Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 03, 1886, Image 3

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Saiordat, July 3, 18SG.
Miss Emma Montel, the queen of
colored vctaliatF, is with McK.anla'
jubilea company, and the will sing
"Comim; Thro' the Kve" Saturn?-,
July 3. at the U.S. 'Hull. IXn't
fail to Lear her.
Tne Hoc LaV. There wro SCO
Vote cast at the last flection in Dku:;
las county for swina running at larg
and 707 Against, therefore the lings
bar a majority of 102 vote to root
wbtr they p'et-e. Three cheers for
the ho;. Roseburj; "Review."
Tn Fociith. Thn 3d of July will
lie celebrated at Ashland, Fboeuix snd
Eagle Poiut, and the same thin; Kill
bt doo on tho 5th tit KoU Cretk,
Gold Hill and Grant's Pag. Jack
toarille does not celebrate, this year
and our citizens will distribute them
selves among the outside meciucts en
the days meniined.
A Bilk. TLe Biird minstrel troupe
fith twenty-two members gsva a show
here last Tuesday evening to a goad
izd aadirnci't Sixteen of these com
pound a brass hand and gave us some
fine music both in the parade and at
the show. We believe wc speak the
ontiraenti of the audience 'when we
say (hat outside uf t!." un.iRjJi show
was a grand fraud and tl oso who paid
a dollar aduii'tance are now btiing
laughed at by those who listened to
the maiic from the outside.
Too L.ATR Col. John L Burns,
the well known traveller for tho liquor
house of E.. Martin & Co., has been
elected as President of Iho day for
the Fcnrth of July barbecue nnd picnic-to
be held at Ga'quet'n on Monday
next. Judging from the lit of names
that fill m Word in ate positions at the
celcbra'inn wo would conclude that
Crescent City will be deserted on tbU
day. If all attend who nre named it
will prove a love feabt that we could
appreciate with old-time friends but
ouratsenco uut be accounted for on
tho "round that John L. failed to fend
his baloon over in timo lor us to get
thers in time..
Not Ykt Dlcidkij. Thu report re
ceived!.y private telegram lai-t week that
tliB PreMdent'n ordwr for thn ula
doutuent of h'ort K'atuxth hud been
revoked w-s prem.i'ure. Tim order
was suspended to aiva-t en invoalig.i
tiou of the matter, nd is btiil in that
situation. One company of trojps, thu
infantry, ha1 started for Om ilu, as
ordered; the cavalry company remains
at the past btill. It doesn't seem
likely that tho post will bo abandoned,
after tho factti ure all undo known to
the War Department, but an yet the
order for return al of troeps has not
ben finally revoked, nnd the yeoplc
of Kleciath cnuuty are ftill anxious
about tho outcome of the affair.
Stuascie Casc. A man named Ev
ans a minim; pariner of Uiee.ards, tha
jfrwelor, had au attack of cntilepvp Kst
night and ftool iu one pu i'ion near
Johtry Ratntdell's plico on Rich Gulch
a'l night unab'.o to movn. He was
noticed there tly iu the weiiing ami
this morning ha was nil tt&iid.ut; in
the fame position when Fred Luv and
several other parties tried o wa'k him
hack to town. Finding hint unable In
navigate tli.y p&iked him o town and
Under thn treatment of Dr. DeBirbe
recovered iu a rliort time. Tlio repoit
that he has since tone back to thu
same place and wan standing th;rn us
at befcre is ui.hont fourd.tiin and
Lnyhas positively refuted "ro go up
nfter liitn biiv moro" uvea if i,uch
bhttuld be the case.
Halv Fauk to Crater Linn. Tt
Is uiuretlmn prohabV that thoae tour
ism who will visit Crater Like this
summer ill hive '.he benefit, cf half
la'ei over the Oregon aud California
tailroad. They will pay fail fare to
Athlaud or Mdford, and when they
arrive at the lake. V. G Steel vviil
furni.h them with a certificate, upon
which they can return to Portland free
of charge. He will not be located at
nny special spot, but will be mounding
nn the lake aud can easily be found.
