Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 29, 1886, Image 1

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JfknvUle, Oregon,
T C Ft M 8
s Mpr, Per Veorjjn nce $a SO
.-Idvertisemtnts -will be Inserted 1b t
Sentinel at tho following rates
Ten lines, one insertion $20
" each subsequent insertion. 4
J1" Legal advertisements inserted rea
sonably. Job work of all kinds dona on rcewyl
notice and in workman.like style,
A Dlxonnt to Yearly Ailtortls-.
--'" ' -
r. a. YOUNG, M. D.,
SkyclcaB And Surgeon,
Central Poiht, Oregon.
Calls promptly attended to at all hours.
Having located at this place I ask a
hare jl the patronage of this section.
Calls attended to at any time.
Medford, Oregon.
All business in my line will receive
prompt attention.
Jacksonville, Ogn.,
Will practice in all the Courts or the
State. Office in Court 11 ase.
Jacksonville OREGON.
"VTill practice in nil the Courts of this State.
Office in the Lourt House.
Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Surgeon.
Calls attended to at all hours day and
sight. Office opposite Slover Hotel, Jack
MiiTillt, Oregon.
K. rryee. 31. P. r. r Seary, M-
Medford, Or.
Offices. For the present will be as
Jackaonvilo, Ogn.
OTFK3K At City Drug Store. Rcsi
aeaet on Fourth St., opvosile M. E.
Calls promptly attended to. day and night.
All business placed in my hands will re
ceive prompt attention. Special atten
tion f if en to collections.
Motary Public, Real Estate Ajent and
Collec or
"CUEociro-rcl, o
I make conveyancing and furnishing ab
tracts of Und titles t specially. Loans
negotiated and collections made. All
business intrusted to my care will receive
prompt and careiul attention.
T) E N T I S T,
Teeth extracted at all hours.
.Laughing gas administered,
'if desired lor w.ucli extra
charge will be made. Office on corner of
California and 5th street.
loom 1 3 and 4 Strowbridge's Building,
Will practice in all courts of record in the
State of Oregon nnd Washinton Terri
tory; and pay particular attention to
basinets in Federal courts.
jLSiIiliiiid Or.
Four courses of study. Normal nnd
Commercial College, Preparatory and In.
trumental music
For particulars or catalogue apply to
the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon.
M. G. ROYAL, A. M.
I ln 1 1 T en s's cents for postage,
I rill If and receive free, a costly box
A I lllLl.or goods which willhclpall,
ttC either sex. to more money right away
than anything else in this world. For
tnes awiit tne workers absolutely sure
Aioocwaddrc&aTucE & Co., Augusta,
trad E3vMflRiSv
Free from Opiattt, mtll anil .Poi-cn.
na ryu"'
TUSCUACUCa a.oullfp. COnBlLTiaOZX,X9.
Cures Rhtirrallsr-,, F-cirsl
UttkkfW, IliUf.rr,7U,
Pi-nt', rrer.f4r..'.
ftrtrr. viitv cjatil
The Greatest Medical Trinmpa of tto Agsl
Loss of appetite, lSowcIa costive, l'ain la
tbe. bead, with a Uall acusation in the
back part. Pain under tbo shoulder
blade, FulincBS alter catintr, witb adi
locllaatlon to exertion of body or mind,
Irri lubllltyof temper, Low eplriti, wilk
afeelinffof bavinffncclcctcd somedntr,
Wearincu, I)lzzino, I'lutteriac at tba
Heart, Dots before tbo eres, Headacbs
orer tbo rizbt ere, Iteitlcijrcn, with
fltfnl drcarac lllchly colored Urine, and
TUTT'S I'tLLH aro especially adapted
to snch case-", ouo Jojo effects such a
chai!noffce!lnas to nsttmish the sufferer.
They Increase the Appetite, nnd cate tlis
body tn TnLe uu I'leili, thiw tbo 4cm Is
nourished. tint by tb'IrTonlc Action on
tbo UlcestireOrgH,ttrculart.oolEro
pnvlueit. l'rl-e a.lc. 4 Jf nrrey wt..n.Y.
a u a a t bSL'iita ti e usa
Ckit nAiK or WrasKEKS chanf-ed to a
Cibossr liLicn Iir a slntrlo application o(
this DrE. It imparts a natural color, acts
iastantaneouly. feold by Urugffitts, or
t rnt hv express on receipt of CI.
