Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 27, 1886, Image 1

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    - iV-ftef""- w
-.' -f " . j .-rg.'- ts? - "-- w -'i?- TIP ap VKHHHHH
JSCK'O.S VlUfcta.
Jdr'eriis. mints 'will be tnaerled JB th
Jacksonville, Oregon,
T " M S
?Emisi.i.al the following ru,- '
Ten uii,iineicj.riia.. ... J W
' each anas quent insertion SH "
Lejral auvcithcmen'.s lDatwd ra.
Jolruork or all kinds done- jn proKvut.
notice nnd in workuiaclikc style. g
ejaUaatr. Pf Tr.l toim...,Vi
A Jlicuni lrl) auviurs-
$3 PE3I 'EAR
tfOL. XX f--:. 0-47
-- - - - -.. - -i ft A i i i i Fi ii iiim ii ii inwi i iisaffi iiiifi iiiiiiimi niiitii ii ii ' linniX"1Wi
iQ' Mt nrV "ft 2? 4 TW H rft 1
ur r r, a in i i asis ss? v. s I i is i n r. I .
&r w y && jsr- $ 3ii"ig2K " k" -"y w v
e" .e3r' t .
. . . .. I mmzzzzimmizzzziizminzz3T
T. K. YOUNG, M. D.,
Myitam AhA Surgaaa,
V1Is jronptly tttenifH 1 t til heura.
Ei.otriKr okkuos.
t! UcatrH l thtt p1c I k
Xhara f the patmanje or Ibis lection.
-CJUUcudtd lo aacj lime.
Will praclljBJn '.l th 'onrts.olthe
8lu. OIBco with Dutrict Altornrj,
t!nrt Ilouse,
MKoroRD, Oklcon.
A;t kinM in ay Ho will receive
rnpl lUenliuu.
Jacktvnvillr, ORn
Will practice in all the Courts or the
iue Office in Court ll,.-.
jACKtaKTILlB Olll.a3H.
Will raclice n all th- CWurl orthis Stale.
OS U the . ourt UnUhC.
TlratorUniTeritT, Lclpiig, Gcrmauy,
Physician And Surgeon.
OJI atti-adrd to t a" 2.0r ilay and
BiXht. Office uppoiicSlovcr llo el. Juck
inTilU. Orrcm.
- '
r. r. Jc-Btr,
JSjIodforea., Or.
Oleei For the present iU be a
J. W. ttU3I5b0B, M. D
rarsioiAN xxrt suugeos
OTFtOR-AV City Drny Store. KcsJ.
' 4taea a Kuurlh St., opposite 11. E.
Cbarch. , ...
OalU yr-aally altca Jed o. lay nnd nickt.
i 1I0R81Y-4T-LAW,
AH lies placed in my hindi wJH re
eeiri n apt atlcatlon. rSpecial attcn
tian ftren to collections.
KaUrv Pblle, Real EtUte A.ent and
Collet (V
-jadCweUTar'cS., O
I MakaavaTryanciosand furnishing ab
ilrieu f laad tlllen a specialty. Loans
t C tited and co lections made. All
inM ialrusJ-d lo my care will receive
proatjit ant careiul attention.
T 1 JT T 1 8 T, .
Teeth extracted nt all honrs.
Lu;hing fas administered,
lir desired Tor which extra
htrr; will tande. Oillce ou corner or
atirtrnU and SlU ctrces.
4. . aiail.
L. B.
Boiatt aid atrawbridec's Bnildint,
Will practice in U courts or record in the
Stale r Oregon and Washir.ton Terri
tory: and pny pnrtlcnlar attention to
basinets in Federal courts
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing b
twera Samnrl DeRotriuim and C. K
Bttum'e, under the flnn,name nl DcRo
Voarn tO., has been this dav mutually
HualTed the said Samuel DeltuNim
ntinuinp the business in his own name.
n& psyinj; all Ihc debts or the said firm
f I'eRnbosm & ' o. when due anda'l
tk debvs inc to said firm on to to this
fWWi xn dua and payable to C K. Beaumle.
Jacksonville, July UUi, loS.
t. ucnoso ivt
Oregon ACaHfornaR. R.
Tare rrom rsrtland I Mi Frandaco 832;
Karraurnto 8)39.
Close connections made at Ashland
with btages or the California Orrgon
and Idaho SUro company.
East Side Division.