From Ashland a person can pa-v
atage to Fort KlaTiia'h, uhich U
twrrrerrsfo mile3 from the lake. Lea v.
Sng Medford and following up Rogue
river, the distance of eighty-five miles
oyer an excellent wngrn road, nnd the
KCtney is scpurb. The large bat to
be used in the sounding by Sir. StejlV
parly will be finished to-morrow, nnd
nil the necessary apparatus will bo
shipped from heie Ivy tho first cf July.
Portland '-News."
Eelioious Items. Key. S. E.
Stearns will preach at Medford next
Suuday Elder II. C. Fl-ming will
preach at Brownsbnro on Sunday. . . .
Eev. A.M. Russell preaches at Med
ford next Sund.iv at tho uul hour
. ...llev. J. R Roberts will preach
in Jacksonville Sunday, morning and
wveniug. . . . Liberal Sunday school and
Bible class meets every Sunday at 11
o'clock a. m. at the U. M. L. Hall,
Talent Rev. A. 11. Eickcnbach
will hold serv ices at the Presbyterian
churca in Phoenix Sunday, and in
thii place in the evening of tho Fame
day.... A protracted meeting will be
held at the Antioch school-house,
commencing Thursday evening. .Tulv
1st. Revs. J. A. Slover and Willis
Alden officiating The following
are Elder M. Peterson's appointments
for the mouth of July: First Sunday.
at Mound school house, 1 1 o'clock a. il.
Btcond Sunday, at Grant's Pass and
at Woodville at 5 o'clock on Saturday
evening before. Third Sundav nt
Central Point, aud the fourth at Med
Local Items-
McKanlass troupe at Holt's Hall to
16 yds Dress Goousfor $1.00 at the
New York Store. "
House lining 1J cts per yard at the
Nevir York Store.
James A. Card well has returned
frotr his northern trip.
Mrs. J. Houck hts retired from'the
h.'lel buninui t AsUUaJ.
18 )ds of unbleached Muslin for
1 00 at the New York Store.
Red raspberries are now used for
uesert among the first families.
Everything sold for let. moaey than
ever before at the New York Store.
Fine assortment ef Ginghims 10 to
15 yds per 51.00 at the Ner Yoik
Don't forget to call and see the
grand display of goods at the New
York Store.
Knney & Wortnan have sgiin re
c ivfil tha mail con ti act between heie
and Medford.
'""Treasurer Fisher elsewhere an
nounces his readiness to redeem more
county warrants,
Col. John E RV-i is still in Port-
Undind his health is greatly improved
slued last accounts.
Surveyor General Tolman'i leao of
office expired Ijst Tlfuri-dsy but his
successor h&j not vet been aunounced.
Kent t Kiel ley's, law office has been
removed from tho CJUrt-hou'-e to the
front part of the building occupied by
Nat Langell.
Prof. KcKanlaFS, the champion
musician of the wot Id will pUy tor
the jxoplu of Javkbonvillo tsaturdiy,
Jul 3
A now lodgo of Odd Fellows' will he
installed at MeUfurd July 16 h- with
fifuen chaiter members. Tuey will
uient in Yvnluua-j' new hall.
Tho 'mall boy and the innocent
looking gieen npplt :uu now holding
crrtiup iiiaiincer; uneasy parents aud a
doctor compose the uudieiiuu.
Fiank Laugell has taken tho place
of Win. T. Moore us fuiemati of the
SUXTINEL ( Hico aud is also runmug the
telegraph office hero temporarily.
CnrU Kro z;r last week fuund a
fine nuggol coiiluiiiiug both gold and
uauvu stiver iu his mine on iSliively
gululi. It ii valuexl at about ?60.
R. N. Buker and family btert for
Ciaifurnia next wool; to locate. Two
new cornel from tint euto will take
charge cf hU tailoring estal.hshmeut
Mr. W. R.-Andrr.wr, the M,eilford
attorney, has rented Mrs. lfauer'.i
Louse on Oregon btruet aud will mak'e
this his home after tho 5th of this'
Not securing enough horses on liii
viiit last Sa-urday Geoiye Stephenson
will bu here oguin on Mondav next to
buy some more tunable for stagtug
pui poses.
