Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 05, 1885, Image 3

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    - -
:5.-y- V. f Mjtfi -f
iaT.v jLi-
, AxrtjT .
'T"i( . T
Uttjudat, December 5, 1885.
Fkuit Teees. J. Lusk'andSsn of
tk Oakknd Nuriefj, Cal. Live fruit
trees Lere far bile Vjkeap. Apply to
G. A. Hubbell.
APOLOGY Having been engaged
taott of ilia week in moving oar office
to new quarters ii our only excuse for
'deficiencies in this itsar. We have
aow got fully locateJ and will try 'nd
ako attends iu the future
I. O. 0. F. Elvctioks. At a rtg
alar (seating of Jacksonville Lodge
No. 10, L O. O. F., held Ut Sa'ard.y
-wveniag, tbe feJiawing oficere were
elected: N. G, K. Kabli;V. G., A.
G. Colvia; R. S , Ii. IL Moare; P. S.,
J. A. BoferjTreaa., Fred Lav; Tra
Hoes, S. J. Day, W. J. Piytaa'e, A. H.
Al tht lt meeting of Table Keck
Encampment No. 10, tbe fallowing
officer! were elected far tbe eusuing
;year: U. r., A. .tinner; 11. i", h. d.
-Day; S. W.t A. G. Gjl.iu; Scribe, J.
A. Boyer; Treas , Herman Helms; J.
V,, R. H. Moore.
Rutb Rebekah J)t Lod gi No. 4
rill elect ofifcars 'next Monday even
Uhtertmsiiext Ak elocutionary
'entertainment will be given in tbe M.
E. Church next Monday night by Mits
Bannie Da Forent, teacher of elocution
In the Willamette University, for tbe
benefit of the M. E Sunday School in
tbii place. Tbe reputation of thu lady,
togatber with the object for which the
entertainment in given, khould insure
Tier a'rje audirnce and we hope ev
ary one will attend, The following is
'th progtatnme: 1. Music; 2. ''The
Creedi of tbe BelU;" 3. "Little Sister
'and I:' '4. Music: 5. "Tho Little
Hatchet Story," C. "Whistling iu
Heaven:" 7. Music: 8. "How Mis
Edith Entertains hex Big SUu-rV
3irau;" . "Tbe Baldhraded Man."
-Admission, 25ctaia.
RnFortH. The long Iprairited re
lord when tho democrats got Into Pow
er ha come at last. It consists c'uefll
Vjf curtailing small mail routes, thereby
aaving tbe g)crumsnt a few dolla.s
tper year, bnt causes inore-cvGiing than
any other meixure of reform we ever
'beard of. Among the routes ordered
changod in this section wo hare b&rd
'of the following: Thr service from here
'to Willow Springs is to be changed from
Hi daily to & tri-weekly. The route
"from hero to Wrights is ordered khort
'ened -to that Uuioutown will be the
'other terminus. The Ashland Link
Vi'le route it changed from a 'daily t
-a tri-wrekly, aud the old Crescent Cily
Voute is shortened m as to wake Jack
honrille and Murphy terminal poiuts.
Railroad iThJis. Froa W. H
4fargn, who arrive here a MiiJy
warning iron the railroad larcarle
above Delta, we learn that taar.el 8
bai b5n completed, and that the
Machinery for tunneliuc in to be re
vaioved to tanal 9, t 'comptete that
Xnnnel as so av possible. He tuvc
)io workers hare bren dUcbargcd on
account of the trtai, bat reinforce
iaen'e are gradually added X)n ac
toant of lb bad condition of the roadr,
(t will take korne tine ta rcaiove the
feiachinery freai tuuuel 8 to taanel 9
Tharadiag force in' kept at work jail
ike taate ta before the vtris:
Tha S. F. "Caranicle" ayi a party
"of Baa Franeiico aarveyer hare been
Quaking oat a Btw roete fer the C. t,
X). R. R. wrer the Sihkyoa mountain,
and that the bridge builder and the
iannel wen aboxe Dtlta. are laying
xiff for the pment, waiting fr ma
chinery ta be moved to new tanael,
and completion of track, ta haul lUx
iron briduea for pin(a farther north.