Office 44 Murray St.. Now York
Jacksonville, Or.
At the olu stand of S. P. Hanna, in Crone-
miller s building, keeps on hand a
full line of
Wagon Material!
And is pi. ami to do all work in his line
on sh i notice and in a worl. manlike
mar. cr. Vehicles of every des-
cription made to order.
Repairing A Specialty.
Terms reasonable and satisfacalion
guaranteed. Geo. Rieves
The r.cnxs' Gcibe U Is
sued March and Sept, each
year: 215 pager, Sixlli
I inches, with o"r S,UU
illustrations r (hole pic
ture callcrr. V .vcs w holo-
salcpriccs direct to consume jn all goods
for personal cr family u . Tells how
to order, and gives csar iost of every
thing you use, catj drir near, or have
fun with. Tiieso inva able books con
tain information gleaned from the mar
kcts of the worn. Wc will mail a copy
Frco to any address upon receipt of the
postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you.
2t; & 229 VTdaib Avenue. CMrtge, 111.
Men Think
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have. v""- -
2kTOH 7886
jrm Btfw r hee to l rpiii!u. oi v ntiioiMri t
Hnjw.iOTHinmBlL it EODUIB. tDmt ISO MCU.
COO iUnnntioe prion, ctsru. eeMMptlAef ui4 Tiln&bl.
AinrUon. ferjil.ntinf all Trtftl,. ef VECETABLE
u4 x-LOn,rjgfctllS,IJDLIt8,.tr ltTifii
t0 SO. ctpKlftlly to liwkat GudMrn. Sna for tL
O. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Michigan.
We conUriBis to act u Solictors for tcct
Caress. T-vie Martivrcprrlrtts. etc- loribs
Ui.lU"- Stares. Cai acla. o.ba. Er.jrlsrd. France
(rfnnin) etc V.e Lave tii ihlrtT-Uve
jcai' spcrtcr!e.
Pste-i's tUsued ltrcerbcsareBr.tlc(d jithn
L FciEvmc .'stiiictx iT.HIoiTt aid splendid
iuuuiuru nit-jki, (a vi .ituaTHLT.Hlrwi
thePnvrtss ,if rh" re. lr) Icterestinr.and
ca an cn"nuins circulaUin. AdJress MCN
t a), faie' t sHc:t..rs. i-ub's tf satsune
4JKS1CAV. an Ilroadwaj- New Vrrt.
Mrtd h K t "ntn.t. frprj.
ftffa wcekinyourowntown. Terms
3UU and ?5 outfit free. Address U
Ballet, & a, Portland Maine.
u o .rw c IS3 "
rrt tp b
tor ram
Democratic State Ticket.
Tba Democratic Stats ticket is bc
fora th people of Oregon for criticism.
If the Deniocrata had a shadow of a
chance, they have lost the opportunity
by puling forth such men for the re
spective offices. Sylvester Peunoyer,
their nominee for governor 13 manager
of a saw-mill in Portland, at ?3C0 per
month, fie poses a the laboring
man's friend. It is a verr cheap trick,
and it is too transparent to catch any
laboring man who can see three inches
before his note, for he has always paid
lower wages to and been more exacting
with his men than any other employer
of the same kind of labor. He is the
boss crank of the state, and has no fit
ness whatever for the office. Hr
would rather disgrace than grace the
high position to which he has gall
enough to aspire.
N. L. Butler for Congressman, is a
: tie lawyer man" at Dallas. He
will not, run very fast. Ho has not
energy enough to run much. Sitting
is hit favorite posture. Ha would
have about as much influence in Wash
ington as a wooden man, and the peo
ple of this great and growing state,
who want their interests represented,
will not exchange such a man as Sin
ger Herman for such a man as Butler.
R, S.Straban, of Albany, would like
to be supremo judge, and the corpora
tions and wholesale liquor dealer?, and
such, want him there. Vat this sim
ple reason, aloue, ha should be beaten,
and will be. Waldo is the people's
man, able, honest and honorable, and
the princrliest capitalist has no more
show, and bo less, before him, than
the poireBt beg;ar. Right aad justice
alone hold influence over him and his
R. F. Gibbons, of The Dilles, for
secretary of state was selected tor his
geographical position, not for his fit
ness or deserving qualities. He will
be one of the last horses over the po
litical wire in the race.
