Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 17, 1886, Image 1

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Jacksonville, Oregon,
.tdvcrlisenu-nts will be insetted in Iho
Sentinei. at the following rites: ,
Ten dnes, one insertion. ." $2.10
" each substantia Insertion, t DO
"" Legal advertisements inserted res.
sonably. Job'workof all kinil done on prompt
notice and in vvorkuisi -'ikis yle,
A Ul.coaitl lu vtiriy surllrs.
One copy. Per Year, In advance, $2 50
VOL. XXXI--U.O. 16
T. A. TOCNU, M. D.,
Physiean And Snrgeon,
Cb!kiial Pgixt, Oregon.
Calls promptly attended to at all hours.
Having located at this place I ask a
tdiarc ef the patronage of this section.
Calls attended to at any lime.
Medford, Oregon.
Al basinets in my line will receive
. 'prompt attention.
Jacksonville, Ogn.,
Will practice in all the Courts or the
State. Office in Court 11 rase. "
Jacksonville Oregon.
""Will rrad'cc in all the Courts ofthis State.
Office in the "Court limine.
"Uraduateof University, Leipzig, Germany,
Physician And Snrgeon.
Calls attended to at all hours day and
night. Ofllcfc opposite Slovcr Ho. tl, Jack
sonville, Oregon.
"K. I'rjrc, SI. I. I . ' Gear) SI. .
3VTociror3., ' O r.
, Ofllci. For the present will bo as
i ' "
J. W. HiSItlSON, M D.,
Physician and surgeon
"OFFICE At City Drug Store. Resi
deico on Fourth St., op.)itc M. .
'Calls prmptly attended to, day and night.
!5. F. DO WELL,
Portland, Oregon.
AU'lmsincss placed in my bands willrc
'ccive "rimipt attention. Sieci!ll atteu
tion given In collections.
Attorneys Counsellors At Law.
Oulce in Karam's new bui ding, coiner
-Pint and I'ine sheets
Portland, Oregon.
"Wiliyrac'ticcSh Kll thcconrtl ol Oregon.
Notary Public, Seal Estate Agent and
Collec or
avacocatdtorca, o
I make conveyancing and furnishing ab
stracts of land titles a specially. Loans
negotiated and collections made. All
business intruded to my care Will receive
prompt and carol ul attenlion.
T) E N T I S T,
Teeth extracted at all hour.
Lau;hing gas administered.
fir desired for which extra
charge will be made. Office on corner of
California and oth street.
X. O. OlBflS. L. B. STKASNf.
RoomB2 and 4 Strowbrldge's Building,
Will practice in all courts of recordin the
State of Oregon and Wnshinlon Terri
tory; and pay particular attention to
bOHtnossin JVieral courts
Dissolution Notice.
IN Ike Rogue River Distilling f0 1
vuHjinvcu tu iv A.jtc, .iimn i. nan
ley and Geo. M. Love, is dissolved by
mutual consent, John .4.JIanlcv will con
tinue the business and will receipt all ac
taunts due the laic company as well as
kittle its indebtedness.
GEO. 31. LOVE.
L 1 V E It ife MB FEED
Corner Of
Okeoo.v and California gTs.,JACKsoi.YiLLr
W. J. PYIftAE, prop'r
Would respectfully inform the public
that he has a fine block of
Horses, Buggies nnd C alngeK.
And he is prepared to furnish his patrons
and the public generally with
Fine Turnouts
As can bo had on the Pacific coast. Pad
die horses hired to go to any part of
the county
Animsis Bought and Sold.
Horses broke to work single or double
Horses lmardcd and the best of care be
stowed upon them while in my charge
A liberal share of the public patronage
is solicited on reasonable terms
3?. O. Building, Jacksonville
General Merchandise.
J pleasure in informing the publi
that he has purchased L. Solomon's
terest in the
Which will be kept stocked with a com
plete ud first class assirtinent of general
merchandise. I will sell -it
Very Seasonable Hates.
Give me a call and see for yourselves.
Lots for sale at low prices and on easy
Apply to J. S. HOWARD, Agent, at
Also, in the Railroad addition to the
town of ASHLAND.
Apply to M. L. McCall, Agent, Ashland.
Apply to JI V. B. SOULE, Agent
Apply to M. E. POGUE, Agent, Gold
Apply toS. JI. WILCOX, Agent Grant's
Pass. Or to GEO. II. .INDIUMS,
O. & C. R. It. Co.. Portland Or.
.slilazid Or-.