AT. A. McOinnii late tditor cf the
Midford 'Monitor,'' left for Nbiaka
last Sunday night and nuuieious cred
itors ure uow asking v.'hut his next ad
dreti. will be.
If btrawa shows which way tho
wind htaw, the ptinoipals of the pics
lu'ontial tight in 1SS8 are hkuly t) be
the tuiuu m- iu 18S1. If so, the result
rtcii'd bu diu!ieut.
While kiliing a sheep at Orth't.
kliujhter house Thursday evening
Veil Bntz uccidently tut himself in
the fool with n knife and is now laid
upiu const quencc.
Dr. Will Jackson goes to Ashland
on July 8lh aud will leiunin there as
long as tiiere ate any decaytd molars in
that vicmitv ri quiring treatment from
a first class dentist.
Geo. W Williams has just finished
h's fine lodge room nt Medford and
has made it one of (he prutie-t in the
State. Thu Odd Fellows and Work
in iu will meet there.
The G m of Roland & Ulrich of Med
ford has been disoivtd ly mutual
consent Win. Uluoh letirinc Don't
t fan pive Joun vw r!i s,-sfTT?TT?rrr.A
' nn t Iim ivfll trttt fl i-tt(
The directors of tho Ashland public
s hools have engnged the same teach
ers emplojed last year Prof. Swett,
Mr.Tvlerand Jlisses GjoJyear, Farn-
utm, rennebater and Hall.
Seeing that tho Melvmlass Genuine
Colored company of ladies and geu'le
nen have changed their datb from
Wednesday to Saturday night July 3rd
wo makepartibular notice uf it. "
Pat AlcMahon is seriously ill at his
residence here and last evening it was
thought that ho would not survive thro
t.gli tho night. Ad. H-lins is a'so very
low with slight chnncs of rccoverv.
A vacancv is- noticablo in Kubli
hardware store on account cf the nnm
ber of Moves ho sob' this week. The
cir lead of stoves to arrive next week
will make tho place look natural again.
Our friend Dick Cook of Steam
boat doubled up last Wednesday and
wo know now that ho is the happiest
man in Southern Oregon He has a
good reason to be and we congratu
late. A party from Medford was brought
here last Tuesday to bo examined for
insanity but investigation proved that
it was only an aggravated case of jim
jams aud he was discharged in conse
quence. A. H. Maegly is the the assignee for
the J. C. Whipp property nnd will make
all the settlenunts and collections.
Mr. Whipps business will go along
as usual having enough to settle all ac
counts in full.
"Ctrrie Bradley the Portland coar
tezan sentenced to a ten years term in
thn ppnetentiarj for the tuuider of a
mac named BroTn ssoio fivo years
ago, has been pardoned by Governor
Moody and is now a resident of Cali
fornia. Rev. Sam Jones says "ba?e-ball is
ihe worst thing this side of hell," He.
Las probably. Eiys an exchange, been
catching without a wire mask, to :v
pitcher who throws a screw ball, but
ayen then ha ceedeu't use fcuch violent
lac"; UV.-,
Oar branch railroad to the main
Hue is now a settled Kct as Jackson
ville bu.int'.s ntcn bare agreed to take
all the Mock without asking outside
id. A vneetiut; will be held next
we?k when it will be decided whether
to ran i; toMeifrd or Central i'oiut.
n. W. Scott, II. L. Petloct and
Jeiry CthKell, respectively editor,
business rutrisgrr and reporter for the
OregoniMi p.id Jacksonville a visit last
Sunday continuing their trip to the
Sterliug mine. Tho 0.cgo:ii,i!i of the
M. gives an extended account of the
Henry JvJgo cf-Ashiand, a saddler'
and harness linker, will shortly open
out at this place. Mr. Judge, we under
stand, is a liistclast workman, nnd
has procurtd mitnlile building in
which to plica his stock upon its urri
vil, v.hith will be toon. "Klamath
There was a S3G0.0C0 'fire in San
Fnnci'co June 20. The building oc
cupied Ly Tatum ifc JJjweiiiid Hie
Scl itiidt Lithograph nnd Liln-I Co.,
was; destroyed. It was owntdby R.
