Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 14, 1886, Image 3

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Batdrdat, August 14, 1886.
Subscribe for tbe Sextisel.
Justice's OmcE. Tbe Justices of
fico of G. A. Hubbell, Justice of tbe
Peace will be found at the accustomed
Justice's place The Town Hall.
"Mike Sold -The Green Bro'iJ quartz
ledge at Oslice creek was sold for
cash to a coinpamy of capitalists of
-Portland for a round sum. The new
owners propose building a road to tbe
mine to cost about $4000 aad will
push everything in like proportion.
Tf failed to learn the exact amount
paid for the raino.
The New MiLL-Henrv Klippel made
bis mill purchase in Portland giving or
der for maohineay not on hand and
when completed it is expected to b
the best quartz mill in the Sta'e. The
'building on Jackson creek is nearly
ifinisbed and the machinery is expected
to arrive next week. It will not take
3oBg till-every thing will be in working
IRusTiCATiNa H. K. Hnna and
family, Dr. J, W.Robmsunand xuaiily
Mrs. J. Nunan, and family, Mrs. John
Toe pper, A. L. Reuter and tatniy, T.
T. McKerTzfe, Frank Krause, Cbria.
"Winijen, Ehler Band and Win. Den
liff, all from Jacksonville had posses
sion of Wagner's Soda Spring for a
week past. .Most of them have since
County Fair The starting of a
eountr fair is being agitated by our
citizens and a meeting ol the people of
the county is called for next Saturday
' -evening to discuss the matter aud to
-devise ways and means to carry it out.
This is something that (should have
been done long ago and as we have suf
ficient of overy thing to make a grand
display it will no boubt prove a success
when once started.
Good Appointment.- Last Thursday
Thox. G. Reames of this place received
offiuial notice tbat he had been appoint
ed Postal Inspector for the Distriet of
Oregon a position that hs has tince in
.formed us he would accept. Mr.
Reames is a live, wide awake buisness
ruan and the selection made pleases his
many friends in this end of the State.
It will probabiy be beveral weeks be
fore be takes charge.
Attejiptd Suicide. An inmate of
tbe county hospital who was admitted
Uo that institution only a few week
since, attempted to commit ruicide by
cutting his throat witha razor while
in the vicinity of Karewski's mill in
tbe southern part of town but was
prevented from committing tbe rash
net by Marshal Curtis and J. DeRo
boam who had been hunting him rip.
He was examined by a phybician and
Te turned to the hospital. He is evivi
denlly insane.
Railroad Racket It is now defi
nitely known that the railroad company
-will, at an early date run another sur
vey hrouuh Yreka. A promint-nt
railroad official writes the "Union"
that it is not the intention of the com
pany to leave Yreka to one side if a
practical route can be oiiiameu, even
if the expense of the construction
should cost considerably more than via
Willow creek. The letter conveys the
idea that a bonus would beexpectedfrom
Yreka all the same. The grading for
ces are working north and south in the
Big Canyon and will soon meet. The
great headway being made by these
forces nd Scobie's masons, leaves no
doubt as to the track being laid to
Berry vale by November 1st.
Religious Items. Rev. F. X
Dlanchet will bold divine services at
f Ashland on the coming Sunday.... Ser
vices are being held iu few of tbe
churches . at present, the ministers
taking their vacation .... Liberal Sun
day school and Bible class meets every
Sunday at 1 1 o'clock a. m. at the U. M.
L. Hall, Talent.... A camp meeting
will be held at the Antioch school-house
on the fourth Sunday in this month,
tinder the auspices of the M. . Church.
'South. All are invited The last
quarterly meeting of tne M. E. Church,
South, for this district will be held at
Brownsboro on tbe third Sunday in
August. A camp meeting will com-
, roeiicn atthe same place on the Tuesday
before the 12th inst... . .Tho meeting
which has been progressing at the camp
grounds on Ropue river will be contin
ued next Sucdey, Elder Messick will
preach in the forenoon and his subject
will be: "Tbe life of the Soul of Man
Elder Peterson's afternoon difcours.
will be on "The Worth of the Soul."
