s OREGON SEHTffiEL. OftJGOd SEtfflHfik PUBLISHED SATURDAYS ABVEfvTISINQ RATES. .-hlvertisemnts will bo Inserted in the' Sentinel nt the following rates: Ten ines, one insertion $2 50" " ' each subseoucnt insertion. SI 00" t!Sf!l5s 1 IT Jacksonville, - -- Oregon, FRANK KRAUSE f E R M S One copy. Per Tear, in advance, t'4 SU - Legal a(lvertiscnienU Inserted roiw sonaoiv. Job work or all kinds done on prompt? notice and in workman-like style, A l)t-toaii to Ycmly AtUertlMn. VOL. XXXI-iTO. 2 JACKSONVILLE OREGON, JUNE 26', ISS6. as PSK 1'EAR, v ' db &3tS&? a AKvA &&$& i ... . tjit i- -n - -""-- m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. R. YfWN(J, J!. D., Physlcan And Surgeon, Central Poist, Oregon. Calls promptly attended Iff at all hours. .L. L, WHITNEY. M-T-, it aol-point" oreoo. Having located at this- p?acfl f asfc a shire of the patronage of this section'. Calls attended to It any time. XV. EVmi-rMAMSOlfc ATRONEY &COtlNSEtOB.T-IXW Medford, Oregon. All business in my line will receive prompt attention- P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAAV Jacksonville, Ogn. Will practice in ad the Courts of the Rtn(e. 0 fflcg fa Court ll .-.: T. B KENT, ATTORNEY &COtfXBELEAT-L.4"rV.- jACk'soAvittE Oregon. VVTil practice in all the Courts of this State. Office in the t ourt -House. C- LEMPEET, M- D-. tiraduatcof University,-Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended' to at all bonrs day and night. Office opposite Slover Hoicl.-Jacfc-Aonvillt, Orcgow. K. I'Tjcr, SI. !.- Iv IV Geary, . I. PRYGE & GEARY; PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, 3Vociror-c, 3x-. Offices. For tiro present will bo as heretofore. J. W. ROBINSON H D.,- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jacks tmvilo, Ogn. FFICE-Af City Dnrg Store. R-i-dence on Fourth St., op..osilc 31. L. Church. (Jails promptly attended to. Jay and night. B. F. DOWEl.Lj ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Portland. Okegos. All business placed in my fiands w'.ll to. etivc prompt attention. Special atten f'mn givento collections. A. L. JOHNSON, Kotary Public, Eeal Estate Agent and 6llte or JModforcl, O I ntafe conveyancing ami furnishing ab Iftracts of l.md titles a specinhy. Loans ffcj.vliatctl ami ro ledums Hinder AH Business inlrustccf fo my Circ will receive prompt and carelul attention. WILL. JACKSON,- TjENIISI, jacksonvillk, oreoon. Teeth extracted at all hours. kfuiiliing gas administercil, "if desired lor which extra' Charge will be Inidc. Oflke on corner of California arid Jilli street. M. 0. alBBS. Ir. . STKABKf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TTORNEYS AND COtfNSELLORS, Rooms 2 and 4Strowbriu'gc's Building, roitfLAND, OH.EGOS. tVill practice in all covins of record in the State of Oregon and Washir.ton Tcrri tojy; aad pay particular attention to business hi K"derl courts. THE ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College',-Preparatory and' In strumental music For particulars or catalogue' apply to the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon, it. G. ROYAL, A. M,. President 1 PRIZE. Send' si cents for nostacc. and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help all. f either sex. to more money right away titan anything else in this world. For ncs awVit the workers absolutely sure JMoeceeddreMTnu? & Co., Augusta, Jle OffiRlilD TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. 4nd connections. Time 2 days. Fare from Portland to Kin Franclico 833; to bacranif nto $30. Close connection; made at Ashland fcith fclages of the California Oregon and Idaho Stage company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY) East Side B-lvisibn. Between Portland & Ashland . Hall Train LEAVE. f AHR1VE. Portland.. 7:30 A. M..Mcdibrd...3:24 A. ii. '3Ic-dford..3:25 A. M.Asbland...4:l.r) A. ir. Ashhmd. 9:30 p. m. Mcdroid..l0:10r.ir. Medford.l0:ll r. m. Portland.. 