Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1886, Image 3

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Saturday, Februaky 20, 1886.
will be a, Sunday-school csncert al the
M.E . church in this city Sunday even
ine, 28th int. An intere.tin;; pro
gramme has been arranged, existing
ot recitation, declamation, ringing,
etc Everybody is invited. Admission
Normah Sysmkm er 1885 Decs its
own ta'kiac, by catling quickly, per
feetly and entirely; each part separate
ly, in every variety of latest tyles,
every gtrmeat worn by ladies, gentle
kienand ebildnn. Airs. Aviry and
Jbnso era asw giving lessons m
Sheriff's Salk. By virtue of an
xecation iuued oxt of the Circuit
Court, Sheriff Jacobs will sell eight
stamps and battery en WaRner creelc
on Saturday, Feb. 27th, 18SG t the
highest bidder. This quartz mill ap
paratus is in good condition and a bar
gain is in store for some one.
-BaswvEi. Omen For Sale. Dssir
ing lb engage, in other buines the
undersigned offeri the OnncoH Sekti
MM. Welle at a bargain. For the
amount required no better investment
eould be found for a paying business.
For further particulars call on or ad
dies. Frank KrAcse.
Feuit Growers Attention. The
Fruit Growers will meet at tho Town
Hall in Jacksonville, Fsb. 27, 1886,
'at one o'clock p. H. All those inter
ested in fruit growing are requested to
De present, as new officers will be elec
Vd for the ensuing year. By order of
'the President. J. H. Grifis Sec'y
Ricn Strike -7 Since the excitement
Yiegan Memrs. Win. T. Moore, Charles
Ktarns, have discovered a ledge of siher
that promises to prove a bonanza. A
pan lull of this rock shows native sil
Ver in large quantities and coma peo
jile got se excited ever the find last
Thursday that tht-v went there after
'eleven o'clock in the night to locate
Child's Snow Fukk. Every lady,
wishing a clear, delicate complexion,
should use Child's Snow Flake. It
nourishes and freshens the skin, re
InovesTaii and Sunburn, and, tltenat
ural appearance imparted, renders it
Impossible to detect its use. Warrant
fed perfectly harmless. Sold by all
"druggists, or by the manufacturers,
John A. Child &. Co., Druggit.tR, Port
Innd, Oregon. Mail orders promptly
Attended to, Price 50 cents.
Jack Rabbit Hunt The two
)ratDH that were shouting this tide of
DrewXcreek, putjji six davs hunting
the" short tailed Johns. They suc
ceeded in murdering 1,992 of the pes.tB.
Tie Bernard boys wasted 528 worth of
Ammunition, and Will Bernard cap
tured the $5 prize by killing SCO rab
luts. The boys did good worlr, and
we hope their crops this vear will show
Tthe results of their labors this winter.
The jack rabbits h&vn buconie fo uum
crous east of the CaFcade, that noth
ing fchort tt a hard winter or lots of
powder, will insure a good grain crop.
Rich Discovert. One day this
week two prospectors named Riy and
O'Donnell discovered a pocV t of decora
posed quartz in the Gold Hill district,
'opposite Rogue Hit er which they took
something over 10,000 in gold in
111 roe day. They found the end last
Thursday nifiht but are now iggod
in panning out the dirt surrouuUing
Ihe hole and from that also are realiz
ing geod results. The discovery has
caused great excitement in that and
father portions of the county and pros
pectors are out in every direction sink
ing holes and lookiug for a similar
find. As the mill will be in working
brder in a few das it is just the
lime for prospectiug to be done and
sohave no doubt others will mako
rich strikes if the work is continued.
Rklioiods Items. Rer. W. P. Wil
iams will be at Grant's Pans Sunday
i...Rv. J. R, Huberts preaches at
Brownsboro Sunday.... Elder M. Pe
tenon preaches at Central Point the
doming Sunday .... Rev. Father
Haupts will preach at the Catholic
church on Sunday.... Rev. M. A.
Williams will hold services at Eagle
Point, at the unuil hour.... There
will be no services at the Prebj terian
church in Jacksonville on Sunday. . . .
