Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 13, 1886, Image 1

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    ,.,.- . L .i! ,.j .-
OKLC.0.1 SEafhUL
sHJUMifi Eiaar Ml,
.rtverlicnu "Is ill be inserted in'trtt
Jacksonville, Oregon-,
5e.stili..iI tin-following rc.;.
Trii ines,onein.striion . .. f:!?
' cnc-li nbv(iuviil Insertion. ?l M
r Legal aclrtitUinicnt fnwrtd rea
sonably. , j' j .,..
.lubwork ofall kinds done on frosty!
notice and in woikm uj-JikeVtyle.
A iri..uni iu Ymtl) uiilrf.
T ". R M S
On. copy. Per Var.liiMilvanre,.....S2 30
OL. SXXI--NO, 45
1 i , a h s i a jss-Aftssris ! tsr1 bk k n g a i a Pr .
& "mmzmm&f ; v x '
Piyxleaa And Snrgoon,
Chtkai: Point, Okegox.
(.'allsjiromptly attendee! to at all hours'.
"Having "localeS at this pladfc I. wk" a
Vk&re of the. patronise of tfiis teClion.
'Cills attended to at any lime.
Jacksonville, Or.
"Will praclice in a'l the rourls ol ,ne
Stale. Onice with District Attorney,
Court House.
MEDrORD, Okegox.
All .asiaeis in my line will receive
roia;n attention.
P. P. PH.IM,
Jacksonville, fti.,
TT111 practice in all the Courts of the
fcu. Offlc. in Court It )(.
JiCJCi9.NVli.Ll! OeuOOS'.
'iriil rraclice tn all lite Cbnrts'of this State,
'tjfllce ia the Court House.
"oTLBltirEBT. JNI- JD-
xJraduatcofUnivcrsity, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Surgeon.
Calls attended to at all hours day and
.sight. Olhce opposite Slover Ho-cl. Jack
kxavillt. Oregon.
W. rrjrt, 31. !'. " ". " ry, JI. I.
rnrsicrANsa surgeons,
TJLocLTovdir Or.
Oflees For the present will be as
J. vr. 10IWS0H, H D-.
Jiic!i3nviio, Ogni
bP71K-At 'ity l)ri?g Sld're. Urti. ;
tiatt oil Fo'irtli St., op ite M E.
. Miv.-eh. , , !
tails r-ruplly attended in .lay and nipbt. j
3. F. DOWELl.,
PoStLlSi), Orkuo!.
t11 Vasin placed in my bands will re
ctHcprwiaji! atl"alida. Special attcn
tip ;nent') colleclidns.
btiry f vblie, Kc&l Eitite Agent and
Coll'ec cr
I mik(KnTeyaneinsaBd(uniuhingab
itrirls of laad titles a specialty. Loans
aFlisted and rflllcctions made. AH
iint5 inlrnsted to ray care will receive
troaiat aid carelul attention.
JACK! OKYlf.L&, mr0N.
Teeth extracted at all hours.
'SkLMiiuinc ra aumtnitereu.
"if lrirrd for jich extra
Virce vill be iaJc. OllSce on curuerof
Califwrula aaJ 5th ctrtet.
A. a. niiBf.
L. B. (TEACXr,
Cteail ail 4Streri3fe'f BaildinR,
roKTLixn, mraoN.
tfill raetiee in all conrts of recordin the
Sute ef Oregon and Washir.ton Tcrri
torr; an4 piy particular attention to
asinetsia Federal courts.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing l.
tTreen Simuel DeRoboam and C TC
Stmrn't, nailer tht Crm name of DrRo.
basin & Co., has bees this dsr mutually
linolvrd the said Samuel l)cltoboam
cnt!nuins the husines.-) in his own name,
ld paying all the debts of the said firm
T l'eRoVaoi A V. when due and all
. debts owinc tn said firm up In in this
ite ar due and payable to ( K.lleaumle.
aciaTiue, July Vib, if.
Oregon &CalifornaR R.
.-Ind connections. Time 2? days.
rnrr from Portland In mid I'raULlsio 93?;
fo s.irram.-lilo $30.
Close connections made a't Ashliml
with staged of the California Oregou
and Iduti'o Stage company.
East Side Divi:icn.
Between rortiand & Ashlandi
Mall Train. - ' ".."
jl ji.
JUdford. .3:25 A.""a.
Axhhind. U::tOi v.
Medford..5:24 a-M.
AnuIand.-s.41H5' A. M.
Mrdfoid..10:10r m.
Midfoid.10.il r. m 'Pnrtl.:nd. .4:2.1 r. m
Albnuj- I xprr Train.
Porlland....4:00r' MLel)anon...0:20i-M
Leh-tnon....4:45 A m' Portland.. 10:05 AM
Pullman Palace Sleeping Caru
Daily lirtnrcn Tortland and Ashland.
lite O. & U. It. It. Kerry makes con
neetlon Willi all tlic regular irains on the
East bide Di.'. lnnn foot of F. St.
Vest Side Division.
