n. OaESSN 8E8TJEL. Satukdat, July 3, 1880. A correspondent in the daily "Orpgonian" of the 2G of June slguuig himself Pioneer Repub lican uAlompU in his own way to give the political history of Sen ator Mitchell fmm 1802 down to the present lime. From the tone of the letter and the ideas adi vanced a Btrangrr would be led to believe that the moral status of our state was indeed very low. It is indeed very surprising that tbe people would select such charctera and send them to elect senators and make l.iws fur us, if they are men buch as described ly thQ correspondent. Wo will vcutute to say without fear of suc cessful contradiction that the characters ami standing of the men who voted for Mitchell in 1872 aud 1882 wiil compare fav. orable with any other representa tions that elected a senator in this state. The writer evidently for-got wnen ho was condemning the methods used by Mitchell's I friends to elect him that Harvy Scott who now publishes his own condemnation :u the lotter of Pioneer, as it is well known that he was the principal manipulator and wire puller for Mitchell dur ing that senatorial campaign. It it is true that Mitchell was elect ed iu the way hinted by Pioneer then it is also true that Scott was amoug the "contracting parties," as. he was at the time Mitchell's man Friday ready to do his bid ding at all times and under all circumstances. Pioneer also re. fers to the endorsement of Mitch, ell in 1874 by the Albany conven tion. Here again wo iiud Scott on hand to have tho resolution endorsing Mitchell passed by the convention which is now so biti terly condemned by Pioneer, but approvingly published by Scott. This consistency will compare well with all his former political action since the malfcasanco bus iness, for which he was fired from the Custom house. Mitchell had no friend who expressed himself so -devoted njitl true to him as Scott did, up to that particular ., period when the Custom house passed from his "gaze like a beautiful dream." Bclieviug thi6to bo tbe only causo lor this continued barking upon the track of Mitchell by this man Scott and others of like character, and as wo believe tho whole opposition is actuated by a desircjbr revenge lor a supposed wrong, wo there fore will stand by the assailed so long as ho contiuueu to do his duty and work for tho iuterest of tho State. The promise of tho President to commence active operations immediately ou the adjournment of Congrcis iu removing ofieusive partisans is creating wide-spread exultation among his hungry and thirst' followers. It is anticipa ted that Congressman will in con sequence hear.from their constitu ents if the adjournment is long delayed. Democratic Congress, men in particular will be called to accouut peremptorily if they hesi tate an adjournment at the earliest possible period. Tho introduc. tion of Mr. Randall's tariff bill will not Lo permitted to cause the postponement of adjournment as many anticipate. The llouso will he required to postpone de bate, and to vote tho bill up or or down, it is immaterial which, in order to adjourn. The Democrats who undertake to consumo time by discussion of the measure will bo fired by an iudignant consti tuency, and licucc they will have to act promptly. Tho greatest measure now before the Ilouse is adjournment. Tho "Alta California" has this interesting item: Down on our Arizona border a ilualapai, pro nounced "Walloper" Indian named Pisa got drunk and went on a leading tour, during which he killed his squaw, six bucks and threatened to hualap the whole tribe. Objections were about to pulverize Pisa, when some whites foolishly interfered to prevent so desirable an exter mination, and now there are fears if an outbreak acaint tho settlers. "Why not let the Indians alone wheu they are usefully killing each other. The California, $ Oregon. San Frascisco, July 1. Mat ter? at the railroad front on the California & Oregon wear a prom ising aspect, and there is little doubt that rail connection be tween this city and Portland will be an established fact before the close of another year. According to latest reports tho advance guard of the right of wav men have completed their labors in Northern Shasta county, and have passed into Siskiyou. The pot hole men are near Bailey's, and several gangs ot graders are close behind. Tbe culvert builders are at Big Castje creek, only a fotv miles from the northern boundary of Sisk'you county. Tho bridge at tenth