Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 17, 1886, Image 1

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I PAX- -U 'JI'AJ ' !
SV A A (
-- Xivegon,
- BT
'One copy. Per Year, limdrante ,S 50
T. R. YOUNG. M. D.,
EHysiea And Snrgeon,
Central Point, Oregon.
Calls promptly attended to at all hours.
- Having located at tVis place I ask a
hare of the patronage of this section.
'Calls attended to at any lime.
Medfobd, Oregon.
'All businefs in my Tine will .receive
prompt attention.
Jacksonville, Ogn.,
Will practice in all the Courts of the
-Rtste. Office in Court ll ivc.
T. 3. KENT,
""Will practice in nil the flirts of this State.
, "Office in the court House.
C- jBMPEUT. M- D-.
tlraduatcof University, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Snrgeon.
Calls attended to at nil hours day and
Slight. Office opposite Sloer Hotel, Jack
sonville, Oregou.
I, rrj-rr, l. I. . " cary, M. U,
Omees. for the present "w ill be as I
lerctofore. ,-"
ffacksonvilo, Ogn.
MVFME At 'Citv Drui: Storo. TJesi-
ilenee on Fourth St., op,osito M. E.J
tliurcli. . .
B. F. liOWKLL,
Portland, Oricgon.
-All business placed in my h inds will re
ceive prompt attention. Sjieci.il atten
tion given to collections.
Notary ruuiic, Real Estate Agent and
I miVerniivpyancingintl furnishingab
Btracts til 1 mil ;:llm ?peci.illy. I,oins
aesntiatcd anil cDflbclioas nilule. All
business intrcsted to my rare will receive
j-'proilipt and c.irelul attention.
t M .....
E"K TtS T,
TaaII. nrtnplnn t 11 linlire
jJALauhine r.is admtnisttred,
OCCCfir desired fur which etra
clnrRe will lie made. Office on corner of
'California and ."ith street.
'. . QIDBS.
h. B. STEARNf.
Rooms? anil iStrowbriage's BniMiDg,
"WII1 practice in all courts of record in the
State of Oregon and Waiinton Terri
"toiy; and piy particular attention to
business in K'-deral courts
l And
Formal school,
Vs'li3fv3ticl Ox.
. Four fcoures ot 6udy. Normal and
tommercia'i College, rreparatory and In.
Mruraental music.
For particulars or catalogue afply ,0
lie undcnlgnetl at Ashland, Orcjfrn.
M. O. ROYAL, A. 31.
1 PBIlb
Send six cents for hostase.
and receive tree, acoMly tiox
iof poods which will help all.
of cither sex. to more money right away
Than anything else in this aorld. For
unes nwtit the w rkers absolutely sure
AVoncpaddreksjRUE & 'Co, Augusta, 3Ie
Oregon & California R. R.
.dnd connections. Time 1 days.
Tare fruni I'orllniifl tit aa Fraueisro 633;
t fracnumnlo $S0.
Close connections made at Ashland
with stages of the California Oregon
and Idaiio Stage company.
East Side Division.
Between Portland & Ashland
Mail Train.
Portland. .7:30 A. si-lMedford. ..n:24 a.m.
JIidford..a:2.j A. M. J Ashland.. .4:15 A. M.
Ashland. 0;tiO P. ii.UIedfoid- .10-IOp it
5Itdford.10.il r.M!Poitland..4:23i'.Ji.
Allian) I xprcss Train.
Portland. ...4.00 p MlLebanon.fl:20 r m
Ltb.inon...-.4:45 a iiiPortl.nuk-wlu.0.j am
Pullman Palace Slcenincrars dailv be
tween Portland and Ashland.
ThcO. & C. B. It. Ftny makes con.
nection wilhall the regular train's on the
East Side Div. lroin foot 'if F. St.
West Side Dn ision.
Between Portland & Corvnllif.
" lt.ill Train.
Portland 9.00a m O)rvjllis...4:S0 r M
Eprr Train.