Between l'ortlaircl & Corvallis.
I Man Train.
i.feAVc. I Anni'vE.
Portland 7&0a 5iamallw...l2:25rM
Oirvallis 1:30a M Portland.. .C:15i'jt
At 'oivnllis connect villi trains of Ore-j-on
Pacific 11. R.for Yaijuina Uay.
I.;irr Trulu.
Portland 4:50 vm HrMtmirillcS 00ri
3IcJlinnvilleo:45 A!l'oitl.inil...flK)U a ji
Iieal tickets lor falc and bapagc
ch" eked at companj't ti)-town nfiiee, cor.
net Pine and SeenndMrrel, Tickcls. for
jniiieipal points in ulifornn can only be
proctiml and baggage checked at com
jiauy's office,
fornrr V nnd mint . rorllnml. Orrsnn.
Fieihl !!! not bj leceiicd for sliip
me n't iftlcrtivc o'clock i-M on cither the
J'ast or Wert Side Divi .ions.
R. lCoEiti.i:iE, TJ. P. Ronuits,
. Manager. G. F. ic I'as. Agt
WHY WILL YOU couuli when
SIiiIoIi'm core will give imiiii-ilUtP er
lief. Price 30cts. and 1.00. BrooliK
keepf it.
SllILOH'3 COUGH and Oonsump
tioti Cuie ia sold by Uk on euirantee.
It din's consuinjition. Ilrouks can
furnish it.
Adininislnttoe's sale of Keal
I i by an toiler of its.aUof.lic count court
Jekh.r county, Oregon, duly made and
en'er.'d i.frifoi-'l, onlhe 3" di.. lfci (!,
liSii, term of nid court, the undrnincd,
a- IheaidniiiiMniloriif llu-estate of Win.
Rriner, dtceasd. waa naihorired and
cotnmanded to veil he wllowingdceciib
ed real properly, lK-longina to said estate
and lyin; and being in Jackson county,
Oirgi-n. n-vit-
The W H tftc X i3 K and X AY if of
S E lS :ni in'l Xo. 1, 2 and :t all in m-c-(ion
20 in Township 37 S, of ranee 1 west,
in Jackiim county, Oregon, and contain
ing uf met ion It? than 10 1 acres.
.hid in pm-fcitanee of taid onler I will on
Mil n ril ay. Irr 4, ikkc-.
bclwecu the hoars of 10 a. s.amlSr. M.of
raid day. at Hie ' ourt llotife t!.Kir in Jael.
sonvi.le, lacksnn county, t)n-gon, sell the
above (1 sribeil real piojicriy to the high
est idder.
Term of Kale Said pioperty vt-ili be
S''d for gold ovin as follows- Ten per
cent of the purchase price on the
d-iv of mile, the bihnce on coufiimation of
safe by the comity court.
B C. Gonnwtn,
Adminislrator estate of Wm Krincr.
' at the Oclober session made the
lolloning order: "That the Clerk oftnc
1 ounty Court be and is lien by directed lo
notify the owners of the bridges across
Rogue river, near Kock Point and Gold
Hill.to present totliis Court at its next
regular term, to-wit, the Xovemlxr term,
ISSfl, .imposition, in writing for the s'lle
to the county of their said bridges, re
spectively." Thcrefoie notice js hereby given to all
paities interested to ael in accordance
with siid onler and submit such written
propositions for the sale of said bridses,
IVMHflivelv. In the count v. liv Wcdnesdav
Xoyemlier 3, 1SSC, at 12 o'clock, noon, of
sum nay.
W. H. PARKER, Clerk.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In ilib Uiunty Court of the Ftate of Ore
gon for Jackson ouniv.
Irf the matter ol Wm. Hiifith'an de
theExccuUirorthe oute of Wm.
Hofluian deceased, has filed in the county
court of Jackson county Oregon, his tin:d
account as such Extcutor, and bv order
of taid court Tuesdav, the 2d "day ol
November, 1&S0, at thuhonr of lOo'ciock,
A. M., is set for hearrair All persons
inti rested arc hereby untitled, to appear
and fi'e his or her objections' to aaid ac
fount on or bvforc said day.
PubHshedbyordiTotHon. E DcPeatt,
Jedge ol said court. C. V. Beckinan.
Datul Oclober Oili, 18fi.
i own Property Per S-ile!
decasetl, otfer for sale Hieirpnp;ty
situation within the corjjoration "of Jack.
soaTiKc, having left tho tlitposal of the
samfc in the hands of the nndereigtied.
t '1 parlies irf possession of any .of the
pr pcrty owned by James Ctlggagc at
the timeot his death are notified to call
at core and make arrangemrnts for pay
men' of rents etc if they desire to lon
ger retain p.itd6n of the same,
-j!r: i isc:
For all DUeases of tie
lirer, Zicbejs, Stosui zzi Spleen.
par.ur now so celebrated as z
Tamily Medn-.rrr-tttl in
the South in 1828. It arts
ceiitly on the lUyvrei and
Kill tie jYh and correct the
action cf the Liver, and is, there
fore, ihe lest preiaratorr
uiJIfln".whitrw the tlck
ncst irujr prove to be In all
common diseases it will, un
i , jublatd by any other me4i-
- one. effect a speedy cuie
The Iteffnlator (j safeta adm(njter In ariy
-condiUbnofthekjrfttem.BiKi urtdefTM rlrcum
utaneea can It do harm. v It win Invigorate
like a glass of inctbrt I no Intoiicaunc bever
age to lead to imempcrance: will promote tli
Cetlon.dluIpate heatlkclie and fjeiier
allr tone- up the uteiu. The doe is small,
not unplcarant, and f virtues undoubted.