I'. Thompsen, formtrly Vice President
of the Oregon Suam Navigation Co.
at Borland.
A Portland exchsngo fays that Dr.
Cthiui-s, tho supeiiutcudeut of the
Idrtl.i" Insane asylum, located at BUc
font is it. thntciij. If isudssMU tiiere is
to make ariang; iiicnts for the rtinuv.il
of tho iiisuc for I-taii.i, from Siletn
to the new iua'.iiu'ion at Blactfoot.
They tiro 36 in number.
Three weddings arc said tc be on the
docket all to tiiiii) place in tho nioii.li
of July. One is said to boa Ju.stico
of the Peace, auotlit r is the bo-s of tlitf
bakery loc.iiei not fur from our cilice
mid Urn oilier in a "ouug farmer now
living in E leu precinct v!io proposes
taking olTot.e o: our B; les.
The Roue Uiver "Uouri"r" is now
owned bj W.J. Wimer ulnno J. H.
S'liie li.ving sold to his partner. Mr.
Stiuo was here vfMnrilav and informed
us (hit notwiuibiaiidiiig 'hit he had
sold out his paper i.iteie.-i.- he will
still make Grunt's l'ss his home but
dots not know just what business he
will foiow.
Several excursionists from hcrfi
bt tried for Aatoria Tuesday ntijht and
will celebrate the Fiuijh in Purtland
Of thoso wl.o went from hero weHiave
bsatd Of the fuliowinc: M. Utficji,
Mrs. Haustr,' W m. "TT Afomv, Le
Smith, I-aai Muller, Thomas T-jrner,
S.vtii. Del'oboam, El Helios, John
Ueavenu, I'rflol Bectz, IC. Kubli, Jr.,
Fied KnowltE.
Geo. L-jni", Sr., who wai indicted
last full for rtiiking .1 Mr. Wviislt
with an ar, esm.5 iu Wedn.'sday and
give him-e!f up, giving bonds for his
appeal aiicu at court. It i$ nmevvhit
surprising to ttnoT thr.t Mr. L"wi
has been at home all winter, aud up
to this time; e.ven voting at Murphy
on election day, and his neighbors said
nothing about it, whatever. '"Cou
lier." Tho Grand Jurr at Albany on
Wrdnedv indicted Mi Slstti'j Al-'i--on
for coiup'icity in the kil'ing of
Chas. Citnphel! ou November 4, 1830.
Ycsterdny -lie pleaded not guilty to
ilmchaige. A' d.iy Wodi.esday was
taken up in obtaining a inn for tiie
SaJiiders tnal. It will berrincmhrr
ed lint last winter the Giaud Jury re
turned not a true bill in the case cf
Miss Allison.
"I see," said a New Yoik belle, as
she luid down the paper and took up
her fork with n piece ot totst attached,
"lhat they complain a guod deal that
Gen. Mi'es has not got on Gsronimo's
trial. They ought to send tome of
those West Point cadet out after
him. If they ver failed tc-get on
e-ery trail. in the 'neighborhood,
three hops up thery have not enabled
mo to observe it."
From official and estimated county
returns the "Oregonian" figures up a
mejonty for Hermann over Butler of
1,635; Pcunover over Cornelia, 3,
53G; Strahsn over Wnldj, J31; Mc
Bride over Gibons. 290; Webb over
Mnrston, 1 778; McElrov over Divis,
1,309; Biker over Nick)!, 088. Soma
eastern enc southern Oregon returns
arc still lacking. The Legislature is
Republican iu both houses.
Cole's gi eat combined circus, meni
gerie nnd hippodrome has been exhi
biting through Missouri and Knn.,
nnd is imw he.idin'r for ih P.icJfi
coast. Mmv of our peopl rmem-
IterUolesas 'iin greitest sliow that
ever visited this citv and will be gled
to have another opportunity of witness
ing the wonderful performance, as
wrll as nf Feeirr tbe mini nilrfud on
iosittes drawn from every wonder land
on car'h. "Tiding."
A printer don't rush to the doetor
every time he is out of "sorts." Nor
tn to baker when he is out of "pin."
