Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 26, 1886, Image 3

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Saturday, June 25, 1886.
CoMPtlMETAUY. The Eueene
baner all compliment Prof. J.
Iterriltof thii place very highly for his
ad drew at th commencement exercises
and eay that fur sotupisition, depth of
thought and oratory it has never been
xcelled in the btate.
Lost. About three we s ago
re s
omewhere near the Galls crtek bridge
a bundle containing a inatresR, two
comforter, a pair of boot and several
other articles. The finder will please
ratnrn the same to this office or to
Wra. Bybes when a liberal reward will
b paid.
A. O. U. V. Election. Banner
Lodge No.. 23, elected the following
officers last evening: M. V., N. Fish
ir; G. P., W. H. Parker; Overseer, H.
K1U,;Rec, J. A. Wilson; F., Max
Muller; Receiver. K. Kubli; G., J. G.
Birdsev; L Wn P. Luj; Trustee. T. B.
Kent;Mtdicl Examiner, G. H. Aiken.
Ax Assignment. J. C. Wbipp, our
local dealer in marble work, thin week
made an assignment o A. H. Maegly
for the benefit vt Lis creditors. His
liabilities amoutu to something be
twetu $2,000 and $3,000 while his
-Bssetts figure Dp near $4,000. His
inability to collect money due him for
work is said to be the came of his
tailura and he expects to come out all
tight before long.
Affirmed .In the case of Colver
and Dollarbide vs. P. W. Olwell action
for damages on account of the killing
of Lewis Celrer some time since by
Mr. Olwell the decision of lower court
has been affirmed by tho Supreme
'Court thus ending the matter in the
Courts and no damages will have to
be paid. The case of of Do'larh'de vs.
O. iC. R. R. was alto affirmed by
the Supreme Court.
and Henry Pape jr. together with a
sufficient amount of feminine sweet
ness, went to Phil Gleave's place on
Applegate last Sunday on a fishing ex
curMon and the crowd returned with
97 fine mountain trout. Returning
home in tho evening they landed the
fifth and young Indies safely at their
residence and then drove the team
around to Plymale's barn. The hostler
there unhitched the team but when be
tried to lead the horses away it was
found that one tug was "till fastened
which scared the team and the next
few minutes the horses played circus
in the street regardless of what the ex
prnses might be. The damages amount
to one demolished wagou and three
flections of Jerry Nunan'a fence par
tially destroyed. No insurauce.
Another Mill C. K. Bneumle
yesterday bought the quartz machinery
owned by Mes-r. Beokman and Klip
pel and Mr. Klippel will go to San
Francisco in a few das to get the
balance' of the machinery required to
make it a first-class ten stamp mill to
3 placed in position and ready for
work in three month . The mU felected
for the mill is where tho old Bauten
mill formerly stood Mr. Baenmle hav
ing purchased the ground and water
right of Mpt.sr. Curtis and Pape yes
terday. He has an excellent prospect
from his mines clnre by and liy the
time the mill is running will have
sinough rock on the dump to run right
lon. Mr. B.'h father ami brother
will arrive in a few days' and will as
sist in the maniigerupnt of the mill and
mine. Charlev sayb that he will
either make this scheme work or bust
the baker.
Joined tiie Majority On Last
'Wednesday evening slior'ly after
seven s'clock Edward Wilkinson and
JIhs Flora Orh were joined in the
holy bonus of wedlock at the residence
of the Vride'a parents Rev. F. X.
Blanchot tying the knot according to
the Catholic ceremony. Only the rel
tivei and a few of the most intimate
friends of the contracting parties were
present at the ceremony but when that
was over a large tiumber of their
fritids dropped in to extend congratu
lations. The Jacksonville Cornet
Band was also on hand at once and
tendersd thtui a serenade when all
were invited in to partake of wedding
cake and champagne. An hour or
more was them (pent iu wishing the
newly married couple the best of suc
cess in lite and a safe journey to their
new home in Eastern Oregon when
they took carriages for Medfnrd to
catch tha evening train accompanied
by a number of their young friends
from here. In company with their
many friends we wish them a long life
of prosperity and happiness.