Four courses of study. Normal and
Commercial College, Preparatory and In
strumental music.
Foi particulars or catalogue apply to
the undesigned at Ashland, Oregon.
M. G. ROYAL, A. 31.
Givei Instint Relief, au is an Infallibla
-old by Druggists everywhere. Price, '"1.00
I er box, jirrjwiVJ, by mail. Samples sent
free to Physicians and all sufferers, bv
Neiutaedtci A. Co., lwx ?94G New York
Oitv. Sole manufacturers of ANAKESI&
Valuable Zand Tor Sale.
The undersigned offers 2,000 acres ol
valuable land for sale. Land situa'ed on
Antelope ereek, eighteen m Ics fror Jack.
somillc Will be sold in a body for 10
per acre or in 1G0 or 320 sere lot's at from
$15 to $20 per acre. For particulars ad
dress or call on A. L. Jntinon, Land
Agent, or t W31. BYBEE,
Jacksonville, Oregon
lx. undersigned by note or bookaccount,
arc requested to call and settle' without
delay. G. KAREWSKI.
Jacksonville, June 22. 1885.
Farm For Rent.
The undersigned offers thcDardcnclles
farm for rent For full particulars call
on the owner at the place
Thos. Chayxer.
GoWHil Sept. 0gl8S5.
i?V sr . P
Trie from Opiates, Emetics and JPtUon.
cnnivnBT LH
111 l Jf I I t
Mtm ntffim
Cures EhcuRiatiSRi, Nearsli,
UKiira .niKii ..in., i..,
97rahM. rraliMi li tie.
t:iecuible3 a. Tocrux cobaltiiiuiic,bd.
The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age I
Los ofnppetite. Dowels costlro, Pain In
the bead, with a dull sensation la tao
bnett pnrt, l'nin under the alisBlder
btadc, Fullness nder entlnc, irith adis
lnclination to exertion of body or mind.
Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with
nfcclingof bitTlngnrsIected some duty,
WcoriueM, Dizziness, Fluttering at tbo
Ilcr.rt. Dots before tho eyes, Ileadachs
over tbo riebt eye, Kettlessness, with
fitful dreams, Ilicbly colored Urine, and
TTJTT'S 1'ILT.S are especially adapted
to such cases, one dose- ctTects tucn a
They Inrreaso the Appetite, snd ouie th.
body tt Titke ou Flcsli, thu tbo nwn Is
noKrtsiiert, nrd by their Tonic Action ob
the l)iBestlveOnsnns,neiiiiIar9tooIssrs
rrtvlnl. Price 25c. 44 Mnrrmy Kt..r.T.
Cbit mm nr Wuiskeks chanced to a
Giosr Black by a single application of
this Drn. It imparts a natural color, acts
Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or
frit bv express on receipt of 91.
Cffioo.A MUrrcy St.. How York.
aackscavillo, Or.
At the old stand of S. P. Hanna, in Crone
miller's building, keeps on hand a
full line of
"Wagon -Material!
And is pit ared to do all work in his line
on sh'.i' notice and in a worMnanlike
mani.cr. Vehicles of every des
cription made to order.
Repairing A Specialty.
Terms reasonable and sitisfacation
guaranteed. Geo. Rieves
Thin TtTrvTTtV nrrmH is la
med March and SepL, each
year: io pages, ojxjii
inches, with ovr 3,300
illustrations r hole pie-
Inra rrflllrrv. .v whole-
Sale prices direct U consume jn all goods
for personal or family u Tells how
to order, and gives exar cost of every
thing you use, cat, drir wear, or have
fun with. Thcte inva iblo books con
tain information gleaned from the tsar
kets of the world. We will mail a copy
Free to any address upon receipt of the
postagc 7 cents. Let us hear from you.
SS" & SS9 VFabaik Aveasc. Chlocaa. I1L
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sweeter tale ?
Magnolia Balm is the charm
er that almost cheats the
. 0SCRt'fincP.
Oti J83G
na t msJW FREE to ill tppUemnU, aa4 to niunm of
lut rear wiUtont ordering It. It eoouJnt about ISO poxm,
600 iUBtrtion, prkei, oecartto dOKrlptirai 1 a.Ittte
tUrMtleiio fbrjittatlnt 1I ritljo of VE4JETABLE-
ui nowut sccua, Dcuts,ctc itojuu
to oil. wpodsvll to Htxttt Goxdeano. Scad Ibr It.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, MIchls&m
We contlctie to srt as Solicitors for Patents;
CsTsts. T-ide Marks. Oopvrijrfcts. evu lor ths
Unto' i-'aU'S, L&rjida. Cuba. Enptard. Ftance.
