Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 10, 1886, Image 1

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    nnaKg M"" '"" 'lin'l-.tll-ggeMag n liam ai iiaaiini i injPM.aMMiii. ilnaiMmijiiiii inn - I 11 I iiaa - -
Jaehsonville, - - - Oregon,
One cop. Per Year, Innil ranee, M SU
Jdvcrtiseuitnts will be inserted in lh
Restin ei. at the following rates :
Ten iines,one insertion - J-j
" each suusTiUcni inamiuu- vw
-" Legal advertisements insetted rea
sonably. Job work or all kinds done on prompt
notice nnd in workmin-likc style,
A Dlecounl to Yearly AiUartlftra.
mt ollhuium.
1 .fll'l '1" Ei l-JM-UHHim
rfl j3 s b3 CJ BT " !3 CJ ilI CSfr -cyI P-".. isil1' AJ ln.VWillaaaaam cfc,wi7'C4 eta J 1 C ;38 iH -r X' ? tf r"
ft b-J sK S h a tl II Ha SSSSfr.- es2gS' aSSrB s&vn S si a S a s a MX k
W J K, PL k,H SLS a a. iS3&SylS 2 IT , 3 3 . i . 3 8 a . ff , S A
3. B.. YOtflTG, M. D.,
Kiysleaa And Snrgaon,
Central Point, Oreoon.
Calls promptly attended to at all hours.
Haviar locited at this place I ask a
barn ef tho patronage of this section.
Calls attended to at any time.
Medford, Oregon.
AH hnsiness in my line will receive
prompt r-ltcalion.
Jacksonville, Ogn.
Will practice in r.ll the Courts of the
Slate. Office in Court 11juc.
Jacksonville Oregon.
"VViil practice in ali the Courts of this State.
Offlce in the Court House.
UrsdualcofUnivcrsity, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Surgeon.
Calls attended to at all hours day and
nigkt. Offlce opposite Slover Heel, Jack
sonville, Oregon.
tl. Prjee, M. .
r. I'. Grarr, 31. D.
lUToearorca., Or-.
OfTlccs. For the present will be as
Jaclisonvile, Ogn.
'OryiCE At City Drug Store. Rcsi.
dn.ico oa Fourth St., oposite M. E.
CalU pmmptly attended o, day nnd night.
All business placed in my hands will re
ceive prompt atleiitiaa. Bpccial alien
tint (ivia to collections.
Rotary Pnblie, Sea! Eitate Agent and
Callec cr
TvXoclfor-ca, O
I inikccunvryincing-i'id furnishing ab
atracu of land titles a specialty. Loans
negotiated and collections made. All
business intrusted to my care will receive
pronpl and carctul attention.
T JS X T I 3 T,
j-r?s Teeth citrartcd at all hours.
rt5SS!skLau;:hiu!j R:,s administered,
UjQCIiJif dtiftdfor which evlix
charge will be made. Office on corner of
California and StU street.
A. . QIBBB. L. 8. ETKARSf .
Roans2 aid 4Strowbridge"e Buildiep,
Will practice in all courts of recordin the
Staloef Oregon and Wasbinton Terri
tory; and piy particular attention to
business in Federal courts
-U.mlxXa.xi.3. Or.
Four courses of study. Normal and
' Commercial College, Preparatory and In
strumental music
Fot particulars or catalogue apply to
the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon.
I nniTT Send Mx cents for postage,
I r H 1 1 r aQd receive free, a coMly box
H I lllLLinf goods which wiilliclp all,
of either sex, to more -money right away
than anything else in this world. For
nes awiit the workers absolutely sure
AtoacMddrct$TiiUJc& Co, Augusta, Me
Oregon & California R. R.
Aail connections. Time 2 days.
rare frem Portland to an I'raatlkco $33;
te fracrnmrulo Q33.
Close connections made at Ashland
with stages of the California Oregon
and Idaho Stage company.
East Side Division.
Between Portland & Ashland
Hall Train.
Portland. .7:30 a.m.
lkiIford..:!:2.) a. m.
Ashland. 9:30 r. M.
Medford. ..3 :24 a.m.
Ashland.. .4:15 a. m.
Mrdfoid.. 10:10p.m.
Portland. .415 r. m.
Medford. 10:11 r.M.j
Albacr Lxprfts Train.