Between fortUnd & Ashland
Portland. .7:30 A. v.!Mc4rorl M
Um r.inl ttj'i-Vl uJ1Allanct ..a.lJii.T
Aehliind.Owirr.M.lMciiroid.. 10:10 r m
Medford. 10-11 r. M 'Poitland..-.!-! r. M.
Albany txprri Train.
Portland. . ..4:00 r nLcbinon...9:2f) p M
Ibanon....4:45 A ulPortland. .10.05 ah
L'tillniHtt 1'ulace Sleeping Carj
Daily Ix-tweca Portland and Ashland.
The O. fc C. It. It. Ferry makes con
nection with all the rcguiar-train on the
East Side Di.-. iroru Tout t t St.
West Side Division.
Between Portland & Corvallis.
31all Train.
Portland 7:30AManallis...l2:2."rM
ClirralIis....l:uOA MiPoitlnnd... 0:15 I'M
At 'oivallla connect with trtin orOre
ron Pacihc 11. It lor Yaqniun hay.
KIrr Train.
IKKVK. I AltlllVK.
Portland. ...4:.!0 rai MrMmnvilii-8 00pm
McMinnvilk-5:45 am! Portland... 0:00 a m
Ih'jiI tickets lor sale and InsRajre
ch-ck'd at company's up town oihec, cor
net Pine and Second ktrccls. Tickets for
piincipM points In allfornfi enn only he
iirocmitl and baggage checked at com
1 land's office,
Carnrr V and I'rnnt t rartlanil. Orecon,
Freight will not be received for ship,
inert idler five o'clock pm on cither the
East or West Side Diwtions.
R. Koi'ni.KK. E- P. Ron ens,
Manager. G. F. & Puss. Airt
WHY WILL YOU conuh Iiru
SliilnliV corp wii; gfi tnni'fliat er- ,
lipf. frio; dUcu. and Si UO. lirookh
kw v it.
bHILOH'S COUGH anJ 0..nsuru
tion Ouie is old hy us on a siurnntt-e.
It cure coiinUiiiutlon. iruuks ecu i
furutrh it.
Adminislra'or's salts of lteal
1 b sn order of rvsslrofthe county com I
laiks'n cuity, Orepm. dulv untie and
entertnl f record, on the Sr ni Niiv. 18hfi,
IS''!, t-rra or said court, the undersigned,
an the arlmihietrstor cr the tftntc of Win
Hiim-r, dotras.l, Was an'hnnyd nnd
i-nitimandet to fell ii tollowlnsdcscril)
ctl km properly, hi-ioui;ing to SAitl eitali.
and ly in- and being in Jackbnn county,
Oircon, tn-witt
1 he W i' of the 2 E and N W i,' of
S E if and lots Xo 1, 2 and H r.l in t.ee-
tion 20 in Township 37 S, orran-.'e 1 west,
in JackMin counly, Orecon, and contain
ing a Traction less than 100 acres.
jlnd in puruanee or Mid oHcr I will on
Malartiay. bee 4. ISMS,
between the hours of 10 a. v and 2 p. M or
aid day. at the ourt Ilouse door in Jack
sonville, lack son county. Oregon, tell th
:ihoc d b ribed real jiropcr'y to the hih
cit ' iddcr.
Tertm .if Sale S.tid property nid be
s id loi gold coin as follows- Ten per
cent rr the purchase price on the
day i Tsale, the balance on confirmation of
sale by the county court.
B C. G'inrtnD,
Administrator estate of Win lirlncr,
"' at the Oetnhpr Kii.fiinn mnrtp tlm
lollowingurdir: "Tliat the Clerk oftlie
ounty Court he nnd Nhcrrhvdircded lo
nntirr'the owners nf the hrideca rcro
Rogue riviT, near Hock Point and Gold
Ilill to picfcct.t to this Court at its next
rrrnlnr term, to-wit , th Novembf" term.
1886, ropoHtttons in wntintr lor tlie sale
to the county of tl.nr said bridges, re
spectively." Thercroie notice is herebr given to nil
pnities inter,sted to net in accotdance
with aid order and submit snch written
pfOiositions for the Rale of say hridtres.
respectivelv, to the count v. bv Wednesday
Novcntlier 3, 18RG, at 12 o'clock, noon, o'r
said day.
W. II. PARKER, Clerk.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tlie (Aiunly Court of the Stale of Ore
gon "for Jackson ounty.
In the matter of Win. Hoffman de.
the Executor or tl.c eeUle or Win.