4:2o P. m. Alban) Liprcss Train. LEAVE. ( ARKIVE. Portland ... .4 :00 p M Leban'cn s,. :20 p' M Ltbanon...4:43 A Jl'Portland. .10:03 am Pullman Palace Sleeping cars daily be tween Portland and Ashland'. The O. & C. It. It. Ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on the East Side Div. Iron loot off St. TTcst Side Division. Between Portland & Corvallis. Jlnll Train. LEAVE. I ARRIVE Portland 9:00 A m arvallis...4:30 pm CAjrvallis.4..8:30A MiPoitland...3i20pM I.sprcss Train. LEAVE. Portland 5:00 rsi 5Ic31innville5 :45 am AnurvK. JIcMinnvillcS OOrM Portland.. .8 :30 am Local tickets lor sale and baggage checked at company's up-town office, cor ner Stark and Secoud streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured and baggoge checked at com pauy's office, I'ornrr I' and Tront , Portland, Orcson, Freight will not be received for ship ment after five o'clock r m on cither the East or West Side Diviiions. It. KoLiiLEif, E. P. Rogers, Manager. G. F. & Fa3r Act Citation to Heirs. Injhe County Court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Jackson, sitting in probate. May tenn. 18b0. In the matter of the estate oi William Briner. deceased. To Lemuel Briner, Kiizabetli Briner, Ma tilda Foster, JIatilujNiccwarmer, fclsie .Ilan-ey, TIios. Briner, George Brinier. 'l'ernina Glandon. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that B. C. Goddard Administrator, has filed his petition prayiiigfor an order of'-iirtcouit to sell the following des cribed1 fear property belougiug to said e tatc, to-wit: Lots No. 1, 2; 3, and the W 1-2 of the N E if and the N W if or the - E 14 ai: in section 2, Township 37 south, range 1 west, Iffciifcd in Jackson countv, Oregon, the li.mcstead claim of Win. Briner, de ceased. Tbercfere nt(ce Is herelij- ciTf n to tltp licirs-at-I offti ideirMp lliat llie prayer of faulpititlitu viUbe be-tril ami lc termincU at (lie usual place nf lioMing Ctiuuty Cicit in Jacksonville, tn wiij county anJ Slate on Tuesday, Jlini-8ili,lSS0,t lOo'clocL A. SI. irtvriitchtime tlie slUlitha and all other, iutcrested Iniindf,tateare Lereb notified to appear and sbon cuue, if tliey liave, nbi an order ofsdle sliould Dot be ln-idea in the afore-utld J etllionpraeilfAr. l'ubliftlud bjurderof Ilou.U. llrl'eatt. Judge. Atti m: M. II. PAIIKEK, County Clerk. , DRESSMAKING, BY MRS. J. m. am, OTaCltsori-cillo, - - Ogn. Having moved to a new location on California strce.V at the residence of E. Tl l,nrtr?l,- 1 licrMiv- nftt m- frinnilc 'amfthe public generally to give me a call for anything in the line of Dressmaking, fining ana uuitiug, Dress Patterns FuniislieJ. My prices are regulated fo suit the times and satisfaction is guarintccd MRS. J. M. SMITH. Notice. Lc-d Office at Rosehuro, Ogk., ) May 20, ISSfi. f Notice is hereby giten that the follow-ins-named settler has filed notice ol his I intention tn make final proof in support 01 111s cianu, auu itiut sutu pruoi witi ue made before the Clerk of Jackson cflunty, at Jaeksonillc Oregon, on Tuesday July Cth. 18SC. viz-: Elijah Smith, nre-eniplion LD. S. No. 4428 for the S E if ofN W if. MC2( townsinp 3 soutu rangeauest He names the following witnesses to prov his coutinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: James Jeff rey of Jacksonville, Win-. Rav, Alex. A. Ingart nd James McDonnah all of Uniontown, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. BiiNjAMiN. Register. County Treasurers Notice. Office of Treasurer of Jackson Co ) Jacksonwlle, Mav 14 JRSG. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH.4T there are funds in the Cbunfy Treas-urj- for Uic redemption of the folhming couuty warrants, prolestcd up toJUfyO, 18S1;' Numbers 093. 709. 830, 833, 837, 832, S4'i,402H.849,8D&;.779,333. 903, 11)01,71, 727,153,39. 51, 9i)i, 810,752. 93,97,132, 870, 14G, 139, 14S, 147. 195. 149, W2.