A OSLSOS SSNTiNEL J.llKsD.llKI.I.Kl Satukday, June 20, 188G. Our Prophecy- Shortly after (he election of Senator Mitchell to the Senate, we ventured into the prophesy business, and whether or not our first effort in that line has proved a success must be deter mined by our renders. Feeling confident that- Scott would avail himself of the first opportunity to get even on theKepublie.au party for entirely iguoring his malice hatred and revenge against Mitchell and electing him Sena tor, wo stated that the Republican parly might as well understand now asat Eonie future time that Scott and iho "Oregonian" would be agaiuotthe Republican ticket, it 'matters not who would be placed upon it, and now we ask if our prophesy has not come true. It is a well known custom of the Indians of this coa6t that when they cannot reach the guilty par ty to a wrong committed against them, that some other innocent person is made the victim. So it is"with Scott; Mitchell is beyond Lis reach, hence Cornelius, Mars ton and Waldo wero the victims selected to gratify his pent up re venge against a man who looks down upon him from his eminent position with an eye of pity and cjntempt. He would have the p2ople belicvoathat the election of Mitchell was the only cause of de feat. The labor the Prohibition ist and Chines questions, ho would Have you believe, bad nothing to do with the result, notwithstandi ing the gre. t excitement ihe Chinese questiou caused a few weeks before tbo election. Ilor. JBiuger Hermann is elected and is a friend of Mitchell, an enemy of Scotts for Scott recognizes no man his friend, that is a friend to Mitchell. Therefore we ask why is it that Hermann is not also de fcated with tho rest of the "Mitchell ring." The Portland Daily "News" of the 10th, has the following: Senator Dawes threw a bomb into the camp of the Kentucky whisky producers by a Senate resolution, calling on the Treasury Depart ment and tho Department of Jusi tice for information in regard to Secretary McCulloch's celebrated order b which whisky exporters wero given an extra seven months to ship goods; also to the decision of the Department of Justice, by which they nre permitted to re import their goods and let them lio another three years without the payment of tax. The resolu lion was passeu. iliis means snmo interesting developments, and a good deal of music in whis ky jcircles. The methods by which this order was obtained were somo what devious, and if Mr. Dawes follows up his inquiry there will be interesting develop ments. It is not improbable that tho iuquiry may result in tho re vocation of the order by which tho re-imported goods are per mittcd to lio in a warehouse three years longer after making a tour abroad. Governor Adams is one of tho best uaturcd men in tho State of Nevada, yet ho has more old bums and strikers after him than anybody, all the time. When ever ho appears on C street they follow him up or head him off, and want to talk politics and of chances for re-election by intro duction to confidential requests for coin. Ho geuerally is consult ered good for from four bits to 5, but always stauds them oft' with lour bits each. He thus charita. bly gives away his entire salary, and would be reduced to poverty wero it not for his miuing and cattle interests. Virginia City "Enterprise." Tho "Oregonian seems to think that ifBlaine isuominated in 1888 that be will oarry this state by 5.000 majority. As the "Ore gmiau" furnished the Democracy their campaign lies against Blaine i.i 1884 aud that the state was carried by a handsome majority ! for him it is therefore evident Oregon laquina bay, 100,000; that-iho "Oregonian" is not the Coos bay, 45,000; Portland har all powerful organ as the editor bor, 5,000; Cascades, 250,000; would have it appear. I Columbia river, 250,000. '"ioiiSwainpLa.ndCtuses "Va21iixgtov, June 23. The com bined, legal talent of the in terior department has been spend ing its time for the last three days trying to arrive at some rule that shall govern the department' iu future in ruling upon swamp lands. It is a general principle that all oveiflowed lands not fit for culti vation belong to the state, but it is claimed that iu the states of Oregon and California, especially, there are thousands of acres claimed by tho state that really belong to the