Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 16, 1886, Image 3

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Bcsjixsas Chikqb. Tie assignee's
nit tit the efleets belonging to tk es
tate ejf Bcrack Fisher, assizor, will
Bet Job off to day u advertised at
tlit property hu ben sold at -private
nil f o D. L. Hopkin's aid JL P. Tal
sat. The new proprietors vill take
peessuiea at onca and will eentinue
tat bisiaese at the old stand ia Weed
IfriT Haxo. A jetitiom for a re
kaariax ia the esse, ef Loeit 0"Heil,
eeavUtsd of tke Harder of Lewis Ms-
DasHL vm italii by ti Feprease
Ceartea Tewitay last. He will prob
ably rccaive kis tetcnd sentence of
dtatk wt week and Governor Moody
is tke ealy on that can tare bira fro a
tko gfcllaws. He made an attempt
etas da ago to starve himself to
death tut gave itstp. It is reported
sew that fee is staking s until at
tosdpt A Test Cist 3 Abraham vester
tardiy breaght gait tgsiast Mnltno
itateocnt to tast tke legality of tbi
jaJt if the Ljiclat.ra--wliicli xempeh
witnesses within two suites cf a eocrt
to attend withest Wing" paid witness'
ttt.t In May, 18S5, Abrahaa was
labpeaaeed to ap'peer before the
Grand Jury to testify ajainst Williata
Pad, who eBrgalericed Coroner Cooke's
establishment. Tke ccauty became
iadebted to him ia the sum of 2 and
20 cents for mileage. Wherefore ke
ases to recover 2 20. Portland
Ot.ca.mzed. The stockholders in
tke Jacksonville Milling and Mining
Co., held a meeting at the Town Ilall
Wednesday night when they adopted
by-laws and elected the following
officers: President, II. Pepe, Sr.j
Secretary, 8. J. Day; Treasurer, T. J.
itenney; Trustees, D. L. Curtis, II.
Pape, John Ortb, Will Jackson and
David Cronomiller. This cempany
propose working the old Bawdea ledge
nd will soon fet a contract for a tun
no! 200 feet in length to tap tko ledge
250 feet balow the eurfae.
The Mill. Mr. L. D. Drown of
Portland arrived here Tharcdar to
'select site tor the new quartz mill to
le erected here. Some of the mill
has arrived and a portion of the tim
bers have also been furnished. Mr.
Brown thinfcr, car roads are so bad at
the preFsiit time that not enough
quart roUld be hauled to the mill if it
were in operation now and this has
been the main cause of not Flipping
the mill. It will be run as a custom
still, for a tirou at least, and Mr.
Brown eavs as Wind alone vill not inn
it he must watch every turn to male
it a success.
Narrow- Eboapc Last Thursday
afternoon while ttemiitie on the nlat
ferm leadiag to thn tepH iti th-ivii i-r
Orth's brick, Lee Smith, cne of the
eempositors in the Sentinel ofikt,
slipped and fall haaJIoug to the
greuad Ixslew, a diiUtice of about
fourteen feet. He was picked up in
aa iueasible coadition and carried in
to the kuUker shop but an esamina
tiea ky Dr. RobiaseD showed that as
benei were broken and ke trill be
around sooa although considerably
Wuined. Lea belongs t tke tamers
and as he has now usaa tke bass leap
ke proposes retiring and repeat it no
Oregov Climate. It is a combos
xpreuisa with alniett every eao you
sueet now, "Heve yeu ever exper
ienced 3Bch a Dili winter as tain has
keen!" Here it is the lGth dav of
Janaary, eed we have had ne iucle
satnt weather worth msutioair.;. The
grain and grass is as greea as in the
month of April and growing rapidly.
3?lowsrs bib still bloosing in laany
gardens and the atmophire though a
little chilly is cot uncomfortable.
While all aatare is locked in icy chains
ia the cast, in Ore;oa tke geutlo rain
patters down, occasionally, just to re
wind us that wo ate inhabitants of
"WeMoot. It is net an uncommon
thing to see men round in their chin
sleeves, and ladies cpon tke strenU
without fcrs and cloaks. Contrast
this weather with your own, oh east
era breth?rn, and then sigh for the
land of big red apples and pretty girls.
.Religious Itkms. Elder H. C.
Fleming prraches at Mound school
koase aert Sur-dayk...Rev. M. A.
, Williams will preach at Eagla Point
. Saaday at the usual hour. . . . E'der M.
Peterson will preach at Central Point,
in the hall ovsr the ware-house, next
Sunday at the usual hour....Rv. A.