Portland. . ..4.00 r Lebanon.. .9:20 v M
Lebanon... .4:45 a M.Portland.. 10:03 am
Pullman Palace Sleeping cars daily be
tween Portland and Ashland.
The O. & O. K. It. Ferry makes con
ncrtion with all the regular trains on the
East Side Div. irom fiwl of F. St.
West Side Division.
Between Portland & Corvallip,
Hall Train.
Ct)rvalli!...4:30 pm
Portland. ..3:20rn
Portland 9:00a ji
Lxprcus Train.
ir.ivn. ARRIVE.
Portland 5:00 PMiMcMmnvilieS ODru
JIcMiunville5:45 am! Portland.. Alii
Local tickets lor sale and bmeaie
clucked at company's up town o'lk'c, cor
ner Stark and Secoiid Mitel. Tickets fir
ptincipil points in ' alifornia can only be
procured and baggage checked at com
pany's ofiice,
lornrr I' hi:c3 Pront t , I'ortlacil, Oregon,
Freight will not be received for ship
mci.t after fic o'clock pm on either the
East or West Side Divisions.
R. Koeiiler, E. P. Rogers,
Manager. G. F.. it Pass. Agt
Citation to Heirs.
In the County Court of the State ofOre
gon for the county of Jackson, sitting
in probate. May teim. 18SC.
In the matter ot the estate oi William
RriniT, deceased.
To Lemuel Hriner, Elizabeth Rrincr, Ma
tilda Foster, Matilda Niccwarmcr, Elsie
Harvey, Thus. Driner, George Rrimcr.
Pcrnina Glandon .
that IS. C. Goddard Administrator,
has filed his petition praying for an order
of said court to sell the following des
cribed real property belonging to said
e tatc, to-wit:
Lots No. 1.2, 3, and the W 1-2 of the
NE and the N W y of the HE '4 all
in Motion 20, Township 37 south, range 1
west, located in Jackson county, Oregon,
the homestead claim of Wra. Brincr, de
ceased. Thrrefrri oittce is hereby Kiren to tip betrs nl-l
of titMeiilMetliKt Ibe prjcr of wM petition will b
lienrd Biul deterinifcl st the cioal iInc of lioUinir
Cmnty C-Mitt in Jk.miiU.. in mI1 countj euJ
Stat m Tur.Jnj, June Stli, 16S8.it lO.i'cKxk A. r,
tlilcb time tl.e sai.l lieir and all others iuterentej
In.aUertate are lierelt notillel to appear and ebon
uu", if tliej have, nliy an order of Mate ilionld aot
te mad at in the aforesaid petition prayed for.
PuUnlud by order of Hon. R lMVtt. Jndite.
itt-t: WM. II. PARSER, County Clerk.
J. M. smili!,
Jnclicioix-u-illo, - Ogn.
Having moved to a new location on
California street at the residence of E.
D. Foudray I hereby ask my friends
and the public generally to give me a call
for anything in the line of Dressmaking,
Fitting and Cutting,
Dress Patterns Furnished.
3Iy prices are regulated to suit the
times and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Land Office at Roserltio, Ogn., )
May 20, 18bil. )
Notice is hereby given that the tollow-ing-named
settler has filed notice ol his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proolwi.lbc
made before the Clerk of Jackson county,
at Jacksonville Oregon, on Tuesday July
Cth, 183G, viz: Elijah Smith, pre-emption
D. S. No. 4428 for tho S E ii of if W if.
Sec, 27 township 33 south range 3 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prov his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation qf said land, viz: James Jeff
rey of Jacksonville, Win. Ray, Alex. A.
Ingart aud James McDonnah all of
Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon.
Wm. F. Bp.njoiin. Rfgistcr.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Oi-fice of Treasurer of Jackson Co., )
Jacksonville, M.iv 14. 1?0. 1
there are funds in the County Treas
ury for the redemption of the following
couuty warrants, protfsted up tiJulyO,
Numbers C03. 700. 838. S3."i, 837, 832,
S4.',402. S49. 899, 779,3-33, 903. 11)01,71,
727, 153, 39. 51, 900, 810, 752. 93. 97, 132,
870, 146, 139, 148, 147. 193. 149, 102, 14o,
U4, 133, 125,94, 1J1.45, 110,50.
Interest on the same will cease from
this date. Newma- Fisher,
Couuty Trcasu rcr.
