E i -. i X- ' 1 l 0SE30B SKftTHEl, j.ici. villi: SATtrnoAT, IfovciinER 28, 1885. Fruit Trees. J. Lusk and San of the Oakland Nurfery, Csl. liave fruit trees here for sale cheap. Apply to G. A. Hubbell. Bids Wasted. Sealed .reposals 'will be receirtd at my place of busi tiess until Thursday, Dec 3, 1885, at noon, for hauling 300 tons of quartz, more or less, from nay ledge in Wil ls w Springs precinct to Jacksonville. Geo. ScuoiirF. Raffle On New Year's night a grand rafilo for S100 in gold coin will take place at Tlios. Riley's saloon in Jacksonville. The highest throw takes Q7o and tbe lowest $25. Chances will be only 1 apiece. It Trill no doubt be one of the most in teresting raffles thai has taken place in the county for sometime past. Acquitted Mrs. Amanda Mc Daniel, charged with being an acccm Jilice of O'Neil in the murder of Lewis JlcDanicl, her husband, was trioil thii woek and the jury brought iu o Terdict of cot guilty. Tho jury is said to have stood eight for conviction and four for acqlittal-on the first ballot but after twenty-four hours deliberation the four carried tho day and the prison er was declared not guilty. Sho was discharged iu consequence ttfter baring been in jail over six months awaiting trial. Socictt Meetings. The Womeon's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the JI. E. Church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 1st, at 7 o'clock. A full attend anco is requested, as the annual elect ion el Ofaeers will take place. Mns. A. V. BiCKEsmcu, Pres. Jilts. W. J. PLTilALE, Sscty. Tha Woaiens' Presbyterian Home Jliesionary Society ill meet in the basement of the Presbyterian church, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 3d, at. 2 o'clock. Mrs Wa. TuitNEtt, Pres. Mrs. W. J. Plvuale, Secy. Religious Items Elder M. Peter son will liuld services at Grant's Pass Kunday morning aud evening. . . . Reg ular services will be held at thn Cath olic church in this place, F. X. Blanch et officiating.... Rev." A. 11. Bieken back will hold services at Phoenix in the morning and at this place in the evening, Sunday ....Rev. W. P. Wil lisms will preach at Jump-off Joe next Sunday and at Central Point tic fol lowing Sabbat h....Uev. A. H. Sun deruian will h;H services in German in the. Presbyterian church next Sun riy at 10J o'clork A. ST.. ...Rev A. M. Rusbel of Ashland will preach at Medford the first Suudsy in December, cud the Saturday before at 2 o'clock r M. There will also be a church couferenro 'Ftr -STXnrGEsus Tbir Secretary of State has received by wire and o'hrrwive a statement of the census of 1885: Following ia the report of the -Secretary of State on which Cox' bill for a re-apportiunuient of the Slate, into legislative districts i based: Biker, 7.000; Benton, 6.00S; Clacka mas, 10,035; Clatsop, 10,240; Celnra bia, 3,013; 0., 5,795; Cr.-ok. 2,522; Curry, 1,168; Doacla, 8,053; Gtliimu, 3,355; Giant, 4,882; Jackson, 8,738; Josephine, 2.727; Klamath, 1,578; Lke, 1,530; Lane, 10.0G8; Linn, 11.431; Marion, 15,453; Morrow, 3,716; Multnomah, 35,732; Polk, 6,316 Tillamook, 1,589; Umatilla, 10,920; Union, 9,588; Wasco, 7,820 Washington, 8,246; Yamhill, 8,164 total population, 19S.C92. In 1880 tho total population of the State was 174,768. The increase, therefore, since 18S0, has been 24,000. Ajr E.NTcnrr.isiso Citizen. L. D Brown, of the St. Charles Hotel, has just raturneJ from a two weeks trip to Jacksonville, Jackson county. Tho mining outlook is said to be very good in and about Jacksonville. So good is it that Mr. Brown has determined to put up a mill of a capacity of ten tons a day on Jackson creek, at Jack eonvills. This will ba in operation inside of thirty days. It will be pro vided with all tho latest improvements for saving gold and sulphurets. There art old fashioned mills in the vicinity of Jacksonville, but thay are not fitted with recently discovered npphances for saving the precious metals, and are practically useless, Mr. Brown is satisfied that a custom mill will pay. Two thousand tons are now on the dumps, within a radius of ten miles of Jacksonville, awaiting tlwr'crection of Mr. Brawn's mill- "Xews." W. F. k Co's. Mosev Order Sts- tem Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Exprek?, and the United States Express, have tuailtt arrangements for tho issuance of Postal Mone) Order, payable at any oQbe of either company