This Oregon raihead has aiada a
Vedaelion of 50 per cent on freight
Vale of bacon, haat, shoulder and Urd,
from all points south of ltoaeburg to
Portland, which wakes tbe rate C5
feenta per hundred, end to hbld good
Until Dec 31st, 1S85.
Foneril or Wji. Lisn, Thofunor
al of Win. Linn took place last Sat
urday and was Very largelr attended.
At the church Rev. A. R. Bick hbach
preached a very iutereMirifr and iiu
preuflve sermon from the wnrdi to
Hezekiah "Thou dialt die and not
liye;" be itnpretcd on each hearr the
perionality of the article of death, and
theimBiutabili ty of lue Divine coaunand
that all must "kurely die", while the
Savior death and resurrection had
made it possible for all to live again
who obeyed tho Divine commands.
The sermon was rarly touching and
beautiful and full of the bauudlets
love of Him who does not willingly
afflict tha sons of men, and who has
vouchsafed to humanity by his own
Heath and resurrrctiou the glorious
possibilities of immt-rtslity and eterual
life. Tha remains were followed to
the grave by the entire lodge of the
C. cf H. in full rtgalia and tha so
ciety's badge of mourning, and also by
the Silver Uorufel Band with their in
struments draped with mourning
and drums muffled. At tbe gravo tbii
band reuderid a funeral dirge, and
afterwards the beautiful funeral ser
vice of tbe Champions was conducted
by tbe Worthy Commander G. R. Neil.
At the close of the Champions ser
vice Rev. A. R. Bickenbach pro
nounced the benediction and as tbe
grave as closing over their nncon
tious companion the band played the
beautiful hymn "Nearer my God to
Thee," and as tbe nd sweet stratus
rase and fell on tbe evening air every
heart was perceptibly impressed with
the solemn jcrne juit doting. The
services throughout were very touch
ing and the hardly suppressed emo
tions indicated the heartfelt sympathy
of the large autaselvf a
Local Items-
Call on tii at our new qusrtJ.
County Court ireets next Wednes
day. The llaasVs elect efficsrs on tbe
Ready prepared nlince meat at
Holiday goods in abunofanc at
Mensor's Golden Rule Bazaar.
For a'finejitlectien of gopds suitable
for holiday preksnts'call at the Golden
Rule Bazaer.
S. H. Cook of Appegati ahook
band with his Jackianville friends
oa Tli&Teday Itit.
Tl) peniitnliary now eontains 295
convicts, the largest number ever with
in its walls at once.
The llebekahs elect officers next
Monday night and a full attendance of
members is requested.
Hare you een the fine line of goods
ditplaied'fa ite thaw rrintfbVB at the
Golden Kule ifizaar.
Simon Care, the popular Roseburg
merchant, piid his many Jacksonville
frieDds a vjtit this week.
The masquerade ball comes off New
Years night rain or shine and will
no'doabt be a grand affair.
J. F. Watson, E R Walson and
W. T. Hume have forraod a Uw part
nership to practics in PJi'uaTia,
'Caro Crts., 'Phoenix, pay tha high
est price far beef hides, furs, dcir
kins, fcheep pelts, dried fruit, eta
It is a mistake that Newman Fisher
is selling out. The low ipricr Asked
foriods is what caused the rumor.
Charley Woltern has concluded to
locate in Medford, and will soon start
a bakery and confectionery store thure.