George Washington Webb, of Pen
dleton, runs a hardware store therr,
and is reported to be a fair, average,
every-day maa; but Sir. Mareton, our
caudidate, comer from the same place,
and he is a Republican, and a man of
integrity and honesty, so we. learn
from Democratic as wkll as Republi
can sources.
Charley Nickell, of Jacksonville,
uho wants to be state printer, is an
nntcrupulous, though successful man,
and thoroughly unpopular among hi
own people. Having that kind of a
reputation at Lome, what kind of
treatment can he expect frets abroad!
Salem "Statesman."
"I am a lawyer's daughter, you
know, George dear," she taid, after
George had proposed and had been ac
cepted, "and you wouldn't think it
itrnngo if I were to ask you to tiign a
little paper to the effect that we are
engaged, would you!''
George was too happy to think any
thing strange just then and he signed
the paper with a trembling hand and a
bursting heart. Then she laid her ear
against his middle vest button, and
they were very, very happy.
"Tell mo darling," said George, after
along, delicious silence, "vrjy did you
want me to sin that pspet) Do you
not rcposo implicit confidence in my
love for yen
"Ah, yes," she sighed with infinite
content, "indeed I do; but George, dear,
I have boen fooled so many times."
q -
Love and Poser. A K street girl
and a young Congressman were en
gaged the other evening in bantering
"Ahl she said prettily, after ono of
bis soft speechec, "I see a flush on your
"No," he exclaimed nervouelr, put
iog bis band to his face. "Is it a
bobtsil or straight!''
Our national legislators will never
be successful lovers unless the reform.
The Fish Commissioners arrived at
Portland, OrPgon, Saturday. They
started on the 8th inst. with 1,000,000
shad. Three hundred thousand died
en route; half a million were planted
in the Columbia at Wallulu, to be
placed in the Junction, and 200,000
started for Albany, to be placed in the
Willamette, together with 500,000
which were hatched en route.
An Adrian, Michigan, "Record"
reporter paid fifty cents to a fortune
teller, who cold him that bis future life
weuld be "whatever he chose to make
Rules for- tJief Journey of
To aim at "chesrfalnits without
Never show levity when people are
engaged in worship.
Frequently to review yoar conduct
and note your feelings.
To gay as little'as possibleoffyour
self and ihote who are neanyojiv.
Not to affect tojbo witty, ortov jest
so asJo liurt.theHeeliW; of ,jvither.
'Nevr to court the faVor cf the rich
by mattering their vanities or their
Never to think worse of another on
account cf his differing from you in
polit'cal and religious subjects.
Never ridicule sacred things or what
others may esteem as such, however,
absurd theymay appear to you.
To speak with calmness and dtliber
ation on all occasion?, especially of
circumstances which tend to irritate.
Never resent a supposed injury till
you know the views and motives of the
author of it, and no occasion relate it.
Always take tbe part of an absent
person, whs is censured in company,
so far as truth and property will allow.
Not to dispute with a man who is
more than seventy vears of age, nor
with a woman, nor with nuy sort of an
About Wo7neji.
Woman is the Masterpiece.
Woman is the crown of creation.
lie that takes a wife take care.
All that I am my mother made me.
Women teach us repose, civility and
But one thing is better than the wife
that is the mother.
The sweetest thing in this lifo is the
unclouded welcome of a wife. '
Woman is born for love, and it is
impassible, to turn her from it.
All the reasonings of ai are not
worth one sentiment of women.
No man can either live piously or
die righteous without hiving a wife.
Women are a new race, re-created
since tba world received Christianity.
Woman is the Sunday of a man;
not his pose only, bat his joy, and the
salt of his life.
The Democratic speaker?, says the
Asblaud "Tidingr," lust Saturday
rveningssciued to think that the Col
umbia river basin is the whole of
Oregon. They evidently prepared
their speeches fer the Willamette and
the northensieA-' part of tbe state.
They talked glibly of the millions of
do'lars that should be expended upon
the Columbia river, but did not so
much as intimate that anything wai
needed in any other part of the Mate.