'o lou of time, no luter-
ruction or Htuppdfsjc of
tcniiies while uUns the
Children cofcpfalnTair cf
Colic, Iicadaclie, vt hick
Momaol, a teapoonrul or
more will give relief.
If takm oceaMonillr bv pa
tienis exposed to MALARlAj
will espd the poison ..ud protect
them from attack,
I have been iractictng medians for t ecty years,
and have never been able to put up a eetabje
'compound that would, like Simmons LtvcrReu
lator, promptly and effectively move the liver to
acdon, and at the ume time aid (instead of weak
ening) die dicestivcanJ auimiUuve powers of the
system. L.M. Hikton, M D .Washington, Ark.
J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
a E trk ra-fia
To SMOKERS of Blackvell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Fpjctal Ik-posit Is to mar
pajmeiit of the 25 tjromiiims fully
rantec the
iu uur Kirroer nnnoiiiicmenis.
Tlie in.-mtLmiill be paid, no matter how
small the number of tugs returnca ma be.
lC5 "BloehriWi Pjirham t&aem Co.
4 PirrJaiii,' C, A'ajflO, ISM. J
fi.hir It1t nf Vrhim, Prhnm.y C.
. Dtaf Sib We ln3f rou 4ll.n''. wbt
leiue I4LY t n Siiec:al ivpot to iay retn!iiw
inr our e mpty tobacco lp to Iw return"! liec.
LAb. yountruljr. 1 cutis. ITiWcnt,
OJKft fif lh RanTtof Dtirhim.)
IHriam. V. P-. hay HML)
7 8. CAHB. Esq,
fref JVaeltwra Durham Tefeo Co,
Pfar Rib I bsve tt acknAMlAhre vwfpt of
flljrflfn fmru rotLh'h we bate placed ni'oa
bpedal Deit for tno i t ou ttei
Bt Yours truly. I' X 1IXY, Oarfikr.
Jfouc praclce without lecture of CXXLon the
ptcavr. '
rzrfVq our t-her arnounccmenta.
Hi t Jic.v Ytiuu; r Oid,
aitrtlr.rV ct
Stay lUrsztn sjuttl'j
;v... Jco Cirtult. KVTHCt'SCOP
The f.jy?!e Remedies.
T tv..nctry ti-if 1 ItlM l. -Ii l.
sUo'.'! i . PIlOH.l.t: nnd evry
n..ii.fb . it4iul'ML r 1 vtnUir" mhCT li
- vuili'ut r Ilr. A iwe. or ? airni !o n-.
jlitj.tr..' a nto.ici it br IMit CIM ? ,
irtrfli'i-wr II- PlTAI.lnkiu.C .ud
.ali(Io:i t t.lirM 1 l.y Hf llMK-At f .
p i-(.VA 'I'M. Ks ti it- i,t ft
r iHUiiec'tL -H..ON I Ui I,.
wririn4 free trrf eaiT' i i rr. ouripUn
t tni.u-nifsj fij . . tiiip ' tr .i iirc n-
ii.f. Uur vt " I l'i . 'ii1f:'uii
f !M t atuuiit. Mi r t tiiu, ala and iirws
i.urt iu ,! Ac,.
.eare ! actr t r 11 e no-v fln4-iffn to
n c, b 1? Atfj -U fS nd t'-rto li'i ft- te
o 'i twwtr, for tlie thorough nj radii! cure,
feUtiout urpcry, vt
'on-.ll.ll.Q Ml h fail HriUrol SUIT. IKrX.
V tis Remedial Agency, ICO Fu-':onSL, N.T.
rixZa CS33 1XF3 ir J.
r"g st?- S3. at is
vna be nulled FREE to II rpaeat, o4 tcwaf er
lwtyeaxwi'boatertertacli- II cauloa alnt ISO frr.
600 Utrlni. prieei. vtanu dMerlli a4 ilwl
irtctlat tor 4sUaf wll rvletl KGTAt!Lt
al FLOfl KUgKLOS, tIUM(,etc UrluUM
(a tjt wplsar to Htrtrt Cuievr. seivl lr It.
D. M. FESRV & CO., Detroit. Mlchlgsi
A tronl to WorUew.
