IV The Bootblacks Strike. The crazo for striking yesturday penetrated the dir which covers the Btinoflhe bou'.b'ackx, and they ex pressed their determination to shut up their kits if thpy could not get 10 writs instead of 5 for a fhiuo. The fi it intimation of the pending strike was conveiml to n gentleman who was having hii tlio-i polished yester dav rucrning in front of Barnum e. After one shoe had In-cn fired up the bootblack inform") Ins customer thit hevould not touch the other until be T was paid 10 cents. The gentleman protested and then pleaded, but the ur eoia was inexorable. Then he hunted up another bootblack aud offered him Vba' 'to jT.'isb tlie other Bhoe. He met nt.li a refusal from every botblack he approached, and he was iipelled a nt o get Hip one who 1ft hrst Hi. . a ins slioes- ana pay Ihim 10 cents to completo the job. T.e boy's Buccess encouraged them jubilant. At noon, with a flying ban ner iusenbed with skull and cross- bonem, a procession of them marched up Baltimore street. Some of the ur C ins say that a new schedule of prices will go into effect today. Others say that they are not orgauized and that the demands of some will not be re spected b) all the Bootblacks. Balt imore Herald. At theMay Meeiin of the "Board of Trade a coniiuttttso was appcintod to consider the advisability of sending an exhibition car to San Francisco daring the G. A. R. Encampment in August, to contain simples of grain, coreals, etc., of Oregon production. This committee considers the idea a .mm! nnR nnd will ins.ke a. favorable report. Tlie Immigration Coinwis (doners will also send a car Eist this vear, but it will not go further south tha l Mason and Dixous line. It will uiake its first appearance at the Minue upolis IndusliUl Ex.oMiiun in Sep tember. Last ear $5 000 w& expeu dep in airauging an exhibition car lhat was bent to the New Orleans Ex position. Also 20,000 pieces of immi gration lileiaturo were printed and distributed an New Oileanes. Oregon derived no benefit snd did not gain a kingle immigrant by the venture; and but three letters" of inquirv regarding the State were received from the South. Anyway, the luiuiigrmiou Counuis tioncibdo not care to hive sympathi zers of Jeir Da-. is to settle in Oregon. Tney intend if possible, to bring- only settlers to tbu Stato. Tin Willamctto between Portland Find East Portland, is to be bridged, the bridge on the Portland side Part ing from the foot of Morrison strebt. It is proposed, says the "Orejjouiau, to build a masbive bridge with stone piers, fcteuldi aw, und wood and iron frame. The prepuiutiou of mateiials w ill be begun at once, and actual work will begin when lha rivor recedes suf ficiently to peiuiit operations in the channel. Te biidgo we are told, will be open to the public in Novem ber. The cost of the proposed struct ure will be about 6150,000, of which two-thirds have already been subscrib ed n Ssn Franti-co. One-third will bo takrn in Portland, much of it nl laendy havin2Rubcribod in small turns by men who do not rank as capitalists. The directors of the company aro Win. Bsclf, president, Charles F. Swigert, secretary Rufus Mallory, C. M. Wie berg and J. W. Brazee. The manager and buptsiintiudeut is R. W. Gavill, San Fraurisco. Tim terrible cyclone iK-ilio-east on the 1 lilt and 12th. inst, covered a vid scope of country. It paid iti un vflcomo and dangerous visit to parts of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, and Kansas, and despoiled towns aud destroyed a great amount of propertj, .ud many lives. We, that livo in ii favored country where such terrible devastations of the unsjry elements nre never felt, can hardly realize the severity ot one of thee terrible cyclones of which people of those ttatei are in ri'mast cmstant dread at certain; ea Bons of the t car. Okegon Pacific Notes. Sa the CorvalliB GazutU: The company will hoon bti;iu contracting for piles. . . .Ex curkiout over the