Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 12, 1886, Image 1

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    -, r
.4dvcrti-emtnts will be inserted in tko
Sentinel at the following rates:
Ten lines, one insertion $2.10
" each subsequent insertion. ifl 60
- Legal advertisements inserted rea
sonably. Job work of all kinds done on prompt
notice and in workman-like style,
A DlKonll. lu Vrarl) Atttirllnw.
Jacksonville, - - - Oregon,
One copy. Per Year, In rtncr,fc....S54 00
fk' -N
iSii3 4 g &) t &' g& i
C"rcii: KS-JirTJ 'TfT'.ci i v5"vSa PI r fj u M t fl t! Vr 0
VOL. XXXIftT0. 24
T. B, YOUNG, M. D.,
JPfaysican And Surgeon,
Central Point, Oregon.
Calls promptly attended to at all hours.
Having located at this place I ask a
Bbare of the patronigc of this section.
Calls attended to at aw time.
Mkdford, Oregon.
All businefs in my line will receive
prompt attcntton.
Jacksonville, Ogn.,
Will practice in all the Courts or the
Mal. Office in Court It Usc.
Jacksonville Orkgon.
"Will practice in all the (burts of this Stale.
Ofllce in the Court House.
G- LEMPEllT. M- D-,
iJraduatcof University, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Surgeon.
Calls attended to at all hours day and
night. Office oppobile Slover Ho el, Jack
sonville, Oregon.
It. ITjr r, 31. U. I. IN nrj , II. l.
Modford, Or.
Offices. For the present will be as
- w.J?K-$rSieiAN AND - SURGEON
Jacksonvilo, Ogn.
OFFICE At City Drug Store. Resi
dencc on Fourth St., op.,ositc Jl. E.
Calls promptly attended to. day and night.
Portland, Okkhon.
All business placed in my hands will re
ceive prompt atti'iilio-i. Special atten
tion given to collections.
Votary Public, Real Estate Agent and
Coltec or
avrcdXor-cI, o
I nnkc conveyancing and furnishing ab
stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans
negotiated and collections made. All
busings intrusted to my caro will receive
prompt and careful attention.
T E N T I S T,
U jUS Teeth extracted at all hours.
Mfe5?skLttUihing gas adminisfcred,
QiTTTTjjf desiR'd for vvaich vtra
charge will be m-ule. Ofilte on corner of
California and fab. street.
Room8 2 and 4 Strowbridge's Building,
Will practice in all courts of recordin the
State of Oregon and Washiaton Terri
tory; ad p"iy pirticular attention to
business in F'-deral courts.
MWMMr ,. .. -dm. ac
j-sirlrvaici Or.
Four courses of study. Normal and
Commercial College, Preparatory and In
strumental music.
For particulars or catalogue apply to
the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon.
Send six cents for nostaire.
and receive free, a costly box
.of goods which w ill help all.
of cither sex. to more money right away
than anythinc else in this world For
nnes aws.it the workers absolutely sure '
At onceadd rcss True & Co., Augusta, Me
Oregon & California R. R.
4nd connections. Time 4 days.
Fare from Portland lo aa rrauelneo !$3tS
lu Kacraiiimto $30.
' Close connections made at Ashland
with stages of the California Oregon
and Idaho Stage company.
East Side Division.
Between Portland & Ashland
Mall Train.
Portland.. 7:30 A. m.
Mcdford..3:2.' a.m.
Ashland. 9.30 p.m.
Mcdfurd. 10:11 i-.m
Mtdford... 3 :24 A.M.
Ashland.. .4:15 A. Jl.
Medfoid.. 10:10 p.m.
Portland. .4:25 p.m.
Alliau) Express Train.
Portland.. ..4.00 p m Lebanon... 9:20 l M
Lebanon... .4:45 A Mi Portland.. 10:03 AM
Pullman Palace Sleeping cars daily be
tween Portland and Ashland.
