o'eEbOn sehtihsl. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS AT Jachsonville, - - - Oregon, Br - FRANK KRAUSE TERMS One copy; Per Yeir,lnnrtrnre, S'i 30 "T-1.JL"iJ.VJ.H.iJ i wnonmrvi 0RE8QHJE8T.HEL ADVERTISING RATES. dvcrliscmtnts will be Inserted in the Sextinki. at the following rates : Tin ines, one insertion $2X0 er.cb subsequent insertion. $1 00 Legal advertisements inserted roa sonahlv. Job "work of all kinds done on prompt notice and in workman-like style, A Ulicoum in Nearly AiUes-tHer V JVAJ&4 S3 IS S VOL. XK5I--KO. 27 JACKSONVILLE OREGOjN, JULY 3, is36. $8 PER YEAR. "pis Wpfi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. R. YOtJNO, M. D., Physic an And Surgeon, Centbal Point, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to at all hours, Xj L. WHITNEY, M'D'. BtCL POINT OHEGON. Having located at this place I ask a fcbare ef the patronage of this section. Calls attended to at any time. W F. WILMASISOHJ ATTRONEY & C0UNSEL0R-T-L.1 W Medford, Oregon. All btisine"sin myline -will receive prompt attention. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOH-AT'LAW Jacksonville, Ogn.A Will practice in all the Courts of the Slate. Office in Court ll iuc 1 B. KENT, ATTORNEY & COUNSELER-AT-L.4W. Jacksonville OiJeGon. "Will practice in all the Cnurlsof this State. Office in the i burt House. C- LT3MPJ3RT, M- D-, . Graduate ofUniverfcit-, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to at all hours day and night. Office opposite Slovur Ho el. Jack sonville, Oregon. te. I'rj cc, . li; I . Vt C.'r.-iry, JU U. PRYCB & GEARY. PHYSICIANS ds SURGEONS, 3VEoafor-ci, Or. Offices. For the present will be as "lieretoforc. J. W- ROBINSON, H D., 'physician AND SURGEON Jacksonvile, Oga. OFFICE At' City Orug 8tne. Resi deacc on Fourth St., opposite 31. E. Church. Calls priiinptlyatteuded to day and night. B. F. 1,0 WELL, ATTORNSY-AT'LAW, PORTLAND, Okkgon. All business placed in my hands will rc eive pmiiirlt atlentiiri. grtvcial alien tion given to collections. t A. L. JOHNSON, Kotiry Public, Real Estate Agent and Collec cr Modfoi'ct, C I make conveyancing antl liirntsiiingab Stracls of land titles a specialty. Loans litgotiatcd and c.n'lections made. All ttusiness intruded to iuv care will receive prompt arid tlarelul attention. WILL. JACKSON, T B K T 1 8 T, JArrfSONVILLK, OREGON. Teeth extracted at all hours. Lnughing ess administered,, if desired for wKrk tjxtra tharge will be r uillcc on corner of CHlirTiiU and Jtli strcei. A. O. QIBBS. 1.. B. STKARKf. GIBBS & STEAHNS, A TT0RNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rosbb2 and 4StrowbrMge's Railding, PORTLAND, OREGON. Will practice in all courts of record in the Slate of Oregon and Washihton Terri tory; and pay ptrticular attention td business in K"dcral courts. aasaa mrwwn iniisaiMsg TIIS ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, Four courses f study. Nortrial and dommcrciai College, Preparatory and In strumental music. For particulars of catalogne apply to the undersigned at Astiland, Oregon. II. 0. ROYAL, A. 31. President 1 PRIZE.-?! Send sis cents for postage. no. receive tree, acostly oox r jroods which wiil lielu all. of cither sex. to more money right away ihan anything else in this world. Fo'r tines awiil the workers absolutely sure At onwadd rets Tkue & Co , Augusta, 31c OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA YIA Oregon & California R. R. Ind connections. Time 2J clays. Tare from Portland to San Francisco $33; to Micraiuriito $30. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California Oregon and Idaho Stage company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY) East Side Division. BelAYccn i'lirllinu! & Ashland .Ti.-ill Train. LEAVE. I AUUIVE. Portland. .7:30 A. xi.3Iedford...3:24 A. M. 3Iedford..3:2r a. M.jAbliland..3:lS A. M. Ashland. 9:80 r. u.lMcdlbid.. 10:10p.m. llettford. 