Portland 5:00tm
JIcMinnvilleS :45 A M
McMinmilleS OOtm
Portland... 8:30 a m
Ixcal tickets lor sale and basgage
Checked at company's up-tottnolhce, cor
ner Stark and Second btreels. Tickets for
principal points in t .ilifonna-cji onl- be
procured .ami b.tggage checked at com
pany's office,
(tinier I' aatl Front hi , I'nrflaiifl, 'Ireann,
Froiahl will not lw iecctcd for ship
ment alter Ihe o'clock pj on cither the
East or WtslSide Dhisiong.
11. Koi.iii.ER, E. P. BoanRt,
,Jl:iu.i2cr. G. F. !c I'xss. Act
Citation to Heirs.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the county of Jackson, sitting
in probue. May turn. 18s!.
In tbe nattir ot the slate ol Yiliiam
Brincr, dece.i'-ed.
To Lemuel Brmcr, JCiiz.ibeth Briner, XI i
tilda Poster. Malilil.iNicew.irmer, Elsie.
Jlancy, Thus. Briner, George Br.iuitr.
PcrniiM Gl.u.don. .
1 that II. 0. GiHid.ird Administrator,
h.is fded his petition prjyiusfor an order
orsaidcouit to sell the following des
cribed rt.il. property belonging to siul
o-1ntu, fo-tvil: '"
Lots No. 1, 2, 8, and the ' 1-2 oT th
N E if and the N W 4' if the s E "4 al
in section 2i, Tonnship 37 somh, r-.nge 1
west, located in Jmkson rounlr, Oregon,
the li meslcid cl.iim of m. Biincr, de
Tlti-iefers n'ticelnherHiy itirrn to tlielielm-at Iiw
of niidcctntc iLsltljctiiir of ta.J4-tt.tlwl. i11In
linr.1 nu l .Irttilnhiisljtt 41ie iii.ual 1 lie ct hnMmg
County Court 10 .TaelfaiTUiTV tn tiaM connl).aiil
Slfr m Tdf iMi . Julir$(tl,lSSGlilt in n'clc ck a. m
Ntliliicht inn tlie faitllitlrK And h11 (ithttHiiitprpsti-tl
iuailf nlftte Aie hi-rtlv nutlllfj to at:M.ar auJ bLyu
Ciiil.i. If lliry hal. lix an oidu' of s.,'e fcliuuld not J
l tnati-ad 1.1 Hie nlirtfaiillrtmoiitirarnr-r.
l'uWIh.d lrji.ijfri.flli.il K PtlValt. Jiidn.
Alt. At: UM. 11. 1'litlUJK. Comity CIrrV
Ticls.s:03XtyilXo, - - Ogn.
Ilavin;; mined to a nctr Wition on
Californit stnet .it the lesideneeof E.
P. Foudraj I hereby ask my friends
and the public gentr.illy to Rite me :i call
for an thinir in the line of Dressmaking,
i Filling and Culling,
Dress Patterns Furnishal.
My prices are regulated to suit the
times and satisfaction; is rffawntetl.
Land Oitice at Bosebuhg, Or:;.. )
' ' "' "M:iv2(l 1Wii. T
1 Notice Is hereby siven that the tollow-
in-namcu settler lias tiletl notice ol Ins
intention t.i make final proor in sujiixirt
ol his claim, and that said proolwulbc
made before the Clerk of Jackson couuty,
at Jai'ksonullc Oregon, on Tuesday July
(UIi, 18b6, iz: Elij th Smith, preemption
D. S. No. 412S for the S E of X W i,.
Sec 27 township 38 south range 3 West.
He names the following witnesses to
provtlus continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of said land, iz: James Jeff
rey of Jacksonville, Wm. Bay, Alex. A.
Incart nd James McDomiah all of
i Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon.
Vt St. r . Uemamix. ltegister.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Office of Treasurer of Jackon Co., I
JacKsonille,Mavl4. lsSG. f
IN there are funds in the CXmuty Treas-
'. ury for the rtdemption of the following
couuty. warrants, protcsteet up to July o,
NumbersC9o, 7C3, 830, Sa"i, 837. S32.
j 84 . 402U.S49. 800, 779,333, 003, 1MH.71,
727,oS,o9, oI.'JUJ, 810, To'J. !) J, 07, 132,
70, 140, 130, 14S, 147. 105, 140, 102, 140,
1 14. 133, 12.1, 94, lil, 4. UO, 50.
Interest on the same will cease from
this date. ' Newmvx Fisher,
Couuly Treasurer.