Orej,cn Pacific are LeiuK talked of Contract for ties are being rapidly let by ilia company ut the r&to of 22 cents The steam- thiu Yiujuina on her lant trip, brought up a larga lot of steel rails for the i-astein exteniion....Mr. G. W. Iunt, the railroad contractor, is tet tin'g every thing in readiness to com jnpner work on the eastern extensicn of the Oregon Pacific. The House, it i said has passed pnlj 10 per cent, cf the 9,303 bills presented, and 80 pnr cent, of tbass wr private bills. This is about the course, of legilation every session, and it it hupgeslivo that private bills (hould Le fetnl to some spescially de i4uated tribunal. The work of the last six months Is certainally not cieditable to the House. The Democratic toaster, which has lieen a tare bird in Oregon for a num ber of years, will agtin apnear This r? to be a great year far honey on the Pacific Coast. It will there fore be the best of years for honey moons out this way. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath accured by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E. C. Btookn'r. Nasal Injector free. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh riniedy Price 50 cets. .at Brook's. HACKMETACK a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts. at E. C. Brooks'. B0 DnVAr"p'nw? n 5S Absolute! Pure, 'J'lns powder never vanes. A marvel of nuritv. urenulli and wholesomeniss. -More economical than the ordinary limltf nnd rnnnrit tin sold in comnetillon with the multitude of low test, Jlmrl weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cant. RoYAI BaKIIsG IYw dek Co , 100 Wall-st., N. Y. Efoaa THE GREAT ipscio 'a- Fon LEVER ISEASE OV?QTflPJ3i Lutcrorbad taste in moath; OkKiriUiilOi tongue coated vhite or covered with a brow n fur ; pain in the brick, sides, or joints often mistaVen for Rheumatism; sour stomach ; loss of appetite ; someti nes nausea and watcrbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costne and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of haUn failed to do something which ought to have been done ; debility; lowsp'rits; a thick, jollo-appearance of the skm and eyes; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high colored, and, if allow ed to stand, deposits a sediment, SUMS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY vegetable:) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid liver to a healthy action. It acts Avith cxlraoi dlnary efficacy on the IVER, KIDNEYS, -0 awn ROWELS. M EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOB Malaria, Dyspepsia, Conllpatlon. HiUiunebS, Hick lleailacho, Jauuillcc, Naueca. Tolic, Slcnlal Depression, Dow cl Complaints, Ktct Klc., Kc. Endorsed by the use of 7 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY RiEDiC.KE For ClJWrcn, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IH ANilcSDmeN OF THE SYSTEM! J.K.2ESLEN& CO., sole rnoraisTOKS, PIHLADCLFIIlA, TA. rmcK, S1.00. Citation to Heirs. In the County Court ol the State of Ore gon for the county of Jaekson, sitting m probate. May teim, 18S0. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Mc- Kavauaugh, deceased. To the next of kin and all others con cerned in said estate. VOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED X that James G. IJirdsc', Administra tor, has filed his petition praying; for an order of said court to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate to-wit : The undivided one half ol the saloon property situated on the north side of vainurnia street in me iuhh m uav-ivu-ville and known as the "Farmers Ex change." inert lore, nonce is ncrcuy given tuiuu hcirs,-it.law of srid estate that thenrwr of said petition will be heard and deter mined at ine usual puce oi ito.ume county court in Jacksonville, in said countvand State, on Tuesday, June 8th, 18S0. at 10 o'clock a. m, at which time the said hens and all others interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and