Rev. A. II. Snndcriuaninill preach at
the M. E. Church in this place on
Sunday morning. . ..Regular services
will be held at the Catholic church in
this place, Rev. F. X. Biancbet offici
ating.... Liberal Sunday-school and
Bible clan meets everv Sunday at 11
o'clock a. M., at the 17. M. L. Hall,
Saturday's Race. The running
race between Jubille and Quebec, at
the Mt. Shasta Agricultural Society
track Saturday, attracted a large crowd,
bttt very little money changrd hand.
The race was for a nurss sf $250, one
tnile, single dash. The horses startrd
even, but Jubilee seon took the lead,
making the first quarter in 25 and
reached the half-mile stake in 53.
Quebec surged ahead at the half-mile
post and passed under the string in
1:55 about forty feet in the lead of
Jubilee. The track was in fair order,
except up the backstretch, where Jubi
lee found it hard traveling. Quebe'c
rider knowing the bad places, evaded
them. Quebec was in fine trim and
Jubilee could not have been in worse.
Stover rode his own hone and Stephens'
hone (Jubilee) was straddled by Nate
XreBi. "YreU TJaiwi," Fab. 13'.
Local Items
Peler Smith1 was in town last
rday night.
The Portland "Standard"haasaspen
d'd publication.
Hext Monday will be tbe anniver
sary cf Washington's birtbdry.
Wm. Drewes died at the county hos
pital this week aged near 50 years.
Andrew HuUbel announces hiraielf
a candidate fer the office cf Town Re
Fine weather too Much so for
placer miners but just right for quatz
The quartz mill hii coma fti last
and the building ii being put up by
Oarid Linn.
Al. Howel! has closed his calean tt
Eagle Point r-nd will go to eainiug on
Jackson creek.
A quilt eontaining 10,600 pieces
has just been finished by Mrs. E. Ja
cob cf this place.
7e!l, o'd Roxy, tow does it pros
pect to day, is now an eTery day sain
tation in Jacksonville.
Dr. Pryce of Medford called yester
day and reports health loogood for his
business in that locality.
ANSON HOUGH, of Blackbury,
Ills., rays he owes bis life to Gilmore's
Magnetic Elexer. Try it.
Ague and Malaria -vheu Gilmore's
Aromatio Wine will cure you.
The large new boiler for KareWek's
steam flouring mills arrived this week
and is now being placed in poaitien.
Jeff Matney reports finding a num
ber of good fizrd uuggeta in bis Apple
gate mines and expects to do well this
Lawyers Kahler, Hanna and Neil
are at Ashland taking depositions in
the water suit before J. H. Hufftr as
Rev. Father Haupts of Yreka is
hereon a Wait to Father Biancbet and
will officiate in the Catholic Church
to morrow.
A. H. Mapgly has gnne to Portland
to select new geods in the hardware
line for this market. His wife ac
companied iiihi.
MAID who suffer from Female weak
ness, will find Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine a positive Cure.
D. L. Curtis this week announces
liim-elf a canidate for re election to
the office of City Marshal and as all
others seem to be afraid to announce
he will likely hae a walk over.
The project of the Reduction1 Works
has not, as has been reported, been en
tirely abandoned. A inurement is on
foot to secure the necessary capital in
The town election will be held March
2d when live Trustees, a Mar&h&l,
l'rvasurer and Recurdsr will be elected.
Tiiers eeruis to be no ctutest for any
of the office this time.
The next thing Jacksonwllo need'
is a stock uoard. Mining stocks of
all kinds hate already reached tout-
rec.'rjTuized value and several transac
tions took: place this week.
Senator Mitbhcll, the peopls's sen
ator from Oregon has introduced a
bill in congress to restrict all Chinese
from this country excepting those who
come on government missions to Wash
Dr. Young of Centra. Point, Wm.
Ulrich and wife and Dr. Price of
Medford, -D. W. Hardin and D. H.
Burroughs of Grants Pass and James
D. Buckley all inude us friendly calls
this week.
Poitmaster Mulltr inform iii that
St. Valentine's day was less observed
and fewer missions of that kind were
sent through the blEco last,8tlnday
than at any time since he lias bold the
position of P. M.