10.11 r. m Portland ..4:25 p. m. Albany l.llrrsi Train. ATtrtlVE P"rihnd IATimfTif'lianfin , , ,fJ7n r .it LebsnoD 4:45 a MlPortland.jlO :05 am Pullman Palate Sleeping cars daily be tween Portland and Atlaiui. The O. & C. R. R. Ferry makc3 con nection with all the regular trains on the East Side Div. lrom foot of F. St. West Side Division. Bfetweeh Portland & Corvallis. Mall 'I rain. LEAVE. 1 AltniVE. Portland 9:00a m d)rvallis...4:30 p m Cb rvallis... 8:0 a Mli'oitland... 3:20pm Express Train. T.E4VE. Af.TUVE. Portland 5:00 pm JIc3Iinnvilie8-00r.M 3Ic31innville5:45 AMil'orll:ind...8:30 A M Local tickets lor sale and baggage checked at company's tip-town office, cor ner Stark and Second stre-els. Tickets for principal points in alifornia can only be procuicd and baggage checked at com pany's olTict) Copier F nnl Trout st , rortlaml, Orrsnn. Freight will not be icceived for ship ment after five o'clock pm on either the Eabtor WestSide Divisions. R. KOEIILUIC, E. P. Rooeus, 3Ian.iger. G. F. & Pass. Agt Citation to Heirs. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the comity' of Jackson, sitting in jiroKikN May teim. 18bfl. In the matter ol the estate of William Uriner, deceased. To Lemuel Ilriner, Kiiz.ibeth Rriner, Ma tilda Foster, Mati Ida Kice warmer, Elsie Harvey, Thus. Rriner, George Bnmer. Pernina Gl.iudon. VU ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED I that IJ. C. Godd.ird Administrator, has filed his petition praying for an order ofi-aidcouit to sell the following des erilvd real property belonging to said c tatr, lo-wit: Lots No. 1,2, 3. and the W 1-2 of the N E if and (he N W U of the - E 4 all in section 2, Township 37 sotnh, range 1 wett, located in Jackson conulv, Oregon, the h. mestead claim of W m.- Brintr, de ceased . "" TlicieferB nl!ce I hereby clvcn to t!i. li'ra nt-Iao: oliinMeKtate tlint theprajer of faitl petition wi.l be lienl aii'l leterinineil at the nnal pl'ce of liolilinp tunt Couit In J&cknviMe. in hatd county and tate inTue,d, Jnne Rtli,18S6,at 10eliick A. HM at wliiclitime tlie saiilheh anil all others Interested in fSkI eafate are lieceby notinel tn appear antl shun chum, if lliey !iae, uuv an order of sale lioultl Dot t-e made as in the aforesaid petition pra ed far. 1'uMislud b) order of Hon. K lePentt, Jude. Attrat: W M. II. PAKKEU.L'iiuty Clerk. DRESSMAKING, 4lY- sib. j. a si' in, Taolx.sozi.viJLlo, - - Ogii. Having moved to a netc locallrm on California street at the residence of E. D. Foudray I hereby ask my friends and the p"Ublic generally to give me a call for anything in the line of Dressmaking, Fining and Cutting, Dress Patterns Furnished. 31v-jvrices are regulated to suit the times and satisfaction is guaranteed. 3IRS. J. 31. S3IITII. Notice. Land Office at RosEBinin, Og:;., ) 3lay20, 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof ill support ofltis claim, antl that said proot will be made before the Clerk of Jarkson county, at Jacksonville Oregon, on Tuesday July Cth, 1SSG, viz: Elijah Smith, pre-emption D. S. No. 4428 for the S E j of N XV X, Sec 27 township 38 south range 3 West. He names the following witnesses to prov his continuous residence upon, and eultivatiou of said land, viz: James Jeff rey of Jacksonville, Wm. Ray, Alex. A. Ingart tind James 3IcDonnah all of Uuiontown. Jackson conntv, Oregon. Wm. F. Benjamin. Register. County Treasurer's Notice. Office ofTiicvscheu of Jackson Co., 1 Jacksonville, 3Iav 14 1SG. I NOTI'E IS HEREBY GIVEN TII.4T there are luniU iu the Omnty Treas ury for the redemption of the following county warrants, protested up fi July C, 18S1: r j , 870, 140, ma, 14S, 147 195, 14fl, 102, 14'J, 1 14, 133, 125, 94, 121, 45, 110, 50. Interest on the same will cease lrom this elaie. Newsan Fisheu, County Treasurer. WANTED A capable man or woman, of unusual energy, to take the ascnev cf this or some-other county lor the "History of Cal ifornia ." To the right party it will pav $100 to $300 per month. Address F PERSON. Manager Occiden- ' tal Publishing Co, 120 Suiter street, San 1 Francisco. mar271m. Etom$'ffi8& SM TF' 1 -tr'a ri H Ki f 3 K i5i