GORES ALL HUMORS,! from a common Blolcli, or Eruption, I to tho worst Serolnla. Salt-rUeticj, I "Fovcr-Borci,Scol?opIioii?)i Skin, I In short, all diseases caused by fcaJ blood aro ' conquered by this powerful, purifytap, and I invurorairair meoicine. ureal A-aiinp; u ecru rapidly heal under Its benign influence. Espcdaliy has it manif'sied to potency in curios Tetter, Itoso Iiasli, Boils, Car buncles, Soro Eye. Scrof ulonn Sores mid Suclllnsrs, lltP-Jolut Blscn&c, White SivolJincs lloitre, or Thick Keck, and Enlarged G lends. Eaid ten rents in stamps tor a largo treatlKJ, with col ored -plates, on' Skin Diseases, or tlio eomo amount tor a trcntiio on Scrofulous A fleet Ions. "MIK BLUOS IS TilK tirii." Thoroughly dennso It byusfcsirlir.I'Icrce floldcn Kedical Discovery, and Rood llgcMio;i,a fair Hklii, buoyant plr ilb, vital utrcneth, mid soundness of constitution, will bo established. CONSUSatPTBOEa, which is Scrofulous Blccate of the Xiing, Is promptly and certainly arrested j iinu cuiuu xj- una uuu-bit en xvzuuuy, u uikou Ixsforo tho lastEtagcsorlhedlse .sti-c reached. From Its wondcrlul power otct this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. I'iekce thought serioiisly of call.'njr It his "Ceil suraptlon Cure," butabandonod that name as too limited for a mediemo which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or Etrencthcn ing, alterative, or blood-clean?tn jr. anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption of tho lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES orxns Liver, Blood, ant! Longs, 0 If you feci dull, drowsy, debilitated, have eallow color of skin, or ycllowirh-brcwa rfots ncss, bad tasto In mouth, internal heat f-r clilUx I citcrnaunir witn nm uaeaes, low rpiriu Sti tloomy borebodings, irrcpular appetite, nnd coated tonirue, you arc Euffcrln from Imli j;chIlon, lyspepKa, and Torpid ILlvcr, vr "itlllousiictu.'' Jn many caics onl7 part of theso syinptoms are csperlCDCcd. .As n remedy for nil snch rases, lr. P.crcc"a (ioldcn medical Eiscovery has no couaL VorlVcalc I.tiupr, SplttlBtr or Ulood, Shortness of Urcatlt, Itroueliitls, 6oi-or tloiiglis, Coiitumptioi:, and kindred nffections, it is a eovcrciim rrmedy. tend ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce a book on Consumption, bold by Druggists. PRICE 51.00, saAsssa World's Dlspcnccry Kcdical Associalicn, Proprietors, CC3 Mala EL, BurrALO, K. Y. eVCcTs LITTLE onRaWt TTrrrm WfiLWQ iiAVi e3 riiiia. ANTI-UIMOIJS anl CATaiAItTIC. Sold, by JBrucisis. Sj cents a viaL $500 REWARD I- is o-jcma oy iuo i"roon?;ca of Dr. Sage's Cat an h ltcsedy for ac-.se of catarxUwhich they cannot cure. If you havoadischarcofrcraj the nose, ofltnsivo or other wise, partial loss cf Emell. taste, or hMrinc. Trenk CV2R. du n imin or pressure f n head, you liave Catan h. Thou eands of caw terminate in consumption. I)r Sflje's'ATAiipn ltnrnnT cures the worst casesof Catarrh. '-Cold iu the SIcnd." and CntnrrUal ItcaducUi. TO oe&ts. ' Eing of the Blood Cnrr n Pmt.i7t .-iff -cttonn nnl (liroruCT rwu'J -it.pt too liupnri'ytii iltutloal. ItM newilc to ijtr M,n. u."t: J i"ici.uiual,j-iii-(.ic thrfr V'U lui Nr ?V ibi, IHmiJ-s, VU.nff Tumors, uCilrttr$mUi' &, Oct., me iu nl ciuimor, a tirll ftiuaitj-nd -etiuns vl tbo Kwrtt K;cdtLiTt.t aud 2tracU. SCROFULA. ti4lul f-t.n Un-iJM u. Itiittiv Ko-M it thrit )Anivtlri'TirAMAmtul Kir 711m' 1 Mw twr'jti iiviWhI mil tSerti' m. i tlc piut ti jwir, ynWi a n Uc A i) t-jr .hat I nncuii aiUltiy htttitt firi5 ui.t it.i, I w i- lvaosu&vtiur iiiItt Jvlns f 'b- IIoj', finrii J,.m ironjclnprpit 4K4ii; t ii.C. rtii. li i. tnjtlftc ycmwtl t,.,.titr 1 chvtta)j rwHoitucijl it ion I ttct,1l 1 1. iu S & o o o SO& Till ! initl to nay Pn1.! 