show cause, if any lliey have, why au order of sale shou d not be made as in the aforesaid petition prayed for. I'ub'ishwl by order of Hon. E. Dcl'eatt, Attest: Wil. II. I'ARKER, On Clerk Eevised Ph sicians ZPoo :ill. Office prescription.... Visit in town Kight visit in town... Consultation Phvsical examination.. $ 1.00 ...... .uu 400 500 5.W) 20.00 Obtetncs in town.. Iustrumeutal or lirotrated cases extra. Surgical attendance accorning to mag nitude of case. G. II. Aiken, M. D. J."V. Ronsox, M. D. Geo. DeBais M. D. MILLER BEOS. Dealers in Field Vtstlable and Flower Setds Imperial Egg Food, Garden Tools, Fertilizers, ETC-, ETC- 120 2d St-, between Salmon and Taylor, Portland. Oregon CITY BREWERY, VF.IT SCHOTZ,- Proprietor. T WOULD MOST nESrECTFrLLT IS. form tlie citlxeni of Jackaonr.Ue and J3 i thevorlilst Urgt. tblt they an ODd,tre urtlA.t mT Urewery. the bcitUger '' bt.r. In any quantity the purchasei may 6t sir J My home Uconrenlenllyiltuatei and my rcomi are I a:wavin ordr A iut wuipiuie yrn EXCELSIOR LITBRJ2BASD FEED Corner Of OHEOOX AND CALIFORNIA ST3., Jacjsoyille W. T. ri'SESALB, prop'r. Would respectfully inform She public that he has a fine sto'ck of Horses, Buggies and Oaiagei. And he is prepared to furnish his patrons and the public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific coast. Sad die horses hired to go to any part of the county Animals Bonglit and Solil. Horses broke to work sinsrle or double Horses boarded and the best of care be stowed upon them while in mv chargu A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited on reasonable terms . E. H. BASER, Merchant Tniior, Jacksonville - - Oregon. The sul)cribcr tak s pleasure in in (ormim; the public thnt lie has opened a Tailorshop. m THE O0.I9 KE FL?jT Building, and that lie is now preparca 10 do all kinds of work in Ins line in a su perior maimer and at prices to suit the times. CSClothin? made after tlie latest and best styles. A. large lot of samples al ways on hand to select fi om. II. H. iSAKEK. iJlijangc h iHauagemcut OP TSIE U- S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the uniiersispuii take pleasure in announeins to the public thai a complete change will be matte. Tlio 1"fclo will be supplied with weiytliing the market ffords, and a general renovation ot the 33ccl cs.ii.cS. Hooina will be made. The patronugt of the pub lic is bolicited. J DkHobovm. V t II MC SI Eon B THE SPF.CIAL.IST, Has had 25 vcars exp:rienco in the treat ment of liranlr. Nervous And Ffivale Eiskjcs And having thoroughly proved the mer it ol his Si'ECiKic KEMEiucs, in tlie treat ment and cuiii: of many thousuid cases, lie now offers them to those in trouble to cure Oiemsdtes ut horn. Ir. M"IM.YS !nrrtfle rorUniinrrlica, " " .'iirclll.-Ii;r )i;i:ils. HiiTllic for iermatnrr!iea. " bntclOrlur (ntiurrli. Price ol cither remedy, o.00 icr case. Scut by express, p.ickeil sveure from ob servation, on receipt of price. Call at office and Private Dispensary. Multnomah block, opposite Toit Office, Write to Dr.. N. S. SnssEY, Box 623 Portland, Oregon. WOOL WANTED Parties lntvng"tWTooT for sale will find it to tlnir advanage to call on me before selling to olherparties. as I am pat'ing the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For both Spring and Fall clips. Call on or address mc at Ashland, Ogn. David C. IIkhkis. Ahland, Oct. 0 188 te R-3 5Ei 3-4 t- 1 5 f; '- m ?- hi ,i r i SIgSL. M BE A B? g Hi b'L LS i en. j- silsheps nxTtn?.vi tile hesedf G'nras Icsttt Rafef r'u a 50 !nft!i!ile CllOg FCi ftS.L K.IKDS QF Pil.ES. m r3 jSFri r-T-T rr7rcn fs.a tiwi t?A &1 '1 . Cstta e es h K.IttJBLl, In lirs Sew Building Jscksorvillc, Orcjor. DEALER AND MOKKEK IN SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVE!: HARDWARE. TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE ROPE, NAIL3, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass ODTLKttr, WIRE, Sbot.Srnshs, Chains. Ztoso ETC., ETC- I have secured the services of a first class mechanic, and am prepared to do all repairing promptlv and in superior style. In connection with the above I am re ceiving and have constantly on hand a full and first-class stock of GROCERIES, DKY-O00DS, GUM B.'OTS, TOBACCO HEADY MADE CLOTHISO, ULASSWAUE. CROCKKRY, 4c Everything sold at reasonable rates. K. KUliLI. Jacksonville, March 9, 1878. iiiti m m. ti AT . E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. Clocks. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with ami without alarm. W AtCllOS . Gents', ladies' and Ixiys' gold nnd silvci huntingise, open-face and skylight watches, Trom ?5 to $100. Brncolots. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and banglt, bracelets. Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stone cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls, and onyx rings Tiith hidden mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California rngs. Diamonds in even- shape. Ladies' sets of jewelry, from the 50cenl lilacK set to tlie S'-JUO bird setsol diamonds. Gents' and ladies' cold chains, lockets- and charm&. 3Fi2i3 and Sixttoxis. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. Siltrexr W7n.ro. Silver and silver-plated knives, lorks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sngar-spoons and tongs in cases IVTiBoollanooiis. Gold ana silver thimbles; gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full slock of every thing in the jewelry line. A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc. A lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and first-classlincol HOLIDAY GOODS. All to be sold at tlie LOWEST PRICE! .41so accordeons, violins, banjos, aud the Iswti 'ine of violin, guitar and banjo strings. I Vhe best sperm oil for scwine machines. A lull line ot Drugs and Medicines. .Prescriptions trefully compounded .E. U. UUUUh.fc. EMPIRE HOTEL. Modford, Or. W. Cunninghan, Prop. This commodious and well arranged lotcl is now open for the accommodation if guests and will be kept on the mos ipproved plan. The table will alwavs be supplied with he best the market affords. Especial in- lucemcnts are offered the traveling pub lie. .7. W. CUHNIAGHAJI Hertford, Feb. 25. 18S4. Man a Lady is beautiful, a! I but her skfny and nobody has ever told hiT bow ea'jy it is to put becutyon 'ne skia Beauty on tnc skin Js Magnclia -balm. THE FARMEll'S STOUB ! Colman's old stand. A. G. COLVIN, Hereby informs the public that he is dis. playing at the above stand a first, class stock of General JUerchandise Which he will sell At Very Low Prices. His stock eoosisto of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groceries Provisions, Etc, Everything is fresh and of good qual. ity, and prices put down to The Lowest Notch! "Country Produce bought and sold. Remcmbe c ma old stand, and give me a cull when in town. A. G. Coia-ix. Rogue River Distillery, JACKSONVILLE, John A. Hanley, - Proprietor. Caton & Garrett General Agents PURE. UNADULTERATED AKTICLK OP BOVJiBOJr.RYE AXD CORN WHISKY IN qnASTITIEK ASD AT PRICES TO STJ1T- Satisfactioc guaranteed. All those indebted to the Rogue River Distilling Company, either ly note or book account, nre requested to call and settle at once as an immediate settlement must be had All accounts not settled by thsSth day of November will be placed n an attorney s nanus loi coi'ctioa. For further particulars call on the un dersigned or my agent at Jakes' nviKc, M. Caton. J. A. IIaslky. Jacksonville, Oct 15, 1885. TABLE ROGJC SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIJVTJSJV and HELMS, PRf)PRIETOr.3. Tie proprietors ot this well known and popular resort world inform their friends and the public generally lhat a complete and first class stock of the best brands of liquors, wines, cijrars, afc and porter, etc. arc constantly kept on hand. They wili be pleased to have their fiwiuU "call and smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. "Wc would be pleased to have persons possessin!; curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we w ill place them in the cabinet for inspection. W1NTJKN & 11 ELMS. LUMBER FOR EVRYBODY STERLING 6 Miles South of Jacksonville, IS NOW UNDER FULL IIEADWAT and is prepared to furnish the market with ever- description of lumbci ofasupt rior quality at the lowest rates. Bills sawed to order andsatisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed to us at Jackson villc will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. JACKSONVILLE GOOEPRAGS, Adam Sclmiilt, Propr,, Jacksonville, Oregon. The undersigned is now prepared to make anything in the line of barrels, kegs, vats or tubs, and will also do any kind of repairing in this line. A good assortment of suitable timber kept con stantly on hand. Sorghum kegs made to order in quan tities to suit at reduced prices. Give me a trial. ADAM SCIIMITT. Jacksnville Crescent . Mail Ronte, Cit P. McMahon, Proprietor. Stages leave Jacksonville every Jloaday Vednesday and Friday mornings at 3 a m. arriving at Waldo in Ihe evening, where close connection is- made next morning lor Crescent City. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San Francisco will be sold for $18 by this route. Express and order business dons at re dueed rates. P.HcSIAHON Proprietor CITY BARBERSHOP California St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon. The undersrsmed is fully prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. UEORGE SCHHUPF. DR. LIEBiGIS TVontdorful Gerisau lnvigorator The oldest, greatest and best remedy for the cure of Xei ous and Physical Debi' ity. Vital Exhaustion, Semi nal W takness, Loss of Man. ood. Failing Memory and Relaxed and'Enfctblcd con ditionsof the Geniio-Urinurn ah Q 9 CD organs. It speedily cures Impotence, Early Decay, Loss of Visor, Seminal Weakness, and all the sad ef- CJ tects ot youthlul follies anil ssr vj aousc or txcess oi JiuiuniV" O tt permanently prevents X "H L'nnatural Loss from the -y s stem, as tliousantls can at test who have used the Rem 2edy In the past quartcrofa century which it ha3 been before the public. It is Indeed a 'Wonderful Remedy toning the nerves strengthen ing the muscles, checking thenaste, in vigoniting the whole system and restoring the aflheted to health and happiness. The Dr. will agree to forfeit $1,000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason so many can not get cured of Weakness, and the above diseases is owing to a com plication, called Prostatorrhea, with Hypcr.ieslhia which requires special treat ment. Dr. Liebig's Invigorator, No. 2, with our peculiar special treatment, is the only cure for Prostatorrhea. 15y it Manhood is restored and the hand of lime moved back from age to youth. Price ot either 'invigorator. 2. Case of six bottles, $10. Sent to any address, covered securely from observation. ur. L,icoig ts vO. treat successiuuy ny Homccopathv every form of Special, Priv. ate or Chronic disease without mercun or naseous drugs. If vitality is drained from the body, numerous diseases touow that bafile ordinary medical treatment. II allowed to continue, the unnatnral loss causes Consumption, Diabetes, Brights, Disease, Insanity, etc. uures guanimicu Diseases of the genito-nrinary organs, kidneys, liver and bladder specially treat ed. Diseases of w omen speedily cured. Qualified and Responsible.