WANTED A capable man or woman,
of unusual energy, to take the
ngenev cf this or some ofher county lor
the "History of California." To the right
party it will pav $'00 to ?1300 per month.
Address F PERSON, Janager Occiden
tal Publishing. Co., 128 Sutter street, San
Francisco. mar27 lm.
Mm Sim
AbfiOllttChl sl-ajJ7!'-
Frce from Opiates, JSmttics and JFoUoiU
SAFE. ftsSfn,
TlIXtHtBLia A.1ls.lla CtXBALn2IC!:r,,H.
- -" -J5irsa.
Ca-ts Rhceri'Js-a. Ksi.-ilv'i,
, uaccrn, leouuci,
- ri.-.ir .w.
w a eaioa at hsi'ust
L... 5 YEAH3 CfJ USE.
"to JJpsitc II; .: tl insyi of tia AgaJ
cr-- t? ::?a
Irf35cfr; pcJtc Iov7cIa costive, i'ainlu
tl:o head, Tlt!i n tlail pen sell on in tho
bnert p-rt, I'cia initlcr tho Fbouli-r-bla!ef
I'ullncsa after caUnir, vithndia
tnclluatfcnto exertion of bod or mind.
IrritcMUtyoficr-npcr. I.oiTKpLrits, witU
cfecllucrcf Iinvlnnnczlrctccl noniodutr.
AVeariacss, lllxzlncsn, Flnltcrlntj at tho
Heart Dots before tho eyes. Headache
over tho richt ere- Kestlcsme, with
fitfal dreams, Ilichly colored Uriaev aad
TUTT'H FI1XS are especially adapted
to such case, ono dose effects bucIi a
cbRi.gfoffccllnnstoastnni5h tho sufferer.
They Increase t he A iipctlte.and cause tho
body tn Take ou Klctttf tnu the frncm Is
ncttHslifMi.fln by ihclrTonic Action on
the tilcettivcOrtmns.irccitlar Stools are
T2!lr?MjlI.HP 4 1 Murray hta.IV.V.
nrrre hub evg.
Chat Haik or Wuiskees changed to a
Gloost Ulack tor a single application of
IM s Drr. It imriart3 a natural color, acts
insinnlanf nuy. SoM by Urngists, or
fi!bvesnresaon receiptor 01.
Office. A Murray St., Row York.
aaclisonviile, Or.
At the old stand of S. P. Hanna, in Crone-
miller's building, keeps on hand a
full line of
"Wagon Material!
And is pti ared to do all work in his line
on sh l notice and in a won.manlikc
mam cr. Vehicles of cery des
cription made to order.
Repairing A Specialty.
Terms reasonable and satisfacation
guaranteed. Geo. It i eves
The r.rrsTT.3' Gcide l Is-
sued March and Sept., each
year: 21b pager, KJslll
finches, with. ov"- iI,120O
illustrations r hole pic
ture callerv. -ves vi hole-
Ba!o prices direct to consume jn all goods
for personal or facily u . . Tells how
to order, and gives ciar cost cf every
thing ou use, cat, drir wear, or havo
fun with. These inva able books con
tain information gleaned from the mar
kefs ti tha worl.l. Wc will mail a copy
t-U'CC to any address upon receipt of the
postage 7 cents. Lc t us hear from you.
EST & C29 Wcsih ivmt. C!te. 111.
Men Think
they Icnow all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have. -
' V -ir T'CV53 ;3fJ" Til '
.-rr?i lTTj ryr-n :.
cswtggisitatSsjy jm
?...mirs52A, "s task
jrun iooo.rca
wm 1 nallci FREE to an applicants. as4 to enstameraor
UitrearvahoatorleiiDstt. It eeaudu aboBI 10 pti,
US iuastrauoBi, prices, acearate dctcrtntiMi an4 eajvifcla
eincUoaa Or HiaUee all TarietlM el ECETABLE
and FLO W1UJ KKI1S, BULKS, . laralaasS
ts aa. eirecfally 1 Jlarket Cardeapra. Sand ftir It.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Michigan.
VTe eitlv - to ad as SolMtcn for ratenW.
Cs''A Tvie HarKs. Crpj7iplit.-i. etc, for lb
ui.lo - a- i.n.Bun. i.nia. tl riarc France
l.er.rn ete. We tuc tJ tUIrCi-Uvc
cars' .3irrirjicc.
