J OREGON SENT NEL. JArKl)VIf,(.Ki Saturday, July 17, 188G. Closing Out O account of de titrturc from Jacksonville liy tha 1st of October. Mrmor Bros, are now efier- 1m thvir enure stock of general tarr chaadise at cost. Call and see for yearstlves. Jfrw Botciier Snop. John B GnlEn will oiien a new butcher shop next weelc in ib building on Califnr ria street formerly occupied by Chale's siloon. He eats a share of llio pub l;e patrons ge and promise satisfaction In every cane. School SOPKlltXTEXDKXT's N6TICJS -Teachers and all others vho may nave husiness with thn county school superintendent will -Jitd am in tnv office in tl.c conrt-house jn Jacksou tille, Oregon, on every Siturdsv. Wit Pbirst. Countv S.-hon1 Superintendent. Dated July 12. 1886. QmcciT Court Pkocf.kdihgs. The fallowing business has been transacted - s rj I '" '' reportef thn SEXTIXKL: JStfrfa Whfte r. John W, White; suit for divorce. Decree pranted. C. C. Dtekman vs. B. R. Willita and John . Tier; te recover money. Judg knent for $358 and cost. Bids Wanted The owner of the New Eldorado mine on Jackson creek -will let a contract for taking out either 100 or 150 ton of quartz from their l-df,e and will received bids from con tractor np till Thursday noon July S2J. The company reserves the right tu reject any or all bid. Plan and specifications can be ohtained of the undersigned to whom thn bid will be returned. T. T. McKekzie, Supt. CruvcED Location E. D. Fu dray, Justice of the Peace, haa iroved lit office from the town hall to Bran's lrick on Cnlifornia street where h ill be prepared to attend to any husi Js tht may coma before such an nlficar. He will also attend to mak ing out anv kind of legal document, act a col'ector and earcber of record. Call nn him when you have business in that line. TcLEaiiArmc Changes TomTur ritr of ill is plxen goes to Portlnnd text Sunday night to accept a prsi tloti with the Vetern Union Tele graph a chief night clerk at that place. Thii a big jump for a ne Wjinner tn make but Tni will no iloubr fi'l it with sati. fiction to all. K. M. Oierbtck h been aproin'ed mncer of th Walla Walla otfi"" and atartea frrm Portland a few dnvinre to take thn position. The telegraph fnce here ha been moved to the Tim building. Lonor Orncrns At last meeting of A.hlsnd L-dg N-. G6, A. O. U V., the fovoipgo1icers weie insta led for ill" enuini, Jear. J. R C-.v, M. AV;A.W Btsh, G F; L. Mnrtin, Ovnrrr; Win. P'tteron, recorder; John H, Financier; E M. Miller, Receiver; W. H. Leds, 1 W ; J. W. Ainu t, P. M. W. Ashland Lodge No. 45.1. 0.0 F. At a cnll n.eet tne Julv 8'h, th following pfSer were inMilhd: R diert Tavior, N. G ; V W K-miior. V. (J ; John Mav, It. S; A D. Heluian, P. S.; J. C Durkre, Ti !i. ARRKSTEtlFon ATTEMrF.D Arson Win Hetiie, Jr, a r-Mdent ut Sstt Fran ifcn iul secretary of the Doca Wnniiig cmiipaiir, was anei ed Sslur vlay on a barge of a'tempting arson Conp'ftinant ixJ-hn JIcClelln, night watchman of the brewery building nt B-cs, Nevada county. Ho sas that on thn 3i and 7 h of this month enliciied him to et fire to the luildins, hich are insured for 580, 000. Htedene all knowledge of the (Tir. Mr. Hexse is a native ot Jacksonville and had lived here till nbout 15 y ears of age. We hope to litar him cl-ar liiinelf of this charge. A Saw Cask. On yetenlay after noon' train H. 0. Slocum, deputy ahrriff of Douglas county, arrived in this city, having in charga Uncle J fine AppWgHt", of YoncolU, committed tn the inne asylum. This unfortunate gentleman is one ef Oregon' firt pio natra, who came here in advance of the immigration, and helped to hew out thr way for all ho followed. Finan cial reverses and other troubles have nbalanced his mind, so that hit people Mere compelled to have him sent to a filaea where hit can be properly eared for. It is really ama'.ter of profound Borrow, and many rid friends of the family will be pained to hoar tha un wa'come news. "Salem