J. II. Hoffman E&t&e in from Link
ville last week and sinco the lecent
quartz excitement he has about rrnde
up his mind to remain, at least until
such time whin the ledges show up
one way or the other.
Fred Downing of Chimney rock
precinct issaid to hare- been in town
this week. As only a few got to see
him we suppose he ha struck a rich
silver ledge in his section an got high
toned all of a sudden.
A aautical and dramatio entertain
ment will be given by the Talent
amateurs in tbe U. "M. L. Hall on
Friday evening, Feb. iSth. Admiss
len, 25 cants. The proceeds will be
fer the benefit ef the hail.
B. F. Dowell, who has been sick for
six weeks with bronchitis, wss able to
be out on tbe street yesterday. He
hapos to go away to Washington about
the Isst of the month to colject a lot
ot war claims. "Oregonian."
The land trouble between the Lor
raine brothers was adjusted this week
by S. J. Day, Henry Klippal end John
Herberger bet a new " complication
xeeins to have arisen end the matur
is again in the courts in a new fori..
A large crowd attendsd Gns Bel
pey's dance at Central Point Friday
night and dancing was kept cp till
e:t moraing. An excellent supper
was provided by Gus and his wife and
this together with cood music tended
to keep the dancers together ftatil the
breakfast bell rang.
General Grant in speaking of advo
cates ef reform said: Tne ECt trouble
seme men in public life are those orer
righteons people who sea no motives
Fn other people's actions bet evil mo
tives; who believe all public life is cor
rupt and nothing is wall done unless
they do it thesBMlve.
ttmui j-jKjuyjww."JUg''-J jm:jji
A portion of J. N. T. Miller1 Tamil
one half milesfrom town has been leaded
by C. W. Kahltr and others and men
are now at work fitting it op for jl hall
mile race track tobe nsed by patrons
front this place and surronnding conn
The "Oregonian" says "a count is
to marry Senator Mitchell's dauehter,
and ha must write no love letters to
other members of the family." Jnst
so, or a damphool may come along and
electrotype them and eleet LiuJ to the
United Sta'es Senate
The Indians arrested for the murder
of John Sherman will be tried at Al
turas, Modoc county, the first of next
month. Sheriff Boyd will serve sup
Hxnts on five or six witnesses in this
cattnty this week. The defense will
attempt to prove an ahli.
Ihs Lake Coanty "Examiner" pri
yately learns that T. F. t Ce. have
received the mail contiact between
Redding and that place, and is well
pleased, eliering the line will be well
stocked and give more regularity in
the mail service than heretofore.
The Redding "Free Press" says six
more car loads of coolies passed Red
diug last week bound for the railroad
front. Trie company can probably
hire Cninamen Ter cheap r.ow, since
such opposition has been manifested
towards them in various localities.
We hear that Perkins t Cluggage
have received the mail contract for
the next four years from Julv 1st, be
tween Delta and Ashland. They have
a number of mail contracts in Nevada,
and Cluggage was interested in this
route several years age. "Journal."
A new rifle, a quantity of ladies ap
parel and a fw other articles, which
had evidently been stolen, were dis
covered in a brush fence near Ashland
last week. P rsons having lost any
thing of the kind can obtain particu
lars by c&Hiag at the "Tidings" office.
A. Chinumen made his appearand
at the Ellensburg school on Monday
of last week, with book and slate, and
spplitd for admission as a scholar.
Ha was allowed to remain nntil noon
when the directors were called in
and John was informed that ihe
"Chii eie must go."
JOHN H. YATES, of Bttavia, N.
Y., says:
''I cheerfully errumpnd
It did new life and vigor send
Through this weak frame of mine.
It did for all my stomach ills
More than tbe doctor and his pills."
Col. Geo B. Uurry, recently from
Lu Grande, this state, arrived in Ash
hnd last week with his family, and
contemplates locating here for tho
practice of law. Col. Curry was one
of the Presidential electors of 1880,
and for four years past has been in the
land office at La Grande. "Tidihgs".
Ant' Chinese Leagdes are being
steadily organized all over the State,
and there seems to be a goner ii dem
onstration of the people fn m fan
Diego to Fuj;et Sound, against their
presence among us. Meetings are
being held in nearly all the towns on
the coast, an I th'rs will be no let up,
until the impoi ted Chinese stop coming;
and others leave.