H. Sundcrmann, theGeriaan minister,
will held services at Mrdferd on Sun
day, bath morning and evening....
The second quarterly meeting of the
M. E. Church, South, will be held in
Jacksonville on the Srst Saturday and
Sunday in February. Rev. E. G.
Michael, presiding elder, will be in at
tendance.. ..Rev. A. R. Bickenbach
will hold services at the Presbyterian
-church in this plaes Sunday morning
and evening. The special services will
be coatiaued during the evenings of
the following wk, Rev. J. V. Miligan
of Ashland being preterit 10 assist. . . .
The second quarterlv meeting of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for Jack
sonville circuit will be keld in this city
next Saturday and Sundav, Jan. ICth,
and 17th. The Rev. W. G. Simpson,
of Ashland, an able preacher, will
conduct the sei vices. Tke first service
will be preaching, at 2 r. M. Saturday,
followed by the quarterly conference,
preaching again in the evening, and
also Sunday morning and evening.
Friends and the general public are cor
dially invited to all these ssrviiss.
W. P. William, Pastor.
"'" Local Items-
Joha C.Btck is now a fall fledged
G. A. Habbell is asking collections
a specialty.
Mens' overcoats at a bargain at tke
Geldea Bale Bazaar.
Twenty yards of prints for $1 00' at
the Golden "Rale Benkr.
12 lbs. Golden C sigar for $1 00 at
the Golden Belt Bazaar.
Ladies' sisters at great eacrafice at
tke Geldea Rule Baaaar.
Csek & Mailer have again taken
poisesiieaef the Jackass creek taw
Mrs. J. 1L Smith and daughter
bare-rtturaod from a ?iiit to Kerty-Tille.
Dost fail to inspect tbs panic
prices offered at tke Golden Rale Ea
zsar. If yea want to save taenty, bey
yoar geods at the Geldsa Rule Ba
zaar. New geeds are being received bv
every freight train at the Golden Rale
E H. Antenrietb has bean appoint
ed Justice of of tke Peace for Yreka
Ed. Helms is back from Woodville
having turned ever 'the store to the
new purchasers.
A through trip to Wilderville is now
mad ence each week by the stage leav
ing here Friday morning.
Elevta inches of rein fell here be
tween CcUW and January and still
the aiiuers are set happy.
Jsiepk Solomon advertiser some de
sirable property for sale at aduiinistra
ter's sale on February 13th.
There will 'be no more drawings at
the Golden Rule Bazaar, Jacksonville.
Goods will bs sold cheap for cub.
W. J. Piyroale is hack from Port
land. He attended a committee meet
ing of the A. O. U. W. while away.
A large number of witnesses from
Pkeenix are attending Court giving
evidence in the Olweil damage case.
Mr E V Carter, caskier of the Ash
land (tank, has purcbeied Mr Bisk's
twenty acre farm and will make bis
home there.
The Rogue River Distillery re
sumed work again on Friday las', and
will make about 300 barrels of whisky
on this run.
Wm. Triplntt, was drowned in
Rogue River, just above Galice creek
one day last week. He leaves a wife
and svcn children.
Notwiths'anding tke trouble in
Congress over the silver question we
will still contiuue takingit alpar pro
viding the same is ofkred us.
Those that sutsiiipd loss in South
ern Oi go 1 'f-l-'t -6, on account of
TBlUp-iimiredation-, the goiertaent
wants te nay. particulars
of CI. A.
John Bolt cams over from Apple
gate thin week to lesrn tht Jaek-on-yille
bleods how "Low High was
played. He now thinks they are apt
Attnd the Band Mask Ball on Feb
ruary 12th. Ne pains will be spared
to siake it a success and theboys know
kow to work such affairs. Everybody
is invited.
Mettti. Shook t Weaver have
pend a skating risk in tke Odd Fel
low's! wilding audran itsaTiT ednrrday
and Trurrday of eack week, both after
neon and evening.
A German school with Rev. A. II.
Sanderman in charge as teacher has
been opened ia QuU's hall with 32
scholars. Among the pupils several
grown people are noticeable.
Expecting to make neudsd improve
mxnts we will require, all the money
standing on oar books. We hops our
friends will take the hint and help us
along with the small amounts they owe.
Fred Downing was over from Sticky
the other day end reports farmers
happy because they have nothing lo do.
He brought his daughter to town to
attend school at the Sisters academy.
