtcm. - -a-uj t - S 'q uts j mw. It ., . , Intlie lilondiiiidmaydavclop iulo Scrof ula. 1 his riinduinn cui-s ilrrancment t the Mizr-:i.o ai-U as"stici!a'ory orpm.. lifi a fn-linof cii"rration. languor. and i-nriiii-x -often li.'hflyi.ioken of as "only Hrlii fewr." These aro oiKknccs that Naiurp Is not able, unaidfd. to throw olf 1 1-1 nrnint atoms whk h vt eaken tho ital tun ". To repiia lie-.ilih. I atu e niu ba iMisl kii llioroiijlt b!iK)d-:)urif I"X nied kiue, rad Loiliiu i o Lj bj ijctivcu Iyer's Sarsaparilla, lili-h Is nifai-Ien'ty powerful to expel f i um t Ih m tem e en Las Uint of Ileretl ltiiry Srrofnla. '1 he uitsliiid profession tndoro A"VEli9 SAiisti'i:il.Lt,aml attestations of il ires c fTc-vledby Itcuuio iron a'l parts cf tin- wor'd. It is, in tho 1 ircnupo of Hie Itnn. Kranrh Jewctt, ex-Stale Sen ator tif Jl.-issaclmsctts and ex-Mayor of Ij.uiII, '-tha onlv ircparatioa lliit docs rcai, loacuy sood." i raCTARED ET Dr. J. C. Aysr & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; .y bb;botUesfor$5. rkV r .Jlr5 A-G STfifi -jLm i. f ss & a : csKi a t.s y ' -jar -"';."!" tz. v.f-i -.. :-&& vn5JssJWit5sa r-z5iy& &.; r-Z-SZ.'2 - --, e-nf ts-j ?tr 2,rJ is?x-?i i -,. rtrss TThea Bbj- ilck, sr pTe ber Ostorti, VThen 'ut, triu a Can J. tin cnej fort-aUri, Pfjafiiiie became iltst, h don; to Caitori, am uie had (Tkldrea, aiie gars them Cu tana. r& w Th Parent at Iciomnla. Tti parent of ineozoala or vrakef olnect tm la Bu catri oat of n a driptptlo ttonuch. Good digestion lTte oundtlcep.indijtitloo inttrfcm -with it. The brain aad ttenucb. ympatliue. OoeofthepronuneulBTmplooia era veak state f the giitric orsaaa u a di, torbance or the grrai nrrr tutrrpot, th brain. Invigortte the et nuch, and jou rt-slonreqDilibriumlothep-nlccntrr. Amost reliable nudlcine for the purpose is llosiet ters atotoacb Jiutfrx.-which u hrprtrrrabla to mineral sedatlTrs and poverfbl narcotics, which, though they may or a time exert a soporific insuenc upon the brain, soon eeas w ci, um laTanamy-injureuie ion oi ma stomach. The Biuers, on the contrarr, r-. (tore activity to tbe operations or that alt important orfaa, and their beneficent iufia ence tsreflecieU in sound sleep and a tranquil ! state or the nervous sj stem. A irholesom impetns Is likewise gitrn lo the aeiiou of Um v, uvr aod-bKWtls by u u. .UV, . zzz:.i2?T rrsy . i f-z lOOlJT FOB Til 'BIHplillLL! c ex nr - tiin 'Sintractt NEW YAF LVI. DEC. 315 T TnE 'ST- S. 2L33LSJS Juicb'kvii.t.B.on. rommittriof .vrrangi rnent' : Fred Luy, Jilph I Hit, IVm DcncC. Flir.lar.astr!f: Fr.iak KaAiiiiA'nsl Ltiy, W'm Denef. Idam Schroi t, rl'p Luy, AiJ Tiekets,up'vrli"IiiCil. 81. 2S for each noTsin. t'hildirnpiier 12 years of ar, fl't cents. U i 1o jriit pnz-sv'It b- given f.r the Iwolest si:st.tiutdrlianirter.s, al-o two p.