Rklioiods Items Rev. J. A. Slover
will preach at Central Point Sunday
morring... .Rev. F. X. Blanchet will
told services at this place next Sun
day ... . Elder M. Peterson preaches at
Bedford Sunday morning and even
ing..,. Elder II. C. Fleming holds
srvites at the Lone Oak school house
Sunday next.... Liberal Sunday
acbool and Bible clais meets every
Sunday at 11 o'clock A. m. at the U.
M. L. Hall, Talent.... Rev. A. H.
Sunderman will hold services at the
Chimney Rock school-house on Sun
day, morning and afternoon. .. .Rev.
A. R. Bickenbarh will preach at Phoe
nix an Sunday at the Presbyterian
church in this place in the evening
of the same day.... A protracted
meeting will be held at the Antioch
school house, commencing Thursday
tyeniag, July 1st, Revs. J. A. Slover
and Willis Alden officiating.... Revs.
J. R. Roberta and W. P. Williams
are holding a pre traded meeting in
the grove near the Rogue river bridge,
in which considerable interest is be
ing taken. It will be continued a
while longer.
Local Items-
Hot weather.
Pic-nics are no in order.
Two shows next Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights.
Biird's minstrels appear here next
Tuesday night.
Send for samples and prices to the
New York Store.
New goods and new prices at the
New York Store.
The Sisters will go to Portland soon
to -ptnd their vacation.
T. J. Cress has just finished paint
ing Dr. DeBar's residence.
Examine your flues and louk out
for fire during the dry spell.
Now is the time to buy boots and
shoes at th6 New York Store
B. B. Beekman and W. W. Card
well have returned from the north.
The place to buy your groceries and
tobacco's is at the New York Store.
Phoenix celebrates on Saturday the
3d day of-July. Read the programme.
Clearance sale at Mrs. Prim's mill
inery store. Call before it is too late.
A. Chale and family have returned
from a weeks' recreating trip at Grave
Morris Menor is at Grants Pass
arranging for opening a new store
The last freight brought A. H.
Maegley &, Co. 23,000 pounds of
It now behooves evpryone to be
behooving in the way of looking out
for fire.
Call and pee the grand display of
dress goods just arrived at the New
York Store.
E. D. Foudray and Ad. Helms, two
of our old timers, have both been quite
ill this week.
Dr. W.F. Kremer of Grants Pass
paid Jacksonville a flying visit the first
of the week.
Wm. M. Turner's new residence
pre.-ents a fine appearauce and is near
ly completed.
A traveling minstrel show gives a
performance here Tuesday night. Ad
minion one dollar.
Our fitaiers are all praying for rain
and unless it comes soon crops will be
kliort in this valley.
Oour new county officers take upon
themselves their official responsibility
on Monday July 5th.
Mrs A S. Johnson has been very ill
for a week past anil is still confined to
her room but some, better.
Mr.-.. Wui. L. Bilger has returned to
her home in Portland after a visit with
friends and relatives here.
County Treasurer Fisher can be
found at the store again after a serious
illness of two weeks duration.
Adam Ruhl bought the old Franco
American hotel property at Sheriff's
sale on Saturday last for $1,000.
Mrs. A. W. Mentor is having her
millinery store enlarged to make room
for new goods 'o arrive next week.
The old Board of County Commis
sioners meets for the last time on Sit
uiday next to wind up their affairs.
Aidiland and Phoenix ceMtrate on
the 3d while Foot's creefe, Gold Hill
have their time on Monday the 5th.
Everybody is invited to call and
see the grand display of goods and
get prices at the Nw York Store.
W. C. Parsons, the capitalist from
Arizona was in town again this week
on a visit to Capt. Alex P. Ankeny,
David King is constantly employed
of late hauling lumber to town from
Muller & Cook's saw mill oa Forest
The China houses belonging to the
estate of M. Colwull deceased were
sold to Marshal Curtis last Saturday
for $159.
Prof. KcKanlass, the champion
musician of the werld will play tor
the people of Jacksonville, Wednesday,
June 30th.
D. W. Crosby is now on the special
police force of Medford besides being
general manager of the Riddle House
at that place.
Leave your orders for teams in time
at Ply male's livery stable as his rigs
arc always in demand when thero is
anything going on.