Incendiary Fire. The house on the
cross roadx this s'ide of Medford, occu
Wied by Doc Rose and owned by Mr. Pi ol
was set on tire by a tramp last Thurs
day night and the building and its con
tents were burned to the ground prov
icg a total loss tho occupants barely
escaping witn their lives. A young
boy and some smaller children were
alone in the bouse at the time when
about 12 o'clock a tramp rapped at
the door and asked for something to
eat. The boy auswered that he was
aone and being in bed would not give
him what he wanted. The tramp then
responded by sajing if he did not get
something to eat at once he (the boy)
would have no plaee to sleep the rest
of the night. The boy made no furth
er reply and inless than ten minutes
thereafter the building was in flames
jrith the above result. The loss does
not amount to a great deal in figures
but nevertheless taken nearly all tbe
occupants had making it just as severe
as if it had been in the thousands. No
clue of the guiltey party has yet been
found as the boy never seen the man.
Hanging would be to good for such a
wretch as he.
Local Items-
Sirs. M. Hauser is on the sick list.
Watermelons are cheap and abund
ant. Wild plums are quite plentiful this
Blackberries are $1 a gallon at
A few ripe grapes have made their
Fred Donegan has gone to C. & O.
R. It. front.
The New York Store takes the lead
in low prices.
Judge E. B. Watson is -back on a
visit from Portland.
Geo. Jackson has commenced to ship
melons to Portland.
Circuit Court meets in Lake county
on the the 16th inst.
Unbleached Muslin 15 yards for $1
at the New York Store.
17 to 20 yards best Prints for $1.00
at the New York Store.
Douglas county owes $9000
has 7790 in the treasury.
Isador Caro of.Roseburg spent sav
er! days in town this week.
The bridge across Rogue River at
Grant's Pass -is eompleud
Fishing tackle and other ictacs for
mountaineers at John Miller's.
Capt. Svltmarsh has returned from
his visit to Lebanon, Lmu county.
Ernest Bentz "has charge of Jat.
Drum's store during his absence.
Call and Bee the new Dress Goods
jusi received 'at the New York Store.
Miss Isabella Young is expected
back from Seattle, W. T., next week.
M. Mensor's condition has improved
so that he is able to be around once
Merritt will issue a -new .price- list
next week, a reduction on former
Charles Prim and family are visiting
Bv beta's Sulphur Soring? on Evans
Frank Galloway aud G. W. How
ard of Medfurd, were iu Jacksonville
last Monday.
Olegon's share of the appropriations
made by the River and Harbor bill is
apout S600JO00.
A tire at La Grande on the 5th de
stroyed property to the amount of
about S100.000.
Five children were drowned iu the
river at Keokuk, Iowa, a week ago
while in bathing.
Well's, Fargo & Co. have discontin
ed their express service betweun Ash
land -aud Linkville.
Dr. J. W. Jlobison -ad family have
returned from a two eeku stay at Wag
uer's Soda Spiiugs.
Percy -Fiske, ex editor of the "Dalles
Iteiuizer," and wite are visting rela
lives iu this suction.
Svral Japanese have arrived in
Eugene fur tbe purpose of attending
llm university next ear.
Geo. A Jackson of Sam's valley
shipped 1000 melons to Portland on
Wednesday evuuing's train.
M. A. MiGiunis formely of the Med
ford ".Monitor" is now a partner in the
Julehburg, (Col.) "Gazette."
O. Kecgan and family and Mrs.
James Herely have returned from the
Dead Indian Soda Springs.
John Orth and L. Buusow are back
from Squaw Lake where they had been
eating DsU for ten days past.
St. Mary's Academy will resume
studies on 4ie 30:h inst., and will no
doubt be well patronized again.
The advance agent for Cole's circus
was in Medford this week making
arrangements to show at that place.
E. Band has removed from Apple
gate lo Jackson creek, where ho will
engage in mining for John Miliar.
James Drum is now in San Francisco
laying in a large stock of groceries, drv
goods, etc for his store in this place.
J? W. Wimer, of Murphy, offers his
fine faiui for sale for the sum of S5,
000. It is dirt cheap at that figure.
Coles circus will give one perfor
mance in Jackson county next mouth
and will probably show at Medford.
D. W. Crosby solicitor of tho Rid
dle house of Medford. made Jackson
ville a flying visit on Thursday last,
The finest lot of Ladies Fancv'
Goods eyer brought to Jackponvllle
just arrived atthe New York Store.