Tom ReynolJsinforms the "Tidings"
that he brought cp in Wellj, Fargo and
Co.'e express car on yeMerday's traintha
ccncsntralor for tha Med ford quartz
mill. It was a bsalthy express pack
age, w:ghmg over 1600 lbs,
AndflrisVJlBbh. a former - ' -
mate of Eereiaa Helms ia tCeTMKwi-, registers; Jas McFall, Ja
ctmntrv, and an old time acquaintance of C Mills, clerks; Murphv- Lewis Hays,
. . .... .. r.. . IT tT. .1 I A A WT
SUenn Jacobs baCC ia tno mates, IS
here en a visit with a likelihood of
locating. Hisfamilyaecompanies him.
Besides our local bar, we noticed
attorneys Bowditch and DePeatt of
Ashland, Williamson, Powell and
Andrawa of Medford and E. B. Wat
son of Portland attending Circuit
Coart. All have cases to bo tried
Lest week Mr J G Lanterman, of
Jutap-oflf-Jo;, received his commission
as P M and the office will he known as
McAlliter, Josephine county, Oregon.
The esLblUhment of this office will be
a great convenience to many people
in that thrifty locality.
James D. Buckley of Applegate
brought in one of his daughters
this week to attend St. Mary's acade
my. This institution of learning ia
becoming more popular every year
and gtta patronage from all portions
of this end of the State.
A petition cf tke citizens sf South
ern Oregon asking for the re establish
ment of a tri-weekly mail Between here
aad Wildervills was forwarded to
Washington by last night's mail. It
was universally signed and we hope
the Department will grant the prayer.
The testimony in the Josephine
County court house case is not jet all
in. Referree Keller bavin? postponed
it until after Circuit Court clones herel
to allow the attorneys engaged there
in to attend to their business here. The
case is being fought with bittcrncM en
both sides.
The parties who robbed Geo. How
ard's cabia a short time since have not
yet been apprehended although they
are well known. If the guilty parties
continue their petty thieving much
longer the time will yet come when
sufScient evidence con be gathered to
couvict them.
Our old-time friend, Ben Reese'r,
celebrated bis silver wedding at Ash
land last Sanday night. A large num
ber of friends were present to wish
them jey and we join ia wishing them
many more such celebrations and that
both will be oa haca whew ttieii r-,J"P
wedding is to bs celebrated.
The "following is a list of officer of
Table Rock Encampment No. 10, I. O.
O. V., installed Jan. 12, by S J. Dav,
D. D. G. P.; N. Fisher, C. P ; S. J.
Day, H.P.;A.G Colyin, S W; J A
Boyer, Scribe; H v nelm, Treas;
E Btud, 1st W; Geo Reive, 2d Wj
K Kubli, Guidej F Luy, I G.
Foar car loads cf lime were shipped
to Portland, froza Barnga and Pom
eroy'a quarry near Rock PGint this
week and ?e enderstand that they
have orders for much more. They can
furnish it ia any quantity required
and this will add an important andj
profitable industry to that por'ion of
our eosnty.
One Bleeper will be withdrawn from
the Oregea and California railroad,
aad the remainder ran between Al
bany and Ashland, which will furnish
passengers the usual accommodation
over that part of the road traveled at
night. The object of taking one car
off is to pet them th-ough the Com
pany's shop?, and get them in good
shape for the business exptcted during
the coming spring and summer.
The County Court of Josephine
county made the following appoint
ments of road supervisors fo." the en
saius; T?ar: District No. 1, P Sum
Biers: No. 2, J Borough; No. 3, C
"estoNo. 4, C Gentner; No 5, J
Bricker; No. 6, D Bunch; No 7, P
Hansen; No 8, G E Floyd; No 9, H
Gasion;No 10, Mr Porter; No 11. J
SW Smith; No 12, J W Wimer; No
13 ATolin;Nol4, W Hogue;No 15,
T F Cioxton; No 16, TG Patterson.
Distnc'sNo'6 and 7 weio nm'tnid
into No 6 and a portion of the bound
ry line changed.
Last Sunday Rev. E. R. Geary, D.
D. announced his intention of soon re
tiring from the pastorate of the Preii
byterian church of this city. The
announcement caused deep regret to
many of his hearers, who are not in a
situation to exert a potential influence
over the affairs of the cl urcb, or to
offer advice at so critical a period as
this. The church may perhaps secure
service that will pirtsent more of the
ezteriur palish of "medern times, but
,sa the heart of '.be- caurcu yearns
for the "Old, old story" it will fe f
unate indeed if it has come one to tell
it in a way to "t&tisfy its longings."
liugene City "Register."
WHY WJLL YOU cough when
Shiloh's cure will give immediate er
lief. Price 50cts. and S1.00. Brooks
keeps it.
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale at E. C. Brooks.
era'ola by that terrible cough. Shilob'H
Care is the r niedy for you. Brooks
keeps it.