-W0, 1 14, 133, 125, 94, lil, 45, 11C, 501 Interest on the same will ccaVc from this dat. Jf ewmAS Fisher, Couuty Treasurer. WANTED A capable rdah or woman,' of unusual energy, to take the agency cf this or some other county lor the "History of California." To the nsht party it will pay $ 100 to $300 per month. ,.! T hrDOAr ir . r :j iuuii-ss f 1. iio,, juauacr weejucu- Ul rnpiisnmg uo, lu suiter street. san Francisco. mar27 1m. tradeImark. Wk Is U lit! H I11& VHft si, & Absohttelu A Tree from Opiates, JJmcties and J?oisotu SAFE. te?m. SURE. iCtS FROrPT. J' TUC UULLS X. UdLLEC COnifn30KE,3TJ. Ceres Hhei 2""r, Hccta, 1U(L1. UfZtla'a ACOlDttUe, Pi:iti 1 iiTY cTS. I AT nHu;br A'l DZMLES. CIUCLZS X. TUbCLLU tLlLTIiOitL.IIO. TUTT" The Greater E;di:al Tnnnrpa of ths Agol SYMPTOMS OF A KPg3 LIEi. X.ose of nppctltCt Bowels costive, Pain In the bead, w'lU n dnll scneation in tbo bacU part, i,in nuilcr tbo shoulder bladCf Tullncss after catluc, with n. dis inclination to exertion of body orinlnd. Irritability of tcinpcrV IjOWpirItsf with afcclinjof hr.Tinirncslcctcd nomedutr W'czrincs', l)izzfncst, riutlcrhiznttho Heart Dsts before tbo cjrc, Hcndacbo over tbo risht eye, Iiestlcsenci3t vith fitful drentns, Ilitcbly colored L'rinc, and coNST.PATiow. TCTT'S riLLS aro cspeelally adapted to such casc, 0110 dnso ctfects such a cbatig!ioffccliti5rrt3toa&tonislitliosua"ercr. They Inrrtafco tho A ipctltc,ncd cause tho body tn TaUe ou Ilcii.thu the Mtcm is nourished. nrl bythur Tonic Action on the llsestive Orscai, Itrcular S tools aro lrodurf1 Prlee liftc. -4 ft rinrray t.X.Y. C HtlHBtfa DYE. J. S3rlKfc SJ7 UBkiua iiaufcia finAT niTCi or Wnisscr.s ohanced to a GLOsir iiLAcr; by a sinsio application o( tlU- Dye. It imparts a n itural color, acH iistamanccufly. feolil by Druggists, or ent liv express on receipt of SI. OfTioo. 44 Murrey St.. How Yor! QEG. RrEVS&r WAGON MAKER, tTaciiSQnvilie, Gr. At the olu stand of S. P. Ilnnna, in Crone miller's building, ktt ps ou hand a lull Kne of Wagon Material! And is pi ared to do all work in his line on sh' I notice and id a vnrl.ni tnlike man cr. Vehicles of every des cription made to Older. Repairing A Specially. Terms reasonable and satiifacation guaranteed. Geo. Rieves The Bitters' Guide is Is sued March and Sept, each ijcar: 216 paef, 8xllJ rjnchcrf with ov-r 3,300 illustrations r hole pic ture callcrv. -ves whole sale prices direct to consume jn all goods for personal or" family u Tells how" to order, and gives cxar cost of every thing )ou use, catt drir wear, or have fun v ' h. Theso iuva ible books con tain" information gleincd from the map kcts of tha world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 27 : 29 Wolicli Arcane. Cilcixo. III. Men Thi'j tfiey know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do.- Not to know is not to have. 'smim 'r.ocsc!zk''Wt iikFOR JSSG WQ be auTled FREE t. an appUcutfl. ao-1 laeiifunoer, et Jut Tear Tltboat wderlar it. it conuloi .boat 120 pacel, CO lUMtnaofit. prlecj. accsrate dcurlptinni and eataitt, tfirerUoAt farpttBUoe all rarietlea r VEGETABLE aad FLO WEB; SKblS BULKS, etc loTtlaaM. t. an. eapeciallT to atarkrt Qardraer,. Send fbr It. D. M. FERRY CO., Detroit, Michigan, We cucttv.i to act as So!I;Itors for Patents, CsYeiJs. T-Je Marks. Copyriirtrts. etci. lor lha Ct.it: - a. -s, taj atla. Cubs, England. France. litrisii) Ct.- t.e tare tad thlrty-tlic c.-trT fxiicrlrufc. .It. KiUu 1 tlJU'tBrsareRctlced jithe fciEvTric 'JiliKAi lblhir!reardT!lcrdid i .ostritfd wcclly i aj cr. $3.20 a year. slK.ws ttePr .TUt fi . clei cc. 1 itrj Jntcrcstnitr. and cos aa en 'rrvius cirrulaticn. Address jiUhK X i".i, "ate t SoUctirs, pub's rl .cIEXTinc oJCSiCAi. Sia Uroadway eK' Ttrt. lt 1 r-k-i:HJiii PRi,t5 'rpe. a week in your own town . Terms and $5 outfit free. Address H" Hallet, & o., Portland Maine, eft- 2&&2Eigm80&Ad $ rTFrv THE GREr'TZWnt?fW , 25 YEARS EN USE. $P' fr& zz&rmM BSBM mmwA'wM ii&SJ Fort Klamath We understand tbatthrSecrsUTy of War has lately issued orders to aban don Several of the Government posts, among which is Fort Klamath, Ore eon, ard we think be has eftiwir shown poor judgment, or else been il advised by other parties in regard to Fort Klamath. Since this order- has