rB5d KSBti v2f ' Abaoluteltt Free frni Opiates, Moieties and Poison. SAFE. ifer,, SURE. PLCtS. PROMPT. zkU$ AT URCTiOnTS ASD 1CAI KIS. -lm TJ:E lUlELCS A. V1M.LLEK CO, Bl LT1303E, SID. ilami aae6& fogfjll fcisvaci E3 FS Cures Rhetitnatj'n, Kcurslgia, frflr E y LLS. TKCCIIAKLE3 A.fOCEIaJ. COr.ALTISaSE,na. ihStsA YEARS m USE- Th8 Greatest HotoalMurfljih of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID MVER. Loss of nppotitc, Uoirela costive, Vein ia tho bead, tvilU a dull sensation in the hncK partt Pain uuder tho shoulder blade, Fullness nftcr catinc, tvith ndii Inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irrilubilitroftcmpcr, liovr spirits, ivith n fee lias of uavlncnejloctcd ome duty, Vrarlncge, X)tzz!ncsi, XTInttcrins: at tbo ilcnrt, Dots beforollio eyes, Headache ever tho rieht eye, llcstlcssnesi, with fitful dreams, Ilishlj colored Lriuc, and CONSTIPATSOW. TBTT'S PILLS aro especially adapted to snch caes, one Uogo etrecls sucli a cliatig'Offee.inKiistoastonislitliosuirerer. The Increao the A :octI(c,rmd cause tho rtcdy tr, '1'al.e ou jcxli. tuus tho PTstera 13 nourf pUel, a"l ly ihoirTonlc Action oa the HisrcstiveOnralig, TItaularatoolsr.ro produced, frlfv a.'ff. ; I ainrray S1..W.V. TtJTT'S HAIR CiLtr ILirrt or WaisilFus charRsd to a Giassr Black by a slnsle npphoatlon of t"ln Dvr- It imparts a luttirnf color, acts iiantanPonly. SoM by I)rag3i5t9r or f.j'tl,. uznrvsson icciMptof St. OiTice. C& Klurray St., Now York GEO. PJEVES, WAGOK BflASrIES, uachsonvillc, Or. At the old stand of S. P. Hanna, in Crone miller's building, kiepsou hand a lull line of Wagan3!atGrial! And is pn ared to do all work in his line ou sin i notice and in a worl.minlike man. cr. Vehicles of eery des cription made Jo order. Bevairing A Specialty. Terms reasonable and satisfacation guaranteed. Geo. Ricvns The Eutees1 Gthde is Is sued March and Sept., each lyear: t:i6 pages, Sir Hi i inches, ntli ov'f ii,auu illustrations r hole pic ture callery. -ves whole sale prices t"trcc( to consular jn allgoods for personal cr family u . Tells how to order, and gives crar oost of every thing you use, cat, drir wear, or havo fun with. These inva lble books corr' tain i 'ormation gleaned from the map kets of tho world. Wo will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. .Let us hear fecuryou. Eespcctfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. aST i S8 VTavbuh Areuc Cldcun Hi. Men Think r they know all about Mustang Lin iment Few do. Not to know is not to have .--- MmwiM ,iS9):.,isrRAERg;KunJ?Vi OxtrZkr'p3&U. vrm be nailed FREE to an applicaati, aoi te canomcrs of lut rear widest orderlag IL it contains about ISO paces, COO iUastratloaa, r-r Ices, arnrate deicrtptioBS sM TstnsM oUrertlono tptrlsnttns nil Tsrietes or VEGETABLE li& FLO Vf EU SEEDS, DCLIIS, etc Inralubla to aa. especially to llarket Gardeners. Senl for It. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Michigan, Wa et-ntir. i to a-H cr. Roil.iton Xcr Patents, ft (w-s. r--.ie KarKs, uprri?iu-1 te, lor tt UiuSe SVw-n eatRrta. (iiha. Kt.ir'aiid. France t.er a -if- au Z- ;I:!rty-Utc lea's' s-x-vciric3tce. iv is.biw. i U'Kttlicrarf riticed jitfce 'r-iKvn ic . i . u a: jit" lursra dplepdid i'lastrn'od wifkh later. $3.20 jji..s.1j-s it !T msss f . dc. c. l?- Any irteristicpr. anil 13s at on a- u us dmilatio'' Address Jills' E C), Pst't &iHcit rs. li's of .rkaEXTinc iX'micA. S-'I IS: oa-'v it y. cw Vort. A t v-- nr Ta,.-,r,. 