Nor to hell whn ho wants tbe "iWil "
Nor to the wood-pilo when ha wants a
"stict. or to the Bib'o when
ha wants a good "rule."
Nortothe bank whenhewnnts 'quoins.'
Nor to the cabinet Fhop when
he wants "furniture.". Nor
to a girl when h wants a "press."
Nor to a lawyer when hn haa "a dirtv
case." Nor to a butcher when he
wants "nhat ." Nnr tn n. nnmn .-l.
14 - - - 'M...r .11.
he's dry and has ten cents in his pocket.
Oregon Legislature.
For the benefit of cur -readers we
pu lish the following to show tha po!
meal complexion of the Oregon legisla
ture. According to this Knowing, thn
republican' party has a majority of
seven votes in the senate; in the huuse
of representatives a plurality of two:
Biker Gn. Chandler, D.
Bn'.on Thou F. Cau'hnrn, D.
ClAckim O O.T. Williams. R.;
L.T. Birin, R.
Ciatsop, Columbia and Tillamoojk
J. II. D. Grav, R.
Coos nnd Curry J. M. Siglin, D.
Douglas John Euiniilt, R,: j. H.
Shupe. R.
Grant Self, D.
Jacfcsnii A. C Stanly, D.
Joephine II. B. Miller,- R.
Lsue E. P. Colc-nati, D.; Vcatch,
D. . '
Linn Jas. K. We'athcrfordI D-;
Dawjon, R ; Irvine. D.
Mnrion M L. Ch nnberlain, R.;J.
B. Lonney, R.: J. B. DiniuJ:, R.
Multiiomh Joseph "Siaxyi, R.: J.
O. Can-on. R.;r.eo.-F!t!J-Jl.sa,
- Polk and BfTiTbii-it &&?; R.
Union Tj. B. Rine!iait,-D.
Wasco, Crook, KTUmaUi and Like
C. 51. Cnrtwrighf, R.
Washington W. D. Hare, R.
Yamhill R. P. Bird, R.: John W.
Watts. R.
Umatilla J. P, Wagner, D.
Grant J. B. Johnson, R.
Biker Two d-mocrats.
Benton - C. L. Shaw, D ; B. T. Harris,
D. E. L LeSkinp, D.
Clackamas- Kiiim-. R ; Milo Gard,
R.;L Mayer, DjNover, D.
Clatsop and Tillamook Dickvrson,
Coos J. II. Roberts, R.
Coos nud Curry A. II. Crook, R.
Columbia M. Pomeroy, R.
Douglas P. P. Palmer, It : W. F.
Benjinnu, R.j Jas. Blundell, 11 ; J. W.
Krevvon, D.
JacWou Jliller, D.; Bwditcb, D.
Josephine S. U. Mitchell, D
Klamath and Liket McLean, R.
Lin Stafford, R,; Btlyeti, D.;
Hale, D.; Tlinmpson, D.
Linn J. G. Powell, 15.; Blevins, D ;
Henry, L) ; Hansard, D.; Swank, D.;
Miller, D.
Marian D. J. Peiffil'ton, R , O.
F. Hicks, R. W. B. Culver, R; S.
Liyman, R.; A. M Lafollet, It.; J. T.
Grtgg, It.
Multnomili John Wilson, R; O.
Summei-K. R.; D. Mackey, R.; Har
lington, R.; VTm. Mtinger, R.; Harris-,
It.; D'nglas Tav lor, D.
IVk-j-A. M Ilolmeo, D ; P. W.
Knley, D .John J. Diley, D.
Umatilla Crockett, L)j Beptle-,
D. '
Wasw j, Crdok and Gilliam Wilcox,
D.; McDonald, D.
Washington Paulson, R.; Smith,
R.;Gubser, R.
Ynmhill R. Pu Loxtghjin, R.; F.
nriHie;-R.;c. LATCrgi, it AriT5 "
Morrow 1-GivT-Ur';'" " '
Our Btos. of the Ilbgun River
' Courier." very truthfully bay, and the
advico will apply to thh as well as
ewry olhert-mall town ou the cof.s'.