W. R. Andrews, the Medford attor
ney was here Thursday boking for a
house, and propses making this his
place of residence.
Ed. Kinney that popular stage
driver will continue on the Grants
Pass-Crescent City stage line under
the new management.
It is really a fact that a fine suit of
clothes c&n be bought for less money
than any other ilace in the county
at the Nw York Store.
Gtorge Schumpf's business house
and residence brought '$2,000 at
Sheriff's sale last Saturday. Thos.
Chavner was the purchaser.
Another fine lot of btef cattle for
John Orth arrived here Thursday
from Major Barron's stock ranch at
the upper end of the valley.
Both the bridges at Rock Point and
Gold Hill will be free on the 5th of
July to all wishing to attend the Foots
creek or Gold Hill celebration.
A nmber of real estate transfers in
Jacksonville town property took place
this week. Brad Dean bought Sher
iff Jacob's residence for $900, Wm.
M. Colvig boucht Chas. Schultz's place
for $500 and Thos. J. Kenney bought
the Cbavner bouse opposite the Catho
lic Church for $400.
The Juvenile Band has not been
engaged to play at aay Fourth of July
celebration and we acknowledge having'
been wrongly informed last week.
George Stppbenson of Ashland will
be in Jacksonville 'to day pre
pared to purchase about 30 head of
stage horses for the Linkville ro-d.
Fan, fun, by A. L Sales, comedian
and vocalist, with McKanlass' colored
company of ladies and gentlemen.
Don't fail to hear them. Wednesday,
June 30th.
The latest indications are that the
next legislature will be republican in
both branches, with about 12 major
ity on joint ballot if any such ballots
are to be taken.
Wm. A. Owen, deputy internal rev
enuo collector for this district, has
been paying Lake and Klamath coun
ties an official visit this week return
ing home last Thursday.
Quite a number from here will go
rusticating at Cinnahar soon after the
Fourth. If this place could be reached
by wagon it would soon be the most
popular summer resort in Oregon.
Last Monday was the longest dav in
'86 and the shortest night of '86 fol
lowed, there being only one hour of
absolute darknes", from half after 11
o'clock P. M. to half after 12 o'clock
In the museum at Washington is a
pike which belonged to old John
Brown and a cun taken from Jeff
Davis when he was captured. They
are labeled "the beginning and the
The residence of J. G. Birdsey was
discovered on fire on Monday last
originating from a defective flue. A
few buckets of water applied in time
prevented a conflagration and no a'arm
was given.
John Van D.tke is very low and
was not expected to live scleral davs
this week. A tumor caused by acci
dentally cutting himself in the groin
with a knife is the original cause of
his illness.
Miss Emma Montel, the queen of
colored vocalists, is wi'h MuKanlass'
jubilpe comp.inv, and she will sing
"Comingriiro' the Rye" Wednesday,
June 30th. at, the U. 3. Hall. Don't
fail to hear her.
Some fifteen or twenty, persons from
here will take advantage of the Chris
tian Church rxcursion to Astoria and
spend the Fourth in Portland. The
party will leavo here on the 29th.
-next Tuesday night.
Tho Medford "M. nitor" t,usnended
last week and sinew then we learn that
the plant has passed into the hands f
A. L Johnson wJio will continue its
publication at the old place. Mr.
McGmnis will commence teaching
school again so we ure informed.
Excursoin trains will be run beween
A bland and Grants Pass ou the Fourth
so that parties from here cau reach
those places or stop off at either Phoa-J
nix, Gold Hill or tlie stopping place
opposite Foots creek where jccinimo
datum will be prepared for taking
passengers acres the river.
The people of Ben! on county have
by their vote decided that swine dmll
not run at large. The law takes effect
in sixty days from the date of notice by
clerk. The penalty of violating the
law is fivo dollars, to be collided in a
civil action in the name of the State
bffore a 'Justica of tho Peace. Tho
penalty goes to the school fund.
We seen two fine gold bars theothir
day weighing a fraction less than S500
this being the result of a clean up at
L. D. Brown's mill from rock taktn
from the Swinden ledge below Willow
Springs. About 50 tons of rock were
crushed making the yield near $10
per ton. The owners have a bonanza
without a doubt.