Statesman," J.ly 8th. Stoter Heard Friu The great race between Stover & Boyden's "Bin to" anJ Dick Hayes' "Sadie C" came off I ait Saturday at the track et of towa and was mitnetsed by at least 1,500 pcop'e. The distance as 800 yards for n puise of ?600 which was won by "Binco." Another race of 200 ) ards fer 200 wah run Monday and on by 1!ngo," but on account of an appar- ant foul bv ''Bingo was declared a J raw. On Monday night some one Vr.ke the door of "Bingo's" stabU open and took the horse in a. westerh tlireetion some distance into the coun try. A warrant was sworn out for tteuiectel party and ha was prompt iy brought into town but the trial has Set vet lrD had, neither does the pnMic know who "Bincs's" owner is aer how ir.ucli kkuMuserr hns Iteeu wrapped lip in the oI thing. The effect ha been a all other such affair dastoralizing, and will probably cetl the epla of Lane couutv quite a sum ef tuaiiey before the trouble is t r. JCugene City "Register." Local Items- Qiartz is all the go again. Pioneer reunion comes next. W. V. Jones of Foot craikr was in town this wetk. " Houe Lining "2J cent per yard at New York Store. 20 vd" best Print for 51 00 at the New Tfork Store. 16 yds Dress Goods for 51 00 at New York Store. 15 tarda best GmgLatri-fnr $1.00 at New York Store. R. N. Biker and family started fnr California Wednesday. 15 yds Unbleached Muslin for SI 00 at the New York Store. . W. P.Jacoby of Gold Hill paid the county feat a visit Tharsday. J. R. Little k Co.- are taking np stocc and talk of qnitling business. Four different kind of import beer juat received at Wintjen & Helms. , Chas. W. L"ean has be:n apDOinted Deputy for Ashland by Sheriff Dean. B. B. Beekman- and Frjik.IIuff'r 1 hate one to Cinnabar for a short stay, Adam Ruhl now wears the "star" during the absence of Marshal Curtis. The open season for shooting malt deer, grouse, quail and pheasants is in vogae. Wait till yon hear tha whistle Wow from tha new ten stamp mill of Banmle, Klippel k Co. Mr. A. 8. Johnon and Mrs. P Bnschev are at Wagaare Soda Springs for a week's s.tay. A social party at James Buckley's place on Ap'ilegate this week was well enjoyed by all present. Umatilla eonnty will pay $18,000 to sheep shearers this year. So says the "Bedrock Dunocrat." Blackberries have made their ap pearance in the market and there seems tu be a good crop this year. The. Currr of Sums valley has in vested in a steam thresher and a ill do custom work in hi iretion. L'Wi C. Gearv, an old reident of thn county died at his ranch on Trail crenlc creek on Sunday last. Gen. C'o of Phoenix ha purchas ed a farm in Butw-ereVt'vallev, Cal., and will go them to lecata soon. W. J Plvmale is in Portland at tending the Grand L"ede A. O- U. W. which conieneii on Wednesday last. Co King. B'ot, Shoe, Hit, Cap. Ntioni, Groceries nd Tobacco cheap er than eer at tliN-w York Storp. Werejret to learn that J. IT Evans, of Lkview, is iu poor health with jrne fears for his ultimate recovery. Wm. Plvmale, Geo. 'Schmitt and John Mufl'er Jr., utarted for Cinnabar yesterday to be gone a o-upleof weeks. A nw ten stamp will i now beinc huin in Portland to take thn place tf thn one now being used at the Swides 'edje. For standird eroceries of all kind give Jamea Drum a call. Hh has also just received a tine lot ofOilifornia cheese. Bobt. Westrop nmdo several trip to the couulity sent (lust week s!Rh bringing along mere or less Central Poin'er. Wm. M Turner ha been conSned to hi room all week with the prevailing complaint but at lat accounts ha was improving. Mr J. N. T. Mil'er, accompanied bv berduughter Mian Annie and Mi!t Nfttie Siarkry of Portland returned this week. Wakefield k Purdin, who have been conducting the Wagner creek saw mill, made an assignment 'ast week. A. P. Talent is thn assignee. M. Menitor's new tore at Grant's Pas is now in running order aud for the present two ef his younger son will remain