A fine lot of facer candies were
rrciivod by Jawin Dyuni this week;
also 'sr attortuient olltfr b olid ay
Several crcfiv-walks in town have
been considerably improved by Sam
Tayler, our efficient Street Conmis
kioner. If you want to buy a fine suit of
clothe", a fine hat or a good pair of
boats or shoe go to the Golden Rule
8aker 'Sc Amy have elosed their
ctore'at 'Central Point and the foiiunr
rv ill commence mining at Willow
S"ieritT'Cni'en o? Tha Dalles spent
several davi in Jitckkouville latt week
roiurning home with a prisoner Sun
day night.
The nw quartz mill at Medford is
now in working order and has com
menced crukhing rock. Geo. H. Chick
is in charge.
vjvadga Henna ?e Sffi) Salem at
teadini; to ereral appeal casus be
fvie the Supreme Coutt taken from
this district.
Mrs. 6. E. Ihb, accorapaniod by Hie
5li-B Sophia and boMunia lbh, re
tanm,l fiora Pbrtlaud this wcel: after
a short uit there.
Nrlv all of our miners have some
water and aie doing mure or leas work.
Tliuse having long ditch el are nearly
constantly aunloved.
S. Aiendt, a meicbant of AMilaud,
waa attached this werk by Ska Fran
eihca creditois and bis store is now in
the haads of iktf skeilfi'.
Pref. J. B. Farley has beea engaged
to teach the Pbccnix school and wo
congratulate the directors of that dis
trict lu their kViection.
The railroad comyatiy hare made
a material reduction in the rates
charged in skipping bacon aud lard
from this valley to Portland.
Frrd Birdsey and family are with us
again after several year's absence in
the Eistern States, and will bs real
dents of Jackkouville fcr awhile.
Mrs. Prof. A. P. Armstrong aud
daughter of Portlaud aro paving the
Southern Slates an extended vis.it this
winter Tsr the benefit of tbe formers
Heury Klippel and family have re
turned home from Klamath county
anJ propose staring during the Win
ter. Mr. Klippel's health is greatly
Robt. Westrop bf Central Point
has made application It) the County
Court for a license to sell liquors at
that place. He lias just completed a
fine new buiHiug far that purpose.
Just peep into Brooks' jewelry torn
if yuu are looking for holiday presents.
He always keeps a lfa stock lBft this
time he has overdone himself and can
show the finest assortment ever brought
to town.
The raid between here and Medford
is said tt be in ac almost impassible
condition. Geo. Brown, the stage
driver, says be does not want to look
at it in day light it fear of it making
him sick.
The two wagon making es
tablishment in town have been consoli
dated with Georse Rieres as eo'e
proprietor DeRoboam retiring. Price
will beaa low as ever and satistaetien
guaranteed in every ease.
We hara received a eojrV f the
"Prohibition Star," a terapsrauce
paper just started ac Salem. It is a
neatly printed quarto sheet weekly,
and shows much ability in vAe edi
torial management. Wo wish it tbe
beat of success1.
The new quartz mill is expected
here in about two w-eks from this
data and it will not be long thereafter
until it is in working order. In an
ticipation of tbe mill prospectors are
hard at work and new discoveries are
reported every day.
Our genial friond from Eagle Point,
Pftr Simon, this week presumed us
with one pork sausage which when
meaxured rbowed op to the length of
ten feet six inches. Who savs that
Jackson county don't raise tbelsigjest
taussges in the State.
C. W. B'ooks, the jjenerhl repairer
for the W. U. Tel. Co. in this distiLt,
was in town saveral days this week
changing the line to our new quarters.
He aUo made necessary improvements
to the line in other rhfrticfas tit town
and dons good work.
The New YorK "Sun" says that
Joseph Tajlor, of Portland, has writ
ten to it, olfWiug to back Jack Dump
wy acainst Leo Blanch the "Marine"
for $10,000 a sile, with or without
clorts, tbe fisht to 'take $&ce within
100 miles of Portland.
A Literary Society of 50 ra-mben.
has been formed at Central Point with
the following officers: J. N. Hall,
president; .Mio3 .Jlattiti fine, vi;cM
preidcnt; W. C. Leever, secretary;
Wil iani Hall, assistant Secretary Miss
Addle Burin, treasurer.
