Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 19, 1885, Image 3

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Satordat, December 19, 1885.
Circular No. 24. Notice h here
by given that freight tariff No.'s 59,
O, 61, 62 and 63, datedJuly 10, 1885,
and revised Tseal freight classifefcatioa
of esms data, tegt ther with all special
rates, rulings, notices and circulars
-regarding ratal issued tiace January I,
1S8, will remain l fare aati Jaa.
ary 3, 1886, and will expire at thai
' dat at 1 2 a'cleck midnight.
E. ?. Rocers,
'Child's Ssow Flake. Every lady,
" wishing a clear, delicate complexion,
should use Child's Snow Flake. It
noariulies and freshens tbe skin, re
"moves Tan and Sunburn, and, tbe nat
ural appearance imparted, renders it
'impossible to detect its use. Warrant
ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all
'druggists, or by the manufacturers,
John A. Child k Co., Druggists, Fort-
orders promptly
50 cents.
V ...... ... V.. . WW.,
land, Oregon. Mail
attended to, lPrice 50
Society Elbctiovs. At the lait
Tegular meeting of Jacksonville Lodge
Ho. 10, LOO. F., Frank Krau8e
u tJMMaafuble "Grand for Xm
suing Una nee EL Kubli, who de
, Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. fc A,
M. elected the following officers Wed
etday night: C. C. Beekraan, W.
11.; David linn, S. W.; J. R. Neil.
J. W.; N. Langell, Treas ; .Max Mul
ler, Becy.$ R. S. Dunlap, Tyler.
Oregon Chapter No. 4 elected ofil
cers on the IGth inst. and the follow
ing it the list: Thos. G. Rtames, H
T.; "Conrad Mingus, King; A. If.
Berry, Scribe; David Linn, C. of H ;
"Will Jackson, P. J.; C. C. Beefcnan,
&. A. C; Newman Fisher, G. M. o
3d Vali; J. N. T. Mi ler. G. JL of 2 id
Vali; T. F. Beall, G. M. of 1st Vail;
Theo. Cameron, Treas.; Max Ifuller,
Secy.; R. S. Utniap, Sentinel.
EncotJRAQlNG. Jackson county it
'njtying a iart of a boom at present
that will likely make all interested
liappv. Our plaeer minsrs say they
liave bad more water for mining pur
poses this (eaten tban they had in a
Vhile j ear for several past, and tbe
raining teaaea hat just commenced.
Tha proBpe.it of a quartz Kill, to be
run for cistern work, hat induced
'many to locate and take out rock from
the many ledges near town, a number
'of them proving immensely rich by the
HrBtt mad. Med ford alto hag reduc
tion workt in running order and we
learn that several ledges have been
tested and found to pay a fair divi
dend far working. Gah'ce creek will
also have a quart: anil 1 before tone,
Grant's Pass will have a Court House
Vkile Arbland has the bets woolen
'mill of the State, their feeds having
been awarded first premium at the
Mechanics' Fair. Oar farmers are
falo happy over the present nutlaok in
regard te large crops, and why
Shouldn't everybody iu Stathera Ore
' feel the same wayl
Christma's. Festivities The M. F
nad Presbj frinu Sunday Schools will
give f public Christmas eateglin
meat at Hall's Hall on Christmas eve,
falls wed by the tlistribatien ef pre
latt frem a tree ea which the public
are cordially invited ta place presents
fcr their friends. Tb't committee ou
tree decoration desire that all presentt
be placed on the tree be at the hall
by 4 k. that the tree may be fully
"arranged before dark. Presents can
be brought any time during the day,
tad the committee will be present to
receive and take care of them. As no
Vtbscription paper will be circulated a
Collection wilt be taker, immediately
before the distribution of the presents,
to pay expense of hall hire, etc. Tbe
following programme will be given:
1. Mumc by the choir, anthem, "Praise
Uaiteth For Thee." 2. Prayer. 3.
Reritaticn, Amelia Muller. 4. Song
by the little girls of tha M. E. Sunday
School. 5. Recitation, George Park
er. 6. Recitation, Maude Kress. 7.