"Either run a tonn ti.h vim or jjoi
sell out and L'ave it, One of the two
things nius-t be done run a town for
all iiV worth, get up s'caa and keep
it ujvor quit tlm whole ihinj, n'ide
out aud let Natuie take her cour.-e.
Do vou want 1 1 ads Bid for it. Dj
ou want business to come to your
town? Encourage tboo who do come.
Do vou want a pnp"rou-i town whera
people can inns v. ho are disposed to
inuke a homtt Then bury from sight
nil -pite work 'vork no u'orn for a
fsw iudiviJuaU, but all work together
for common irospcrity end mutual
The fol'owing pervonal item which
was handed to tliia office, will probab
ly bo of interest to many readers:
lion. Agu3td Fol.-om Wheeler, assist
ant state treairuier, alderman from I lifer
second ward, chairman of the council
committee on ways and mtans, member
of the council committee to bolicit sub
scription fortheSalem bridge, and prcs
ulent of the liger Ivigino company
number tvro, Salem Ure department,
and esuefftate for school director of
district number twenty-four, accom
panied by Ins gripsack aud summer
overcoat, was a passenger ou yester
day afternoon's train, lor Portland.
"Salem Statesman."
Lost. About three weeks ngo
souiewnere near the Galls creek bridge
a bunalo containing a matress, two
comforter?, a pair of boots und several
other articles. Tho tinder will please
return the same to this office or to
Win. Bybee when a liberal reward will
be paid.
Mostkeal. Juue 2Sth. Tho first
through-train to Ytuicnver, ou the
Uani liau Pacific Raihoad, left here
at 8 p. II. Many of tho mo.st promi
nent limn iu this city, including i-pie
sentauves of kll loinuificial bodies and
thousand of other citizens witnessed
its dep.u turo and -a field battery fired
a salute of fifteen guns.
Fun, fun, by A. L. Sles, comedian
and vocalist, with Mcliiulabs' colored
company of ladiss aud gentlemen.
Don't fill to hear them. Weduesday,
Juiv 3 '
erable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's
Curs is the remedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
Watcujiakcb ad Jewelee,
California Srct-t,
1 IV itAKES a specialty of cleaning and re
lYi pairing watches and clocks. Mj
j chsrss are reasonable. Give me a call
HACKMETACK a lasting and'fra-1
grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cts.
at E. C. Brooks'.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ly relieve cruup, whooping cough and
ARE YOU MADE mtscrablo by
indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Lossnf xVpyetite, Yellow Skin Shi
oil's Viializer is a positive cure. For
sale bv E. C. Brooks.
rnositive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
WHY WILIi YOU cough when
Shiloh's cure will give imn:Hli.ite er
lief. Price 50cts. and S1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
pepsia and Liver Compliant Shiloh's
Vitslizer is guaranteed to euro you.
For m!o at E. C. Brooks.
'Fur lame Biok, Side or Chest ne
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
a-nts. For sale at E. C. B"oks.
of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both mv
self nnd wife owe our lives to SHI
Brooks keens.it.
Master Willie and Adelino Patti,
the two youngest children on tho stage,
will post;-ely appear Wi-dne'd iv,
June 30 Ii, with McKanlnsa. company.
Oregon Sfcato University,
Eugene City.
First terra begins September 13, 1SSC.
Sccuiefrec bcholarships by applvinto
your i.'ounty Superintendent.
Uo.i'd and lodgin:' er week $3. to Ti.
Elementary L'nglish Department, $30.00
Olhtr Departments 40.00
rite j-ostal for catalogue tvith full
-parlicu'ars, to Vnov. Jons Stkvuii,
Stc'y Faculty.
Eugene City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the ctr.tc nf Ore
gon for tho County of Jackwia.
Bobcrt Wcstrop, Piaintiff, i
vs. Divorce.
Rtilhcy Jane V. estrop. D.-rendt. )
To ituthir jHnc Wotiop, Defendant:
I. Oregon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the comp aitil filed
agnustjoa in tlieab.ve entitled suit in
th above cn'.itkd com t nn or before the
4'.U,d.iy of October, 1'iitS, that Iwing the
first day of the next lcgular term of aid
cour), anil you are hereby notified that if
yu fail -to so appear and nnswirsaid
complaint within said time, pi lintill will
apply to said rourt tor thu relief demand
ed in silid complaint, to-wit: Forade
eree a-rninst you dissolving the rm-rriage
contmrt now existing between yon and
plaintiif, and for costs and disbursements
nf this suit.