Dr. J. II. Hinkro has changed his
headquarters t- Guntral Point where
lie luK-juat erected a Gnc building to
rarrv on a drug liut.ines? in connection
with hi practicft. Tlu Dr. enjoys
a largf practice gained by uis incceua
ful treatment of Wrioos -cases.
Tbe City Drug Storo is
charga of A. H. Jllerritt, Ca!
There is said to have been discov
ered a kind of tobacca which if smoked
or chewed will make a man forget that
he owes a dollar in the world. We
have several friends who smoke itt
The mail from the south' has b&en
very irregular this week several days
no connection having been made. We
have failed to learn the cause but sup
pose it was bad roads ou the stage line.
The Rogue River Distillery will
soon be in running order again to con
tinue for a loug run. Caton and Gar
rettj the local agents, seem to be doing
a large business handling their goads.
The hog crop of Jackson connty is
said to be tbe largest in tha State and
as there is always a demand for them
at Happy Camp, Cal.f Win. By bee of
this place continues sending droves
Having been assured of a quartz
mill, and having let tbe contract for
hauling 300 tons of quartz to this
place for crushing, Charles Kearas tak
ing the contract, besides being made tbe
father of a bouncing baby boy; is
enough to make anybody feel happier
than anybody else. George Schumpf
indulged in all the abive bappy rensa
tions thin week.
now in
iiigharu having gone to Medford to
ritnsin. Dr. Rublnson still presides
over the prescription department as
befora besides being ready to attend
to proffensional calls at any tfcft.
Among tha bills which passed both
branches of the legislature and received
tbe governor's signature is tha one
creating th seventh judicial d'triet,
consisting of tbe counties cf Wasco,
Crook, Gilliam and Morrow, and pro J
viding for three terms of tourt eicli
Franlc Liwis haS deposited $500
with the Sin Fiaucisco "Chronicle" ks
forfeit to run KettlnmaH a 75 yard
foot rice Tor ?1,000 to 5,500 a side.
This will undoubtedly be a race worth
looking at, and if Lowix is a Lake
county boy, be bas a gcod show af
No arrangements hara thus far
bren made for a Christinas Ball at
this place. Our ball goers will no
dnnbt distribute their patronage with
other places close by on that becaiiou
and we look far a return of couipli
ruciilt- at the lleequera.de on New
Years uight.
At a council of Orego'nian Pocahon
tas Tribe No. 1. held last Tuesday
evening, tho following officers were
eltcted for the ensuing term: bacbm,
A. F. Edd; senior sagamore, J. G.
Birduey; junior ssgamore, J. C.
Wbipp. The raising-up o tha chiefs
will take place on tho first l'uesday in
A teacher in a Jacksonville Sanday
School, in questioning her pupils in
Bib'e catechism last Sunday, naked a
bright Utile boy, "Who was tha
strongest man" when he promptly
answered "Jim Sullivan." That boy's
paternal ancestor muse have taken in
the Dempney-Campball prize fight at
Portland last month:
The following ere the officers elrc
ted for ensuing Tear at the regular
meeting of tha W." C. T. H., held last
Tuesday evening: President, Mrs. S.
J. Day; vice-presidents, Misses Fan
nte SloVer and Clara Cameron) record
ing secretary, Miss Alace Dorriaj cor
responding secretary, Miss Annie
Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Ply
Jackson county's representatives
have all returntd from Salem, where
One of Jiinirs McDonougli'a teams
ran away in Willow Springs precinct
last Sunday. Muses Hattia Mo
Donough and Katie Plymale'racltved
some severe bruises by jumping from
the wagon hite tne horst- were run
ning bat tbe driver, Go. Ridenninger,
escaped tinhurt. Th wagon was con
siderably damaged but tne Horses were
ot hart.