Song by small girls of Presbyterian
Sua day School. 8. Recitation, Jessie
Jackson. 9. Recitation, llamie Day.
10. Music. 11. Short address, Rev.
tSunderman. 12. ,Musicby the choir,
"Hark, what means these Holy voices."
13. Distribution of presents by Santa
Claut. Santa Cuius.
Religious Itims. Elder M". Peter
ion will preach at Central Point on
Sunday next... Elder II. C. Fleming
preaches at Mound school house on
Sunday at the usual hour.... Rev.
"V. P. Simpson of Ashland will preach
at Phoenix Sunday at 11 o'clock p. M.
i...Rsv. M. A. Williams holds ser
vices at Esgle Point next Sunday
morning at 1 1 o'clock . . j , Rev. J. R.
Roberta will deliver a lecture for
Tonne men and boys on the evening
of Dec 26th at Phoenix.. . Regular
services will be held at the Ca'holic
ehirch in this place, Rev. F. X. Blan
chet oSciating. . . .Rev. J. R Roberts
preachet at Browruboro Sunday at 11
a. it., and at Eagle Point in the after
noon., it Rev. Wna. Pullen will com
roence a meeting at Ashland this even
ing, holding over the 20th. On the
fourth Sunday in this month he will
preach at the upper school house on
Williams creek at 11 A. M There
wilt b High Mats at the Catholic
church in (his place on Christmas day,
Rev. F. X Ulanehet officiating. The
f,oll6wing young ladies will singi
'Mitset Emma Fape, Cora Linn, CMia
and Josie Orth and Ellen Caron.....
Rev. A. R. Bickeabach wilt bold ser
vices id the Presbyterian church of
this place Sunday morning and even
ing. In connection with the morning
service the Sacraments of Baptism and
(he Lord 'a Supper will be administer
ed. Preparatory service la the In
(ire roeoa on Saturday at 2 a: if.
Lotial IlenCs-
Plyasale keeps superior livery out
Alex Martin, Jr., of Liukyille is ia
NoteTce "bargains offered ia Men
sor Bros, new ad.
Brooks can suit you and we knew
it will suit tha girL
Drs. Prjce is Geary of Medferd
paid Ike csty ste.t a Tisit the ether
Isadora Car cf Rattbarg dropped
ia'snt t'int'trtft while up oa a flying
Thos. Chavner's conditiea is much
improved and he showed up ia town
J. H. Stint of the Grant's Pass
"Courier" visited Jacksnnville latt
D. McMenany is back from the
Lake wuntry tc a visit Ifirt will re
turn soon.
Merritt k Robinson are prepared to
supplr tbs public with all kinds ef
holiday goods.
Mrs. Prim has a ten cent table
where you can select a cheap prsseat
fcr tbe little folks.
Capt. 1 D. Appleg&te and Mrs. O.
Mickelton of Klamath county sjnt a
dsytn'tsVn this wesk.
Judge Prim is in Portland n2 on
his return he will accampanied by
his daughter, Mils Ida.
For anything in the line of general
merchandise chsapTor cash goto Men
sor Bros. Golden Rule Bszsar.
Attend the Christmas Tree festivi
ties at Holt's Hall next Thursday
night and make the youngsters happy.
The firm of Beek, Schlepp k Co.
has been dissolved and Louis Schlepp
nill hereafter con tin us the business
foe salary r the juiiter ef oar pab
liclical it $20 per quarter iuttead
of t,hat per menth as wt stated latt
No preventing providence this will
prove a profitable season for our mm
t-rt. la other words "our miners are
Circuit Cotrt coavenes again oa the
iftcond Miindaj of nextontk. Judge
WWbstar will be called on to again
nA the dtath sentence on Loui
Go to Menser Bros.' Golden Rule
Btzaaf and price goods and ou will
be'astomished what low priese art now
being atked.
Ex-Gov. Chadwisk has filed an addi
tion to the city of Roieburg, embrac
ing about 13 acres adjoining the court
houkft property.
Williamson and Powell, the two
attorneys ef Medford were here this
week attending to a case in Justice
Fondray s court.
N. FW:er, assignee for Barueh
Fuller of Woodvills, has appointed
EI. H1u of this place to represent
him in the store.