been issued ws fcsve' been in constant re ceipt of loud remonstrances from the settlers of that faft of the country entirely unprotested from" the nutn crous predatoryihandg'jPPrto, who are onl) kept in subjection by the presence of au armed force sufficient to overawe any attempt at lawless ness In our estimation, any parties suggesting the abandonment of Fort KUniath either are endeavoring to make polirrcal capital or are in an at tempt to make a cheap reputation for econemy, that would prove very much the contrary, as the massacre of Gen. Cauby is still fresh in the memory of OiPgon; and to ajstlti leave the settlers unprotected by militia, voul'J bo like leaving a babe it? ibe haudi of some savage animal. Thefort is Totaled in a thinly settled portion of the State, about 4000 feet above the sea level ou an open plain. Thtf grjund during the whole year is covered with frost, and it is impossible to utilize this land for farmiug purposes. The only um which can be mado of it is for grazing. The natural resources are alnioUeuliie ly undeveloped, and the Indian agency is six miles distant, where Iarg-t bodies of Indians live, whoso pursuits are of the most peaceable nature, OT.-rng to the simple and convincing fact that any uprising would be promptly quelled by the military authorities qunrtertd in close proximity; and there is no reasonable doubt that the spirit of peace now so prevalent among tha citizens, as well as the Indiuti would be seriously disturbed by abandoning the roM. There is no denying that the natural antipathy existing letwttn . ' " t whites tnd Indian, generally taJeir in connection with thu fact that the nearest fort would be disUnt several days journey, would encourage the In diaus to drprtdalion, or to summarily resent real or fancied rnftfrics. This, of course, would cause bloodshed, and possibly a prolonged and expen sive 'ar, destructiye ulike to tht'pres ent and future prosperity of the coun try. While the country is sparsely settled, still it will rapidly advArce, provided the settlers Can he made to feel that the government will protect them. Under such circumstances the development will be such that in' time the fort can be abandoned and the country still governed. The run of seals along the cast is almost phenomenal in its excess, it being difficult to overstate their num. ber, which appears to be counties?. Herd after herd of thousands in num ber are wending their way to tl e north. Old sealers say (hit uev-r in their recollection were tne anni mals so numerous and had it not been for unropitious weather thu catches of the schooners wou'd have been enormous. Gsld Beach Gazette." A' theif in Fort Valley, Nc, hired a little negro' to go down the chimney of a certain strre and Opened" the back door promising him fifty cents and half vlmt he could carry away. The boy went down several feet and then stuck fast and he could go neither way. He yelled for a long time be fore he was heard, and seemed very glad to go from the chimney to the lockup. " Skeleton of a man in a sitting pos ture was unearthed in Nevada sity on May 20th, by the workmen engaged in grading in the streets on Aristorc racy Hill. The oldest inhabitant is unable to account for the presence of the remains fn" that locality, being more than a half mile from the neatest cenietty, and no one remembers of auy ' ie being hurried there. Ir. Carl Schurz denies that Mr. Randall's proposition to certificate the whole eligible list of a civil ser vice examination is inimical to. re form! Every sensible mau felt that it was. The Oregon senate will consist of twenty republicans and democrats, while the house will probably be re publican by two majority. Subscribe for tha Sektinel. A Snake Story. l'h almost incredible storY recent ly printed-about the death of a boy near Grand Falls, Maine, from hemor rhage caused by pulling from his mouth a live snake which had grown to his flesh proves to be literally true. The lads name was George Murichson, and