Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 25, 1886, Image 1

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    . .vsimilt&c . "re. - T"1 -JfclW1-1'y..
Jacksonville, Oregon,
t e k m s
oopy, Prlr,liitfrt o
idvertisemi nts will be l-terfedia the
Sentinel at the following itg:
Ten lines, one insert ion f "C
" each subsequent insertion ;1 C)
Legal advertisements insviud rea
sonably. Job work of all kinds done on prompt
notice and in workman-like style,
A Dlconni to Vaurly ArtltrtUra.
VOL &XXI--NO. 38
rsorcssiuxxL cards.
1. K. YOUNU, M. D.,
ThjBUmm Ai Snrgeca,
Cmtbal Pikt, Okeooh.
Calls promptly attended to at all hoars.
Having located at this place I ask a
altar ef tha patronage of this section.
Calls attended to at any time.
Jacksonville, Or.
'Will praclice in a'.I the fourts ol the
Btate. Offlce with District Attorney,
Court House.
Medford, Oregon.
All business in my line will receive
prompt attention.
Jacksonville, Ojb.,
Will practice in all the Courts of the
tse. Office In Court Ujusc
T. 3. KENT,
Jacksonville Orlgos.
VTiil rraclice mall the. courts ofthis State.
Office in Hit .ourt House.
G. LEMPEltT. M- D-,
Graduate ofUnivcrsity, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Surgeon.
Calls attended to nt all hours dav and
hight. Office opposite Stover Ho el. Jack
svaYillt. Oregon.
B. rrrer, M. D
f . r. Vrarr, Jt. D.
SXodford, Or.
Offices. For the present will be a
'j. W. ROBIHSOH, H D.,
JasksoHTile, Ogn.
FFIOK At City Drug Blorc. Real.
ilea on Fourth St., opposite Si. K.
Calls promptly attended o,day and night.
All uailaest placed in my hands will re
tire Bre'npt 'attention. Special atten
tion ina to collections.
Ury Fublic, Real Estate Actnt and
CeUec cr
Codford, O
I make conveyancing and f nmislilng ab
stracts of land title a specialty. Loans
Bcaliated aad collections made. All
tttiaess intrusted to my care will receive
prompt and carclul attention.
Teeth extracted at all hours.
.Laughing gas administered,
'if desired for which extra
barge will He made. Oflice on corner of
California and 5lh street.
A. . anas.
Seams 1 and 4 Strowbridge'i Ruilding,
Will practice in all courts or record In the
State of Oregon and Washir.lon Terri
tory; and pay particular attention to
tmadnessia Federal courts.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing be
twren Samuel DcRoboam and C. K
Beaumie, under the firm name of DcRo
boam ifc Co., has been this dav mutually
dissolrod the said Samuel DcRoboam
continuing the business in bis own name,
and paying ail the debts of the said firm
of PeRoboam & ro. when due and all
the debts owing to said firm up to to this
date are due and payable to C. K. Beaumie.
Jacksonville, July Olh.lBSG.
5. Deroboav.
C. E. Deacmlb.
on&CalifornaR. R.
And connections. Time 2J days.
Fare (rum Portland lo Man Francisco $31 1
to feueramenfo $30.
Close connections made at Ashland
with Mages of the California Oregon
and Idaho Stage company.
East Side Division, . V I
Between lNirHaml & As.ii&ti I
Mall Train.
Portland. .7:30 A. M. Mcdford. ..3:24 a. m.
Medford. .3:25 a. m. Ashland.. .4:1.", a. m.
Ashland. 0:30 r. M. Medford. .10:10p it.
Mcdford. 10:11 p.m Portland.. 4:23 p. ji.
Albany txpress Train.
Portlaml....4:00rM Lebanon... 9:20pm
Lebanon 4:45 a M.Portland. .10:00 a it
Pullman Palaco Sleeping C;iru
Daily between Portland and Ashland.
The O. & C. R. It. Ferry makes con
nection with all the regular trains on the
East Side DU. lrom foot of F. St.
West Side Division.
Between Portland & Corvallis.
Hall Train.