For lame Buk, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
cents. For sale at E. Cf Brooks.
so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Call at B'onks'.
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both niv
self and wife owe our lives to SHI
Brooks keeps it.
The County Court of Joiepnine ap
pointed tha following registers and
cler&s last week: Kerbyville James
Whits, John Going", A J Anderson,
registers; Chas Howard, Frank Dess
inger. cpirks; Waldo Frank Br ban,
Geo Simmoai!,Tiioma5blod, resisters;
Isaac Skeeters, Chas Hsrt, clerks;
' t''n...T Turner, Ira Durnham,
I uoraco ueineaner, . a. nincr, ick'
istera; F G Day, J W Winter, clerks;
Wilhamsbure David Jonn, H H
Spsrlin, M F Baldwin, registers; J N
Gotcher, Alex Watts, clerks; Wolf
Creek Jas A Hopkins, J S W Smith,
D F Matthews, registers; C Henne t,
L N Browning, clerks; Jump off Joe
David Sexton, T J Hussey, T F Crox
ton, registers; T J Knight, John A
Nidav, clerks; Grants Pass J P Tuffs,
A A Porter, H Rogers, registers; Chas.
K Chamlor, M W Wheeler clerks.
115 Tears Old One of the features
of New Year's day was the first appear
ance in our city of one Mis. Brock, who
lives back of town in the mountains. The
old lady Is said to be 115 years old. She
went from house to house m&king cal s
upon her friends, and seemed to enjoy it
as much as an v of the younser cailers.
She cams to town for the purpose of
tracshctug some ousmc&s witu u. b. r ui
lcr. Wcl!s, Farce & Oo.'s agent. Flam-
Whin Baby was sick, we gave her
When sho was a Child, she crid for
When sh? became Miss, she clnng to
When she had Children, she gave them
Registers and Cmrks.
The following is a list cdr the regis
ters and e'erka appoTnleoWat the late
term cf County Cummisgifeiisra' court,
jn conformity witkte I registry law
pared by the last Iectefeiire, who will
also act as judqes aad ck4rks of election.
District No. 1 Jacksavil!e Reg
isters, N. Langell, Hear Page, Sr.,
K. Kubli; clerks JIM. BSmiih, A. F.
No. 2 Eden-kegutri, C. S. Ser
geni, W. Beeson.faraBelB'arry; clerks,
Al Ro-e, Ruxsell AlforaJi
No. 3 AshlanqV-BKten., E. M.
m:ii.. ni.:u xri:i rW. ii:..i t.i.
"M, vmiuum ii;.i, v. 1115U, uietke,
U. U. Myer, John day.) j
No. i Medferd Re-Atera, Arthur
WilsonGS. WJalten, W. G. Hurt;
clerks, Wm.lflncJVr. ITWMwntoB.
No 5 Manzanitft! 4lepiterlVB.
Ubenchain, E. K. Owen,
F. ?BeH:
clerks. J N. Hall, VO
.ir- i
' j
No. 6 -tle. Bufj
T. Severance. iirx
J.: L5
l.inskwiler: clerks." JalnessKent.' iT.C?
Fleming. -T 3HBftrT - "
No 7 ChtmneWc-ek-ts-George
Frey, Geo. NichoN, W. P. Fr
low; cierk.t, H. G. Myv, George W.
No. 8 Bi? Butte Rpgi-iter., Gen.
Beale, W. F. Wilkiuson, O. C. P.irker;
clerke, J. A. Obenchnin, Benj. Beall.
No. 9 Fiouac Rock Reaisters,
Chauncei Nvpi A."Oordqn, I.C PfiTppsf
clerks, Fred S. Aiken, S.B. Hull.
No. 10 Tal-kj Jtoefc Registers,
0. Ganiard, M. A. Houston, E. P.
Pickens; cierks, J. Martin, Horace
Pel ton.
Ko.ll Willow Springs Registers,
John Watson, J. W. McKnv, James
ilcDonough; clerks, B. W. Dean,
JamPS Herd.
No 12 Rock Point Regiter.
Julius Tremble, G. W. Lance, H. L.
White; clerks, C. E. Miller, Benj. Hay
No. 13 Woodville Registers, W.
J Sinn'ey, John Woods, J. HTBrred
inij; clerks, Thos. Haymond, Fred
No. 14 Pleasant creek Rejisers,
W. PvHill?, Joshua Nesthsmer, S
Siinpkics; clerks, Cbae; Williams, M.
S. Wakemon.
No. 15 Foots creek Regis'ers,
Nelson Homer, B. W. Hountnn, W.