The board of equalization will meet
on Sept. 13th this year when the As
sessor will have bis work completed.
Odd Fellows are warned against one.
E. ft. Quassie, the absconding treasur
er of Felni Lodge I. O. O. F. of Mon
Ed F. Lewis, for several years chief
clerk of the U. S surveyor general'.
office has gone to the Pine creek
John "Winijen of the Table Rock
siloon is expected back from Europe in
uays. ne nas oeen absent sev
eral years.
Judge L R, Webstar end District
Attorney Colvig have gone to Lake
view to hold the regular term of Cir
cuit Court.
The G. A. R. encampment at San
Francisco was an immense affair, the
procession being the largest ever seen
on the coast,
Oliver Langell, of Toledo Ohio,
has returned from Klamath county and
will leave for Spokane Falls in a few
days to locate.
Call and get tbtt prict-s of Boots and
Shoes at the New York Store.
A new pump has been placed in the
el I at the express corner by Mr.
-ekman for which those living near
by are thankful.
Tbe Ashland House under its new
management is tbe boss place to stop
at. An excellent meal can be had
there at all limes.
K. Kubli is still suffering with a
large carbuncle on the back of his neck
and has been confined to his residence
for over a week past.
T. G. Reames returned from
Sill Francibco on a business trip Fri
day tnoraing He also attended the
G. A. R. celebration.
The O. R. N. & N company had
pleenty of iron on hand and the loss of
the W. H. Beese cargo will not delay
matters with them.
Kenney fc Worroan have leased
David Pavns's livery statin at Med
ford and will hereafter run that in con
nection with their own.
A large amount of quartz is being
taken out of the New Eldorado and
this will probably be the first
crushed at the new mill.
Mrs. A. M. Berry started for 'her
old home in Indiana last, JSanday
where she will spend sometime visit
f ing""relafrvVs" ana friends: - '
John IV Albright of Taburt town
ship Pennsylvania, is paying bis broth
er G. W. Albright of this place, a visit,
and wili remain a few weeks.
J. H. Redfield of Medford was ar
rested on a rharge of seduction, and
taken to Roseburg by S. C. Miller,
deputy sheriff of Douglas county.
A Lawton of San Francisco will
next week open a tailoring establish
ment next door to Rennet s saddler shop
and asks for a share of patronage.
N. R. Parsons is now officiating as
mixologist at the Table Rock Slsoon
during the absence of Chris Wintjen
who is now at Wagner's Soda Springs.
A large tub and a lot of brandy be
longing to the estate of C. Sarrillett
deceased will be said at auction by J.
Solomon, administrator on August
F. A. English our Couty Surveyor
wants to be Clerk of the Board of
School Land Commissioners and has
a petition in circulation for that pur
B. B. Beekman, Jas. Cronemiller,
T. J. Kenuey, Henry Pape Jr., and
rred .rape who have been visiting
Cinnabar Springs returned home this
Bids for the keeping -of tbe county
poor will be received by county Clerk
Pinker till noon September 8ih.
Bids will be received for one or two
Frank Smith has Thos Brown and
Henrj Kubli Sr., engaged in digging a
well near Hays & Elliotts Blacksmith
stop for the purpose of securing enough
water to sprinkle our streets.
T.K Bolten of Ashland keeps a full
line of jewelry, watches, stationary
clocks, drugs, cigars etc. aud sells ac
cording to tbe limes. Everything he
keeps is of staple quality. Try him.
Cole's circus is expected to visit the
valley in September, and the "States
man" Lopes it will stop at Salem dur
ing the Fair so that they may be an
attraction sufficient to draw a crowd.
The Grand Army of the Republic, at
its late meeting iu San Francisco, elec
ted Gen. Lucius Faircbild of Wiscon
sin as commander and Gen. S. W.
Backus of California as senior com
mander. A party consisting of Evan Reames
and wife, Misses Maggie Linn, Aba.
and Minnie Ross, Annie Shipley,
Thos. D. Ross, F. Linn and Chas.
Patterson, started for Crater lake last
About three thousand of the excur
sionists from the Easi who attended .the
Grnd Army encampment, at San
Francisco are expected lo visit parts of
Oregon and Washington on their re
turn trip.