WANTED A capable man or woman,
or unusual energy, to take the
acencv cf this or some other county tor
lhe"llistorvof California.'" To the right
nitty it will pav $100 to $300 per month.
Address F PEBSON. ianager Occiden.
tal Publishing Co 120 Sutter street. Sin
mar27 lm.
, -S7 -7
Free frvm Opiates. Jlmetla and l'o;on.
SAFE. tfsL 7 n
3U; i fafc1" ps...i-VitTi ...
t3 S "il3 Jt H w I A' liAI.33.
25 YEARS m USE." "
The Greatest g5di;alTrinmgh of the Age I
LosQcrnppetitc Ilawclscosiivct 1'c.lnla
iliO liend, with n ilnll FCiidatlou in tho
bncfc part Iiin nnilcr tlio fliouldcr
tilcl?f ITiIInct nftcr eating Milh it i1i-faclin-nion
to oxprticaof Lutly or mind,
Irri;iLbi!itrcf trmpert IOTPpirit, with
ufccln-Cttf baviiiciiccJrctcd Bo-noduty.
Vc.iruc-.(LI-.s,lzjcr, rimicrinarattlio
lienrt Dcts IiPt'orcilio eyes, IIc:idacbo
over tho rlzbt cys? IJc&tXef.-ncss, ivlth
CtTcl Jrcuno, 15 i!i!y colored I rlae, aud
TrTT'S riLI-S aro especially a.1ii-.tcl
to R.tch caee-, ono tliwo cirecls fiucli a
cl nig'inffec'iiis as to astonish tlio sufferer.
TLy Ixsrreasetti t,ctlle,nndcaj3Ctlio
Nvir t- '( nU on i'leAli.t'iu tho av.tem Is
liottrtsheil.arrl bytlt irToittc Action on
tha lSceetlTOOrsanji,It cc.ilsr S)toolnro
I roinfi i; ri ice .c. a ..i"
Tiws m
mm y.- i-a
li' U teia
OaAY Fin or VfciKcna eaangeti to a
C'wv Black hv a single application of
tutMDTn. It imparts a Hjtaraf color.acts
1 '. 1 jnivalv. tnl I bv Untwists, or
-itt In tisu.-Lbs on K'ci-ipLOf CI.
GfRco. 44- EKurray St . Kow York
iTacksanviilc, Or.
At Iho old stand ofS. P. Ilann t, in Cron"
miller's buiHlin-r, !. 1 1 s. t.u hau.l a
lull line of
W aon I7te6rial!
And is pi ared to do aI work in his line
on ill' r' notice anil in a won nunl'ikc
mail. cr. Vehicles of eu-ry elus-
tjiptiun nude tooider.
Remnrhifj A Fpcaally.
Terms reasonable and Mj.isf.;catiou
guaraiitetd. - Glo. liiLvns
The Bitters' Gcide Is Is
sued March and bept, eaeh
I j ear: 210 page-, 81x11
iincl.cs,-whh ov 15,1200
illustrations r ;holo pic
ture rallerv. .vcs whole
sale prices direct to consume jn all goods
for personal cr family u . Tells how
to older, and gites eia oost of every
thing jou use, cat, drir wear, or hao
fin wait. These invo tblo books con
tain information gleaned from tho mar
l.ets of the world. We will mail a cop7
Froo to any address upon receipt of tho
postage 7 cents. Ixt us hear lrom you.
SS? d. SS3 Wcbtui Aveacc. Ctlccia. ILL
Men Think '
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have. -
CM iWitratloai, prkct, aecarita deKrlMhmt and ralnasta
Oirertici Ibrpltadna all TarWIp, mi LGETAlILn
and FLOVf EK SCLUS, SCUtg. .le. laTalaablt
ta aa. especially to Nartrt GaMearrs. Send for te
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Michigan.
..9 n rs-. rr. r?i rn.p
&Zb ci-c t4 JLii Sb t3
We coBtl'-.ii to act cs Eolliitors for Pateats.