Hoffman deceased, has fiied in the county
court of lackwin county Oregon, his final
account as snch Executor, and by order
r said couit Tuesday, the Sd dav ol
November, 18S6, at the'hour or 10 o'clock,
A. M., is set Tor hearrrrs. All persons
interested are hereby notified to appear
and tl'e his or her objections to said ac
count on or before said day.
raulwliMl by ortferol Hon. E. IJel'eatt,
Judge of aid "court. O. CBeckman.
Dated October pth, 183G.
Town rcpsrty For Sale!
dceaicd, offer for sale Iheirnropcrty
situation w'thin th corporation orJack
tonvll e, havinir lelt lh disposal or the
same In the hands orihe undersigned.
.1 parties in possession or any nt the
pr-pertT owned by James Cugaee at
the lime ol his death are notified to ci'l
ntt'n-end make nrrantrr mints frpiy.
mrn of rents c,tc if they desire to Ion
cerrtlain possesiion oftbe same.
JarksonviJe. OcL 1, 18(6.
mjimi UjlUOliiUyii
For all Diseases of the
" Liver, Edaeys, Stenaeh and Spleen.
Tim purely Testable pre
station, now so celebrated as a
r araily Medicine, originated ta
the South in 1838. It acts
Sently on the Bowels and
Jdneyn and corrects the
action of the Lirer,and is.lhere
fore, the beat preparatory
medicine, whatever the sick
nes may prove to be In all
common diseases it will, un
audited by any other medt
cine, effect pexly cnrei.
The Ttecrulator is safe to administer
conditwn f thajaHarm.and tinder no clrcu
aTrnaVarcan it tio iiarm. It will invigorate
tike a class of wine, but is no intoxicating bever
age to lead to intemperance; will promote dl
aipatlon, diftsipate headache, and gener
ally tone up the syatem. The dose u small,
not unpleaaant, and its virtues undoubted.
No losa of time, no Inter
ruption or Ktoppage of
bualneas while tajun the
Children complaining of
Colic, Headache, or btck
Stomach, a teaspoonfiil or
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by pa
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
t have been practicing medicine for twenty years,
and have never been able to put up a vegetable
compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu
lator, promptly and effectively move the LWtr to
action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak
eningl the digestive and assimilative powers of the
system. L.M Hinion, M. D .Washington, Ark.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
mm away
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Fpccial Deposit Is to guarantee the
pay to en t of the 25 premiums fully describe
Id our former nnnoun cements.
The premium vi.i be paid, no matter how
oznoll the uumber of bag returned may be.
P.A.WUXT.E-.J. '
CiMier Sink nf IV&an, Patrfttn, S C.
DkahSib Me 1tciic mn IllKuaL which
&fe Dlaoe mi Rnncrtl Dpno&t to rT rremiiim
for our i mptr tobacco bain to Im returned Dec
UUL Yuintnity. J S CRR. ITei.
tOrBr tut h Rnk of Dnrhttm.
ihr&ant, .V, C, Aay 10, lbSt.
1 n PiTtR Pro ..
- - . ...
DrAR Rts-
-I havfl to acknoloitre -ceipt of
iranrre ii ffrA4m ir-onrco i
fll.Tjino ftH-ti voiu which ve ha placed aiioa
Special DetioFil lor the objert you state
" 'lOBBtrelr. P.A.WlLEV.Caahier.
Koxxe genuine without picture of BULL on tho
r7"See our othvr acnouaoexseata.
n iey IvanorOld,
aTir- ljurt tuoj
a tributes of
pcntrpT uiuunnn
May Regain Quickly
ujfc p.'nnyj ;cT
p-iSsxual Power
(&fztf h::wm annr,
n.f.JeHnrnM& llVTlIECSnOF
The Civialo Kemedies.
Tljf riireovt-iy tiai-o of VI i;j.l I MI I .
AlOi::...aT , Ai,JOi l.I.i; nnd ertry
foitaof h-itiiul.us aird Htakiieits lietlier dun
to Yc tit UTul t lly. A uw, or Nnttirt Fwtln c.
Tlil tr lm litfiiKitiaUtJ by lOt CI VI MA .
r tit',. (rtlncTiry UO I'll ItnriAC aid
riKiunUi'U'rtly t mlorsiti I y theHHral l-i-ofts p.
cuJ Mttoreall I.Vil .1. IN 11 1. 1 M I Ti.