The O. & C. 11. R. Ferry makes con
neclion with all the regular trains oa the
East Side Div. lrom foot of F. St.
West Side Division.
Between Portland & Corvallis.
3I.II1 Train.
Portland. .. .0.00 a si Chrvallis. ..4:30 r m
Curvallis. . . .8:30 A Ml Portland. . .3:20 pm
kxprrh Train.
Portland.... 5:00 pm McMinnvilieS OOrM
McMinnvilleo:45 AM Portland... 8:30 A M
Local tickets lor tale and baggage
clucked at company's up-town oliice, cor
ner Stai k and Second streets. Tickets for
principal points in uliforma can only be
procured and baggage checked at com
pnny'b office,
Turner V hi.iI front st , l'ortlainl, Oregon,
Frtigbl will not be received for ship
ment after five o'clock pm on cither the
East or West Side Divisions.
R. KoEiiixii, E. P. Rogers,
Manager. G. F. !e Pass. Agt
Citation to Heirs.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the county of Jackson, sitting
in ,irobate. May term, 188G.
lu the mutter ol the estate of William
Briner, deceased.
To Lemuel Brincr, E'uz ibeth Brincr, Ma
tilda FoMer, Matilda Hicevvarmer, hlsie
Hnrrcy,irjit. Hrincr, George Fj-im'-
Pernina Glandon.
that B. C. Goddard AdminUtntior,
has filed his petition praying for an order
ofsaidcouit to sell the following des
cribed real property belonging to said
v Hie, to. nit:
Lots No. 1,2, 3, and the W 1-2 or the
NEK " tlic N W U "" the R -4 all
in section 20. Township 37 south, rane 1
wet, located in Jackson counir, Oregon, t
the h mestead claim of m. Brmer, tle-ce.i-.ed.
Ilieicfere nc-ticeishereliy Riven to the heirs at Hw
olmldestAIo lliat lliopraycr of paidiH-lltiuii uillbe
liriKil aiitl determined At the uanal jilnct .f holding
Ciuitv Cmrt in Jacl.inTille. io itaiil county and
Slate .hi Tiicdity, June Stli,lSS6, at 10o'clkA. H
at liic!it!inu tl e Rai llieim and all otiierDlnttretetl
inpllinaatenre tierel.y notified to appear and fuow
caiiM, if iliey liare, wliv an order of aile aimuiil Dot
1 nind ait tn tlie afmwald ietltlon prai td f.r.
Illili.tud lijr older of lion. K DePeatt. Judge.
Alt. m W M. 11. 1'AltKLR, County ClerL.
IH8. J. FJ. SffiTH,
CT.OllLSOI1.17-illot - - Ogzi.
Having moved to a new location on
California streit at the residence of E.
D. Foudray I hereby ask my friends
and tbe public generally to give me a call
for any thing in the. line of Dressmaking,
Fitting and Cutting,
Dress Patterns Famished.
My prices are regulated 'to suit the
times and s-aiisfaitiou is guaranteed
Land Office at Rosebitro, Oqn., )
May 20, 18S0. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler his filed notice ol his
iufenlion lo make final proof in support
of his claim, and that biid prootwiilbo
mide before the Clerk of Jackson county,
nt Jacksonville Oregon, on Tuesday July
Cth, lbSG, viz: Elijah Smith, pre-emption
D. S. No. 4428 for the S E JL$ ofN W if.
Sec, 27 township 33 south range 3 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prov i his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of said land, viz: James Jeff
rey of Jacksonville, Win. Ray, Alex. A.
Inpirl and James McDonnah all of
Uniontovv n, Jackson county, Oregon.
Wm. F. Benjamin. Register.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Office of TitrjASUKMi of Jackson Co..
Jacksonville, May 14. 1SC. f
there arc funds in the Cbunty Treas
ury for the redemption of the following
county warrants, protested up to July C,
Numbers COS, 709. 830, S& 837, 832,
840, 40-'H. 819. bM, 779,333, 903, 1901,71,
727,153,39. 51,900, 810,752. 93,97,132,
870, 140, 131), 143, 147. 195, 149, 102, 140,
114. 133, 125,94, l.'l,45, 110,00.