Cs-w . T-ie Mirir. Oopyritita. rtc . for tbe
U is. . J'isti earaiU. iLo. Erciard. France
(.cr-i.n. " . e nave i-i Sillrtj-(ae 1
ears' vtpcrjci.cc.
a 1'iuuu ?u i!.!xrr.hEfarerciiceii jjthe
: irT! " init rtlf mnrea (Jsplecclnl
i us;-'cii Mtv-llv ;rtr ?S.;o)rar sh'Vij
k'JToi. yf.ifc- i-. ivM7trKresilrF.an'J
i -n rr. us ruleti.. caress Ml .'
i li SJC s,,j.It r- lib"! rf .H-IZMIHC
kVt u,in o-- ax- Kcw Vert.
" ' .J: STIW.T TSMHJ .Tlt&
week in yourowntown. Trims
OUU ind $3 outfit lreo. Address II
i hau.et, & o., Portland Maine,
nn M ieaIW FREE to n applleuu. ui to ensumen of
f-?:i5t3nc"; .l s wxuESir. "sps-
!'3kSS?& te1? i?Sn
Bill tfvp's'Bugct.
Mat 10 Georgn taid last week that
we must eciinomiz",
for trade seemed
to be paralyzed. It is funny that
tradfc should have waited ljll we got
married, an J then got paralyzed. But
we must do all we can, George say
to save our money. I afp trying ev--
ery way to save what he makes. For
three days I have been making my
husband a pair of tec'itest TUgh
shirts that anybody ever sa". ine,
are long and graceful, "and" trimmed
with pink embroidery. George p'lt
gne of them on last nighty ar-ivf IL
our first liars.h word.
At first he laughed a low, bitter
laugh, Fiich as we sometimes hear on
the siagf when a villain sticks a large,
red ta"b knife into a casual acquain
tance. I did not think that my own George
would e,er curdle my young blcod
with such a low, gurgling laugh. For
a few momenta I yearned for my
mother's bosom to mem on, but it
W83 useless to earn.
George aaid that anybody with
brains enough to soil a silk
liankprchief ought to know that the
buttons should be on the right-hand
side, and that three pockets in a night
shitt was all moonshine.
Then he buckled a shawl strap
around himself, and pretended to be
Sftling Bu'l, but I would not laugh
at him. It waq the first time thit I
hid ever refused to laugh at anything
G orge expected me to lacgh at. Can
lie ever foigne. Oh, can he crer for
give? I threw myself on tho bed and
wp,it till tho pillow sbani3 were a
sisht to behold.
I also made a misiake in puttin? in
thesleeve", so they poiuted back iuto
the dim pit. Gcorgp said that he felt
a 1 the time as if he had been turned
around in a cyclone, ai.d that Avl.ilu
ic e es ot a ceau nog, I think r.
nts&rtaupt to mute a mintaks in tbe
estimate they place on their children
Fur iiietiuce, papa never wculd sing
anything but "Me Poor Nellie Giay,'
and if mvnma coulj sing an thing she
did it under an assumed name,
for I never heard her. Well, when I
began to sing at School and people
could discover what tune it ws, my
parents began to squander money on
my allegeel voice. 1 always knew I
eouldn' sing; but httrtt I am with a
trunk full of sheet-music, no piai t
and a faculty for making a pie iL
would lead a man to the gallowv.
1 also know how to elocute some,
but that does not keep Ua now. What
does a poor man wantcf a wife who can
recite "Curfew shall -not ring to-night, '
and who cau not throw any hope into
a low spirited hunk of bieaut
I aeu it all now, oh, so plainly, and '
so does George I tear, 1 can under
stand how he feels exactly. He may
be a rich man some day, if he don t
die of dispepsia before he amasses
a fortune, and all that time I must
practice on someone. Poor George'
Yesterday I bought a little red re
ceipt book of a pleasing young man
who called at the door. His eyes
were so deep and dark, and hin voice
wa3 so pleading, that I would hare
purchased the book if I had to boriow
llie money. The bock is a very useful
one, and is bound in the satno color as
my new dog.
It tells how to Vnake custards, blanc
mange. aud floating island. It also
lelis you in the back l.art how to cure
heaves, glanders, and bolts. I can
hardly wait till George gets the bolts,
so that I can bring out that littl red
oiumeand win biui back again. It
also gives away other infoimation.