Judge Webster and District Attor
ney Cohig started Weduesday tor
Lakeview, Lake countywhere they go
to hold the August term of the Circuit
court tor that county, which convenes
on the 15th inst.
One hurdred dollars reward is offer
ed bv the sheriff of Clackamas county
for the arrest of John A. Mann, who
was commited tor the crime of shoot
ing B. M. Wilson. He escaped last
Wednesday night.
The new Postmaster General has de
cided that postmasters who fail to no
tify the publishers when subscribers
remove or do not take the papers from
the postoffice, shall be responsible for
their subscriptions.
Assessor Ilatton gives notice that the
board of equalization for Klamath
county will meet on August 24:b.
-when those who Are not satisfied with
their assessments should appear and
state their grievances.
A. R. Meritt, who has been in the mer
cantile business for the past two years
with his brother, Prof. J. W. Merritt,
will leave for his former home in New
York State to morrow night accom
panied by his two little daughters.
The Pioneers of Southern Oregon will
hold their annual re union at this
i place about the 14th of next month.
Tbe court house and the grounds
surrounding it will be used for that
purpose and the usual good time will
be had.
The Jacksonville "Times" advertises
itself as the "official paper for Jackson,
Josephine and Lake." Nickell has the
gall ef a stink bug. His paper is no
more the official journal of this county.
tuan me iving ol Ashanti's is. Lake
view Examiner.
The engiue of the Albany express!
ran into a baggage ear at Inbanuu uu
the 3-itinst., injuring J. E Ros, brake
man, Mrs. J. E. fton, Euginfvr Mc
Donald, Agent Eugene LForrest and
a resident of Lebanon named Prebler,
the former receiving seriou in juriei.
Senator Stanford has sent to the
German Land and Cattle Co. a quan
tity of seeds for distribution, which
will be seat, free of cbarg.-,no any ad
dress applving fur them. Address
German Land and Cattle Co., 123
California Street, San Francisco, Cal.
The following officers were elected
at a meeting of the Verein Emtracht
01 ibis place fo- the ensuing six
nouthb: Pres , Adam Scbmttt; Vice-
pres., C. J. Wintjen; Sec, Frank Kas
shferjTreas., Fred. Luy, Sr.; trustee?,
Veit Schutz, Joseph Blatt and Joseph
Several boys from Ashland last week
made a raid on the Watermeloc patch
above Soda Springs, owned by George
McCormick, breaking down the owners
fence and destroying property in gen
eral. Mr. McCormi:- interviewed
the boys next day when they were
made to pungleSlO for damages done.
The new goods for the store of
Eeames & White are expected next
week when thev will open out wilh a
fresh slock of everything usually found
in a firtfcaeBefnC.handise
store and selling at the very smallest
profit. The appointment of Mr.
Reams as Pos'al Inspector will net
effect his buisness relations here.
One Wm. Cushman, who served out
a term in the county jail for killing
deer out of season a few months ago
is reported by parties who -have visi
ted the Siskiyous this summer as be
ing with others in the business of skin
ning deer for their hides only. These
fellows bhould be made to suffer the
severest penaltv of the law.
About twenty engineers and sur
veyors started east from Albany on
the 3J to survey the route of the Ore
gon Pacific R. R. through to Boise
City, crossing the Cascades by the
Miuto Pass. It is rumored that the
road will be extended east from Al
bany this summer into the Cascade
Mountains and will ultimately be
pushed through to a connection with
the Chicago and Northwestern or some
other transcontinental road.
The old stage barn on Grave creek
'he property of Hon. A. Porter, was
burned on ths 5th. Also a reaper and
mower, hrrse rake and abut 40 tons of
hay. The machinery was the property
of H. D. Harkness. It was undoubt
ly set on tire as no one was there at
the time. If the perpertrator could
be found aud no doubt exist about
his guilt, it would undoubtedly be the
cheapest and best in the long run to
hang him to a tree. Courier.