in charge. Littln Hervey Hannt, only fonr rears old, enlrrtainet a largn number of bis young frirnds at tha family residence on Thursday last. Tha town pump is no more. If the young hoodlums will quit ilieii annoying captrs arennd Air. Mer ritt's coiner it may be re-placed. Mattia J. Allison, Col. Saunders' accomplice, has been granted a change of venue to Marion county. Tha re ward for Saunders' baa been raised to $1,500. Capl.Catan and Jess Simpson have returned from" a twelve days sojourn at Cinnabar. They report a good time wi h plenty veniron and fish to feed on while away. Thn declaration of the Salem "States man" that "what Oregon needs is more tiutuigra ion and less immigration bureau" will be heartily endorsed in many portions of the State. Geol. T. G. Reames and his con Evan, J. C. MuCully, James Elliot', Chris Ulrich and Gecrge Cookaey are at present rusticating at Cinnabar all expeccting to be gone several weeks. James W. Lindsei's house and lot here in town will be sold next Satur day at auction. There is a barn on ttielot. Hern is a splendid chance for iomk one. G. A. Hcbbell W. A. Cook of Foots creek called yesterday. - Ha ats that most of the miners there have cleaned up but there are a few that still have water-to work. The result of toe keaion work is above average. The district Teacher' Institute for Jackson, Josephine Klauialh and Lake, aud the Jackson County Teach er's Institute combined, will be held in Ashlaad sometime abour the 25th I -of Aagual. - - A petition for license to sell liquors in les quantities than one gallon will be presented to the County Cocrt by liobt Westrop of. Central Point at tha regular September session. Read his notice. A petition for the pardon of George R. Justus is in circulation. While many have signed it some have refused on the ground that there is too' mach of thU pardoning business going on. The Odd Fellows install officers thi rveninu ami a good attendane of mem ber is desired. It was a mitake about the Rebckahs installing Monday night as their term of office is still one year. The two freiphr (rains from the north .brought 120,000 pounds to Jacksonville and about 5,000 pnund of freight was shipped from here (Cur ing the same time. This ought to be a good showing for a small inland town. All of Oregon's governors who have served since the State wa admitted into the Union are yet living. They are Whiteaker, Gibbs, Wood, Grover Chadwick. Thayer and Moodr. Of the territorial governors none are liv ing. A new lodge-of Odd Fellows w tn hn established at Medford list niirht. More members from here would have attended had not other husinei pre vented but even as it was some six or even went down to help them in the wort. Wm. Muller a brother of our" genial Postmaster has hesn spendin; several days in town thi week. He says he nii'jht locate wi'h u only that the climate i too hot compared with Sin Francisco his present resi dence. The latest orn yet taken hy inter ested partieaand thf Republican bose in regard to the District Attorney' contest is that a writ of habeas corpus has now been taken out for the recnv err of the incumbent and the salary attached to the office. W. H. Led of the "Tidn"." and J. A. Bowdoin of the Klamath "Star" went to Portlnnd last week. The lat ter goes to interview thn merchants of the metropolis and see if he cant secure their aid in improving the waeon road between Ashland and Linkville. The election ir over, and we ' must ay tnst W. H. Parker, our Countv Clerk, should have credit for keepins is well regulated and syrtmatio set of hook a can be found in any clerkV office. We acknowledge too that Mr. Parker is efficient and accommodating. We learn that'the directors of thie sell oo'i district have employed the fol lowing corp of teacher for the ensu ing year; Principal and teacher ol the first depnrtment, G. H. Watt; eacher of the second department, Wm. Pries'; third, Frank