A newspaper is like a pretty woman
in many respects. To ta perfect, it
must be tho emboidinentof many types.
Its form is made up. It is always
chasd, although sometimes inclined
to be giddy. It enjoys a good press,
the more rapid, the better. It has a
weakness for gossip. Talks a good
deal. Cart stand soaie praise. It is
awful proud pf a new dress.
The Crescent City Record is respon
sibla for the following: "We noticed
a strange sight recently in one of tbe
ranches in the valley. Smeral hogs
were basking in the sunlight while a
half dozen black birds were perched
upon their backs picking off tho vermin.
Tne hogs were seemingly content and
made no effort to dislodge tne birds.
They are evidently great friends and
live in harrnoy together."
Under the settlement between Mr,
Abraham and the County Court, the
county comesoatabuut$450.0U ahead.
Our Commissioners are ta commended
in this transaction, and the people will
accede to them the honor due. We
also regard Mr. Abraham's action in
the premises as magnanimous, ss it
was voluntary, and not at all "at vari
tnca" with either the county court or
tho tax payers." Courier."
A Kansas editor is upon the wind
swept plains of this state, seeking to
ba wrapped in the fleecy folds of the
caTorting blizzard, hoping thereby to
esccpa the wrath that is impending
ovev his head. It all aroce from -tin-fact
that ha wrota, "Mrs. Smittt called
en cs yesterday, and presented us
with come of aer jam, which we un
hesitatingly says beats the world.""
The intelligent camp, made it read
Anew time schedule went into ef
fect on the Oregon and California
Railroad between Roseburg and Ash
land Sunday. The change does not
affect any bat passenger trains, and
will cot eztesd north of Roseburg.
Trains trriva and depart from East
Portland according to the old cched
ula. Heretofore trains arrived at
Ashland at 4:15 A. M. and departed al
9-50 ?. II. Under the new schedule
psEsacger trains reach Ashlaad at 4:45
i. x. at d uve a 7 45 p. ir.
We have published that the Secre
ttry of the U. S. Treasury has reported
to the Senate that Alfcrd B. Meacham
Indian SupariEteadantforGrcgon.wasa
defaulter to tha arnoant of $7,576, and
that B. T Dowell xtu one of the sur
eties. We are informed that tha se
curer havo a f ?t off of $5,0C0, and a
good dsfence of S12.G00 paid Msschim
since the default which releases the,
securities, and that the report to the
Senate was made on the motioa of Sen-
ator Mitchell whe is ne of the sureties
with B. F. Sow til and tea others.
"" The-New Ehioradtrc-Mining Co. on
Armstrong gulch have secured the
neht of using the water from two ditch
es above the Uidge and with this
aid proKi3e sluicing out all tbe tep
dirt above their ledge which is well
denned and alrealy fn about one
hundred feC Thas Brown already
has about twenty tons of quartz on the
damp which assays well and he will
hae it hauled to the mill as soon At
it is in working order.
A company of five have relocated
what is know as the Brown ledgd in
Armstrong gulcn formerly owned by
Henry Pape and other and they ro
pose opening a tunnel at once as th
rock prospects as wll as any yet fonnd
Mr. O. C. Berkman, who owns the
land, has kindly given the new com
pany consent to tako possession of this
claim, with pwer to work and have
whatover they may find therein. A
rich prospect is found and a strike can
be looked for.
Within a short tfme7 snvn the San
Francisco "Chroniclt," .4,090 addition
al troops will be (parted at the Pre1
dio. This is in accordance with orders
issoed by the secretary of war for the
concentration of tbe main body of
iroops in the division of the Pacific
at that point. The fpldvr will bring
troops here' which' Jre now scattered
about in small posts, in Tdaho, Wash
ington territory, Nevda, Oregon and
thip state. The department has decid
ed that economy will be subserved in
concentrating a large number of troops
here rather than 'in maintaining a
great number of btaall and scattered
Mr. O. P. Burkhart informs us that
he recently tapped three or four fn fple
tress on his farm, getting some excel
lent sap that he worked up into maple
srup of a fine grade. In fact he con
siders it superior to RTUp mide from
Eastern sugar. Oregon is fall cf maple
trres and there in no reason why thov
should rot be ufiliztd for making
i-ugar. A Washington county nun
made three thousand pounds last j ear
and thre is no reason why some Linn
county men- could not do tho same
There would be a big 'and tea ly sale of
maple sugar at cod price, f he cost
of trying it would bo littte'j Albany
erable by that terrible cuugli. ShilohV.