T-aa- tsit'SiKi tiitiflinfarccrtlecUaitce
I int ii" x 'Tin Ih "larreaidsnlecdid
HiOstrutKi v.u-ltt" inter S.20arrar.;hrws
tfcemcn-!s frieir l-erjit.trrwarcand
r j a.1 i r- n t .rriilatim. AiMress MENS
t cu "ate t Mirit rs. rnb's if ScUMUIC
iv-aiCAV. S'l n.i.i.l0j-.Kewr.irk.
1 i vi rii t -.hiMit iwwita 'reft
CCiCl week in vour own town
OUU and $5 outfit free. Address
Hali.bx, b o., Fortliad aamt.
iff Mri (fin
r KV fev.Sfti&i
r-cssr. . ".: ..ri 'a-?53
5s. 3SjVVSjWf' "in ft
Gold in SirtphuMts-
int atual mooutien geii. in
qaartz riint with salpharcm is wIl
known. la gold region! ttliulfltidt
ciffiron (iron prritti) iftnf rally
gold-bearing as is a'ao thn menide of
iron (irsenical pyrites tr Wa.ipictel)
The gold iu these sulpbidomid ar.en-
mm . r. . an. .
iJe is probablr diftused tmhanicallv
and not in chemical cem
ome have claimed. PrjWm. P,
Blake utateft that the rKience of
many yearas in the eyfc.tion of
;oM veins and gold ortaHns thn
rcnclusinn that tlisTiaBianic
ally difTuiird. AlllioujHuetal is
generally invisible in lLHtcompas
ed and brilliant crystaiR oVByrites, it
becomes apparent when sfy?h crystals
redecomtiosed bj oxidation air or by
nrti6cial means. Decomposition by
nitric acid is frequently resored to as a
lest of pyrites for gold. As a result
of such decomposition wo frequently
find particles of gold, ragged in form,
bat of ccniparatitoly large iz. So,
ftUo, when pyrite is changed to lim
onite by oxidation, and wMiout los'ng
its foim, gold which probably was be
fore tho chango Scarcely visible, be
reonies nisiiiic.iy viii,ib in romrasi
witli the brownioh red color of the iron
axidr. Dtfhgratinn of pyrites rith
iiitra of soda (ITolland'H process),
which is simply another method of ox
idation of pyrite, al.o liberates gold
from aurifprocs, pyrites, and permits
it to be seen when tli oxide of 'iron is
washed away. liotst'ng produces thn
same retnlt.
In amalgamating gold ores it iseom
montnllud that fragment.' either
raw or roasted pyrites, but
e eapec
ially the roasted, adhere to
silver by a single point onl
hero the
gold comes to the surfac
d Gads
contact with the quicksilver. Crush
ing and providing the pyrites also
liberates the gold, but has tlia disad
vantage of lire-king up the ragged
geld at the same tirneand the color of
the pyrites in oftn o nearly like the.
gold tbat it is diffk-alt to distinguish
one hum tho other. Tho State Min
eralogist of California in his rtptrt of
18S4 describes large crystals of jijritc?
from an 1 Dorado conntj miar, on
the surface of which 1
masses ef gold appear,
The opiiiion that geld
aiiy aad not chemically
in pyrites i defended by
olpli Ott,
Henr Wentz aud otba
Ott. in
tha jsnrnal ef the Franklin institute,
girtmetral ged rtaians la inppert
of kis opinion, ad eitca Bsrgaiann,
who, as early as 1735, ihetved by di
estion in nitric acid, fold to exists in
pyrites in smallnr annular grains, tho
prcrin" the mrtal to exist in the state
of rough brimstone, and not of cnmpi
sition in the pyrites. Joph Black,
in !! lec'ures en chemisiry, appears
tohae held the sarce opinion.
It is the opinion of Prof. Blake
hat the g-ild in pyrites is genearallv
in a crystalline condition, Rot compact
ly agrgegatrd, but rprcad in a network
in parallelism with the crrstatline
planes of tha pyrite, forming a rude
cryttaliine skflleton ot crystaline
fragments. The late'Proi. John Tor
rey, of the TJ S. A'say 0I3ee, showed
ihat after treatmen pyritjs with nitric
acid gold appears under is urcroscope
'n laminae in filiform a
ongv par-
tides. An intorestin
spongy gold, occurrinj
amplo of
mine at
Ange-Vs Cimp, in ih
S'ate, w
brought to the notice o
rof. B'ake
by the lalo Dr. Hill. Itlhas the ap
paranca of precipitated 4ld and th
fot r.i apparently of a crfttal of inn
pyrites, looking as if it Fad been a
gregated in a cavity left bjr decompos
ing pyrite. It is very jjgbt and i-8-ily
impressed and bunSshed by the
nail. It is a good exanip1! of spongy,
cryrtalliane gold of aatura? origin.