If yoar avmutti m arc mwitallr or phys
ically lulmrlous, I rtliey Mibjrtt you to r)S-urn"iiliicli-m-ntwtatbt
1 ibi-yconOut-yoa
to tbc ilfk, aad are uf a nature to inrolre
wraratid tearof brata, and nervous strain,
yon may occasionally require solae reiioiat
lngtc x. IJosteltrr'eSi.rtnaeh Bitters Is Ibe
article for you, it alimalatec thefallingtBet
sic, iniijoratcs Ihe bmly and cheers the
mind, lfenalilentbeevurmtotlirowofl the
debiUuliu? effects or umtue fatigue, glvis
reiiea-eil- tipr.r to tlie orpins of diceMiou,
arouse the Tin r w h-n inactive, which ltvery
nn.1 is wlfli iiwinl whoe lMrrnils are Msli-n-
tare, renews llir jjilnl apisriile. and eneoor- I
ap.'wallhfn!rri. Iwiusrwlirntarere,
sntl lie cnsl-mbl-. hicti coniat in the hrany .
ea ,.rrment of ts-riMiin of every class nfsoci- '
3 re mot cittiviucins- Admirable is It
apis-d u tlir rriMlirAl waoU of worker.
qomc atio , arm.
Ircsli-.ka i f t ...Jtt-il rarer
333,633 - LSSiE
y "roTCJ U5scssis.
Cor JlC-a' otTxl-ratonirrt.
- . i -0 rA3s. Loutttm. icy.
fcATAKRH CaREI), health and
.s-vpet breath accured tiy Shiloh'a (ja
'nrrh Beniedj. Price 50 centa at E.
C Rrooes'.. Nasal Injector free.
For lame Back, Side or Christ na
Shiloh' Porous Piaster. Price 25
yj v-7
s-- ?-til.
& -
nuTcr sabst E. C.
a-. .
m i
tj wii naJLajja,
. SBti
JaClISOtVlll, .Or?x
At the olu stand of 8. P.nanna,infbW.
miller'b building, keeps on haudli
full line of " 1 -
.. -- . . '
Wagon MateriaL
cn'ption made lo
RcvairiiHj -A fyeQ
Terms reasonable an
ti)angc 3n iilanogc
Cor. 3d and California t.,.
Tacksonvill - - Opn
Having taken charge of tit aotel the
undersigned lake pleasure Innnnotineing
to the public Ihat a complete plunge will
be made.
Tlio Tzs.'tolo
will be supplied with sielylliing the
market fiords, and a general renovation
ot tiie
33 o els o.xicL 3c3.ooxxx.is
will be made. The patronage of the puli
lic is solicited.
J DuRonoAM.
A -DUO 10 iM MATS.
I have m-idc it rc.Iuclion in the price oi
hog meat now selling
Slioullers, G cents per ponnd.
vido-ieat, 5 cejitij per pfiund
Good Lard, 7 cents per pound.
It is all open -(Jr inspection ftid war
ranted. Joint Oktii.
CALiroitxu St.,
Jnckscnvitle, - - - Oregon,
Tlie undersigned is fully prepared to do
all work in bis line in thebes' "uanncraud
at n-asonabli prices.
Dealer? in
ricld Vwlflble nnd FlcWr yttdn
Imperial Eg Food,
CJard3n Sools, Pertiliz;rs.
ICO 2d St.,lK.twcen Salmon and Taylor.
Portland. Orcgo
Has had 23 years cxpcrieitw in Ihc treat
ment til " ;.
Clironir, A'trrons Ami Private Dittaru
And having thoroughly proved the mcr.
it f bis Srhcific Ukjikiuks, in tlie treat
merit and chub of many thousand eases,
be now oircrs them to those in tiouble to
curt OirmttUct ut homr.
Ilr. HPIWKl's) SiMTtBcrortonnrrlirn.
" )in-inr rr iyiSills.
rrrJflr for iMriuattfrrlira,
" prrinr for I'liUrrli.
Price ol either remedy, $.'.00 per case.
st:urc irom oo-
ate lJisuensarv.
Vf.lllnn.nl. t.l.u.l- nnnn.:iA Tlv... fkOtn..
. .. .. .. l K; !
rllu to UK. A. 5. M'lXXKV. HoX KSi
Portland, Oregon.
inland Oreo-mi
gllWi'MIIW".! Traa
23 YE&R3 IN U9E.
Ihe Oreatcrt Sf VlfTl "r.anrph 6f the Age'
Lcjs tf a ppct itc. Dowels rot I re, i'nln ! a
tbe bcnil, srllii a dull nen?otlin lu the
bicK P"ir. Fain ander tbe sboaMrr
ktaac, Fullneas after fatlnc, with nll-im-Ucstlon
to exertion of bodr or wind.
jTJiabllltrof temper, Voir spirits, with
uftrllascfbavinxncclcctcd onlcduir.