3To ji nl 1n 1k nnf nhynm! inontrirt-vi'ryrvriiU.! r i-cwjtd: tine publifcl.ci ly u Air'i 14 iit -t'tiiticc. Its IfiLsrotlicnts To.lmwo.irfiiilIi n it om! r . iivUeiir r tlio K. H., tp a prnttcr ieiroiml n.n-liw in, v 1 fnUxtltl itiitt iiu uu oi .uii fit ni'tt'fnt fte lln tinmrnornU nn 4mh kfl mCIim Xln nr wvtv n.i zn utt l 'n Vj 1 1 . prla of ny nll-cr IVrai-y ilri'x.iiei'i il wial 3C)s lrtlinitnlnItt,MJ' J 1 mtwuti no , -fuUilirvtiont foi u-iiw xriH Ivfitiu 1 n. tli j 1 pU"t froati-. 011 iia-M nf v n o'',' 1 wlitelieetibotlleirotiaNl lh( 1 $1ki l-flrm ttiiiiiiiIS otiurrw ur 0 to iO il(vi . r V hr dm ci-ta. I). IUrscm, vij. A C ) , I ' " "" ' " RtOH iVaiES. FREE FARI How o G-st Thesn- Suid for COPP'C MINING CQDE 5cts. in paper; $1 5 in cloth. Send for COPFS SETTLE1VS GUIDE 25 paprr 75 cents tu cloth, LATEST, CHEAPEST, AND ONLY RKLIADLE Manuals 01 the U S. Land and Mtnini Laws. Edited bj HCHRY H. COPPof Washinrjtcn, D. C. United State, State, and Territonal Mining Laws and Land Office Ueculaiions, Digest of 1-and Office and Court Decisions. list of ra tented Mines. Dr. Raymond's Mininc Glossary. Forms lor Mcchaniu. Liens, Location Notices, &C All this in COPP'S MINING CODE, ' Public Land System explained. How to tell Town ship and Section Corners How to Homestead and l'rccxnpt land How to enter laritt under the limber Culture, Desert, T own-site, and other law. All this In CATS SETTLER'S GUIDE. ve(Tff tkfbookt,Tforelreiitartnllj deKrH-jniCflr? lad m4 laslaj iwbttcUlMW. fcidrta u below. (U r l cht uaubrr t boru lurore rHapt nAf onnTi ANrn BUSINESS COLLEGE m Ks- .'PORTJJIHD. " ORECOE. 'A. P. Ahmstsqsc, Principal. J, A. WctV l'cnmin an J Stcrclarj DesirfortisI-i3!aEducatJfla.cf EoiliSsits. Vtsiz&?'Zs6d- Almiltcl.on any wctk day of lhc tat. HEHWOHKWa- Of nil tdnil cxr"U-ci loenlrr at reatoniblc rates. SaUifaftion RUiranlnA. , Tlio Colleen Journal, cnUinth Infonnauon nX tto counc of Uoil, ratrt of tuiuon, lime to it-r. rlc nil cull of rUm and ornamental len luatuhi)!, Inx. vy ttQ,P utrriWii ttfyvw j& El cs V V Sgmt&?BQVgie9BKB v & ". r Absolfteht Tree frovi Opiates, Emetic and J'oisoiu SAFE. SUiRE. PROMPT. THE CjUSIES A. TM.ELE2 C0 BlVtmQZESSB. lltraOMTt A.MB Tj.AlfES. & Cert Rheumatism, Ntrjra'gla, PKcr- VIITY CFNTS. AT DRLOCUT3 AMI DIM LETS. & a Tni!i!ii!r..-t i.voiicuu cacuri.u.2Elrt3. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wlolcsomen;ssi .More economical than the ordinary kinds, riid cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tet, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. StU vnly U f. ItoVAT. Baeig Pw ueu Co ., 103 Wall-st., N. Y. TBI GBHT PURELY VEGETABLE. Are Yon Bilious? T7i Jtrgttlattir iterrrfatl to rttrr. I mo cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bih'Ni; Attack or any Disease caused ly a dis arranged ate of the Liver. Kansas City, Mo. W R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? 1 suffered Intensely KithVult Stomach II rail orhct etc. A neighbor, wo lad taken Simmons liver Regulator, told me it was a surv cure for my trouble. The Jtrst dose I tock relieved me tery much, and m one ircek's time Iwcscs strong end hearty as I ever zsas. It in the best medicine X ever tonic far Dypep&iu Richmond, Va. II. G. CXEXSITAW. Do You Suffer ixom Constipation ? Testimony of Hirau Warner, Chief-Juvtice of Ga.: "1 have used Simmons Liter Regulator for Constipation of my llowcU, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the but three or four years, and alwajs tcttli decided benefit' Have You Malaria ? I have had experience tctth Simmons Liver Eegu lator since 1865, and regard it as the greatcnt medicine of the time for disenn-s pecu liar to malarial regions." So good a incdi tine deserves universal commendation. RE II. B. W'UAMmr, Cor. Secy Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! 