Portland.... 7:30 am
Cbrvullis. . . . 1 :30 a m
At rurvallis connect with trains of Ore
ron Pacific R. R.ior Yaqulna ifuy.
Lxprr Train.
Portland.... 4:.i0 psi McMinuvilied 00pm
McMinnvilIe5:4o AM!I'ortland...9:00 a m
Lncal tickets lor sale and baggage
ch'-cked at company's up-lown oftice, cor
nel Pine and Second btreels. Tickets for
piincipil points in aliforma can only be
procured, and baggage checked at com
pany's oflice.
Corner F nuil Trent t , Portland, Orrson,
Freight will not b: received for ship,
mert atlcr fie o'clock ri on cither the
East or Wct Side Divi .ions.
R. KoKiiLEit, E. P. Rooeus,
Manager. G. F. i: Pass. Agt
In the Circuit (Jourt of the BL"ile of Ore
gon for the County of Jackson.
Robert Webtrop, P:aiutitT, i
V. '. nirnrpn
JtulUey Jane Wcsrrop. Dcfcndt.
in liiitlu-v .lane Wrsliiip, Iierendanl:
1 Oregon, you are hereby required lo
appear and answir the compaint filitl
asainst you iu the abve entitled snil in
the above euiitlid couil on or la-forc lhe
4th day of October, 183(i. tli.it Iwihir the
lirht day of the next regular term of sid
court, and you are hereby notified thai if
you fall lo so appear and nnwer said
complaint within said lime, plainlill will
apply to said court lor the reliei lemand
til m said compltiut. to-wit: Fur n de
cree against you iliss'i'ving the mirri.isc
fimtmrt now rxiniing between you and
piHintitr, ami for cotts and disbuisements
of tliis suit.
This summons is served by publication
by order of Hon L R. Webster, judge of
said court under date of June 2i. 18SG.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
lhe business cariied on under the
tiim name of Ucunes Urn's has this d.iy
1h-cii t discontinued E. R. Re-mcs with
diauing therefrom All outstanding
debts due lhe. said firm ml'st he taid or
secured immediately. All notes and ac
accounts ot lhe firm can be found at the
old stand. RciUES Uuo's.
Augut2nd. 18SG.
The business hereafter will be conduc
r- under the linn name of Rcamcs &
While who will transact their busints
upon ncah basis, and will supply the new
storewith a complitc stoek'of sew
good all of wliieli will be sold nt price.
cheap as Iheclieapcst. Give us ncall and
Jude tor yoursc.ves. T fi. Reciis;
J. F. White.
Land Ofeice at Roskburo Oox., I
Sept., C, 1S.G. f
Notice is licrebv given that the following-named
settler lias filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in supnor
of his claim, and that said proof will Iw
made before the Clerk of the County
Court of Jackson Co. Ocn., at Jackvon
villc, Ogn , 'n Thursday October 19th.
18S0, viz: Henri- D. Kubli preemption
I. R. No, 5 50 for the N W Vf of N E 'X
& N E H or N W if, Sec, 26, township
S3, south range 4 west W. M. He names
the following witnesses lo prove nis con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation
or, said land viz: John Boll, Georce
Hoffman. Wm. Hcrriott, Terence Byrne
ail of Jpplegate Jackson County Oregon.
Chab. W. Johnston, Register.
I have made a reduction in the price of
hog meat now selling
Shoulders, G cents per pound.
Hde-cieat, 5 cents per pound.
Good Lard, 7i cents per pound.
It is all open (or inspection and war
ranted. Jous Ortii.
Watchmaker ad Jeweler,
California Sreet,
A AKES a specialty of cleaning and re-
IXX pairing watcues ana clocks. Mj
ciirgts arc reasonable. Give me a eal
Jacksonvi.il, Or.
At the old stand of S. P. Ilanna, in Crone
miller's building, keeps on hand a
full line of
Wagon Material.
And is pit , ared to do all work in his line
on sh' I notice and in n workmqnlifec
mam cr., Vehicles of every .desi.
cnniion m:iueiu oraer.'-.s.