his age is 8 years. He was bright little" fellow, and lived with his parents on a farm about four miles from the town. Early last winter the boy began to act strangely tick. He had a moat v qracinus appetite, and it was impossible for him to get- enough to rat. Hid friends got alarm ( about it and sent for physicians, who began dosing him for worms. As the winter wore on the boy grew worse and worse. One day he fu'.t something crawling up from his stomach into his throat. He almost choked to death, for the crawling creature tried ineffectually to come out by the nasal passage. In a short lime the snake (for such it vra) forced his way up-the boy' b throat and stuck its head out of his mouth. The lad's sister who was ntarby, saw the had of the serpent just boforo i'. drew back into the boj's mouth. Vvry soon the s'iake stuck his head out a second time, and his lit1 le sister made a grab at it and pulled fiom the l.oy's mouth a live snake fourteen inch' s long. It hail a piece of llcsh at'ehed to its tail nearly a-! large as a hen's egg. Tl e bov lived a short timer only after the snake was taken f.-om him, dying of violent hemorrhage. It is supposed that the boy hud gone to sleep in some field and that the snake bud crawled down his throat. The reptile has been Dreserved in alcohol. Governor Siriuford of Alaska, who has gone Co' Washington makes an interesting report of the managoment ot affairs it that territory. There is a law prohibiting tha importation of whiikey into the territory, yet very inferior whisky is cairied tl ere and sold at prices rangina from 8 to 512 per gallon, thus aff'iding an enormous profit to the liqtl'of dealer. Governor Sniceford hid occupied the govern ment house but a. littli while when the outgoing marshal presented him with a bill for the furniture in the house, am ounting to over 200. Afterpayiuglhe t'ill the goverrror' learned that the furniture belonged to the government, !-ut it was too late to recover his money, as the ex marshal had' ab sconded. It nasr also beerr ascertain d that thu former officials' have been in the habit of riding on the steam ships on passes and then collecting money from the government a'jif they had paid their expenses. These peo ple thought that the governor was un necessarily squeamish and particular when he declined to follow the prac tice of his thrifiy prjdecessors. We say to readers that we" believe that the intuition and duty of all kinds of popuTar government is to promote the interests and protect the rights of the misses of the people. Fur us to accomplish' this it is our duty look out for the interrstests of our own people before thove of Canada or Europe 6r Asia, and that to do" so properly will set tne American' labor high above that nf foreign nations'. But besides this, inasmuch produc tive industry is the hub of the nation al wheel, it raHst not only be protected but diversified, and its dcme.tio' hind erances removed that the labor employ ed in the pursuance of its varisd inter ests shall have a just share in the benefits to be derived, so that labsr shall stand on the same plan as capital sofar a government protection reacbes and that labor then must enter upon pits own broail Gdld of rffirt which offers reward to every industry, tem perance sad education; so that he wlo k will may buildand engrav-R golden- letters on ths battlements of time. Friday night there was a big storm At the mouth of the Columbia river, which lasted until Satardav. Many daring fisherman were caught plying their vocations, and in- all twenty seven of them weredrowneJ. Among Lthosa who were lost were tlilly Lynn, a pagilist, who is Well known herej and a man known as Big Steve. Since the defatof N . L. Butler for congress, bis wife has given birth to twins. Wonder if they are boys? The Governor of New Yorkjfhas signed a bill permitting wunen to prac lce law there. Obitiiarjf of Mrsf frillie F-MacCrimmon- MAcCnisiMOX-Trilie-' F. Klippel.wifeof John C. MacCrimmon, departed this" lite at her home m .North laKinia, v. T., June 8, ISSO.