through out the United States and Canada. The rates are as follows: For SltoS5 5 cents. OverS 5toS 8 8 " ' S10toS20 10 " " S20toS30 12 " " ?30toS0 15 " " 540toS50 20 " These orders can be paid by any express office in the countrr, and are issued the same as an ordinary bank check. The send- of the money re tains a receipt, and if orders are lost he can get his money refunded. This system seems to be an opposition ar rangement to tha postal money order and Kttat notes, and arc procured thn same as a postal note, with addition of receipt for recovery of money if order should be lost. The books and full instructions iave not yet been re ceived, but are expeelsd in few days, so (hat orders may be issued to all who des:rs to patronise tha express. Local Items- Pay your taxes. Christmas comes next. King Alfonso of Spain is dead. Bad roads are teported by all our country yisitors. Go to Mensor Bros.' Bazaar when yo'vwant to secure bargains. 'A large amount of grain bag been shipped from Msdford this searon. Considerable rain fell this week and most of our miners hava commenced work. Wd. Smith is out again bat the sight in his injured eye is probably lott forever. The matrimonial business is boom ing so we are informed by County Clerk Parker. Notice those big potatoes at'Colvin's. They come from C. O. Riglows place on Appelgate. Capt H. Kelly has returned from Salem where ha has been attending thn Legislature. A fine selection of shoes direct from the east can be found at Jlerritt's cheap cash store. To comply with the law, EJ. Caton, elsewhere makes the repuired publica tion of bis application. Senator Mitchell received 800 con gratulatory dispatches within the first two days after o'ecticn. If you bare any specialities for hol iday goods now is the time for all our merchants to advertise them. Henry Mensor shut himself in the hand accidently this week while haud Iiug a pistol in a careless way. A good piece of work was dona on tha ltiw Griffin crewk bridge by Messrs. Duulap & Steaduian, the contractors. Sire. M. Little has gone to Rose- burg to lemain during the Winter with her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Hursh. Smator Stanford's gift to California in the establishment of a great univer Mty will aggregate about $20,000,000. King Alfonso of Spain is dead but Plyraalc is still on hand ready to hitch up a team at the Excelsior livery stable. Circuit Court adjourned en Wed ueday last. The regular term com mences on the first Monday in Jan uary next. A bill pasted the Legislature at the special tessiou appropriating 10,000 for a bridge across Bogus River near Gract's Pass. Mrs. Amanda McDanie! has re turned to Butte Caepk having been found not guilty by the jury that tried her case. Tho mambers of the Jacksonville Turnverein seem to be enjoying them selves as they keep the ball rolling night and day. Jacksonville LodgB-No.-r 10, I. O. O. F elects officer '.bin evening and a full attendance of tha members in requested. It is rumored that Nultner will start another democratic daily at Portland. He should by all means be encau raged. Tli ere ar twelve thousand aad one hogs in Jackson county aud the Iarge&t one of the whole lot can ba found in Jacksonville. The nsw registry law has passsd both houses of legislature, and Kill no doubt be in proper shape for use at the next June election. A very slim crowd attended tho races and dance at Sport's Poiut on Thanksgiving Day so we ara informed by parties who were prsssnt. Vice President Hendricks is dead and the President pro tern of the Sen ate, Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds of Ver mont, nill likely succeed hire. The members of Vgrren Lodge F. and A. M. will Ujjel'jWco that ihe regular election ofters will be held Wednesday night, December lGth. Miss Annie JcGill died at her home in New York -cca, tly of spinal dissnse. She was a sister ot M. L. McCall of As'aland, v. hum she paid a visit last ear. Geo. Knowltoa, the printer who lived at Medford for a year past died in tho insane asylum this neek. He suffered from lead poitonicg in the tint place. A stranger was arrested here this week for larceny csmmitted at the Dalles some tiu i since and will be taken below for trial as soon as officers arrive from there. Prof. W. F. Williamson has re signed his position as Principa1 of the Madfard district school and will here nfler devote