Since the political excitement has
died out several of our business men
are again agitating the project for
building a branch railroad from Jack
sonville to Medford or Central Point,
The estimated cost of building and
equip ng the road is from $16,000 to
$17,000 audit is believed that the road
will pay running expenses from the
start. If such can bo done the road
should be pushed through at once.
J. C. Whipp of the Jacksonville
Marble Works is kept busy manufact
uring tombstone, monuments, etc., for
different portions of the county, and is
giving general satisfaction, as he turns
out first class work at reasonable rates.
His designs are the latest and material
i he best, so that those desiring to
mark the last restiii" nlace of deceased
'relatives and friends should give him a
call, for he will certainly please tuem.
The Christian Church at Portland
gives the public a number one excur
sion from all points on the O. i C. R.
R. to the sea by tail and the justly
celebrated steel steamer, Olympian,
and return home for only $11 from all
points south of Reseburg, a trip of 110
miles to the Cascades of the Columbia
thrown in fir only fifty cents extra
while in Portland. Tickets are cood
for seven dajg. The excursion takes
in the Fourth at Portland.
Archbishop W. H. Gross and Rev.
Fathsr Fierns, of this city) left yester
day for Baltimore, Mdi, to be present
at the conferring of the Cardinal's cap
upon Aichbuhop uibbons, which cere
mony take's place on Wednesday next,
the 30th inst. They will return iu
about a month and will probably be
accompanfed by Cardinal Gibbons,
who will invest Archbishop Gross with
the pallium, other dignitaries of the
Catholic Church will be present. The
.Cardinal may be detained for some
time, but will surely visit Portland
this summer. Father Fierns came
here twenty-six years ago from Bel
gium and has all this time labored in
cessantly in the interest of his denom
inaticn. This is the first, visit East
since he came to Oregon. "Newt."
Railroad Items. A corrwiiondent )
of the Anderson 'Echo," of Shasta
County, writing from B-rryvale, says
Chief Engineers Hoi d, Bron, Struw-
bridge, Sisson and bcobie have -visited
Berrvville, and announced" that tht
rai'.road will be completed to that
place in December next. The '"Echo"
man is too previous.
The frequent heavy blasts at the
railroad grading above southerns,
has been rather annoying to teamster?,
whose teams become frightened, nl
though the bosses eudfavor to fire the
blasts when teamsters are not in sigt.
or in the morning and evening One
of Vance 4 Walbridge's 'teams was
badly qcared last neck, causing a
smash up and loss of one horse, but
the railroad company paid all damages.
The railroad force under Scobie,
from what we can learn, expect to
winter at the canyon about halfway
between Soda Springs and Sissun's
where the tunnel men will also be
employed. There will be at least
three months work on the foundations
for the brigde crossing at Sacramen
to rier, near Soda Springs, whpre the
crossing is made on a curve. The road
oetween the county line and Straw
berry Valley, extends back again a
long distance in order to secure a gold
grade, over tlie rough section of con-
try to be hu'lt through. .
Some 40 or mordrailiVil rtien, prin
cipally surveyors, are now at the can-
von between Strawberry Valley and
Soda Springs, surveying the location
of road, so as to have it laid out for
the tunnel men, stone masona and
graders as they progress northward in
this county after the 1st of .August.
Good Showing. Of tha seven stu
dents that graduated at the Slate Uni
ersity last week three of them hail
from Jackson county. The Eugeue
City "Rr gist er"f peaks of them as fol
lows at the Commencement exercises:
The first upon tha list of graduates,
Mr. G;o. W. Dunn, oke from ''Re
form, our national, fcafeguard," and
each principle enunciated was endorsed
hy the audience as Round. Mr. W. II.
Gore spoke with nioro than usual forte
and clearness upon "National aid to
education," and while it is a subject
upon which much may be truthfully
said on each sidf. he seemed to carry
the sympathy of the audience in favor
of the proposition.