M. Morris; clurks, R. J. Orme, W. A.
No. 10 Applecnte Register', W.
H. Basve, J. T Layton, A. J. Cooks;
e'erks, H. D Kubli, J. H. Knu'zen.
No. 17 Steamboat Registers T.
B Houmoii, John Sargent, J S. Mel
drum; c!erks, A.Sh-arr, Wm. Finney.
No. 18 Uniontown Roqistrs, T.
Cameron, John Cantrel, N. B. Wright;
clerke, Wm. Rir, Omar Can'rel.
N.o 19 ts'erliugville Regis ers,
Jos. Saltmirsh, T. H. Gihon, Chs.
Thurnian; clerks, Arthur Saltmarsh,
Geo. Youdis.
GnaXD Juiit The following is a
list of the jurors empaneled for the
January leriu of the Circuit Court:
D. Linn, foreman, Fred Otten, A.
Pool, W. J. Plyiuire, M. Iai.sGcld,
A. Stevens andTho. MU, They
found indiciments asjiiist H. Vaghcni,
J? -L Nrl andJjcJuiCuster A China
nmn) all charged ni(MkAault xrtth
a tlarcerous weapon. In 1'je cates of
J. W A'iaejard and Ed Farmer, both
charged with larceny, "not a true bill"
was returned in each case. In making
their final report they submitted the
We have viited th,e several county
oflicss and find them neatly kept and
in order and correct so far os we can
ascertain. The jai ia good condition
r.nd the county hoifital is in good cen
ditinn and the patients had no com
plaints. David Liun, LfUaan.
jiCi;iuiVMiii aiciu(i( 3
Metcrologicat report of Rogiie Biyer
Valley. Oregon. Respect lully submitted
by Rev. 51. A. Williams.
iTheremomter Q ip
Month all above zero , x'-j'i ? s-
. :ri :rl -
a m m r M sSi'-glS,
Jan. at 3 41) 1 60 115 5 1,42
Feb. 33 53 45 (B 23 1 2,94
ilir. 32 Go 17 ! 78 liS ,11
A.ir. 40 C8 57 178 23 2 ,44
May 47 09 G3 83 33 1,41
June 50 72 fit SG .42 2,47
July J54 83 7G M 48 ,1G
Aug. 54 74 78 84 1G
Sept. 46 74 73 &2 30 ,58
Oct. 43 C9 CS H S4 CO ,84
Nov. 41 5G 42- G4 27 0,04
Dec. 37 50 42 J61 23 a 3,74
On the 5th ot July Ther 100, oa the Gth
103, and on the Ttlt'Od. Extremes ofheat
Total rain 10 15'nt lies.
The morning record is made just before
sunrise almost Vvr.ijs the oddest poiut
The noon recdrd is lude at 12 ji, evening
record at 8 p m. ,V T -,
1 ASLLUU. muiMAiux. jmmUiMJUl
eS pareufj Irr
iidencc of tle
10th. lS8d.bvRev.C. BL HbxieT A. J
Mundy of Portland and illss Ella E.
Kurria. Sislxt In this city, at the?
regiacnceoi Ji u. rouuray, .januaryisi.
18SG, by J. If. Hutfer, J. P., Frederick
Klippelandii&s MaUie A. Sisley.
Fislet HAsbvS In this city, Jan. 13,
18bG,by Rei. J.A. Slover. Grant Fin
ley of Klamith county and Miss Jennie
Haskins of Uniontown.
Petfr Neweurt In Grant's Pass, Jan.
10, ISSG, by Elder Mnrtin Peterson,
Holman Peter and Miss Mary Newbury
of Jacksonville.
Nickle K1L00RB In Poe valley. Klam
ath county-, Dec 3D, 1885, by Rev. J. B.
Griffith, J. A. Nickle and Misi Anna
Wolters Alford At thi residence of
the bride's parents at Talent, January
13, ISSG, Chas. W. Wolters and Miss
OHieAlford. "
Lef.er M Yainax, Klamath couutv,
Dec. 29, XSS5, to Mr. and Mis. W. T.
Leeke. a iron.
Snoirr-iNiar Medford, Jnn. 12, 188G, to
Mr. aad Mrs. .-hurt, a son.
Beakd .itlhe county hospital, Jan.- 8
1886??John Beard; seed 35 years, 10
months and 18 days.
Circuit Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases
docketed for the January term (1886)
of Circuit Court, now being held in
this (lace:
State of Oregon vs. J. W. McMa
hon; indictmeut for murder.
State vs. H. Matthews; indictment
formaliciously killing anothers animal.