general government. There are 38,000 acre involved in the present controversy in Ore gon. It is particularly complicat ed, from the fact that settlers have taken up a good deal of it and received their titles from the state, and it immediately be comes a question as their standing in case tho lands revert to the general government. It is pro posed to settle the question once forall by ageneral rule if possible. A. 0. TJ. W. The Supreme Lodce, A. O. U. W beau its sessions in Minneapolis, Juue 15th. Supreme Recorder and Sec retary's report exhibited the fol lowing financial statement for 1885. Receipts, 331,000; dis bursements, $25,349; balance on hand, S5.G51- Relief Fund re eeipfs, 05,241, disbursements, 01,550. Tho Benficiary Fund showed a total of 1 284 deaths dnrlng the year, Kev, York and California being the first and second in magnitude. The total beneficiary assessments during tho year were 2,580,408,85; losses paid, 2,5GG,458. The to tal number of death losses paid since organization are 7,009, am ounting to 13,875,148. The re port of the Supreme Medical Exi aminer emphasized and asked legislation on the following points: Uniform medical exami iuatiou blanks; submission uf all proofs of death to the Grand Medi ical Examiner, and reporting of death in English. It is certainly amusing as well as disgusting to tho intelligent people of tLis state to read the many silly squibs m the "Oregon ian" since the election. The edi tor would have its readers be lieve, that the defeat of the Re publican party was due to Mitch ells unkiudness in firing him out of the Custom House for "mal feasance in office," aud nothing more. The labor question, the anti-Chinese agitators figured but little when compared with Scotts hatred of Mitchell and bis desire to get revenge on all who have the least friendship for Mitchell. "We will say to the editor of the "Ore gonian" that if it is his iuiention to get oven on all of Mitshell's friends, we would advise him to commence first in Southern Ore gon, for tho reason that we be hove his lease of life will be end ed by the time ho gets through with this section. Somo inquisitive journalist has ascertained that of the 408 Sena tors, members and Tenitorial del egates who compose Congress, six-ty-tnree Baptists, forty-one Epis copaliaus, thirty-seven Presbyter, iaus, thirty-six Catholics, fifteen Unitarians, eight Lutherans, ten Christians (CampboIIites), aud two Quakers, making a total of 2S3 who are actively connected with some church, organization. This leaves 125 who etiher never bd longed to any church or have drifted out of such associations. "Wo would suggest that the 1 oung Mens Christian Associa tiou of Portland, appoint a com. mittec to wait ou Harvy Scott, for tho purpose of ascertaining how many years-in the future, it will require to apeaso his hatred malice and revenge against Mitchell, aud to oiler to him tho benefit of their prayers, to aid him in his christian work. AniongfSome of the most imi portant changes made by the Sem ate committee in the house river and harbor billrare the following, the amounts given being the totals of appropriations reconii mended by the Senate committee:, Klamath Circuit Court. The followinj proceedings have, tak en place in the circuit court for Klam alh count: John F. Miller vs. Jas. Tobih; mit in equity. Dinibsed at plaiutitTt cost. Alford fc Bragdon vs. S. E. Pur-i dam; to recover money. Judgment for $350 and costs. F. Roper vs. S. E. Purdum and J. W. Weaver; to recover money. Judg ment for 325. Porter. Sletunger & Co. vs. Purdum & Weaver; to recover money. Judg ment for $675. Geo. A. Kohn vs. Purdum &. Wea ver; to recover money. Judgment foi 1.076. John G. Eliallock was appointed bailiff for the grand jury. S. B. Cranston vs. Q. A. Brooks; to recover money. Continued. Emma C. Carlock vs. Win. E. Car lock; suit for divorce. Default entered and referred to the County Clerk to take testimony. Truman, Isham & Hor.ker vs. A. P. Carrick; to recover money. Judg ment for 631 and costs. Jos. Hendrix vs. M. A. and C. C Dixon; partition of realty. Dis missed. Geo. Schwenck vs. J. F. Munz; to recover money. Dismissed. Geo. Schwenck vs. J. F. llunz; to set aide deed. Dismissed. John F. and W. P. Miller vs. D. Cronemtller; anneal from Justice's court. Dismissed at cost of defend