John A. Boyer succeeds We. Hofl
msn as agent for that old and reliable
fire intaraace campany the Heme
Untaal of California.
Thos. Cofet cici in frem Haraey
vlfey this week aft?r several mtnths
abssnci. N. IL Berry is also back
fr'i'ci the Lakh country.
Prepare yourself U date your letters
1886 toon and also remember that tie
time to make your annual Belt laments
comts at the tame time.
A large lot ef bacon will be put up
by G. Ktrewski this MMen and he
cominen'ccd slaughtering this week.
He will killjibout 225 head this thus.
Central Point is to have W. F.
and Co's. office at once and a telegraph
office has been applied for which tbe
Western Union will ne doubt grant.
The credit of anv one not owninc
a quartz ledge i thia time it consid
ered belew par in Jacksonville. Take
warning and secure one before it is too
late. -v
From Cot. John E. Host we learn
that J. R Montgomery of Evans
creek is the father of a tounc'.rlg baby
bey. The Col. thinks that Jack may
Rev. A. H. SuQiIerman has decided
ea locating in this jv alley 'ar.d will
"hereafter preach in the JiF:rent
churches in the county in tketierc.au
Wert sorry to'announce the,-;Ti-oisillness
of MikejHanlsy, on of the
pioneer farmers of this valley. He it
partially paralyzed now and hit condi
tion is proaoanced critical.
The R& IfeWriie'Eah here oh.
Christmas night premires to be a grand
.fair. Tarn will get yosr money's
wank besides staadiag a ckaate to
yia eae ef the six prists effored.
Oaly eae case of chisken-pox re
mains ta town and that is a genial old
lady tbe grandmother of'jeysrai child
ren. .Net wishing to et oer hair
palled for this item we omit names.
Fresh bread every day, delivers
free of charge in any part of the city,
and iced cakes, wedding cakes or any
thing else in the bakery line furnished
to order on short notice by Louis
The'bw :pricfA at J. W. Metrites
store is occasioned by J. C. McCully
being employed there as clerk. Jim
says that a large number ef sales must
be made ich"t!y Vhethcr 'Chefs is a
profit ornot. ' J"bSV-
We yesterday h,tsrd a report iha
Green Bros, had sold 'heir mines on
Galice caeet to Portland capitalists for
$12,000. If it is so and tbe new own
ers put up a good mill they will surely
have a bonanza.
Besides having a fails supply of
Vater for their placer mines en Poor
man's crsek Klip pel and Keaton have
lately discovered a quartz ,ledgs that
assays 140 per ton. We hope to see
it tarn out as welHas they expect.
Tbe Vast look 'poach from the At -turas
stage, lost two years age in Oak
Run, when Harry Lee, the driver, was
drowned, was recovered latt Thurs
day, intact. Ovr $200 in i;, in
greenbacks and gold notes was found
perfectly sound. Journal.
The citizens ofTallentwill indulge
in a dance and supper on Christmas
eve, with Joseph Robinson as general
manager. Joe knows how those
thini; are to be run and if anybody
fails to enjuy he dance it wilt "ttette
his fault.
Dr. J. A. Chapman, ex-mayor cf
Portland, died at his resilience in that
city on Saturday last. He was a man
of fine personal appearance, k 'gener
ous dit ositioa and great popularity,
having been elected mayor ef Port
'and far three terms.
The following bids for tho graveling
of the J. ice lane were submitted to the
County Commissioners' Court lait
week: E. T. Bartlett, 1,167; C. W,
Skeel, $908.25; A. D. Helms, $880;
G. G. Culey aud T. B. Houston, $472.
Aotion was oslpocel until the Jaii
uary term.
Jarktoa cwunty has now a vacant
scholarship in the state bciyersity.
Any young man or young. woman of
thii neighborhood having lh necessary
qualifications who may desire to secure
it should apply at once to County
Superintendent Wm. Colvig, Rock
Point, Or.
Amone tbe otner numerous uttrac-
tiost at a masquerade ball the mem
bers of the Turnverrin will giv a
street parade on New Years day, lead
by the Jacksonville silver cornet band.