'rp qrsa week in your own to wn . Terms v j v inn vu """' "'--i .wuioa ax tjyjxj ana ifo nutnt tree. AA. - IT Jo R 'IL (: fci kj?, w h a ra Tuni 25 $SS& Tiv a53 & llU.l,., 1IOIIKOUIII.IIII. Survey ing Boats- The boats to be used by tfie sur veying paity to Crater lake will be ou exhibition this evening at Ball's boat lnuse, foot of Stark street. The soun- ding apparatus is fitted into the larger of the three. It consists of two heavy ash timbers projecting overjthe stern, with a pull oer which a line runs from a windlass -amidships, taking the vire or Cord, as 'the case Laay be, from a reel placed iu the bow. On the end of the journal of the pully is a speed indicator; showiug the I'cniLer of res olutions made by the pully, and thus the depth of the water is determined. Mr. W. G Steel has named his soun ding boat "Cleetwoud." No such word exists in any language and it has & peculiar and interesting . orgin. home lire- rga, while on his way to Sin Fiancisco, Mr. Steel dreamed that he was in he company of his father, and that they both saw the heavens. In the dream ihey wended their way through the winding streets of aa an cient city, when Mr. Steel asked: "Will, do you want to see something beautiful?" "Yes" was the answer. Mr. Steel waved his hands abovo his head and commanded his on to look. In3tautly the heavens became filled with golden arrows, which Mr. Steel, Jr, upon inquiry, learned was "Clent noittl." And thus it came to pass that a boat wass provided ,vith this name. Hon. T, 13 O lineal, for many years a resident of Salem, and who, durinf, an activu business life, has occupied many positions of honor and trust, dif d at the Chemeketa hotel in Sulpm lait night from the effects of an attRck of appoplexy, which occured but a fen hours firetious. Many who have known him in his better days will be pained to hear of his death, as he pos sessed many good qualities and was a man amnngmen before misfortune overlook bitu. He was gf-uorous and warm heat ted wilt his friends, and was well thought of in idyn of his ptospeiity. His yotfiigpst son was nijh him whf-n tit the last death re lieved him of his.jHtins and MitTr rings, and the etu'-r ton ariivfrf here from Portland this moriii:i2, aaJ in obeJi eat to the father's oft repealed reques'rfl'e servant to the top. N. Y. "(Jor his wasted body will bo I,iid nt res.t beside his wife at Corvallis, the fun eial cortej-e having here at 11 A.M. to-day. KiDdfriendawliOiui.il knewn bin, in bet ler days, were with him at the lSst, and fair bauds in memory of a happy past to-day strewed his casket with floral tributes, and silently wept over an almost wasted life. He was a member of the Al bany lodge of Workmun, his insur anco policy of 2000 having been made out in favor of his daughter, at present, in Washington, D C, be tween whom existed continued devo tion through weal and woo. The official teim of the governor is four years. Governor Moody's term, therefore, will expire on the second Monday in next September. But the returns of the vote for governor are re quired to be sent, ssaietl to the secre tary of state, who delivers thtm un opened to the speaker of the house of representatives. Tho tpeaker then opens tho returns and the vote is can vassed by the house. As the legitla turori0 the law of 18S2, does not meet until January. 1887, Governor elect Pennoyer cannot be qualified when the term of his predecessor ex pires. The question arises, can the lesislature, by changing the' time of canvassing the vote, extend the term of the governor beyond the constituti onal Hmit! If not, who Vill be gover nor after September 13lh? Or will we have any governor! The law provides that the governor shall continue in office until his successor is qualititd. But the law did not contemplate, cer tainly, that any legislature could by enactment prevent such qualification so as to extend the guberuational term. If the lecisla'ura can extend such term three mouthsj as in this case, by postponng the canvass, why cannot jt extend it three or four or any number of yean! The term is fixed by the con sututicn. Can the legislature alter it? The President of the New York Central says the company have lost money on every fast 'rain run from New York to Buffalo, but they are compelled to keep the trains on, so great is the competition. The rate of pped is about fifty miles an hour Guarding Tlie,:Itich- The private aerrice for tns pro'ec tion of the Yauderbilts, Astofa and Gould was organized thrpa years ago, an.l 13 ostensibly separate! for Pach family, though