Mr. Frank A. Huffer spoko upon
"Radicalism vs. Conserv-atim" nnd
also pronounced the valedictory in a
masterly and attr.ictiva manner. In
deed, while much praise was accorded
to oach of the graduates, Mr. Huffer
was the special favorite, h lowers in
great quantities were carried up and
laid at the feet of the graduates by tho
juniors, from their many friends and
TncSuRvcY of Chateb Lake The
three boats intended for u?e in sound
ing Crater lake are linislied. The
lOiiding apparatus is being made at
Smith Bros. & Watson's, and will be
fitted to the boats. Ibis done, they
will be brought down-Tlo-Ba!l,s boat
houe, foot of Staik street, Mondiy
m-rniug wheio the public may insprct
them. Ou Tuesday they will be ship
IK'd foutli. Tho road from Mtdford to
the lake is blocked for miles by fallen
trees; so a contract was mada to carry
the boatR by wagon via Liiikville and
Fort Klamath. This will lnke about
ten days. The boats have to be lower
ed from 1000 to 1500 feet to tho fur
faco of the water, and tackle for that
purpfse will betaken alon. The par
f will be absent until September.
Long Telkgrapu Circuit. Last
Sunday evening the Western Union
telegraph company worked a direct
wire lirt ween Portland and Washing
ton, dtstauce of over 3000 miles.
Connection was made by the way of
Helena St. Paul, Chicago, Pittsburg
and Baltimore. Five hundred wnrds
were sent form here imide of forty
minutes, which is fant work for buch a
long circuit. On Tuesday night the
same circuit was worked oucccsfully.
The operators say they got Washing
ton just as wo!) as they m-unlly do
Chicago. Repeaters were used at
Helena, St. Pau1, Chicago and Pitts
burg. "Oreeouian."
Recovering. Gen. John E Ross,
who was seizd several days ago with
a dangerous attack of palpitation of
the heart, is fast recovering:. He is
strong enough to be driven out, and in
a few days will leave for the coast.
Gen. Ross was probably the greatest
Indian fighter among tho militia men
of the Northwest coast. Ti.e savages
could not kill him and though he is
past three score and ten, he is still
able to fight disease, though he had a
very close call two weeka ago. May
the brave pioneer see manj more years
of peace aud comfort.- "Oregonian."
Sxake Bitten'. On the 7th inst.,
the eldest son of D. 1. B Ikerback,
aged 12 years, living on Deer creek
Josephine county, was bitten on the
finger by a rattlesnake. With rare
presence of mind the boy wrapped his
finger above the bite and walked home.
Our informant, J. A. Wilson, says the
boy was doing well at last account?,
and will doubtless come out of it all
right. He was kept under the in
fluence of liquor all night. "Courier."
At the race-track near Yreka Jas.
Sutherland is traiuiug the noted
"Siphon," 6 years old,-who had such a
close contest with the Hambeltonian
mare, "Jane L" at Portland one year
ago- Al. Peacock has charge L Swan's
Alta, 6 aears old, McDonough's Sleepy
Kate, 7 years old; Uelia H., 3 years
old, and the 2 year-old fillies Susie H.
and Atlina. He has Alta in fine trot
ting condition, and broght her down to
a mile in one trial in 2.27.
L. C. Coleman has given up the
idea of fighting the payment of certain
taxed assessed against him here and
thU-Veek bought a receipt in full,
HACIOIETACK a lasting and fra-
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts.
a: E. O. Brooks'.
SHILOH'SCURE will immediate
ly relieve croup, whooping cough and
ARE YOU MADE miserable by
indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Loss of Apueiite, Yellow Skin? Shi
oh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For
sale by E. C. Brooks.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
WHY. WILL YOU cough when
Shiluh's cure will give immediate er
lief. Price 50cts. and $1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale nt E. C. Brooks.
For lame Ba;k, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
Cfntn. For sale at E. C. Books.
of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both my
self nnd wife owe our livps to SHI
Brcok3 keeps it.
Master Willie and Adeline Patti,
the two youngest children on the stage,
will postively appear WedueBday,
June 30! h, with McKanlass, company.
OregonStats University,
Eugene City.
SESSION i86-l87,
First term begins September 13, 1888.
Secure free scholarships by applying to
your County Superintendent.
3oa'd anil lodgiut' per week 3. to $5.