Appoisted Oregon
;on' i
ascf "1
Richard Newcomb,
16 years,
hs been appointed by
,'s cadet to
Binger Hermann as Ore
(he United States Naval
cademy at
is is the
Annapoli, Maryland.
cadetship to which Fret String was
annointed in 1884 and Strauss
in 1885. The former!
ed shortly
after being admitted an
raass wts
not admitted because he
ed to pais
the necessary examina.
Newcomb is a son of It
Grand Recorder A
died of consumption
W., who
me ago.
A Merited Tribute.
The following correspondent ex
plains itaelf:
H'dq'rs MotTJoutn Caup No 2
Ikdui War Vktisraks, North V
Pacific Coast. j
Portland, June 19, 18SC.
Col. Jons E. Ross. Dear Sir At
a meeting of this camp this day ycu
ware elected au honory meuibar there
On behalf of the camp allow me to
express our sympathy for you in your
sicknes, hoping that you may soon be
restored to health.
I inclose a copp'y'of-'the b-laws of
the camp.
By command of Capt. J. H. jlcJIil
lian. I am, dear comrade, Yours tru
M. It. Hathaway,
Orderly Seargean and l:ecrutary.
Portlaso, Oregon, July 3, 188C,
ill. It. Hathaway, Orderly Sergeant
and Secretary &f Multncrunh Camp
No. 2, Indian War Veterans Dear
Sir and Camp of Indian Veterans: I
am in receipt of ycur letter advising
me that I had been elc:ld an honorary
member of your camp. I havp recriv
etl many kind favors and many com
pliments at the lumU of my fellow
soldiers nnd ci'iznns, but in my declin
ing years I feel that "this is the
greatest compliment I have ever re
dived, to be a member of tbo Indian
War Veterans without my solicitation.
Allow me o thank you and Cauip
No, 2, fortl.ij high rsjognitiun of mv
past services, Aciepting the hono
you hare conferred upon me, and hop
ing to be able to report at heaJquartera
at same future time, I am your obedi
entservant, Johx E. Ross.
Col. Ross is still at the general bos
pital in this citr, attended by his son
in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Reames of Jacksonville. They
hope the colonel will be able to be
I conveyed home by next Thursday.
A West Poiht "Grad." A Wash
ington (D. O. ) correspondent of a
Portland exchange has this bit of in
teres' ing news regarding an Oregon
boy, who is well known ber. He is
the sun of Quincy A. Brooks: "Ed
ward C. Brooks, of Linkville, Oregon,
who was last Saturday graduated from
West Point, reached Washington the
15ih intt., and expects to leave for
Oregon to-morrow. Tha class in
which he graduated was the largest in
the hii'.ery of thia military academy,
'he number being serntty-six. Lieut.
Brooks, for this is the raak te which he
is new entitled, is here chitflj fur the
purpose of securing an appointment to
a second lieu'enancy in the cavalry.
He was recommended for appointment
in the artillery, but as there ate no
acancioB, he prefers to apply for u
place if the cavalry, aud will strive to
secure an assignment to the Pacific
cjsst. In military rank the infantry
U lowest, cavalry, artillery, ordnance,
and engineering following in the ordei
named, although an officer must have
served in the army two years befoie
he is eligible to appointment in the
ordnance depaitment. There are now
sixty-nine tacancirs in the cavalry.
A second lieutenant in the cavalry
drtwa a salary of 1,500.
Oliver McFarland and family pasted
through Link ville Friday last, bound
for 'the Klamath Agency. Mr. M
ill superintend the Indian school at
that place, whilo Mrs. M. will act iu
the capacity as matror-, Professor
Skipworth nnd his estimable lady rr--i-ning.