all ot his time to the prac tice of law. The O'Neil murder case will be argued before tha Supreme Court nn Monday next. J. It. lSeil started belcw this week to appear for tho dsfenie. Newman Fisher of this placs has been appointed asignee of the estate of Baruch Fisher, of Woodtille, as signor. Kead what be has to say in another column. Congressman Hermann left for Washington, D. C, last Saturday. His friends gave him quite a send off on tho eve ef his dsi-arture. He is followed by the kind wishes of all our people. - W ithin the past six weeks 27,000 dozen of Iowa eggs hava been sold in Portland. Home small lots ef butter are also coming in from the same state and an importation of dressed chickens is expected befora long. It is evident that the poultry f this sUUnstds reorganization. hi. - .tfa-ri 1 Lu. U " i Geo. JL Wiliurd ha purchacd the hardware store of Miller & Co. at Ashland and is now in full possession Mr. Wi lard is a rustler and deserving of success. Another carload of carp will Tie out this way in tha spring. Those wish ing to be supplied will do well to for ward their apiduntions to the 'United States Conimivioner of Fish and Fish' erie, Washington, D. C." Thankgiving was celebrated here on Thursday last in the usual maanrr. Regular aeriices were held at the churches, tinkers and cranberry sauc were served at dinner, the whole wind ins up with a dance in the evening. T-a as ier th.ua. Senator Stnfordro California has given $20,000,000 to endow a univer sity in which young men and women r to be taupht the practical duties of buMUPfw life. This is the largest sura over civen by one man to any object ot public character. Having leased new quarters the SrcCTIXEL 'fiic after this week il be fouud m John Orth's brick in the roous formerly occupied by qur cot em. Tuo telegraph office will also be moved to the rainc place as it will be a better locatio't for the patrons than the one now occupied. At a colored wedding recentlyin Peier.hurg, when the minister rel the words, "love, honor, and ober," the groom interrupted him and said: "Red that azaiti, Sib, rrnd it wounce mo', eo's de lady kin ketch de full solemnity of do meanin.' 1'se bin married brfo'." Soma of the bay miners are expos ing a swindlp in connexion with tho Louisiana Lottery, through which a Frenchman, of San Francisco, v. as defrauded of $15,000. They should tcep the matter iu type aud re-pul-hsh it in conjunc'ion with the next bit of drawn numbers. It would then be interesting reading for the dupes. Hon. Walter Sutten, member of tie Legislature from Curry County, pub Usher of the "Gold Beach Gazette," and one of those " " that voted for John H. Mitchell for U. S. Sena tor, was m town this week, but, strange to say, neither he or Mitchll wfro burned in effigy. Walter an old Jack 8onvilIe 1 oy and wo are proud of hire as a legislator even after he had sworn allegiance to another county. The "Shasta "Courir" savs it is estimated that tunnel 8 will be com pleted, track laid and cars run to Slate Creek by thn first of December. Slate Creek will then V.e railroad and stsge headquarter for the winter. It is said that as soon as the wintir storms ft in, th- gret'inu gangs will be laid off until spriug, but the mason and tunnel forefs will be kept at work Tunnel 8, when completed, will be 3(50 feet long. Whi'e the U- S. Senate would prob ably tell us that sre have nothing to nay in the matter we nevertheless nominate Hon. Johri'Hr'Mirtlic'.l of Oregon for President of that body thereby making liitn Vice Pretident of these United States. Should the Senate of the United States fail to elect we are willing for the Oregon Legislatute t be called in special session again to sotlle tho question. The November number of the "United State Official IVtal Guide" gives thi whole number of post offices in tho Ucitn.l States. 51,363, of which ceventy one nre Gist class, and 3S2 xecond rls-. 