1 have been subject to severs pcfls tf Congertian f the liver, and have been in the habit of taVinrr of the liver, and have been in 1 from 15 to aogr?ins of calomel, which generally laid me up for three or four day. Lately I have been taking bimmoas Uver Keguiator.wrnch rave me re lief, tritUout mf interruption to bttineK&. MiDDLEroRT,01iio. J. IIUGG. J. . Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Knsinne y bus j a is tm m r:;iii S UOU M IUBK Be they TourgorOld, having Lort those aitrtbctes of PERFECT BA5BD2D SSf" ', . ity Efealn OnlcWr .'iSv. 3P33Xt3T23Cr .'stfSpYiml Pnwnr iiitffiSk - "' " " -l- - VVJSiEO iliv J- 5632' rccEamre fcam, rntf. Jran CiMt. UT THE USE OP The Civiale Remedies. They ru every traee f 1F.UIL1 1 Y. MI.U. M VlOIMtllCA, 1 AUK'OtXI.K nnd every form ur$mlnal lost and enkiips wLtlier duo to Ynqtiiful Follv. Alin. or Snturv riilliire, Ttdstrt itiifbtortfliiatrd y I'liOK. v IM.V adoiuedlu every IlOM'lTAl.in t M KW and uiiQaltn-!lT rndtrnnl pj the Mrlitil iToft-rt'on, it ILVbllA A!IL'l U, PA1M.VKS Vl'K K, and above all L-1IC i lis !UtI.'I. FRFR TO AT.T. Uixn rtpt of cents mCtLi lJ 1UU inMta?e stamps, we willsnd free toanvearnent Inqtnrer cnrplen did IlluHre tr-J rj tapr incdiml irk.girlMsri' p toms uf all tonus ot Sexual !irfie, f!escrfplltfn of thi treatment, r)tre&. tcttmnialsanduews pdrer cudorvemt nix, Ac . At wene nUo oprnts f- r te nfw rd c-'tfla to cure. &elf-iH&ttnf-c nd Glove 1-minjr rdle Compreior, tor the tborouUand iiaiical cure, without surgery, of VARBCOCELE. C.n.nll.llou l!h Tull iltJlpul f LIT, Fltr.F. Cmjle RemeCial Agcaq;, 160 Fulton SL, N. Y. The Mirror. is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Noticfi Is hereby given that from and after this date I wi 1 not be responfib e tor ny debts that way be" contracted by my wife, Sophie Duncan. She having left my bed - j and board. Chab. Uuxcax. I Ds.tedK"erbvville,June2Grl&55. J21iSfli 6- K Mi Sk M L B E33- H B H cauuiivoi. sa-a auwuatafcai' a E2 3 tn c r m nape Jki T JEJ tot&3& MrwJ tfetfil1 IfefiS S. N. BAKER, Merchant Tailor, Jacksonville - - Oregon. The sn!jscrib?r takis pleasure in in- fortainjr the public that he has opened a Taiiorshop. 033 TiKIE D USE FlgeST Bnilding, and that lie is now prepared to do all kinds or work in his line in a su perior manner and at prices to suit the times. EjpClothing made after the latest and brst s'yles. A. large lot of samples al ways on hand to select from. R. N.BAKER. &ljanc 3n iHanageme.it OF- THE U. S. MOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - Ogn, Having tnken charge of tills hotel the! to thepubHcihat a complete change will he made. Tlio 2?-tx1olo will be supplied with cve.yiliing the market ffords, and a general renovation oi the 3ocls itaa-ci 3a.oom will be made. The patronage of the pub lic is solicited. J DkRobovm. WOOL WANTED Parties bavin Wool for sale wifl find it to their advantage to call on me before selling to oilier parties, as I am paying the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For both Spring and Fall clips. Ciill on or address nic at Ashland, Ogn. Pwid C. II euros. Ashland, Oct. G, lSS-i. Administrator's Notice. In the Countv Court, for Jackson County, State of Oregon. In the matter o! (lie estate of Wm. Briner, deceased. NotCC is hereby jri ven that the under signed has by the County ' ourt, of Jack son County, "been appointed admisislr.itor ol the cMate of Wm. -Briner, deceased. Now, therelore all paities indebted to said estate arc notified to make immedi ate payment to the undrn-ignrd, at his residence, at Tallrnl, in said count-, and all i)ersons bavin? claims against