VUn lU MuLf in 1-o.upwi.tii.inpft, vo
i Ixfrnl fr-e (onnTirnc-1 Ijqi itrr carplcn
ciiJaUitf. rUM CMmu iilicsl wik.giTinpir' P
toiiiMuffclirur .f ferual -rfl-i, tSwcrlpI Ion
cr U.U tnotajcnt, pilot., tiittuivuialsajui new
pj'rre iUcr4.intiin, Aft,c,
X.earerlsosETii f r t' nrw r-A ttrls to
nix, 8 If dlastc i I Utc I ,. - t rot! J
i i n tar. for 1. a Uioroujli ad luteal c-re,
illiuut Burgery, ol
'-.n.lltla wl U .'ulliltaic.l St.tT, Fit I.E.
v le Rer-e-1'Jl Agency, 1C0 Fulton St. N. Y.
ir. OEsMrjkr'PncZ&
kFOtl 1886.
WTU be milled F CE tJI .ppUnsts. sail to cnitsBen of
list jew wlihovl nJcf rlnf h. It oonUloa about ISO pfs.
S00 illaatrsUons, prices, mocvnX detCTlptlooi nnd vtJbl
tUrecUoo fbr plutlBK mil TtrietlM of TEGETABLB
sad FLOWER 8ELU9. BULBS, ew. InUotvtl
to sit. etrclJlT Market Oardrarra. Sertd for 1U
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, toicMsati,
A ATord to Worker.
If your arOCaitiona ire nientally or phya
Ically lahorioiu, ifthey subject you to expos
ure In inch ment wtVLhe-r. i they confine yoa
to the tleik,,arjd are of a nature to involve
wear ami tear of brutu. and nervous strain,
you may occasionally rwiuire some renovat
in? tc c. Huc-tclter'p Siumacli l.itters is the
article for you, itstlmulalcb the failing euer
pott, invigorates the body aud cheers the
mind. It enables tlie s stem (o throw oft the
debiliittl.u$ efireU of iiiidui- fatigue, ;ives
reiietre! ifor to the orpins of dicrtition,
arou-tet the liver when inactive, whieiiitery
oDen is with people whose pereuits are edeu
tarv, renens thr failed appetite. andencnr
ap healthful rrpo&e. Itsiiiredientsaresafe,
ami Ua cretlmt iaU, hich consist in the hearty
entlurBcirtf nt of nersoiis of even: class offtoci-
et, arc tuokt convincing Admirable U U
atitrU to the medical wants of workers.
ome anb jarrrt.
urgtii circulation frn I icnitaru Paper
in tha l .
IanICv slora last.
Only CIO tom v "3rotaJ3r.
Co" J-40n'.' Clcb-ralsera Tna.
.:. rc-t: , -d tarm. Louiui. Kr.
"CVaxitod. to OBscliaxigo,
Toexchancea house of 11 moms aud 2
lots 100x100 feet with spring and r.istem
wetcr on it, near public school and Mreet
cars, in citr of Port! tnd. rentafor $35 Ter
mouth, will excliance for gook stock.
ransein rontbern tlregon.
address, C W. Latjuk8.0. R N.Co
& fijiGrioim i its.
I hare made a redi ioa,ia the price of
hog meal now selliu
Shoulders, 6 cct per pound.
Hde-ncar, 5 e iU per ponnd.
Gjod Lard, 7i cnls per pound.
It is all open (or spection and war
ranted. JounOetu.
' 1
tcld Tt'tlabliUd Flower Sttdt
ImperialEsJ Food,
Garden Tols, rortiliser,
2d St., betwn Salmon and Taylor,
Portland. Orego
Has had 35 ysrs experience in the treat
ment of' "
Ihrouir, Xcrins nd Frirale ' Dhraurs
And havin:;h ironghljtpnived the mer
it of his SpECflC IIemeoies, in the tre.it
nimt and rui : orniiny tlionstnd ctses,
he now oflcr: them to these in tniublc to
cure tininii.Ua a humc.
Ur. llNt l'l Kptrllle tar Cr-nnrrhra-
ibpccIOclsir ajpltllla. ,
" " 'perinr fur aprrinalorrlira.
" " IhprcJtlehr falarrh.
Price ol eitlier remr)', i.OO p?r case.
Sent by ixpress. pucl?l bture lnua ob
servitiun, on receipt ojprice.
Call at office and mate DUpensary.