Hon. A. C. Stanley, State Senator
from this county, has the appointment
of two students in the State Agricult
ural College at Corvallii, one of tbe
brst sclioom in the State, which privi
lege he is anxious to exercise, if eligi
ble young man will make application
to h'm. Here is an excelltn-. opportu
nity for two boys over 16 years of age
lo gain a first class education free of
cost for tulion Address Dr. Stanley
at earn b valley r. U. tor turther par
Couxty Commissioner's Court.-
The following business was transacted
at the August term of this court:
Present Hon. E. DePeatt, Judge;
Ben Haymond and A. S. Carlton,
commissioners. . . .It was ordered that
the county treasurer pay all war
rants drawn for tbe purpose of sending
paupers out of tho county and for the
purchase of such supplies for tho coun
ty as are purchased outsido of the
county in ca-h out of the general fund
....The clerk was ordered to draw
warrants in favor of Dean and Patter
son, for $265, contract price for build
ing bridge across True Gulch.... It
was ordered that the Pioneer Society
be granted use of the court room, old
clerk's office, court house grounds, etc.,
on tho occasion of their annual reun
ion .... It was ordered that John Ash
pole. County Assessor, have until Sept,
13lh in which to finish the assessment
of the county, and that he yva notice
that the board of equalization will
meet on that date.... It was ordered
that R. H. Dean, supervisor of road
district No. 2, repair certain places on
the Rogue rrver road to Klamath coun
ty, to wit: Three gulches opposite H.
L. Pegg's, the bridge at C. Nye's the
bridge at Gordon's and to put in a cul
vert at tbe springy place below- Hull's,
AikenBros agreeing to Tarnish tho
plank foruch repairs free of charge
. . . .The clerk was ordered to adverse
lor Olds lor Keeping the countv poor
.... Henry lingleurecht was author
ized to repair the bridge at the crossing
of Shively Gulch, in bis road district
... .A portion of a certain county road
above Ashland being fenced up by
persons claiming the land, the' coun'y
surveyor was ordered to survey said
county road.... Jas. Hamlin was sp
pointed supervisor of road district No
9.... It was ordered that the sheriff
be allowed $1.50 a day for jailor's fees
when ever any person or persons be
confined in the county jail continuous
ly... .The petition of Wm. Angle and
66 others for a bridge across Bear
creek, near Medford was continued un
til next term of court The e'erk
was authorized to draw a warrant for
$35 to send Wm. Armstrong an indig
ent persen, to San Luis Obis
po, Cal Bills to a considerable
amount were audited. . . .The jury list
for the ensing vear was diawn.
Sad Case. Laura Wrisley, daugb
tr of John B. Wrisley, was examin
ed by Drs. DeBar and Geary this week
and pronounced insane. She was taken
to the asylum on the day following by
W. W. Willits and wife. Her late
serious illness is the caubut we hope
1 soon to chronicle her recovery.
Fire in Yreka.
Sajs the Yreka "Union:" Last ev
ening at 9:30 Clay Jones discovered
flames rolling up at the rear of Tip
Keu & Co'e store, on tho west side of
Main street, south of Miner. The
firemen were tironiptly on hand but by
the time the engines weie working, all
the Chinese rookeries on the west side
of Main were ablaze and Russell's mar
ble works and Vance & WallbridgeVi
warehouse, the latter building contain
ing 2,000 pounds of giant powder.
Notwithstanding the great danger, the
firemen mounted the building and
worked faithfully until they were driv
en off by thr excessive heat. Happily
no explosion occurred. Jones' car
riage house also fell followed by Martin's
paint shop. Nehfbas & Harmon's
brick blacksmith shop was saved by a
scratch. Rapp's dwelling and black
smith shop, all the Chinese buildings
on the east side of Main street, Mug
offey's residence and barn, John Mor
rison's house and barn, Hovey's dwell
ing and barn. Eckert'n barn and
Nehrbass & Harmon's frame black
smith shop were converted into ashes
in no time. Jones livery stable on
the east bide of First street, and Mar
tin's livery stable and carriage house
were saved by tho wind taking a favor
able turn. Jones' stable was on fire
several times and tbe flimes were ex
Usjisilfisi ,wjjhmitoi Blculty. At
11:15 P. M., the fire was unuie"r-d"nfTor
The total loss of property will not
fall short of 50.000." The value of
the Chinese houses and goods destroyed
is fully $25,000. The other losses are
as follows: J. Martin, paint rhop,
buggy and material, S1.000, J. B. Rus
sell, monuments, etc., 1,500; Gu'ier'
Jonns, carriage house, c300; Vatic i
Wallbridgp, warehouse, granerv, wool,
flour, etc., 6,000; W. A Hotey, resi
dence, barn anJ stock of ciskets. 3,
000. insured for $,1000; Nehrbass &
Harmon, blacksmith shop, tools and
stock. 2,500; Henry Re p, teiilencr
blacksmith t-hop, tools, etc.. 4,000.
injured for $1,800; S MagnfleVrrM
dence and bam, 1,000; William Eck
ett, barn, hay, tools, etc., $1,000.