slid estate will present the same within si.. months from the datoliereol.to the under signed. B. C. GoDD.vr.D, Adminis'rator, Al Tallent, Jackson Countv. Dated Xov. 21, 1385. Notice of Co-Partnership. !:, THE UNDERSIGNED DEEM- V ing it lor onr own convenience and for the best interests of the community. have decided tn form a co partnership in the practice of 3Ie. iciae and Surgery in Mcdtord and, in order to make the proper arrangements l'orsudi co-partner ship, those indebted to either ol us wil! confer a favor by settling their accaunts at their earliest convenience. Our offices will be as heretofore until the rooms which w have engaged iu Williams' brick buildin are completed. R.PRYCE, M. D E. P. GE.1RY, 31. D. ilcdlord, Oregon, Xov. C, 18S5. Furs, Skins, Hides, A.xiL.ci 3Polts. I will pay the highest cash i es for all kinds of Furs and Mcins. Send for price list to GEO. W. GUfcRMiTiV, Krie, Pennsylvania. UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville , Ore: on, Mrsi M, Rydsr, Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. . E3FAn excellent stable connected with the hotel. Jersey Bull ! The undersigned lakes this method of lnfiirmin" the public that lie now keeps a fine bull, of three-quarters Jersey blood, who has lew superiors in Southern Ore gon, in his p-isture near Jacksonville. Parties desiring to place their cows in his enclosure will be cuarged $2.50, with 50 cents per week for p.istura;;c. For further parliculirs enquire at my butcherJiop in Jacksonville. NICKFICKE. Jacksonville, Jpril 2, 1SS5. Notice, To Special Tax-Payers. V. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, ) Den't Coil-dor's oillce; Dist. of Oto. f Per?- rs r idinc in Jackson, Jo-seuhine, Ciirrj, Klaaatliand Lake counties, w.ll bcrcaflc"i a.tply to this office for their special lax stamps, also Brewer's stamps. W. A. OWEN, Deputy Collector.' Jacksonville, July 14, 1885. Settlement Wanted. '"I"HOSE PERSONS KNOWING them- I selvtsindclited to the undersigned are hereby notified that we need and mitit have the money at once and costs and trouble can be saved by giving us an early call. All notes and book accounts must be settled at once. IV. G. Kr-xNirr, II. IL WowtKi iledforfVugnst 15r 1685. K.fOJBLI, , In lh A'tvr Ruildinr; HcksorTillr, flrrso DE VL.UK AND WOKKEK-iR' SHEET IRON; COPPER, LEAD, Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, .NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVKt HARDWARE. TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WG8D N & WILLOW WAR ROPE, NAIU, Paints -HIls, TarniSu, GIrsj. CUTLKSr, WIRE, Shot.Brashs, Chains. ZZos ETC.ETC- I have secured tliclscrvices of a first cl.is mechanic, and Km prepared to do all repairing pr.impth- and in superior st le. " In connection with the above I am re ceiving and have constantly on hard a full ana first-class stock of GHOOBHISS, DRV-OOODS, CUM B 'OTS, TOBACCO READY MADE CLOTHING, r U LASS WARE. CROCKERY, Ac. Everything sold at reasonable nte. K. ICUIILI. Jacksonville, 3Iarch 9, 1878. ven m im em -AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drug S0l'c5 Jacksonville, Or. Oloolx.si. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with ano without alarm. Genu', ladies' and boys' gold and silrci hunting-case, open-fnee " and skylight walclics, from $o to $i."!0. SraoolotB. - A fine lot of ladies' gold band and bangle bracelets. Diamond and ruby rimr. cameo stone cameos set wiih diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls. and onyx rings with bidder, mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California rngs. TeT77olry. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies' sets of jewelry, from the 59-cenl bUrk ret to the $200 bird sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockcU and charms. 