Everybody should he sn hand to wit
nets that and then atttnd the Bill in
the evening.
Victor iieiiinger oi irortland it
paying Jacksonville a visit and Mad-
We tee in our exchanges the law
card of B. F. Dowell and daughter.
Wn are pleased to congratulate Miss
Annie on her entry into an active
business life in the legal. profession,
for which she baa long been prepar
ing herself.. She is a yeuag lady of
rare mentsl grace and'aeaiable dispo
sitions, an' J will honor any 'position in
social or V isiness life.
Having on hand a large let of fine
whiskey, which has been stored in his
cellar for over three years and was
several years old before he got it, C
Kubli has now taken eatareveaue
license and .will sell it ia any quanti
ties from one gallon upward. Re
taember him when yon want anything
in that line and he will give you sat-
An immigrant recently called at the
State Board of Immigration rooms,
and among other foolish questions,
asked: "In what part of California is
Oregon located!" Another, who hails
from Vermont, wat inclined to doubt
that Oregon contained 95,274 square
miles, but when shown to him that
Vermont would lose itself iu Grant
county 21,000 equaro miles-be was
creatly surprised. ".News. '
The rich-strike f f4ptAiothf;
line of quartz discoveries was made
thit week by Tim Dugan within the
town limits. It does not require ft
glass to see the cold in the rock and:
locators are satisfied they have struckJ
the ledge that supplied Rich Gulch
in its palmy days. Tim Dugan, J. A.J
Wilson, James Hereley and others own
this 'hew ilicevery while Thos. Brown
and Chris Wiutjen have taken up an
Abrahams h Co. sold the Grand
Applegate Gravel mine to a China Co.
of Portland about a month since for
consideration o $20,000. Dr. Wing
Lee represented the Chinese companv
in the transfer oi the property. Tbe
Chinamen, numbering 26 men, will
arrive at Central Point Sunday morn
ing and co tbe same day to the mines.
W. J. Plymale has tbe contract fjr
transporting the out-fit from Central
Point to the citlBi. They will ship
their euppliei from Portland and, bring
with them 1,500 pounds of freight.
Lfold Mill Items.
J. H. Griffis is still shipping wheat.
Tha TrumV.o Bros, ara "making an
immense lot of flour.
Billy Swindon's mire on Harrison
eulch is "Baying big monay.
The Jacoby Bros, have laid ih an
immense stock of Christmas cpods.
There are plenty of projectors pe
rambulatieg the lulls delving after the
preeious stu
Wm.P Jacoby has purchased the
necessary paraphernalia to study tele
graphy; he says he will establish an
office here inside ot six months,
Mr. Hurley, formerly ofTMedford,
has gone to Portland to lay in a stock
to open up a boot and shoe shop at
this place. Mr. H. is said to be a
first class mechanic and) we bespeak
ior nia a consiueraoie pationags.
The Pbylomathean Literary Society
of this place have made out a way-up
programme for a public exhibition to
take placeat the Town Hall on the
night of Christmas eve. There will
be plenty of vocal and instrumental
tnuiic, declamations, charades, essays,
-.:. Ll-l. .1 t . 1 J
auor ttui.u Vere UAV.uv.ft uuibv.j
-v J.w w-u.pjB
20 yardt best standard prints..
14 " cabot W muslin
12 " canton flan nej
15 " brocaded dresV goods . .
13 " cabot A muslin
15 " gingham
"Wo have a fine line of
goods, including all the
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 100
. 100
atjle9, which
we offer at a great
Jacksonville Public ScJiool,
Report for the month endinj Novcrc
ter Cth, 18.3.
a o g as
o . a , o Oc-
jj O OllS u--1
defahtmexts 5 5 S - 7
O t O c c s s
. . 'a -aj,& as
HiThei 36 24 0 8 13
Grammar 38 S5 0 4 13
Intermediate 4'J 44 5 2 21
f'rirmry 46 44 0 3 27
una ...1 WJ 15?j 517 75
Cutter's Fine Whiskies. Again
we greet our many friends, reminding
1 them that the season of "peace on
Mirth and good will towards men,
is rapidly approaching, when prosperi
ty and'generosity go hand in hand, and
the whole 'civilized world seeks for
those tributes and mementoes which
t.ere to bind closer the friends of
fleeting y'tars. After the lull comes
the storm; the season of depression is
rapidly passing away. The signs of
the times indicate a better and more
active future, and in anticipation of an
increased demand for fine whiskies.
we will give personal attention to the
best of European and Eastern liquors.