-alter in illness.ot two "wctks, agtl tiTenty-ninc years, two mouths acd one day. She was born at the G'rman M. E. parsonage in Springfield,-Ills., April 7, 1857, and in th" eleventh year gave her heart to Christ and openly unitstr with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she remained a member until the end of herearthly pilgrimage. Less than one year ago she gave her hand in marriage to her now bereaved hus baud, and they both left this city with bright hopes for a long prosperous anil useful career at their new home. Ala, how futile are all hum-in anticipation--! Her illness bad its origin in prematcVe confinement, her child surviving but four hours. Ten "or more years of her riper maidenhood she was very useful as a Sunday School worker, and the members of her clashes in JacksonvUlle and in our German mission school in Portland, will nevor forget the pre cepts of her example and teaching. Iu disposition she was gently kind and unassuming. Prominent in her relig ious character was a strict conscious ness, combined with a quiet, hopeful cheerfulness. To her venerable pa rents, her beloved husband, her three nrotuers and one sister,, with many other friends, her memory is precious, and they may well cherish the rich legacy of an upright, cbris tan life she has left to the-m. Appropriate funer al services were held at North Yaki ma, conducted by Eev. Mr.- Fish, of the Columbia River conference. -"She is not dead, butslerpeth." F. Borc', Her former pastor. Portland, Or, June 1G Wn regret to chronicle, as' we do this week, the death of Mrs. Tiliie F. MacCrimmon. daughter of Rev. and Mr.s. Adam Klippel of this city. She was one-of theexcollent of the earth, worthy to live but ready to die, and from her place and promise of useful ness on earth has gone to her higher place above. The sympathies of many friends are with the bereaved. Ed. of Pacific Christian "Advocate." The railroad construction superin tendents are troubled a good deal with the white hands they have been em ploying lately, most of them working only a day or two after being passed up over the road fiom below, other wise the work would go on faster. The company are therefore compelled to depend maiulj ou their Chinese hand, and are tjffngni'g' up all tire' Chinamen that can be engaged anywhere on the coast, to put the road through speedilv. The grading has been completed for a long distance above the end of pres ent terminus .at Gibson's and if the bridges are built as speedily above Southern's as below, it will not be long before trains can run up to Bail ey'n oda Sprius. The railroad men expect to have the road completed to Sim Southern's, (Huxel Creek) by the l"st of July, to which point passengers and express matter will be delivered and received, thereby reducing the distance between railroads to 1 10 miles. This will leave only about 9 or 10 miles more road building to' reach Biiley's, which point it is claimed, will be rtaclietl by August 1st. After leaving Biiley's, the work will be in Siskiyou, as Bail ey's is close to the county line. Wants To Find Her Niece Mrs Clara Thompson is very anxious to ;find her niece whose jiresent name she does not know, but whoso maiden name was Clara Ileger. Will piper throughout this state and Washington territory please give publicity to this paragraph? Information may be' sent to the "Oregonian." A cafile foom London' on the 6 h says that there is lit'le hope that Glad stone's home rule' bill1 will lio ptsljed, but that Parliament would be imme diately dissolved, itnd anbther election called for. Nice jSIace, East 'St. Louis. The whole police force has been detected in n conspiracy rob the b&riks. One hundred and fifry immigrants from North' Carolina arrived recently in north Idaho. A b'oody war is said to bfi'in pro gress upon the gold coast ot Africa. Why Eve Didn't Need A Girl A lady writer in one .of our ex changes furnishes sormr res-snns why Eve