crossing of the Sacramento is com pleted,and the track has been laid to the eleventh. The main force of bridge builders is now at work at the' twelfth and thirteenth crossings. A depot is about to to be erected at Hazel crcok, Tho California & Oresrou stasre company has moved its southern termiuous from Slate creek to Gibson, to which point through passengers and freight trains are now ruuniug. It is expected that October 1 will find tho track completed to Lower Soda Spriugs. It is thought that two tunnels will be necessary between Straw berry valley and" Big Shasta. Tho engineers are having trouble in finding a practicable route through tho valley. Laud suec- ulators and tourists nre flocking to the newly developed region in great numbers, Binder Hermann- Tho Xatioal Republican, of Washington D. C, under the heading "The Office Seeks the Mau," pays a fitting tribute to Hon. Bitiger Herman in its issue of June 12lh. Among other things that journal says: The first congressman elected to tho fiftieth congress is Hon. Binger Hermann, of Oregon. Mr. Herman did not seek tho nomination, remained at his post of duty, exerted no effort for his reflection, but loft al-to tho pec pic. He has been one of tho in dustrious, ever-working members ot congress. "While, as yot, not often on the floor aud heard in debate, his characteristic is quiet, determined active work. One of tho results of this fidelity to his state is seen iu the generous attention of tougres3 to the Ore gon waterwa-s aud internal im- provements. Mr. Heimaun's record aud his vote and voice have so far uniformly been on the side of the people against fiau dulent land grants and grasping monopolies, and tho best moral at d mental advancement of all public interests, state or national. Oregon has shown admirablo wis dom as weil as good policy iu re turning her tried member as 'tis demonstated that those state with experience and continued representation .aro the largest beneficiaries of congressional logi islatiou. On "Wednesday, says the Ash laud "Tiding" of the 25th, the poople of Klamath county re ceived tho welcome tidings that tho order for the abandonment of Fort Klamath had becu revoked by tho President. The mauifest injustice aud injury to that part of the State, which such a move by the government would involve, mado it seem most improbable that tho troops would be removed, yet tho fact that such an order had been issued caused gravo ap prehension aud anxiety, and the result has been awaited with painful suspense. The anxiety is over now, however, and the peace, security aud prosperity of Klamath county havo not received tho threatened blow. The devel opment of the Klamath basin during tho past two years has been remarkable, and it is matter for rejoicing all over tho State that the progress of settlement aud improvement iu that section is to continue uninterrupted by a needless exposure ot the people to liability of trouble with the large number of Indians on the reservation. The Indians are as much pleased as the whites, it is said, as they feared that uuscru pulous stock men would encroach upon tho reservation and invito conflic between the Indians and settlers, if the garrison were ra moved. There is one phase of the labor question that is too often over looked by the laboring men, and that is, that the price of a day's labor can no more be regu lated by force thau can the price of a bushel of wheat. Tho law may do much toward protecting laboring men from unjust oppres sion, and boards of arbitration may sometimes be useful in seti tling disputes between laborers and employers, but law a and boards of arbitration can no more compel a raanufacturertopay more for labor than his finished product will justify than they can compel the laborer to work for wages which be deems insufficient. "We are free men iu America, the em ployer no less than the employee. C. II. Caldwell of Gold Hill was ar rested for uiing 700 cigars froiu Pe'ir Ams?. J lb ico Filzem d bound him oTer to appear before" tl.r grand jury, ami placed liitn under 250 lnnti which lie furuifcbed. BORN. Hats In Central Print, June 2Gtli, to ilr. and Mrs. J. W. Hays, a daughter. Cox In Table Rockprccitnct, Junc,20lk, to ilr. and Jr-1'. cei u lUugiiur. MAKKIED. Short Disox At Bonanza, KLmath, county June 2Cd by G.'JJ. Van Riper, J.P..G. M. Short and Miss. Ida Dix on. Uecx Starr In Linkvillc, June 21st, by Rev. 8. tayre, Fredrick Beck and Jias. Louisa btarr, Neubert Bauer Is LinUville, June, 21st, by Rev. S. bayrc, Gotllricd Kcu bert and Katerina, iUucr. nAuuoKD Cr.ciir In this city, June, HStli, by Rev. J. A. Slover, Asa Ham mond and Miss Alice Crump. DIED. Hur.zoG In Yrekii, June lOtli, Mary Louisa, only daughter ol Henry F. and -4nnio A Herzog faged 2 years, 1 rnoiith and C day3. Mvr.snY Near Eagle Feint June 27th. of diph.hina. Austin D .