We now offer to our patrons the ad
vantage of Selecting from these fine
whiskies, which we guarantee wiij not
be excelled on the const. We have in
slock, J. F. Cutter, Extra, Old Bour
bon, and Argonaut whiskies. Merritt
k Robinson has Tbeen appointed
agent for the celebrated "J. F.
Cutter" whisky 'for this sectiou
of Jackson county. He will sell at
same pricq tba.t you would have to pay
at E. Martin & Cos distillery, Ky.
Put up in naif and whole bbls.; also
cases of Caller et S. F. Prices. k
John II Burns, commercial agent
Jfor E Martin k Co., 408 Front St.,
bau Francisco. 3m nov 1
A Fletcher .Linn.
B 1 Mabel Buker, Gus. Ifewbu-v.
B 2 Kasper Kubli, James Slote,
Phce'ie Kottby'i Fred Pope.
C 1 John Jeflf.ey, Jennie Jackson,
Sunie Turuerj Annie Jeflroy, Tillie
C 2 Birdie Donigan.
A K-Ut'c Red, James Watson,
Mamie Cronemiller, Minnie Ross.
B Carrie Cronemiller, Este Fitt
er, R'ert Jeffrey, Fre Luy.
C Bertha Helms, Bettje Muller,
Mary Day, Lydia Clemmsus, Maggie
A Willie Radsle, Mary Jeffrey,
,Ga P&pe, Birdie Sehmitt, Narcissi
B Maude Kret, E'lwjrd Roy-
am Rumor Bays that in the not farlnolda, Lillie Wilson, Mirvel Tayliir,
Ex Senator James: K. Kelly was
here several daya this week 'en legal
and mining business. Tbe Judge
seems to be ctttin; younger in ltr'oks
instead ef ilder.-
It is reported that John Bolt and
J. T. Laytoa, said to reside oa Apple
gate, were in town this week. We
failed to meet them and give the story
for what it is worth.
Central Point people will have a
Christmas tree and entertainment
Christmas eve and a ball on Christ
mas night. Everybody is invited to
attend oa both occasions.
A full attendance of the member
of Banner Lodge, A. O. TJ. W., it re
quested for the next reqular meeting
as business of great importance to tbe
membership will then come up.
Ed. Kinney has taken the drive
from Grants Pats to Waldo since the
change ia mail routes was made. Pat
McMahsn will run the raote frem
here to Murphy alene after this.
J. N. T. Miller has returned frem
the east of the mountains and will
probably stay during the Winter. He
hef been quite ill with pneumonia
tines his return but is mow improving.
County Clerk Parker wtat te Port
land thit week taking a short rest from
tbe labors required of him here. ET
D. Foudray and J. M. Smith are in
.charge ef tie office diriag ha absence.
dittant future he contemplates honor
ing with his name and fortune one of
Jacksonville's fairest and must ami
able young ladies. Wo congratulate
him on the wisdom of choice.
Governor Moody has recently it
sued commissions to Wallis Nash, W.
P. Keady, Thos. E. Cauthorn, W. S.
Ladd, W. J. McDonnell, J. K. Weath
trford, J. T Appereon, John Emmitt
and J. H. Kunzie as members of tbe
board of regents of the State Agricul
tural College of the State of Oregon.
At a special school meeting of
Rogue river district No. 37 it was dn
cided to hold a threemonths' .school,
commencing Jan. 4, 1886. As the
school will be a small one, it was also
agreed to pay a teacher $100 and
board for the quarter. The directors
desire to engage the services at a Stilt
able person.
Several new eomerSHavs.jBadei
strike in the Blackwellt district t4.
came to town thisweet.after'aheirJ
Winter's supplies. In answer - to a
question at to how they were-doing
they replied that they were mere than
satisfied with the prospect and their
address for the next six months et
least would be at that place.