Wecrihcur ilzilnctp, Fluuerlntatljn
Heart. Dor iicforetUe crr,Ieo4.-icho
over the ristit eyej KeMlcoencM, irilU
fitful dre-ims. Illcbljr colored Trine, and
'ZUTTft n lAJi aro espectatty a-lapti u
to sneli c ac. Olio duso effeets tneti R
.;.!!(? of lee IiisnstOasiiinishtiiesunVn r
TtKj JereetbolppetH,iiJett set'i--
-At ti TxUeoa r'lesti.t "IU. t a
naiu-bUcd.ti.d by1i rTonlsiflii(o
IS- UissaIveOranm.'tesi!lKTi!:cJia.-re
rrolts-i. i-s-iHSe. -lSSInrrarft-.Ti.V.
C-t Tit-, o- WLi-n.-na ctefc:v) u. t
tr-r Jti-S !y a sinlo apjiic.srte i
t'JsIJT, It C3Ttni tuil car.tr.ee
j. i'casoii-'y M bv f-nzilst.
1 c:iir-ss on i"ctiitiM l
. .5urrry?t ..---"
"STSTnax-tccito TtTfrclajsaa gro.
Tocxchansea botrJeof il rooms and 2 I
lots 100x100 feet with spring arxleisiernN
water on it, near pnblic school and street I)
cars, iicity of Portland, Tents for $3-1 per
.livu.u. ... v...,w - c.vm
range in Sonlhern Oregon.
dddres-, C W. LxVKurs. O. R N.Co.
Portland, Oregon
-,i :-i'. JjaZ i, MVJl, r- t.!,lii i wtu a r.callure, hud made some pro-'ress
mi " v i Tot f 1Z2 -JC I luul. tnc r.cl.er people prefemd 'the old
ma c'r. eliicla of every .e. t, n,n , J1 n'hc brrley-bfead
.HHllllllAnt'i". tij.
1 IHllllllllllllllllllllllllllH
fsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssm K
Mifirf' i
X'uod of the Ancient
lEngllsh JCanz ne.1
jiicNuuiij; nviuimiuiiuijaiui j a ..jj
oMiotnejiubl.c1.ibn and, al.Uouga it
. uaJtr,i0oJ 1hat ,be ro!crSjt,on
, shouldbcofsikinj toiljute tli-v. f.taful
jtniud, it was not meant that the talk lo
i w'bieii Ihcy miiht lltea sio i!S 1)0 made
! tounuon goip. -Xothing spoke.i here
' muA go out lucre," the-old me-i would
-ay fothtir juniors, join 'n? to the door.
! Lyall accounb, the ea:.y Greeks wire
! vegetarians, -ami we-?' r.i.lv temperate.
Tney we.c -Mu,i u.-U the simplest
iruiui auxi iiirir unujk wue wn.er. reu
st have "been K'V5'1 V11
l.r.i1iitfve Greeks, seiiiig Hut'
riven at links tCdiuo'cu em-TA
le coifdltlons prevalliVt;;
.1 on l(,siiv!
cjns'-stin'' whollv ot inlix-.
ictus, ami roots. Ti,ero came a time.
Iioi-.oer, ulien the lioman Went tn the
opi tnite cxtiemc, and w hen the t hole cm
pile used to lv searched, as it were, to
tiirnisli delicacc or novelties for the tauic.
Tlie orksliire pie of the Jiast was n t.,b!e
for tlnr anety ot its eonteuls. but it was
si.njl.th itvlf eoiaurcil with Iju 'h6
j'.t j io " of :i fojWalilc llomait lian-iitu-t.
This dish was a whole luar, rli:ein.
Is.wvleil and ulfeil with small anniul-i 'rnj
b.rds. 0t-.isinnally Hit Tciiou"1 '.?.
biouglit in iiKea jTjniid, the dihe li
ing UiiiU uplrum aLi-c-io.iid a' A tubt..
'lhtre w.w uol only eMnuaauce. imt
great waste at these Lanqfltls. Some of
luu accounts that luve come ilowii lo us
lead as tLoueh the 'Object of the host v.m
to picpaie, not for epicures, Imt for glut
tons. Iu one instance tw'elve guests met
to feast on eight eo-.trs, and boant at tii;it
tjuc weic cosily. Thenamt'of LucuIluV
has become h jmiverb in cintiiction with
feasting; uut. in justice to him, it mus't be
Suid tiit he Va.s uol without uicIIkhI i)
the fuisUhegau'. Ire .p. ut money treelv
lor f.wxl I.lng, but be was "s nsibfi
et.oiigli io hake a scale uf prohaldi co't u
go by, and eieutually, to sai' hinis-lf a:!-'
hi; nr ants troulne, he pueadist ne
iiuiiu- to each room iu bU lioase, and tb'f
purvrers tui!d ulwa s li-U b tlie 11131
5vlcci3 for a feast to what exptti : v
es u go. fcome rxtmonktiary i.'...ti.rr
wT6 p.-atcl fi.rtp.e.,res. 'jhtji M.et
tus. in a Silver salur, ii-cil lo blenii lb"
luers cf gilt lira .m, t e i.ia'.as cf pLe
ttj.fc and i t'w. , t-e loguM of phe.i
op:us. and the ui..tsof la-.-ijirers.