iluTer: fourth, Hattie N&wbury. A contract was thi week let to J N. Casteel for running n tunnel 160 feet in length to tap the Johnson lerige. Mr. Beekman, the owner, is now de termined to see what there is in it end f late improved machinery will mke it pay he will start it gling and keep a number of men employed in the work. J. N Casteel informs us that he ex pects to strike the Bon den ledge in the bin tunnel by next Saturday night and after that time he will devote hi whole time to the Johnson ledue When the lead is found on the Bowden work will be continued just the same in taking out quartz and a thorough test of the mine will be wade. The register and receiver of the 'and office have received instructions from Washington that hereafter tim ber culture claims can be allowel only for contiguous 'tract. "Hereto fore the quantity embraced iu a claiui has frequently included separate tract, or tracts only the corners of which touch each other. The business of the Jacksonville Marble Works will continue right along under the management of the ttsignee, A. II. Maegly. Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument., stone coping, etc., will find it lo their ad van tags to call soon, as prices have been reduced considerably. First class me chanics are employed there and the best cf work turned out. Satisfaction guar auteed. Sixty white girls fill the places in tbeOreron Citr woolen nulla IefL vacant on the exodus cf the Chinamen a few months ago. They receive thirty dol lar a month, the sama n.iid the celes tials, and spend their money at home, while the almond eyed heathen rub sMted on girbigs and took thecotn oat nf the rountrv. Ouite a chnrfft fnr the better, every honest man and wo- will remark. A man supposed to be Saunders, the L"nn county murdernr, has been captured at Walla Walla. Ha was found camping with some iniunsrants and claiming he was sick was admitted to theCatliolc horpual where h was ar rested. He has been identified by a man formerly of Corrallis and ans wers the description given of him in every particular although he denies be ing the man for tvhoo thsy have been reeking. In Portland on Monday, Otto, Du port, a German, aduiinisu.-red prussic acid to his sou Willie, aged 7 vears, ai'd to himself, and both died from its dffrcts. Duport was a barber and a wig maker by trade, and left a -note explaining his reason for commit! ing the horrible crime and suicide. He said he had experienced much trouble, and felt worse than a worm, and had decided to do away with himself to got rid of his sorrows. He left $10, which he thought would be sufficient in bury himself and son. Ha wasevi dently insane when he committed ..the" foolish act. CousTT Commissioners' Court The following buainess was rranaeted atlheJuly term of this court held last week.... In the matter of a coun ty road in Ashland precinct, heginoie at the corners of w-tiony, IV, 10, .0, T. 39. Range 1 Etai, and terminating on the weet aide of Wright's donation claim. O'dered established or pay ment of $100 damages In ,the matter uf a county.road in Tab'e Rock precincf. Ordered established . . . . In the matter of a tnunly road in Med foid pecinct. beginning on the western line ef N. B. Evans' donation claim, running I hence along tha couty road to Merri t Buttinger' claim and on lh ines lietween theUnda of Jesse Wil on and Mrs. G-o. Fordrce and be tween thorn of Jn. Crain and J. Ham'in. terminating at the inter-ec lion of he rid. tage rod from Jack onville tn Phoenix. Read established Arthur Wilson, rod suervior, was ordered to have the stumps re moved from hn road leading from Jacksonville lo Medfnrd, providing the cot does -not exceed ?30... .County Cl'rk-jfrid Treasurer submitted tbeir annua' reports, which were accpt'd and approved . . . .Ex-Superintendent C'dvig submitted "hi snnutl report. MiowineJhal SI l;l)7b,2alirt heen .r-4 ceived from all sources for school