--Dr. Liebig & Co. from Europe, are oiganized in com pliante with California Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular college ed ucation and arc now in their nineteenth year of special practice. Most powerful cloctric belts free to pa tients. To prove the wondertul power of the invigorator a $2 bottle given or sent free ( onsultation free and private. Dr. Liebig's wonderful German invigo rator is protected 1v ropywright from Patent Office of United States Govern ment. Beware of imitations. Call or ad dress Lir.r.io DisrisAi'.Y, 400 Geary Street. San Francisco, C.il.. Private entrance, 400 Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearny. Main Entrance througj Dispensary Drug Store. SiREXGTHESISG REMEDY AH1 is the legitimate result of oiertwcn tyycarsot practical experience by a thoroughly quali fied graduate phy sician of one of tlie highest medical colleges of Europe. It positively cures TUIAI. MOITLK KItEI. Nervous and Phy sical mi unity, oeminal weakness, sper matorrhe.i, Impoteccy, Prostalorrhoea. Ilvucraesthcsi.i over sensitiveness of the parts. Kidney and Madder complaints. impurities oi i:ie uioocl ami Uisasesot tlie skin. It permanently stop all unnatural weakening drains upon the syMcni. how ever they occur, preventing iinnlimt.m seminal losses, debilitating dreams semi nal losses ith the urine, or whih- a -too! etc., so destructive to miud and iKHly.and cmes all this evil effects of onth'ul follies cice&ses. rettorinjr exhanstid v'.-.llii I Sexual decline and loss of n.auLooil, how ever coinpiicnteil. A thorough as well n ncrroincl cur and complete restoration to pcrfi cl hmlih. Strength and vieor of.manhood is absi lutely guaranteed by this.iustlyce'ehratvd reliable great remedy. Price 2 ."0 per Ixittle, orfive bottles lor $10. Sent ui..u receipt of price, or (J. O. D., to an v add res secure from observation and strictly pri vate by in:, c. n. ,siLrii:n 21G firarny street 9an rranrlsco Cat. TttllL BUlTLi: FKl.K. Sufficient tOshow its merit will be sent to any one applying by letter, slating his symptoms and age, Consultations strict ly confidentia', by letter, or at office, free For the convenient of patients and in or der to secure prefect secrecy, I have adopt ed a private address under t kick all pack ages art lorwarueu. tjsgs sumsrr side, A. CIIALE, Proprietor, California St, - - Jacksonville, Has just been furnished an elegant new SSMBSmLr Billiard and Tool Table, The finest brands of Always on'hand. Nevo Ciqar Store. B. ROSTEL, Dealer in flzarc, Tobacco, 1'Isnrcllcn, Xollous .'" Also keeps a full line of musical instru ments, consisting of Vultnrs Kanjoi. TamlMrlnn,. Acorilcon. llarinoiiIftiH Lfc. Give me a call and I will satisfy you both in price and in the quality of the goods offered for sale B Kostei, Criterion'1- Billiard Salonu CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, Proprietors. HHIS popular resort, under new raan- I a;rement, is lurmsuing tue ucst uranus ot liouors. wines and cigars. Thercading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me StfCall. ' iJSf il CM Invalids'HoteliSurgiGallnst'itute BTTJEF.AT.O, OST- -2" Orsanlzcd with a full Stan or eighteen Experienced and Slillltal Thyslclans and Snrseons for the treatment of alt Chronic Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Clironlo Nnnal Catarrh, Thront an T.uiig Disease, Liver and Klduor JJlueascn, Itlndder DUeases. Diseases at Women, tUood Diseases aud Nerv ous .iieciioiiK with or without sec with or without seeing the patient. Comoantl s curcu aero or au nonrj cured hero or at home. (Jo ira 1 see us, or Bend ton cents "Invalids Guide Uoolt," Yrhica clvo in stamps lor our "invalids- all particulars. ! Delicate lOlSE&SES. NcrvonDobIlItv.IiriTo tener, Nocturnal Losses, mulnll itlorMd Conditions caused by Youthful Fol 11cm and Pernicious SoII- u tary 1'rncticcs are speedily' peedil by on 3 nnrl mmvinonMv iirtl li m, Specialists. Boot. ixt-pald, it) cts. in stamps; ,,. I, hi llupturo, or Breach, radi al I cal'y cured without tlio knife, 9 sillPTUR- U without trusses, without pain. min m y,il H and wlttiout ilanicr. Cores f i Guaranteed. Book sent tor ten cents In stamp. 1'ILC TUJtOItS and .STUICTtTRES treated under tjaaramco to cure. Boole scat for ten cents in stamps. Address VoRr.D's impBxRY MLDirAb Association, 03 iloia. Street, Ba'Jalo, N. X. t tmm-i The. treatment of miif 3 f?,-,-.!