Curs is the r- niedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
For lame Ba;k, Side or Chest us
Shiloh'a Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale at E. C. Bnoks.
so quickly cured by Shiloh'a Cure. Wi
guarantee it. Call at Brooks'.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Cauker Mouth. Brooks can fur-
WHY WILL YOU coiicjt when
Shiloh's cure will give immediate er
lief. Price 50cts. and 1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
pppsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale at E. C. Brooks.
you ne5d for Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Dizzines3 and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Prico-lOand 75 cents pur
lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.'
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
by Shiloh's cure. Brooks keeps it.
FOR DISPEPSLi and liver com
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizpr.
It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee.
It cures consumption. Brooks can
furnish it.
A JioCitr's ratxl nlabc
Baltimore, Md, "Ever) Sa urday"
of this city, has an account of a sad ac
cident, which happened in a family
last week. A little child was threat
ened with eronp, and the mother gave
it too large a dose of a cough mixture
which undoubtedly contained opium,
is the child Rank into a comatose con
dition and died. Tha Coroner spoke
strongly on tha danger cf such medi
cines, and remarked that the new cough
remedy, Red Star Cough Cure, is
free from opiates or poison, that the
governorand many public men of Mary
lind have warmly endorsed it, and
that physicians iu hospitals have adop
ted it in their treatment of throat and
lung troubles. It costs Only twenty
five cents a bottle.
UaMlaal Constipation
Is a prolific source of misery and
many ills, gh ing rise to Headacbp,
Dullness, .EeversyiNefvousirPSs, Hest
essness, Biliousness, Indigpstion, Pois
oning of Blood, etc. The bitter
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts formerly used to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who nre
afSicttd in that way, know the impur
tance of tho remedy ph-asaut to the
palate, harmless in its nature, and tin
ly beneficial in its acnon. Tje trial
bottles of Syrup of Figs given away
free of charge by our entPrpriMng
druggists .Merritt and Robinson of
Jacksonville prove that it is all that
cau be desired. Lnrge bottles at fifty
cents or one dollar.
When Baby was sick, we gave her
When sho was a Child, she crid for
When Bhs became Miss, she clung to
When she had Children, she gave them
Geed ttsllalli.
Maryland legislators bate, in com
mon with health officials of Brooklyn,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other
cities, endorsed the new di cover,
Red Star Cough Cure, becau-e it con
tains so aernhia er onium. ana lwv
caret. The griea m only -25 eents.
g 'jsxusrvsKSxnarrj'AJJLm
SemirJLnnual Statement.
Snowtn: the Condition or Jackson Count J
From July 9, 1885, to January 1, ISSO.viz:
Bounty paid on wild ani
ul, scalps $ POt.50
Stitionery for County. . . 83 00
County Hospital and in
digent persons 1819.43
Coroner's Inquests 14G.03
rtood 9(5.75
County printing loGOO .
Balance paid Immigra
Board ISO.rO
Justico Courts 783.33
Circuit Courts 3393.G0
County rotidsand repairs
on bridges-. ... ..... 568 55
Miscellaneous expenses. 135.78
$ 81S004
District attorney's fecs.$ 4J1.30
County Judge's si lary . . 400 00
School SupU's salary ... 312 50
Co Treasurer's salary... 250 GO
Commissioners' per diem 1 17 CO
Assessor's per diem. .... 740 no
Surveyor's Ices GS.10
SheritTs-fees 111235
Jailor's salary .'... 30400
Janitor's salary 31JUU
County Clerk's lees 1181.73
$ 527G9S
Rotrno River bridge.. $14,312 02
Griffin creek bridge ... 43440
Uunn bridge.;.. ..;.. 50000
One complete set town
ship maps 200.00
Record books added to
Clerk's office. . &5 00
Repairs nn Court House
andJail 42.S0
Cost of transcribing rec
ords and indexes.... 19303
etics? oo .'