Elementary English Department, $3000
Other Departments 4000
Write postal for catalogue with full
parlicu'ars, to Prof. John Straus,
Sec'y Faculty.
Eugene City, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the ctatc of Ore
sron for the County of Jackson.
Robert Westrop, PiaintilT, j
vs. Divorce.
Rnthey Jane Wcstrop, Default. )
To Huthcr Jnnc Wistrop, Defendant:
1 Oregon, you arc hereby required to
appear and answer the comp aint filed
against you in the ub-vc entitled suit in
the above entitled court on or before the
4th day of October, 18SC, that bein; the
first day of the next regular term of aid
court, and yon are hereby notified that if
you fail to so appear and answer said
complaint viiuui bam time, plaintin will
apply to said court lnr the relief demand
ed in said complaint, to-wit: For a de
cree against you dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between you and
plaintiff, and for costs and disbursements
of this suit.
This summons is served by publication
by order of Hon. L. R. Webster, judoof
said court under date of June Si, 18S0.
Attorney (or Plaintiff.
lilli !
ron tub
Grand Celebration
AT tiie
Mouth of Foot's Creek, July 5.
Marshal of IheDay.
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Singing by the Choir.
Prayer by Chaplain.
Re.-idin? Declaration ol Independence,
by Henry Mcnsor.
Oration by Hon. AY. M. Colvig.
After which there will be a Public
Basket Dinner, large tables being on the
grounds lor that purpose.
during tne afternoon will consist ot a
grand parade by the Hoodlumitcs, assist
ed ly the Wapsyturnicans, who claim kin
to the Calithumpians, conducted by the
Duke of Ale' ackiack. There will be
local songs, reading of the Declaration of
Hoodlums nnd a general welcome and
amusing speech by Uncle Sam. Then
comes rheeIliarrow, foot, sack, liorse
racintr, etc. Alter the amusements the
Jacksonville Turnverein will cive a
grind performance. The whole affair to
conclude with a
Grand Ball,
under the direction of Urme Bros., for
which a floor 24x00 fee' has been con
structed. Everybody invited to come
and enjoy themselves. Tickets, $1.
Flook Mana.oeks: Benj. Haymond,
C. C, ilcClcndon, Willis Hays. J. II.
AVhitman, H. N. Helms Abe Loudon and
Clark Savage.
There will be a restaurant and stable
on the grounds.
N. B. No toll will be charged for
crossing the Kock Point bridge on the
4th, 5th and 6th of July. Also a free boat
to cross Itogue river at the grounds.
Committee op Arraoemekts.
pninj.ini ii IIIIM I III! I W ' - ui-i
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Jackson County.
In the matter o t the estate of J . J. Nichols,
1 the Administrator ot the estate of
J. J. Nichols, deceased, has filed in the
county court of Jackson county, Oregon,
his final account as such administrator,
and by order of said court Tuesday, the
Cth day of July, 18SG, at the hour of 10
o'clock, a. m is set for hearing, .all per
sons interested are hereby notified to ap
pear and file his or her objections to said
account on or before said day.
Published by order or Hon. E, DePeatt,
Judge of said court. T. B. Kent.
Dated June 12th, 18SC.
Every one should go and see tho
Grandest nnd Largest Lot
iew Spring Dry
Fancy Goods, Clothing.
Groceries and Crockery
Remember these goods are new and
bought sinco the War in Railroad Rate
and arc sold
Cheap for Cash.
Country- produce bousht arid sold; alsr
wool, Unlcs, i urs and ueer "oKins. :i
cit orders for Lumber JAk Muixer.
ffc Mi
cince I
Pustcitice Uuildin?
T f
fitted with al modern improvements
arc now turning out n first-class ortich
of flour, which is put up in one-fourtl
bairel sacks. and every sack is warranted!
to contain 4'J pounds Ol Hour It you ilon'i
believe this, just compare a sack of oui
Hour with any other brand offered for salt
in this market, aud note the difference in
Flour and Mill-Feed
Constantly on hand and exchanged for
Having added a set of Barley Hollers to
my mill, I have set apirt every Saturday
to Koll liarley for customers. The work
will be done on short notice, so that par
tics can return with their grist the same
day. I am prepared to roll barley nt all
times and in the best manner. Tim pro
cess is iar ahead of the crusher
Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 18S3.
school will commence about the end ot
August, and is divided in four sessions,
of eleven weekscacb.