. r. -, j '
Remiring A-.SpeciaTty.
Terms reasonable and satisfacation
guarantetd. Geo.IIieves
m mum mulch'
iVsIl E133.C1. Or.
Four courses of Qtnrttr VnnTml t,rT
Commercia". College, Preparatory and In-
sirumemai music.
Foi particulars or catalogue apply to
the undersigned nl Ashland, Oregon.
M. G. ROYAL, A. M.
Has had 25 years experience in the treat
ment of
ilironir, Stnous And Privalc Diseases
nd having thoroughly proved lhe mer
it of his Specific Uemkuiis, in lhe treat,
intnl and cuiie of many tiiousind cases,
he now oilers them to those in trouble to
cure tlitmtclits t Uomr.
Ur. S!'iM.V Sprr.'Rr rorCnnnrrbra.
' sixtlllr lor jiUi:is.
" " hjwriOr Tor sprnu.ilorrlira.
" prrlllrrur (nlarrli.
Price oi either remedy, $3.00 per case.
Sent by express, packed S'ture from ob
servation, on receipt of price.
Call at office and Private Dispensary.
Multnomah block, opposite Po-t Office,
rite to Dr. N. S. Spinney, Uox C23
Portland, Oregon.
Nervous Debility.
DR. E C. WEST'S nerve and brain
iretluicnt, a specific. Ibr Hysteiia,
Dizziness, I onvu'sions. Nervous 'Head
iichc. Mental Depression, Loss of .Memory,
pc-nnatnrlioca. Impolcney, Involuntiry
emissions, premature o'd "age, caused b
over-exerlion, selt-abuse or over-indulg
iicp. wliieli leads to misery, decay and
death. One liox will cure- recent ca.ses.
Each box contaius one mouth's treatment,
one do 'ar a box, or six boxes for five dol
law; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ol
; rice. We guarantee six boxes to cure
tiny case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with five dol
lars, we will send th purchaser our writ
ten guarrntee lo return the money if the
treatment tloes not effect a cure. Guaran
tees issued only by
WoonARD, Clarke & Co.,
Wholesale ant1 Retail Druggists, Port
land. Oresrou.
Orders by mail at regular prices.
vljnngc 3n iUmmgcmcnt
Cor. 3d and California Sts.,
Jacksonvill - - Ogn,
Having taken charge of this hotel the
undersigned take pleasure in announcing
to the public that a complete change will
be made.
71XO 170.1310
will be supplied with eveiything the
market fibrds, aud a general renovation
oi the
Boda ct.3a.c3. H.ooms
will be made. The patronage of the pub
lie is solicited.
J DeRoboam.
Tha Greatest Hsdieal Triumph of tis A;;oI
Xjosoofnppetllc, Bowrla coal Ive, Pain la
the bead, with n. dull cnsatlou In tlio
baca pirt. Pi, In under tho ohoulilrr.
Ltarfr, Fullnoa nflrr catlux, with ndl
Inclination to exertion of bodr ornilcd.
IrHtabliltrortcmpcr, Lownplrlts, with
afcIinEot'haTlRi;iirclectrd name duty,
Wcmrlneo' Wzzlocos, riaitcrlng-nt the
lleRit, Hot. before the rye, llenducho
oer tbo right eve, lteitlcmneM, Willi
Ctful drcvcis. Itlchlr colored Urine, and
THTT.S riLLSaraespec.iiKyivlnptotl
to each case's ono 0e ctTccts such a
ThC7 Iisirao tlie ApncUtc,nJ tase the
hrdr ti 'fake cm FIch.l u tbi rtriaJs
iioirishplRrtl bjih r Tonic Ar!n on
ths UiC&ttTcOnrB.uIlrvnilRrMooiare
rV1ii1?TiT'i tj rlfl a ',, , tJtlFr.rray Nt'-'-
Grat Hati: or Wbizcks changed to a
(,'ijossr Duck or a sluzto npiilicatlon ot
tnW DTK. It liniiartsaitatunu color, act
instantiinrr.nsly. ioM lv lniK-lts,
f-nt lv expn-a- on rec-tpt of a t .