State vs. Walter Howlett; indict
meut for sodomy.
Slate vs. Chas. McVey; indictment
for larceny.
Site vs. J. W. Cunningham; in
dictmeut for larceny.
State vs. Wm. Hanley and Geo.M.
Love; indictment for larceny.
State vs. Raphael Morat; indict
ment for selling liquor to minors.
State vs. Yeit Schntt; indicteiczt
for .selling liquors to miners.
State vs. Henry Sagchorn; held in
justice's court.
gJjStats vs. T. J. Nsal; same.
.Stata vs. J. W. Vineyard; same.
,'Statavs. John Crisby (Chinaman);
fvfSiate vs. Wm. J. Russell; mandate.
tato vs. Louis O Neil; same.
"V EQOITT cases.
TjtTrntl4.'aiagrudervs. Joha and
.wth SwisuT foreclose
mortgage. -
Jhik M" Thnm.. . uSsw and
Nancy Parker: same.
Jacob Jicathamer-vs. M. E. Po?a
Ha.k.r-Aw. ED. and g A
Bank of Ashland vs. J. C. and Eliza
Crawford; same.
Susauah Stacy vs. Jacob Reifel, et
State vs. Wm. Briscoe aad F. S.
liiwer; same.
Chas. Nickel vs. M E. Pogue et al;
J. C. Tolraan et al vs. Henry Casey
et al; injunction.
Jonn Uockenjos vs. J. W. Collins;
Frank Lorraine vs. Bernard Lor
raine; suit in equity.
Newman Fisher vs. W. C. Miller;
motion to renew execution.
F Roper et al vs. A. S. Jacobs,
sheriff; writ of Review.
State, ex rel. S. J. Day, vs. county
court; same.
W. L Childera and G. W. Fritz vs.
E. W. Olweil; same.
Noland & Ulrich vs. town of Med
ford; same.
AJict C. Mickelson vs. Olney Mick
elson; &uit for divorce.
Lueila Leadbettsr vs. Robert Lead
better; same.
Lena White vs. John White; same.
Ruth Brown vs. C. J Brown; saniu.
lthoda Duulap vt. David Duulap;
Lillie Jacquinini vs. John Jacquini
111; same.
Martha Edy vs John Ed; same.
Martha Fine vs. Edward Fine; same.
Mary Doncgan vs. John Djnegar.;
Newman Fis-her v. Q. N. 'Anderson;
action to recrtver mooey. ,
Cnasi-NickeJL.vs. O. M. Krewson;
'Newman Fisher vs. R. F. and Q N.
Andereon; same.
P J. Uysn vs. Martha and John
Edy; snme.
J, B.iurn ii Co.vs. Bsrnca Fisher;
A. Fisher vs. Baruch Fisher; same.
MlCiiI, Atkinson i Co. vs. Thatcher
& Wordeu; n.
Wagner 4 Anderson vs. Olney
Miokiliton; tame.
Nowman Fuker vs. C. D. Reed; suit
for datrajes. fr
J. W. Co'lins vs. John Hockenjos;
Jemima Culver'and Jeue Dollarhide
vs. P. W. Olwelljsatne.
-ITbe proceedings of the Court are as
(allows up to Friday ntgnt:
JBrirk Kasshafer wai appoited bail
iff of the Grand Jury and J. H. Huffer
bailff'for the. petit jury.
Alice Mffjcelaon vs. Olney Michel
con; suit for -divorce Defiult-enter-ecl
against defendant and Chas. Prim,
notary public, appointed to take testi .
J. B. Thomas vs. F. M. and Nancy
Parker: to foreclose mortgage. De
murrer to amend answer overruled
Lueila Leadbetter vs. Robert Lead
better; divorce. Default' entered
against defendant. '
Siate vr. W. J. Russell;' larceny.
Mandate from Supreme Court revers
ing judgment of conrt below entered.
Newman Fishsr vs. Q N. Anderson
Jr.; to recover money. Verdict for de
fendant. R. A. Gray. J. M. Black ond F. M.
PafVer,,ere excused as jurors for the
term. 5 " .. "
S.JStacr vs J. Reifel and G-o Jam
enfia!:'ito foreclose morteajre. " Dtcree
Siate vs. Wm. Hanley; indictment
for larceny of cattle. Verdict of not
State vs. Geo. M. Love; indictment
fot larcenv. Dinii-sed.
JeininiaCtilver and JeMse Dollarhide,
administrators of Urn etatft of L. C1
ver, deceived, vs. P. W. OUell;damv-
es On trial.