CATARRH CURED, health and
sweet breath accured by Shiloh's Ca
tanh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E.
C. BrooKs.'s. Nasal Injector free.
HACKMETACK a'iasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts.
at E. C. Brooks'.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ly relieve croup, whooping cough and
For lame Ba;k, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale at E. C. Bnoks.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
WHY WILL YOU cough when
Shiloh's cure will give immediate er
lief. Price 50cts. and 1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cute is sold by us on a guarantee.
Tt cures consumption. Brooks can
furnish it.
Administrators Sale of Keal
1 1 by an order of the county court of
Jackson county, Oiegon, duly made and
entered iu record, on tne mn ot Jul-, 133U,
the same being a day of the regu'ar July
term, 1BS0, of said court, the undersigned,
as the administrator of the estate of Pat
rick UcKjvanaugh, dceeaseed, was au
thorized and commanded to sell the lol
lowing described ital properly, belonging
to said estate and lying and being in Jack
son countv, Orcaon lo wit:
The undivided ot the saloon property
situated on the north side of Ca ifornia
street in Jacksonville known as the Far
mers Exchange.
Mtluntny Ancu(,2S!R'56
between the hours of lo a. m. and 2 r. it.
of said day, at the Court House door in
Jacksonville, Jackson county, Orcgun,
sell the above described real property to
the highest bidder.
Terms of Sale Said property will bo
sold for gold coin cash in hand on day of
saie. J u. liinDSEY,
Xdminstrntor estate of Patrick JcICav
nnaugh deceased.
July24lli 18S0.
In the Circuit Court of the Qtatc of Ore
gon for the County of Jackson.
Robert 'Westrop, Plaintiff, 3
vs. ! Divorce.
Rulhey Jane Westrop, Defendt. )
To ltulhey Jane Westrop, Defendant:
J. Oregon, you are hereby required lo
appear and answer the comprint filed
against you in the above entitled suit in
the above entitled court on or before t jc
4lh day of October, 1886, that beinz the
first day of the next regular term of aid
court, and you are hereby notified that if
you i,m3 to so appear ana answer sam
complaint within said time, pliintifl will
apply to said court lor the reliel demard
ed in said complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree against you dissolving the marriace
contract now existing between you and
plaintiff, and for costs and disbursements
of this suit.
This summqns is served by publication
by order of Hon. L. R. Webster, judge of
said court under date of June i, 1S8C.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Nervous Debility.
E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain
treatment, a snecific for Hvsteria.
Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head
ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory,
Spermatorhoea, Impotency, Involuntary
emissions, premature old "age, caused by
over-exertion, sell-abuse or over-indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and
death. One bor will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment,
one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol
lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ol
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure
any case. With each order received by us
iur six doxcs, accompanied wuu nve qoi
lars, we will send the purchaser our writ
ten guarrntee to return the money if the
treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran
tees issued only by
Woodard, Clarke & Co.,
Wholesale anr1 Retail Druggists, Port
land, Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices.
Every one should go and see Uic
Grandest and Largest Lot
New Spring Dry
Fancy (3-oocis, Clothing,
Groceries and Crockery
bought since
and arc sold
these goods are new and
the War in Railroad Hales
Cheap for Cash.
Country produce bought and sold ; also
Wool, Hides, Furs alid Deer Skins. Soli
cit orders for Lumber Jlxx Uui.i.kr .