: i ..-r r
inn n r Send s,x cents fr postage,
rnlr "nu "eive Irce, a costly box
I II ILLiorgoodsTvhich will help all,
of either sex. to more money right away
than anything cl6e in this Tvorld. For
ones await tie workers absolutelv snre
l AtoQoeoddrefcsTiws & Cb Augusta, Me
Joaquin Miller.
EcoeSK CiTrOr., Aug. 30 Sjc
ial. 1 write you' from the heart of
the one green state of ibis great union.
This is the Emerald land. The bills
and valleys of-" Oregon ara forever
green. WaenjI; sil-u ap the Clydo
for the 6rt Vjv leaving Ireland on
m? rielitbandfli wrOtcf-honieThat T
had-fouuU. a liiSe Iraymentnt Oregon
floating off the coast ot Scotland.
Contrast thia perpetual green with
the dull, old-gold yellow ot California
and you Bud both very beautiful.
The gold brings out the green, and the
green makes the gold still more glori
ous and splended.
Here nrrllio continnooi oods;
llerarull Ilia Oragoli.
AnJ this Euiarald land Wat then,
when Bryant wrote of it, the remote
land tha ultima thula as it still is
to soma extent. This is the most re
mote part of our contitirut. Oregon
nay feel a hit hurt when we say this.
But still it is lhe truth. This is tlv
only geographical or nu political divis
ion of our union which has no real
railroad termiuous. True, e have a
road piercing the center and so passing
on over the great mountains that di
vide uajroui California the last links
in the great steel belt of the state.",
of which I have spoken bpfgre. But
Oregon has no direct railioad leading
o any place at all, like all our other
Ma teg and terriuriis. And that is
uhv Oregon is especially a good and
This young and Mroug and liel hy
Male liai been trampled over like oth
er ntutes that are so etsily reached
The result is 'land has not advanced
so fir in price as in othr placea.
Rich and arable lands ready for the
plow are cheaper here to day than in
anv other place in the union, except,
perhaps, oil the rich levels of caueand
cotton lioitonirioftouisana.
All the mountains here, unlike in
California, Aiizona, and New Mex
ico, are lieaily timbered, at-d all the
talletK no; littlu emerald patches of
prairie. No land, save urn) lie in 'he
o'lder purl of Illinois, was o entirely
prepared tor the plow by nature as this
Oregon was lrom the. Oregon is
And she is entirely different in cli
mate and general characteristics, as
)Oit can well say. Iu fact for a whole
generation the great Willamette (p ro
llout. ced Wil laui ii) was to all intents
Mid purpose the tuiira state of Ore
gon. But to the east of this noble
valley and gleaming river lies the Ore
con Siarras. And to tht east of the
long and lofty reach of the Oregon
siurrus, with its tplendid snow peaks
all iu a row, reaches a vast and fertile
country. Thia Eastern Oreguii is not
green at all. It is not timbered, as a
u!h. It is high, treelrss aud wind)
worid, set ap,trt by itself, and until
eceiitly was tliu onlv home of the
cowboys with iiiuumoiuble herds. But
of late it has been found to be as fertile
as any land iu Oregon. And now
these vast barren plains, fenced in by
the sand and sage brush to the east
and the Oregon aiarras on the west,
are being converted into boundless
Seids oE wheat, like the one arid plains
of California.
Of course you'. fancy that all this
land is, and ha alWavs been, a quite
pastoral land, celebrating peace aud
plenty iu its broad xorn fields and un
der its dark and woiiderous fir trees.
My friend, Oregon was from the first
the most
Part of thia coutuirnt. She comes
honestly by her regnrd for Sheridan's
old military quarters. The Indian
wars of California were as nothing com
pired to the wars of Oregon, even
the first. The Orsgnn Indiins were,
with a few exception, the most ter
rible men in battle to be found
amongst all the tribsi. They were of
a much braver and nobler stock than
those of California, and died as a rule
in the field of battle.