Hereafter 1J riersons wlio desire to
vote must regw3jr themselves during
tho month of April, preceedirfg the
June election. A registration board
will sit three days in each precinct dur
ing that month, and unless tha voters
register they cannot vote. In case
oteiektteas or absence front tb.o .pre
cinct further time is given in wJncTt to
A new restaurant, hakery and sa
loon has b--en started here by Beck,
Scblepp & Co., and they life starling
out with the liberal patronage de
served AnVscellcnt lunch can be bd
there at any lime, day or night, for
twenty Gve centR, and ther are now
perfecting arrangements whereby they
can also furnish froMi oyster) in anv
shapo desired and at ffasonkbl-j cost.
Try them.
We this week received a private
letter from a gentleman f Portland, a
former resident of thk ;-place, fioiu
which we hope he Hl pardon us for
pubhshinz the following beautiful ex.
trac: "You will perhaps be-surpriseit
to receive a. latter from 4e. An obi
'uary notice in a lata number of the
Oregon Sentinel is tbe iiurtcfiinte
impi-llin: ckuu Plt-as-i say to the
paients of Wm.iLinn, deceased, that I
tvel adtrp hnintliy for them in their
heur of bereavement. During our so
journ in Jacksonville 1 ha I the i-'ras-
ure of becoming acquainted with him, j
especially at sabbath school. My
h-art wns drawn toward him on ac
count of his fidelity to bis duties as a
Sunday school scholar. I haj fre
quent caui-e to admire him for his
unrigging Tiiligenie iu taking care of
tliH boiK- of i he Sunday s-hool library.
Mauv times when at the ch-je tf the
school, other boys would hasten y
Willie wouM remain with me and
carefully gather up the hook and
placn thrni in 'he library. And the
conversations which often took place
between us at the old church, con
vinced me that tbrd tm material in
him, under proper development, for
becoming a useful man, iu tha church,
and in tbe world. I regrot that I
did not bar sosu 'enough of Mrs.
Linn and hrr son's jirAe'nco fA PctA
land to have enable 1 nm to call on
them at their atoppirg plate, aud to
-peak soothing wo'ds to tbe young
sullcrrr. Bm.he has gono to join his
.fainted grandfather. Mar it bs one
aim to meit our loved friends in the
Lnd where there are no tears, 'saS no
sufferings." ' 3
Hall or Silter Cornet Bxnd,
Jacksonville, Nov30, 1885
Wbeucis, It has pleased tha Su
preme Ru!er'"of the Universe to take
from our number oar well-beloved
brother, Wo. Linn, therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of aur
brother tha Silver Garnet Band has
lest an energetic and faithful member
and our brotherhood a kind companiop
and friend,
Resolved, That a tender chord in
each heart is touched, that ona voice is
forever stilled, and one heart no longer
responds to the thrilling inspirations of
-t rs 1ST ties -ran nnliili li-rsft -vo k tp a "rTia rt tfl
the assurance that beyond this lift aur
brother lives, and the inborn musio of
bis soul shall roll on in undisturbed
mensuret, and swell tha "Gloria in
Excelsis" of tha eternal world.
Resolved, That out of the depots
of earthly sorrow are born the grand
eit purposes of the human "heart, and
by the death of our brother wo pledge
ourselves to nohlcr aims in practical
life and consecrate anew oor1nn6ical
altar with tha offering of our tears.
Resolved, That to the bereaved
parents and tricnds we tender our
sincere sympathy in their affliction,
while, we humbly bow to the mandate
of "Him who doetb all things well."
Resolved, That a crpy of tha reso
lations be furnished the newspapers
and spread upon the recoVos of the
band; also that a copy be f urnishei the
family of our deceased brother.