2?ixi.r3 n-nrt Suttona. Gcnls' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs and roliar-buttons. Silver and silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spoons aud tongs in cases MisooUanoous. Gold ana silver thimbles; gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full stock of every thing in the jewelry line A lull assortment of perfumery, toilet soap, etc A lot of steel engravings and pWures for children. In short, a complete and first-class line ot .HOLIDAY GOODS. Ml to be so'd at the LOWCST PRICE! . . liso aeconleons vi'i'ins, banjos, and (.he best Incnf vi-i in.ruitnrand b-mjosirings. 1 The best sperm oil for sewing machines'. A lull line of-- Bruga li) d Ivleclicinss. BSS-rescriptions irefully compounded . C. BROOKS. Gity Lunch House Fred Grob, Proprietor. Having moved to my new stand on Cal ifornia street .opposite the Union livery slab'e I ask my friends and the public generally to gitc n-e a call. I keep Deer. Wine aud Cigars, and ES" A first class ludch can be had at anj time for 25 cents. FRED GROB. EMPIRE HOTEL. J.VW. Cunninglian, Prop. This commodious and well arranged hotel is nW open for the accommodation i of gaests luid will be kept on the most approved p3:tn. ' The table fill always be supplied with the best the market affords. Especial m- dneements-afc offered the traveling pub lie. f J.W-eUHKLNUllA.tW Medford,- J-eb-. 25,-1 8W. i!iEFAR;TOjnT0iil5! Colman's old stand. A, G. COLVIN, Hereliy Jnrorms the public that he is dis playiusal the above stand a first- class tck of I 10 GeneralJtlerchandise 3 ' Which he will sell At Very Low Prices. His stook consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groccrie , ProTisions, Etc, Everything is fresh nnd of good qual ity, and prices put down to ?he lowest Blotch ! E2T"Conntry Produce bought and sold. Remember Colman's old stand, and give me a call when iu tewn. A. G. Coi.vik. Ro ,ne Uiver Distillery, JACKSONVILLE, John A. HauUy, - Proprietor. Caton ifcGarrclt, General Agents. PIE. UNADULTERATED AitTioi.r; op BOUPBOJCRYE OORW WHISKY IN QUANTITIES AND AT PItlCES TO SUIT- Satisfaction guaranteed. All those indebted to the Rogue River Distilling Company, either by note or bowk account, arc requcstrd to call and settle at once, as an immediate settlement must be had. All accountsnot settled by the 15th day of November will he placed in an attorney's hands for collection. For further particulars call on the un-d-rsigntd or my agent at Jacksonville. M. Cut on. J. A. IIam.kt. Jacksonville, Oct. 13, l.eSo. TABLE ROOK SAL O 074, OREGON STREET, IVIjYTJEjY and HLLMS, rr.opp.iETORS. TI o proprietors ot tl.i well known and popular resort world inform their friends and the public generally that a complete uul first class slock of the best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, nle and porter, etc.. arc constantly kept on hand. Thev will be pleased to have their friends "ca?l ami smile." CABINET. A cabinet of curiosities may also be found here. Ave would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place them in the cabinet for inspection. WlNTJEXJfc UELMS. tUMBLR FOB VRYDCDY STERLING 6 Milts South of Jacksonville, IS NOAV UNDER FUi-L HEADWAY JL and is prepared to furnish the maikct with every description of lumbci ofasupi rior quality at the lowest rates. Bills sawed to orucrendsatisfaction guaranteed. All orders addressed t us at Jackson ville will receive prompt attention. PARKS & SON. JAGKSGKVILLC COOPERAGE, . Adam Sclimitt, Propr,, Jacksonville, Orogon. The imdrr?ignl i nw prepared to nukt auj thing in lh line ot barrels, fcegs, vats or tubs, aiid will also do any kind of