Interest on the same will cease lrom
this date. Newman Fisher,
County Treasurer.
WANTED A capable man or woman,
of unusual energy, to take the
agency rf this or some other county tor
the "History of California." To the right
party it will pav $100 to $300 per month.
Address F PERSON, Manager Occiden
tal Publishing Co., 120 Sutter street, San
Francisco. inar27 lm.
TTRAD EAil Mfl!'5l
Free from Opiates, Emetics and Foison.
At Usneaim axd Duljeu.
Cures RhecastiSni, Neuralgia,
ar.tir ttpmsaciic, iPiiitacue,
Sprains, Iritt i-rtc.
p-fifif-p. ninrv cfats.
The Greatest Medical Trinmph of ths Age!
IjGa. nf nppetitc, Bowels ctstiv c, Pain In
the bend, with a. dull sensation in the
baclc pnrr, 1'uin under tho shoulder
liinde, Fullness nftcr catine, with nrtis
incllnntion to exertion of body or nslnd.
Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with
n fceiine of bnvin: ncslectcd some duty,
Weariness, Dizziness, rinltcrinz nt tho
Heart. Dots before tho eyes, Hendache
over tho richt eye, Itestlessness, with
fitful drennis, Ilicbly colored Urine, and
TCTT' 1'IIjI.S ate especially adapted
to snch eases, ono doso cirects such a
thaiign of fccllnsiisto astonish tliosuffcrer.
Tlu.y Inrrrase tlie A pnetitcand causs tbe
body tt Tnke ou Flesli.tnns tns fTftem Is
jionrSshel.nrrt hytholrTonic Action on
tQ3 lllgC&UTOUrcausdiceuiaraiuuisiiiv
Tirndnrrd. Prl-s3Se. Mnrray Nt.-'V. .
c.ai-r IIatr or WmsKcns chanced to a
Glossy Blvck by a sliiplo uppllcation of
tnisDiT. It Imparts a natural color.acts
ii'Jaiitarnou'Iy. fcid by Drogsists, or
t -tln'tlHrwOa locclptofSl.
tsfnco.4i Murray St.. How York
jacksoiivilla, Or.
At the olu stand of S. P. Ilanna, in Crone-
lnilkr's buildme;, keeps on hand a
lull Hue of
"Wagon X!aterial!
And is pi. ared lo do all work in bis line
on sh l' notice and in a vvorl.manlike
mac. cr. Vehicles of every des
cription made to older.
Revairing A Specialty.
Terms reasonable and satisfaction
guaranteed. Geo.Rieves
The riUTERS Gnroc U is
sued March and Sept., each
'year: 21G pages:, SlxllJ
i inches, witli ov'r ,,jin
illustrations r hole pic
ture callerv. -v es whole-
eale prices direct to costume an all goods
lcr personal or lamiiy u . ai:i uu
to order, and gives cxar oost of every
thing you use, cat, drir wear, or Lave
fun with. These inva ible books con
tain information gleaned from the mar
kets of tho v orld. We will mail a copy
Free to any address upon receipt of the
postage 7 cents. Let us bear from you.
S3? J; S29 lVabua Avcnco. Chicago. Hi.
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale ?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
r. DEs&llrPmcZ&.
i ffui w -- j -r
'JitOK ItHSQ.&3
WTH be mailed FREE t. an applicant, aa4 1 enstomen ot
last year vlunat orderias u. it contain, abont ISO pagej,
600 iunstmloaa, prieea, accarau description, and valaibl.
direction, for rl.nUnr .11 Tarietle. f YGET.BLE
and FLOlVEU SF.LDS, UULHSeic. laTtlaiu.
to ao, et peclallT t lfarket Gardener.. Send tor It.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Michigan.
J.'JL Ji
iL r.