-ind prrjs rr ihewn rirlirst ruslumcs G-nernl inritntion rx endtd to all! Tlirrj will be aWraad misnin-rade parade on the principl bircrts al 3 o'clock v. si. sharp Oregon StatatTniversity, Lujtcne qtr. SE&S503 ISSS-188T. First teiin hriins Sere-nltcr 13. ISSG s'C-ure fie M-hot.-irship'l by applying tn i-inir' niintrhitrx-nntcn ent. Iloi d and lml-rini' pl week $0. to r If 1TIOV. rKBrEMl T-:!.-iii"ntar-Enisli Dcmrtmcnt, 1filVi "her Deputinniis 7 4f)0" Willi- jwistillbr e-itfln-Tiie vr'lli full -iriicu I Pkof. louv Srim-B, ! Stc'y Faculty Ei'-jone (-,;r ireron. otice, VOTirE '.p HSKF.By (J1VEN TH VI ih- hu-tn'-s4 cirtirsl on urd-r th !nn n-'t- Mi-ns Hr ' tit's dsv 'i-rn d;scntinu(' E. It lie m-s will Irswin I'-er-f'tn - AH oulljiiilin" 'cb'a it ie the iitfinn J'tST pk pud r--cu'ed iinm"i'iaty All n't-" nd - ourts ol die firn cm e Pum-I st thr ld stttil. J Hkam:j Bko's Ktft 2nd. IPS Tlie tms'nrss heitaf-T "ri'l ho "nn.ltir umlf-r I'"- Pirr ptm of 'V.nii" Vhl'e w) o wi'llpn-mt Ih-ir-biisi'i' f)n:iao.hiisi,t.s:rrl will suinlyt'ie ii lor-'Mi mil. to st ek r v'" riH d iljfif w'ltch wlj.1 be 'M at. price? hl,i-sn-v STsc.wfc.1 -if u inn i KdSoJsryours" ves. l ii..,,. T. v-v lh L-IA i N H n I rf.r5T, tlT. r a. vrt ! mji' a: lay: 3i.!3 it C 'l' 40 ,t 1 I rt r - Ia-iS i I Lan,.-- v t - U -rir f aii a i ')g S.i fi.f i.l- .. I .f Ks urn r o -i t b-o k i i- . i i h -. -a nr h T i-n o-id .. ' s I V tti U .-!, ' fc r T5. . ' ' rati it t. 1 1: 12 ' 1 DAVID LINK, GENERAL UNDERTAKER AND r5AIj:B IS pOFFJXS FURNISHED ON THI s bhortit nolicc and i hcaper than at am ther ci-tablishmcnt in Soullievn Oregon. " Furniture ol all kinds kipl on hand ot made toonfer F.-B1TS0HABD. . PRACTICAL. WatCHUAKER AI Jt5 BLKR, t'!ifornii Sr-et, J AKES a specially ol t lnnins and re--L pairing watches and clocks. 3Ij v?is are reasonable. Give me a call !i week in your own town. Terms 5UU nnd $3 ocitit Iree. Addiebs II HAi.iiT, & o., " Maine. Wv-'Li.o-: Sha V t - Ion Ml for Infants and Children. uCstortaljBotrentIaTitedtoc!iil3re3liiit 1 Caatcrta iui"i CoHa. OoBrttrafTon. IrecoauacaJltaacuDenortoaarDnscnittLaii kaovstoi ILA-As .JLD, IU Ea. ttcSorf 6t, Etacarn, S. T. TO OFFSBT The Bull Times REW31AS F1J.UEB lias marked his goods down tu Hard Times Prices He will sell you MORE G0S3S fo' LfS-S MONEY lb in C7er Urore so!J iu Jacksonville. His st-.rk is AS. GOOD AS TH gST, And his prise? w II ASTONISH YOU It is needless to enum-rate t'io articles he has to sell, as he keeps everything to be found iu a lust-class u'ni'crjil .merchandise Store ! Vhea in town pive him a call aud he nil! show yoUGi-ds al prices that will KKOGK THi HASD T1ME5, Idea clean out our head. His slock Is v-uied and complelr, joucin hiirdiy ask tor anything he has not got. Iteniemlicr tlie p'ace coroner ef Cali fornia and Oregon streets Highest Market Pries PAID foi: FARM