I.enin). Uf. e tare tl tliirtj-Uie
jenrj c-xierlcncc.
Iiae its Uui4i ed ttit.uf h nrare noticed In the
Ja-LNTinc sMticjlS. Ibilarcea-dsplenaid
t!lii3raiI -BrrMrraiCT. $3.20 a year. stx.n$
tneiH-KifeW -I . cie-c Is er) iraerestinc. and
nss an en 'rmons rinulattm. Address MLS
t "0- Paie't ScHciuirs, Pub's nf ScnsririC
AiL-UCAS. i"l Broadiray New Trrk.
Band bimt hbnut PafeaU1 rrve.
Q fi f a wcc't 'n ynr own town . Terms
dUU and $5 outfit tree. Address H
Haixet, & o., Portland Maine.
m Kb C5ss' s
fF Hi
1 TefesVBWeiBr
A Reason for Depression. I
. - m '- ....
Irta to aril anausijrepori oi me
bnresi of lbor whicL.isaw in pran,
it ii learatd that in 1885lb. number
of anrmpUyed mta Jnltne eoanlrj
wm atot 1,000,000. Th;.-verag
wsjes ef these men, ijj employed,
would net hve been t than on
dollar a day, or an aggrefftte of S100,
000,000 aday, or $300,000,000 a ytar.
This mm alone would lrfuEcieat t
canss sgmething of a reaction in bmsi
aest. Had these men bea employed
tbey -would bars created -rfar mere
wealth than the three handled millioas
W dawn fatht account of wVgve which
thej did nat earm. lb commissioner
points ;out tilt the employment of
contract labor of foreign importation
liailiad much to do with the briugiug
about this depression. Il has Vasulud
in oter prdneiion.
"By th census of 1880 ihe whole
amber of peopU engaged in agri
culture in the Uni'ed States wm
7,970,493. Into 'tko tatal nuinWer
then encaged in agriculture there had
bscn absorbed 812,829 foreign born;
that ii "tea foreign born constituted
10.50 per cent of the whol number.
The total number rmplofwd in tbe
oountry in manufaeturei, tii'chanieal
ancl niining industries was 3,837,112.
Into lhi nun-Vicr had Wa aumrhed
1,225,787 of the forcian born, or 31.6
par cent of the hole number. It'.will
be seen hi once tint 'h trndency of
lmtaigriute ir to asitMilatn with our
mechanical industries. Tbisincrexs
tka sapplr of laber in cetxpnrinau. to
the demand, lowest wages, contributes
to whatever over production exists,
and cripples most decidedly the con
suming power of the whole. In ex
amining the facts ene sees that prior
to each period cf depretsijn since 1837
there has been a largo increase in io.
migratioo, and following the inceptien
of depression a sharp falling off. As
times became prosperous after each
period immigration hasioi in and been
followed up to an abnormal dugree, and
as soon ai prosperity ceased temper
arly the foreign necbinic or laborer
hat remained at home. This constant
artificial augmentation of the number
of laborers during prosperous years
ha had its full share in bringing in
in the following perivd of depression."
1 U " w
Tlib large ucVeVml a(.p'..riation
promised; the early complution of ths
railrnad to "California; th building of
the Bhort Line fromBter City, with
the very largo immigration eoming to
Oregon serna to have a stimulating
effect upon the Real EUataof Portland
and sarresadfiiKS, whieli is plainly
ehawa'tiy Ihe'daiLy Abstract in its large
list f Retl Estate changing hands in
Portland and its suburbs. April ltt,
the sae-foith block corner ef Third and
Watklngton street, which it. practically
unimproved, sold at auction for
S$8,000. There are strong inquiries
for residence hunters. In fact there
nre negotiations for Real Estate all
ever Portland and its lubarus. The
foMuaatioH far thiA coniidenca is well
laid aad wa believe better times are
Wa find the fallowing very flitter
ering endorsement of A. G. Walling,
Rvq of this, for State Printer, in the
Oregon City "Enterprise" of the last
issue: "Hating heard tbe name of A
G. Walling, of Portland, iieiioned as
a probable canidate for citato Printer,
we would say; Mr. Walling is a prac
tical printer of forty years experience,
known in business circles a a man of
integrity, a penear who has done much
for poor printers, and others who came
to this coast without friend or a dollar
a true Republican from away back,
and has never asked office from the
pt.ru. If Mr. Walli.g wants tha
position tbe Republicans cannot do
better than give him the nomination.