Cb -J
TVe cunttvi to act as Eoli-itors for Patents.
Cheats. T-iaa ii&rts. Copyriph. ety, for lis
t.' - - -t - t.i no. his. t riai a. France
trf-r i.n. etr V tate t 4 iktrtj-tivc
jcap vxi.crlriKc.
i tt4,uii ed tlKiifUctareEitlced Jitfce
turvn ic yvriir? lliMsrjrea dspleodid
(Ustra 1 v,t Slv -a- cr t-U.Oa vi-ar. sL..rs
bePrTn-vs -f 'r re. la vet) irteresUnpr. and
uss an en ria-cs cfrru'atiop. jiddress MlN
k (-. iVe t Sotlcit rs. reb's if SciExrmc
iiiiti. tT D-oad av. ,pw T.rt.
a week in your own town . Terms
IOUU and $5 outfit free Address H
I IIallkt, & o., Portland Maine.
B snap-. the GREATg5W
eyEaHa5V!5ii BtlETQli
m r r
Wagon Road Grants
Washingtos, Hay 21. Senator
Dolrhs wagon road land grant forfeit
ure bill passed the Senate this after
noon. The Attorney-General is di
rected by the bill to bring suit against
all persons claiming to own any purl
of the Eugene Uity, Dallas or Albany
wagon road land gnntR, to determine
the question of th'e reasonable and
proper completion of the roads ic ac
cordance with tbe terrus'of the Jl
Ing Acts, and the "right of the iMK
States to resume the lands granted.
The circuit court is authoriz-d to rend
er a decision and declare foreittd all
the land coteruiinus with tbe roads
not built according lo the requirements
of the Act. The couit f.hU' have the
right ts set aside all patents which
have been issued for such forfeited
land, saving and preserving the rights
of all bona Sda purchasers of any por
tion of the) land for a valuable consid
eration, iiroviasd that l he linds act
ually settled upon are occupied and
used as a homestead or for agricultural
or grazing purposes. In cases in
which such Eettler or occupant has
acquired the title of- the State of
Oregon, not exceeding one section to
any one eettler or occupant, he shall
nut bo included in such suit, and such
settler or occupant shall nut be wade a
party thereto.
Somebody has condensed the mis
tikes of life, and ariived at the con
clusion that there are fourteen of
them. Most people would siv, if they
told the truth, that there was no limit
to the mistakes of lite; that ll'ey were
like the drops of the ocean or the sands
of the shore in number, but it is well
to be accurate. Here, then, are four
teen great mistakes.: It is a greit
mistuke to set up our own standard of
right aud wrong and judge other peo
plo accordingly; o rora,ure the enjoy
ment of others by our.own; to except
uniformity of opfnioti inTTiis "5-Srui; lo
look for judgment and experience in
youth; to endeavor to mould alloiiii
ious alike; to yield to immaterial
trifles; lo look for perfection in our
own ae'ionn; to worry oui selves and
others with .what can not be remedied;
not to alleviate all that needs allevia
lion as far as lies in our power; not to
make allowance for the iiilirintties of
others; to consider everything iiupossi
ble that ue cannot perform to believe
only vtli.it our finite minds ctn grasp;
to expect to be able to understand
Wholesale Lynching. The Pom
eroy "Times" of the 18th inst., con
tains au account of the alleged lynch
ing of four horse-thieves, on Salmon
river, between White' Bird and John
Day's, Miv 7. the executioners being
a party of stockmen from Asotin
county and the Idaho border. The
victims were a half-breed called "Jack,"
Tode Farmer, aged 25; Joe Grime?,
30; und John O'Neil, 25. They and
two others were captured with about
20 head of stolen horses. The lynch
ing was with ropes suspended from
trees, the doomed men being seated on
horses which were driven from under,
at a signal. One of the two prisoners
was taken to Asotin.
A Washington special says: Rv.
