f OBEGQH SEKTIHEL JACK"M'II.I.K SAiOKDAT, July 17, 18FG Jnieresting to Odd Fellows. Yesterday Grand 'Representa tive A. M. G.mjjell informed a "News" reporter that the Sov. ereign..Grand'Lodgo of the Odd Tellows would meet lit Boston, September 20tli. It is the in. tentibn, Mr. G.inibell says, to Tnake Ibis the greatest gathering of Odd Fellows ever held sirce the establishment of the order. 2fopaitis4vill be spared by the citizens of Boston to make it n mmpleto .success. This ia cvi fenced. 'y the f.ict that 100,000 J.as been raised to entertain those who attend, and every Odd Fel low will be loyally welcomed and liiBstn- made as pleasant n,s r.oM ble. Among other features there will be a parado by the Patriarchs .Mifitant. It is anticipated there will;bo 10,000 chevaliers nuil CO,. 000 members in line. There will also be competitive 'drills and otbr ioaturcs. A special train wilfleave Chicago September 18th for Boston, and the round trip tickets cost 13. It is expected that quite a number will attend ' from L'ortland. Portland "Kewp." Old. Col. Zell, at the time whei Grant was up fbr'tlio Presidency, and when the Democratic watch word was "Anything to beat Grant," was addressing-an en thusiastic, meeting of Comstock Republicans, when a Democrat who wa3 ''hanging on the verge of the crowd," sang out: "Its easy talkin,' Colonel, but we'll show you something next fall." The Colonel was n Southern Un jon'mau of the ultra school, and agreat admirer of Grant. Ho at once wheeled about, and with upUfted hands, ' hair bristcling, .and eyes flushing fire, cried out: "Build a worm-feuco round a winter supply of summer weath er, akim tho clouds Irom the sky with a teaspoon, catch a thunder bolt in a bladder, break a hurri cane to harness, ground sluice an earthquake, bake hell in an ice. house, lassoo an avalanch, fix a clout on the crater of an activo volcano, hive all the stars in a nail-keg, hang out tho ocean on a grapevine to dry, put tho sky to soak in a goaid, unbucklo the "belly, baud of eternity, and paste To let' on tho sun and moon, but never, sir never for a moment delude yourself with tho idea thatyou can beat Grant." "Salt Lake Tribune." The State Board of Immigra. tion have decided to scud another specimen car loaded with the products of Oregon through the "Western States. Tho experience gained from last year's exhibit will enable IheJioard to make it more of a success than the other; and yet we liave amplo proof that it was tho best advertisement Oregon ever had, bus brought more immigrants to our State, mid disseminated a greater knowledge for, our resources than all that could bo written. Tho oxhihit will be in chargo of a piactical farmer, thoiiroughly posted incur resources. Patmcis of Southern Oregon should make a noto of this and Bavo suitabe specimens ofthoir various products to fur nish their quota. D. 1). Pretty- man Salem will bo in charcrc of tho car to whom communications fhould be addressed. A private letter from Burling ton, Iowa, reports business dull there and little excitement on prohibition. The writer says be couklen't get even a glass.of beer in Burlington. Tlio Saloons are all closing up, in many cas&s the furniture being consfiscatcil, and therodms'nailud up for one year. The law prescribes that buildings used for 6-Uoona shall bo nailed up by the Sheriff, and he holds the key to all places thus nailed up. Tho excitement is bocon. ing more intense, and tho writer is anticipating lots of fun. It is manifest that if prohibition is is not a success in Iowa, it will