Any one with this book in the Lou.ie
c-iu go to work and take a person
right through a long seige of croup or
yellow fever without a doctor, and
there is a v hole lot of law la it, so 'h.t
h H"
the ees ot a ceau uu:?. 1 think nar
L 7- - , . . S v . '9
- -
JULY 17, ISS6.
George won't have to have a lawyer
or a doctor) and we cau save, a gre t
deal that way. Why will people frit
ter an ay their monay on doctors and
lawyers when they can gel one of
these tiooks-so chea3
Yesterday our landlady gave nic a slip
of oleaader, and I have planted it in
acute little pitcher in the window,
where it is slowly growing as I write.
It uardly seems possible that some day
it will be a largt tree with vellow
knobs on- it. I can fancy George, as
e will look ten or fifteen years from
now, with a bald place on the back of
his -head and. lifting and surging on
oleander till he is black in thn face
and his eyes start from their sockets:.
Will it not be a joyful timi-1
In fancy I stand at the head of the
cellar stairs and uiake'f ujgestinns about
where to set it, while George rests one
edge of it on his person, and moans.
With a good oleander in our home,
I feel that vve may gradually accumu
late quite a little property. If George
wilronly put the same amount of zeal
and industry into our home life and
try to economize, we will gome day be
very, 'very comlortable.
All w,e need now is a homo and
furniture, for I have already secured
the oleander.
I bought some rheulnrb at the
drug store this morning, and to mor
mnrrow I will make a couple of pies.
George is pssionate!y fond of rheubarb
There would be fir less cunnubhl
nnhappiness if wives would study
their husband's wants, aod supply
them, I think. Boston "Globe."
A Depraved Family-
Nothing has been heard of the
noloriuus Tuiii Brown, who escaped
from Folsom prison last week. Plac
ing pappei in his bcols, thus prevent
ing blooilhound3 from fol'owing the
s-cnt, he struck for the mountains.
mnry, his brother Joe, and Charley
nizer operated in Shasta and other
rthern counties for teveral years
blrng stages and stealing horse",
aking themselves terror of the
uutry. Very few staedrivcrs in
ose days could boast that they had
t "tumbled out the box" to Tommy
d Ins pals', and many a rancher laid
e diappearsnce of his horcses and
tile to the trio. Tommy and Frazer
ally landed in San Q-iinten for
landing up a slago near Yreka,
bile Joe Brown's life went out
rough a bullet-hole in his breast, at
a hands of Charley Wilson, a young
farmer of Bulte county, wlioje hoi&es
hs was caught stealing. Tom has
worn that hs will m?k Wilson's life
pay for that of his bre'h;rr. The
Browr had two sisters who were pros
titutes. Both killed themselves over
recreant "lovers." The unfaithfu'
contort of on "pentth? last tew weeks
in Anderson. .While waiting for
,1 "ith in tho city prison at Chico, JoP
Brjwn said: "My God, I lime led a
wicked life but I have not ben a d n
bit wnrs than my kin. WLat a nice
pecimen of humanity I am, dying in
jail, having two sisterst who are prosti
tutes and a brother in tho penitentiary.
God,, fogive us all!" Charley Frazer
was pardoned from prison about three
years ago, through the efforts of his
sister, lie went to Oregon and died
over a poker table shot through the
heart. "Shasta Eiho."
Wehava forgotten the tvpicl old
maid. She has given place to a more
a'tractive type of womanhood. The
modern old maid maid is round and
jolly, two dimples in her cheekf, and
has a laugh as muieal as a bobolink's
song. She wears nicely fitting dresses,
and booming little ornaments above
her plump throat, and becoming knots
and bows. She goes to concerts, part
ies, suppers, lectures, and mantinees,
and she dosen't go alone. She carries
a dainty parasol, and wears killing bon
nets and has live poets and philospher
in her train. In fact, the modern old
maid is as good as tho modern youu
maid; she has seMSe and conversation,
as well as dimples and curves and she
has a bank of book and dividend.
And the men like her and why not?
Edwin Booth's daughter 13 now bis
gnardin angel. She is with him con
stantly and prevents him from going
down into tho getter, tha victim of an
appetite for liquar which has increased
with his years. The days of the great
! at tor arrf drawing to a close very
1 rapidly,
.uoik'iwi -a.tf ajmxjttik-jjgr
Sirens of the Stage.