Six and a half tons of hides and tal
low were shipped from Ashland to
San Francisco by way of Albany and
the O. P. R. R: to Corvnllis, recentl.
The freight rate from Ashland to
Albany was $20 per ton; from Albany
to San Francisco by rail to CorvallN,
and thence by steamur, the freight was
4.50" per ton. "Tidings."
Dan Hunt of Josephine cotinty, one
of the owners of the G;and Applegate
mines, has been here reveral dayt thit
wee on business connected with the
transfer of the property to a Chinese
company of Portland who purchased
it for $26,000. About thirty new
heathens ara expected here to morrow
to take charge of the claim
lOjptir ladies hose,! ?1 00
16 yards bleached muslin 1.00
1 1 J yardt lonsdale muslin 1.00
28 yarEs house lining. 1.00
Ladies and Missoss corsets we
hare a fine nsaortraeent, also a
fine line ladies, misses and chil
drens hose including woolen and
cotton at pri ces we defy competition.
1 2 founds geldca C, tugar. $;00
8 "pounds beat Costa Rica coffee .TlOO"
6 packagei belt matches. ....... .25
12 pounds Carolina Rice 1.00
4 pounds best whole pepper.. . . . 1.00
14 lbs, 1 lb papers best soda.... 1.00
3 lbs, 1 lb papers good tea 1.00
These goods are all the b'eit
quality for which we will guaran
tee. 100 lb. Liverpool salt $1.25
14 " soda crackers 1.00
Ber t extra Star coal oil per can . 2.00
100 lbs. ground alum salt per sack .75
"We ha'e a few more Ladies
and Misses cloaks which wo will
sell at a great redu'etion.
Blueing, per box $ .10
Jams and jellies, per can 26
8 cans, 2 lbs each best tomatoes. 1.00
8 cans, 1 lb each, best oysters. . . 1.00
2 oz bottles extract ef lemon 10
Cayene peper, per bottle 10
Pepper sauce, 'per bottle 10
1 qt bottles mixed pickles each. .25
1 lb cant, gold medal tea per cau. .40
American tardines, per can 10
For a fine suit of clothes the
latest cut and the most fashionable
styles we cannot be beat.
Jessie Nff, Geerce
BcggJ, Annie Elton.
C Nellie Merritt, Day Parker,
Rosa Luy, Emma Helms, Willi!? Mc
Daniel, Emma Reed, Rudolph Benz,
James Wilson, Ben. Taylor.
A Helen Rice, Frank Howf-11, Louis
Enton, Bennie Fisher, Rosa Bientano,
Ada Priest, Harry Lav.
B Emma Ulrich, George Menaor,
Martin Lousicnont, Annie Helms,
Bertie Kent, Ida Webster, Allie Patk
er, James Grimes.
C Ida Benz, Ida MeDanlel, Eva
lena Merritt, Freddie. Ficke, Fred
Grob, Ray Jackson, Velelia Kubli,
IsaacLousignont, Bertie Rice, Harvey
Durham, James Durham and Bradford
GEO. H. WATT, Principal.
Wm. Priest. )
- ,AucuDoRjnsTJ.Ast-cicTs,-T
WThe 501rljAS;37jipeT
ftw was deeided lait Mattdghjsjad -fee
affirmed. The prisoner will not be
sentenced until the next regular term
in January but a death watch" has al
ready been placed over bim to prevent
him from injuring himself or escaping.
O'Neil's only chance for a continuauce
of life lies with the Governor who can
commute his sentence to imprison
ment in the penitentiary, but that ia
hardly to be looked for. A. first-clas
necktie party in Jackson county would
be something new and novel and when
justice demands it the lesson may be
of benefit toothers and theieby lesson
crime in this county.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by
indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skinl Shi
oh's Vitalfzer is a positive cure. For
sale by E. C. Brooks.
each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy
Price 50 cets. s Brook's
HACKMETACK a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts.
at E. C. Brooks'. .
CATARRH CURED, health and
5-neetbreat.il fit-cured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Raraedy. Price 50 cpnts at E.