not be owing to airy want of stin gency in the law. CATARRH CURED, health nnd s-veet breath secured liy Sliiloh't. Ca tarrh Remedj. Price DO cents at E. C. Brooics's. Naal Injector fre. Who is Prosecuting -Attorney, -a. Our cotem gave ns a labored and what he probably thought to be a clin-ching argument on the legality of Sir. Culvig nssuming Ihc duties of Prosecuting Attor ney of th'.s district after neglect ing to qualify utthe time required by law. lie charges the whole trouble between the old and new Democratic State Attorneys upon the meddlesome deposition of the Republican "Boise." lie cm tircly exonerates Mr. Kent from iiny re?poaihility in the matter. Now this is funny indeed, as well astoriisuing that the Republican Bosses can be tho means of so much unpleasantness in the rank and fille of Jeffersonioii tested Democrats. While wo are on this subject we will give a few extracts o' law "uhich v.o-c ensirri ly overlooked aiul may myttily our learned legal cotem on page G91 of our Statute will be found the following: "The term of a District Attorney shall' commencfe Jnii the first Monday of July next following the election. This is tho time the lawiequires him to cuter upon his duties, therefore ho must qualify before that time. It is asked how could he qualify beiore begot hiscertifioatc of elec tion. "Wo answer by simply filing his oath of office with the Secretary of State together with tho certificate when issu ed. Wo now call attc.ition to what constitutes a vacancy in office, and cite subdivision Gth of section 48, page 57G ot tho Code which reads as follows: Ilia refin Sal or NEGLECT TO TAKE HIS OATH ol office or lenew his official bond or to deposit such oath or bond within the tune presented by law constitutes a vacancy. Did he perform any of tho above re quirements we answer in tho neg ative. We will say in conclusion that it is a light between the two contestants who are the "Bosses" care but little tvbieli wins. It is true we would prefer to have the office filled with a man who at least has ability enough to qualify according to law. The question has arisen in tho minds of a many as to when the different slato officers elected at tho last election qualify. "With a view to dispelling the ignor ance of those people, the following facts are given: Tho judicial officers, which arc, composed of snpieino judges, cir cni judges and dUtriet ai:o"iiey., qualify !hc first Monday in Jury alter the election; .'the troas urers, secretary ot State, State pi inter, and bupeiintendent of public in-triiction, quaJ'fy the first Monday in Jannaiy aftei'tlie organization of the Legislative an- sembly; tho governor qualifies after tho Legislature meets and the vote is canvassed; .ind all tho county officers qualify the first Monday in July. , The river and harbor bill will o to the 1 'resident very soon. Asit leit the IIoue, it approprb sued a fraction over 15,000,000. When it reached the Senate, the committee icdnccd many items for tbcEtst and South, but in creased the items for tho "Wet and North "West, uutil as it leaves tho Senate, it appro pnatcs neatly 18.000,000. We do not know the justice nor thej necessity regarding many of the eastern rivers and harbors which are mentioned with goodly amounts, but wo do know that tho cstimatesforthc2orth Pacific Coast are below rather than equal to what is urgently needed. It is feared that tho President will mistake it for a private peusion bill and veto it. tEl'ttugc 3n itlcmagcmcnt OP THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sis., Jacksonville - - Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the undersicnt-d take pleasure in announcinj to the pualic that a complete change will bemad idc. Tlio Tatslo will be supplied with evciything the market fiords, and a general renovation ol the Bods fixs-cL noozzxs will bo made. The patroniijirof the pub lic is solicited. J DeRoboa.it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Citation ta Heirs. In the County Court ot the Stat: of Ore. gon for the county of Jackson, sitt'ng iu probate, July term, I Bad. Id the mat er ot the estate of Geo. H. Young, deceased. To Rosa Fay, Francis Luy. John Young, Ym. Young, Isabelle Young, l,aura Ellen "i ouni;. YOU ARE HEREBY t OTI1 IED Uiit n.KYoungAdm!niMratralrix, has hied tier petition praying for an order ol said court to sell the tallowing des cribed mil property belonging to cud es tate to-wit: Lot 1 m block 5Gin the town of Jack sonville, Jackson county, fyngon, begin ning at the cast corner of said block and running thence south along the line ot Iregon'btreet 220 feet thence north 46 fett thence west 26iJ feet to First street, thiuce north ) leet thence east 220 feet along the line or First to Dak streets thence south WH leet thence east 2AK leet to the place ot beginning, also lot 5 in block 5'J begipning at the south cor ner of block 5J and running thence north 4UK leet thence west 1U0 leet along the line ot UaK M-reu mence souuie ny ira feet to Oregon atree; t tence alog ,h line t Oieoa ttrtel 5lJ-2 feet to the plcc of btgiuniui;, uljulot ti m block 56 begin ning Ht'ihe west comdr'nl said block and runnlne thence south 45.25 feet thence east M'i teet thence south 4S-3rfe.t thence west 118$ leet on the line tf First street lo tue place olbeginin, all apprais ed at $ I, out). riicrclbre notice is hereby given to the bcjrs-at law of ..aid estate tliat the prayer of,said petition wi 1 be heard and at the usual place of holding County Count in 'Jacksonville, in slid county and flute, on Tuesday, Sopt. 7lh, 18&G, at lu o'clock A. 31., til vtmcil lime uie saiu ueirs auu an others interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and show cause, if they nave, way an unici m s;iie snuum m uc made as in the uioresaia petition prayea for. I'ub'.ished by order of lion. E. DcPtatt, JuJge. Attest : W. U. PARKER, Counly Clerk ANNUAL KXUIRIT. snowrso TrtE receipts akd expmkm. TORES OP JACKSOS COUSTT. comiEKCtxo jcly 3, 1835, esdiso jclt 4, 18S0. DISEUnSEMEh'TS. Coslsof Circuit Courts $ 0.444 02 " Justice " 1,552 JP Clerk's fees for county business 2,1)04 li " ' " Circuit Lourta.. 524 44 SlicritTs " " promiscuous hus- inesa 2,190 70 Sheriff, for boardine; prisoners. 841 02 " Jailor's siilary 020 00 Cost of keeping indig nis and salary of agent for poor 1,10151 Costs of roads and bridges.... 3,180 SI District Attorney's fees 923 20 Bounties D.-.idon scalps ot void anima s 1,730 50 Janitor's salary 67C 00 County Commissioners' lees... 3U7 uo " surveyor's ' 112 ISO " printing and blanks... 330 25 Coroner's inquests 190 55 County Judge's salary 800 00 " School Supl's salary.. G25 00 ' Treasurer's " 500 0-1 Repairs on court house and jail loo 55 Stationary and record books... 