the men wro dtftud ha "Vnderbilts and Aston are provid ed byjthe same establishment antl work together. Regular atrol duty is doue, night and day, and twenty detec tives are exclusively employed for the - urpose. Tl.eiearefour Astorresiden ces and fit e belonging to the Vander bilt.s, all in or clove 'to Fifth avenue, between Thirty.third and Fifty second streets. The spies are on watch eight hours each per day, and the beats are to arranged that the nine houses can not be apiiroached unseen ".by ono or nioro of the guardsmen. William II. V-tnderbili was iheorigiimtor cf this system, and he was incited to it by the largo number of cranky letters whiihjifl received. Ho profecsed to have no fear of rational evil-doers. but was apprVliPiisiiR that maniacs rn'glit attack iiim or lorao member of his family- Since Jiis death the mails have been laden with all sorts of ap peals, demands and ihreald directed to his sons. Jay GoultlV self-protection is more secret and characteristic. Up does not trust it to a detctive agency, but hires his own body guard. For years he has been alwa)snccofnpaiiieiI by a stal wart young fellow. But that is a safe jruarl against Wall Street enemies Cr.m .s who might cut up capers in or .troutiti his home are under the view of sp'e.s whoP quarters are in n room ot the Windsor Hotel, across :he way. That is additional duty doue by a sep arate Set of men. These employes of the mill ionjirM families, whos" names are poor poople's synonyms for wealth, are kept informed as to every new demonstration by a crank, and they are alert to descry and drive off the niononiaiiidcps who attempt any ex ploits. During tho Western strikes J.tv. Gould made the trips between his home ami oUici in a cab, instead of fleialed cr, as formerly; and it is ob tervtd that a ring at hi-, bell brings a siunteiing watchman to the foot of the slej.s abuut r.! quickly as if does Milwaukee Sentinel." The firs; marriage in the whi'e home took place in 1811, when Miss. Todd, a relative of Piesident Madi oii' wife, Married1 John J. Jackson, a Virginia congressman. The npxt was tint of Monroe's daughter Martha to Mr. Gouvernur, of New York, about nine years later, and in 1826 tho son of President Adams married his cousin, Miss. Jack son j there. During the ad tuii.istration of Jackson one of the diplomats, a man named Pageot, who afterwards represented the French government in this country, was mar ried in the white house to the daugh ter of Andrew Jackson's close friend, Major Lewis of Nashville,, and Jack son's hieco was married during this administration to a Mr. Polk, of Ttinuestee. During Tyler's adniinis tration his daughter was married to a Virgiuian named Waller, and duricg Grant's term his daughter Nellie was united with Sartoris, anEnglish gen tleman. Another marriage during the da, 8 of Grant's administration was that of Gen. Russell Hastings and and Miss Eiutlv Piatt. Missouri has reaped a victory and won a laurel that will surprise the world. Senator Cockrell introduced the correct pronunciation of "oleomar garine" in the senate to the" confusion of a great majority of members who have been calling it "oleamarjirine." Thero can be no longpr a doubt about Cockrell'n return next spring. Miss ouri will hardly commit Jtbe suicidal act of retiring from the national gaze iho man who has ruadr her famous at last. Clackamas coun'v lavs claim to th-i oldest pioneer in Oregon, a man named Faro, who lives near Oregon City. He is one hundred jejisold, voted at the late eirction and Hill manifests an intellgent interest in all public matters. He has been a resident of Oiegon forty yeirs, and was represented at the late pioneer reunion at Oregon City by his sou, a youth of four score. The Apaches seem to be on ths run fr the reservation, TheV evidently I intend to claim their ruserved rights. The Paragraphers- A Rule that worts both, ways when u fleet goes out on a cruise' the crews go out on the fleet. Isn't it passing; strange how all tho smoke iu n stove always manages to find its war to one little crack, and come out! The boy who always plays ball on Sunday may, on arriving at maturer years, play the national game of poker in Congress. "Maverick." A harmless! American ship of war may be called "she" properly enough, but a line mail steamship, ought to be called "he." When you see a man looking wise and holding his tongue, yoii call make up your mintl that lie has learned that he don't know anything. 