Rablianl Consllpntlan
Is a prolific source of mierv and
many ills, giving riic to H-adiche,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousnesx, Rest
eKhnekS, BiliousneSH, Indigehtion, Pois
oning of Blood, etc The bitter
nauseous Liver medicines, IiiIIr, .salts
and draughts formerly used to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who aie
afflicted in that way. know the impor
tance of the remedy pleasant to the
nalate. harmless in its nature, and" tru
ly bent ficial in its action. Tie trial
bottles of Syrup of Figs given away
free- of charge by our enterpri.ing
druggists Merritt and Robinson of
Jacksonville prove that it is all that
can be desired. Xarge bottle3 at fifty
I cents or one dollar.
Ccttse's Fixk Whiskies. Again l
we greetour many friends, reminding
them that the season of "peace on
earth and good will towards men,"
is rapidly approaching, when prosperi
ty and generosity go hand in hand, and
the whole civilized world seeks for
those tributes and mementoes which
serve to bind closer the. friends of
fleeting years. After the lull comes
the storm; the season of depression is
rapidly passing away. The signs of
the times indicate a better and more
active future, and in anticipation of an
increased demand for fine whiskies,
we will give personal attention to the
best of European and Eastern liquors.
We now offer to our patrons the ad
vantage of selecting from these fine
whiskies, which we guarantee will not
ha excelled on the coast. We have in
slock, J. F. Cutter, Extra, Old Bour
uon, and Argonaut whiskies. Merritt
& Robinson has been appointed
agent for the celebrated "J. F.
Cutter" whisky for this section
of Jackson county. He will sell at
F.AW8 price that you would have to pay
at E. Martin Ss Co.'s distillery, Ky.
Put cp in half and whole hbls.; also
cases of Cutter at S. F. Prices.
John L. Burns, commercial agent
for K Martin & Co., 408 Front St.,
San Francisco. 3m nov 1
Child's Snchv Flake. Every lady,
shin" a clear, delicate completion,
d use Child s snow flake. It
and freshens the skin, re
ftinrmMi nn tlinnnt.-
rjjovesTan and b-Tsiaii 1" '.IMrt ;t
impossible toireeUPaKCQ.',rant. ,
ed perfectly harmless. Sold by air
druggists, or by the manufacturers,
John A. Child &. Co., Druggists, Port
land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly
attended to, Price 50 cents.
Lakd Office at Uosebtjbo, Or., )
January 15, 18SG. J
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ing-named settler has filed notice of bis
inuniion to make final nroof in sunnort
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made Iieforelue Judge or Ulers 01 Jaclt.
son county, at Jacksonville, on Saturday
Fcbroary'27, 1SSG, viz: John D. Griffith,
Homestead No. 33G3 for the SWof
bcction 23 Tp 35 S R Ji west, W. M. He
names the lollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of. caid land, viz: U. E. Jlillcr,
Oliver Nadou. Jesse Tyler and B. F.
ilillrr, all of Rock Point, Jackson connty
Oregon. W. F. B'xjavin, Register.
Administrator's Salo.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu.
ance ot an order of the County court of the
County of Jackson aad State of Oregon,
made and entered ol recotd in said court
on the 4th day of January, 1SSG, in the
matter of the estate of Clement Sarracllett,
dweased, the ucdcrslgsed administrato'
of the estate of said deceased, will sell at
public auction at the hour of 2 o'clock, r.
m., on me,
13th D.17 ofrebrnarj. ISSfi.
at me court iiouso cioor 11 oacKsonvmo,
Jackson county. Oregon, tiie following
described real property Lelonglag to said
cstitc, to-trlt:
Begining at a post in Gcc. 20 T. 37 f
Range 2 West, on the ncrth boundary of
J. N.T. Millers land whera said line in
tersects the west boundary of the county
road running thence west on said north
boundary 10 chains thence south 5 chains
and 30 links thence south 83 degrees and
40 seconds east to the county road thence
North 13 decrees ecst 6 chains and S3
links to the place of beginning, nil situ
ated and being in Jackson county, Oregon.
Dated January 16, 18SS.
Josrra Solomon.
Administrator cf the estate of Clemeat
Ssrraellett, deceased.
i-wir. ii.
t 1 !(
Prize Mask Ball
Under the auspices of the
Jacksonville Silvtr Cornet Band
WeT3. 12, 1SS6.
rigor Hanasers.
Chas. Nickcll, J. O. hipp. Y7m. Ply
male, Doug. Jones.
Toni Cash. Prizes
"Will he n-tven. one each to'tlld' two
best sustained characters, lady and gen
tlemen, also one each to the two finest
All maskers are requested to be at the
hall s 1 9 o'clock sharp to take part in the
grand march.