W. L. Plymalb,
G. R. Neil, V Committee.
A'Diit ScHurrr, j
KELIGIOUS ITEils. Krgular ser
vices will be held at the Catholic
church in this place, Rot. FX. Blan
chet officiating. . . .Rev. A."R. Bickon
bach will hold services atPhtcnix in tbe
morning and at this place in the even
on Sunday Elder M. Peterson
preaches at Mound school house San
day Rev. A. M. Rusiill will hold
services at Medford to day anil
SumKy ....Rav. J. M. Roberta of the
M. E Church, South, will preach at
this place next Sunday morning and
evening and at Antiech on tba Sun
day following Rev. W, P. Wil
liams preaches at Central Point Sunday.
J I A I I lii
The great popularity of this preparation,
after its test of mauy years, should be an
assurance, cv en to tho mot skeptical, that
it Is really meritoriou. Thoe who liavc
used Hall's IIaik IIenxwck tnow that
it docs all that is claimed.
It causes new jrrowth of hair 'on bald
heads provided the hair follicles are not
dead, wliich is -seldom the case: restore
natural color to gray or faded hair; pre
serves the scalp healthful and. dear of
dandruff; prevents the hair fallin; off or
chansin:- color; Weeps it soft, pliant, lus
trous, and "causes it to grow ion; and
Hall's Hair RitxSvtir produces its
effects by,the healthful influence of its
ve-rctabia 'ingredicnLs, -which tnvU-orato
aud rejuvenate. It is not a 'dye, and is
a delightful article f6r toilet use. Con
talnim no alcohol, it docs not evap
orate quickly ami drv up the natural oil,
tewing 'the hair harsh and brittle, as do
other preparations'.
Eucklnghnm'3 Dyo
-roa vn
.'Colors, them brown or black, as desired,
and f s the best dye, because it is harmless ;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
bcinj- a single preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
razranEB bt
K. P. ITATJu. & CO Kosbaa, X. II.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicines.
.. v.
oaolLso-a-ulllo, '( .Oezi
. V ' d -
valifnrnia streel at the residence of E.
D. Foudray I hereby ask my friends
and tbe public generally to cive me a call
for anything in tbe line of Dressmaking,
Fitting and Cutting,
Dras ihtterns Furnished.
. My "pricey are regulated "to suit tba
times and'eatisfuction is guaranteed. (,
Grand Mask Ball
Child's Snow Flake. Every lady,
wishing a clear, delicate complexion,
should usrt Child's Snow Flake. It
nourishes and freshens the skin, re
moves Tan and Sunburn, and, thenat
ural appearance imparted, renders it
impossible to detect its nsre.,"HV,arrant.
ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all
druggists, or by the manufacturers,
John A. Child fe Co., Druggists, Port
land, Oregon. Majil, orders promptly
attended to, Price "50 cents.
Our School.
The Jacksonville public school is in
a. very proi-perous condition and thf
ittrudanc" usually larco, Yd cet a
'correct ldt-a of the systematic and pain
staking ljlrrs of the teachers in the
unoi defter! mrntsj parents eii'juld
visit the school end see for themselves
how edmirp.hly it is liefng conducted,
and how thorough and prompt the
scholars are in their recitation. To a
person who has boen for twenty years
out of active duty iu the school room,
it seems almost as though our entire
educational system had been revolu
t:ou'pJ, and the pablia schools of tho
Pacific coast are equal to our most
advanced institutions of learning of
twenty years ago. Tha four depart
ments of tho Jacksonville public
school are under the persunwl super
vision of the principal, Prof. Walt,
and yet each has a separate aud dis
tiuciive work, and scholars pass on
tlit ir merits from the lower to the
higher departments by i strict test
of their advancement in their mon'bly
examinations. Persons who imagined
themselves profoundly learned two de-
ckcIds since, will now be somewha
aiunzed at tire advancement iu science
and literature, indicated by the recita
tion of the advanced scholars in thn
higher departments. In tha grammar
departments wliich is under ihe super
vision of Prof. Prieth tho scholars
arn juSt beginning to realize the
importance of their school work and
as their minds intentively grasp the
problems of the school room it requires
the teachers wliolo lime id explain and
demonstrate the wonders of the world
of science ahd letters that Is slowly
opening out before their mental vision.