did not keep a girl. She says: "There has been a great dfal said about thu fault of Women, arid1 why they need so much -vaitinjf on. Some one, a nian of course,, has tfc pr sumption to ask, 'Whv, when Ev waa manufactured out of a spare rib, a servant was not manufactured- to- wais on heit' She didn't need any servant. A bright writer has said: 'Adam never came vv hining to Evo with a ragged stocking to be darned, button' to-ba-seeded on, and glov'es to h mended right away quiek now.' He never read the newspapers until the sun went down behind the palm trees, and be, stretching himself, yawned out, 'Is supper ready, dear.' He made the lire and hung the kettle over it himself, we'll venture pulled the radishes', peeled1 the potatoes-, and did everything elu' he ought to do. lie milkej the cows and fed the chickens' looked a.ttr thu pig himself, and never brought horns half a dozen friends to dinner when Eve hadn't any fresh poinogrutitttes. Ho nevaY stayed out till' one o'c'otl: n'. niht and tien sco'ded bccau.e E-e' sitting up and crying iniwe1 tle twvtp. Ho never loafed around corntr gro ceries while Eve was rocking little Cain's cradle at home. He never called Eve up from the cellar to' put aw ay his slippirs; not he. When he took them off he put them under tha fig tiee beside his Sunday boots. In short, he did not think she was especT' ally created lor the purpose of waiting upon him, and he wasn't under tb impression th tt it disgraced a man to iighten his wife's cares a little. That is the reason Eve did not need a hired girl, and with it is; the reason that hot decendents did.' si Mystery. Every one remembers well, who iai" passed that way,? ibe olu New Yb'fc House, which standi a short distanco below tho foot of Scott mountain, in" Trinity Valley. It is situated in ohe ofihemo3t lon'y and un-frequehted spots to be found in this region, for merly it served a3 a stopping plate, for trav lers and teamsters, liut 61 luc j ears it has been deserted altogether save by an occasional tiaaip o' hunter that took rtfuge in there for" a singln night. Last week it touk fire end burned down; curiosity prompted some of the passers by to look at tho' ruins, when to there amazsment the' outlines of a gravo weie discovered beneath where once stood the house. A croMof persohs was eoon collecteJ and the grave opened, when tneskel ton of a human being was discovered that must have lain there" the last' twenty years or liiore. And nbrt the question is who is the myserinus dead that has been burried beneath the old New York housel What murder and robbery t'bok place there so' long- ago' that all the traces of the missing one is' lost? Already we hear the first of tha' numerous stories that will spring up' concerning this ruvstery. It is said that about twenty yrirs ago a man left Indian Creek mining cirf.p with a large sum of money and was last about half w-a) down Scott mountain, since which tiuio he ha3 noVer been beard froif. It will bo strange' indeed if after aU these silent years this mat lers hould be traced up and brought' to light. One thing is ccatain, viz,, a murder has taken place at this sp6t, and the victims bones wero burried beneath this old wayside stopping place. "Scott Vallsy 'News." Washington, June 14. ThV Pres ident today a-ppoihted William J. Bryan to be postmaster at Sskv Fiar.cisco. The appointment is gener ally considered a good one" At Sarf Francisco. Ho was formerly city" recorder, which position lio discharg ed .veil. He now-owns a drug store. Mr. B was appointed postrsuMer on the joint recommendation' nf Jsu D. Carr. and others. Jolyi P,. Irie-h and P. B. Tully were first choice but so much fractional oppo'. sition was- manifested that they fin ally united on fe-yarra secohU choice o Throasli trains froii Montreal for victcriu will begin runirlg-ou" lha $ of Juv, and through telegraph er vice will be;in at the same time. The cyclone is the anarchist of thi air, a sort of a sky crunk, aud a w.iya out on asir.ke. I