Unmasking at'll O'Clock.
Jn the afternoon at 2:30 there will be a
grand parade headed by the Jacksonville
silver cornet Band assisted by the
Jacksonville Tiinivercin
In full uniform.
Tickets, including supper, $1.23 each,
spectators 50 jents.
The best of music has been engaged
uid no pain3 will be spared to make it a
success in every particular
Watcuhakeb avd Jeweler,
California Srect,
MAKES a specially of clrsnin? and re
pairing watches knd clocks. My
charges are reasonable. Give me a call
?vi rK iRw tV
tl ! fCt&tiiS
we wiix
20 yards best standard prints... $1.00
14" cabot W muslin 1.00
12 " canton flarnel .1.00
15 " brocaded dress goods... 1.00 -
13 " cabot A muslin 1.00
15- " gingham 100
Wo have a fine line of dress
goods, including all the latest
styles, wnica we oner at a groats
10 pair ladies hose , .fl.00
16 yards bleached muslin 1.00
ll1 yards lonsdala rauslia 1.00
28 yards houselimng. 1.00
Ladies and Missesa corsets we
have a fine nssortmeent, also a
fine line ladies, misses and chil
drens hose including woolen and
cotten at prices we defy compe
tition. 12 pounds golden C. sugar. $1.00 -
8 pounds best Costa Rica coffee. . 1.00
6 packages best matches. 25
12 pounds Carolina Rice 1.00
4 pounds be3t whole pepper..... 1.00
14 lb, 1 lb papers best soda.... 1.00
3 lbs, 1 lb papers good tea 1.00.
Theso goods are all tWbeat
quality for which wo will guarau-
100 lb. Liverpool salt ....$1.25
14 ' soda crackers .r 1.00
Bert extra Star coal oil per can. 2.00
100 lbs. cround alum salt per sack .75'
"Wo have a few more Ladies
and Misses cloaks which we will
sell at a great reduction.
Blueing, per box .10
Jams and jellies, psr can 25
8 cans, 2 lbs each best tomatoes. 1.00
8 cans, 1 lb each, best oysters... 1.00
2 oz bottles extract of lemon 10
Cay ene peper, per bottle. ....... .10
Pepper sauce, per bottle 10
1 qi bottles mixed pickles each. .25
1 lb cans, gold medal tea per can. .40
American sardines, per can 10
For a fine suit of clothes the
latest cut and the most fashionable
styles we cannot be beat.
12 ot. cans Golden Gate baking
owders per can
1 lb. cans best cream tartar per
I " packages best corn starch..
3 " boxes fruit of the field gloss
starch each
For anything in the line of
Gents' furniahiug goodB, includ
ing fino white shirts, ueckties,
collars, calKf, and etc.; we carry
a full and complete stock.
12 candles. .......$ 25
Common washin' soap, box 2Q.brs. .75
Beans, colored, per lb 02
Climax tobacco, per lb 50
Climax iobacco, per l'J oz plug.. .40
Beat riveted overalls in market.. .65
For anything in the Una of
general merchandise give ua a
call and we will sell you good
goods for less money than you
can bny them elsewhore.
Cotton batting, per lb 8 .20
Wash boards, each .SO
2 lba bars, white castib soap 35
In mens and boys boota wehavo
a fine line at prices that will open
the eyes of the purchaser.
Mens canton flannel under shirts.0 .50
" ! drawars 50
" fine Merino onder shirts... .CO
" " " drawers 50
For a fine pair ot men or boys
lace or button shoes extra quality
we have got them and at audi
figures that will astonish you.
Mens white shirts, each $1 00
" percale " " 75
' extra fine quality white shirt. L50
" " " cheviot shirt. .4.50
All we have to eay if you want
anything iu the line of underwear
we can suit you.
A good roans' hat. $1.00
A fine " " 150
A stylish" " ...." 2.00
It's a foregone conclusion that
we keep the most stylish and dur
able hats in the market.
1 J :- ...' kt. tit 7K
i;uuu wnu uuo uw.o. ...... v... "
"" ' mens" ". 3.25
" ladies uho8 ........ 10
" " childreus shoes 1.00
" infants " 75
For anything in the line ot
ladies trimmed hats, artificial
or. fancy neck wear of any kind
wo have a line and complete De
selection. Our gradually
trade places us in a position
where we can sell you rjiore
goods for less money than you
can buy them from any other
store in Jackson County.
With many thanks for past
favors and soliciting a continu
ance in the future,
We are Yours Truly,
Golden Rule Bazaar
r i