Prof, FViest seehis especially adapted
to the requirements of this depart
marit, being thorough in his explana
tions and positive in bis discipline.
tha really ardurous work of this de
partment goes en tritboutjar br in
terruption ahd the prdgrtssa of the
pupils is so niarked that many of their
parents would ba astonished at their
reciiaiions. Miss Dorris in tbe inter
mediate department has tha greater
number of scholars and Undoubtedly
When Baby wag sick, we gave her
When she was a Child, she crid for
When shs became Miss, she clang to
When she sad Children, she gave them
Under tho Vupiccs of
Jacksonville Turnverein, lib. 1,
azvxxxt.ct.Try 1st, 188G.
In tbe Circuit court of the State of Oregon,
for th County of Jackson.
Mary &.. Donegan, plaintiff. )
Vs. , J-
John Donegan, defendant. )
To Jobn Donc-ran:
Oregon and by order of L. R. Webster
Judge of said coutt dated 24, October,
18S5? You are required to appear in said
Court,innd answer the complaint of said
Pl.ilnt ff filed against you,, on or belore
tbe 11th day of January, 18S6. And you
are notified that, if you fallttr answer sold
.complaint, as'above required ,thc Plaintiff
Vill appy tothe Court forihejtlitf de
manded therein, to wit: For a decree
against you for a divorce and tho care
and custody of the minor'tbildren.
Given under my hand tkts81st day o'f
"October J.D18&5.
B. F. Dow ELL,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Land Notice,
Reception Committee r
J. R. Little, W. T. Moore, James Cro
ncmillef. Floor Maxaqers:
W. W. Cardwell, James Birdsey, Wm.
Committee Op ARRANiJEMEjrtB:
Jos. Mensor, C C. Cunningham, F. O.
Cai dwell.
No maskers ncltnittcd until recognized
by tbe reception committee.
Tickets, including supper, ?123.eAch;
spectators 50 cents There -will be a
special tab e for children.
Tbe best of music has been eneaced
and no pains will be spared to make it a
success in every particular.
JffJa weak nyollr own town'. Terms
JJJ snu j outfit tree. Address
HAllet, & Co., Portlaud Maine.
Land Office Roseburo, Or )
October 2Q.J1883. f
Notice isThereby given t hut incompli
ance with tbe provisions of ihe Act of
Congress approved June 8, 1878 entitled
"An Jet rortho salo of Timber lands
in tne States ot lamornia, uregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
Augustus R. Bickenbach, whose post
offlco atldrcs is Jacksonville, Jackson
county, Oregon, has this day filed in llhia
office his application to purchase-tbe E
ot 3 E f of Sec. 31 and W M of S W
if Section No. S2, In Townshro No. 33
South Range No. 3 East, of tho Will.
Mer. meridian. All persons holding any
adverse claim thereto are required to pre
sent the same at this o fflce within sixty
days from the first publication of this
notice. Wm. F. Benjamin,
Zinst Oa.ll.
to Trnoji it "may co.cekx
As we are closing up our business
here, all who are indebted to us ara
hereby requested to coma forward and
settle without unnecessary delay..
Reaues Bros.
vfrKTVOfiPcr day at
3t X J !3wV.yamiiles worth $5
th sr
free Address Stisson f ' " T',M'and.Me
ti. undersigned by note or book account,
are requested to call and seltlo without
delay. Q. KAREWSKI.
Jacksonville. June 22. 18
Assignee's Notice.
The undersigned having been'appointed !