Miscel Ian 'ous expenses? 8430 04
P.ud ofliccrs 527G93
Ptnnanent imp'menU 13367.22
Total disbursements. . $29,644.24
Assets duc''ounty flom
all sources .. 30,515.20
Balance of assets over
liabilities.. $ 0,871 05
Indebtedness July 9tb,
18-5.) $02,100)9
Disbursements to J in.
1, 1SS0 29,011.24
SO.j 13.29
Jsset3jan. 1, 1883 ...
Dal liabilities Jan 1 'SO
Indebtedness July 7 'S4
54,23d 30
Increise of liabilities
since July 7, 1s34 . . $1,038.15
The assets consists ol cisb and can
cc'td warrants in treasury rntl countj
tesosnrnt levy and amounts due from"
all otlitr sources, but docs not include
levy lor Siate and school purpose . The
fiscal year of 18S3 wis an "offyiar," there
being'more criminal business than in any
one j ear in the history or tho county, anil
the items of courts alone cost tho tax-
p lyers 520,320 54. T!ic homicide of
Lewis McDaniel lias cost lo date 3,633
In conclusion would say that as the law
provides that officers shalt fi c their re
ports at the close of the fiscal year July
I cannot in ike a comp eto and detailed
semi-annual exhibit; but the above state
ments is as nrarin detail as can be made
without the final reports, and is correct,
is x verny ueuevc.
llcsptctlnlly snbmi ted,
W . II. RuiKEit, County CI
Jacksonville Public School.
Beport for he month ending February
iw, looy.
5 a
S k o-S
a aS01 "-::
i S-r2oSo3o
, ET SHfe R
Higher SO 34 2 2 13
Urainrr-ar 47 44 0 2 13
Intermediate. 43 48 4 3 20
Piimary 43 41 13 20
"tf 171 159 710 72
nicncn Da-Ar.Tuusr.
A Fletcher Lino.
A. 2 Byron I'-csley, Miles Cantrcll,
Ilattic tlcames.
B. Lottie Reed.
B 2 John Soliss, Thebe Kclley.
C. John Jeffrey, Susie Turner, Ann
Jcffrcj, Tillte Helms, Willie ililler.
0. 2 Birdie Donegan.
A James Watson, Willi Williams,
Uamiu Cronemillcr, Willie Gilbn".
B. Fred Luy, Jlagsie Shipley, Carrie
' roncmiller, Mamie Linn, John' Orth,
Hattie Hanna.
C Willie Ragsdale, Iva Parker, Mag--gie
A Clarence Presley Mand Kress, Tda
Clemmcns, Jennie Re.imes, Lena Bowden,
Marvel Taylor, Milo Beggs, Eddie
Nunan,Jimc3 AloDaniel, Willie Eaton,
George Hull ,
J3 Rudolph Rentz, George Parker,
Dora Know cs, Albert llensor.
(J. NViliie McDaniel, Emma Reed.
Willie Grnb, Harry Miller, Henry 04h,
Emm t Helms, Hosa'Luy, Ruby Elton,
Jainc? Wilson, Harry Hull, Frank How
ell. raniXivr deta'rtjjest.
A. Mabel Priest, WillieTJonegan, Ben
nie Fisher, Joseph Grimes, Harry Luy,
Martin Lousignot, .tula Priest, Emma Ul
rich. B Ida Webster, Edward Day, Anna
Helms', Rcna Kunwles.
Ida Ben'z. Gertrude Fisher. Livil-
la Knnse, Velina Kubli, Evaleua Mer
ritt, Freddie Grob, Ray Jackson, Luzerne
GEO. H. W.V1T, Principal.
Wil PltlEST, 1 .
Alice Donniw 3St. Teachers.
HATrit. New BnRY.
To captivate the popular taste and
surpa-6 ail previous efforts to please
the palate, requires no small amount
of knowledge and no little skill, and
whfn we remember that the very
agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syrup
of Figs is as beneficial to the system,
as it is acceptable to the stomach, ws
readily understand why it is the uni
versa! favorita as & cure for Habitual
Constipation and the other ills arising
from a weakness, or inactive condition
of the Bowels, Kidneys, Livsr and
Stom.b. Sample bot'les free and
large bottles for sale by Merri'tAs
Hobinson, Jacksonville.
HACKMETACK a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 eta.
aE.C. Bricks'.
Town Finances-
The following is an exhibitor the finan
cesmof Jacksonville for the past fiscal year,
as made out by tho Recorder, J . II HufTer.
As will be seen, the town government is
in good financial standing and will be
able to make a number of substancial im
provements daring the ensuing yw-r:
From liquor license $1,400 00
From Beer license 1373d
From fines in Recordei 's Court . . 1 14 50
From sate of Cemetery iots... . 103 0J
Fiom billiard license 6700
From bhow license 49 50
Fi om W ash bouse license 49 50
From Peddler license 31.50
Feorn Dog- license 3 1 .60
From sale of iroajpigej. 23.10
tnim auction liccnir?1 19.00
From skating rinkllccnse 4)00
From Hawker license 450
Total 2,003.30
Paid Night Watchman $ 600 OO
Paid Lamp lighter and janitor. . 143.''0
Paid Mrs.L. Zigler, water right. 100.00
Paid" estate J . P. lIcDanicl for
lamp" lighter, janitor, elc 09.25
Paid Kccordcr's fees OJuO
Riid rorcoal oil 6050
Paid labor on cemetery 10S.'O
Paid Insiuance on Town 'Hall. . 87.40
Paid Sexton's sal try S00
Paid Treasurer's salary 40 92
Paid lumber for midges'. 2330
Paid Marshal's fees 600
Pa A tor feeding prisoners 1.53
Paid for randies. 300
Paid tor election.. .. 100i
Paid for summery CGQ
Paid for wood.. .... . . .... f . 0
Paid certified amended charter, 4 0
Paid recoid'g cemetery lots deeds 3.0 J
Paid flag- stones for sidewalks. . . 12.00
Paid Ibr printing 1350
Paid special police 8.00
Paid hose and other expenses on
lire engine -J
Paid expenses on street lamps.. 21.8'
Paid fire warden ,.... 1000
Paid donation to band wagon ... 23 0'.
Paid donation 4th ot July com.. 3950
Paid dnmation band4lh ol July. 25 00
Paid sundry expenses 10-0
Paid expended on water works-. 100 G2
Total f $1,001 03
Dobtot town $150 0
announces himself as a candid itc
for re-election as Marshal of Jacksonville.
Mibjecl lo the decision of the people at
the ensuing town election.
Jacksonville, Oregon, Feb. 18, 188G.
Will be given at the
On the Evenings of
Saturday, April 3rd and 10th,
Under the auspices of the
ORBEBofC.of H.
Th following excellent pieces will
ba presented:
Cast of Characters:
David Garrick Henry Pape. Jr
M . Simon Ingot H . F. Bleadman
squire Cherry D. A. Jones
Mr. Smith N. U. Beggs
Mr.Jones G. Kewbury
Thomas James Mover
Servant Byron Presley
Ada Ingot Kate Miller
Mrs. Smith Sirs? A. F. Eddy
Aramintha Brown Mrs. D. A, Jones
Cast of Characters:
"Peter Perchant, lawyer, N.F. Steadman
Gilbert Murdoch Henry pave, Jr
Tom payson D. A. Jones
Richard Gordon ..L. L.Jacobs
Asa, a colored servant Byron Presley
Jrs. G.u field Hattie Newbury
Annie Garfield Clara Cameron
Bcllo Gordon Katie Jiller
Jennie Joy Jrs. D. A. Jones
Cast of Characters:
Mr, Stephen Poppincourt, N.F. Stc.adman
Arthur Ormeslon Henry Pape.Jr
Mrs. Wingrove Mrs. A.F,Eddy
Laura Katie ifillcr
Kiltie Vinks .'. . . . Jfrs. D. A, Jones
Looh for bills with particulars
Jersey Bull
The undersignrd taked this method of
informing the public that he now keeps a
fine bull, of three-quarters Jersey blood,
who has lew superiors in Southern Ore
gon, in his pasture near Jacksonville.
Parties desiring to place their Cows in
his enclosure will be charged $2.50, with
50 cents per week for pasturage.
For further particulars enquire at my
butchershop in Jacksonville.
Jacksonville, Ipril 2, 188o.
'Sentinel" Office For Sale.
Desiring to engage in other business
the undersigned offers the
for sale at a bargain. For the amount
required no belter investment. could be
found for a paying business. For further
paiticuUrscalloo or address,
Fttesk Krause.
Kerbyville Oresoa,
Mrs. M. Ryder, Fropr.
Firstclass accommodation can always
be had at this house at the most reasona
ble rates.
tSTAn excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
3 vy
ev Active, -
May good fortune follow the readers of
The Daily Alta
The foremost newspaper of tUe aciHo
Coast; which presents both aides of all
matters of public Interest. No enemies
to punish or friends to pet; but fair and
truthful with alL
The Weekly Alta
Presents the strongest possible claim to
a family circulation. It Is filled with
good reading, stories, fashion notes, and
pays intelligent attention" to the House
and Farm. Splendid premiums 'with the
Weekly Alta.
Br Mall, Postage Frea.ln the United State and
Dally, (including Sunday) One Teir ,f.
..$8 00
Sunday Edition. One Tear ...4... 3 00
WeekJjAata,OnttTear...f 1 SO
Bend postal card request for free sam
ple copy of Dally or Weekly Alta.
Crafts, Checlts, and Mother remittances
should be mada payable to the order of
BanTranclsco, California.
It. " " OneUontn CO
Jf Southern Oregon, are hereby infoinod
that in addition to a large and elejraui
line of
I have added to my stock tho following
-IaS3 ol goods, of which I have a full line:
Ladies' Furnishing Gcods,
Both Knit and Muslin.'
- - T
Tuatif8 Wardrobe Complete,
Aschcap&stobcbonght any place; also'
Under 4yenrs old.
V beautiful line ot
Consisting of Lisle, and Silk.
Gloves, Handkei chiefs. Corsets,
And many other things too numerous to
mention. I Imvtialwi secured the
services of S vv
.1 '-" vtm l'S
And am prepared to exeguta all orders in
that line in flrsUclassVstylo at'reasonab'o
mte.' - - sr ,,j .
Call and see me at the building form
erly occupied by A. L JohiisorTbn Call
fornia street. MRS. P. P. PRIM
Notary Public, Real Estate Agt.
Abstracts made of Titles to Lands.
Xiogol X3 ocunionta
Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertain,
ing to the settlement of estates.
Collector of Accounts Prompt
Remittances. . ,
Investment Securities a Specialty.
Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold.
I have a complete set of Slaps pf all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and re
eeive abstracts monthly from Roseburs of
all new entries made. I am thus pre
pared to make out Homestead and Pre
emption papers, and can thus sive to par
ties me expense ot a trip to ltosenurg
Land Office.
Several fine farms arc in my hands tor
Prompt reply made to all letters.
Charges in accordance with the times.
Refers, by permission, to O. O. Beck
man, Esq, Banker; to Hon. L:R. Web
ster, Judge of this judicial district, and to
any business house in Jacksonville.
Office at south cast corner California
and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Executors Notice'.
In the County Court ofthe State of Oregon
for the County of Jackson.
In the matter of the Estate of William
Hoffman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Jackson County, Oregon,
sitting in Probate, executor of the estate
of William HofTmau, deceased.
Ail persons indebted to said estate are
requested to settle the same immediately,
with the undersigned. .4ml those having
claims against the Estate, arc required to
present them, with the proper vouchers,
within six months from the first publica
tion of this notice, at the office of C. 0.
Bcekman, in Jacksonville, Jackson'
County, Oregon.
C. C. Beekman, Executor,
of the Estate of Wm. Hoffman, deceased.
Dated December 12. 1835
Furs, Skins, Hides,
And 3roltsi.-
I vtfll pay the highest cash
prices for all kinds of Eurs and
ijKins. Send for price list to
Frie, Pennsylvania.
Sf (& week inyour own town . Terms
UU and $5 outfit free. Address H
HALLET,.&oi Portland Maine.
aaVl JaW-J-aBaal r M-
T3 Vav-j9vhfflHd9fln
v , V