C. Broqss's. Nasal Injector free.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ly relieve droupj wEoopins cougli and
FOR DISPEPSIA and liver com
plaint, you have a printed guarantee
on overy bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer.
It nsrer fails to cure. Brooks keep3
it- . . - .
StlTLOH'S COUGH and Consump
tion Curs is sold by lis on a guarantee.
It cures consumption. Brooks can
furnisii it.
and Bronchitis immediately relieved
by ShilohTcure. Brooks keeps it.
1 lb.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her
When she was a Child, she cried for
When sh? became Miss, she clung to
When sEehad Children, she gave them
new ad.
fail to reaU Menssr
r.-- JscksenvillerDregon;
Onf.f3hriitma 'TCi?h.
&J r . JF-V r? -iMSt .
f - ' v-- IWABDED.". "- - 1
12 oz. cansGoldsn Gats baking
powders per. can 35
cans best crsam tartar per
C&T1 iOw
1 " packages bast corn starch.. .10
3 " boxes fruit of the EoldTgloas
starch each 35
For anything in the lino of
Gents' furnishing goodg, includ
ing fine white shirts, neckties,
colfn'ra, cuffe, and etc; wo carry
a full and complete stock.
12 candles $ .25
Common wasbin' soap, box 20 brs. .75
Beans, colored, per lb 02
Climax tobacco, per )b ,.. .50
Climax tobacco, per 12 oz plug.. .40
Btist riveted overalls in market.. .65
For anything in the line of
general merchandise give us a
call and we will sell you good
goods for less money than you
can buy them elsewhere.
Cotton batting, per lb $ .20
Wash boards, each 20
2 iba bars', white castile soap 25
In mens and bovs boots we have
a fine line at prices that will open
tbe eyes ot the purchaser.
Mens canton flannel under shirts.$ .50
" " , " drawers . . .-. .50
" fine Merino under shirts... .50
" " " drawers 50
For a fine pair of men or boys
lace or button shoes extra quality
we have got them and at such
figures that will astonish you.
Mens white shirts, each 1.00
" percale 'J " 76
" extra fine quality vhite shirt. 1.50
" " " " cheviot shirt.. 1.50
All we-havo to say if you want
anyfhtng-jn the line of underwear
we cun stilt you.
A good mans' hat $1.00
Afine JL "..,....-.-. .rr--1.504
A stylish". " 2-OOr
r ?":
Of Southern Oregon, sre hereby informed
that in addition to a Urge and elegant
line of
I hive added to my stock the, followlaj
dasi ot goods, of which I haVe afull lines
Xadies' PHraiahiHgCfoadB,
Both Knit and Marm.
Infante WardroU Complttc,
As cheap aste be bought say place; alto
tails 4 years old.
A beautiful Hue oi K , , .
Consisting of Lisle and a I Ik.
GloVes, &andkerchiefs,Corseti,
Ana many other things too numerous to
mention. I.have also.secured the
Services of a tia
And am prejiarcd to execute all orders ia
that line in first-class style atreasonaVe
Call and see me aUhe building form
erly occupied by A. L. Johnson on Cali
fornia street. MRS. P. P. PRIM
" '
Notary Public, Peal Estate Agt.
Abstracts made of Titles to Lands.
Xjo&aJL )ooxuilont
Of all kinds drawn up, especially. pertain,
ing to thu settlement Of estates.
Collector of Accounts - 'Prbrrijjt'
Investment Securities a Specialty
Jackson County Scrip Bought and SelJ.
I have a complete set ef Maps ef all
Surveyed Lands in this county, and re
ecive abstracts monthly frem Rosebure !
all new cntriei made. I am thus pre
pared to make out Homestead and Pr
emptioD papers, and can thus save to par.
tics the expense of a trip to Roseburf
Several fine forms are in mv SnAm r
Prompt reply made to all letters.
Charges in accordance with the times.