Dr. Sunderland received a fee of 5100
for tying the presidential marriage
knot. It was a brand new bill, ind
had never apparently been in circula
tion. It vtm handed to the doctor by
Secretary Lamont, immediately after
the Presdent's departure. The doctor
made his wife a present of tho bill
Mrs. Sundenand will keep it as a
memento of tho occasion.
The best things are nearest; breath
in our nostrils, light in our eyes,
flowers at our feet, duties at our handx,
the path of God before us. Then do
not grasp at the stars, but do life's
plain common work as it comes, con
scious that daily duties and daily
bread are the sweet things of life.
In the space of'aweek fully 1,000
persons were killed and wounded in
various portions of the world by cy
clones, which have become more uu
merous than was evef before known
in history. The Pacific Coast appears
to be the only portion of the world
exempt from these terrible visitors.
The personal household of Queen
Victoria is composed of over two tnou
sand personn, and costs the nation an
uuauy two minion dollars.
JUNE 12, ISS6.
Shortening Up-
In reply to letters wLich wt fte
quently write to old friendi and
neighbors inviting them to pay us a
visit, we receive many from California
friends who say: "I will come and
see you when the railroad runs through
to Fortland from San Franeico."
That day is growing nearer though
slowly. It is now running to a point
ten miles this side of Delta, just a lit
tie platform on the headwaters of Sac
ramento river not far from
where the JMcCloud cornea down, tang
ing its boiling song to the far off sea.
This little is in Shasta county on the
confines of Siskiyou, which is ad
joining the county of Jackson in this
State. It libs up in what is called
the State range, and thenceforth the
progress of the road will be tlew
until it ge.ts into Shasta valley, where
it will have forty miles of much easiei
grade than it now encounters. The
road will be in operation to Baileys
near the foot of Mount Shasta, by the
1st of September and then tho over
land travel will begin lo increase as
tint stage travrl gets down to about
sixty-fiveiiiilea. The Sceneiy along the
road is the Guest in tho world and the
tourist who comes by sea, rui-aes the
grandest and most beautiful ri les on
the continent. The base of Mount
Shista Can be appnaili'-d closer by
rail than tliit of any mountain of its
size in America, and that u'one "ill
suffice to cro.vd the roaM with plean-
ure seekers uxt tutuuier. Our Port
land belles will find the JLCioud
river springs a great summer resort in
a year or two and will meet the lovely
on s of San Francisco on even terms .
And when the road ia complete we
will see lots of people who do not like
to risk a sea voiage, and who will
spend lots of inouey when they come
amongst us -
That's the ridiculous side of the
proposition, the fide which is always
uppermost to my eve. LooVing at it
from the standpoint of serious con
temptation, the pageant of last Wed
upsdiy evening in Washington has
something like a Roman holiday about
it, with a Inch sluught"reJ and fire
works in the evening. Mr. Cleveland
is past 49 years of age andahis .bride
not quite 24; or in other words, he
was a man grown and earning .atuau'a
liv ing on the day that she was born
into the world, Nay, more, he was pait
her present age on llio day ahe first
began lo wa'k. Thre was another
Presidential marriage witbin ray rec
ollection the accidentia! President of
1842. His wife was a tall girl, with
dark but luminous faca and willowy
ure, named Julia Gardiner. Her
parents hud a country beat at Shelter
I.Iand, near the eastern extremity of
Long Island, where she was born.
ller agi was 26 years when she mar
ried a man of more than twice her
jears, and New York society wa3 all
agog over it. Her father was ap
pointed to one of the portfolios in the
cabinet and was killed by tbe burst
ing of a cannon on board tbe gunboat
Princeton on the Potomac river, while
firing a salute. Ihere are a few still
living v. ho recollect this lovely woman
in tho days of the artificial splendor
which surrounded her, and also recall
her pale and hopeless face in the years
that grew so weary and irksome. It
was a hollow mockery from beginning
to end.