ants. State vs. Samuel Gaidner; indict ment fur disturbing the peace. Din missed for want of jurisdiction. State vr. Clyde Daniels; indictment for larceny. Dumix&ed. The indictments heretoforo found against several of the liquor dealers of Klamath county were dismissed, under the decision of the Supreme Court in the case against T. C. Gaunt. State of Oregon, ex rel. D P. Shook, vs. J. H. Colaban;'contcnipt of court. Taken under advisement. Wate'house & Lester vs. A. D Carrick; to recover money. Contin ued. Philip Mathews vs. A. D. Carrick; to recover money. Same. James II. Culahan vs. Amon Shook; injunction. Continued. Amou Shook vs. James II. Colahan; injunction. Same. Chas. Putnam vs. W. S. Webb, Sr.; injunction. Same. Nancy A Baker vs. Lewis A. Bak er; suit for divorce. Decree granted. W. J. Paul vs. Louis and Martha Land; suit in equity. Continued. a The Fourth at Phoenix- Tho following excellent programme has been arranged for the celebration at Phoenix on July 3d: 1. Music By the Jacksonville Sil ver Cornet Band. 2. Song PhoVnix Glee Club. 3. Prayer Chaplain, Rev. A. R. Bickenbach. ' 4. Song Glee Club. 5. Music Band. 6. Reading Declaration A. Soule 7. Music Band. 8. Oration By Prof. M. G.Roiol. 9. Song Glee. Club. 10. Mumc Band. There will be free dinner for all. After dinner toasts nuil general amusement consisting of sack racts, wheelbarrow races, foot races and other games too numerous to men tion. "Washington, June 23. Repre sentative Hermann, of Oregon, secured from the secretary of war to-duy an order rescinding tho former order removing soldiers from Fort Klamath. Sheridan has issued orders to the officer iu command at Klamath to hold his men there. State Teacher's Association. Profatsor E. B. McElroy, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, I has decided to hold the annual meeting of the State Teacher's Association at Yaquina city, commencing, on July 6th and closing July 9th. The rail road companies will make greatly re duced rates to all atiending oler their lines, and the hotels and boarding houses at Yaquina city, nud Newport and South Beach will entertain those attending during the days of the ass ciation not to exceed SI per day, Ar rangements have been made for the accommodation of 320 persons at this rate. Undigested Food In the stomach derelops ao acid whfch stings the upper part of the throat and palate, cans lng"heartburn." ItaltoeTolvesagaswhich produce "wind on the stomach, ' ' and a feel ing and appearance of distension In that or gan after eating. For both this acidity and swelling Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is a much better remedy than alkaline salts, like hartshorn and carbonate of soda. A wine glassful of the Bitters, after or before dinner will be found to act as a reliable carminatire or preventive. This line specific for dyspep sia, both in its acnte and chronic form, also prevents and cures malarial fever, constipa tion, liver complaint, kidney troubles, ner vousness and debility. Persons who observe in themselves a decline of vigor should use this fine tonic without delay. MARRIED. Wilkinson Oktu In this city, Juno '-'3, 18SG, bv Kev. F. X. ttlancliet. Ed ward Wilkinson and Miss Flora Orlh. BORN. Kline At Ashland, June 1C, 1S8C, to Jfr. and Jlrs. C. II. Kline, a, daughter. Hocceksmith Near Jledforu, June 4, 18SG, to Mr. and Jrs. J. 3f. Hocker- smith, a daughter. Scott In Langell valley, KlamatU county, June lith, to Sir- and Mrs- rank fccott, a son. WnrrE At Rock Point, June 21, 1886, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whiter a son. Cook On Foot's treek, June 18lS8G,.to Mr. and Jrs J-A. Cook, a son WircnEB In Sam's valley, June 17. 18S6, to Jr. and Jrs. Wm. Witchec a son. PYEHIA Is the most virulent form of blood-poUon-Ing. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer tain! v so, is the titiation of the blood of which tho first symptom are Pimples, Sties, Boils, and Cutaneous Erup tions. "When the taint of Scrofula rives warningofitspresencebvsuch indications, no time should be lost In uslnx Ayer's Sarsapaiulla, the only perfect and reli able medicine for the purification of the blood. SCROFULA Is a fonl corruption in the blood that rots out all the machinery of life. Nothing will eradicate it from the system and pre tent its transmission to offspring but Ayeii's Sarsaimiulla. Thh prepara tion is also the only one that will cleanse the blood of Mercurial poison and the taint of Contagious Diseases. Impover ished blood is productive of ANEM1A, A wretched condition indicated by Pallid Skin, Flaccid Muscles, Shattered Nerves, and Jlelancholy. Its first symptom are Weakness, Languor, Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental De jection. Its course, unchecked, leads me itably to insanity or death. "Women frequently suffer from it. The only medi cino that, while purifving the blood, en riches it with new vitality, and invigorates the whole t) stem, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. SoldKfrtJjnruggists: Price $1; HsPtes lor i5. Administrator's Sale of Eeal Property. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT by an order of the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, on the 8th o!"Junc,18SG, the same being a day of the regular June term, 18SG, of said court, the undersigned, as the administrator of the estate of Wm. Briner. deceased, was authorized and commanded to sell 'he following describ ed real properly, belonging to said estate and lying and being in Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit: TheW WoftheNE U andNW if of S E if and lots No. 1, 2 and 3 all in sec tion 20 in Township 37 S, of ranse 1 west, in Jack: on county, Oregon, and contain ing a fraction less than 1G() acres. And in pursuance of said order I will on n(urd.ir. September 4, IS.SC; between tliehours of 10 A. M.andS p. M.of said day, at Ihe fourt House door in Jack sonville, lackson county, Oregon, sell the a' ove d-seribed real property to the high est bidder. Terms of Sale Said property wi'l be sold for gold coin cash in hand on day of sale. 11 c UODDAKD, Administrator estate of "Wm Briner, deceased. June 12th 18S6. 15.F DOWEL As DAUGHTER Attorneys AT LAW 1 Vu'kcy's BiilJlsg, Portland. Oi 7irieular atoM on rUl r vyiilv salt, lanl tit ph nnI co' eclioe, in-ijuJing Uor eimnentt'hi ni. Lsridaid I s Mr2ss Fir S'.la or Leass. I ia tho owner of va farrca All 1 are r.v r-ailir i- pprinK n-'l bro Irs im'ir.nnir: hi9 '-ryia io . J'tiey hiro h h liabe-iw. 1 v in-n Int. on-,.; on h ar!-nn 1i i O ooh ii-ua Ku".ii ijei ari ii i. e,t b't-i x t 'Ji t-ues It? It mil .".. t ' o'h . 1 t nt J .!!.. ilh: in-li laii r l-.i. tnrh-trdinuti thata m yt Ihol ml t w II cultiratalt tor iuttier i.ir'icu as i on ro .f a-0 U. f. DOWELL. This space is reserved for Mrs. M. Mensor's I MILLINERY STORE. DAVED LBNEM, ASD DEALER MJ corral TimraiirjGs. J shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand oi made Xo order Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court ot the htate of Ore gon for Jackson County. In the matter of the estate of Julien Ras pot, deceased. NOTICE IS 1IEKEBY GIVEN THT the Administrator of the estate of Julien Raspnl, deceased, has filed in Ihe county court of Jackson county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator, and by order of said court Tuesday, the Cth day of July, 188o, at 'be hour of 10 o'clock a . m set for bearing. All persons interested aic hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said ac count on or before said day. Published by order of Hon. E. DePeatt, Jtt.l se of said court. IUnlAEi. Mohat. Dated June 11th, 18SG. Petition For License. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, E.B. Caton. will apply to the County Court at the July session for li cense to sell liquor in less quantities than one gallon in the town of Central Point for the period of six months from July 11, 1S8G. E-B-Catos. Central Point, June 13, 1836 F.EITSCHABD, PRACTICAL. Watchmaker iD Jeweler, California Sreet, TAKES a specialty of cleaning and re- 1VI noirtnrr tratrhpfi And docks. 2St Clunr-r are reasonable. Utre me a call !.. ...,... -. rj rep yS inOFFFNS FURNISHED OH THE Merritt's Cash Store. The Only Cash Store in Jacksonville! . ( Spring Stock! New Goods, isnsw PMGES ! Coffee C. Sugar, 13 lbs. for 1 00 Powdered Sugar, per box, 3 00 Choice C. It Coffee, perlb., 14 Fair C. R. Coffee, per lb., 10 Choice Oolong Tea, per lb., 60 Oysters, per can 12iand... 15 Gloss Starch, 6 & box 65 Assorted Jellies 25 Good Lard, 10 lb. cans 75 Sardines, per box.... 10 and.. . . 