rcpairina in this line. V good assortment of suitable timber kept con stantly on hand. Sorghum kegs made to order in quan tities to suit at reduced prices. Give me a trial. ADAM SCIIMITT. J5. IPoiitioxa.. Ta the Tlonoratle County Court of Jachon County Otym: I the undersigned hereby petition your Hon. Court to grant me a license to sell spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart for the term of one year or less. My place of business to be located in the town of Gold Hill, Jackson county, Ore gon. Peter Asise. Gold Hill, Sept. 4, 1885. CITY BREWERY, VEIT SCHUTZ,- Propristw. T WOULD 5I0STHESPECTFDl.I."r IN--- form tu citizen of JacfcronTille and 5ru the world at larjte, that tbey can flnd.atf&gg any trie, at my Brewery, the beet lager " '" bfclr, ta any quantity the purchase maydeeire My home fsconTenteatlyitaAted and-zny rooms are alwayf In order A wtalt wlllpleaae Tn PRIZE.- Send six centsJor postage. and receive- Irec. a cosily nox rrrwli wt.ieli wiUlieln all. ofeiUiersex. to more money nrfit away than anything else in this world. For tunes awair the wrkers absolutely sure At onceaddreirTBUE & Co., AnjuttA, Mi OH. LIEBIG'S 'ftj ondorfu.1 Geiman Invisorator. The oldest, greatest and best rrmtdy for the cure of NVrvoiisflnil Pliriiil Tlplill em Q fin lu ism cc ) ity. Vital Exhaustion, Semi Jji nnl enkness, Los f 3Ian- ixwA, i ailing i'emory ana Rclaxtd ar.irEiifccblca con ditions of the Gtnito-Uriuirn organs. It speedily cures Impotence, Early Dccav, Loss of Yigor, Seminal W cakness, and all the sad cf- Q ficls of youthful fellies and O abuse or Excess of Maturitv- O It pcrmancntlv prevents t; all Unnatural Loss from the 2 sjstcm, as thousands can at lest who havo used the Rem Sedyinthc past quarter of a century hich it has Veen before ihc public. It is indeed a Wonderful Remedy toning the nerves strengthen ing the musrles, checking the waste, in vigorating the whole system andrcstoring the afilictcd to health nnd happiness. The Dr. will agree to forfeit 1,000 fur a case undertaken, notcured. Tho reason so many can not get cured f Weakness and the above diseases is owing to a com plication, called Frostatorrhca, with Hy pcn.cstbia which requires special treat ment. Dr. Lieblg's Invigorator, Jfo. 3, with our peculiar special treatment, is the enly cure for Prostatorrhea. By it Manhood is restored and the hand of time moved back from age ta youth. Price ot c'ithcr 'Invigorator. $2. Case of six bottle, $10. Seut to any address, covered securely from observation. Dr. T.ielii.r As Ca. treat succcsslllllv 1)V Hemceopathy every firm of Special. Priv ate or Chronic disease without mercurj or nascous drugs. If vitality is drained from the body, numerous diseases follow that bafiie ordinary medical treatment. II allowed to continue, the unnatural loss causes Consumption, Diabetes, Rrights, Disease, Insanity, clc. Cures guaranteed Diseases of the ernito urinary organs, kidneys, liver and bladder specially treat ed. Diseases of women speedily cured. Qualified and Responsible. Dr. Liebig & i o. from Europe, are oiganizcd in com pliance with California Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular college ed ucation and are now in their nineteenth vcar of spccinl practice Most powerful electric belts free to pa tients. To prove the wonderful power of the invigorator a ?U bollle given or sent free ( onsultation free and private. Dr. Liebi-''j wonderful German inviso rator is protected bv copywright from Paltnt Ofiice of United States Govern ment. Beware ot lmital ions. Call or ail dress Liebio DiswsAnv, 400 Gcarv Street. San FrancUco, Cal , Private entrance, 400 Mason Btrrct, four blocks un Geary Slrcct from Kearny 3Iain Entrance Ihrouga Dispensary