Tlic Meitlcml 3Iiirt-.et-I'Iaco;
lnull C uU'.J
The media-vnl market pia.v, whether o
KlIi d, or t ra.itv, or Germany, or Iki
putu, or Hokacdor lUij, tr bp.nn, ap
nrs to Iiae played tery much tie.- sal
art i.i tic da lv inV t ie citizen !:at I
iicwpaier pn-ss nUvs to-dav. The nett
whicii sinril men's bloiNl, wlikh stuiij;
them to uttioir, which deiigb'ed, or a.
palh-d.'or interested, emaiu'ted frt-ni thi
m-trket-pjiee. The s; ecial corrt-poiid ni
was time in the shape of the Iiemld oi
meKtigir, w.th liews from ho .e oi
aUoad; ilic "to-iety nua" wjs ther- with
hui lat bit of back stair news or ale ou&
gio-ip. or Ue tale or tbu hist great fcriai
If a man ttaiilnl a situalii.n, or s serv
aul, or:: husc. he wuit lo the m-irket
place; if be wanted to show oU a neiV suit
of clothes, be went there; if be wanted to
be-.tr o( the last musical piece or the i.ist
Hieatr.C'd i.tw s, be wt nt there; if be w islied
toiMhcrlisc, bVweLlllure; jitintrdlHiokii
w c:e ran. u.. J costly, io tlia! fiipulur tictiou
was to le biuru :il the suiU ot (tie.putiliu
slorj -teller; finally, the n:zrkiita! was
Hie eschange, tbecountiwj'housc, and lite
shop Miiii-.tr -it Tho jrVpul.ir hero re
eiil bis ir.uuiph l..eru. tlie crimiii.d re
ttind bis (kxits Iliere; in short, Wiat
everinUrestul tiie public mind radiuUd
fr m the mari.rt-.ljce; and when the
ubKc Oite was rajta', it was frni tiiern
The iLgts, the scent tribunals, lbetr
pots, the .u.iiitors. feareil plots that wiJ-e
liatcLeil en the J ubl.c I luce far more thatl
tliose wjlth we:e e tictrt.d privily in out
of tbe-way ntoLs and eor.;irs; and the
tytaLt, who turned a deaf ear to the ap
peal or rem iterance w-hieli tame from a
sii-gle street, tumid it'tnie po icy to face
fi.iDeailngly the clamor of a market-place
trowd. A sudden, will-directed swoop
might crush the plot of the backroom, but
to uefj tho tuarnet-plaei; uienut to defy Ihe
Sledmlns nnl I2eudlli Wood.
(I'hreii 1 igieal Journal.
In an address recently delivered by Mr.
H. O. Mii'jBird, of .New llavm, I'onn..
relative IO the use of wood 'in carrLige
making, he said Hut after a piece of wiiod
is lieut its clut licteristics undergii a coil-sidcraol-
ciianzc: The woixl ts heavier.
and its li. e.s tmve Lecon.e intcritutd: it
t uill sll t l.n ITl.trf 1irfsliri. .illl utr-itri llitt
" V " -.-,-- """"-
straght t.ossi in tlio sam ilirections
Twith the grain, lie sail:
imlnr Hut Ii.hIxtii stcjniel.
it is lietit or n it. lias its st It-it-"
'L It 14 moie ori.tle lb.ui it wn
- .u I ,r ami for some uses It
trilf1 do as ndl. and yet tbire
is a t,u.liiv i it-it tlie steaming it -
cess snd tin. kilu-diying proems product,
ia much tlie same way tu Initn coo!c
the utt t in I oe liiulier, aad make it brink
and ttilf 't here U a kind of nickory tlut
nevrr leonie Uifl-by a natural pro.t-sol
drying, and one of tl.e des rabie i-jalita?
ofasi;r rim or whilllctree is sliCm.-;'
as well isstrT.a. ioa lae the liick
ut and it b, t c very lxt we have and
steam 1 , and U U better rittc.I fo.' tk-se
puqo-w tlutn it W'.n tsfore. It Is diilicuil
U tear aprtt a pkte of Iunt wooil; tbe
fibers are interwoven, one with Hie other.
We do not perceive the change on the . ui
side, but wUv-n we conic to split the ..cj
open, tve tind that its character is tlitirch
A tJetierons Done,
1 "fitsan," said old baeheiorllcans. a ll
serviiil tntcreil the romi in p-ponse to .U
, U.11, "wuereare those little black pills t.iat
1 had! 'i'l.eiewhs abikwl a liand'ul ol
i thein. Tli; fcos Lroke in my pocket, and
l put inetn nsre ou ttic ni.mtcl-picce, tuts
very morn in,?. " r
"Was they inazauccr, sorj" Suna
esked qu.ckly.
-Tiiey Wsre," raid Beans. "In a
suait-r. on the msnU-i-piece by ibe clock.'
-Howly mother o" jIosjs! ' slw yclh-d.