2t)5 02 Icli'gmpuiuj on criminal ousi ncss Paid Hospital contractor Election and Registration busi ness .. ., Rebate on taxes County Assessor's periliem. . . . Examination of msanr persons. Bhlancc paid to Immigration Beard Wood, and sawing of same.... 24 65 2,834 85 C20 7t kC 85 7to 00 97 00 1S0 0J 118 mi Rogue Rher bridge 14,312 02 Right l way for same 050 00 -cfuf township maps 200 00 Paid Reames tiro's for sundries forcounty 27 50 Paid J. Nunan for sundiicsfor county 23 to Miscellaneous expenses 99 11 Total am't of war'nts audited $45,021 87 Interest paid on redeemed war rants 3,398 13 Total expenses of county busi ness $43,420 00 PER CON riu. EL! E'tTS. flash in Treasury July 5$,"18S5 $ 3,431 77 Received from P. P. Prim lr "Mice rent. CO CO Received lron Joseph. ine county, .-rm'nt 241 23 Received from n-jtrd road surveys r. 37 10 "tecched from sale of county land to T. Cameron -,.. C3 C(f Received from Stale, piupcrlund 1.C03 97 Received Irom Joseph. ine'eonnty, Mackey c case.:.; - 1,253 74 Received from forfei ture of Imil bonds... -200 00 Received from costs in criminal mits "73r80 Received from sile of scattVd lumber 10 00 Rewired Irom trial fee to counly 105 03 Received from liquor licenses 450 CO Recei ed from t ixps for - oounly purpows.,. 26,104 55 Reoeiveil from laxrs. Sheriff's tUMSsmmt 1,170 9G Reieneil from -dciiu- rrtient taxes 350 07 Received from poll tax C78 0) ' " (.Tiina po Is Gl 00 Deficit this year 13,020 40 $43,420 09 RECAPrrULATlOS, Total receipr for coun ty purposes . $35,393 51 Taxes collected tor school purposes..... S,45GC5 Taxes collected lor Stale purposes S.9S9 22' Total receipts $52,819 33 TEU COSTHA. Warrants rcdecm.d and cancelled $24.6S5 50 Tnlemst paid on same.. 3,u93 13 Paid Tor Staf taxes. . . 8.43G G5 Transferred to school fund 8.WK Cash in Treasury 7,309 83 $52,819 33 Ontstandinj: warrants 'lulv 3.1&85 $G854B 81 Iniebiedne3s this fiscal year 13.02G 49 $81,370 30 State or .Obeqos. J C mnty of Jackson. J I hereby certify that the foregoing is a trne exhibit, as I veri'y believe. Hole An exhibit of monthly disburse ments is on "file in the lerk's office for public inspection, too Ions for oabli cation. W. H..PA"RKER, i ount aerk. COSTIVENESS affects seriooily U tbe digestive and assimilate e orsans, Including tho Kid neys. TVbcn these organs are so affected, they fall to extract from the blood the uric nciI,r which, carried through the cir culation, causes Rheumatism and JCeu raisin. The functions of the liter are also affected by coUvcncss, causing Bilious Disorders. Among the warning symptoms of Tiillouj ncss are Kausea, Dizztnesi, Headache, "Weakness, Feier. Dimness of Vision, Yellowness of Skin. Iains fn the Side, Jtatk and Shoulders. Foul Sloutb, Furred Toncue, Irregularity lu the action of the Vowels. Vomiting, etc. The Stomach suffers when the bowels are constipated, and Indigestion or Dyspepsia, follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Tains, Headache, Acidity of the Stomach, Water. brash:Nervounes3, and Deprmion.are all evidences of the presence of this distress ing maladv. A Sure Relief for Irregu larities of 'the Stomach and all consequent diseases, will be found in the use of AYER'S PILLS. They stimulate the stomach, free tho bowels, healthfully Invigorate the torpid Ihcr and licneys, and by their cleansing, healing and tonle properties, trngthen and purifv the whole ytem. and rotor it to a salutary and normal condition. i rszrABZD ET LDr. J. C. Ayer . Co, I-otvbII, Has. EoUbyallDrojgUtt. v . V. It. ANDREWS; ATTORSy & COUNSELOR-ATXAW Jacksonville, Or. -win prac'icc in aU the Courts ol the stale. Office with District Attorney, ourt House. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Samuel JlcRoboatn and C. K. Ueaum'e, under the film name of Dclio- iKiom (SCo., has been this day mutually dissolved the said Samuel DeRoboam continuing the business in his own Dame, and piying all the debts of the said firm of Ueltoboam & Co. when due and all the debts owing to said firm up to to this date arc due and payable to C. ILBeaumle. Jacksonville, July Olli, 18SG. 5. Dekodom C. K. Ukacmle. County Treasurer's Sev enth Jftfotico. Office of TrtEAscREn of Jackms Co, ? Jacksonville, July 2, ItJfiG. f NOTICE IS UEREBY GIVEN TI11T there are fands in thefounty Treasury for the redeniptiou of the following conn ty warrants, protested up to August aOtb, IMl: 204, 21S, 210, 215, 214, 220, 153, 182, 300, 32'J, 238, 245, 289. 317, 313. 293, lol, 242. 253, 32u 323, 325, 244. 247. 298, 225, 220, 301, 322, 289, 272, 273, 256, 2J5, 304. 105, 240, 259. 7. MX). S01. 3J0. 754, 356, 355, 344, 342, 343. 407, 808. 3-.3, 301. 37fc 362, 1S07, 279, 287, 729, 758, 347, 365, 469.812, 640, 2, 338- Interest on the same will cease from this date. NEWMAN FISHER, Countv Treasurer. Xotice is hertby given that the undeT signed, E. 15. Citon. will apply to the County Court at the Jugnsl stssion for li cense to sell liquor in lets qnnnlities tlnn one pillion in Hie town of ' cnlral Point for the period of six months from July 11, lb8G. E. R.Catos. Central Point, June 13, 18SG. RF DOWEL DAUiam Ailj:rijfs AT LAW &: $ Ma'k'if's ?); fiSi vVrg&z rortlaaJ. Ot rr'ieui.r tt.Mcii 'd'd ' rriitr a!.t. hrd Itnral co! cciior. laJ.naJiS uor sintnenL Cla tck. btdrd F at Trass Fir Sate cr Lsjm. I aa tho ownf r of to f anza All lavs rT-t--V.il- rprvg e ;l ITO--k. nlLrriich' yia t hi. X'7 h h ticwiuid pr i'it-n lfinooan orli trl.iiiifli -n O o'ili.Tr'n-itfi-tnii m ti ns b-WiS t nil trwa. Ivill e!l tul-Ht I ei'hT Irn-t otUtnlonths inta laim t tara.i ti Tar h.errimsjftx Ihom-n y.f tha ml!(i nrd ra'tlwt&at. Tnr Itutl ec irnen a:a i"in re '. a IVKDOWELH. This space is reserved for Mrs, M. Measor's NEW M1LLIHERY STORE. 'DAVID LINN, GffiBUL UNDERTAKER. AJTD DEALKR E corrzsr TsmaxntGa. COFFINS FURNISHED;-QN THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Qregon. Turaijura of all kinds kept on hand or made tr order Petition For License. iH8e&sa X4S ilJTI V rrjrfsP AIerritt'. Cash Store. "The Only Cash Store in Jacksonville! Spring Stock I New Goods, 3STEW PRICES ! CoflVe-C. Sugar, 13 lbs, for $1 00 Powdered Sugar, per box, ...... 09 Choice C. R. Coffee, per lb., 14 Fair C. R. Coffep, per Ik , T 10 Choice Oolong Tea, per lb 60 Oystera, per can..,.12J and.. . 13 Glosa Starch, 6 & box 65 Assorted Jellies 25 Good Lard, 10-lb. cans 75 Sardine?, per box.... 10 and. ... , 15 Dress Goods ! Fancy Ginghams I Liisnensr ulstjers i Red Men's Building, A. H. Maegly & Co, Successor to Bilker & iff aegly Selling gooda lor Glory and Very Small Profits. We keep in stock all kinds ot Shell Hardware, Stove and Tinware, Oils and Mows Wagons Harrows Lamps, Bolls, Rope, Iron, Paint and other Brushes. Curry Combs, Tacks, Window glaF3, Coal oil, Hinges, Blackings Pad locks, Door locks, Powder and Shot, Fues, Caps Sand Paper, KniveB and forks, Cross cut saws, Hand saws, Planes. Nails Traps, Grind stones, Bolts, Augers, Cable chain, and many other goods too numerous herein to mention. Largest. Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements in Southern Oregon. Call or write for prices A. II . 3Iaf.olt & Co , Jacksonville, Oregon. GENUINE CLOSING SALE. Owins to ill health and recent firm ei il cd to retire permanently from the mercantile entire stock ot GeiitfM MereImmM At the Old Ashland Store, At Sam-Francisco Cont The Stora and OFFERED Ashland, Or., June 26. 