15 Dress Goods ! Fancy Ginghams LIsTJECDST ULSTERS ! Bed Men's Building, .... A. H. fflcegfy & Co Successor to Bilger & Maegly. Selling goods lor Glory and Yery Small Profits. We keep in stock all kinds of Shell Hardware, Stove and Tinware, Oils and Plows, Wagons Harrows and Cultivators I amps, Bells, Bope, Iron, Paint and other Brushes, Curry Combs, Tacks, Window glass, Coal oil, Hinges, Blackings, Pad locks, Door locks, Powder and Shot, Fues, Caps. Sand Paper, Knives and forks, Cross cut saws, Hand saws, Planes, Nails Traps, Grind stones, Bolts, Augers, Cable chain, and man other goods too numerous herein to mention. Largest Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements in Southern Oregon. Call or write for prices A. GENUINE CLOSING SALE. Owinc to ill health and recent fina eial cd to retire tcrmancntly from the mercantile entire stock ot At the Old Ashland Store, At an ffVsiaMeteo Coi I The Store and OFFERED Ashland, Or., June 26. 1885. JAMES DEALER IN Crf&eeries and Clatlilig; HATS ANB BOOTS, Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Etc., Etc. California street, between Oregon and Third, Jacksonville. CALL AND SEE MY Fresh New Stock and New Prices ! PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN . Farm, Hill Machinery BUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Headers LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, McSHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS, TWINE BINDERS, BUFORD'S GANG & SULKY PLOWS, COATE3 SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOTT A CO.'S Engines & Threshers, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER & CO Saw Mill Machinery, RANDALL WHEEL HARROWS', CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUCKBOARD WAGONS, HARROWS, Etc., Etc., Etc. A Pall Line Of Farm Machinery, Write for catalogue. Address either FRANK BROS. IMFL. CO, Portland", Or. Or, R. "W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. apr II 3 m French Calf Sewed Bcots $5 00 Carpets, Floor and Tahl Oil cloth in excellent patterns Good Calf Boot 3 75 Good Kip Boot, 2 50 Boys' Suits, 12 to 17 years 6 00 Men's Suits, fair. 10 00 Ladies' Stockingi. ... 10 to 60 Ladies' French Kid Shoes, 3 50 Ladies' American Kid Shoes. ... 2 50 . ... Jacksonville, Oregon. p II . Maf.olt & Co., Jacksonville, Oregon. difficulties, tbe undeisientd has conc'ud business, and therefore oilers for sa e his Fixtures will bo FOR HEISTT. . J M. McOALL DRUM, TO OFFSET The Dull Times NLWHAX FUilER n.is marked his goods down to Hard Times Prices He will sell you MORE GOODS for LESS MONEY than ever UToreiold in Jacksonville. His stock is AS GOOD AS THE BEST, And bis prices w.ll ASTONISH YOU! It is needless to enumerate the artielt lie h.1C tn fll n hf. kpim fvrrttiit,f 1.. be found iu a first-class General Merchandise Store Vhcn in town give him a call and ho will show yon go oils at prices that will KNOCK THc HARD TIMES, Idea clean out your head. His stock Is varied and complete, and you can hardly abk lor anything he hag not gut. llemembcr the p'acc coroner of Call fornia and Oregon streets. Highest Market Price PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE! ESTCall and see if this advrrtisemenl is not as true as gospel. NEWMAN FI-HER. ' ii..,--., 0 IIUNTMS EMPORIUM! Jacksonville, Oregon. J0I1X 3I1LLES, - Proprietor. DEAM5K IN ALL KINDS OF AGKI cultural implements, tools of all kinds and a general assortment of shelf hardware. He also keeps the larpcst stock of, and all the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, AND A FULL ASSORTMEXlf Of Fishing Tackle, lewder, Shot, Etc ALSO LAMPS, CHANDfTUlERS AND ALL KINDS OF orL. Give him a call ami examine his stock ln'fore m.ikinj; your purchases. Faksier's S'TOKE Medford, Oreoox, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's. The undersigned takes fileajnrt fn an nouncin; that he has opened his place of business in the new town ofJledford, Or egon. nndis now prepared to furnish, in quandtieito nitr GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CAN DIES, HUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHIN.G, Etc, My stock Is fresh and first-class, and t propose to keep a full assortment of eveix thing in my line and sell at - PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Alt I ask is a trial, E2?"Highest price paid for Produce. Wmk