This summons is served by publication
by order of Hon. L. It. Webster, jmigeof
said court under date of Juno 2.K, 138C
- Attorney for Plaintiff.
rjlilrl I
Grand Celebration
Mouth of Foot's Creek, July 5
Marshal of IheDay W. A. COOK.
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Singing by the Choir.
Prayer by Chaplain.
Reading'Dechiration ot Independence,
by Henry Mensor.
Oration byJIon W. M. Colvig.
After vrhich tiiere will be n Public
Basket Dinner. large tables being on the
grounds lor lhat purpose.
during the afternoon will consist ot a
grand par.ide by the Iloocllumitcs, assist
ed by the Wapytum;rai'i, who claim kin
to the Calitliumpians, conducted by the
Duke of He ackiack. There will be
local songs, reading of the Declaration of
Hoodlums and a general welcome and
amusing speech by Uncle Sam. Then
comes whtclbarroV, loot, back, horse
racing, etc. Alter lite amusements the
Jacksonville Tcrnrerein will give a
grand peiformsncc. The whole affair to
conclude with a
Grand Ball,
under the direction of Orme Bros., for
which a door 24x03 fee' has been con
structed. Everybody invited to come
and enjoy themselves. Tickets, 1.
Fl-OOK "MAXAonr.s: Benj. Harmon;',
C. C. -McClcudon, Willis Hajs.'.T. II.
Whitman, II. N. Helms. Abe Loudon and
Clark Savage. ,
There wfl be a restaurant and stable
on the grounds.
N. It. No toll will be charged for
crossing the lloclr Point bridge on the
4th, 5th and Cih of luly. Also a free boat
to cro33 Itoguc river at the grounds.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Jackson County.
In the niHttcrot the" estate ol J.J. Illchols,
the Administrator ol the estate of
J. J. "Sichols, deceased, his filed in the
county court of Jackson counly, Oregon,
his final account as such administrator,
and by order of said court Tuesday, the
Cth day of July, lSSG, at the hour of 10
o'clock, a. "su "is set for hearins. .all per
sons interested are hereby notified to ap
pear and file bis or her objections to said
account on or before said day.
Published by order of Hon. E. DePcatt,
Judeeofsiid court. T. B. Kent.
Dated June 12th, 1886.
Every one should go and see tho
Grandest and Largest Lot
New Spring Dry
Fancy G-ooda, Clothing,
GJrccoriss and Crockery.
Remember thrse gootN are new and
bought since the War ia Railroad Rales,
and are sold
Cheap for Cash.
Cotrntry produce bousht and sold ; alss
Vool, lliile.-. Furs and Deer Skins. 'oli
cit orders for Lumber .V.vx M ui.i.Ktt .
Poslofiice liuildin?
JLi fitted with al modern improvements
are now turning out a lirst-chis-j artich
of (heir, which is put tip in oac-fourth
batrel acks, and every sack is warrantet!
to contain -IU pounds of llour If you don'i
believe this, j-ist compare a sack of oui
flour with any other brand offered for salt
in this market, and note the difference in
FJanr anS Sill-Feed
Constantly on hand and exchanged for
Having ntldcd a set of Barley Rollers to
my mill, I have set apart every Saturday
to Roll hurley for customers. The work
will be done on short notice, so that par
ties can return with their trrist the same
da'. I am prepared to roll barley al all
t"m Ami in !ih lw-t mimn.- TM m-r
cess is tar ahead of the en sher
J tcksonvillc, Sept. 22, 1833.
school will commence about tho end ot
August, and is divided in four sessions,
of eleven weeks each.
Board and tuition, pcrtcrm, 40.00
-in-ic ' ..v.-y, ,,lp.y!