purpose... .Ex Sheriff Jcnbs sub mitted hi report as jlaxcnllecne, bowing that the sum of $1 467.32 of thn taxes for 1885 was vetiielinquent. Report eccented and ordered that said it be turned over to Sheriff Dean for collection Religious Items. Rev. J. A. SIo ver will be at Grant's Pa Saturday and Sunday..... Elder M. Peterson preache at Central Point Sunday. . . . Elder H. C. Flemirg will preach at she Mound chool house on Sondsy , . . . Rev. F. X. Blanchrt will hold regu lar services at the Catholic church in this place next Sunday .... Liberal Sundav-School and Bible class meets tiverv Sunday at 11 o'clock x. M. at theU. M. L. Hall, Talent There will be no religious services at either he Preshvterian church in Jsckson vill or Phoenix until September. . Preaching at the M. E. church in this city Sunday evening next bv the pas or. This will be the list service, probably, until after conference in August.... Rev. J. R. Roberts preach iu Ltulo Butt precinct Sunday. He will prevh the sermon on J. M. Matney'a littln boy on the third Sun lay in A ugut .... A protracted meet ing will commence on the north sidp if Rogu River, about half a mile Selow the new bridge, on Friday, the 30ih, nt 3 o'clock p H , to continue ten lavs. The public i cordially invited, vnd requested to come prepared to -tay on the groud s much of the time lurinj the meeting a possible. Bros. Messtck snd Stanlev of Portland and Monmouth am expected to be in atten lance snd do th" preaching. Saturday nig'it a das'ardly attempt vas made to burn the blacksmith shop eist of the rourt house. The fiie was dicoverd about 2 A. U by Mr Gibb, who slept near, and was promptly put iUI. before it gainad headway. A baa set had been filled with combustible material and placed under the wsgnn makers' work bench, where it was burn log when discoverd. Ir . ill he nellif he people keep a sharp lookout for tht?Fcoutultelh thi are up to such bu me a setting fire to bui'jliug. I would not bn, healthy if the people liara could see the olor of the man's hair that does all of tl is devilment, and we make thesugsestion that every tiiizen of thi town make it a point to l ot any suspicious character and deal with him without mercy. Lakevie "Examiner." Lost. About three week sro omewhere near the Galls creek bridge a bnnrtlo containing n matress, tvvn comforters, a pair of boots and several other articles. The finder will pleae return the same to thi office orlo Win. Bybee when a liberal reward will be iaid. HACKMETACK a lasting and fro srnnt perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts. ai E. C. Brooks'. SHILOH'S CURE will immediate ly relieve croup, whooping coogh and bronchitis. ARE YOU MADE miserable by "indisrstion, Constipation, Dizrinrs", Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skinl Shi ob's Vitalizer isa "positive cure. For ale by E. C. Brooks. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker) Moqth. Brooks can fug nish it. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's corp will give immediate er- licf. Price 50qts. and S1.00. Brooks keeps it. BORN. Andfusou At Medford. Julj 10th. 1880 to Mr. and Jrs, D. W. Anderson, a son. Weli.8 Near AshUnd. July 1st. 18SG, to Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. F. Wells, a dsugbtcr. CLorrox At lirownsboro, July 1st, 1888, to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clopton, a daughter. MARRIED. EivtjinltMAX TraiJEit At Jfedford, July 11, itKtf. by Kev. ji. a. vy imams, vv m. G. Zimmeiman and .Uiss Etta Turner. Homes -Atdehso:i In Eagle Point, July 11, 186, by A J. Florey, J. P., Marion Hodges and Hiss Polly Ander son. Rtocs Rcmmioe At Gold Hill, July 4lh, 18c0, by VT. S. Fittscrald, J. P., B. Y. RlggstoMhts Emma Rummage all of Grant's Pass. DIED. Jftrsito In Yreka, July Olh, 18S3, C. J. Munro, a native of Canada;, aged 65 years, 5 months t-nd 17 d-ys. EtDBR At Medford, July 10th, 18S0, Mary, eldest