Drug Store". SiREAGTHESKG KEHZDY AND JJS"&3Er""i5 CESToTcavSlei? rnllrpa iif I'liMWi' vggrgsg;'? fsnssf, f, It positively cure l!7uIUIKjl"'"nl" ' --...'l'. TiiiAi.uoiTi.r.FitKF.! jfervom and Phy. sical Dibility, Seminal Weakness, Sper matorrhea, ijnpotcncy, Proslatorrhoea. Ilyperaesthrsia over sersilivcncss of the parts. Kidney and I'ladder complaints, impurities of tlio blood and diseases of Ihc skin. It permanently stops all unnatural weakening drain upon the system, how ever they occur, preventing involuntaiv -rminal losses, dt liilitating dream', semi nal loves ivilh the urine, or while nt stool, elc.sodcsirurtive to mind and bodr and emesal! thceul rfiectsol'touthlul lollies excesses. r".torin-r exhausted vitrlity. Sextml decline and los3 of manhood, how--ever rompluMtcd. A thorough as well as permanent cure and complete restoration to perfect health. Strength and visor of manhood is abso lutely guaranteed by this justly celebrated rcliab'e great remedy. Price 2 50 per bottle, of live bottles lor $ 10. Sent upon receipt of price, or ''. O. D., toanyaddrrss secure from observation and strictly pri vate by rr. -. n. ntiFir.tn 216 Krari!T Mrcr f San Iranriico fal. TIIIAL BOITLF. FttF.E. fufiicicnl to show its merit will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his symptoms and ge. Consultation? strict yconrMenti.i', by letter, or at office, free. For the convenient of patients and in or der to secure prefect secrecy, I have Adopt ed a private address undcrwhich all pack ages are forwarded. THE 8uiTisry SIDE, A. CIIALE, Proprietor, Califop.nia St, - - Jacksonville, Has just been furnished an elegant new W Silliard and Pool L'able. - . The finest brands of Always on hand. New Cigar Store. ROSTEL, Dealer in flsar', Tobacco, Cisarrltee, olon, rte. Also keeps a full line ot musical instru ments, consisting of Galium, Banjos Tnniliorlncj, Acordrona, Harmonica, tic Give me a call and I will satisfy yon both in price and in the quality of the goods offered for sa e B Rostei. CTi.iitoci to m-x ottanso. To exchanee a house of 11 rooms and 2 'ots 100x100 feet with snrins and cistern writer on it, near public school and street cars, in cilv of Portland, rents lor Soj per month, "in excuange lor go, siock .ranee in fcont hern Oregon. address, C. W. Lauress. O H. N. Lo. I Eortlaarl, OfCgoa I ALaCbL- miVSvi f'-K'i' I X klPf&i4JlUK$h. the Icsitlmnto B gSAS "It of over twen U7K V5fiskUa y ycarsnt practical $fe$ ffl . Sniduatc W ? KtJfe7l?31a lilclifst medical 1E)blis7i??;!f.15Jn:5 eBis&w Ina!ids'HGtoIlSurgiGaI Institute BTXFjSLli03 3ST- "ST. OrsacUcd -with a rail Stan or elchtfen Expirlcncetl ami Shillfnl Fhyalelans aud Snrsroui for the trtatuitat of all Cbronlc DUcacs. m FIELD 07 SUCCESS. Chronic Nasnl Catarrli,Tliroat and I.nnpf Olioac, Liver and Kldor Slutascs, ttlnililcr DUccacs, Dlsonca or W'omeu, !o: Sinenses aud Nerv ous Aftociloii. cared here or at hons-, with or without Bceins tho patient. Comoand m us, or send ten cents in ctatnps for our "luvallds Guldo Eoolc," whlca dves all particulars. ftcrvonBjuoDiiiijr.smpo- CT."5od by outlifut S'ol llcs srd Pernicious Soil, tary il-actloca are Bpccdlly nnd TicrcmiicntlT currd br our Specialists. Kook. pojt-paid, w cts. In stami'S. iRuFaiias. 1 caliy cured without tho knife, witaout trnsscs, without pain, and without dancer. Cures Guaranteed. Boot sent for ten con's in Ffinip3. FISjE ViJIO-iS and STIIICTTJRES treated under guaraiileo to cure, lioolc sent for ten cents la stomps. Address Wo.i rM DtspEiAnT MrtJicAL Association, &M iiaiii btrcct, Buffalo, N. Y. mm i Mao im;cin7n or taanr n.