Indeed, Butler, 'he candidate for Con
cres?', even went so far as to condemn
Hermann for his effort to obtain ap
propriations for the improvement of
smaller stream?, such as Link and
Wood ris ers in Klamath county. Some
good friend should hiut to Butler that
the people down this wuy a( predate
successful efforts to improve thpir
local channels of commerce quite as
much as big promises about how a new
candidate would cleau out the obstruc
tions in the Columbia in a year or two,
or build 3 railroid around the Cas
cades by state funds.
At 10 o'clock on Sunday evening,
Custom Inspector Chester L. Terry
Keized 283 pounds of opium, worth
?6,000, on" the railroad wharf at, Ta
coma. Lirry Kelley and William
Mam were arrested for smuggling the
drug. They came into Taco.na in &
sail and row boat, and tied up at tho
railroad wharf. Main went to find an
express wagon, and left .Kelley ir.
charge of the boat. When the latter
was questioned he said he had some
tools aboard, iii the boat wero found
a large trunk, a valise and seven five
gallon oil cans, all of which contained
opium in seven and a half pound tins.
When Main returned be'was placed
under arrest and both of the smuggler
were locked up. The opium was pur
chased in Victoria.
The Reddinp "Prees" of last Satur
day bad the following: "The railroad
panorama has changed since our last.
Headquarters is at Gibson's, and the
"Flat" is in tears and mourning. The
pot hole men are as for north as tunnel
11, and the graders are close behind.
Camps are moving north every day.
. . . .There is a report goicg the rounds
of the camps that the company is pre
paring to hire about 500 white men on
the grade. It is hoped that this re
port is true.
It is proponed tothave an interna
tional exposition in1892 to celebrate
the 400th anniversary of the discovery
of America. '
A Slick Game. Northern Pacific
detectives have unearthed a mammoth
steal which has been going on for some
time past on the Rocky mountain
division. J. F. McElroy, station agent
at Heron, was one of the cu'pri'.s.
He convived with conductors and the
stealing were divided. The plan was
to sell book tickets, and writing the
name of the station on the ticket but
not on the stub. The conductor
would tato up tho thkets and present
thtm to tho agent, who 'would fill in
the-stubwitU!tho-rnamo,of some bta
tion near Heron and-rbe difference in
fares would be divided. Tbe fraud
was unearthed by a clever detective
named Ray, who first got situation
at breaking on a freight train, and
then played rapid progression until he
became a passenger conductor, aud all
the lima making himself agreeable to
tbe agent and the employees. McEl
roy broached the scheme he was work
ing. The new conductor stood in.
Another detective came along and
purchased a ticket to Garrison. The
"divy" was made and the chain of evi
dence complete. McElroy wis ar
rested and! tried at Spokano Falls,
which resulted in a verdict of guilty,
and a fino and cositr, amounting to
5200. Yakima "Signal."
The full grown horse possesses twen
ty four back teeth that is, six in each
side of eauh jaw. Theao are called
molars or grinders. He has twelve
front teeth that is, six in each jaw.
Mares have no toshes. The foal has
at its birtb, or shortly afterward,
right milk teeth that is, four en'each
jiw. At about 12 months two more
milk teeth come in each jiw. These
remain unchanged until he is 3 years
old. The mouth of the yearling and
two-ycar'olct cannot be confounded.
The yearling mouth show.) no sign of
use, and the coiner teeth aro strong
and well grown, and tho corner teeth
filled np. A little before 3 years old
the two'ecnter teeth are replaced by
permanent teeth.' A little before 3
tbo two teeth oa each f,ide of the cen
ter tcth are replaced by permanent
ones. A little before 5 the two re
maining teeth are hhed, and in their
place come permanent ones. The up
per milk teeth are shed, and in their
place coma permanent ones. Tbe up
per milk teeth usually tall out first.
To us the mouth is complete as to its
front teeth. The corner tooth, how
ever, is but imperfectly developed, be
ing at present a shell only. Thin
shell at 6 years old has filled up, and
is a complete tooth. This is tho dif
ference between a 5 and a 6 year old.