dtnghter of John E. El der, a nativeof Josephine county; aged about 2ryesrs, & '" Josephine Gounty Court Proceedings July tarm V. Colvig, Judge: Th county court sold to Win. tsaucke all the property in Erby, the pro ceeds to b applied to the Court House Fund at thi place. Contract for building the vault in the new Court Hou-e was awarded to Mir. Holt & Hardin. D II. Burroughs and others were granted a license to sell liquors at Grant's Pass for tha tarm of six month, commencing Aucutt 1. Ed. F. Hathaway was appointed School Superintendent, vice A. J. Chapman, deceased. Damages to the Amount of $100 were allowed Fred Geyer tor right of war through bis land for road leading from Rogue river bridge. License was granted to J. B. Butch for six months commencing Julv 7th 1886 Petition of H! Anlauf acd others for county road en iiorlh side of Rogue Kvar war gi anted. The bonds of coantr and precinct nffiser were approved. Letters of admin'stration were gran ted to Dr. W. Flanacsn in tha case of W,W. Justus, deceased. Court adjourned for the term. Testimonial- - To the agents Pacific Mutual Life and AcrideiitCo. of Calfornia) Gentlemen: The promptness in settling the claim I held against the company you represent, prompt me to hand you some testimony of my appre ciation of The Pacific Mutual, and in a feeling way will say that the check handed me this day by E. E. Gore was very unexpected a the time far -aid payment to cancel the policy hold by my husband Thomas F. B-all was not du till the 28th day of this month Thanking you gentlemen for your kindness and promptness, I shall ever ho ready to speak in thn highest terms of the company you so ably represnt. Yours with dne respect Ann Beau.. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvs- pepsia and Liver Complaint! Shiloh's Vitalizer is Guaranteed to cure you. For sslo at E. C. Brooks. For lamerBiik, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 jents. For sale at E. C. Biooks. ' AWlsa Reform. 5s habit of administering qulnhvl la powerful doies, as aa antidote to malarial maladies, was Ones dangerously common. Happily this practice bas undergone a wM reform. Not only the public, bat professional men bave adopted, sot wholly, of course, bat largtlyt Hosteller's Storaach Bitters ss a afe bontanie substitute for the pernieiocs alkaloid. The consequences of this chmnga are most important. Now rever and ague suf ferers are cured formerly thi ir complaints were only for the time releived, or half cored the remedy eventually failing to produce any appreciable effect, except the doses were incrcasrd. A course ot the Bitters, persis tently followed, breaks up the worst attacks and prevents there return. The evidence In favor of this sterling specino and household medicine is of no ambtiruous character, but positive and satisfactory, and the sources Whence It proceeds are very numerous. Petition for License. Notice is hereby given that the under signed .will spply to the County Court at the September session for liccn e to sell liquor iu less qu n'ities than o. e gitlon in the town of Cental Point fur tl e period of six months from 7ulr 17..1880. Robt. Westbop. Central Point, July 17, 1S86. Oregon State University, Eugene City. SESSION I8S6-1887. First term begins September 13, 1830. Secure free scholarships by applying to your County Superintendent. Board auil ludginsr per week $3. to $.r. TUITION, TER YEAIt. Elemsntary Erglisb Department, $30.00 Other Departments 4000 Write postal for catalogue with full particulars, to Pkqf. John Stravb, Stc'y Faculty. Eugene Clly, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the fitale of Ore gon for the County of Jack sin . Robert AVentrop, Piaintiif, J vs. -Divorce. Rulbey Jane Westrop. Defendt. ) To Kulhey June Westrop, Defendant: TN THE NAME OF THE ST.1TE OF L Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the enmp aint filed a;ainst you in the