Board and tuition, pcrtcrm, 540.00
Music lo.OO
Drawing and painting 8.00
Bed and" Betiding 3.00
Primary, per term, 5 5.00
Junior, " COO
Prepiratoy " 8.00
Senior, " 10.00
Pupils received at any time, and special
attention is paid to p'.iticular studies in
behalf of children who have but limited
time. For further particulars apply at
the Academy
Kerbyville Oresou
Mrs. M. Ryder, Propr.
First-class accommodation can always
be had at this house at tho most reasona
ble rates.
2TAn excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
"Sentnc." Office For -Sale.
Desiring to engage in other business
the indersigncd offers the
foi sale at a bargain. For the amount
required no belter investment could be
found.for a paying busine3. For further
particulars call on or address,
Fuank KmrsE.
v ,Sa.ted to TlTottango.
To exchange a house of 11 rooms and 2
lots 100x100 feet with spring and rislern
witter on it, near public school and street
cars, in city of Portland, rents for ?Iio per
month. Will exchange for gook stock
rancc in Southern Oregon.
Address, C. W. Laukes.O. K. N.Co.
Portland, Oregon
"We would respectfully ask our patrons and frieuds to call and see
our line of poods before purchasing elsewhere, ap we ieel sure wo
Sell As Low If Not Lower
Than any first-class goods can be sold for; and we guarantee all out
goods as represented.
Jacksonville, Oregon, May 9, 1884.
Of Southern Ore;pn, are hereby Informed
that in addition to a large and elegant
line of
have addict to mT''stock the following
clasj ot goods, of vhichj have afull line:
Ladies' Furnishing' Gccds,
Both Knit and MuJin. ""
Infant's Wardrobe Complete,
As cheap atg. be bought any place; also
Under 4 yfiJAWd.J,
Abeautiful line ol
Consistlnof Lisle and Silk.
-- -
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets,
25o-rplxyx- Fil-mrzrzr 1m
And many other things too numerous to
mention. I have also secured the
services of a
And nm prepared to execute all Jr3crs in
tlr.it line in first-class style at rcasouub o
Call and see mo at the building form
erly occupied by A. Ij. Johnson nil Call
fornia street. MRS. I. P. PKIM.
Notary Puhllc, Real E&talc Agt.
Abstracts made of Titles to fiimls.
Of all kindsdrawn up, especially pertain
ing to tbu settlement of esUUs.
Colltdor of Accounts Prompt
Investment Securities a Smcialtv.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold.
I have a complete set of Maps of all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and re
ceive abstracts monthly from Ro-ebnrs of
all new entries made. I am thus pre
pared to make out Homestead and Pre
emptiot papers, and can thus save to par
ties the expense of a trip to Itoseburg
Land Ofilce.
Scycral fins farms arc in my hands tor
Prompt reply made to all letfers.
Charges in accordance with the times.
Ilefers, by permission, to C. 15. Beek
man, Esq., Banker; to Hon. L. It. Vc
stcr, Judge of this judicial district, and to
any business house in Jacksonville.
Oflicc at south cast corner California
and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Saloon. And Restaurant,
The proprietor take pleasure in in.
forming tho public that he h:t
thorough1' renovated this well-known
stand and is prepared to furnish
2Presh Sread and Yeats
daily, delivering the same to any portion
of Jacksonville free of charge.
Meals, 25 Cents.
The tab'c will be supplied with a ahotee
variety of eatables, while the best at
wines, beer and cigars may be found ia
he Saloon
tsf'Give mc a call
I have made a reduction in tie price of
hog meat now selling
Shoulders, G cents per pound,
bide-meat, 5 cents per pound.
Good Lard, 7 cents per pound.
It is all open for inspection and war
ranted. John Orth.
SettlR Up.
All persons knowing themselves In.
debted to the undei signed are hereby re
quested to come forward at oneo and
make a settlement. I need the money an
must have it 8? call around at once.
Hmtitr Bactbn.
Poorman's creek, April 10, 1830.
r "