179G Oiird class, and 49,314 fourth class. The first, second and third clashes are Presidential offices, tho President appointing the postmasters; the post masters of the fourth claw offices are appointed by the Postmaster General. Owing to the railroad company chauging timp, by running through to Delta, without laying over night at Be Iding. the stages will arrive here every morning between 2 and 4 o'clock making closer connection with Ash land stage. Heretofore tho 6tago ar rived about noon, the passengers and mail laying over night in this place to take stage for Ashland next morning The time of departure from Yreka far Delta mil Ashland, will be the same as haretofore, going south after supper, on arrival of stsge from Oregon, and going north each morning about 4 o'clock, or as soon as Delta stage ar rives. This will make one day's quicker time from San Francisco. "Journal-" We were shown this morning, says tha Redding "Free Pross" of the 24th, a veritable curiosity in the shape of a mineral deposit. It was simply a conglomerate mass of lava-quartz and gravel, interspersed with bunches of old particles abjut the size of and re'tmbling large grape seeds. John O. Walsh, who showed as the speci men, says that it came from near Mt. Shasta, "hd was found about 50 feet from the su-facs. The diseovnry is called the "Great Northern Bosra," and is the richest, yet made, there being acres of this rich strain. There is much excitement regarding this new field of wealth. An Answer. Dear youns ladies of Jacksonville, Success to yonr determined will, We hope that wine and all its crew May have respect for all of you. And he who chews tbe navy plnj, May quit the same to get a bug; Or be who smokes, or drinks, or plays, .May think ol you and mend his ways And when he looks npop the cards. He'll think about the female bards; Or when beer he wants to guzzle. He'll be in an awful puzzle. And wish he did know it, Which of your ladies was tbe poet; Again we hope he'll also fret, nd throw away bis cigarette. .dnd drink no wine, or other slop. That he may gain that favored flop; So wishinjj all many great joys, We sign ourselves the Foot's Creek Boys. CkIivo. Usii tludtr inlvtinis Udlliai he ha completed the school assess ment ot this urerinct ana mat ij will bring in something oer S1.400 on the four mill tax levied. Tbe " mort gage tax law works against oar dis trict when it comes to-a precincttax as a number of our monied men have inves'ments on tho outside that will not apply in this case. The tiarty given by the Red Men at their hall last Thursday night was not as large as it should have been but all these present enjoyed themselves all the samp, enough dancers being pres ent to comfortably fill the hall. Only for the death of a joung man of this place that evenintr, many more would have attended. As it was there were just ouough to make it enjoyable, and if any onp went away di.spleasd we have failed to hear of the party. A Portland drummer bid a fit on the street one day this week causing some excitement but no damage. Marshal Curtii as in the upper por tion of town ot the time and seeing the crod collect he ran down to in vestigate thinking there was a fight on hand and a possible fee for him if he got there in lime. As the Marhal ran past one of our business houses a dog caine out aud took after him. No-arrests were made as Curtis was kept busy with the dog until after tho riot was quelled. A man by the name of Frank "Ray man and a iinntr by trade, started from Kerhyrillo tomnthing over two weeks sinco to go through to tho coast, having j roiisions. for only two dav. He had not proceeded fr on his way when the late storm came on, and he was lost in the fog. H attempted to make his waj back to Kerby ville once or twice, but concluded after a time he was nearer to the coast. In fine, he roamed about in tha mountains for twelve davs, having nothing to eat but soma old sheep skins which he found in a deriertrd cabin. He was also without blanket, and the matches he had upon him had becom wet and wou d not burn. When well nigh famished from hunger, and nearly caked from trivelinc throuch brush and oer ruggod mountains, h armed at Mr. Fry's place on Roue river. Hera the poor man was kindly re cehed, nd is now all light- "Del Norte Record." Cotter's Fish Whiskies. Again we greet our many friends, reminding them that the season of "pence on earth and good will towards men," is rapidly approaching, when prosperi ty and generosity go hand in hand, and the uhule civilized world seeks for those tributes and mementoes which .erve to bind closer the friends of fleeting yars. After the lull comes the storm; the season of depression is rapidly passing away. The signs of the tiroes indicate a better and moro active future, and in anticipation of an increaied d"iiinnd for fine whiskies we will give personal attention to the best of European aud Ei-tern liquors. We now off r to our hHi the ail aiitageof selecting- fri, these Gn" whiskies, which wo guarantee will not b"exclled on thu const. Wo have in stock, J. F. Cutter, Extra, 0:d Bunr oon, and Argonaut whiskies. Mcrritt it Robinson Iisr bpen appointed agent for the celebrated "J. F. Cutter" whisky for this section of Jackton county. He will sell at same price that you would have to pay at E. Martin & Co.'s distillery, Ky. Put up in half and whole bbK;abo cases of Cotter at S. F. Prices. John L. Burns, commercial agent for E. Martin & Co., 408 Front St , San Fraucisco. 