What may bo "named a peeuliar
branch "of feminine industry bus been
recntly developed here, writes a New
York correspondent. It consists of
the the entrapping into matrimony t 1
silly and conceited young men, with
rich fathers, by shrewd, though un
scrupulous horlefque actresses. The
young men, commonly classified as
dudes, lay sentimental siege to the nc
tresses, under the impresiou that they
are irrisistible. But the young women
are so much more astute and aVlful
than their besifgers that these have
no sort of chance with ihem. They
eirtl by "becoming desperatively enam-
ored of them at !eat they fancy they
are giving them costly present', elab.
orate suppers, ever) thing, in short, that
money will buv. Still they are as fir
frorc winning tjeir affections as at the
outset, and are at last plainly told that
they must agree to marriage before
they can hate any hope of conquering
their histrionic heart. Strangely
enough, -although marriage never en
tered into their calculalions at first,
they not unfrcquently yield. Then the
riih papi, hearing of his son's amor
ous imbecility, buys the young woman
off, and she releases her latest victim
to secure another. Half a dozen New
Yorkers have vithin a year purchased
their boy's freedom from these adven
turesses hy paying liberally for it.
"Every year," says Hon. David
Daviv,ina teller to an eastern liter
ary paper, "every local paper gives
trom S100 to 5,000 in free lines for
the sole benefit of the vicinity, in
which it is located No other agency
will, or -can do "tins. The editor, inr
proportion to his "means, does more
for his town than any other ten men,
and in all fairnccs, man with man, he
ougt to be supported, not because you
may happen to liko him or admire ish
riling, but becauso a local piper is the
best investment a community can
make. It may not be brilliant or
with great 'thoughts, financially it is
more of a benefit to a community than
preacher or teacher. Understand me
now, I do not mean morally intelect
u.tlly,but financially, and jet on the
moral question you will find the major
itv of the local papers on the right
side of the question. To-day the ed
itors of the local papers do tho mos' i
notk for the least money of any m
on earth. Subscribe for antl advertise
in your local paper, net as charity, but
as an investment."
A "wnmsn of the town" from Ast
toria was on Tuesday convicted in the
U. S cireuit court of ' selling liquor
without an interna! revettife "license,
and was sentenced to pay a fine of
5100 and to thirty days in the county
jail. When a man is convicted of
selling liquor to Indians, with or with
out license, he usually gets off with a
fine of from 10 to $30. If a woman
sells tiie stuff to anybody without li
cense, she gets thirty days in jail arid a
$105 fine. Fair sample of justice.
"New Northwest."
WASHlVGToy, July 11. Coramie
sioner of Patents Montgomery has
worked a nice littlo scheme in the ap
propriation bill for the Patent Office.
Tiie cUuse provides for the dismissal
of thirty classified clerks and tho ap
pointment of thirty skilled laborers,
fha are not Compelled to take the
ci"il-service examination. Thm the
law is evaded, and thirly incompetent
Democrats are appointed in places of
qualified Republicans, who have done
nothing whatever, except to stick lo
their party. The expected wholesale
dismissals art close nt hand.
At Spokane Falls, the other day, a
Chinamar removed the figures 50 from
a revenue stamp in a very skillful man
ner and pisted them on a $1 greer
back so as to make it appear as a $50
note. He succeeded in getting the
bill changed, carrying away for it $50 J
in good money and was not arrested
for several days afterwards. This
heathen's way was peculiar, bnthe now
languishes, and his smile is ho longer
child liko and bland.
The term of offke of the Governor of
Oregon is four years but the present
incumbent, Z. F. Moody, will ex
ceed that time. He was inaugura
ted on September 18, 1882, and
should go out of office on Septembtr
13, 18S6. The meeting of the Leg.
islature was changed in 1882 from
September to January, and thereby
Gov. Moody's term was lengthened
over three months. It is the first
instance uf this kind known.
.4dvertiseminrs will le inserted In the
Sentinel, at the folbnving rak-s:
Tvn ines, one. insertion (SCO
' ' each suite, (nitnt insertion, jl 00
" Legal advertisements Inserted ns.
Job work of all kinds, done on prorapX
notice and in workm t-likc style,
A 1)1 -cm.nl lu VckiI Vittrrtlam.