W nominate A. G. Walling fur S't
Printer." Oregon 'SiUiaS "
Education Nb- rir.tjri'tcir. Dr.
McCosh of Prince'own, being a koa if
it was not true that a large number of
persons were unable to obtuiu exiploy
uitfal brcauso their education and sen
sibilities were above tha wants of
the society in which they lived, re
plied that he did not know of any ease
ahere educatioa had hurt am body.
If a man was in good health and in
dastrious, a good education would
qnolify him to a dozen diflWral things,
where an ignorant man could only do
one. Education properly atod would
enkbls a person to risa in any sphere of
Last Friday afternoon Mrs. J B
Huntington and Mies Alice Dtubin
were oat riding a short distance above
Huntington, and weie driving across
the railroad track near tha end of a
deep-eat, when the East bound train
shot around the carve and was upon
them in an instant. The cow catcher
struck the horses-, killing one of them
instantly, and crippling tha other so
that it was necessary to kill him to end
his sufferings; tha buggy was a total
wreck, hutstiange to relate neither ef
tha ladies were injured ia the least,
beyond being almost scared to death.
The bill to increase tho army has
bepn defeated, and the one f r the free
coinage of .silver met a like fate in the
1 house last Thursday.
Klamath County at tlie
World's Fair.
We ire pleased to note the fact that
Klamath county grain takes the cake
at the great New Orleans exposition.
The award was made to Mr. Robert
McLean, of this ceaaty, for a merit
orious display of grains in the collec
tive exhibit af Oregen. This award
brings Klamath coanty to the front
as a grain producing country in the
great 'grain growing slate et Ore
gon. This is no surprise te us who
are familiar with foar har'vMts here
and with the amount and quality of
grain produced, but it is pleasant to
have the fact emphasized and brought
to tha attention ef the world. The
average yield per 'acre is greater here
than in any other coanty in the state,
and, so far as we know, ef any other
state. Oar lands are fertile and kind
and free to work. With ttmbe'r and
reck in abundance In the 'neighboring
hills and mountains, tha epen plains
are free from both and are easily
brought under a high stale ef cultiva
tion. An industrious settler with
small means can easily fence and plow
at least forty acres the first year and
put iu his whole claim within two
years. And still'there is room. Not
withstanding tha targJs immigration
of last year there are still manv thou
sands of acres of the verr best quality
of grain landn left, tbftt arfi epen to
settlement. Let those who are reek
iug homes In a healthy and fertile
iand 'take note et these facts. "Star."
On last Tuesday afternoon a cave oc
curred in one of the drifts of the Hard
scrabble mine on McAttarcs creek com
plstety hurrying Mr. Ma'.hewsort, ene
Chinaman and partially e another
Celestial. Mr. Mathewson's sen who
was tending the deirickat the time,
quickly gave the alarm, and yn s. short
time a number of miners were at tha
scene of th mishap shoveling the
dirt from off the entombed meu.
One of tha Chinamen, .who had only
been caaght in the cave by tho foot,
iti quickly extricated. Mr. Mathuw
son, who's voice could be distinctly
hexrd from under the heavy pile of
earth, assured those that had came to
his resoue that he was not badly hurt,
but said tho pressure was gradaally be
comirg greater. Not a sound eaatr
from the chinaman and it was Ihoaght
that lie must he dead er badly injur.!,
After three hours ef steady work, Mr'
Mathewson was extricated from his
perilous ani uncomfortable pesition
but slightly injured. Work was con
tinued and ia about three hears mere
the Chinaman was found, badly seared
bat slightlvhurt. The cave waseanseb
by tha undermining of k set of timbers
which fortunately fell in each a way as
te protect the men from the heavy bad
of gravel above them. It was truly a
lucky accident as aheir escape from
death was very close. "Scott Valley
On the last np trip ef the steamer
Ysquina, in the vicinity ef Paint
Reyes, she ran into the sloop J. H.
Congdon, almost catling her in twe.
The bight wag dark and the sloep dis
played nolights, according to the of
ficers of the Ysquina, fens' as soon as
she straek her the captain and his as
sistant, the only two on the sloop,
were taken oh board the Yaquina.