Have I not told you before ho
-this Oregon, when neglected by the
United States, met nnder the trees,
formed a government, made laws, del
dared war, coined her own monry
out of her own gold, main
tained her army in the field and
paid her own men out of her own
money coined by her own blacksmith,
out of gold dug from her owa toil!
Well, bear it in mind, and do not for
get it all. for it is all important and
all trus. These gold coins had a sheaf
of-wheat on onejsida and a beaver on
the other.Jthui showing the fertility
, of the scil and the industy of the peo
pie. The coins had no al'oy of either
steel or copper, like the legal coins of
the federal government, and so were
worth more than the legal coins, and
have been mostly melted up, but still
a fbw may be found. Of course, Ore--co-lraBwharmlpr"tbe"conalltunoh
no' stats could coiu"nioney. But Ore
gon was not a slate. She was not
evenvery stoutly claimed byUhe Uni
ted states as a territory. But her
loyalty, as much as anything else, in
raeetiug under the trees aud declaring
herself a part of the United States,
saved to the American people. And
so, with su.h a history behind her,
you must not blame her for her look
ing with a bit of vani y on the old
home of Phil Sheridan, for Oregon
was born on a battle field.
But my present letter is from this
spot, Eugene City, where my father
settlsd down nearly forty yearn ago,
and where I have done more hard work
with the band pens these lines than any
other man I know of worked like a
man while still a lad'
Take your map and trace stright
west to the sea from this town. It is a
Khort ride from Eugene City to the
Pacific ocean. But all these years the
route, and the sea bank aswell, has re
mained in unknown land. The rea
son is the high black mountains that
lift hp and hang almost over the seu
are entirely inuccessible. No horse,
much less a vehicle, can cross the dense
ly timbered and sombre sea wall.
Yet one little stream has made its way
io the sea hre through a tangled and
inpenetrable mass of vine, inapl.
g apevines, myrtle, cedar, aud indeed,
ull sorts of jungle, in which the sport
ive bear likes to make entirely his own
habitation. Naturally Kie would
think that the fisherman oi the few
nd teamen driftiug up and down the
ocean would have found this Oregon
seaport era this; und uiiybe they -have
a.ter a fashion. But no one seemed to
tike any interest in it bhfore, and I
never heard of it till now, although I
was raised right here almost in the
sound of the breakers thai roll in aud
awaken the huh of the deusely wood
ed shore. I regret that I have not yet
been able to vi.it this new and eutirely
unknown seaport of Oregon.
The climate of Oregon can have my
hearty endursement; and not entirely
because I spent so many industrious
)-ars here, but partly because this
state stands second on the mortality
list of all states or places on the face
of the earth. And I assert as an ir.dis
putible fact that were it not for the
low an vicious life which has been
imported and planted along the line of
the fisheries and ports and the inoutb
of the great river and other like places,
the hialth of this state would stand
ttio first iu the worlJ and lead the liat
iu tho low rate of mortality.
And thii-, I think, is savin; about
all that need be said about the climate
of Oregon the land of eternal verdure
and roaring rivers. Yes, it does rain
here, aud the sportive Californians
long ago
And .insisted that it was a natural
necessity that we should all in time be
webfooted in order to get about. And
every now and than souu new and as
piring Mirk Twain will rise up and
set a paragraph afloat to the effect
that some forty or less babies have been
born this season with webbed-feet in
Oregon. But so long as we stand at
the head, or even next to lhe head of
the list for solid good health, all these
sorry little peasantries are quite
harmless. I tell you frankly you will
have to go far, all the way to Green
land in fact, to find such rosy Lures as
you find here in dear, delicious, emer
ald Oregon.
Not long ago I was shown the
"Grant house," at an old fort it) Cali
fornia; but here in Oregon you are
shown the "Sheridan house," with
much just pride, for here it was that
Gen. Sheridan first won his Bpun in
war after leaving West Point. And
if I remember rightly, I saw him still
here after the great civil war was well
under way. But he disappeared, like
a strong and confident swimmer plung
ing into the troubled waves, only to
reappear lusty and full of life and ac
tion on tha othtr shore. And from
that date forward, as all know, he has
been a conspicuous figure in hlstcrv.