aU-ve entitled suit In the above entitled court on or before the 4th day of'October, 1880. that belns the first dJy or the next regular term of aid court, and 3-orrare hereby notified that if you fait to so appear and answer said complaint within said time, plaintiff will apply to said court tor the reliet demand ed in said complaint, tn-wit: For a de cree against you dissolving the marriage contract now existing between you and piaintiif, nnd for costs and disbursements of this suit. This summons is served by publication by order of Hon. L. R. Webster, judge of sata court unfler cute oi June u-, itU. H. KELLEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. Dnt treatment, a specific tor Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head ache, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory, Spermatorhoca. Impotency, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-excrtion, sell-abuse or over-indulgence, -which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent caies. Each box contains one month's tteatriient, one dollar a box, or six boxes for five dol. hrs; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of hriv V guarantee six boxes to cure any case. V ith each order received by us tor six doxcs, nccompanicu wun uve urn lars. we will send the purchaser our -writ- ten guarrntce to return Ihe money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued oniyby Woodaud, Clarke & Co, Wholesale ant Retail Druggists. Port land. Oregon. Orders by tnsil. st mrilw prie. SPRING M SUMIflEB Every one should go and see the Grandest and Lamest Lot -OF New Spring Dry AND-- Fancy Goods, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. BOOTS AM SMS. Tobaooo, Groceries and Crockery Remember these goods are new snr bought since the War in Railroad Bale-, and are sold v Cheap for Cash. Country produce bouzht and sold;.als tVoul, Hides, Furs and Deer bltins. to i cit orders for Lumber Jfvx K clleh . Postuffice building. THE STAFF OF LIFE! THE ROGUE RIVER S ROGUE RIV FLODRIKO HAYING RECENTLY BEEN RI fitted with al' modern improvement. ire now turninz out a first-clust articl of flour, which is put up in one-fourt hs! rel sacks, aud every sacs iswarrantc ;o contain 4!) pounds of flour If you don believe this, just compare a sack of ou dour with any other brand offered fur s i. in this market, and note the difference ii weight. Flour and Mill-Feed Constantly on hand and exchanged fo, wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set or Barley Rollers tr ray mill, I havr set apart every Saturda; lo Roll llarley for customers. The wori will be done on short notice, so that pat ties can return with their grist the sami Jay. I am prepared to roll barley at al times And in the best manner. This pio cess is iar nlic.id of the crusher- G.KaREWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 1883. TWENTIETH YEAR. 5T. MARY'S ACADSIVXY, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OF THE" HOLY SiME. THE SHOLAST1C YEAR OF THU school w ill commence about the end o. August, and is divided in fuur sessions of eleven iveekscach. Board and tuition, per term, JJO-O-" Music 15.O1 Drawine and pslntinz S.Oi. Bed and Bedding 30f. SELElTT DAY SCHOOL. . Primary, per term, $ 5.01 Junior, " C.Of Preparatoy " 8.01 Senior, " 10.0c Pupils received at any time, and specia 'attention is paid-to reticular studies ir behalf ut' children whobnve but limited time. For further particulars apply a' the Academy UNION HOTEL, Serbyvllle Orosnn Mrs. M. Rydor, Propr. First-class accommodation can slwav be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. CSTAn excellent stable connected with 'he hotel. "Scnlncl" Office For Sale. Pssirinj to cneige in other business the "indersigned offers the OREGON SENTINEL foi sale at a bargain. For the amount required no batter investment could be found.for a paying business. For further paiticulars c ill on or address, Fuvak Keaiise. Wantodto V.