Mullnonrih block, ogvwite Pot Office,
true t Dr. N. S-.SriNSLYBox C23
PuUlaiiJ, Oregon. I
5 YEA 35 IN USE.
Tho Greatest Modicd Triumph of the Acs'
syn:ptms of a
. ef a pperitCi lotTflacnMWr fain la
Iho ttuwtt. with Advil MeEfc.ti..ii id the
banc Dart itin vider the hoaf"r
a 1a a. JI,
tacna.f '
s.4 ta cxrrtluD oi boay r uiitJu.
tf-jiii'Toi temper. jmintiWiaa
ArurcofbavlnarDrEltrd nodatr.
tc&iiu6N ")ij:lucftar -ln.erli uiihe
fitnrt, Dei bffarolae ryr llcauucha
o.r the rljLc rye. ILetlMsncs with
0tlul dre-rri", ?T,slj2rrolrretl rrlne and
TCTT'h I'iijIjtfuiot'r'prc.aUy adapted.
to fu i lasc-, oto dos') r fleets snch r
elm g ofiee.ijtprintoiul nI4tlteuiTt rer.
Tliey tnrreasc tHe A ppetlt.snd causa the
prilr t TL. ou !! S,t t,i svaem Is
ttrMririir. it Ii'th-trf.nl' A CI toil on
1 n. rn ea.c. TXiirray-i...i
t"'i -rJi: o- whibceks cr-. . WC
C ri.r 11LACIC dv a biiiM'fl avpiK-ution '
t'itDrn. It Jinpanatx. tu . oc- r ecu
js'ant'aii" I 1)'. t 'I.l by UrnifClstn,
t-nt bx'eiprts on treiij tot s.
"-- r'iy G , . '- t
VElTdOUUTZ,- Fcopritor.
form the citlieu of Jcks'-oT!l aady f
tht nrl at tarne.thattber t.ai &&tTJiJi
l.r, hi ny Huaotlty the parchaaet Kiy deiir
My hoaae isC(.ainltBttrlttiMit nd my roains
1WIIV nri. )) lllnlMkt TfO
tJUjangc hi iilaiuigcmcnt
Cor. 3d and. California ?t..
Tacksonvill - - Ogn,
Having taken charge of th jotel the
undersi?n'-d take plenMire in annoiincinc
to the public that a complete change will
be made.
THo TaTalo
will bo suptilied with evetything the
market ffords, and a'gcneral renotation
ol the w
'JB.ocLm and Hooms
will be made. The patronage of the pub
lic is solicited.
J PF.ltnnriM
Jacksonvill. 0
At ihe olu stand of S. P Hanna, in Crone
miller's building, kei jms ou hand a
full line or -
Wagon Material.
And is pi' and to do nil work in his liac
on sh' t nolo e and in a worumanliKc
mai. cr. Vehicles or eery des
cription made to order.
Revairing A Specialty.
Terms reasonable and safisfacatinn
gunraiitenl. -Oro. Riever
Califobku. St.,
JackssaTille, - -
Thc-BBtlertrBsliarBlly prepared (o do
all worfc.iaiis.litw te bebes' "uaunerand
at reasoaabk-prices- "ik
WJiat to Teach OurDuuhg
At social gathering some ont pro
moted this question: "What shall I
teach nay dauj;htpil' Thj (o.lowttig
repliea were hamlfd it :
Tt-ach hr that 103 cnt tnaka s
Teach her lo arranga thr pailor and
the library.
Teach herloaay '"No," ami mean it,
or "Yw," ir! Mick to it.
Teach her lo wear a calico dfes,
o wear it.fiktr h quw-n.
Teach her how to aew on button',
darn strriipg and m nd slopes.
Tt'tCh her to dirm fur heailh and
coii.fott ak wr-11 aa far x uaranee.
Teach lier to cultivn'e flmetn auil
lo kttvith( kt cheii cartlnt.
Ti-acU liar lo ixaki tho neaUst rooni
n I he ln'.uvp.
Teach her to hae lio'.llli'g to do
wi b iiilitiitieiatu cr diolatH tuuug
Tnlch her that tirjit lacint; is un
comely aa well as iiijanoua to hea!th.
Tench her to recatd ihs morula and
babllH, and not money, in selecting
her associates.
Teach her to o'nrv tho old ru'r:
"A place fur eer thing, and eret
tl ing in its j.W-s."