Tha captain of the wrecked" vessel
asserts that he had Ihe proper lights
out and the stcaineralono was to blame.
The Vreek of the sloop was washed
ashore near Puis t Reyes.
yrup of Flss.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the Palate, acceptable to the
Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain
less in its action. Cures habitual
Constipation, B;lliouness, Indigestion,
and kindred ills. Cleanses thesybtem,
liuriEes the blood, regulates tho liver
and hcts on the Bowles. Break up
Colds, "Chills, and Fevers, etc.
Strengthens the organs on which is
acts. Hotter than bitter, nauseous
medicines, pill salts and draughts.
Semple bottle free, and large" bottles for
sale by Merritt t Robinson, Jackson
ville. ' Germany is having numerous eases
of trichinosis ef home manufacture
since it has shut eat the American
hog. What Bismark needs most is a
free importation of fair play until
srerybody has learned the aecetgity
of cooking meat before eating it.
Last Monday twe fly drutuuier
from Portland, received a lively and
well deserved deal up in McMinnvillc.
They wet twe respectabla young ladies
en the street and invited them to their
rooms at tha hotel. The ladiits were
indignant over the insult and quickly
informed their fathers of tha outrage.
Without unnecessary ceremony, they
armed themselves with heavy eanes,
and one of them earning tip to one of
the dude drummers aimed a blew at
his head which woulo have made him
weary for a week, had not Father
White, who was standing near caught
tha eane in his hand as it descended.
The drnmme'r took the hint and the
way he made the mud fly toward the
railway depot, was eulv equalled by
his pal who took the hint aud fol
lowed him. It was a warm day iu
Shepherd and Rowland, two
prisoners con&ned ii' the j-til at lode
pendence, the former under a thirty
days' sentence for stealing two over
coats from Kirby's barn, the latter
andnr 600 bonds to appear qefore tho
next Gran's Jary, on two charges of
larceny, made their escape frem the
jail last Saturday, by sawing U-o of the
bars of the grating in the window on
the south side of the building in two,
enabling them to pull out the entire
lower half of one of the bars, and to
bend the other one upward so hi to
allow a hole large enough for iIipiu to
crawl through anil male their escape.
Mrs. Glenn, an old lady 72 years,
living on Dry c:eek, met with quite a
painful and serious accident un Mon
day last. She was walking around in the
jard when a whirl-wind came along
anJ lifted the oh'l lurfy off her feet,
turned her rounj several times and
threw her with great force into a ditch.
In the fall sha sustained a fracture of
the left leg and severe bruise on onu
shoulder and side. A physician wa
called to reduce the fracture and dre
her bruises, and sh is getting along
as well as could be expected fur a par
am of her age. Biting so old it will
be a long time before ib recovers.
The Secretary of the Interior ha
rendered a decision'in tl e cae of the
Atlantic k Pacific, in which he holds
that it has no legal c'aim to th land
along the line 'ef tbe road from San
Buenaveatnra, on the Pacific Ocean
to San Francisco, and directs the
Commissioner General of the Laud
Office to restore the same to tbe pub
lic domain. The fact that this line
was mortgaged and money raised on
its credit is, the Secretary adds, a
misfortune te the mortgages iu that
they todk a mortgage on laud to
which the mortgagers had no legal
righc. The decision restores to the
public domain 2,451,200 acres.
A great many people contemplate
visiting Crater lake this summer, and
will want to know something about the
best route to take, etc. Mr. W. G.
Steel of this city, who visited the lake
last summer, wishes it announced that
he will be pleased te furnish anyone
who will apply to him witn all the in
formation be possesses, and will be
happy to render any assistance in power
te parties who wish to visit the greatest
natural curiosity of the Northwest.
Thre'o prisoners cenfined in the Kit
titas coanty jail, escaped Tuesday last.
One took t'a the mountains, but had
such a hard trip that he returned and
gave himself up, while the other two
hoarded a skiff and floated down the
Yaquina river, and are now the
Lord knows where. It is believed
they were assisted in their escape by
parties from the outside. A reward
of $50 each is offered by Kitita
county for their capture.
It is stated that the Chinese mer
chants of San Francisco are closing up
their business as fast as they can and
leaving on every steamer. The mer
chants there are suffering for the reasoa
that the Chinese merchants in the in
teriorbf Californa, Oregen, Nevada,
and WashingtonTerritory, havpnobus
ness, their patrons having disappeared,
and as a consequence they are unable to
pay their debts.