But hia old quarters here in Oregon
are held in great reverence.
Bill Nye.
"Capitalist" Will you kindly fur
nish your "aJdress .once in o ret You
must either stop moving about so or
leaver some one at home to reprtsent
you. JNothingis more humilaling to
a literary man ot keen sensiGilttTes than
to draw at sigh! and have the 'draft
returned with the memorandum on the
hack in pencil; 'Gone to the White
Mountains," or "Gone tc Lake Elmo
on another bridal tour," or "Gone to
Bayfield (o be absent several years,"
or "Gone lo Minnesota to wait till the
clouds roll by."
"Searcher," Peru, III. "Cum grano
sails" was the motto of tho ancients,
and was written in blue letters at the
base of the shield on a field emerald,
supported by a cucumber recumbent.
Tbe author is unknomn.
"S-Q. G," McGse's Prarie, Iowa
asks: "Do you know of any place
where a young man can get a good
"Tbt depends on what you call a
good living, S. Q G. If your stomach
wouid not revolt at plain fare, such as
poor people use, come up and stop at
our house a while. We don't live very
high, but we aim to eke out an exist
ence, as it were. Come and abide with
us, S. Q. G. Here is where the
Prince of Wales comes when he gets
wery of being apparant to the throne.
Here is where Al cotnes when he has
stood a long tiuie, first on one leg and
then the o' her, waiting for his mother to
evacuate laid throne. He bids dull
care begone, nd clothing himself iu
some of ,n;y own gaudy finprv, he
threads a small Limerick hook ili-uugh
lhe vi'als of a long-wasted worm, as
we hie us to the boskv dell where the
splash of the pleasant voiced briok re
plies lo the turtle dove's moan. There
where the pale-green pluh of the
moss on the big, fl it rock deadens the
foot-falls of Wales and me, where the
tip of the long willow 1 ough monkeys
with the giddy stream forever,; where
neither powers no principalities, nor
things present northings to come can
embitter us, we sit- there, me and
Wales, and we live more happv years
in twen'y minutes than a man" gener
ally lives all his whole life socked up
against a hard throne with the eagle
eye of a warning consistency on him.
It's a good place to come, S. Q. G.
Quiet but not restful; full of balm for
the wounded spirit and close up to na
ture's great North American heart.
That's the idea. Perhaps I do not size
you up accurately, S. Q. G. Yuu may
be a man who does not pnut for the
sylvan shade. Very likely you are a
seaside resortist and do not care for
pauts but I simply say to you that if you
are a worthy young man weary with
life's great battles beaten back, per
haps, aud wounded with your neck
knocked crooked like a torn-tit lhat
has run against a telegraph wire in the
night, come up here into northern
Wisconsin, where the butternut gleams
in autumn sunshine and the ax-helie
has her home. Come where the sky
sky is a dark and glorious blue and ll e
town a magnificieut red. Come where
the coral cranberry nes'les iu tbe green
heat of the yielding marsh, and the
sand-hill crane stands idly on the
sedgy brim of the lonely lake through
all the long, idle day, with his bands
in the tail ockel of his tan-colored
coat, trying to remember what he did
with his handkerchief.
Come up here S. Q. G , and be ray
amanuensis. I want a man to go with
me on a little private excursion from
the Dalles of tbe St. Croix to the Sault
Sle Marie. I want him to go with me
and act as my private secretary and
carry mj canoe for me. Tbe salary
would be 8mtll the first vear, but you
would have a good deal of fun. Most
any one can have fun with me. We
would go mostly for relaxation aud to
build up, but it would be a pleasure t0
mo to watch you build yours up.
What I nead is a private secretary to
go with. me and takedown litle thtnk-
lets 'hat I may have thought. You
would have nothing to carry but the
canoe, a small tent, my gun, and a type
writer. I would carry the field glas,
I always carry the field-glass1 because
something might happen to it. Qne
time an amanuensis who went with mft.
insisted on carrying ths field-glasvatid
the second day be lost the cork out of it,
so we had to come back and make a
ntw observation before we could start.