Settlers os the public lands should
bear in mind that in giving in their
assessment they do so under oath, just
as much as when they are giving in
the value of their improvements on
their claims. They Bbould see to it
(hat the assessed valuation of their
improvements will do to compare
with the value fixed in their final
Says a Wnitsburg paper: Last
Wednesday Mrs. W. A. Morris, a
wouisn 20 years of age, committed
suicide by taking strychnine. She
had been married only about six
I weeks. Th rennnn (riven for her rash 1
act was that she would rather die
than bear a child, an event she plainly
The railroad company is said to be
employing every man they can get on
the extension south from Solcdad and
it is expected that San Miguel wil be
reached by August 20th.
This promises to be the livliest
building season witnessed in Portland
since the great botm, when $3,000,-j
uuu were invested in new structures,
Jl Gastly River Mystery.
At nosn yesterday the steamsr
"Dawn" picked up tne body of a largt
man, apparently about 45 years of agr,
in the middle channel, abreast of the
city, and brought it to Hume's dock,
where the co'roner and doctor examined
it. The Jjpdy was clothed in a gray
woolen drawers and one boot, and had
evidently been in the water some weeks.
Examination disclosed the fact that a
most fearful murder had been com
mitted. On the head were three ter
tible cuts made by a (harp knife or
hatchet, half an inch deep and three
inches across. The forehead was
snmked and the skull broken in. A
hole behind the right ear being probed,
showed where a bullet had broken the
jaw and ranged downward, the sur
geon extracting the ball from the left
side of the neck. Other marks of
violence inJicated a desperate struggle
for life on the part of the unfortunate
man, who may have been murdered
100 miles above here and whose booy
was rolling to the ocean when picked
up. The coroner's inqaest was post
poned till 2 o'clock this afternoon,
when it in believed testimony will be
procured tending to throw some light
on what is evideutly a most terrible
Siuco the President iurched a
home in the -.uburs of Washington
the Americ in vandal has bten turned
loose upon it. No sooner was it
known tlu.t tho properly had passed
into his posessions than it became a
Mecca to Democratic pilgrims and
curiosity stoker. Men ttud women
pulled up shrubbery, tore off pailings,
pieces of nimlow shutters and other
things as relics, ami tlanlandd admis
sion to the house and all the grounds.
Mrs. Green, from whom it was pur
chased, by the terms of the sale was
allowed thirty days in which to vacate
the prei.iise, but lifts became a burden
by reason of hoardps who intruded
upon the privacy of the p'ace, and she
notified the President that she would
leave as soon as possible. The Presi
dent at once dispatched a policeman
tp guard the place and stop the van
d.ilism if pss-dble. On Sunday the
place looked like a camp roieting. It
is reported not to be the intention of
the Piesidcnl nut lo take up his sub
urban estate. He aimply wants a
placo where he can go in the afternoon
ami spend a quite hour tvway from the
life and care of the executive mansion.
A Chinaman arrived hero yesterday
who wishes to engaga 1000 of his
countrymen to work on the extenaion
of the California & Oregon railroad.
He will not be able to engage any
men, although he offers $25 por month.
About all the Chinese here who engage
in such work are employed at wood
chopping, and at the fisheries. A vast
number of men are at work now on
the C. i O. railroad, judging from the
move to secure a thousand Chinamen
here there is to be no stop to the work,
and the prospect for connection by
rail with San Francisco in the birar
future looks very favorable. "Orego
nian." It is now believed to be as good as a
settled fact that tbe tiparring match
between John L. Sullivan and Charles
Mitchell, which the Chicago authorities
will not permit in that city, will take
place in Milwaukee on June 11th.
Pal SLeedy has so decided, and has
about completed arrangements for the
Opeaa house as the place for holding
the exhibition. It is not believed that
the authorities at that place will offer
any opposition, and for that reason,
and as it is nearer Chicago than any
other place which could be selected,
the probabilities seem to be that the
two men will meet there.
Two drunken Indians, ejected from
the California and Oregon Railread
near Andersen, Shasta county, Cal.,
Sunday, in revenge endeavored to
wreck a freight train by placing au ob
struction on the track. The engine
passed over the obstruction which was
secured, and the noble red men are
being sought for.