Postoffice liuilding.
fitted with al modern improvements
are now turning out a first class article
of rJour, 'Allien is put up in one-fourth
bairel sacks, aud every sack is warrantee,
to contain i'J pounds ol" flour If you don'l
believe this, just compare a sack of out
flojr wilh any other brand offered for sale
in this market, and note the difference ic
Flour and Mill-Feed
Constantly on hand and exchanged for
Having added a set of Darley Rollers to
my mill, I have set apart every Saturday
to Roll Uarlcy for customers. The work
will be done on short notice, so that par
ties can return with their grist the same
day. I am prepared to roll barley at all
times and in the best manner. This pro
cess is lar ahead of the crusher-
Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 18s3.
school will commence about the end ot
August, and is divided in four sessions,
of elcveD weeks each.
Board and tuition, perterm $4000
Music 15.00
Drawin g and painting tj.00
Bed and Bedding 3.00
Primary, per term, 5 5.00
Junior, " 0.00
Preparatoy " 8.00
Senior, ' 10.08
Pupils received at any time, and special
attention is paid to pnticular studies in
, -t ( i -VM.l 1. l. l -. ? . i
oena:i oi cunurcu wiiu nave um iimiicd
time. For further particulars apply al
the Academy
Kcrbyville : Orecon
Mrs. M. Ryder, Propr.
First-class accommodation can always
be had at this house at the most reasona
ble rates.
E2TAn excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
"Sentnel" Office For Sale.
Desiring to ensage in
the indersisned offers the
other business
foi oale at a bargain. For the amount
required no better investment could be
found.for a paying bnsincs3. For further
particulars call on or address,
w anted to 33rccli.2a:
To exchange a house of 11 rooms and 2
lots 100x100 feet with spring and cistern
water on it, near public school and street
cars, in city of Portland, rents for $33 per
month. Will exchange for gook stock
ranee in Southern Oregon.
Jddress.C.W. Lauhe.-s, O. R. N.Co.
Portland, Oregon
J.g-ozi.-ts For
"We would respectfully ask our r.atroi)3 and friendsto call and see
our line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as we leel euro we
Sell As Low If Not Lower
Than any first-class goods can be sold for; and we guarantee all out
goods as represented.
Jac! -viH f
Of Southern Oregon, are hereby Informed
that in addition to a large and elcgaa.
line of
hare added to my stock the following
class ot goods, of which I have a full line:
Ladies' Fcraishing Goods,
Both Knit and MiLdia.
Inant's Wardrobe Comjohte,
As cheap as to be bought any place; also
tndcr 4 yearaoj.
A beautiful line ot
Consisting of Lisle and Silk.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets,
And many other things too numerous to
mention. I have also secured tha
services of a
And am prepared to execute all orders In
that line in first-class style at reasonable
Call and srcMMhchtiildinr form-
I rly occupied bv. U"JTJHSouU-
'.ornla street.- MKS. t. t. ritlU.
Notary Public, Real Estate Agt.
Abstracts made of Titles to Lands.
Xiosn.1 Sooumonts
Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertain
ing to the settlement of estates.
Collector of Accounts Prompt
Investment Securities a Specialty.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold.
I have a complete set of Maps of all
Surveyed Lands in this .county, and re
ceive abstracts monthly from Roebur: of
all new entries made. I am thus pre
pared lo make out Homestead and Pre.
duptior papers, and can thus save to par
ties the expense of a trip to Roseburg
Land Office.
Several fine farms are in my hands toe
Prompt reply made to all letters.
Charges in accordance with the time..
Refers, by permission, to C. (I. Beck
man, Eq., Banker; to Hon. L. R. VTeW
ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to
any business house in Jacksonville.
Office at south cast corner California
and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oret,-on.
Saloon And Restaurant,
The proprietor take pleasure In in
forming the public that ha has
thoroughly renovated thi3 well-known
stand and is prepared to furnish
Fresh iJrcad and Yast
daily, delivering the same to any portion
of Jacksonville free. of charge.
Meals, 25 Cents.
The tab'e will be supplied with a ehoiea
variety of eatables, whila tho best at
wines, beer and cigars may be found in
he Saloon
E2fGivc me a call
I have made a reduction in the price of
hog meat now selling
Shoulders, 6 cents per pound,
bide-meat, 5 cents per pound:
Good Lard, 7i cents per pound.
It is all open for inspection and war
ranted. JohnObtix.
Watchmaker awd Jewklkb,
California Sreet,
MAKES a specialty'of cleaning and r
pairing watches and clocks. My
ohsraes are reasonable. Give me a call