A. L. Bryan, accompanied
by Samuel C'larn bors, wife ami oni
jhiid nere. also of the company and
will fill the vacancies made by the
fsignation of F. W. Royal as tanner,
-and Mr. Will Nicktroou as leather,
the new arrivals, we unierstnd, arp
-nil of them well qualified to fill their
several positions. The Agency now
has a complete set of officers who are
com,etent and trustworthy, and e
may expect to see a radical charge for
the bstter, shortly. "Linkville Star "
A young rran in Toledo died from
eating thirty two raw ejgs. He de
served bis fate. He should not
have made a 'latton of hiraielf.
Twenty-five raw eggs are enough for
any yonng man at one meal, an nn
less he oversleeps himself and has
only five minutes to get down to
the office on time he had better wait
until thy are eoeked,
I Notes From Washington
TTaihisstos, June 26.
The annual adjustment of the sal.
aries of the presidential poitofE:es ha
been conipletd by the oQiciala of the
postotfice department. Theae offices
are termed "presidential" because, tho
salary being at least $1,000, the post
master is appointed by the president.
They are divided into throe classes.
The first class comprises those in which
the talary is at leist $3,000 n yeat!
the second ranga from 2,000 to $3,
000, and the third class receive from
?1,000 to 2,000.
Tho only cilice of the first class in
Oregon is that at Portland, and to sh
euro the present salary its receipts
must be at least G0,000 a year. The
only cflire of the secohd class Salt-m,
and its receipts are in excess of 510,
000 annually. Four offices in tl.e
State 6ecuie an increase of 100. Tliey
aro Albany, Et Portland, Pndlet..ii
auJ Salem Roteburg fails to return
itifHeient receipts for a pre.idential
tfiice, and it is relegated to tha fourth
Tha following statement 'hows the
salaries of the presidential po'.offiets
in Oregon and Washington: ai ar
ranged fcr next fiscal jear:
Albany, S1.500; Ashland, 1,000;
Ahtoiia, 5I,S'J0; litter City, 51.100;
Corvallis, ?1,400: Eabt Portland, 51,
500; Euena Ciry, 81,000; Jnckson
ville, $1,000. Oregon City, 81,100:
Pendleton, S1,S00; Portland, 3,200,
Saltm, 2,200; The Dalle, 1,000,
Cbaney, 51, 1C0; Colfax, 51,500;
Dayton, $1,400; Olympia, 51,500,
Port Townaend, 51,300; Siattlo 2,
400; Spotano Pall?, Sl.SOP; Spragoe,
51,100; Tacoma, 2,100; Vancouver,
51,200; Walla Walla, 51,100.
New Railroad Project. The Id
ho Central Railroad Company was or
ganized at Cheyenne on the 2G'h inst.,
with the following beard ofdfrectors,
viz: E. Dickinson, Ja. A. McGee, J
M. Stewart, Rol.t. Blickenrdarfor, J.S.
Hickey, C. F. Annet, W. W. Corlett,
J. A. Riner, and Y. A. D'cnel. Th
officers are E. Dickinson, President;
J. M. Stewart, "Vice President; and
General Manager Jas. A. McGee, Sec
retary; Robt Blickensderfer, Treasurtr
The iat.ntion of this Company is to
build a railrosol north from Namps
S.ation, a point on the Oregon Short
Line, via Boise City, through the ex-
tensive timber coaatry on the head oi
the Boiso river and rich mineral lands,
to connect at a convenient point with
the Northern Pacific, and southweat
from Nampa through Southern Oregon
via the most practical route to the
ocean ' NewR."
Cole's traveling uisnagerir, which
all eastern journals describe as the
most magnificient collection of lion,
tigeri", panther, hippopotomus, tleph
ots, camela anil many other wondern
of ibe animal kingdom, and probably
ilte mou wonderful performing cireux
with lady aud men rider, acrobate,
Mexican cowboys, aud Indians. All
of which is. grouped in one immense
tenr, with two rings performing a.
ouce, o,ue ncli cosiuraas ot (lie nun
equestrians are worth seeing, the act
ing and new features of leaping, double
eouiersaults, bycie'e riding, the most
startling traprza acts evef seen by the
four Gibon's brothers, mid too many
new attractions to le explained iu out
paper, we hear, are to come. We
guess we'll fake a day or so and tu
that elephant, etc.
The United Stnten is not in position
it rreent to remit the 528,000,000 or
?80 000,000 tax which tabteco and
It uic. brandy will bring thia ear.