Teach her that niuic, drawipjr, nml
painting are real AcuomptUhiiiniti in
the home, and are not to b- netjhc cd
if there be tlu-e am money fur their
Teach her th important trnimi:
'That th more sh lites within her
ilicom th more aha will sate, ami
the farther ah v. ill get away from the
poor llOUaf,"
Trach her that a good, siaadr,
church cning luethahic, furn.rr, cletk
or teachlier without a cent i onh
inom than forty luafera or non-produce
ri In hrnaduloth.
T"ch her tp embrace rvfti bjipnt
tttnitv for readinp. and to mVci nucli
nouk as aill gita hr tlie uoal'U'efuI
and Tactical ibfotiaaiinrt in o'der lo
make the bet ini);rx, in rarlir at
well as 'altr huit aud sjiool life.
Cuarleitou Dispatch.
Farm Notes-
Th" standard for gaod cow ii said
to b 600 gallunsof milk a )ear, and of
this thvie khuuld he 10 ur cnt of
Muich tli rose b!iha with leavn.
or cut straw, placing loUiS kind of
heavy material ou thrt mulch lo keep it
in place.
Strong unLlenehed mua.Hu ia excel
enl in place of glass lor putlllry huu-.es
or circkeu runs, and ia iuikL It-oa ti
peusiT. A corresj.ondnt of tlM Rural Now
Yorker eta li-Und ouiun ruut a lout
long and still (rowing Uuwn, though
tuu fill to folluA.
Alike a harnesa fit propr!y, and a
horse can wear It without diatieer,
provided that It is also kept decently
clean and comfortably soft.
Warm and culd milk should not h
m:xd. Tht new milk should ha rid
of its animaKheat LefuiH nddl"g It to
that of previou inilkinj".
Plenty of rnblung ill produce a
good coat on )0ur liorae. E-'how
grese" opens th poren. Softens the
skin and prutuottta tna grnnral health.
It is monotoiiiiua tt re.nl thodia
1 patches ctuiferiiing the slrikes in
Cniaigo. Almost every l.iy tlie
il.fliitiltie- aroiihoutto ho hCttletl,
yet 30,000 or 40.000 men are out
of cmi'loyineiit ami several regi
menu ol riiiko-toii'i" gnanls anil
other officeri are watching pro
eily niitl lining all they can to j re.
vent violence. Why don't they
scud lor some ot the- democratic
ilutform writers and have all fix
ed up ami pood times inaugurated
at twee? Good limes and general
prospent- were promised mil it
was paid elected in wilh Uete
land, hut the amount of riota and
strikes of the Inst to years indicate
that the good limes Lave no: yet
been inaugurated.
Iai1 Bionchilis immetliatelv relioved
!tjV Sbjloh'acure. Brooka kefps iu
riATARRII CURED, health and
K-ve-tbiealh accured br Shiloh'i! Cft
tar-n Keaiieiiy, nw " guaivv " -. - -0.
BmoaaV Naaal Injector free.
Being A Boy.
On of th Ut l)iln6 in U world
to he ti a bo ; it tequttra no txartnce,
thoush it n'-edt inme practice to ha a
(joinl one. Tin-di.aihauuge of thr i -I
hition i that ha ! not-gjii long
enoogll. Just a you get liKo biiJ
x boy you havo to Im something .!, j
with a good del mora work tndn, and
not half so much fun. An I v t eterv
bov ia anxious 'o be a mat , and H vety
uneasy wiih Iho restriction that tti-y
arf-pt:t uKn him'cs a iMty," Vfci i.-ES
Tnerti are so mnt luiitht hpnts in
'he lifa of m fin m buythai I Mimettiii'
think I -hou'd like ioIhh the life mt-r
again. 1 rhou'd altuut hr billing to
bra gill, if it er not for the ch re.
Thrio is a j;rat coiufi rt to b a 'iov in
the aiiiounl of work h" can Eft rid nf
doing. It in H.ineiimea an errand.