-g.oIxango, Toexehangea houseofll rooms and 2 'ots 100x100 feet with sprint: and cistern water on it, near public school and street cars, in city of Portland, rents for 33 per montn. vviu eiclidnge lor gorK stock ranee in c-outiicrn Oregon, address, C.W. LACnErs. O. R. N.Co. Portland, Oregon CRONEMILLER & BIRDSJEY. JACKSONVILLE, jgL&iZLtm For LaBELLE WAOONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS. LANSING HIDING HARROWS WITH SEEDERS COMBINED, BUEORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRING TJOTH HARROWS, MCSHISKKY GRAIN DRILLS AND BROAD-CASTSEEDEBS, BUFORD PLOWS, ALLSTYLES. COLLINS CAST CAST-STEEL PLOWS, RANDALL PULVERISING HARROWS, CIDER MILLS. FANNING MILLS, CORN SHELL2RS. HAY OTTERS. FAIRBANKS SCALES, COOPEU'S ENGINES AND SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS. CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACKERS, El EXTRAS SERVED We would respectfully ask our pntrous and frieuds to call and-M onr line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, a? we ieel sure wa can Sell As Low If Not LoweT" Than any first-class goods can bo sold for; aud wo gaqrantaaStiirwr gooda as represented. , CEONEMIDLER V 3IRDSEY. JsehsAflWiK Orenon. Msy 0, 1S34 list; Radius Of Southern Oregon, are Ltreby Informed that in addition tnaltrgesntl elegant line of MILLINERY have added to my stooh the foltowiag clasj ol good, nf which 1 have a full linSi ladies' Fcrrishicg Geods, Both Knit and MoJLa. Infant's Wardrobe Cwr.plcU, As cheap as to bo bought any plM;ala CHXDRENS' SHORT CLOTHES, Under 4 ysairolct. A beautiful line ol HOSIERY! Consisting of Lisle and Silk. 31oves, LTandkerclnefs, Cor ts, aScxslayTr Sli.fvcc-I.aa Vsd many other things too mimcrrtus to mention. I hnvcnlncua the services of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER nd am prepared to execute all orders la hat line in first-class stvle at reasonable nte. Call and see rao at the hnlldlny fores, rly occupied by A. L. Johnson on Call rnia street. MRS.P P PRIM. & as il SILAS J. 1TA Votanj Public, Iiial Ettatc Agi. Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. Iiogal 3Doo(i2xiocit j Jfall kinds drawn up, especially pariah in j tu the settlement of estate. Collector of Accounts Prmpl Remittances. Investment Securities a Specialty. lackson County Scrip Bought and do ids I have a complete set of Maps of all 'urveyul Lands in this county, and re eive abstracts monthly from Roteburx of ill new entries midc. I aa thus p e. tared to make out Homestead aud l'i. mptiof papers, and can thus save to par. ies the expense of a trip to Rosebur '.snd Office. Several line farms arc in my hands tor -lie. Prompt reply made to all letters. Charges in accordance with the timet. Refers, by permission, to C O. Beek nan. Esq . Banker; lo Hon. L. R, WeV Uer, Judge of this judicial district, and to ;ny business house in Jacksonville. Office at south cast corner Calilnrnis ind 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon. SILAS J. DAY. Saloon And Restaurant, JACKSONVILLE. OR.. GEORGE Bffl. PROFR. The proprietor take pleasure in ia. running.- the public that he has 'horough'y renovated this well-knowa otand and is prepared to furnish Fresh Bread and Teats taily, delivering the same to say porslsn of Jacksonville free of charge. Meals, 25 Cents. The table will be supplied with a aeutt variety of eatables, while the best f wines, beer and cigars may b fona a i be Saloon tSGive tue a call HIDUCIIO:. 18 Hi'ATS. t I have made a reduction in the stee ot hog meat now selling Shoulders, C cents per pound, vide-me.at, 5 ccuts per pound. Good Lard, 71 cents pe;' pound. It is all open for inspection and wse. ranted. Johk Obth, F.EITSCHAED, practical Watchmaker ad Jkwkler, Cnlifornia Sreet, "AKEg a specially ofclrsninp and re. 1VJL pairing watches and clocks. My chsrsss are reasonable. Give me a call ON SHORT NOTICE- M rf-