Assignee of the estate of HarQch Fisher,
dssisnor, under and in pursuance of an
i.et of the Legislative Assembly of the
State 'Of Oregon, entitled "An Act to ie
cure Creditors a just division of tbe Es
tates or Debtors v.h6 r-onvey to Assignees
tor tbo benefit of creditors," approved
October 18, 1878, and tbe amendments
thereto approved February 21; 885,
hereby gives notice to all those owing the
estate that an immediate settlement is
Vt anted, and those having claims will
present V.iein at once accompanied with
the necessary Touchers.
My office is in Jacksonville, Oregon,
where all settlements can bo made.
Assignee of Barucli Fisher.
Dissolution Notice.
llio t?nir,i T?iri TVictilliniT Vr
cV3mpried of N. K Lyt'e, John A. Han'
ley ana uco. ju.. j.ove,vis uissoivca oy
mutual consent. John A. Hanley will con
tinue the business and will receipt all ac
counts due the late company as well as
settle its ln'Jculeuness.
'Jacksonville, Nov, 7, 1835.
Owing to ill health and recent tinaneial difficulties, tbe undersigned has conc'nd
ed to retire permanently from the mercantile business, and therefore offers for sale bis
entire stock ot
At the Old Ashland Store,
At ata Flrftneftseo Cosi !
The Store and Fixtures will ba
Ashland, On, June 26 1885.
tho hardest it control, but she has their
they went to represent us at the spec I good will, and tbey arc respectful in
iai session, ana wniie mey nau no
special measures of their own to urge,
they think they have fulfilled a public
duty in the election of John H. Milch
ell to the 17. S. Senate, which is an
action approved of by tha citizens of
Jackson cotinty irrespective of party.
A Washington dispatch says: "A
considerable number of Senator'; Rep
resenta'ives and public officials, as
well as many distinguished citizens of
Washington have called on tha Presi
dent to clay to urge him to reconsider
his determination, to attend tha fune
ral of the Ttce President Their ar
gument was not that there would be
mora than ordinary danger involved
in tha proposed journey, but that the
emergency is such that it is his duty
to tha country to avoid every possible
rik of aecident to bis life and health
until Congress meets and the Presi
dential succsstion is provided for.'
their deportment loaard her; and a
marvel of good order nnd atten
tion to those who knew them more
intimately in their home life. Miss
Newbury in the primary department
is sowing tbe seeds of knowledge, and
is laving a wise and sura foundation
for the work of tho higher depart
ments. The most of her instrnctions
is really kindergarden work-, and tha
best evidence of the success of her
labors is the fact that she has been so
long retained in that position at in
creased wage. The Fchool under the
capable direction of Prof. Watt and
his efficient corp's of assistants, is
highly complimentary to our energetic
school bdard who have spared no pains
to keep it up to the bghesC standard.
Having taken out the necessary license,
I offer my Services to the public as a
Geneial Auctioneer.
All busipess in my line will lie prompt
ly attended to at reasonable rates. Satis
faction guaranteed. For further particu-
lu-3 enquire ol or address,
M-. A. OweS, Central Point; Or
California St.,
Jacksonville, - - - Oregori
The undersigned is fully prepared to do
all work in his line in the best manner and
at reasonable prices.
and Bronchitis irarm iiately relieved
by Shiloh'k cure. Bro ks keeps it.
Prvet, M. Di E. P. Geary, J. O.
Modford, Or.
Offices. For the present will be as
Tohadco, Cigars, Candies Eke., Etci
California street, between Oregon and Third, Jack"sonvillI.
2?4titicm for' License.
I will make application .to sell
liquor in less quantities than one gallon
at the.. regular meeting of the County
Court Id January neiU
Centfat Point, Nov. 31, 1833.
Fresh New Stock and New Prices !
- -
Frank Brothers Implement Cdihpany
Farm5 Mill Machinery
BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOT T & CO.'S Engines & Threshers,'
HARROWS, Eta, Etc., Etc.
A Full Line Of Far ffi MacKinery.
Write for catalogue. Address either
FRANK BROS. IMP'L. CO, Portland, Or.
Or, R. W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregorf. apr 11 3 rri