Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 03, 1886, Image 3

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-Satubdat, Apeil 3, 1886.
Republican County
A Republican County (invention is
'cailed to meet at Jacksonville, Oregon, on
Saturday, April 17th, 1880, at 11 o'clock,
for the purjwse of electing seven del
vffates to represPDt Jackson county in the
r Republican State Convention to be held
'in Portland j4jiril 28th, 1880. and transact
'such other business as may properly come
before it.
vThe convention will consist of 49 dele
gates, appointed among the several pre
"clncts, as follows-:
Ashland 14 Jfedford 3
-dpplecate 1 Janzanila -2
Big Butte 1 Jeadows 1
Chimney Rock.... 1 Pleasant Creek. . 1
Eden 3
Evans Creek... 1
.Foots Cr rk 1
bounce Rock .. 1
'Jacksonville .... 7
Lit le Butte 3
Rock Point 1
Steamboat 1
btcrling 1
Table Rock... . 2
Trail Creek 1
Uniontown .... 2
Willow Springs.. 1
The same befog one delegate for each
precinct or one for each 20 vote or fractions
aver half therefor cist (cr Hon. James 0.
Blaine at the Presidential election in
.November, 1884. The.CommTttce reccom
tmeniis thai the Primaries be held in the
,sevcral prccihcts.oh Tuesday, vtpril Gth;
it being also one of the days for every
voter to register to have the right to vote
,at the coming; election. We earnestly ap
'peajtoall to'perlorm that sleasant duty
'and'pnv'Jlc gc JEntiiTT Belltsqek,
Chairman County entral l ommittte.
A ClIAXGR. J. B Riddles has leased
TJiereand Jacob's brick hotel at Med
'ford and wili'have it ready for the pob
'lte three weeks hence. V. G. Kenney
'hat sold bis interest in the saloon to
liis partner, I. II. Wnlters and bought
llr. Lynch'i interest in th'e livery I
table there.
A Petition. A petition asking
Congrens to grant an appropriation of
'$30,000 to shorten and improve ton
wacon road to Klamath county via the
Itoguo'Rivsr roote was circulated in J
'Jacksonville this week by J. H. Grif '
'tis of Gold Hill and was signed almost
unanimously. Btixides this the peti
tion also has the signatures of nearly
'all our State officers and the recom
Susndalion of General Gibbon, com
manding this department and we hspe
,-and expect to see the request grantsd.
The oliiact is to maka a short and
'direct road from the railroad to Crater g
Religious Items. Re . A. M. Rus
will hold services at Med ford Sunday.
....Rev. II. C. FWiing preaches at
Rrowniboro next Sunday at the usual
linur ... Regular sen ices will bo held
at the Catholic church in this place,
'Iter. F. X. Blanchitt officiating....
Liberal Suiiday-scbLol and Bibla Class
Wnts every Sunday at II o'clock a. M.,
VtlhaU M. L Hall, Talrnt RY.
'J. R. Roberts hati recalled his appoint
ment fir Sunday and Rev. V. P.
Williams will be at Grant's Pass on
ht day.... Rev. A. R. Bickenbach
will preach at Phoenix Sunday morn
ing at tha usual hour, and at the Pres
byterian church in Jacksonville in the
'vtning.... Elder M. Peterson will
'preach at the. Mound chool-houn on
"Sunday at 11 o'clock A. H., at the forks
of Butte creek and Reune river at 4
'o'clock r. u , and at Eagle Point in tho
Hokridlg Murder As we stated
our last issue in an item taken from
t Grant's Paw "Uoirier" Thos. F B .
bee was found (Je ad in theroad near Wal
'4t not far from hit home, death re
lilting from a gunshot wound some
sixteen buckshot having lodgrd in the
Tight side of bis neck within a space
Vf less than ten inches and no doubt
killing him instantly. Only a few
inou'.ln since it will bo remembered
that Wm. Bvbea was shot in the leg
Vy Thomas Bvbre tha difficulty arix
Sng over boaie laud trouble" for which
the latter was arrested and was under
indictment at the time of his death.
Wm. Bybee was arretted on suspicion
aud at the preliminary examination
lield before Juaties Kellogg at Kerhy
Ville the following evidence is said to
nave been drawn out: Both men were
u Waldo on that day and in the even
ing William left town with a gun Tom
starting a half nour later about 8:30
V It. Shortly after this the men at
William's p'ace heard two shots and
half an hour afterwards the Utter re
Jorned to hi booie with the gun.
Nothing further was known till next
inorning when a hired man at Tom By
bee's farm seen the owner's horse in
iroat of the hnute unhitched and with
saddle and bridle still on. Suspicion
was aroused at once and the man at
JJrs. By bee's suggestion started far
Waldo at ones to see what was up
when he found Tom dead in the road
as aboTe described. Deceased was
Sying on his back with a revolver in
lis Utt hind which was still fully
loaded. Tha people in Waldo ware
noti&td at once and a Coroner's inier
tigation held but that body failed to
s.ccuse anyone of the murder, saying
that he cams to his death at the hands
f some party la us unknown. t)n
Saturday, however, William was ar
rested on suspicion and is now in jiil
without bail on a charge of murder in
the first degree. No defense
Vaj ' offered at the jirelimi
hary examination only that Mr. Br
bee plead not guilty to the charge.
William Bybee h been a resident of
'Jackson since 1857 during which lifts
he was always recognized as an honest,
straight forward and brave man. He
was twice elected to the office of Sheriff,
filling the same most acceptably to all,
knd his many friends wherever he is
known1 cannot yet make themselves
believe that lie Wonld be guilty of
aheetinghis worst enemy from ambush.
We sincerely heps that'Mr. Bybea cab
Jirove hit ianocehce. He is now in
the couaty jail hern having been
brought over from Kerbwilla yester
day by Deputy Sheriff Wilsori of: that
Ldtihl Items-
Nswoeds at Fisher's.
Jacksonville Assateurs tonight.
L. D. Brewa is back from Portland.
Attend the entertainaeat to-night,
reserved seats at Little's.
Y m. Charley of But&$nek wis here
ffedaesday an land "iskttfrs.
The April terse ef the County Com
missioners' ert will be heldmext
Miss Aaiie Kcewles ef this place
is in charge ef the WHSsTriUe district
Rains dariag the past week came
just in time and ear farmers sow smile
Tod Cameron is able to be around
again bis injuries net being as senses
as first reperted.
Dr. Will Jacksen has returned from
Ashland and"caa to TottcS htrAs dtn
tal office as usual.
Haskel Amy benght the D
Foudray residence at Sheriffs sale last
Saturday for $1,200.
J. Nunaa and James Drum "received:
a ear load of salt this week besides a
large lot of other goods.
Mrs Alex Jones hai parchased the
Knight hotel property at Wildervillr
and has taken possession.
Genl. Reamts is out again on official
business for the A. F. & A. il. but is ex
In order to get first class goods Max
Muller has gone to San Francisco to
get a stock of his own seltction.
Republican coavention to sleet dele
gates to the State convention wilt be
held in Jacksonville on the 17th.
"Cbas L. Thornton, better kaown as
"old Yank," died at tee county hospital
this week. He was an old timer.
Mrs. J. C. Whipp's condition is
greatly improved we are pleased to Say,
and all danger seesss Vo hare passsed.
Bar. A. P. Graves commenced a pro
tracted meeting at Ashland on Thurs
day last and will continue it for ten
MiKenxie & Chale are now in their
new quarters in tha U. S. Hotel where
they ask all their friends to call and
Two new brick blosks will be erected
in Ashland this Spring. One of them
will bs pat up by Messrs Billings and
It Moes ssem fuhnV how frendly
soma people can be and with what a
hearty shake they can grasp year hand
Alfred Slecum Sr. is with us once
more as agent for the well Wean
agricultural implement aoate of J. 1.
Case it Co.
Treasurer Fisher gives notice else
where that he has funds on hand to
redeem a large number of out-Standing j
county warrants.
Goldsmith 4 Low enberg's popular rep ,
rnsentative, Clinton Going was in town
yesterday interviewing customers ii
thHtardwlre line.
The Rogue River Distillery will
close again for a while on Wednesday
next. They will then have 20,000
gallons of liquor on hand.
K-vper Kabli and John A. Boyer
will represent the OJd Fellows lodge
of this place in the Grand Lodge to
meet at The Dalles next moatQ.
A party of eight Canadians arrive I
here Tuesday with the intention of
locating. They express themselves as
well pleated with their new home;
Herman Helms this week received
anoiharjotof Shoalwater Bay oysters
ia tha shell which are the finest we
have yet seen. Go and get a mess.
Bunsow, the painter, is able to be
out on the streets again and says that
he is ready to contract for any kind of
painting to c ' ence work next week.
The water supply having bVtn about
exhausted most of our placer miners
have commenced cleamag up. They
all had a better ran than asual this
H. O. Lang of Portland speat sever
al days here this week writing up our
mining resources and says that he was
very favorably impelled with oar prot
pacts. Tha law having bes"h declared un
constitutional votera need not registsr
for the coming election. This will be
good news to many ia the outside pre
cincts. New additions and mora machinary
will aoen be added to Browa & Co',
quartz mill here and when finished it
will compare favorably with iny in
the State.
Circuit Court for Jotephiae county
will commence on Monday April 12th.
The Bjbee trial, will probably be the
hrst on the docket shoald an indict
ment be found.
The Jacksonville ., Turaverein So
ciety and Silver Cornet Band will
soon go to Central Point to give an
entertainment. The boys are capable
of giving a good one;
An effort is being tnae'e at Ashland
to close the saloona there by rofusi-e
licenie. A remoastran'ca is being cir
culated and both aides are working
bird CO gt the majority of signers.
Jacksonville Lodee No. lo. 1: () n
F. will likely celebrate the 67th anni
versary bf the order b'n April 2Bth
but it has not yet teen decided
whether it will bo piiblie or private.
The Geld Hill literirj society sleeted
the following officers at a recent meet
ing: President, C. B. tiiller; vice
presidents, Ckas Swindea and Jalius
Irumbln; secretary, Emma Fitzgerald;
treasurer, H. Neathamerj sergeant st
ares Jar. Walker.
Walter Fleming of Little Butte had
a leg broken by getting thrown from
a horse but Dr. Whitney of Eagfe
Point has got him in such a sht'pe that
ho will soon be atle to 'try it ever
John Orth hat atiae'a feuuefioa Yh
the price of hog meat now selling
shoulders at 6 cents per bund, side
meat 5 cents and god lard at 7 J cents.
It is all open for inspection and warranted.
J. B. MeDaniel, one of the pio'neersa
on the coast and also of Jackson coun
ty died at the residence of his son in
Josephine 'county "seVeral days ego.
"Old Mc" was well known and respec
ted bv all.
nermann ass iriiniu me remissioa
of the fine of $100 on Jota Rast and
XT t J.t..!..,.,
D. C.McClsasan-, TneireartieY, between j
Roseburg and Myrtle TJreek Tor aon
fufillment of contract, which was the
cause of the fine.
The quartz mill is now raning on
rock taken from F. Richard'a mine in
John Orth'a pasture. After this a
run will be made from the old Daven
port mine on Jackson creek now 6rned
by George RieVri.
G. W. Diraiek, chaTrmsn el tVe
state central commute, announces that
'he time for holding the state conven
tion of the prohibition party hat been
changnd from March 31st to Wcdnes
day, Ajril, 14, 1886,
Cross-eyed wome'n were advertised 1
for IsRt week by a Brooklyn employ
ment office, which offered them $10 a
week. It was foand that a museum
manager wanted to get twenty (A them
together in a "congress."
James Resroes oY Eden precinct, S.
Rosenthal and W. G. Kenney of Med
ford, W. M. Holmes o'f Trail Creek
and J. T. Bowditch of Ashland were
teen on onr streets during the week
and made as pleasant calls.
While on hit return front Portland
Mr. W. C. Myer, of Jackson county,
sold his percheron stallion, General
Fleury, te parties in Marion county.
This horse hat proved to be one of the
most reliable fcre'S&rs ever br'oli'Jht to
this coast.
Every Republican voter should at
tend their primaries on Tuesday next.
Send in full delegationa from every
precinct and show the opposition that
wo are a very lively corpse and will
prove it after tho closing of tho polls
in Jane next.
E. R. Reames is now out bf busi
ness at Llnkville and is disposing of
his household goods to leava the place.
Wo are not informed at to where Mr.
Reames proposei loca'ing it will
make no objection if bo selects the
county seat of Jackson.
Geo. Chick, Sup't of the Medford
Reduction Werke brought suit to-day
against C. C. and J. F Ragsdale for
th'e sum of $20,000. This is a small
sum, considering the offense, even if
Mr. Chick succeeds in compelling
Messrs. ItagsdatoVo pay the full amount.
Deputy Sheriff Wilson of Josephine
county was in town yesterday but
stayed jut long enough to shake hands
with a few ef his many friends here.
Among th'e numerous other Candidates
being mentioned for thn office of Sher
iff hit name seems to be tho most
prominent on the Republican side.
The quiet but steady and healthful
movement in mining in Southern Ore
gon i a source of much gratification to
all who are interested in the welfare
of our State. The mining intereitt of
Southern Oregon are deserving of bet
ter attention than they have heretofore
received at the bands of ottr capitalists.
Portland "World."
George F. Billings tha well fcnowa
real estate agent of Ashland was here
this week settling up with tha Sheriff
The charge brought against him was
not criminal, however, as ha only came
to pay his own and other peoples taxes.
G. S. Buttler and N. Long wer'o u'srle
at the same time and for tha same
After all the talk indulged in by his
"immensity as to what th Democrats
would do if they had the say in regard
to tho registry law in this State, what
do you say Chaney when the Republi
can members of the Supreme Court
decides as you wish while Judge
Thayer, the only Democrat bn that
bench dissents from the opinion of the
W. G. Steel, of Portland, whs was
in Ashland last week, saya a number
of weatthy psople of Portland will visit
Crater lake during next summer.
Capt. Dtttton, of the XT. S. Geological
surrey, who will arrive tnera with a
surveying party as early in the summer
at practible for his work, will bring
from Washington in sections a copper
boat, which will be placed upon the
According to way the "Titnes" prints
County Treasurer Fisher's call for the
redemption of cotihty warrants iu the
"town edition" of his last issue the
county debt ia nothing as all sciipt pro
tested up to January 22d, 1886, is
called for, with th money ia Ih'e
treasury to pay for it. Tha trtls facts,
however, are that the Treasurer calls
only for warrants up to January 23,
1881 aud there ara still a few out
standing after that dtte. Was
it typographical error, Chariest
E. R. Reatae't his Iwd very fine two
year old Altamoats, ahieh he it hav
ing broke to harness. They stay be
teen every day nnder the training of
G. W: Mora'e experienced hostler,
Charley Lenz C. S. Moore also has a
couple that are four year olds ibis
taring and they weal J take the cake in
any place. J. tx. Hanks has a two.
year-old colt of the Norman atock
that is hard to beat in thy codbtry.
He is one ef the big H.ttle horses
weighs 1076 potlads. Who can best
itt "Star.-"
The genial countenance of Wi'liam
'Carll that was once so familiar la
Jacksonville, was agar to oo seen hare
last Tuesday after an absence of about
a year "arid a half. Billy W6ks about
an Wealthy as uafia), fs at $ef ial as ever
anil it "he Is the successful bidder "on
tWo mail route in Lake county, he
save things again appear to look like
old times. Bill is a first'erisi stage
man and hit many friend acre al
ways with him unboanded sBccass.
Col. Scoble ptid Redding a flyiag
visit on Thareday, saya tho Rdding
Free Press" of 8atarday last, for ifae
purpose of buying horses. Although
he had little time to talk wo learned
a few pointers 'connected with bis
epperatinns kt the front. He has a
force of 200 aoen employed, a'nd as
he remarked. ,v1t ste'tmboatin? I
things'" Ho has 'finished tha sixth 4
and seventh crossings akd 1 working
on the eighth and ninth. Ha has
thirteen bridges to build .to tho end
of his present contract at Fish Rock.
There are thirteen more bridees tcJ
build after these. His-family is with
hit. except his daughter who is
finishing her education la Europe.
Cafe Scobin has net yet recovered
from tho accident whTch'' 'befell him
tome montbaaiace.4 Janrrfat."
D. P. Thompson, one of the wealthi
est men ia Oregon, was ta Washing
ton recently. To a reporter ho said l
that the Oregon Short Line. would I
survey a road thrcugh. southeastern
Orepoi to the Willamette Valley, and
thence to Portland, or to a junction
with the Oregon h California road.
This road would be built as aeon as
possible-, abd open up a great stretch
of country in the southeastern part of
the State. That country has now no
convenient road to market and is back
ward in development. Mr. Thomp-I
son ssid that Oregon s bow enjoying
solid prosperity. He is of tha opin-;
ion that the mining interests of the
State will be largely and profitably de
veloped within a year or two. Mr.
Thcmpson is mentioned by hia friends
aa a probable Republican nominee for
Governor of the State. Hn satd that
he was not seeking the honor, and it
was doubtful whethor be Would accept
if it were tendered him.
i ,
"NatWe Sons Op Origox" The
undersigned native sons of this Sta.e
respectfully invite all native sons fcf
Oregon who are citizens Of the United
States to meet at the Council Chamber
in Portland on Monday, April 5 b,
18S6, at 8 o'clock p. U , Tor the purpose
of considering tha proprietv of organ
izining an association of '"Native Sons
of Oregon:" Geo. W. McBride, Al. E
Ra'eigr, Al. Holman, D. Holt C. Wil
son, R. P. BoisV, Jr. W. H. Adams,
Paul N. Deady, W. W. McGuire
Geo L. Curry, W. F. O.born, W. S.
Chapman, Wm. M. Ladd. Henry E.
McGinn, Sam R. Stott, Frank C. Bak
er. Should there be any eligiable per
son who thinks well of the organiza
tion of such a society, and cannot at
tend, he will pleasadrop a line-4o the
undersitiged, who will report hia name
to the 'ociety.
Frank J.Bakbr, euro 61 "Rural
Spirit," Pon.auu-.
Bui Ntb"S Mine. "Bill Nya ant'
a syndicate ol journalists bava been
mining. The works of tho Aladdin
are now shut down Tha remarks of
the President of the company upon
the condition of the property ara hno
reproduced, a'nd they will strike a re
sponsive cbord in the heart of many a
Californian: "It is not a Very good
mine if a man wants it as a so ores of
revenue, bat makes a mighty good
well. The water is cold and clear at
crystal. If it stood in Botten instead
of out there in Northern Colorado,
where you can't get at it no more than
three months in the year, it would be
worth $150. The great fault of the
Aladdin mine its poverty as a mine
aud its isolation as a ell."
Uablta.il tonsllpatlen
Is a prolific source of misery and
many ills, 8v'ng r'3e l0 Headache,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Rest
essness, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois
oning of. Blood, etc. The bitter
nauseous Liver, medicines, pills, salts
and draughts formerly us'ed (tb relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that way. know the impor
tance of the remedy pleasant to the
palate; Harmless in its nature, and tru
ly beneficial in its action. Tlie trial
bottles of Svriipof Figs giveu away
free of charge by our enterprising
druggists Merritt and Robinson of
Jacksonville prove that it ia all that
can be desired. Large bottles at fifty
cents or one dollar.
A Flsi HorshI Jackson county
horse-breeders suffered quite a loss
when they allowed Robt. Westrop's
well known draft stallion ''Turk" to
leave this portion of the State. There
ara many fine colts in the valley sired
by Turk principally owned by John
Toepper, John S'zemore, David Bird
sey, S P. Jones and others all ef whom
are proud of their stock and can ro
comniend the horse wherver he "''''
Turk is how th property of C. 9.
Morgan of Pin Valley, Union Cf unty
Oregon where he will remain during
the season.
STtxMJUT's DaT Orefeb'riiS2Po
cahonta Tribe No. 1, Imp'd O- R. M.,
will celebrate tha 13th of Way (.St.
Tammany's) with a grand ball at their
hall. The best ot manic has been en
gated and Gee. Beck will farnih a Grst
claas sapper. Ho pains will be spared
lo make this affair recherche in every
respect For furtbbr pirticnlars
see advsrtinmsat elsewhere.
When Baby was sibk, we gave her
When she was a Child, she crid for
When shs became Miss, she clone to
When sfie had Children, she gave them
Ttre "riHKi- JL-t Cat. Dear
friend Frank, is the Roval Maltese
missing yeit That poor old tern, vou
must know his fuend Chawle's pet;
it la a shame, to cao-e a man to adver
tise! it is a trare thine t6 loose so
great a 'prize, and "can no Ittot fro'nii
near or far hear any news , ot him
wlo whines, his doting love, In "Bline
mew.t. Fo'or kalte'se where art thou
gonel can you answer me thkt, are
you somewhere sparking? you rogouab
smart old catv or are jou lectioneer;
log, you old Democrat! nod with some
op onert you are having a spat, are
you in some dark corner! making up
a "ring, preparing tor the election or
erne such thing. Arranging all things
so beautiful nice and Priuira: purring
to the voting mice, a "Democratic
hymn." Yea: by the moon's pale dim
lignr, wo see your shaddow scratching,
clawinc, trying lo climb "Jacob'n Ltd
der." On tho rounds of "faith" and
"hope" you climb, "chaity" you cannot
reach, itt too high, and great a raritv .
Oh thou lost maltese you may "Neal '
your wire. And burn and consume in
i political fire, but remember Royal
Tom: Chawles says you are lost, and
if he can he'll redeem you at any cost.
It seems strange to a miner, (though
it may be wie) when such things oiy- a
are lost wo must advertise, but what
puzzles me the most is Chwles he cal t
yon a "cat" always before we knew
you as "a democrat." So ih good
wishes to all from an old miner w
respectfully reg's'er a Fortyniner.
each Tiotile of Sliiloh's catarrh Wme'ly
Price.50 cets. at Brook's.
and Bronchitis immediately relieve 1
by Sliiloh's cure. Brooks keeps it.
erable by that terrible cough. ShllohV
Curs is the rtmedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Call at Brooks'.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Giiiker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
WHY WILL YOU cough when
Shiloh's cure will give imu.ediate er
lief. Price 50cts. and $1 00. Brooks
keeps, it.
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale at K C Brooks.
of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both my
self and wife owe our lives to SHI
Brooks keeps it.
Child's Snow Flake. Every lady
wishing a clear, delicate Complexion,
should usti Child's Snow Flake. It
nourishes and fresheus thn skin, re
moves Tan and Sunburn, And, thenat
ural appearance imparted, renders it
impossible to detect its use. Warrant
ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all
druggists, or by the manufacturers,
John A. Child & Co., Druggists; Port
land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly
attended to, Price 50 cents.
County Treasurer's 5th Notice.
Office op Treasurer of Jackson Co., )
Jacksonville, April 2, 1B86. J
there ire funds in the Ojunty Treas
ury for the redemption of the following
county warrants, protested up ta January
22, 1881
Humbert 15, 18. fJ2, CI, 289, 20, 1800,
1855, 35, 34, 83, 840. 64, 1617. 50. 1730. 44.
1945, 20,78, 1820, 167, 211, 164, 20?,
196J4. 152 172. lU2i. 195U. 199J4.
209H. 223H, 2224, 237, 230J, 245U,
14 18., 181, 241?, 210. 174H,
203J. 202J. 179K. 201, 176J 139U,
132U. 23,118, 156, BI.335U, 326U S29U,3iSU,33;M.
164. 174. J)U. 184. 2tolC327U. 331 U. 1S07. 214:1808.
ji5. mo; 210, 1031, r,iU, ivs3t.v. 1579. 21914,
ZbZ, IMK,ZM. 1WS, liV, :a4, 1103, 1JD7. 15W,
235U. 1819, 49. 3Ui. 260JJ, 272K, 339 1-2, 279 1 2,
35312.34412,179, 115,35112,1400. 30712.479.178,
4S1. 3M1-2. 15712, 21712.29512, 13112,520,539,
540, 49. 1749, 1714. 417, 381 1 2. 431, 582, 561, 500,
36S12, 412. 432, 443.36912. 39912. 3S012. 203,
259 1 2, 404, 386 1 2, 1581. 559, 391 1-2. 411. 511, 423,
3S8 1 2, 65. 19S 1 2, 415. 607. 462, 525, 672. 418, 387 1 2,
401 1 2. 499, 243 1-2, 653, 3841 2, 162, 1591, 624.
Interest on the same will cease from
this date. Newman Fisher,
County Treasurer.
xtpwmi& waBontas
Uxibt gjto. h
IMP'D O; K. M.,
St. Tammany's Diy, May 12,
On the corner of California and Third
Street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Dave tronemiller, H. K. Hanna, E. B.
Watson, E. D. Foudray, E. Jacobs.
George Rleve.
floor managers:
Cbas.2fickelLJ. R. Little, Wm. if elisor.
Chas. Prim, Wm. Kezney.
II. Pape, Jr., A. F.Eddy, has. Pursell,
U. Laboardette.
A fine supper will be furnished by Geo.
Beck, which will be seiyed in the lower
story of the Odd Fellows' building. The
best of mnsic has been engaged for the
occasion, and no pains wliLbe spared to
make the affair the event. of the season.
Everybody is invited. Tickets, including
supper, $2.50. J. G. BIUDaEY,
General Com.
WANTED A cipalilg man or Vbdlan,
or unusual energy, to lake the
agency rf this or some other county tor
the"Hisinryof California." To the right
party it will pay $t00lo $300 per month.
Ao'dress F PERSON, Janager Occiden
tal Publishes Co., 120 Sutter street, San
Francisco. mar27 lm.
Will bo giveu at the
'On "the Evenings of
Saturraay, April 3rd ind 10th,
Under the auspices of the
The following excellent pieces will
be presented:
CW of
Henry Pape. Jr
N . F. Steadman
, D.A.Jones
N. XJ. Begg
G. Newbury
.... ....James lover
.... ...Byrnn Prcslev
Kate Miller
.......Mrs.-A:-F. Eddv
David Garrick....
Mr. Simon Ingot .
Squire Cherry . . . .
.Mr. smuu
Mr. Jones
Thomas ....... ...
Servant........ . M
Ada Ingot. ... .
airs, bmitn
Aramintha Brown.
Mrs. D. A, Jones
Cast of Cbiracters;
Peter "Perchant. lawveV. N. t Steadman
Gilbert Murdoch Henry Pae,Jr
Tom payson D. A. Jones
ltichard Gordon UL, .lacobs
sa, a colored servant Byron Presley
Jrs. Garfield H.ittie Newbury
Annie Garfield Clara Cameron
Belle Gordon Katie Jiller
Jennie Joy. Jrs. f, A.J6scs
, , . Ca t of Characters:
ur", Stephen Popplncourt.T.F. Steadman
Arthur Ormeston Henry i'ape, Jr
Mrs. Wiugrove Mrs. A. F. Edd
Laura Katie Jillcr
Kiltie Vinks Jrs. D. 1. Jones
Eodktfdr bills with particulats.
Dnhnatic Entcrtainhient
. .
At Jftdford, W edncsday evening, Jhrch
17th, 1886.
One Hundred years Ago,
The Boys of '76,
Followed by the laughable Farce entitled
"Ici on Parle Franfcaile"
Byers Hall, Admission, 28 cts.
Dealers in
Field Hfiftable and Flower SttSi
Imperial Egg Food,
Garden Tools, Fertilizers,
129 2d St, between Salmon and Taylor,
Fortlatoa, Oregon.
Laud Office at Rosebbro, Oair , I
.Varch 16, 1880. f
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
ot liis claim, and that Bald proof will be
made Before the Judge or Clerk of Jack
sob county, i)t Jacksonville, on aionday,
4pnl26, 1836, viz: W, II. Bfauchamp,
Homestead No. 3784 for the N W X of
Sec. 14 Tp 33 S R 2 west Will. Mer. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uppn, and culti
vation of, s&id land, viz: Jf. A. Houston,
Wm. Turnham, J . B Rodgers and Jacob
Bowman, all pf Sam's Valley, Jackson
county, Orcjron.
Wm. F. Besjamin, Register.
S&'jz 'Alt 2?&dM
Land Office at Roseburo, Oon.,
. , . ifarch 16, 1880 f
Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-ti.imeil
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of liis claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Judge or Clerk of Jack
son county, at Jacksonville, on Tuesday,
Jpril 2f, 1886, viz: JIfred Carter, Home
stead No. 32U for.ihe E.if otS Y if,
S W U b'fS E if Sec 3a NE X of N W
JfanjJXWifot NESeb. 31.Tp.37.
SR3jWeSt. Will. JfefT,, He names, the
followmz witnesses' to prove his continu
ous residence upon, and cultivation of,
slid land, viz: Jonh F- ttebery. Ed
ward Janville, Henry Bitcman and E. P.
Vickroy, all of Jacksonville, Jackson
om-ty, Oregon.
Wm. F. BexJamts, Register.
e Active
May good fortuno follow the readers csT
The Daily Alta
The foremost newspaper of thePaclfla
Coast; which presents both aides of all
matters of pnblio Interest; No enemias)
to punish or friends to pet, but fair and
truthful with all.
The Weekly -Alta
Presents the strongest possible claim td
a family circulation. It Is filled with
good reading, stories fashion notes, and
pays lntelllgent,attention to the Hon s4
and Farm., Splendid premiums with the
WeeUfc-Afta 'J
By Mill, Fostafa Free, In tie TJnlttd Start sad
Canada. i
Eillr. (Including 8tmdj) One Tear.. ..W CO
Pallr. - One Monti..". t 60
Sunday Edition, One Tear.... SCO
Weekly AKa, One Year,. i. . ..;.. ...V.-.. 1 M
Send postal card reqnestfor free sam
ple copy of Daily or Weekly Alta,
Drafts, Checks, and other remittances
should be made payable to the order of
San Francisco, California,
THE Li'AiHtiS .
Of Southern Oregon, arc hereby informed
that in addition to a Urge and elegant
line of
I have added to my stock the following
class ol goods, of which I have a full line:
Ladies' Finishing tJovjris,
Both Knit and Mu-Hb.
Infant's WardroVe tJvmplote,
As cheap js to be bought any place; also
Under 4 years oldl
A beautiful line '
! r
Consisting of Lisle and Silk!
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets
56orin.3rx- IsiQ.iV&sr lm
And many(Othcr things, too numerous W
mention. I have also secured tho
services of a
And am prepared to execute all ocdjej'i iq
that line in first-class style at reasonab e
rate: . '
Call and see me at the building- form
erly occupied by A. L. Johnson on Call.
fornia street. JIRS.P. P. PRLM
silas j. Bay,
Notary Pullic, Real Estate AgP.
Abstracts made of Titles to Lands.
Xiogal Sooumontsi
Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertain
ing to the settlement of estates.
Collector of Accounts Prompt
Investment Securities a. Specialty.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sola.
I have a complete set of Maps of all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and re
eeive abstracts monthly from Roeburi: ot
alj new entries made. I am thus prpi
pared to make out Homestead and Pre
emptior papers, and can thus save tq par.
tics the expense of a trip to Roseburg
Land Office.
Several fine farms arc in my hands tor
sale. , ...
Prompt reply made to all letters;
Charges in accordance with the timed.
Refers, by permission, to C. O. Beek
man, Esq, Banker; to Hod. L. R. Web
ster, Judge dC this judicial district, and to
any business house in Jacksonville.
Office at south east comer California1
and 5th street, Jacksonville, OreL-on.
Saloon And Restaurant;
The proprietor take pleasure in in
forming the public that ho hai
thoroughly renovated this well-knowd
stand and is prepared to furnish
Fresh Bread and YeaSt
daily, delivering the same to any portion
df Jacksonville free of charge.
Meals, 25 Cents. , ,
The tab'e will besupplicdwith a cHdi;e,
variety of eatables, while -the.,besl of
wines, beer and cigars may b'e found id
the Saloon
f-Qive trie a call.
Kerbyville..,: Oregon j
Mrsl lAi Ryder, Propr.
First-class accommodation can at way J
be had at this house at the most reasonai
ble rates.
J3PAn excellent stable connected wlta
the hotel
"m BSSSsBsssssssss"HifeasT sat