The President seems tn be driven to
marriage because the Democratic party
is dropping away from him at a rate
that promise to leave him very lone
some in his old age.
The fund for the uenefit of the
Chicago police injured at the recent
Anarchist massacre has now reached
nearly 60,000.
Railroad Items-
The railroad company is new hir
ing all the white men cn.ing along,
who are willing ts work, in 1 will
crowd the wort with the greatest en
ergy while the season is favrrab.e for
rapid progress. It ia undoubtedly
the intentun of the company to reach
Bailey's before winter sets in, mi at
to make the distance about 100 miles
between the terminus of each .road.
From present indications work will
no doubt be continued right alung to
the Oregon boundary, and the right
of way force may prnbihly reach Sis
kiyou before the 4th of Jul)', to bo
closely followed by Scobie's force of
stonemasons and helpers.
The trains appear to be delayed oc
casionally of late, as the construction
trains have precedence of track above.
Delta, and must be kept clear for
trains, but above that point, trains
for passengers and freight aid ou'y
for accommodation.
A havy cloud burst coverrd the
track with debris last SumUv, just
abve Delta, but a forca was ditiched
immediately to the place, and cieared
the track in a short time.
The second mortgage on tho 1 tnds
of the railroad company for $10,000,
000 has been filed at clerk's odice in
this county, and in all the counties on
the route. The mortgage runs fur 3U
years, at 6 percent, per annum, as se
curity for bonds of $1,000 each, is
sued, which will be accepted bv com
pany in payment for any lands sold,
the same as roiu or apy paper of
The second trial of Lwis A. Allen,
upon informatin-: for murder, in kill
ing Elmore Decker, was commenced
last Tuesday, and out ot GO j'Jtors
summoned, eleven had been secured
up to Thursday evening, for trial of
case. The venire being exhausted,
the court appointed City Marshal
Park as elisor to summon six more
juror, in order to fill the jury, the
Sheriff being disqualified from acting,
on account of making complaint in
this case. On first day counsul for de
fendant attempted to quash the venire,
on the ground ot bein a spitciul and
not a term jury, and names placed in a
box that should have been omuted,
also names omitted that should have
been put in a box, which motiou was
overruled by the court.
The "Journa1 of United Ltbor," the
officLl paper of Knights of Labor or
ganization, announces that James G.
Blaine is au active working member
of the order. A member speaking of
the fact says: B'uinc is a member of
the Assemb'y in Augus'a, .Me., his
heme, lou know that only two clas
ses of man men are barred from our
order, lawyers and saloonkeepers,
Mr. Blaine is by profession a journal
ist How long ha has been within
pale of the order I do not know, but
you may depend that with the
executive ability of men likePowderly,
Blaine and others that 1 might men
tion, that thtt Knights of Labor will
continue to grow, and thas it will tafca
more than the combined efforts to
crush us out."
Surveys have been completed of a
road from Nampa, un the Oregon Short
Line, to Boise City and beyond It
will be standard gauge as far as Boise,
from which point it will be continurd
up the river as a norrow gauge to the
timber belt near tke head of that
xtrearn. This will give Boise the
railroad facilities she needs, which
may be increased in two or three years
by a transcontinental road, if the pro
phets speak wisely of the intentions
of the Chicago & Northwestern.
The Cyclone season has opened
earlty this year in the East, and al
ready one hundred and seventy lives
have been lost and millions of dollar
in property destroyed. When one
reads of those and other climatic eccen
tricities, it is calculated to render him
contented to live in a country where
he is in no danger of being frozen in
winter, broiled in summer, or scattered
to the four corners of the earth by a
friskv tornado.
Thunderstorms have been raging -in
Germany for three days. Many per
sons and hundreds of cattle have been
killed. Damage to the extent of ?200,
000 has been done to vineyards in the
Bhine valley.
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