3ry son, when you run for offiee re member that a lump of sugar will at tract more ilies than can light en i . This is tho first gieat lesson1 in Aintri can politics. Macm "Telegraph." "I read so many cases of people be ing buried alive. Is there 00 remedy for ii?" "The only remedy I know is for the Legislature to pass a law com pelling doctors to finish their work properly." Texas "Sittings." The Guvernrtent is going lo aban don its experimental tea farm in South Carolina. The Government found that it coUldnV look after both the navy and tps faun taid decided to hang onto '.he navy out of respect for its gi eater age. Citizen (to Western tragedirtn) "Your first appearance! occurred last tiight, I uuderUnd?'' Wtstern Tragedian "Yes, sir r-r; they wero applp cor r-res." "Who was Jmliis?" asked the Sunday-school teacher. "The fellow what hung liiFfcelf," replied the small bey with a mouthful of chewing guc. "What caused him to hang himseli?" ,'I dunno, 'less it was cause he had been readiti' some of the jokes iu the "Punch." Newman "Independent.". There art- a great many men in this world who imagine that they aro born with aeniusj and lie down on th sofa and wait for an inspiration uniil some other fellow, who thought him self a dunce, lises by hard labor to a competency, buys the sofn, and leads the dreaming genius out by the ear. Chicago "Ledger." "Johnif," said the four eyed school teacher, "do you know what capital punishment i-T' "Yes'ti','' said John uic', brightly. "Well, Johnnie," said sho whom the children irreverently call "Old Double windows," "you may tell us what capital punishment is." "Bein1 put "n a spat over airong the girls, 'm," saiJ Johnnie, and he wasn't put there forthwith. Sommerville "Journal." "I understand, 3Ir. Catapult, that there lias been a free-love society started over in jour town." "You're right about tha. startiti', Mr. Queer cus, but it was out ot our town they were started. The moral committee tackled 'em in one of the seances and started 'etn across lots, an' judgin' by the force of the statt they got, ef they halt this side of the Rockies the 'II do well Yonkers "Gazette." Fires at Salem. Two fires oc curred at Salem on Thuisday, the first being just before noon, when the roof of tho residence of J. H. Miller, on Trade street, near ths agricultural works, was discovered to be on fire. The department turned out promptly and succeeded in extinguishing it with out any serious damage, the loss be ing tsbout 51"0, fully covered with insurance in the State Insurance com pany of that city. The second alarm was rung just prior to midnight; a fire breaking out in John Hughes's barn, in the rear of the Thompson house. There being no hydrant or cistern within two blocks, the dimes were very difficult lo subdue, and lie lore they could be brought under con trol the barns belonging to Mes-srs. Hughes, Jessup, Keller and Savag" were all destroyed. Mr. Hughes's loss was about S700, including a new hay press, valued at 500, none of which was insured. Dr.'Jessup had $100 insurance on his stable, his loss being, outside of that, about 200, be 3ides the injury to his residence, which was badly scor cbed, but covered bj insurance. Messrs. Keller & Savage had no inurance on tlipir property's which was valued at probably 500 or J600. The residences of Drs. Jessup and .Reynolds narrowly escaped de struction, the e Hurts cf the depart 1 mpnt alons saving them, Tales of a Pig Wind- Stories of Hip recent "cycione in Ohio are coming in quite freely, but