Tm a dead gurrtl, sure. I found tome
crame an ns?.r on liie table, an 1 ate out;
o' the saucer wid e tij-siKoo. I thought
they were liooklcbiirJcK
piiiladdphiaCalhAn English writer say-'
that all Americans talk in a high, shrill
key. Yes, Mr. Englishman, they goi into
ji uu IWV4. HJU - ...m Witt siv
l heard above the di l of battle Sttfinj th
, Jrerolutionarj war.
Mil and Humor-
Si-utid ccnclusioL dtinc tcli'o.
CiriM-'iitVra'ppiieral'y UIV planH,
A Hotel is known by the compan
it Keeps,
A w omul's, beauty is most 'perfect
lnm it i backed tie intellTgi'iice, A
newspaper bustle is jnst iJih tiling.
Were JJis Liberty Enlightemiig the
world rtd-Jieadeil she wouldn't liavo lo
hchohhug up )sktid toreWfe'
r- -se:v " "JTSfc a.Li
Wf ,mim. , . . , ,. t
gropw?lipald,. Ting, n. chznUuiUatkrLttfp
1iefqig?tnj,i3ke rtim a'rjl u gf a'ri i' ofi!
A coal stovKit a ijm jnrJo.t.
It on't lurn unrisiTviIuS it up nnd
thin ft wcii'thurn unless yooliakeil
Wlie'n the husband slqwi in n front
window nnd lite rlTipr fellnx flijm out
a back nliulnw wiiith is the moat pro
Cl"lt siippei?
Hotel iropritor "Vv- don't allow
any guinea of cIisiich hern.' Oambler
'This isn't h game of elmiice. My
friend here lias i:o chance.'
'My daughter,' exclaimed a fashioti
tble motlier, 'is innocence iisplf. You
can't say anything in tier pY'esVnce. that
will make' tier blush.
According lo Professor Proclor, the
sun is l,2$0,0lA) times as Urge as ihe
eirib. They must have an nuful liim
iitiiititig for their North poI up therH
The Phrenological Journal huts; 'In
choosing u ife 1m goiereiied by her
chin', A man l ftpt lo be grt relied
by iIim s-iiiin thing iifier in-gets u wile
K male Tacher in graitnimr rec'tft
lioii 1 ' I illdii't lme nnv fun at ihe
-aside," I low would you correct Uiis,
J luiil" John "Why, get u feller,''
Belle -Ma, do you know what C.ife
hu lait il' Mrs. Mushroom 'Ko, I
don't know exu'clly. du!ing, In I Imiji
poae cafn a'd lay is coffee wilh au egg
int. ' -
Even piouR soul ar cometi'tsps (em
Jiteil lo Iiij'-e into the wanto.i spit it of
ha lilllo infliden who pruyd: 'Plea r,
Mr. Ocd, 1 am tired of being made
good won't o'u kill pa?
Wife "What do yoo Suppose ia
the reason that tlit're are no nisriiic'-s
in liPBt-erit Ilnsband 'You slujiid
goon !, It is to tdi.et tls3 fact liiat thefo
is no heaven in marriage.
Progress o the Bridge-
All l .be platforms on which thepera
of the Moliison street bridge iil rest
nre finislied 1 ill on.. Work on this
one, whicli'ls near the cpsr. side, was
commenced yesterVIiy. Most of the
iron for the bridgp is on the ground
ready lo 1 'placed in position. The
cylindrical lrbi' piers ari-. being built
in this city by Trenknian k Volf.
There is said to be not t ! slightest
obstacle in the wav of the hridgp, and
almost beforp peopls rai!i7 the fact it
will he built. There is not the slight
est dacger now of an injunction. The
bnetit of hi irnprbvphieiit is alniOt
incalculable lo boh sides of the river.
II will unite the twin cities of Portland
and East Portland so c!oeIv that it
will lie but a short lime before they
will unite in otip municipal govprn
nienl and thus red'icr ibr expense by
having only one set of i.flicer, instead
of two ds at I rpsiit. News.
Mr. I). S. K. R.iick, of Roseburg
who went Eft in charge of the OreC""
px,iiut car, reiutueil yesterdav. lie
I . , . , , , . ' , . .
I wabrnt eighty dajri, during which
tiniH the car traveled through Wash
iugton Torrilorv, Idaho, Montana.
MinnesntH, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indi
ana, M chigau, New Ytrk, Peiinstl
vnnia, Ohio and Missouri, waking in
all alioui T.tJOO' milea. During the
trip SOfJ.OOO peojile inspvcled the car
mil ii cofiteiiis ami were highly pVas
il, Mahy of ihcse were rejiresenta
iiir tneii ho!iavp inoiiey to in est
Tlie car had a continual nati-n from
the lime it left St. Paul. Mr. Buick
will leave fir Iioire tc-day. Porl-'
land News of the 9ili.
The undertaker who I'd rinl Gir
tiehl is bufore i lie public with an u.i
psid bill of $'2.b0b for h'w rrvices.