-t., so'i of J amesJalncy, aged C years and 27davs. NEW advertisements! County Treasurer's Sev enth 3?tf oiice. Office or Treasurer of Jackson Co., I Jacksonville, July 2, 1SSC. 1 NOTICE 1SHEKEUY GIVEN TlklT there aro fundsm the! ounly Treasury lor the redemption of the following coun ty warrants, protested up to August HUiIi, 1881: 204, 218, SIC, 215, 214, 220, 153, 182, SCO, 321), 238, 243, 2SU. 317, 3i3. 203, lul, 242. 253, 32J. 323, 325, 244, 247, 208, 223, 22G, 301, 322. 230. 272. 273. 25G14. 233. 304. 103. 240, 250, 7, bOO, 601. 330, 754, 330, 335, 344, MS, 343, 407. 303, 333. 301, 37(5, 3C2. 1UG7. 279, 2S7, 720, 753, S17, 305, iC0,812, G40, 2, OtiO Interest on the same will cease frem this date. NEWMAN FISHER, County Treasurer. Assignee's Notice. The undersigned having been appointed Assignee of the estate of J. O. Viiipp. Assignor, ander Rinl and in pursuance of an act of the Legislative Assembly of Ihc State of Oregon, entitled ".4n act to secure Creditors a just division of the estates ol Debtors who convey to Assignees fur the benefit of creditors," approved October 18, 1S7S, and the amendments thereto ap provctt February 23. 1833, hereby gives notice to all those owing the estate that an immediate settlement is wauled, ind those having claims will present thi-in at once accompanied with the necessary vouchers My office is in Jacksonville, Oregon, where all settements can lie made. A. 1I.JIAEGLY. Assignee of J. C. Whipp. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court ot the State of Ore gon for Jackson County. In the matter of the estate of Julicn Ras pol, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIUT the Administrator of the estate of Julicn Raspnt, deceased, has tiled in the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator, and by order of said court Tuesdav, the Gth day of July, 183ti, at "he hour "of 10 o'clock a. m, setforhearing. All persons interested aic hereby notified to appear and tile his or her objections to said ac count on or before said day. Published by order of Hon. E. DcPcatt, Judge of said court. lUrniEL Mokat. Dated June 11th, 1S8G. A Wise Iteform. Tbd habit of administering qninlno In powerful doses, as an antidote to malarial maladies, wi3 onco dangerously common. Happily this practice has undergone o wide reform. Not only the public, butprofessional men have adopted, not wholly, of coarse, but largely, Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters as a safe bontanta substitute for the pernicious clkalotd. The consequences of this change nre most important. Now fever and ague suf ferers are cured formerly their complaints were only for the time relelved, or fcsircured the remedy eventually failing to produce nny appreciable effect, except the doses were Increased. A course of the Bitters, persis tently follo-ned, breaks up the worst attacks and prevents there return. The evidence in favor of this sterling specific ond household medicine ts of no ambiguous character, but positive and satisfactory, and the sources Whence it proceeds are very numuoos. Petition Foj License. Notice is licrtby given that the under signed, E.1J. Caton, will apply to the County Court at the July session for li cense to sell liquor in less'quanlities than one gallon in the town of '"entral Point for the period of six moiUbs from July 11, 1880. '' JiJ&. Oatox. Central Point, June 13, 18SG. CITY BAS3BE SHOP Camfoexia St., Jacksonville, Oregon. The undersigned is fully prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. uEuiwE scanupp. Is the most virulent form of blood-polson-In?. Less speedily fatal, bat not 1-sj cer tainly so, fa the vitiation cf the blood of which tho first symptoms are Pimples, Sties, Boils, and Cutaneous Erup tions. 