-..i- f. 6 thousands of cas of thoua UlSEflSES CF S ureases peculiar to W ctroiviausa' J.tfi. I f tvn TnTllili, Hnfpl nnd Surslcal Institute, lias af forded lanro crperienco in adaptics remedies for their euro, and 33X1. PJERCE'3 Favorite Prescription Is tho result of this vast crperlence. It Is a powerful Restorative Tonic, ana Ncrvluc, imparts viu-or and ctrcnota to tno sysico, ana citcr, ibkdv magic, lcn corrhoa, or "vyliltCB," oxecsstvo flowing, painful nicustraatiou, im natnral oupprcfeilons lrolaius or falling oX tlio utoriiH, wer.k back, nutcvcrsion, retroversion, bcarliiK loivn sensation", cbronlc conten tion, iullnmniatlon and ulceration of tho ivomb, lullaminntlon, pain nnd tendornosa Jn ovaries, Internal Iicat, and "fcmalo wcalincss." It promptly reheves and cures Wan so a and tVcnknera cf Etci:irc5i, JndlRCt. lion, tJloatlnir, Ncrvouc Prostration, and SlooplcBduess, lu cither tcr. PRICE $1.00, OR 6 BOTTMS roir $S.OO, Send ten cents In stamps for Dr. Ptfrcn's IarT Treatiso on Diseases of Women, Illus trated. WDr'd's Bispansary Ksdleal SssocialiDs, 633 liatn Btreot, BTTTPALO, H.T. S!S5CUSADAGHn, reillons Kcfidaebe, SizzinecD. Coaatlpu- -.k tioi.. Iiutleeotlon. ji-i and ntlious Attacks, Kjjgy promptly cured by Dr. Jv vf?u vlorco'o I'unsnm ? M. X Varsattvo EcHct. Zi TK4 centa a vial, by DrussUts. (1PKCIAM1T Anil CUAIIOVIE, .In. II rtrnray Mrert, San Frcncliro, t'al. TREATS Al I CHRONIC, SITXIAf. ASD rilt VATE DUKA3I-1 WITH WONDKUrUU SUCCESS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Is a never-failing .jWJ, !ii. ,.. 1 rr. m 'fiaMt'l,,,.cin,li,.,Trc,k- .r , i r r.iiiniiEiPii i. .yu iy 'CrK-?kf-t J nest, cperiuniorrnaa iAt tViaVSUMn.1 tini,Mi r kM ,M .V5KtT?cftS: It in iciley, Proslatar. j.SC 'i i. ful follies and cxeer.-es in mnturer vear such as loss of Vtinorv. Iissiiude, Noc turnal Emissions, virsions lo Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in Ihe Head, Ihc vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and other diseases that lead to ii sanity and death. Dr. Minlie. who is a regular plry!ic!n,. graduate of the University of Pennsylva nia, will agree to forfeit $500 for a cas f this kind the Vital Restorative, (under h s special advice and treatment) will nut cure, or for anything impure or inju;ioaw found in it. Dr. WInUe- treats nil Private Diseases successfully without llercnry. Consuitalion Free. Thorough examina tion and advice, including analysis ef urine, $5. Price of Vital Restorative 1.5 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5; sent lo any address upon receipt of price, or C. O. D.. secure from observation, and in private mtme it desired, by Dr. A. E. Miutie, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Oil. Send for pamphlet nnd listof qustis. fnmr.lc Kolllp I rrr Will be sent to any one applying by let ter, statins symptoms, sex anil re. Stiict secrecy in rcgurd to all business trant aelinns. Dr. Mintie's Kidney Remedy, Neph reticum, cuns all kinds of Kidney nnd Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Ltueorrhoca, etc. For sale by nil drug disls; $1 a bottle, six bottles for $5. Dr. Vintie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia nnd Bilious cure in the market. For sale by all drug gists. STOBLIt CARD BMO& Has just opened a fine stock of General Merchandise' AT :E:i3Loer.l7s His motto is , Quick Sales and Small Profits.. And he feels assured that.'All who favor him with their patronage will bf sativ. fied with his prices aad'lhe quality; of his. goods. lie Keeps DRV OOODJ, GUOCERIKS. - 1'UOVISIOSS, CLOTHIKO. rcuMstinio noons, UATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, And everythinp-nsnally' fouw m firU class Genertl Jterchnmtise btore. He will give his customers the. benefit. DpiniTi C , normniai i.o.Kca, tliilaTP 3 cndail rioraid Gondltloas IteSESj i XI a j . t