Refers, bv permission, to C. O. Bcek
man, Esq Banker; lo Hon. L. R. Weh
ster, Judga of this judicial district, and l
any business house in Jacksonville
Office at south east corner Califoraia
and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
P. '6. JBnilriiag, JacksokVill'4
General Merchandise.
pleasure in informing tlje aubli
that he has purchased L. tTolotuoa't
tercstia the
Which will be kept stocked with a eeav
plete and first class as-t-mraent of gtntral
merchandise. I will sell -t
Very HoasoBable SLatoa'.
Give me a call ancLsee-Jor yourselves
.-3- J-M
Tbe ease of. Sears vs. Smith, action
to recover $2Z, was brought here frem
Medford on a change of venue and.
after a two day's trial Justice Foudray
found ia favor of plaintiff for the sum
of $6.25 and costs. Four lawyers
were employed on the case aud we
doubt if eithtr gained much of a vic
tory fiaaa wally.
Ml the Bate.
To captivate the popular taste and
surpass all previous effortsalo please
the palate, requires no small amount
of knowledge and no littleVkill, and
when we remember that Hue very
agresable liquid fruit reraedf, Syrnp
of Figs is as beneficial -to the system,
as it is acceptable to the stomach, we
readily Understand why it is the nni
vernal favorite as a cure for Sabitual
Conttipstion and the other ills arising
from a weakness, or inactive condition
of the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver and
Stomach. Sample botIe free and
large bottles for sale hyHerrilt&
J Robinson, Jacksonville.
There will be a grand ball at the Red
Men's ball in Jacksonville oa Christmas
night, December 5, 18$.
Six Tine Frizes
Will be distributed among holders of
tickets. ' ( .
CgThe best of masic will be provided.
Committee it Arrengements;
J. O. Birdsey, Adam Sehmitt, W. Mensor.
t ?
D. Cronemiller, H. K. Haana, ("has. Prim,
D. W. Crosby, J. R. Littli.
Tickets, 23. Everybody is cordially
invited te attend.
..-.' . . k .' ta.a -h v 4. Jk
ti'n 9" inrttrfnntjajt&wim"1iZl X k BflSsMUsUKrlKr
the.riosVMylisb sad'durr - , L-
able'hats in the market
ptfflC- -tj m S
shortest notice and cheaper than atanr
other establishment in Southern Oregon.
f urouure oi an Kinas Kept on band r
made to order
Jacksnville Croscoat 6iv,
MaU Keste. J
k , ., j.isca.
Xiast Ca.Il.
As we are closing up our business
here, all who are indebted to ns are
hereby requested to come forward and
settle without nnnecessary delay.
Reaiies Bros.
TetrEioH for Xfcense
I will make application to sell
liquor in less quantities than one gallon
at the regular meeting of the County
Court in January next.
Central Paint, Not. 2., lSSoT
v Tn p.iinnpp.finfi with the nhnvp
we beg to say that on the 1st
day of February, 1886, we will
have another grand drawing
for prizes which will be given
away. Every person purchas
ing one dollars worth of goods
will be entitled to a chance of
winning one or more valuable Yy3m
1 UuT gradually increasing
w Stages.leave Jacksonville every Monday
YY euneKuay ami inuay morninjrs tx
m. arriving at Waldo in the evening, when
close connection is made next morning
ior Crescent Gity. When the new wagtl
road (s finished about January 13th
through tickets to San Francisco will be
sold for $18 by this route.
Express arKi-order business dona at re
duced rates.
trade places us in d position
where we can sell you more
goods for less money than you
can buy them from any other
store in Jackson County.'
With many thanks for past
favors and soliciting a continu
ance in the future,
We are Yours Truly,
Golden Rule Bazaar
ool Wanted
-A-ny Qixcixxtltiea,
Any one, having wool to sell will drt
well to give nie a call as I am prepares
to pay cash for all lots no matter how
large of small. Call on or add rcss
Geo. it. Willlsd
Ashland, Oregon.
More Wheat Wanted
Ten-thousand bushes of good, wl -Alley
wheat for which I will pay 00 ceatt.
per bushel delivered at my -mill in this
piace. To all those who are owing mc
either by note, bonk or other accounts f
are requested to pay the same in whea
for which I will allow 60 cents pr baeK,
el delivered. G, KAK W Sift,' '
JaefctvH!, Get 8, 19.