3m nov 1 THE UEV. GEO. H. THAYEB, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both ray self and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps it. ARE YOU iMADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, lellow Skin? Shi oh' Vitalizer is a positive cure. For eale by E. C. Brooks. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh rsmedy Price 50 cets. at Brook's. HACKMETACK a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cts. at E. C. Brooks'. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath accured by Shiloh's C-i tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E. C. BrooKs's. Nasal Injector free. SHILOH'S CURE will immediate ly relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. FOR DISPEPSIA and liver com plaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle o? Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps it. SHILOH'S COUGH and CQnsuhjp tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Brooks can furnish it. THAT HACKING COUGH can bo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Call at Brooks'. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's cure. Brooks keeps it. Child's Snow Flake. Every lady, wishing a clear, delicate complexion, should use Child's Snow Flake. It nourishes and freshens" the skin, re moves Tan and Sunburn, and, tbe nat ural appearance imparted, renders it impossible to detect its use. Warrant ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Child k Co., Druggists, Port land, regon. Mail orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. When Baby was sick, we gave her CASTORIA, When she was a Child, she cried for CASTORIA, When she became Mi;s, she clung to CASTORIA, When she had Children, she gave thera CASTORIA. Obituary. Wm. Linn, eldest son of Divid and Anna Linn, died at the family rei dence Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Otie year sinco ho contracted severe cold which resulted in pulmonary disease, and ihonh every thin" wa Idene for him that medical sirnce could suggest, or thfr loving hands of parents and friends devise, he uradually grew woise. During the fall his mother took an extended trip with him to San Francisco with the ho-je that a warmer climate would prove beneficial, but he returned home a month since and has kept hU room ever sinee. He bore his long illness uncomplain ingly, ever hopeful and cheerfal, and always had a kind word for the dea or.es at home, and the many young friends who watched the progress of his disease with anxious sol.cilude. The Di'aih Angel has cros-ed the threshold of a happy home for the firpt time, and laid an icy hand on first born son, leaving an aching voice in the heart of the home circle that can never be eflaced; but let us hope that Time, the merciful healer, will comfort the broken hearted and soften into a blessed memory the cherished companionship of the one whose chair shall henceforth be vacant at the fire side, and beyond the dark shadow that has fallen across tha hearthstone, may 'he glorious promises of immor- Mtitand iiersjia be the guiding star to n re union whers death cannot enter and where earthly sorrows are no more. Willie was a worthy com panion of the Chanipions of Honor and a member of the Silver Cornet Bind. The funeral will take place today at 2:30 P. ii. under the auspices of the Champions of Honor and the Silier Cornet Band. Services at the Presbyterian church, Rev. A. R. Bickenhach officiating. We extend our sincere sympathy to tha bereaved family and friends. Habitual Constipation Is a prolific source of misery and many ills, giving rise to Headache, Dullness, Fetera, Nervousness, Rest- essnes", Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois oning ot iilood, etc. The bitter nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts Riid draughts formerly used to relieve the sufferer, only aggravate the disease and sicken the stomach. All who are afflicted in that way, know the impor tance of the remedy pleasant to the p.ilate, harmless in its nature, and tru ly beneficial in its action. TJe trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away tree ot charge by ou- pnterpnmng druggists Merritt and Robinson of Jackt-onville prove that it is all that can be desired. Large bottler at fifty cents or one dollar. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3?otitioa for License. ATOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT li I will make application to sell liquor in lets quantities than one gallon at the regular meeting of the County '-our t in January next. E- B. CATOF. i'entral Point, -2fov51, 1S85. K. Prjree, SI. D. t. r. Geary, 31. D. PKYCE & GEARY. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, aVTocLTox-cl, Or. Offices. For the present will be as heretofore. Sealed Proposals. The following Sealed Proposals will be received until Ucccmb'r 3rd, 1833, by George Scbumpf, at Jacksonville, Oregon, for the hauling of 300 tons, more or less of quartz, from his mine at Wil low bprings, Oregon, to Jacksonville, Oregon. The price pr ton specified in tbe contract lor the delivery of the required amount. GEO. SCflDMPF, Jacksonville, Oregon. Assignee's Notice. The undersigned having becnippointed Assignee of the estate of Baruch Fisher, -issisnor, under and in pursuance of an -.el of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled "An Act to se cure Creditor! a just division of the Es tates or Debtors who convey to Assignees lor the benefit of creditors," approved October 18, 1878, and the amendments thereto approved February 24, 1883, hereby gives notice to all those owing the estate that an immediate settlement is wsnted, and those having claims will present them at once accompanied with the necessary vouchers. My office is in Jacksonville, Oregon, where all settlements can be made. N. FISHER. Assignee of Baruch Fisher. CITY BASSES SHOP Caiifoksia St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon The undersigned is fully prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. GEORGE SOHTUIPF. AUCTIONEER. Havinctaken out the necessary license. I offer my services to the public as a General Auctioneer. All business in my line will be .iromnt- lyattendedtoat reasonable rates. Satis faction guaranteed. For further particu lars enquire of or address, W m. A. Owen, Central Point, Or Dissolution Notice. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT It the llopue River Distilling fo, compried of N. K JLyt'e, John A. Han ley and Geo. 31. Love, is dissolved by mutual consent, John A. Hanley wi'I con tinue the business and will receipt all ac counts due the late company as well as settle its indebtedness. N.K.LTTLK. JOHN A. faNLEY, GEO. M.LOVE. Jacksonville, Nov. 7, 1883. Sugfaea Indications'- Wliat a mmerTTonM rcrrpropcrlv terra "surface indications" ot what is beneath, are tho l'lmplcs, Sties, Sore Kyes, Holts, and Cutaneous Krnption3iviUi which peoplo are annoyed in spring and early summer. Tho ctfete nutter accumu Utrd durlnir. tha wiutcr months, now makes its prcscuco fcit, through Nature's endeavors to expel it from the system. viilleitrcraa!n5,itis apoioa that testers in Hie Mood cud may ta clop Into Scrof ula. This eonduion causes derangement or the dtatHe and assunilatory organs. Willi a freKnijof cnenatlon, languor, and weariiie oftenlt;liilyspokenotai"oaly H rins fever." These are e Idcnces that Nature is not able, unaided. to throw off the rorrupt atoms which weaken the Ital forces. To regain health, Nature must bo sided by a thorough biood-purifjhu med icine; and nuthiiy else is so eaecthoas Ayer's Sarsapariffa, which Is snfSdcntly powerful to expel from the stem eea tho Uiut of Hered itary Scrofula. The medical profession indorse Ayer'3 pAi'.siritii.LA,aml many atte-tatious of the e n res effected by itcomc from all parts of the world. It is. in the lansusso of the linn. Trancis Jewett, ex-St.ite Sen ator of Massachusetts and ex-JIayor of I-mvell, "the onlv preparation that docs real, lustily good.'' rr.ETJUlED ET Dr. J. C. Ajar & Co., Lowell, Mass.