'When the taint of Scrofula jrives vrarnlnscf itspreseuce by such indications, no time should be lost in usin? Arm's Saksapakilla, the only perfect and roll- . able medicine lor the purhlcitioa of the blood. &AE8! I4JB tS Is a foul corruption in the blood that rots out all the machinery oj life. Nothing will eradicato it from tho system and r-rc-Tcnt its transmission to oS"prins but Ayeu's SAnsirAiULUi.. This prepara tion is also the only one that will cleanse the blood of Mercurial poison and th taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of A wrctcbed condition Indicated by Pallid E&ln, Flaccid MuscIm, Shattered Worvca, tad 2telackoly. Its rt svmptoni aro Yi'eainere, Lautpjar, o&i at Korvo Force, sad Jlental 1). loction. 113 coarsj, unchecked, lead inevitably to insanity or death. Wona frequently suffer from it. The only medi cine that, v:hila purif vicg the blood, en riches it with new vitality, and invigorates the whola system, b ,l Ayer's Sarsaparllla, 1 , rKETAUKD BIT J " Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Kasa. Sold by all Druggists: Price SI; , .-. wvtww .w yv. t . Administrator's Sale of Eeal Property. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIYEtf THAT by nn order of the county ronrt of Jackson county, Oregon, duly ni.tde cd entered ofreco'id, on the 3th of Junt,18c6, lhes.imt' being a day of the regular June term, ISSti, of said court, the nndersicrv- as the administrator of the estate 01 W m. Hriner, deceased, was authorized and commanded to sell 'he tollowing describ ed real properly, beionsiug to said estate and l3'ing and being in Jackson county, Orecon. to-wit: The W J ( of the N E and N W Jf of S E if and lots No. 1. 2 and 0 all in sec tion 20 in Township 57 S, of range 1 west, in Jackii.n county, Oregon, and contain ing a fraction less than lfi'l acres. Aad in pursuance of said order I will on &itt:ri!ay. September -t, IS80, between the hours of 10 a. si. and 2 r. n. of said d-vy.af the i"ourt Ilouse door in Jack sonville, lacksnn county, Oregon, sell the a' ovo d-scribsd real property to the high est bidder. Tcrni3 of Sale Said property wi 1 be sold for gold coin cash in hand on day of sale. B C. G odd aud, Administrator estate of Wtn Brincr, deceased. June 12th I860. KA iLFEOiTIL DAflflni AT LAW tji bfcJk aric'lr cl en ---(! ?o n.i7 Bait?, If"il Ittsral co cc'lJSs, inrtjtssg Gov mi6iic In rzh. L:5da'1 F a t Tncs F:r S-:! or Isnz. I e a tuo owacr i7 ya Tom All Jnva rT r--i!i"'r -:.f"ti4 a bm k", f,n,i.- r-iri.ii a--vii rs .-, rn6;hij h h ll..--? ---.u.l s i' i 1 pi t ni o - -vu,. or h trlroi 'u -! (. ot- i,u ti..a"ti:i ti h m 1 '. y -, Iri-i 1 ' .. -cv. 1 v ii p'i ii , t i e b .- l- or-!.lo'lrj m i !'i 1 ! .-' -,;ir' r .-ghX4 l'ix.il-1 y'It,.9l hil"..iw iK-u'tiVitait. Iftr tu:l.cr l'iou a. -i : ;v r .-F a.0 StAlK)WI2.L. This space is reserved for Mrs. IS. ieasor'3 liifi helLLuiLili uiUnl. E5AVSD LIFS, GENERAL UNDERTAKER. ASD DE..L13; n? QQz'S'Tgl SSSSSZSTQS ON THE Kj shortest notice and chenper than at any other cs-tahlishmect in Soullicrn Oregon. Furniture ofnllltiud hept o. hand or made lo order Citation to Hoira. In the County Court ot the State of Ore gon for the county of Jackson, sitting in probate, 3I:;y terra, 18SG. In the matter of the estate of Patrick 21c- Kavanaiih, deceased. To the next of kia and all others con cerned in said estate. YOU AKB HEHEBY NOTIFIED that James G. Girdsey, Administra tor, has filed his petition praying for an order of said court to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate to-wit: Tho undivided one half ol the saloon property situated on the north sidcgif California street in the town of Jackson ville and known as the "Farmers Ex change Therefore, notice is hereby given to the hcirs-al-lawofsrid estate that theprf-yer of said jietition wilt be heard and deter mined at the usual place of ho'dinjr county court fin Jacksonville, in said county and State, on Tuesday, June 8th, 18S0. at 10 o'clock a. ji , at which time the said heirs and all others interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why an order of sa'e s-houtd not be made as in the aforesaid petition prayed for. Pub ished by order of Hon. E. DePcatt, Judge. Attctt : Wil. II. PAJIKEB, Co Clerk. , P- ro-1'.aal. Ol nOFFIXS FURKISIIED MLLEB BEOS., r Dealers in Field Tcstlalle and Flowfr Setds Imperial Egg Food, Garden Tools, Fertilizers, ETC-, ETC- 129 2d Su between Salmon and Taylor, Portland, Orejon. MeBBl449s -Cash ffere The Only Cash Store m Jacksonville! a prisg Stock ! If ew Goods, .SHEW PBICES ! Coff-e C. Sugar, 13 los. for $1 00 Poderc d Sugar, rr box 3 03 Choice C. R. Coffee, per lb., 14 Fair C. R. CoffVe, per lb. 10 Choice Oolong Te, pr lb., CO Oyster, pr can.... 12 and... 15 Gloi Starch, G lb. box C5 Assorted Jollies 25 Good Lard, 10-lb. cans 75 Sardines, per box.... 10 and... . 