PHOSTTOE! Cill and see if this advrrlisementfi is uot as true as jrtiiel. NF.V.'MAX FI II Eft. ISotice ol' Final t'ettluiiiciit. In the County Couit of ilie tale ol Ore gon li-r ..aekuon ' oumy. In the culler o( m Hotl'man de xyoTK n is HEKhr.y riven th t IN the Extculor o'ftr.e estale of Wti. Uoffm-ui il e isid.h .3ied in the county i ourt of Jb kson i ount irtgon. his final ti-iount assi:cb Exi cctor. i.n.l by order if snl cnuit IuotIii, ll.e 2i1 day of Ni vemhi-r, U'fB. i-.t Ihv'hourof lOo'clock, A i.. is set f'ir lirarts. Ail pttsons intcrfstnl air brrt'tv i.oufial to a pca "unl 11 e htsir ht-r olj-cticns ta s.aid ac ronat on or Iv-fore si:d dav. I'ubli-h-Mhy 7nWn( Hon. E DetV tt, Iu i!!iut iiilc'uit (' .Bnkmin. I)aieilUetnber9tli, ladG. Notice of Filial Settlement In The (Vtinty ( ourl of the State of Ore tro i t.ii .1 irksoii Count In the uiilltrof P.iliieU JlciCivanaugh tt-ci a. cd. VOTIOF. IS HEUKUY f.IVFN THAT 1! tin- Ailmiiiblritiir'ni thiistatejif l hi rick McKavin vjb ibcincil. hasfl p ii, th ' otmly -ourt J.toi if ty tr T n. hitrfnnta i-our.trs M-ih aJtutnUtm tor, and l.y t.nlT 1 -aid col rt I urwtaj, 'lie 2d diij. m Xovtralur, IbfcC, i.t t tie hour of 1ft i-'.-hx-k. i. t . i.s set fm Jnarini. All p'rs-nsinlertstiil nre ere- ' v notiiii-t m sippe-tr ana hie Ms or het sbjM-liini to ta:d account ca or belon ""! day. Jii'.!Cil I7 cnlt-rerilcn K. IVIVaU. J"djevrsiii court. J. G Eirdscj. I)..tca,.p;eU3Ler 1 Hi, WiC. Assignee's Notice. Tlic uadcn-iiriictjTinj: been appointn! Assignee of the estate r.I. a Whipp. Assignor, ander and md in pursuance ol an act ot the Letlativt, sst mbly of the State of On-con. entil'eil "Jn act to t ur 'rrditirs a just iliviiinn of ule estates ol Oebtors who convey to for tlie Ix-netit o1" creditors," approvtd Iclober 18, ISTtf, and the amendments ihcivto ap. proen Fibril try 2j. 18S5. hereby sivu nolire tu -ll those "win the et;tte thsi in linmidiMe settleimnt is wauled, hml llir-se li-iviip rl-ilms villi prrs-nt Ihtm a! once accompanied with the ueicisarj vourtu-rs My i Hire is in Jaiksontille. Orejon, wncrc- all bcltcmuitb ran lie- m.iitc . II. M EG l.y. Atsigne&of J . C. AVhijip. SH! LOU'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive eurn fur Cat.irrli, Dijditlieriu Hurt Csnker .Muuth. Brooks can fur tlSr.ll It. For lamo Bak, Siilf or Oliest u Stiiloli's. Porous Plter. Priie 2.i enti For sale at E C B'olcs. KHII.OU'S VITALIZER i V"u ticeil for Cinsti)atiun, Los of Ap letii-, Dizziness ami all svtup'i t-.ii of Dyspepsia. Price 10 anil 7i cents j pottl-. For sale t K C. Brook.' ARE YOU .MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, DSzziiifss, Los of Apue ite, Ynllow Skint Shi oli'x Vilalizpr is a positive cure. For sale bv E. C. Breoks. FOR DIPEPSIAanJ liver w-m-luitit, ou have printer guaranter on every lttl ot otulohit vitaltzer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps it. THE KEY. GEO. H. THAYER of Bourbon, Intl., ?3yn: "Both mr t,f! and wifp owe our Hvps to SHIL I.OHS CONSUMPTION CURE" ri'l.k'H keeps it. ss I Bonr Etoaacc, lttarrhcoa, EnicteUnn. I Kills 7crics. eivca sleeps Sjtfd tuiuoCbb I ctioo. I vnmeui lajariso mHlmiten. TE3 Crrcxra Ccrrxsr, IS FuSca Street. H.T. .jigaySJPJUIM.11! MJSfllTT IS SELI-I2G Bvs Scl.ool Suiu, 5 f 11 teurs at Buy Scli(.f; S ins 11 u 17. Vu h -suit", B-'t 3S to 37 liielms ....... . . M-i.' llexyy uu bur llutlun Catnav Suits, Hjin-G"-ds.. Tiese gcodi wero bougLt in the East and GOLSEN C SUGAR 5& EARR'LS AT SIX CENTS-AT Kerritt's- Cast- Store. Mea's Bailding, - - - - - - Jsckscnvillc, Cg, f?5 5? ZW ila lis Mail ALL PRICES ' r i " - s SS.ts asoiiafelo 7"e kaep in stock all lintlsol Shell Hardware-, Store and Tin wire. Oil ad UwsF Wagons Harrows ! amps Bt'll.s lif. Iron. Paint nnet other BrussVs. Tarrv 'nmb.s Tucks. Wimlinv "l.if.s. Coal oil. Miugcs Bhickiigs Pail 'ticks'. Loor locks. P vrder a-il Knives and ti irks. Crass cut saw.". Hniid s-uws Plane Nulls! Traps. (riml stnncs. IJ.Us, other goods too ntmiennij liL-reiu to mention. Largest Stock of hardware and Fan Implemeiits in Call or -write for prices A. GENUINE CLOSING SALE. Owins lo ill hralth and recent Qua ei eil to retire lermaneuliy fiom the mercantile entire stoclc or fem3le Me2efatmM&ei At the Old J& &e& Fpsasseisc C4ia 'The Store ami OFFERED Ashland, Or., June 26. 1SS5. JAMES DRUM, DEALER IN eeaIe mm CJI4Mk ISAT AKW BOOTS, Tobacco, CigarSj California stnel, between CALL AND SEE MY Fresh New Stock PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farm9 Mill KUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HOlXJK'S DOUBLE DRAPER FlmiM. LaBELLEWACONS, WALTER A WOOD'S MOW ERS. McSMEItRY DRfLLANO LEEUERS, REAPERS TWINE BINDERS BUFORD'S AN A SULKY PLOWS, COATES SULKY KAKK8 BUKORDS KIDINT; AND fJEAR, SCOTT A CO.'rf rtijin- k WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER A CO Saw Mill Machm-rT, RAW DALL W HEEL HARROWS. CARRIAGES. SPRING WAG0N8. TIIE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUpKBOARD WAGOlfS, HARROWS, Etc, Etc, Etc. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery; Write for catalogue. Address either FRANK BROMUP-L-Co. PoriUiiJ, Or. P. W. PORTER, Agent, 0gu Cit, Or. - - ' i .............. ,v 2 00 .i-...-- 8 00 $10 00Utl2 CO .-: 23 CO Ciaint tetxcrlled in, quality ud piU. i and Cult.vators, Miot, FueS, Cats "nnd rapcrl Aiii'srs, VaMe chain, aud maiiv Southern Oregon. H. If khlt & Co., Jacksonville, Oregon. il difiicult'e, the uailiiis;nd his ca d- bU3ints3,aJiil therrf-f for sic kil Ashland Store, Fix'ures w-ill be FOR RE"N"T. 4 j a. McCajaA 9 j w r 9 Candies, Etc , Etc. Oregon ami Third, Jacksonville. and New Pricey Macblnery