Drawin 5 and painting. . . .'. .tr.-. ... y$iy
Bulanu lladilm-r .-i?Ki.".."t:'T5.00
Primary, per term 5-5.00
Junior, " G.00
Prcparatoy " 8.00
Senior, " 10.00
Pupils received at .my time, and speci-il
attention is paid to p',iticiiiar studies in
behalf of children, who have but limited
time. For further particulars apply at
tne acaaemy
Kerbyville Orecoia
Mrs. M8 Hydsr, Propr.
First-class accommodation can always
be hid at this house at the most reasoaa
ble rat03.
E3An excellent stable connected with
ihe hotel.
"Scaisici" GGlce for Sale.
Dcsirinj; to enjnge in other business
the "lndtitigntd offers the
fin alo at a bargain. For the amount
required no better investment could be
found for a paving business. For further
particulars call on or address,
FiiAst!" Kp.Ai;sn.
"Wontcclto "FlTr ola. ango,
To cxehnnje a house of 1 1 rooms and 2
!ots 100x100 feet with spring and cistern J A'l persons knowing tbenuelvM I
we.ter on il, near public school "anil street debted to the tfideisigncd are hereby rt
cars, in city of Portland, rents for $3i per quested to come forward at onca and
month. Mill exchange for gook stock mike a settlement. I need the money an-
ranee in Southern Oregon
--Jddrcss, C. W. Lauke.-s, O. K. H.Co.
Portland, Oregon
.i.'osxfcs For
Wo wonl'l respectfully ask our patrous and friends to call and sco
our line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel euro wo
Sell As how If Not L,6wer
Than any first-class goods can be sold for; aud wo guarantee all our
goods as represented.
Jacksonville, Oregon, May 0, ISSi.
Of Southern Oiegon, are hereby UfonueJ
that in addition to a large anil elejit
have added to ray stock the follawias
clasi ot goods, of which I hive a full line:
Sadies' Fcniishing Gcoa,
Both Knit and jluolia.
Infant's Wardrobe Corr.ltta
As cheap as to be bought any plaaa; also
Under -1 ycv&elA.
A beautiful line ol
Consisting of Lisle sad Bilk.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cortots,
And many other thlncs too nunveron tn
mention. IJnivo also secure lao-"'""-"
serrlct-auf a
And am prepared to execute U orders in
that line in lirst-class style tt rcasonab'e
Call and sec mo at tho building form-crl-
occupied by A. Ii. Johnson b Call,
fornia street. "SIRS. P. P. PRIM.
3 3 3 3 $
Notanj Fiiblic, Rtal Evlate AqL
Abstractsme.de of Titles to Litdi.
Xioc;til Dooi.ruon. Cva
Of all kinds drawn up, especially fcrkdn.
ing -to the settlement of estsic.
Collector of Accounts Prompt
Investment Securities a Specialty.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold.
I have a complete set of Jlaps of all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and r
ccivc abstracts monthly from Roseburr of
all new entries made. I am thus pre
pared to msko out Homestead and Pre
eniptioi papers, and ein thus save to par
ties the expense of a trip to Roscburir
Land Office.
Several line farms are in my hands tos
Prompt reply made to all letter.
Charges iu "accordance with tho times.
Refers, by permission, to C. tt. Bcek
man. Esq , B-:nker; to Hon. L. R. Web
ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to
any business house in Jacksonville.
OlUcc at south cast corner Ca'ifornia
and 3th street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
alocn And Host-aurantJ?-
The nronnetor take oleasure in ia-
; forming Mho public that ha hsji
thomitgli J renovatcu tins well-kaown
stand aud is prepared to furnish
Vzckh 2Jrsad and "Se&ta
daily, delivering the same to any portifta
of Jacksonville free of charge.
Meals, 25 Cents.
The tab'c will be supplied with a chtriw
variety of eatables, while the bet !
wines, beer acd cigars may be fouii ia
the Sa'eon
C""-Give rac a call
I have made a reduction in tho pri cf
hog meat uow selling
Shoulders, G cents per pounsl,
t-idc-ment, 5 cents per pound.
Good Lard, 71 cents per pound.
It is all open for inspection and wan.
ranttd. Jons OtTit.
Settla Up.
muat have it s i call around at once.
Henuy Bacts.
Ponrman's creek, 3pril 10, 188G.