Congres apprr.piiated C'5,00!) to pav
for Hi Gifield funera', but iliere
ippnis 'o '-e such a fala'ily Mlwut Hip
bills for barring ' pu' 'ic men ihat
.our fw-oide wil. bersory lo have them
! ,.
pq. "J". S JUL'. 11,1 W 1,-JSi 'fS 1M mn
Neil's Sumiriai'tj-
Roosevelt HiVtd for Ec'rc'jo on Sat
turduy. vt ' '
The Democrats claim thai llartlett
is ahead 300
Tentv-fie ilioussnd meat packera
i '
are on a strike in Chicago.
Cleveland is still increasing in.
weight. 'Jisueiuda is 'he only reiiW-
Charles W. 15ink, a oi fiifential
c'eik in Well, Furgo it Co., S-ti
ftHt.'cisco, is iiitssing with L'0,000 of
the compu) 'a money.
Tlie J.mrnal, Albany, (X. Y.) sa; a
the proposition lo hold a constitution
al contention next ear has uudoubt
edly been carried .
A V.ishington dispatch iJ)f? t Sen
ator Dolph, Mias iiuljft ami Sunnin
Od.Mieal, start Tu-soiy for a isit to
Porliaud', Or., where they will spend
two weeki.
Tie Humbold-. Lu'iiber CoV mill
burned to thi g ound Friday 'nu(it'.
Il Is supposed the causw was thw ex
plosion of a keroseiii-laiup. Its vlu
was $S0,000, partially insured.
The Columbia Kipr Pner Gini
pany'a paper mill at li Cihks liurn-d
to the ground liitunlay nisht at 1(5
o'c'nek. It is a tothl 'oss, Hggreguijtr
.5100,000. The amount of Insuruiicw
i. S45.000.
7.he New York Star sa , eililorially:
'Tim purpose of III tine's visic
here is to form a cotillion with Ilen
rv Oeorge." It says ili-tt t Is prr
praniiue i iImi O-ore shall pliv Ihe
part in the next tmiDpaigti which Duller
playn I iu the last. ,
Obstructing Progress.
TheNoithern P.ici'fic is ileleriuiti'i
- . M
o usb every ineatiB 111 lis iMiwer fo
1. j,1 ' .. m
prevent progress of any kind. It i'
not only doing all it can itself lo
thwart dm Postal Telegraph Com
pany, but is speicine to whip oiIi'ts.
iato line as well. Its representatives
hetitbfore have n'lTected 10 iliselat'i!)
any bbejelion to the conslrurtinn il
the new lin provtde'd Itkelit oflti.u
Norllirrn PaciSc'a right of t.avj eveH
going fo. far as to pretend lint ll
act of filling up hobs rdf hei'r riglit
of wav was through a mistake.
Tho latter rpptesenlation wH
jiroved lo be Julm by the ti r fscts of
of the cae, Tho Seanl "Pihi In
telligencer piriineMly obserte-t tlmi
tbe Northern Pacific n o, rf)si'io'n t
tbe new couijinny is deep seated trwl
founded on its deep rooted atitipbv 'o
1 .
progress of any kind. It not 011I
objects to the 1. ear line iiping built oa
its right of wa, Lut objects tn i( Ris
ing duilt at all. Two agenta of I'm
railroad comp'inr, it ny, are -aid lo
huvp gone ever tli roid rec nlly, s'op
piug aT every farm house with a pa
per which they urged the frtrtiiers in
sign. Tiiose who signed it ji'edgul
llie'nselves not to allo'v ihe P.ntl!
T-'legraph Conlpany to co'iatriicl Hit
lines over their farms. "I!ow iut-T
cessful this mission of olistriicioii was)"
llie F. I, addx, "can not In said; b'bN
il 13 to liop-ii that tlieiurui'irt ari;
too sensible tu be duped into such ait
agreement. The Northern I.nilroa'l
ia becoming mora auJ morp renownni
us the euiny to the progress of tbJ
north wost." Netrs.
On lliti whole the liepubliciiis li.nd
more than held their own. The mug
wunip candidate of ihe Massachusetts
democracy lias been snowed under;
and Republicans hav berti i'ctorioua
in Micbisan, Wiconsin, Minnesota,
Connectictlt and other so calfed douVt
ful states, where there wer? gnVfrna
toiial candidates. In New York, Con
necticut, Nevada and California tho
hvii-lature are K-pt'li'i'-an anj assur-"
the election of R' puhticaii tetiato-.
HT nt if New Jersey nud Indiana am
deiiioi;riilie; ihe Republieans will Lavo
the tipper htuie. Tim democtaMo
nrjorily in the Lnwpr 1Ioup, whicll
is now fori-five, lias been considerably
reduce.!. Tne most significant feat ore
alul tbe whole election is the def-at
of Carliste and Morrp&Pv It 2a tl
, , ,' VB&Si j r
harlieat Map ever a-lniViBTeo to 11
(rrf trade fuel ion. N'ws.
it. '
and Urinieliitia iminedialplv
by tihiloh'. cure. Brooks keej
"JSETiS. J .
QTiij haiiitfatPnimtKhoM?rtf.r.fa'
aplOOO pWjtRffuf "thitil-gi.U. s.
III' I Mill j ffLI Ji