This is the season of the year whan
the average candidate cannot wait for
hia roll and cup of coffee until he ban
looked into the morning paper to find
out how big a rogue and how desper
ate a rascal ha is. Blessed is the man
upon whom the convention sitteth
down heavily, for ho shall escape cen
sure and be saved the tedious task of
going around to make biennial prom
ises. Lair Hill writes to II. W. Scott that
his edition of the revised codes of Ore
gon were not burned up in tbe Ban
croft fire in San Francisco, as at first
supposed, but were merely "water
logged." This is consoling to the mem
bers who fathered the bills and law
embodied in Mr. Hill's code. It is
not every Soap Creek Solon who can
pass a bill which will "hold water."
A Prinville firm did Eome business
for a Portland carriage dealer recent
ly, and as a coupecfation requested
that a baggy be sent for the use of the
junior partner. Ir was sent in an en
velope. When opened a newspaper
cut of a buggy was found pasted to a
letter head, and underneath were the
words "no charges."
A lake of natural soda has been
found in Klamath county anJ we com
mend a journey thither to all who are
afflicted with the diseaso known us
"swelled head." It might be well
enough to sell excursion tickets at cut
rate, to that locality, good for ten
days following the Juuo election.
The "Oregoniar." wants to support
the entire Democratic ticket. Let no
one puc anything in its way. Let the
thing support it, if it wants. Any one
that would be influenced by Scott's
spiteful vaporings is a fit tnbjnct for
the insane asylum. Salem "Statesman."
From Washington.
TJsited States Senate, 1
Washington, D. 0., May 14, 1S86. J
Hon. N. Laxgell,
Jacksonville Ogn.
Mt Dear Sir: Your dispatch of
yesterday received this morning. I
went immediately to the Postffica
Department. I find on Mirch 30th
last an order was made removing tbe
Postofike from Willow Springs to the
railroad at FortXane, a distance I be
lieve of aout four miles. The ser
vice of ccurseto Willow Springs
necessarily had to be discontinued.
This change in the office was based up
on a petition with 58 names to it, for
warded I think by Mr. C. C. Ragsdale
with a letter from A. Noltner of Port
land, recommsndiug the change. Mr.
C. O. Rigsdalo was appointed Post
mister at Fort Lane. I hate just for
warded you atelcgrom of which the
following is a copy:
"Office removed from Willow to
Fort Lane March 30h on recommen
dation Tony Noltner, Mr. Ragsdale
and 58 petitioners. If patrons Willow
will send strong petition showing
necessity, Widow office will, be re
established, leaving office at Fort
Mr. Ragsda'o states in his letter
that there are 75 vo'era in Willow
Springs precinct and two thirds of
them ha says favored the change to
Fort Lane. Your petition should be
from citizens interested in having tbe
service at Willow Springs. They
should ask for tho raestablihsment of
an office there and for such service as
they think they are entitled to and
from what poiut. If they can make
a showing the office will bo re estab
lished at Willow Springs, and also such
servico as they may show thoy ars en
titled to. Hastily and sincerely,
Joiin II. Mitchell.
Senator Stanford says: "I some
times think that the rich men of the
country are responsible in great part
fur the present unrest aud dissatis
faction that exists among working
men." The Senator is certainly in a
position to know whereof he speakv,
and is also able to solve tbo labor
problem. He is possessed of $30,000,
000 of the uorld'n wealth, of which
he can spare sevetal millions in a
humane and Christian like manner.
His treasures on earh will then count
as treasures in heaven.
Etectrieity now takes a conspicious
place in almost every important new
invention. They are now testing a ma
chins for weighing trains in motion,
in which electricity taken an important
part. It records the weights indica
ted upon scales or steel yards, the ap
plication being specially designed for
tbe weighing of freight cars while in mo
tion. It is said that, with this device
properly applied an accurate account
can be kept of the weight of every car
passing over them, even at full speed.
A wholesale house in Chicago start
ed a salesman out on the road, giving
him 100 for traveling expenses. A
week passed an J nothing was heard
from Mr. Traveler. Still another
week parsed and still no word from
Mr. Traveler. Finally tho house
wired hira as follows: "Mr. Traveler
Nothing from yon since you left.
Are you still with usl To which Mr.
Traveler replied: "Yours this date
received. Have made draft on you for
for 200. Am still with you."
Mr. Cleveland is still very angry at
tbe newspapers for talking about him
and his approaching marriage. He
wishes they would stop. He can ar
range that very easily. All he has to
do is to resign the office of president.