they do not approach the mighty stories of the tornado that swept up the val.ey of the riaring Oodota'f, in York county, in the spring of 1842. After the storm we speak of one farmer found that his well had Iresn frulltvi up by the roots and was hanging en the limbs of a white oak tree four miles away. A cel'ur belonging to one of his neighbors was split in two one half of it being blown throtrgh a stone quarry and the otber half turned up' end wise against n haystack in the adjoining county. A flack of gee&o were completely snipped 0 their, feathers by the wind, and u uried ap ple pie was Mown through the side of aJ tchool-bouse, ternfjing the lecher and scholars, besides ruining a large map of ths grasshopppr'districtof vanaa3. A lurge barn containing fifteentoiis" of hay wu lifted iilf its feet and carried bodily six miles down the valley, it selt'eddown so tjimrely that the doors couldnot boi pened without prying them. Tht wind blew thejails off six Durham cows, and a- Berkshire pig weighing 200 pounds wasblown completely through his skin the l;ido remaining in a standing position and preserving an expression of naturlness that deceived many Tis itors. The boundary lines of several townships were bent all out of shape, so lhat they looked like a curled hair mattress on a hot griddle, and the air was b'own bo completely out of the valley that people had to go up onjtlia hill when they wauled 10 breathe. The iutroduc ion ol the Chinamen intojhewesttrn'staiesof Mfxico un der coutaact with tte 'government of ihat conutry, has not met with tha ap proval of the laboring classes. fahfri the tirat installment of 200 arrived at Mnzitlan tt short lima ago the citizen thronged to lilt landing to the number of six or seven thousand, and prepared to forciidv r-sist the landing of the cjoHps For over a week these wer. loufmi'd to the tesiel, and not until a' thousand additional troops were brought from tin interior could she discharge her cargo of little blown tutu. During their disembarkation the ciowd of men. women, and children hooted and jeered and threw missiles. T.a Chinamen were safely houred with 'considerable dfficulty.j but ul t lough guarded by the so tilers, t! papulation found means of getting at, them, killing them by twos atid threes to the number of fifteen or twenty. Tney frere finally hurried off to tlwin; t.-riorin small squads. Magestic OmuzATiofiV Out in this glorious west, communities c&n be found in which civilizition, refine ment, and common decency are more complete strangers, than to the) wild Indian who roamed the prftlriM a cn lury ago, and 'about whomjso mi.ih sorrow and regret his been indu'ttd 111. As an example we will state1 thai, a few days ago a bov, a poor outcast was stealing a ride on a brako beam of a ear.'aud when near Blackfoof- e f jtl ofl and was so severely injui d that he died. Tue remains wert tossed into a box, just as the were, and buried without eereuiotiy what ever. The corpse was dixposed of as rudely and quickly as the ea-ca of a dead animal. What's the use send ing missionaries to the Canibal Island i when wp have an abundance of material to work on right here at home. Or.'gon "Siftings." Bobby was very fiiu'cii impressed by 'lie remark of the minister at church that man was made of dust. "Ma," he saitl, after a thoughtful silencf, "was I made of dust, to?" "Yes,"sht replied. Well, how is it, then, that my birthday comes in January! There ain't no dust in January' Ihe marriage of Miss Folsom lo President Cleveland recalls the fact that Amelia Folsom, a cousin of hers married Brighatn Young several years ago. Miss Amelia was Brighani'a sixteenth "wife." The wife of President Cleveland is 22, and vpry probable will be a president' widow from forty to spventy vears, rirawing a pension of 5,000 per an-s nuiu, as the woman who married President Tyler forty three years ago is still doing, hence Miss Folsom will probaly be an expense of not Ipsk than 300,000 to the people of the Untied Stales.