1885. JAMES DEALER IN rrceri and Clothin HATS AMD BOOTS. Tobacco, CigarSj Candies, Etc., Etc. California ttreet, between Oregon and Third, JacIcsoanR&ec-. CALL ANDEE MY Fresh New "Stock PRODUCE TAKEN Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN" Farm-, Mill Machinery BTJFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPJEB Header LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, McSHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS. TWINE BINDERS, BTJFORD-S GANG & SULKY PLOWS, COATES SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOIT & CO.'S Engine 4 Threabeni, WALKING CULTIVATORS, RANDALL WHEEL HARROWS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO "TOOTH, BUCKBOARD WAGONS, HARROWS, Etc., Etc., Etc. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery. Vfritt for catalogue. Address chher- FRANK BROS. IJIP'L. CO, Portland. Or. 0v E. W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. ape 11 3 ra French Calf Sewed Boot,. . . . 25 00 Carpets, Floor and TaM. Oil cloth in xcllont pat tiros Good Calf Boot,,..,., 3 75 Good Kip Bcot,. ;,,..... i.. .. 2 50 Boys' Suits, 12 to 17 year,, & 00 Men's Suit, fair....,,, .,,,,.,10 00 Ladies' Stocking.... 10 to, ,,., CO Ltdiea' French Kid Shoe, 3 50 Ladies' American Kid Eboci. ... 2 25 Jacksonville, Oregon. and Cultivators difiicnltics tl e nndnsismid has conc'nd. business, and ibenfore offra for sa e hi-, -r ? Fixtures will b FOE HETsTT. J M. McCALI- DRUM, o and New Prices ! IN EXCHANGE. COOPER & CO Saw Mill Machinery, CARRIAGES. SPRING WAGONS, TO OFFSET The Bull Tim Has marked his goods 'down to Hard Times Prices He will sell you MORE QOOOS" for LESS MONEY than ever fcrort iol in Jacksonville, His stock is AS GOOD AS THE BHST, And his prfcertrlT ASTONISH YOU? It is needless to enumerate the articlta fee-is tor sell, as he keeps everything tv be formd in a first-class General McrcIinniHsc Store J When in towr pve iiim a taiT f b will show you jends at prices I fiat wiTV KNOCK THE HARD TrMES, Idea clean out your hratf. Hi's stock is varied and complete, na4 yon can hardly ask lor anything he ha not got. Rememoer the p'ac crironer of Calt fornia and Oregon tlrtets Highest Market Fric PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE! GTCall and see if IhU ao!v-rtf9cme is not 39 true as gospel. JTKWMAN FI HER. HUNTERS EMPORIUM! V xs & $Ml4f Fzi CKt jrf r i ?- v y - - Jackacs.vlle, Oregon. Win KllU?., - Propriclar, DEALER I. ALL KIND" OF A6M cuIiuihI iinrb'wntss. tool of all kinu"3 and a geneMf jv;st1isk a; uf sheU fe .C:X 3l.-w'C3!fi-J V I TS?i s r." -A sVTa.v-.yijir:' . r . --;. r:' ,a l j "KvH -.! c" TTr sT'O kcs fSr Ii-y sioclc ot, and ili lilt hurst irAptrivrmcUts iff GUIT3 AKD PISTOLS, ani rnz. viwiiizxrov V !1iTi.. VTr!rf Tuwder, Shot, Stfc tn LAMPS, CHAWDFLrcRS , ADALL KlXnS OF WIU Oivr him a citl -inf ir.minr his Srtnett It Jon-iswiin,! jour imrdrfo. FaKaICK's tSTORE, JlfcllJOKD, OkCCO, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's. , Tlio tmdersisnrd takes pleasnrt: In aa nounciu that he his opciv d his pUr of husines- in the n'W town orjledfurd, Or egon, andis now prepared to furnish, ia qujntilkblo suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, paints a:nd OILS MACHINE OIL-. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CAN DIES, NUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc, My stock fs fresh and flrst-claiv andJf propose. W) keep a full assortment of eyenr iUing.In.rcy line and sell at - PRICES LOWER THAN EVTF? AJ1 1 ask Is a trihl. C2Bnigbist price paid for P-odure. liiliillj WSM i&gvMa Baa a ? I SnggjBf lffW9PtffWMltSSUftm9KUty I .n IV V I d d I fl