You would be welcome, S. Q G. .
welcome here in the fastness of tha
forest where tbe resinous air of lhe
spruce and the tamarack wouid kiss
your wan cheek welcome to the rocky
shores of the grand old fresb-water
monarch, tbe champion heavy-weight
of all lire great lakes welcome totho
hazy, lazy days of long, voluptuous
autumn,) the twilight of the closing
year welcome to the shade of the
l..,ft.l,p lb lun.hinv ,!(. in on
tip-toe, and frolics with tho dew anir
the daisies welcome lo the .sombre
depths of the ever regretful and re
pentant pine, whose veuei able hrads
are first to greet the day, and'' whose
heavy bosoms hold the night.
Come over, S Q G.. B my steno
grapher, and I will show vou where a
friend of mine has conceited a water
melon patch in the very heart of his
corn field. Come over, and we will
show him how concealment, like a
worm, may feed upon hit damaged
fruit. Till then, S. Q G, (a ta.
ihicago News.
Deer Slaughtering. A gentleman
who has just returned from a huntiog
excursion In Southern Oregon, says(the
busines of killing deer for their skins
is still carried on there as extensively
as ever. The settlers in lhat section are
becoming disgusted with the business
but cannot do much to prevent it.
Some are afraid of having their cattle
shot if they make complaint, and
others say: "We have dune the same
thing oursphes," and have no right to
complain ofjothers. In every direction
in Coos, Curry and Jackton counties
thecampsof tliskiu huntees are
found, and around them are the car
casses nf deer rotting on the ground.
Two hunters will start out wilh a pack
horse each loaned with provisions for
two wetks, and at tho end of that time
return with their horses laden with a
hundred to a hundred and fifty deer
skins. For these they get about 50
cents each. One of the worst features
of this businpssiR that the skins are
thinner and better adapted for fine
buckskin in summer time than after the
winter coat of hair has come out and
the hide thickened, hundreds of does
are shot hofore their fawns arfyifficr .
ently grown lo take care of themselves.
There should be something done at the
next legislature to put a slop to this
slaughtering of deer. Some effective
law should be passed forbidding it.
and a commissioner or other official ap
pointed to look after the matter. Let
every member nf the legislature make
a note of this. fOresonian.
Tns First W,ddg We like
the short courtships, and in this Adam
acted like a sensible man he fell
asleep a bachelor, and awoke to 5nd
himse'f a married man. He appears
to have popped the question almost
immediately after meeting Miss Eve.
and she without flirtation or shyness,
gave him a kiss and herself. Of that
first kiss in the world we have had our
own thoughts, however, and sometimes
in. a political mood wished we were the
the man that did it. But the deed is
done, the chauce was Adam'a and he
improved it. We like the notion of
getting married in a garden. Adam's
was private. No envious aunts and
grunting grandmothers. ' The 'birds
of the Leavens were the minstrels, and
the glad skies fluns its licht on tlm
scene. One thing about the first wed
ding brings queer things to us in spite
of ita scriptural truth. Adam and
his wife were rather young to marry
some two or three days old, according
to the sagest elder; without exper
ience. Without a house, a pot, or
kettle; nothing but love aud Eden.
Victoria's dislike for Gladstone is
said by the St Stephens Gazette to date
back to lhe passage of the Irish Church
Disestablishment bill in 186S. The
Queen expressed to Gladstone her
aversion to lhe essential principles of
the bill, and he replied: "But. madarae,
jou must sign." The Queen flushed,
and replied 'with indignarion; "Sir, da
you know who I am? ' "Yen, madarae,
the Queen of En.'and. But does your
majesty know who I ami I am the peo
ple of England."
Here's a paragraph they are print
ing in tho East about ourJConjresa
uian: Just before Congress adjourned,
Representative Hermann complained of
ma arious symptotss. "Take k'neen,"
laid a friend "Well, I will," replied
Hermann, thoughtfully. "I've been
taking qui-nine, but it doesn't seem to
do me sny good.
The California Republicans and
Democrats have each nominated thrir
strongest man for Governor, the for
mer Swift, the latter Bartlett, the pres
ent mayor of San Francisco.