- nn? thousands ot casta of thoa fluiSEaSES OF g.afeease3 peculiar to i Wnaca ! csrossxsxo- 1 tJUniufl. ! nt tho Invnllds" Hotel and ' '"' "" Sursrlcal Institute, has af forded lanro experienco in adaptias rcniodlca for ttcir cure anil Zt. PIERCE'S avonie Prescription Is the result of this vast experience. It i3 a powerful Restorative Tonlo and Nervine, imparts vijfor and Gtrengtls to tho system, acd cures, na it by-majric, L.en--corrlica, or wliltc,' excessive Iloivin-, painful ruonstruntlon, un natural ii!iprehloiis, prolnpxiis or" taillii? of tlio uterus ivenk bnelr, autcvcrslon, rctroverHlou, benrlue .ioivii Rousatioiiv, chronic eoiixe tion. Intlaiiiniatlou and ulceration ot tlio womb, listlaminntloii, ynln nud tcudcrncK in ovarlcc, Internal licat, aud "female weakness." It promptly relieves and cures Nnnsesj. and Vcaknc3 of Stomach, Sr.dises-' tion, ISloatluir, Nervous I'roittratlon aud Sleeplessness, lu cither box. rnibS 41.UU, ion 95.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's lnr.ro Treatiso on Diseases Of Women, Hta5 trA!d. World's Dispensary Msdical association, 603 Ifein Street, BUFFALO. H.Y. S? 8&K-HEADAGHE, SiiIiou9 Itcndaclit Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, nml Bilious Attack. promptly cured by Dr. 'JWf TljrAAfl PlAnnnilt wJ5 Purgative Pellets. JS c;nta a vial, by Druesistsv KPISC'IAMsT An.l tJltAUCAfB,) - v o. 11 Kearny Slrccl, Sau lMiicl.ro, t'al TltEATS Al.t, CllltOXIC, SPF.CIAI. AND PBI VATn DISUASE8 WITH WOSDE11FDL SCCCLSS. THE GREAT ENGLISH IJEMEDY """tfe-f. h-. T ndt-or.rjinirfc ''J&&g0t? cm for Nervous D? J', V,'' bility. Exhausted Vi- 'T -T V tidily emi11.1l Weak ,f fe' r iV" flCM, Sperin.itorrhcea 2" '5. XW -t Lobf Jlanhood, lnl- -.; v "" " rlmea. Paralysis aatl V-.-Xv-f" 'd Ihi' terr.i'lo elKcu inH- 4z .ifseir abuse, vojlh. "r " . . "(1 I'xd'iers in maturer year, auch us of einory. I.:isi:ude. No liirn;,l Kmiions, wiTsions to Society Diniiiiwol Yls-ion, Koises in the Ileail. Hi;- vital Html passing unob-ened iu H18 iiriue, ant! oilier disiuses thiit a c u- icr suuily laid dialh. Dr. Jlintie. who is a regular physicKm gr dilate of the University ofPennsylri ui.i, will agree to forfeit "00 for a case of th.s kind ilia Viti.i HestoratiTe, (under hi special advice and tieitmml) will not cure, or for anything impure or injurious found in it. fir. .Vinlic treats all Privates Discasis successfully without .Vercury Consultation Free. Thorough examina tion and advice, including analysis of urine. SI. Price of Vita! IWoralivu $1,."C a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5; sent to any address upon receipt of price. or u. U. !., secure trom oOscrvauon. anrt in private name it desiitd, by Dr. A. E, Jlintic, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Send for pamphlet and listof questions Mimple B:olllr S-rrc Will be sent to any one applying by let tcr, stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business trans actions. Dr. Mintic's Kidney Remedy, Ncph reticum, cures all kinds of Kidney and Rladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Ulect, Leucorrhoca, etc. For sale by al.'-drug-dists; $1 a bottle, six bottles for $i. Dr. Mintic's Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Bilious cure in the market. For sale by all drug gists. US CAMO.BMOS Has just opened a fine stock of General Merchandise AT Ilis motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. And he feels assured that all who favor him with their patronage will be satis fied with his prices and the quality of his goods. He Keeps dkt goods, oiu)ckrif.s. provisions. clothing. VUlSNISUINO GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything usually found in a first class Gcnert.1 Merchandise Store. He will give his customers the benefit oftlu Trdnppd freifflita eansrd bv the ail- vent of the railroad, and will not be undei . sold by anybodv Jl. A. BRENTANO. Manager. rhocnix, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1834. S JfcJmi m5 y t , w