- Sold by all Druggists: Trice 51; J Six bottles for $5. r- Grand Mask Ball ! Under the auspices of Jacksonville Turnverein, No i, AT U, 5. HALL, January l3t, 1886, Rr.CErnoN Committee; J. R. Little, W. T. Moore, James Cro nemiller. Fiooit Makageus: W. "W. Cardwell, Janus Birdsey, Wm. Mensor. CoiIMttTKn OP Ar.UAMSEMESTS: Jos. .Mensor, O. C. Ounniugham, F. O. Caninell. No maskers admitted until recognized by the reception committee. Tickets, including supper, 51.25 each ; spectators 50 cenfs There will be a special tab'c for children. The best of music has been ensaccd and no pains will be spared to make it ff success in every particular. J??a week in your own town. Terms 2)UU and $5 outfit ire'e. Address II Hallet, & Co., Portland JIaine. S5TOS20Ky- at home worth 85 fiee Address Stinsov-0 ""-t'nnd.Me ENU1NE CLOSING SAL Owing to ill health and recent financial ed to retire permanently from the mercantile entire stock of m&M JWerehamdise At the Old The Store and OFFERED Ashland, Or., June 26. 1885. JAMES DEALER IN i95M3fi aild fltMBig MATS AN Tohacctf, CigarSj Calilorniastreet, between CALL AND SEE MY Fresh New Stock and. New Prices I PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farm, Mill Machinery BUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Hdkiu LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MO ' .RS, McSHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS. TWINE BIN 'RS. BUFORD'S GNG k SULKY PLOWS, COATES SULKY H KES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOT T & CO.'S Engines TWshe-s, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER & CO Saw Mill Machines, RAW DALL W HEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUCKBOARD W AGOl S, " HARROWS, Etc., Etc., Etc. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery. "Write for catalogue. Address either 1 Or, R. W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. . ' apr 11 5 is cxaHcnfC DBESSSAKIirG, -Br- f-a&K -, , I IITHi M. (rACaonrTlUo, - OEM.. Ilavin; moved to a new )oaMio on California street at tho resirleacwofE D. Foudraj I hcitby ask ry tricrv and the public generally togtve vt u c I for anything in the line of I)itS;tt.ukii.-. Fitting and Culling, Dress Patterns Furnieied. Jly prices arc, rcgnkted to suit the times and satisfaction is snarant-d. MRS. J. M. SMITH SUMMONS. Tn the Circuit court of the State r( Oregon for th" County of Jackson. Mary A.. Donegan, plaintiff- i vs. John D.mcsan, defendant ) To John Doncsan : f THE NAME OF TOT ST rE i' 1 Oregon and by order t( I, k w 'lis r Judge of said umrt dated LM ' tol i lSS5. Yon are required to "pin n n s ! Court, and answer the comi' .. uf t u Phint'tf filid npainsl yon, be. the 11th day of January, 1SJC vndj a are notified that, ifywiOiil to anrvort I complaint asabove reqnind, il. Tlali i u willspply to thu CquJ.Jiw th i lie e manded thorein. to wit: Fr de. .against yon for a divorce im ie i o and custody of the minor ciul !r n Given under my band Hu- dr.;- ' October J. D., l&fco. B. F Vr : LT., Attorney for I' u'ii r Timber Land Notice, Land Office Kosebcbb, On., October 3b ltftw. i J"ftlin la lmrol.i- ftiirn., that It. -.m li " ance with the provisions of tho Ac if tonsress approved J line a, aria entl it "An lct for the sale of Timber awis in the btates of California. U regent Nevada, and Washington Territyiy," Augustus B. Bickenbnch. whose it ofllco address is Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, has this day filed In ibis office his application to purchase the 12 J$ ot S & ot Bee. 31 and W i$ ore V A? Section No. in Township JNo Xi South, Range No. 3 East, of the Will. 3Ier. meridian. All persons holding any, adverse claim thereto aro required to pre. sen! the same at this o lllce within sixty days from the first publication of this notice. Wm. F. Bexjamin, Register. Xtfist Call. TO 1TIIOH IT JItV COXCI.ni As we are closing up our business here, all who aro indebted to us are hereby requested to come forward and settle without unnecessarydelay.', . ReameSTIJb'osV NOTICE.. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TIIIT undersigned by note or book account, are requested to call and settle without delay. G. KAREWSKI. Jacksonville. June 22. 18M tcoja difficulties, the uudeisfgntd has cone'ud business, and thereloru offers for saw his! Ashland Store, f 1 s Fixtures will ba FOR RFjSTT. " J M. IvlcO&LL'. DRUM, BOOTS, Candies, Etc., Etc. Oregon and Third, Jacksonville c