Klamath county fieople have eaten
up their winler's supply of potatoes
and flour and both of thpsa articles of
feod have gone up in prices. Each is
selling at four cents per pound iu Link
ville. Members of Cougress would be
glad'y welcomed home by their con
stitumts. They should adjourn and
try it.
The tariff qurs ion is getting into
a still worse tangle in the House, and
the chances now are that if the Mor
rison bill is pasted, it will !.e by its
enemies. The rtforninr", being pit J-.;-d
to some sort of taiiff Ugislaliii.i,
are determined to nss a bill, et.ti
if it doesn't do anything. Tlit-rn m
much ttlk of trading by which ha
bill is being whittled down. tu us io
sttinfy certaiu interests. It is clitu-l
that the onlt thing jf importance ,ih
committee has thus far M'CUiV"Ui)t!lia
free '.lfsC is. manufctared'8iunjS.r. .
Republican proWctionintx judge 'from
this that certain dt-uiocrtu wlioiti
ktatf inttTesls might ftanil in lite wv"
of their voting for th- bill, hat a
Agreed lo ote for it if their itfr"n
wtk cured for. If it sbould devutop
that this is the cw, republicans v. hi
arp protec'i"ni-ts V th'v i'l vela
ni'h the deiiiuc. a'.s nho rati free tl id
ers at heart, and pa-s the bill as pro
posed by Mr. Morrison. If there is
an attempt raadj to Uiscrimiuats tliny
uill insist upon consistency and will
make all suffer alike.
A Washington correspondent, writ
ing about the recent meeting at a re
ception at the White House of Pies
ident Cleveland and Senator Edmuu Is
on the evening of the day upon which
tbe latter made a few remarks in the
Senate personal to tho former, ta)s
tnat there was some embarrassment
when they shook hinds. This did
hot last lonf, for Senator Elmirdj
leaned 'forward and whispered some
thing in Mr. Edmunds'n right eat.
This is the conversation according to
the correspondent, that took pluee.
Mr. Edmunds "Did I hurt joi
much, Mr. President!''
The PrLsidtmt "Not much, S .'
ator." The correspondent is wrons Fir
the benefit of history we will print ex
actly what the conversation was.
Mr. Edmunds "Where da yoti
keep It r
The President "In the lower rig' t
band corner of the cupboard in a
dressing room. Tbe sugar is just back
ef it. The ice water is in the pitcher
on the table. "Washington Critic."
At Asotin, tha town at the beat! f
Snake river navigation, prisoners hi-ve
an easy time. There is no jail there
aud u costs $6 per day for "guard" fir
every prisoner1. The inhabitants r
bel at the expense and endeavor in
induce the charges to escape, but thfy
have too soft a thing of it and refu
take advantage of opportunities i nil
'nducementa offVred. They are "
lowed to wander around withcut
keepers, board at the best hotel in he
town, and spend their time at billiun s
and kindred amusements. They liu - e
ene now who was arrested for steal n
a watch and the sheriff is liable to d
feat at the coming election for sa -tiling
such an expsnse on the cunu't.
Notwithstanding the fact that he ia nt
liberty to go where he will, he prefrrs
to stay, and struts around like a syn
dicate of capitalists, and when hx
wants anything he inquires around
after his "lost" sheriff or the depul;.
He is pleased with Asotin and says it
is a good place to tie to.
The steamship Oregon, one of tha
largest finest and fatest vessels afl lat,
was run down and suuk at an early
hour in the morning, when the sea .
was calm. Some said be a schooner',
others that it was by dynamite, a
floating torpedo, or the sunken wreck
of some ship. There was no reliable
evidence to substantiate the truth of
either of these theories. Now comes
the erport that the Oregon was struck;
by the schooner Charles A. Morep',
which ought to have been in the neigh
borhood of the Oregon about tha tiinu
sha was run down, and has never been
heard of since, although one of her
yawls was picked up afloat. This has
almost confirmed the convictson that
the side of the Oregon was broken ia
by the Morso, and that both ve.seU
went to the bottom from this cause.
The trial jury in Allen case ex
oeeded $1,000, aud the fees allowed
witnesses from Oregon mounted 6
ver $1400 with services of short hand
reporter additional, making over 3-,
600. It is rumored that the Orpgouiail
friends of Elmore Decker, killed bt
Lewis A Ailed, talk of engaging Judge
Haroia, of Jacksonville, to assist the
prusejulioti of Allen at the next trir '
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