The- Lake Si.ore Boul nl Chicago il
operating the!r business under the
protection of 250 policman and a lot
of Piukerfons's detectives who go oat
as guards on the freignt trains. It
seems perfectly ridiculous thatveh a
railroad company hare to use an armed
force to protect their business, wnerte
is our, "boasted civiliazation and tho
civil ofticers of the law that renders N
such things ni-scessary
It is said the meruUris uf ike Ifousa
will so manage to perpetrate a conflict
with tho Senate ovpr tho river and
hirborbill as to prevent it frtrm reach
ing the Preu'dentfor.his signature. It
is thought by djvidirjg with the Senata ,
.the remrTib:Jitvfothe dtfeat of tha.
fan, th President -will W reliqirrf"-
from great mtirrasniiit mid his pop
ularity .will bo jcpirS:z:J by vetoing it. .
Thetrtdeprn peetsfor Mi -Mf"' d r
of the year are much more eneou-agnij
than for tiie first half. S'riWes have
been in a measure settled; railroad
building has besn resumed all ovt r
tho country, nnd thzra are but few
tdl6 men. The crop prnipec" are ex
cellent and ihetlemaiid will h- grmti
for wheat ana other products of tho
farm than was the -case lastyc&t.
On the first of July "tho peopV of
Atlanta, Georgia, suddenly diae-uvere 1
that it required the contents of fivrt
"or.c quart" v,inn botlles to make 4
gallon. The prnhibiiary law compels
dealers tT sell in qwnntities noi less
than a quart, and it docs not accept
the bottle as a standard measure
This is inconvenient to customers and
exasperating to dea'ers.
A superstitious subsciiber who
found a spieler in a copy of his paper
wants to know if it i, considered a bad
omen. Nothing 'of the kind. ThA
spidtr was merely Iookirig over the
colurus of his piper to see vhat mer.
chmt was not advettiaing, rn that it
could spin its webb across the utora
door, 'and be "tree from disturbances
Gladstone's oratory, when he Vl
kindled upon n reat public question
which enlist his heart and soifl, Beech
er rlecrilies as "shinim: down upon his"
audieuue iiku the light thruush a
cathedral window, made up of all iho
colors tho son" can prod'tic," full ot
'brilliaitc, and iicb-t-si and weired
'flcts." l- '"
It is c iina tui i.iattArr a nuartet
of u million 'ieopl left the city of New
York to spend the lli'trd? fourth, aiui
fifth of July in other .places. Te
patriotism of that eity is "migratory
in its character. The "day wo ceh--brate"
in that locuca'ity is emphati
ca'ly a holiday in all ilmt word im
plies. De Lsep3 i-ajs il wiii only tako
120,000,000 to complete thu-Panaini
canal und euubtu France t6 muke
"peaceful conquest of the Isthmus of
Pdnanid." Tne sanguinu Frenchnii n
thinks the can il can he 'ceiinpieted m
in 'ihiefo years wuli the 'Small amount;
Many erf the nnti tutu oent to tl d
front by the California aud Oregou
railrotd, work only a Uay or two and
then start out to 'cramp for a living
and inflict themselves on the country:
Kitty Lynch, the Oregon mare, has
been suspended by the National Trot
ting Association until the second ooir.
y given her at Salem has been restored
to tli! lieasu re-rot the association.
The mocking birds are so numerous
in Dry Valley, Nev., this seasoni tht
during the night they drown tne .yt'ri
of the coyotes with their songs.
Ben Snipes, the well-known eattla
man, has taken a dontrucl tJ send
rave tram loads of bef cattle to Hop
ins of Mites city, Montana.
Had we a railway to the moon, it
would take but about a year to reach
it, travelling at the rate of twenty'
seven miles an hour.
S. B. Pettengill, formerly editor of
the Portland ''Standard," is seeking
his fortune among the truarlz leads of,
the Couer d'Aleiie.
Up to last week tbe number of ex
cursoiuists going to Yusemite aver
aged thirty a week.
,i i
Grasshoppers are ravaging CtopffOtJ
the Uiu qua.
Clothing, Boots, Shoe, Hat. Caps,
Notions, Groc'enea utiel Tobacco c foul
er than bver at the Nsw York Stre
'te-".. a-5' ?