Perhaps, he couldn't explain hinue.f
liv, ahn he ia sent to a tipih'.or'a
afir J east, he stoj to atone the fius
Hf it ntt x'tctlr cruo! Imi Im icu to
aee if ha tan hit 'em. It is a curi.iu
fact about bora tint two ill be a
sreat deal slower in doing anything
than one. Boys liavn a great power
if helping rch oiher d tulUinaa
Bj', mj That tou will about tin
general u elfMtiexs of bnis, a ful in
without a hoy wt.uld toon cmie to ari'-l
Iteia slwars in demand. In tlm fil
il ce he is o ilo all the enmids, t;o ti
the hi. ite, tlie poatolii'tf ami toutrry all
e o r t s tit mehsaes. 11m wculd like to
hava as many les in a wheel hits
spokes, and rotate about in tha name
way. Thin he touiettuies tries to do,
and eople who hae en him ''lurit-
inj; carlwmxiU" ulong Hih aide of llii
road hv supjiosiii kr wj, amusliij
hluibelf uiid idliiij; his tini". He
only trying to invent snim new niwle
of lucomoiinu fO I hat I'e icomiQi ! his
legs, an I do hi" erriiinli With gteater
ilirpnich. Ieaji fri'j; i .ni of hi
lueihod of ufli'lntf nver tho gtoubd
quickly . He h a natural g'titus fcr
couibiuing"iileaniH with ru-iues.
Th pipsr (h r.l it ill flu! the S'
liave alremlj beun 10 block out work
for ihn next lenbiia'ule.
There is no dangr of the United
S'utM golOi; to ptei-ea io bn aa 7,000,
000 boys aud jh uitt;iid achuul daily.
Tub queen regent of SpHtn has .it.
ed a decree fre.-inj Ihe lv of Co 'in
fioni tlm reiu'ainer of their lonu of ei
vitude. It ia thoueht tljat'hr Ut will tat
a tax of two mills for gen-rat rtpen-
e, oua tenth of a nil I for Statu ITai
versity and a half a mill for deb,
making a total of lo aod tbfet-Gf.hj
uiilla atate trx.
II. II Btncroft, tht h'S'orisn. has
let ihe coulrHCl for lelmilcliny; u five
tory structure on the Mt nf the r cent
lire. Ii will coat $100,000, and will
be a liril-ela-a in every reaped.
At Canton, Au 11, a Chinese
woman, aged only eighteen underwent
'Hag cht" execution, which it tht.
while aiilljlmng, one piece of her ha 1,
after another w cut awa uoul the
body wan divided up into exactly one
thousuid pieces. The woman was
charged with havine poisened her liu
Thoebe'a friends are taking to night
about tba fraud count cttil with ihe
count, and iii'iating that Thin-he flml
couieat thr) aeat. Tbe plurality oi
uearlj 800 it too great, ho.v:ver, to
be otertoilie
ai.d is ale to fvv there
will be no conlevt. TIih Democrats
were determined Carliilu thould uot
be defeated Early today h Coutilv
Clerk of one of th back counties tel
egraphed 10 uieuilon f.f the campaign
ciiuiuiltee akiii2 how uintiy votea
Carlisle needed. Tho retipunt in n
uly merely gave th leulta so fur a
known, but the letums fioni 'hai
county wheu they come in gave Tool e
iiuly thre voten. There is no doubt
about thin exchange of tnensages.
This stitement is uutrue and wholly
unauthorized by myself aud friend
and .upportrK, so far aa it concern,,
thr matter of contei.ting tlm election.
Hating a firm belief thai I received
u majority of the votes east for lapre
entalive to 'hn Lth Congress in ihi
district, and an rquaHy settled and firm
conviction that the raiurna were "doc
tjred"aO a to show a m"l 'itv for int
cr.iiipJ'ioe betwean Tueailay nii-hl and
j -o quick I v cured hy Shiloh's Cur. Wi
Six Hundred Devmcrafya
Votes, at Least, Cmm-
ttd But Xob Cast.
5v Cisciskati, Nor. 7 Tli fnllow- -,
ill ajipear in tha "Coindi.tr
Uazttte" in th morningi
In jour ia-u of ytstetda) I CnJ tha
fu.tuwiug undor lU bt-udiu uf Cuv.
'Tfie.e, will l n ton'est of Mr.
