r jv'TF-rft OIBSOE SENTINEL OREGON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED SATURDAYS aT ADVERTISING RATES. ' Advertisements will lie inserted in tho SsxruiEi. at the following rates: Ten lines, one insertion...... f3 "I " each subsequenUnsertion... 1 00 tST- Legal advertisements ini.erted rea sonably. - job work Of all kind done on F10 notice and in workman-like sU'e. A UlToiuil to Yearly Adtert' Jacksonville, - - FRANK KRA?0E TERMS Oni copy. FrTr, In Sr,... an',aMMBI "" ' 'ir ll)lP 1lMMmM llllirillllMMllllIIMIummlllllllll MM M I f I I aMtMmMMMMzAMMllM !?" 'lllllllgraW lu'll' I r I 1 1) -a ySJ d JiL ( Orc$on,i mj.-y I r , M H I 1 1 JS55fc 3.3ife; s? -IK B I I I I H ' I . M to - - - - '" I ' ' - r VOL. XXX--MO. 45 PR0FES3IOKAL OABDS. ji K.7FRYCE, R9I. D.f ffbyrfelan And Sm90H, Mbdford, Okcgox. Office aextdoor tollyer'i block, resi Jtaae. CuBniagharn's hotel. E. P. GEARY, M. O., Pkysician And Snrgeoa, MED FORD. OBEGOV. OOce in A. L. Johnson's Luildlng." T. XL YOUNG. M. D., Thyslcan And Snrgeos, Central Point, Oregon. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. JL L-WHITNEY, M-Dm BASLE POINT OREGON. Having located at tliii plar.e I ask a hare of the pitronago of this section. Calls attended to at any time. VT. F.WLMAHSO ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR- IT-L X V? Medford, Okeook. JU1 business in my line will receive prompt attention. 11. K. IIANN, Attorney & Counsellor At-Law, Jacksonville, Oqn. Will Jtractico in all the Courts of the State. Office up sUirs in M rib's trick. P. P. PRIM, ATTOKNST & COUN3ELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will practice in all tli Courts of the State. Office in Court ll )' T. B. KENT, ATTORNEY & UOUNSELEK-AT.L.4W. Jacksonville Oregok. TTiLracllce Inallth'biirtsofthit State OIBm in the Otforl House. U IJ.AICKN.VI. D., OHYSICIAH AND SUEGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREQOK. EfTOQee opposite P. J. Ryan's store. J. TT. E0BIHS0H, K D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Taoksoavils, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Resi deaec on Fourth St., op;osito II. E. Cm urea. Calls promptly attended to, day anil nijeht. 3. F. DOWKLL, ATTORNSY-AT-LAW, Poktland, Oregon. All business placed in my hands will re ceive prompt attention. Special atten tion given to collections. josn rt.urrcnELU K. M.DF.11E.NT. MITCHELL & DEMENT. Attorneys & Counsellors At Laio. ODlce in FCamra's new building, corner First and Pino streets Portland, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts ol Oregon. A. L. JOHNSON, Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Collec or MocUOrd, Ox. I make conveyancing and furnishing ab stracts or land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and collections made. All business Intrusted tonny care will receive prompt and carciul attention. WILL. JACKSON, T) E N T I S T, JACKSONVILLE, OREQOK. TVaOi .TlMflwl wt 11 litnr sLaughiug gas administered, if (1mci.i1 fnr Tr(iirli iT-ln charge will be made. Office on corner of California and 5th street. A. o. OIBSS. L. B. STKARKf. GIBBS fc STEARNS, A TT0RNEY8 AND COUNSELLORS, RoosmI an 4 Strowhridgt's Building, rrjRTLANDi OtKGOH. Will practice in all courts of record'in trie State fOregon' and Washlnton Tcrri tseyrand pay particular attention to frrg.lnPM-ln. Eedoal ttouzts. TEE STAFF OF LIFE! THE ROGUE RIYER STBA9 FLODRIKB MILLS HAVING RECENTLY BEEN RE fittcd with al" modern improvements, are now turning out a first-class article of flour, which is put up in one-fourth bairel saeks.and every sack is warranted to contain 4!) pounds of flottr If von don't believe this, just compare a sack oT our flour with any other brand offered for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. -s-iFl8Hr-aidlrliIl-Fcc(I-- Constantly on hand and exebaaged for wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to Roll Hurley for customers. The work will be done on short notice, so that par tics can return witli their grist the same day. lam prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner. This cess is tar abend of the crueller pro- G.KREWSKI, Jacksonville, Sept, 22. 