This tax Mr. IUmlall s bill propo-e
to abolish after J ami try 1 next. This
tax i,n spirit of ah kind will amount
to about 875,000,000 this year. We
tlo not know just what proportion of
this coinen from alcohol m-ed in the
rt., the tax on which the Rindull
bill also abolishen. If only 515,000,
000 is derived from this source, this
would reduce tha income of th Gov
eminent the extent'of about 545,000,
000 from these three items in the next
calendar year.
Virginia has sold the hell runchrs
with which, by a former law barkeep
ers were required to register ech
drink as taken. These punches eott
the state 55, were sold to tha whiky
dealers at $10, but had to be taken
back, and now the entire lot has been
elesed out at auctian at six cents eaeh.,81 years of age.
Saunders Escapes.
AnuT, Jmly 5. The jorv la the
ease ot W. W. Saaadin, after being
eat six hoars, returns! a verdict (
raarder io the first degree. Tie pris
oner received the verdict with perfect
composure, not showing thn lesst ex
citement. Tbo judge stated that ha
wonld pronounce sentence Wedneiday
This morning the dUenrery was
made that the prisoner bad rtcaped.
examination showed that en days pre
vious, when given the liberty of the
corridor, ho had sawed off the rivets
which secured tha lock aad bolt to tha
door, and in their stead substituted
two ruado of dark wood and lead.
List inula all ha had to do Mas to
Weak thou rivets and with tha as
sistance of another person, who was
James Jamison, confined and indicted
for illegal voting, nnd who also left,
pry tliH door open nnd walk out of tho
celar into (he corridor.. Then ho dug
a hole through the wall, he having
sawed the iron rods in two leng before.
The sheriff says ho was secure at 11
o'clock, ttud Mattio Allison, confined
iu an adj uniog coll, says hu lef. about
1 o'clock.
Great excitement prevail', and of
ficers are searching in every diu-ctiun.
One thousand dollars reward is oQ'.red
fur his arrest.
BilLJfije on His Birthplace.
A man ought not to criticise his
bir'hjiUce, I presume, nd y-jt if I
were to do it all over again, I do no:
know whether I would select that par
ticular spot or not, and yet, what
memories cluster about that old bouse.
There was where I first met my parents.
It was at that time that an acquain
iniica sprang up which has ripened in
litter years into mutual respect and
esteem. It was thero that what
might be termed a casual meeting took
place that ha-, under the alchemy of
resist'ets ypars, turned to golden links,
forming a pluasaut but powerful bond
of nnion botweeo my parents and my
self. For that reason I hope that I
may be spured to my parents for many
years to come. There en that spot,
with no inheritance but a predispo
sition to prematnre haldntes and a bit
ter hatred to mm; with no peraoual
I rouerty but a misfit suspender and
a stono bruise, began a life history
which has never ceased to be a warn
ing to people who isll grectrits on
As Americans wo have nug to
do to attend to oar own affairs aad
not pretend to meddle in the political
contests which ars now agitating
European monarchies. Our own peo
ple have burdens to bear which need
immediate remedy, and to accomplish
which wilt require our united energies.
Tl'e opening of the Columbia river is
of greater nnpirtance to the people of
Eastern Oregon than a chance of gov
ernment in Italy, Germany, Russia,
Bulgaria, Greece or England, and ti
that end we should uso every effort.
Our grain shippers and producers have
'o sutT-r under a burden of heavy and
unpm tarifii which are more detri
mental tn our industrial development
than all things else.
Tho prnprsil to build a railroad
ihrouiih the Yellowstone Park cannot
meet the approval of Congress without
incurring the odium of "jobbery," of
which it is already carrying a sufficient
lold. Thn people of Now York have
lioiio to immense expense to relievo
Niagara Falls of the presence of sharks
and 'peculators of every description,
nnd it is hardly possible that the
Congress of the United States will
consent to fasten a similar horde upon
the great and beautiful Park, which is
now justly regarded as the most won
derful, as it is the most beautiful
manifestation of Nature in her most
wayward freeks. A railroad would
be altogether out of place in the Park.
Sparks, the Land Commissioner, is
said to be one of the most inflated
bondholders and wealthiest men of
the present administration. He dipt
more conpons and cusses more bond
holders than any man who has aver
filled his position in Washington.
David Divis, after having spent al.
most a lifetime in tho service of bis
country, died at his residence in
Bloomington, III., June 29. He was