It isn't Mr. C'eveland that is at all
important. It is the exalted position
that makes the incumbent important,
and it w?uld be the same thing if
Smith or Jones occupied the executive
At Linkvillc, Or., a fourteen-yeear-old
bay stole a quantity of barbed
wire from a warehouse and loaded a
boat so heavily that it sunk. When
found the hoy was sitting on a rock
wondering what to do next. San
Francisco "Alta."
The noted case of Brooks alias Max
well charged i'.h the murder of
Preller, at tbe Southern Hotel in St.
Louis has just come up for trial.
Subscribe fer the SzSTIKEL.
More Ports for Shipment.
A fewj days ago a meeting of pro
ducers and those interested nfeaving
competition in 'storing and shipping
grain and other products, was held in,
Salem to consider a proposition from
the Oregon Pacific Railroad for trans
action of business and transport
ing grain from thfs poiut. The fdan
as we take it in, is to have a harf and
warehouse of the river here, storage to
be free or cheaper than now common
here, and conncect with tbsj Oregon
Pacific at Corvallis by menus bf light
draught river boats. This fchemo
would give the producers of jMurion
county; and the river, geneially sienk
ing, opportunity to make tliipmeuu.
by the Ynquint route. This meeting
appointed a committo to do ceitaiu
work and will meet again to heartlieir
report. The matter Jis of very con
siderable importance and deserves not
enly favorable notice and good uiihni
from Salm as ajpoint ofjinlerest, but
should receivn'abundant aid ;n s finan
cial way towards building thr. neces
sary wharf and warehouse and evn to
construct boats of vary,light draft to
navigate the upper river. The old
saying from tho Greek fable, was:
"God helps those who help themselves,"
If we expect such things to comedo
pas: and be beneficial to our town and
its country, we must practically dem
onstrate tho interest we feel by con
tributing the necessary funds to make
the enterprise a success. Money is
not only the sinews of war but the
back-bono of commerce and the neces
sary thing lo make enterprise accom
plish results.
TI10 second volume of Grant's auto
biography, which is given to the publie
this morning, takes up the thread of
the story where the first volume had
dropped it, in the middle of October,
when he was on his way to take
charge of operations, at Chattanooga,
in place of Gdii. Rosecrans. Although
coifcerned vwth events in its author's!
career far moro familiar than those
recordbd in the first, the second vol
ume will not bo found less interesting
and indeed, the change of scene from
the west to the east, with new oppo
nents and subordinates to discuss,
proves a safeguardjagainst repetitions.
Tho memoirs termiuatealmost ab
ruptly with the end of the war, the
concluding chapter making allusions
to the last twenty yeas of Grant's
public career.
The "Herald" says: "Tho second
volume of Grant's 'Memoirs' is far
more interesting than its predecessor.
It has to do with greater men, greatur
event), and greater results. The fear
sometimes expressed that the old he
ro's physical condition during the last
stage of lii3 literary work would be re
flected by his pages, proves to be
groundless. The narrative is admir
ably clear, direct, and connected."
Yainaxto n.WE a Festival. Pro
fessor Leek of Yainax was in town
first of last week, and informed us that
the Indian pupils under bis charge are
to have a grand festival on the 26 h
inst., at a splendid grove near br.
The exercises will consist of declama
tions, recitations, solos, song3, My
queen festivities, etc. A magnificent
dinner will be given, and a good time
had by all. From what jwe know of
Mr. and Mrs. Leek, wo can safely sy
the affair will be a brilliant succesi.
Mr. Leek fuither informed us tht
tho Indian scholars put several acres
of choico land into a vegetable garden,
which would be attended to by them
alone. They all seem to have a desire
to be busy at something which tb-y
can call their own. Beside the In
dians engaged in the stock businc,;
many do considerablu farming and re
making rapid strides towards civiliza
tion. Klamath "Star."
President Cleveland might as we'l
put crape on the White House door
and retire from the businen. Two
hundred sewing women of Bufful
have boycotted bis 'further political
aspirations,' because Miss Frankio
Folsom bought her trousseau in Pari",
instead of patronizing home industry.
They insist that they could tog G ro
ver's bride out in better shape than
any measly Freiich dress maker, and
are after bis scalp with the broom
stick of revenge. Let the country
give them room, and they will put tba
everlasting kibosh on imported tr-us-seaqi.