1833. Farmer's Store, Medford, Oregon, ANGLE &, PLYMALE Prop's. The undersicned lakes plcisure in an nounces that hciias opened bis place of business in the now lown of Medford, Or egon, audi now prepared to furnish, in quantitiesto suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGARS, CANDIES, NUTS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc My stock ii fresh and first-class, nd I propose to keep a full assortment of every thing in uty line and tell al PRICES LOWER THAN EVER All I ask is a trial. ESTIightsl price said for Produce. TWENTIETH YEAR. ST.SZASX'S &OADE3SY, CONDUCTED BY. TUB SISTEU OF THE S9LT SAME. THE SHOLAST1C YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the end ol August, and is divided in four sessions, of clcveD weeks each. Board and tuition, perterm, $40.00 Music lo.ou Drawing and painting. Bed and Bedding 8.00 o.UU SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, .....? 5.00 Junior, " . COO Prcparatoy " 8.00 Senior, 10.08 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to pmticular studies in behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. C. WEST'S nerve and brain treatment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness. Convulsions. Nervous Hcad- acheAVental Depression, Loss of Memory, Spermatorhoca, Itnpotcncy, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, causal by over-cxertinn, selttbuse or ovcr-indulg-ence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent ca.-cs. Each box contains one month's treatment. one dollar a box, or six boxes for fire dol- lars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot uricc. U'c (guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five do lars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarrntcc to return the money ll the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued on!v by Voodaud, Clarke & Co., Wholesale ant? Retail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Hrders by mail at regular prices. U S. SALOON, U. 8. HOTEL BUILDINO. JACKSONVILLE, T. T. McKENZIE. PROP'R, HAVING ASSUMED THE MAN agement ot ibis resort, I proposs keeping il stocked with the finest brands of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased to receive a call from all who wish the best in my line. Sat isfaction assnrrd. T. T. McKENZIE. C- LEJVfPERT. M- D Graduate of University, Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon Calls attended to at all hours dav and night. Office opposite Slorer Hotel, Jack- onvuicurecon' J. W.V-SOKT. B.-S. W. KOUISSOV CITY MUG STORE CALIFORNIA STREET, MERRITT & ROBINSON PROPRIETORS, Will keep on hand tie largest and most complete assortment of IR.XTGtlS. PATES 2IEOICINKS ,t CHEMICALS, TORS.- - - PAINTS, OILS, ETC., To be found in Southern Oregoa. full slock f Alto a STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, FINE CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY, TOILET SETS, And a great variety of Perfuaery, torn mon and Toilet Soaps, etc. "Prescriptions carefully prepared by Bn. J. W. RoniNSON. 5r. Robinson's office in Dru Sloie. EXCELSIOR LIVER AND FEED ST A-13Ii33; Corner Of ORF.OOX AXn CULIFORXIA ST3., JlCXSOfVII.I.E W. 5". rSYBSAEiH, prop'r Would respectfullv mlorm the nublic that be has a fine stock of Horses, Buggies ami Oatinoiiv And be is prepared to furnish his patron and the public generally with Fine Turnouts As can be had on the Pacific coast. Sad die hors.es hired to go to any part of the county Animals Bought and Sold. Horses broke to work single or double Horses boarded and the best of care be stowed upon them while 5n my charge A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited on reasonable tenns NEW TOWN OP MEDFORD ! Lots for sale at low prices and on easy terms. Apply to J. S. HOWARD, Agent, at Medford. Also, in the Railroad addition to the town or ASHLAND. Apply to M. L. McCal', Agent, Ashland. PHOENIX. Apply to M. V. B. SOULE, Agent Phoenix. GOLD HILL. Apply to M. E. P0GUE, Agent, Gold Hill. QRANT'SPASS. Apply to S. M. WILCOX, Ascnt Grant's Pass. Or to GEO. II. ANDREW'S, O. & C. It. It. Co., Portland Or. TUB ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, A sl3.3 q,xi. d Or. Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory and In strumental music. Fot particulars or catalosne apply to the undersigned al Ashland, Oregon. JO. U.