Carli-U'a election, ns amn rvjr ha,
irnimwtHlrifGwirktrii;miaaaS;- ildi
and aiijtcent citlfa aitt latMlau wi.h
what thy hv done. Titer nay tht
ohlla thera ve kuiiio irrvii!s.risieS
in s-veral coun'ie, they see no chnji
fur disturbing and enduring t j riy
for Mr Carlisle. T:ie) di tin' p'O
puis toullo themeivea lo l uaml lit
funherin the porpn-.es of anv men
.or clique, and lnvini a-serlerl th-ir
ritit. it 1 ano'it t't-ir tit:ii h he
aie content, Ir. Ctrli.le. pa bna
f r election nt Speaker i coneqn- it.
ly clear so far ihev are coiic-rn-d."
the count on Friday. I intru to v.-lt-iet
Mr. Carlisle's right to th seat as
fHireseniitiie from the VI h Diaries
of ICentuckey. Bjt tbla propord r-vl
e' is li-it lo be mtiti'tti '-furtner ilia
purposes of any mail or clique," tj
prevnin Mr Uaras' beiu alcte I tH
Seknrof the Ilouse; but to avucrt
inv ou rights, a tho lawfully and
fai iv tl-cted member from this dt
trio, aud the rights alii interl of
Iiush who tlrc'rid int. And Ibrtiu.o
it ii the univerta) which of inn 'urc.
ti'trfuiiir fuftr,, of the'dn'ric'. tht I
shall in ika thu cmtmli Vi't already
!ne evidence n flkieiil to throw vui
over COO vote in t.vo counn nnlr
from Mr. UirhVn"" vnte, ami add aU-ut
liftv v.t-. lo mv own. and lhllr-dil
nt" m-j i ' toabuui 100, Htid du un.
bubt litidillg eiwuali ni uther CjU it)
loaucc d -ii thecu'ett.
retrt-. f )e,,eii) GKOI.Q II TnOKllK
FlOtn jhe.a lllioiBaBawSSwawaa1
w Uarn that a Ia timid putchaing
aeut received an onler from Joj.!iiu
count; (o parch) keg of alt bu
tar, ou going over ci'y foau I thr .
uo such articls in H tor tala. T.il
ahrws:liit not only are iho peopln of
thti Josej'hiiiB county, (wlncli U naj
urajly suited to dtirunv) oblivious nt
ttiet best uitereatH, but ttalsi .horra
that the far'nerj in most otlior districts
of tin State are tarried with tha satus
atick, whv is i J that ih0 egon (aim
ers will presist in rat-iug wkt crops
. . t-.t t ..- . ... . v.- .....
mim v, watcn tar j ia n. u.
bfrnriiunerativ, whila It ia coniir
U4 ly deleting their soil, wh, fa thai
they doqt generally 'dtp' asjittm of
mixed liuhandry and aup ly 9Ur maf.
kets with first-cUsn buitei and cbeeo,
then: is ua bruiitili of huih.tti.lrv u.ure
c-rininly reiiiuueratin,' ami no stata in
tha union when tho article can ha
morn cheaply throught tlm year than
tu Oregon, hr is a grand industry
that raStein Imaiigranta will no di-nht
taka up and develops) in tl nr fu
ture. F. A. Cuudman, a Newhurtpfrt
skipper, will mart in a f-w tu
make a tour of tlm glolm from E;t to
Wesi. in a thirty f."t y). Capta'tu
Cloudinitn fa now preparing tlm boat
for tho voyag", anil -ill kiart iA about
en daya for Paiiauia. Ho wi'l ciO-"
th isihrnun, precede up tlm wholt
...... 1 i ... r. t. :....
coaitol nurtn Ainerict ami oy ieu ms
Strait, down tha Aalntic tCoutia'a',
rmn J to'Sutz and lliroUijh fRS Medi
terranean toGibralter. He will return
iidiiih byway of h?htlnd Ida d, Ice
land and G'eeneUno, nccupyiujr, al Iras.
twovrarf, aud uoiitiMy three. lUgoei
i'u th interest of a monthly tutgazina.
A iewaper paraijrapliist tried a
for the 6rst iiin he other
dav. tin plowty manipuiaiois su. c.
.. .1 .. i .l. i..UJ
until Iih ra.ted the tmd of it line, and
when he heard th bell aound to r
ers he exclatiiied wit au injurei
look: You ctn ring your d trued old
chestnut bell, but that joko's origtual
a 1 iho same;
John L. Sudivan, the drunkan row
tly, loafer and bruiser, wm of coursu
luadir tbo hero of th hour in Sin
Francisco lat wsek. an I hit axplniu
wer of such national iinportanc aa to
be leleraphed all over the land Ho
was wariulv wlciitr.e.l by Bi' Back
lev and oilier politicians, who recog
;x in linn Rt impersonation of tha
chrcieiietlc of the San FlanciecO
politician. There aeeius tobv a natur
al alliiiiir U wrweit prira ring aodi
J political i lni itttnta.