15 Dress Goods ! Red Men's Building, E2J5S tft?T lf,T.av l.3 HIi'.V. iTTAi'; SM-MT r.JS..'a . d153 Sit i5- & nl'3 S3 Successor to ,OTS i M cb. & ka&sa Selling Glory and Very Small Profits. "We keep in stoVk all kinds ol Shell Hardware, Stove and Tinw.;re, Oils and Flows, Wagons Harrows and Cultivators 1 amps, Bells, Rope, Iron, Paint anti other Brushes, Curry Combs, Tacks, Window glass, Coal oil. Hinges, Blackings, Pad locks, Door locks, Pjwdcr and Shot, Fues, Caps. Sand Ptiper, Knives rtnd forks, Cross cut saws, Hand yaws, Planes. Nails, Traps, Grind stones, Bolts, Augers, 'able chain, and many other goods too numerous herein to mention. Largest Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements in Southern Oregon. Call or write for prices A. GENUINE CLOSING Owing to ill health and recent finn cial difficulties, the undeisigncd has conclud ed lo retire rermanenlly from the mercantile business, and therelorc offers for sale his entire stock ot At the Old Ashland Store, At Saa FpasaclseoCosi! The Store end OFFERED Ashland, Oi.,. Tune 26.1885. JAIV1ES DEALER IN ,-n a reeffie Bmm HATS AKD BOOTS, Tobacco, CigarSj Candies, Etc., Etc. California street, between Oregon and Third, Jacksonville. CALL AND Fresh New Stock PRODUCE TAKEN Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN iWimic llsll M BUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HO DGE'3 DOUBLE DRAPER Headrrs LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, McSHEkRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS. TWINE BINDERS, BUFORD'S GANG & SULKY PLOWS, COATE3 SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOT T & CO.'S Engines & Threshers, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER & CO S.iw Mill Machinery, RANDALL WHEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO.VTOOTH, BUCKBOARD WAGONS, . HARROWS, Etc, Etc., Etc. v.. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery. Write for catalogue. Address cither FRANK BROS. IMPTi. CO, Portland, Or. Or, E. W. PORTER, Ago Owgori Cife Qusgpo. ityr U 3 nj. French CV.f Sewed Bcots, 35 00 CrpU, Floor ui T.M.. Oil cloth in excellent pa.tttr.vs Good Clf IJjst, 3 75 Good Kip Boot, 2 50 Boy.' Suit, 12 U 17 years, 6 CO 5r-n Suits, fair. 10 00 LidirV Slockin-t 10 to 60 Li-lies' French K'd Sliuei 3 50 Ladies' American Kid Shaes. ... 2 25 Fancy Ginghams Jacksonville, Oregon, Al'Krm fl MaegBy good3 lor n . JIakolt & Co., Jacksonville, Oregon. Fixtures will ho FOE KKTsTT. J M. McOAX.ii. DRUM, SEE MY and New Prices ! IN EXCHANGE.' aeliliierj 9 gait 5X Vt Kl sSf Vf y3&! 2J-t3 TO OFFSET The Dull Time norms fuhei lias marked his goods down to Hard Times Prices He will sell you MORE SOOOQ fur LESS MONEY than ever Wore reW in Jacksonville. His stock U AS GOOD AS THE BEST, And his priest w.U ASTONISH YGUT It is needless to enum-rate tbe rtils' he h.w to sell, ss he ktcps everrtkiag t be found iu u first-class General Kcrdisuciise Steps f When in town give kirn a call and he will show you goods at prices tUst will KNOCK TH KA33 TfiSS,- Idea clean out your head. t His stock Is varied and complete, aid' joucan narutjasKlor anvthinjke-terr not got. Remember the n'ace coroner ef PH fornia and Oregon streets. Highest RXarket Price PAID FOE FAF.M PSODUOS! ES"C'alI and see if this adTrrtlscmtng is not as true as sosprl. "NEWMAN FISHER. " . HBKTEBS EDPOBIVMi Jacksonville, Oregon. JttBX 32SLLS2, - Froprielor p.KALER IN ALL KINDS OF AGRL J cultnral implements, tools of all' kinds aud a general assortment of shslf linrdiYarc. , cSKs,. r- .1. llo also keeps the lartrcst stock of, and all the latest improvements in GUNS A-NfD PISTOLS, ALSO LAiYiPS, CHANOEL AND ALL KINDS OF 00 Give bin call and riar.jse kb jwwtj before making your purrlhws. H a JTOITPu'c trws-n-s ,o 2, MEorosD, Obecov, AKGL2 & PLVMAL5 PropV. Tlio undersisned takes plcasnrt in aa--nounciu'i that he has opened bin plart eC business in the m-w town of lledford, Or egon. andis now prepared to furnish, is quautitic&to suit, GP.OCEFJES, PROVISIONS PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE Oil, TOBACCO ANDCTGARS, CANDIES, NUT, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc. My stock is fresh and flrstclass, and t propose to keepn full assortment of every thing in rcy lino and sell at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER- All I ask is a trial. E2yHigkcst price paid for P-oduce: