Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 27, 1886, Image 3

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SATU&DAY, Mauch 27, 188G,
Republican County Con
vention. A Republican County Convention is
bailed to meet at Jacksonville, Oregon, on
Saturday, .rfprll 17th, lb8G, at 11 o'clock,
for the purpose of electing seven del
cgates to represent Jackson county in the
Republican State Convention to be held
in Portland .4pril 28th, ltfcG, and transact
such other business as may properly come
before it.
The convention will consist of 49 dele
gates, appointed among the several pre
cincts, as loi lows:
Bedford 3
Jfanzanila. 3
Jfcadnus 1
Pleasant ''reek.. 1
Rock Point 1
Steamboat 1
Stciling 1
Table Rock... . 2
Trail Creek 1
Uniontown .. ..2
Big Butte
thimney Rock..
Evans Creek...
Foots Cr ek ....
Flounce Rock
Jacksonville .
Lit le Butte 3
Willow Springs. . 1
The same being one delegate for each
precinct or one for each 20 vote or fractions
over half therefor cast lor lion. James 0.
Blaine at the Presidential election in
November, 1884 The Committee reccom
mends that the Primaries be held in the
several precincts on" Tuesday, pril Cth;
it being also one of thedays lor every
voter to register to have the right to vote
at the comfng"election. Vfe earnestly ap
peal to all to perform -tha't pleasant "duty
lind pnvil' ge. ''JEnnirr'BKi.CisoKH,
Chairman County I enfral Committee.
BID AfaIk. Madame rumer come
to bs from AOiland this weak and tajn
that a roung Ctrl of that place ga
birtk to twin this week end thai
toother and one ol tlia babe have
aince gone to a Utter irorld. The Ulh
r is being looked for.
Thomas Bybee Shot. The report
reached hera last niht from Waldo
that Tliomai Bjbett ai shot and
killed on the road leading from Waldo
to.liin place, two miles kouili, Sheriff
Hervey was sent far and started Ian
f veiling for the scene of the tragedy.
We iiata no particular furliisr than
tbe budf of the dead man was found
yesterday morning. "Couiier."
Standikg Committees At a recent
root' ting of the new Hoard of Trumee
President Linn appointed the follow
ing coniuutieox: Finance S. J. Dv,
Max Muller, Dr Roliinaou. Public
Improvement D. Cronemilli-r, Dr
itobiution. Salutary Si J. Dv, Max
Huller. Streets and Roads Dr. Rob
mon, 'J. Croneniiller. U lut-terv
B. J Day, Mx Mull-r. Fire "War
Jena D. L. Curtix, D. Cionuuiiller.
Notice. After Apiil Gist Aiken's
aaw mill ou Rouue river Mill b iiiepar
cd ta fuinuh lumber of all yraileHat
reasonable prices. Grain, flour, provii
iane, etCi, taken in exchange as much as
iuiblii. Clear lumbnr sold only for
fciuiij common lumber i- trade and on
short tiuiH to rei-poindble parties only.
Orders may be M-tit lo mill, or call on
lit, Aikeu at his office iu Jackson
ville. V j -.r. ' . . u ii
Religious Items. Rev. J. R, Rb
rtP prraclien ui Tulrnt on Sun. lay
ixt..... Elder M. Peleri-on will hold
t.erviccs at Medfurd utn Sunday.,..
ElJer II C. Fleming preaches at Urn
Xiwne Oak kchool Iioukx on Sunday ....
Rev. Win. Pullcn will preach at lb
upper sckooMioutfl on U'llliauu ctieK
on Sunday Utxt. ., .Rigular eri(-i-
will ba held at the Catholic church iu
this place. Rev. F X. B'anchat utlk-ia
ling Uev. W. P. Williams will
hold -arvicei at tha M. E. church iu
this placa on Sunday umrning and
bvtuiug. . . . Liberal Sunday t-clioo! and
I)ib: Class uiret etery Sunday at 11
o'clock A. U., at tha U. il. L. Hull,
'latent.... Rev. A. R. BickeuUcli
will preach at Phoenix Sunday morn
ing at the uual hour, and at the Trfx
byteriau church in Jacksonville in the
DaV Campbell's Deuut. Dave
Campbell, the middle weight chain
plou of Oregcn, who fought Jack
Urmpsty so gallantly, began a eek's en
gageiaeut at the Thratre Comiquo Inst
veiling. Hisantagonitt wasBobCalTHr,
of Trenton. Both are strong, powerlul
young fellows, especially Calfey. In
the tirt round, Cambelf hail all the
bast of tho hitting, the Jeisnymaii ap
peariug awkward and ill at ease. He
wanurd up in the next rcuud and
swung his right on Uain'i left side
fceveral tints 8o hard that he reddened
it at though it was Metered. Camp
bell gave him evral good left handed
faceia and drew the carmine, but he
was unable to got in his right on him
effectively In tha last round CaflVv
hustled his man coasidera'bly, bet
neither hurt the othr worthy men
tiening. Domiuic McCaffrey, the rof
tret, couldn't see that there was any
difference between them, and called
thoboutadraw. Philadelphia"News."
Thb Prohibitios Ticket On lat-t
Thursday a good representation of del
egates mt in Waltou'i hall at Med
ford to nominate a County Prohibition
ticket. The following is the result:
Senator, M. G. Royal of Ashland;
Ropresontatives J. D. Fountain of
Ashlaad and T. G. Cochraa of Little
Butte; Sheriff L. A. Rose f Phoenix;
Count Cltrk, Dr. Georgo Kahler of
Phoenix! Countv Commissioner J. fj.
Van Dfke of Phoenix and H. G. Sev
erance of Llttbi Butte; Scheol Super
intendent, N H. Clayton of Ashland
Treasurer G. W. Howard or Medford;
Aiieikor, W 0. DaUv of Little Butte;
Surveyor, B. S. Webb of Medford
Coroner, Dr L L Whitney of Little
x)Btta. ine delegates selected to go to
tho Stata convention are as followe;
J W.Sattor6eld, J. K. Hou.ton, E
E. Goro; Chas. Nsitley, L. A. Rose.
George Kahler, J D. Fountain, B W.
Pooll. With two exceptions tha tic
ket "H made up of Republicaas and we
hope oar Republican friends will con
nider oll at ts what the object is when
ifcoy east their ballot in Jan. next.
Local Items-
Rftasmoer the data wbtnyou mutt
register April 5th, 6th and7th.
City Recorder Hubbell now makes
bis headquarter at the City Hall.
The day of election apjiroacheth and
tha nuiiibtr of candidates increase tach
Mrs. A. Berg died at Medford last
Wednesday and was burled here on
tbe following day.
It it reported that tha Oregon k Cal
ifornia road will be turned over to the
Central Pacific on the 1st of July.
The Lenten season commenced en
Wednesday March 10th, and continues
for forty data, excltuiv of Sundays.
Gus Delpy has diepofed of his hotel
iniarenta at Central Point ta Mr
Pankey and will likely remove to town.
Peter Britt and ton took several
views at the hanging of O'Neil and
copifR can be had by applying at thair
Jackson county's portion of th state
tax was settled last week by county
Treasurer Fisher. It amounted to
over 57,000
Britten Irwin, a brother of the
late ex-Governor Irwin, of California,
ij'Vd A(flYrekj'JFndaySuiorBi'ng March-!
ly tli, of heart disease.
J. W. O. Gregorj han gone into the
ctvery baiuHfs at Aahlaud having pur
chased the stock and vehicles former y
belonging to Mrs. Norton.
A prizs fight between Edwards of
reka and Nelson of this plate, now
on Elliott creek is being talked of lo
take place in about thirty days.
Mrs. P, P. Prim goei to Portland
to-morrow ni;ht to elect th latent
Spring sules in millinery good. Hpi
daughter Miss Ida, will acomrany her.
Kagper ivubli and John A. Boyrr
wero elected repreientatives to the
Grand Lodge, I. 0. O. F. by Table
Rock Encampment No. 10 last Tues
day night.
Any person that has been appointed
on a board of registration and cannot
act ale repuested lo notify the countv
authorities ko that imw men may be.
At Nunan'a can op found Holland
herrine, salmon hollies, George. Banks'
codfish, Pacific boneless coJtihh, mack
erel, brneless barring, sa'mon in tins,
new pick orsters, etc,
Messrs. McKeuzie & Chain expect
to tnova to their new quarters in th"
U. .u. Hotel corner Munday where they
will be lasd to meet all their friends
and the public in gVuerat
Peking liquor without a license was
the chary brought ugainKtoueof our wH
known Uniontown citizens thit week
and he was put under 8250 bonds
to appear before the grand jury.
Marshal Curtis started for his old
home in South Bend, Indiana, Sunday
nigh to ba absent about twenty date.
His t)rpuly, Frank Steadman, keeps
tha town quiet during his absence.
Satnl. It. Taylor wan re-elected
Slriet CoiniiiiKFioiier at the lant meet
ing of the Bonn!. Mr. Taylor ban
made an efficient official and we arp
L'lad to see him endorsed again by the
Alex Watta of Jnsephtne countv
ca led this week. Ha says that he
tpfo'e a good clean-up and was now
engaged In distributing it amons; his
friends. Wo acknowledge receipt of
our portion.
James Maloney of Grave Creek ac
companied by two ether brothers was
in town thi week And mada arrange
ments with J. C. Whipp for the erect
ion of A fine monument over their
mother's grave in the Jacksonville
Tho Prohibition State Cntral Com
mittea includes the following gentle
men: Jacknen, J E. Henston, A inland;
Jo-rphine, Will C King, Grsut's Pa-.s;
Klamath, Sam Colver, Plevnaj Like,
J. Q Willits, Paisley.
Chan E Hauna and family expect
to leave for the Ent to morrow night
lo make thair heme in Mr. HannaV
former place of residence in Ohio. We
wish them a plearant journey and
good fortune when they arrive.
Rev. J. S. McCain, wo'l known to
residents of Southern Oregon, ha,
with E C Phelps, purchased the
Yaquina "Mail." Mr. McCain was
for a while editor of the Polk County
"ltewizer" at Dallas and has had some
experience in tbe newspaper business.
Judge Totman'a time as survatcr
g-neral of Oregon expires July lt,
eft I we hear that there art about twen
tv aspirants for that comfortable office.
Judge Tolman hat been a faithful of
ficer, and courteous and ready to asist
a' I who applied at his office for in for--matioa,
Uarion countv i eut of debt, ir-
tnally. Util ot 51.0UU due the stato
on tax S15.000 have been paid, leav
ing, $2,G00 yet to cancel. The money
is in the hands oT the county treasurer,
awaiting ettllament between the countv
and state authorities on some disputed
The Ashland Acqueduct and Hyd
rant Company has filed articles of in
corporation in tha ffice of tho Secre
tary nf State with E. L. Applegate, B
F. Mvers, C. H. Gillett and J. H.
Rustell as incorporators, its object be-
in; to tablih and operate a svstem
of water works for that city. Capital
stock $20,000.
The ran of about twenty tons of
qaarlz from George ScbnmpPa ledge
in Willow Springs precinct is now be
ingcrushed at the milUnd Mr. Schumpf
ia confident that it will pay Imm 12
to 15 per ton. Hi many friends all
wish him that good fortune as ha
would then surely have a bonanza.
The cut rates upon tbeNorth'rn Paci
fic from Portland, Oregon, to Chicago
to 65 cents per 100 pound, and fur
pat.engers, 18 from Portland lo Chi
cago, does not not apply to anv inter
est bnt that of Portland and the North
ern Pacific road to induce through
freight and travel to that city to go
by the Northern intead of via San
Francuco and by steamer.
The Democratic County Central
Committee met at Jacksonvil'e Wed
neday, the 24 inst., to snake arrange
merits for tha holding of a Democratic
county convention, and to fix the date
of primariot for the different precine's
of tho eeanty. Monday, April 5th,
was the dav set for holding primaries
to elect delegate to the countv con
vention to be held at Jacksonville ou
Saturdiy, April 24th.
The citiz ns of Central Point last
Thursday levied a 15 mill tax on the
property of that district for i-chool
purpoen. 12 mills is. lo go for build
ing of a new school hou-e and the hal
atice for carrying on the school. Dif
ferent opinions as to the policy of t hi"
move seemed to i xist and an exciiintr
meeting was held. The defta'ed side
lake 'he decUinu ktudlv, however, and
the good work will go "on.
W. T. Coburn 4 Co., who have
been doing a grocery bu-inrs-in
Ahland for a yr or over,
made an assignment for the benefit, of
creditors last Thuiday, March 18ll.
toGovarn High. Portland ne ih-u-are
the principal creditorp, there beina
only about $100 in claims against tht
firm in Ahland. The Iijbi'ities are
placed at S2.400. and the assets will
not exceed ?1,000. "Tidings."
Mr Sylvester P. nnoyer offers to
start a firt-cla-8 democratic paper in
Portland, with full dispatcher, etc.. on
the following basis. He will purchase
the "News" and turn into the pool
?8,000, if the democrats in Portland
will raiKo money enough to give him
$5 000 cah anil complete control of
ihe "Standard." He promii.es, sbou'd
biR oiler be accepted, nevrr again to
call upon his readers and supporters for
financial aKSistance.
' It is now understood that WpIIb.
Fargo it Co , did not secure the mail
CtMitract from hern to B-iber, but ths'
Mrs. McLean, of Reno, took it alone
with more than fifty othtr con'.ract-.
She will probably sub-ltt it to Mr.
Pea, of Reno, who, it in said will pui
on 'our horse Concord coaches, which
will be a decided improvement on the
present way of traveling, and will
largelv increose the number of passeu
tres. Lakeview "Examiner"
At the day fixed for the sentence of
the Indian Isaac at Alurn fur the
Sherman murder, the couns 1 for the
defense moved for a stay of proceed
ings and a new trial, aveiring that
since the verdict of the jury ha been
given and ma'orial evidence had been
found. The Judge gave the counsel tor
the defense until April 5th to produce
aflldawtH of the new witneste, stating
what they will twear to, and at that
time a new trial will be argued.
Mr. W. B Fi-her, nf San Francico,
'ately superintendent of thi Bimn
River Mn ill' and Mtl'iiig Co., came
up to lhe Wauner creek mines lam
Friday. Tho object of Mr. FMierV
visit i to selett the site for tho new
quariz mill to be erected, o locate
tunnel ways and to make a general
mining report, lhe gentleman is n
min of great mining experience and
pronounces himself highly pleased wi h
the property of tho company. "Tid
ings." The law firm of Williams, Hill, Dur
ham, Thompson & Mays, which was
organized Julv 1, 1881, has at length
been dissolved into its constituent
parts. Hon. W. Lair Hill and Pierce
Mays, of The Dalles, withdrew frgm
lhe firm about two years since. On
lhe 20. h inst. the remaining memhers
dissolved tl.eir connection. Hon. Geo
H. Williams entering into a partner
ship with Henrv Ach and C. E. S.
Wood, and H. Y. Thompson taking a
new otuce, winie ueo. i Uuruam re
mains sole proprietor of the old quar
ters of tha firm.
Tne Jones family is to the front
this year. Tha "Inter-Ocean" d'agno
rei the Jones cave as follows: "First
it was Aquilla, down at Indianapolis
Then came" a lady by the name ol
Jones, whs run asubsuil plow throush
the churches. Then came the Rev.
Sain Jones, whose like has not befoie
been seen. Lastly, there is Senator
Jones, who leaves the fluwerH that
bloom in the spring in the Sunny
South, and lives on hash, and endures
the blizzards of Michigan, and all to
make one convert. If such an arrav
don't bring the name of Jones to the
front what vrilil
Two car loads of horses, comprising
nineteen Percherons, decendantx, of
the stock tntriduced by W. C. Myers,
of Ashland, and ten C ydesdale left
here last Tuesday for Colorano. They
were narchased in Marion Benton and
l.inn counties by Sir. A'me, ag lit of
au extensive mining corporation at
Leadille, and are to be used in haul
ing ore from themines to their mills.
Nune of the animals weigh less than
1400 pounds and the average price for
thm was over S200, some spans cost
ing as much as $500. This is the i-ec-ond
shipment ef horses from this val
ley to Colorado this spring.
A great deal of money his btea
paid in taxes daring the past two
weeks, and the sheriff and his deputies
are kept busy writing receipts. A
large amount is still due, however,
and a big delinquent list will be the
result. Less than ten days remain in
which to settle arreages without being
returned delinquent. "Times."
L"ST. A fine gold locket with small
diamond setting was lost on tho road
up Jackion creek last Friday. Tue
finder will be paid twenty dollars, for
its return. SUERlMsr J). Bltowx.
Financial Jiepor$-
The following report- of ibe;Suan-es
of Jacksonville school 'districtjTor the
year ending March. 1, 1886, was sub
mitted by J. H. Huffer.jclerkjat tha
recant school meeting: ' -V
Ba'anee of rain bills and tut-
tionfot 1884 . 5575 07
Rate bills and tuition 1885.. '883 15
From County Treasurer JJI65 00
C.E Tilton. school tax..:. C64 03
District tax 84 36
Total rectipta
JjOra 21
Hattie New burr, salary... ..500 00
G H. Watt, salary IpOO 65
Alice Dnrrix, salary : ?-f20 00
Wm. Priest, salary -"- m560 00
E J. Ferrin, janitor -. 20 00
Gus. Newbury, jini'or ...:.Si 30.00
F. W Knowles, labor ... iJ 58.00
A G. Colvin, merchndiiie..4vr 225
T.J.Kre, painting......; 19.70
D Li
nn, carieuter
S" 120 ou
John J effrex, janitor...... ;V 1000
Ittamta Bros, merchandise.. ' 19 25
Chas. Nickell, priniin;;..'. r-. G 00
K. Kubli, uierchandiKP.. .'.& fr 5JJ5
J W. Merritt, merchandise;!. 2 00
P. J. Rvau. merchandise. . ., 8 00
J. H. Huffcr, clerk's fees'. 4i;189 22
Total disbu"rs?ments. .p- '.,.
Balsnce ou hnd. . k .r .
3- -v?. i-
1.175 82
Quite CoupLimentahv A corres
pondent of the New York ''World'"
eives the following society gossip from
Paris which goe8 (o show tlut Oregon
m represented in that far off laud:
'The winning and graceful toned voce
of Misa McLxne am her Cue, high
tired courteiiv, both as hos.fes and as
HUest, have gained for her hosts ol
friends. Mis. and Miss M 'Lane ai
their weekly Frjda afjernbuii recep
inns are usually assi-ted in rereiving
tiy Mias Mi chcll, iUiightvrof United
Slates Senator Mitchell t-f Oregon,
who, with her mother, is staMiig at
lhe Hotel Noimundie, nud ho is in
'ontestab'iy the mot beautiful t;irl that
lias graced lor years pat list; soiisl r.ir
cles of the Amriran colont. She ha-,
xquisite features, a lowbud of u
mouth, large sefl daik ete, sta'ue
iOve! amis ami hands and shouhi r ,
md a oouiplexinn who-e camel is leaf
mooihnessaiid whiteness owes none of
heir perfections to the aid of art. 1
have been sn much distreed by see
ing fair American msidens witt
rouged chccki or yellowed hair, sOiee
lime? wiih the paint literally pla-tered
Upon lhe f.icp that onght ta bo s fre-h
in its vnntlifn'. that the perfect n
uraln si of Mis Mitche'l is t me ' a
rth mo potent of hir cht-ms t
scarcely more attractive 'than are tin!
girlish erace atnl s wellness of her man
tiers. She was present lhe other night
with a group of American 'allies in n
box at tbe Grand Opera, anil a French
gentleman, who was one of lhe pirty,
told me that he received afterwards
ht'f a dozen letters frcW. pergonal
fri nds of his own praying to know the
ua'i:e of the love'y girl in' whose corn
pant he was so fortunate as to fin i
himself en that occasion. In fact,
America has sent to Palis no damsel
half so fair since Miss York, of New
York, now the Hon. Mrs. Roche,
dazzled and enchau'ed us ofl some six
orseien years ao
Letter List
Remaining in the Post 'like uncalled
for. Max Mullcr. P. M.
Adams A F
Oliveira A Rose
Austin ReY JaS
.ftlack John
Brinear Jas
Jine Jennie
Jones Mrs M A
Ma) hew Suss-u
Murphv Miry
Owen W A '
Osterkaaip Edward
Pearson Mis Anna
Rinds Mr Julia
Riddle Geo W
Ruble Wm
Starr W 0
S'illinger Conrad
Weaver J W
Young Mii-s Mary
When Baby wan sick, weg;nveher
When sho was a Child, she cri-d for
When sh became Miss, she clone lo
When she had Children, shogve them
FOR DISPEPSIA and liver mui
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottle of Shilolni vitalizer.
It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps
Doi.LAr.lUDE Dulaf In Phoenix,
.March 18. 18SU, by Elder J. A. clover,
L. C. Dol.arhide and iliss Florei.ce A.
Dunlap. -s
Adajis Matsey In Littlo "Butte pre
cihet, March 18,J8W5, by; J'. F Oiey,
J. Pn Lyman Aitaras aiijljitfiss J.:-J.
ilASNiKO Pnirrs On Rogue River.
JA-rch, 21, 1880, by Rev. A. C. Itiw.ett,
Frank ..Vanning nud Jiss Clara Phipps.
Allen In Ilig Rutie precim.t, .Ijrch 13,
lbbli, to Mi. and Airs. !' J .iiteii, a sou.
Wiurp -In this city, Jarcli 24, lb'sG, to
Mr. and Jrs. J. V. lnpp, a djuguu-r.
Huoiik Near Wildervilli", Josephine
county, Jjrch 18, 18&6, to Jlr. aua Jis.
Ed. Joore, a sou.
Belijmjkock In Uiis cilyr Jiich 10,
iWi, Ik Jlr.ttnd Mrs. John licilinbruck,
a daughter.
131 ED. -s
Smith In Yreka CaU March. 1. loSC.
Alma, daughter of Mr. and iirs. Jacob J
bniilu;dged 12 years, lUinonllisaiid 24
days. ' r
WANTED A capable man or woman,
of unusual energy, to take the
agency of this or boine othrr county lor
tht "Ilislorv of California" To the Tight
party it iWU pay n$l00lo $300 per month.J
Audress 1 PLRSON, Janater Occiden-
lal Publishing Co, 120 Sutter street. San
Prancisco. mar271m.
Will be given at the
On the Evenings of
Saturday, April 3rd and 10th,
TJuder the auspices of the
Tim following excellent pieces wi'.I
b presenied:
Cist of Chararprs:
Da id Garrick If enry P-ipe . Jr
Mr. bim-m Ingot ... .N. F. Sieadm.in
Squire Cherry I). A. Jones
.Mr. Smith , N. U. lljgg-
Mr.Jones G.Newbury
Thomas James locr
SeriMnt Byron Prrsley
Ad;i Insot Kute Miller
,Mrm.Smith ....'Mrs. .V.F. Eddy
,-Aramiutha Brown. ?,.:.MrsT I). A, Jones
C.ist nf Chiracterf :
fcler "Perchant. lawyer. N. P. Stcadman
Gilbert Murdoch Henry ayc,Jr
Tom lavson.
D. A. Joucs
Iticbanl Gordon
As:i. n colored servant.
Vrs. Garfield
Annie Garfield
Mle Gordon
Jennie Joy..... .
I.. L. Jacobs
...Byron I'fcsley
.Hattie Newbury
. ..Clara. Cameron
Katie .1illcr
. Jrs. D. A. Joacs
Ca t of G a-actprs:
.Vr. Stenltcn Poniiincourt, N.F. Steadman
Arthur Oinuston Henry 7'tipe.Jr
Mrs. Wingnive Vrs . F, Eddy
r,;mn K-itie Jilltr
Kiltie Vmks Jrs D.J. Jones
Look fur Wis ici'h parlicuhm
At Jedford,
W ednes'lay evening, JAirch
17th, 18b5.
One Hundred years Ago,
The Boys of '76,
Followed by the laughable Farce entitled
'-'Ten on Parle Frnncaisc"
Bj-crs Hall, Admission, 23 cts.
niXER BK08.,
Dealers in
Field Tfgtlclle crd Flcutr Srtds
Imperial Egg Food,
Gardan Tools, Fertilizers;
12U 2d St., between Salmon and Taylor,
Portland, Oregon
' -Vareh 10, 1&S0. f
Notice 13 hereby given that the follow
injr named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
nt his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Judge or Clerk ofjaek
son county, nt Jacksonville, on Jonday,
JpriI28, 1830, viz: W. II. Beauchifmp,
Homestead No. 3784 for the X W U or
Sec 14 Tp 23 S R 2 wtt Will. JAt. lie
mimes the following wilnessi-s to prove
his continuous rcMdcncc upou, and culti
vation of, ssid iaml, viz: Jl. A. Houston,
Wm TnTiilinm I Tl l?irlvirj nml r.M.1.
Bowman, all of Sum's Valley, Jackson)
county, ureson.
Wir. P. BESJAMih-, Register.
Land Office at Rosncuna, Oojt., )
-Iarch Ifi, lb3G f
Notice is hereby given that the follow-ins-named
settler has filed notice or his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
nnde before the .Judge or Clerk nf Jack
son county, at Jacksonville, on Tuesday.
Jpril 27, lc8G, vizi birred Carter, Home
stead No. 321t fortheS.E l ofS W U,
S W U of S E if Sc. 30. XE U of N rW
Jf and N W if of N E Sec. 31, Tp 37,
SR3 west, Will. Jer. He names the
following witnesses to prove bis contina
oils residence upon, and cultivation of,
warf jtmnUc , ilenry Bitem'an nd E.P
ViMr li r l,.tnnviii .r.t..nn
saia lana, viz: jonh Jf. .-fttebery, Ed.
county! 6re"im '
. V Hkvhk TWi.i,.,-
L V -iZ-s V . ir!Ml's'prj'ii
The DiiU Times
Has marked his goods down to
Hard Times Prices
He will sell you MORE GOODS To
LESS. MONEY than ever Won) sold
iu Jacksonville. His stork is
And his prices will
Il is needless to enumerate the articles
he lias to sell, as he keeps everything U,
be found in a first-class
General Mercliiimlisc Store !
V.'hcn in town give him a call and hi
will show you rc od.s at prices that will
Idea clean out- your head.
His stock Is varied and complete, and
you can hardly ask tor anything he lias
not gut.
Remember the p'acr coroner of Culi
fornia and Oregon streets
Highest Market Price
Es?CaIl and sec if this adv.-rtisemeni
is not as true as gospel.
Jacksonville, Oregon.
JOHN 3IILLE?., - rroprielor.
ctillural implements, tools of al
kiinls and a general assortment of shell
He also keeps the largest stock of, and
all the latest improvements in
Fishing Tackle,
rwder, Shot, Etc
Give him a call and examine his siocl
before making your purchases.
A. S. Johnson, Pro.
As the demand for fruit trees is sc
great in this valley I have started a Nur
sery in this place and will raise nothing
but the tlnest varieties. This year I wid
sell fiom the Woodburn Nurse y as usual
and also lrom the celebrated Alameda
Nursery, Oakland (!al. The followinp
are some of the leading varieties I will
Early York Briggs Red 3Iay
E. and L. Crawford's htuinp 'WortC
Wale's etriy salwav
Amsden Susquehannah
Alexander Mary's Choice
Orange Cling Yellow Bergen
Lemon Clinir and many more.
3E3Txi.xio3 33.cl Plums,
Pettite Pruned'Agen Peach Plum
Italian Prune Yellow Egg.
Go'dtn Prune Coe's Go'den Drop.
Gros'w; Prune - Bradshaw.
-t Cathrine Prune Japan Plum
1ierrlesi Nectarine, Apricot, Qiunce,
pple, French Goosbeny, Oregon t ham--agne
Berries, and all kinds ot ornament
al and shade treea.
corpus niMxorLVGs
shortest notice and cheaper than at any
other establishment in Southern Oregon.
Furniture of all kinds kept on hand oi
made to order
Criterita - Billiard
'PHIS populat resort, under new man
I agement. is furnishing the best brands
ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading
table is supplied with Eastern periodicals
and leading papers of the Coast. Give me
9 voys.
e Active. -
May good fortune follow the readers of
The Daily Alta
The foremost newspaper of tlio Pacifio
Coast, which presents both sides of all
matters of publlo Interest. Ko enemlea
to punish or friends to pet, bnt fair and
truthful with aU.
The Weekly Alta
Presents the strongest possible claim to
a family circulation. It Is filled with
good reading, stories, fashion notes, and
pays Intelligent attention to tho House
and Farm. Splendid premiums with tho
"Weekly Alta. "3
By Mill, Postage Froa, In tie United States sad -.
Canada. -
Silly, (Including Sondij) One Tear I8 0O
Dilly, - One Month. SO
Bandar Edition. One Year 2 CO
Weekly Alta, One Year ISO
Send postal card request for free sam
ple copy of Sally or Weekly Alta.
Drafts, Checks, and other remittances
should bo made payable to the order ol
San Francisco, California.-
Of Southern Oreiron, are hereby Informed
mat in autuiion to a large ahu elcjjan.
line of
I have added to my stock the following
elasi ot goods, of which I have a full Hub:
Ladies' Furnishing Goods,
Both Knit and Mulin.
Infant's Wardrobe Complete,
As cheap as to be bought any place ; also
Under 4 years old.
A beautiful line nt
Consisting or Lisle and Silt.
Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets,
2!orlxyx Sli.rv-ct7-.le
And many other things too numerous to
niention. I have also secured the
services of a
iVndjim prepared to. execute alLonlerdn v
that line in first-class style at reason b e
Call and see me at the building form
erly occupied by A. L. Johnson on Cali
fornia street. 31 RS. P. P. PRI M
Notary Public, Real Ebtalc Ayt.
Abstracts made of Titles to Lands.
Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertain
ing to the settlement of estates.
Collector of Accounts - Prompt
Investment Securities a Specialty.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold.
I have a complete set of Maps of all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and re
ceive abstracts monthly from Roscburj; .
all new entries ni-ulc. I am thus pre
pared to make out Homestead and Pre
emptior papers, and can thus save to par-ti'-sthe
expeuse of a trip to Roscburj
Land Office.
Several fine farms are in my hands tor
Prompt reply made to all letters.
Charges in accordance with the times.
Refers, by permission, to C. ;. Beck-
man, Esq., Banker; lo Hon. L. R. We'
ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to
anv business house In .THckannville.
r Office at south cast comer California
and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon-
Saloon And Restaurant,
The proprietor take pleasure in in
forming the public that he has
thoroughly renovated this well-known
stand and is prepared to furnish
Fresh Bread and Yeast
daily, delivering the same to any portion,
of Jacksonville free of charge.
Meals, 25 Cents.
The tab'e will be supplied with a choice
variety of eatables, while the best of
wines, beer and cigars may be found In
the Saloon
Give me a call.
KerbyvlUe Oresnn,
Mrs. M, Ryder, Propr,
Firstclass accommodation can always
be bad at thi3 house at the most reasona
ble rates.
2TAn excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
-v. imm.m r "
:l.-iAJ. j
'-t3jiM.-jg. v. x.
.-w-j -J.
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