-KUlAli, A. il. President Valuable-Eand For Sale. The undersigned offers 2.000 acres ol vMuable land (or sale. Land situated on Antelope creek, eighteen m les from Jack sonville W ill be sold in a body for $10 per acre or in 1G0 or 320 icre lots at from $15 to 520 pc- acre. For particulars ad. dress or call on A. L. Johnson, Land Agent, or W3I. BYBEE, Jacksonville, Oregon DC Is. HL.SBF.rS EXTEB51L 1'ILE KOEDr Givet ltant Rtlitf, tnd it :a InfiHibls CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by DrugRists everywhere. Price, l.O0 yr box, prtpahl, by mail. Samples sent free to Physicians ocd all sufferers, by Npuxtanltn A Co Box &H6, New York City. SolemanufactureraofANAKESIg. Farm For Eent. The undersigned offers theDardenelles farm for rent For full particulars call on the owner at the place. lnOS.UHAV5EIt. ' Gold HilL Sect. 9V 1895. ANAKE8I8 JACKSON VILIJE OREGON, NOVEMBER 14, ISS5. l1 a'S THE. GREATf EL? E'CS. QUI -Rheumatism, Sx LaiH&aeo. Usckache. Soi-oriirol,i.iveIJIoc.Ki?5 XtaniL KcaJds. Fnui b 4 iLt OTHER ROSILY PJUQ iSB A11U3. Ml7Cnu,MiIiJfcrnT1iv FiST&U4ftU)Ue. I.UecUct)t la 11 Lssctum. THE CUA11LC8 A. VOCELEH CO. TS TTJi PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Has Greatest Msdical Trisaph cf the Ago SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER- Loss of appetite Bowels costive Fain In tho bead, ttUIi a. dull sensation In tha 4)ncl part Pain nuder the Uoulder lct!c FnHacs iHer cat I eg:, wltU ndiv Incllna.tio'n to -tarertlon of bodr or mind! Irritability of tccipcr Varr aplrlta with afcclinzof havlnncKlectcd some dutr, "Vcs.rlncB, Dlzziacss, Flattering at the Heart. Dots before lb e eye Ileadaeho over tho rlcbt cyn, Keetlesiness, with fitful dreamBt Hlpblr colored Urine and. COKSTEPATION. TUTT'S I'ir.1.8 are especially aJaptcd to sccli case, one Ansa effects such a ch&ugi-offcc'.lnsr.'istoastonUlitlie sufferer. . Tlkeyrnrrratethe Aiipetite,aailtdMtho liodr to TaUo ou I'lcsbthun the Krtcm Is nocruliett.&rd bythfirTolile Action ob the DjosllTeOr&aug,UecrnlarStoatlAre Fm-lnr-.l. l'rtf a.V. 4 1 Mnrrxy Kt..W.Y. TBTTS HAIR DYE. GrjLT ITijR or WmsKEits changed to a GLossr Black 1v a sinclo application of ttis DTK. It iinp'urts a inifural color, acts 4istcntanenn1y. Solil by Druggists, or fnt h-cxpred on receiptor 01 CrTico. 1 r.lurray St., How York. GEO. RIEVES, ffacliyonville, Or. At the. olti stand of S. P. Hanna, in Crone- uillcr's building, kttpsonhanda full tine of Wagon Material! And is pn ared lo do all work in his line on th' i notice and if a workmanlike mam cr. Vehicles of every des cription made to order. Repairing A Specialty. Terms reasonable and satisfacalion guaranteed. Geo. Rieves The Butees" GttDfi Is ! sued March and Sept., each iycar: 216 pages, 8xllj inclics, with ov"- 3,000 illustratiorii r ;hole pic ture callcry. -ves v hole- ea!e prices direct to consume jn all goods for personal or faiuiiy u Tells how to order, and gives erar cost bf every thing you u?e cat, drir wear, or have fun with. Thews inva iLle books ccn' tiin information gleaned from the mat kcts of the world. We Will taaU & copy Free to any address cpon receipt of the pobtago 7 cents. Let us Hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Sir It 2P Tfaiaxh Atcsuc CUctio. UL A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it iMagnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. VS VJO.V&BVZ TO A1XT wm be mailed Cn " f?255 xod to ccstomen of last Tear it ithout all D. M. FERRY&CO.DSS2,T etc. ATEH r.t -, AAX O VTa coiiUirs to act as Solicitors for ratents, Carasis. Tvle JIarks. Crpynjrlitf. eti. for tba Dntic S'-tUx, Canada. Cuba, Enflaiid, rracce, irtTiia). etc. tie tare Zzi luIrty-Ove j cars' experience. rateiti cbtslned ltrcvrt care noticed In ttra raisnric utricj.v. lMslanreacdsplmdld IDutnued wcctly rlr. $3.20 a year, sboirs thePmsrus cISeierce. IsitrjimerrstiEp.nii has an tnnnnnos circnUUon. Address JIUKN t CO, Patent Mlcitr.rs, Pnb's cf Scitmni AHZaicxK, a;i Broad war-New Torfc. Hand buot broot Fatests frne. Farms For Rent. iiwm&k i33B3 tSeaSCatdrSlE S3 tSlZriBfMiB I 3PMLST- Iiuies. kt Kij Z&L The undersigned has three good farms wbich are hereby offered for rent on good terms. They consist of the Glenn ranch of 320 acres, the Stearns ranch of 250 acres and the Centres ranch of 1G0 acres, all located in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and all good farming land. For particu lars, call on or address, - Mrs. S. E. Isn, Jacksonville,; Sent. 12..1683; ' p- '- The Fool-Killer. 1 sometimes think that if the fool killer would $rv & iiftVe mors atten tion to his business and wonld try a little Larder to.earnjhistialarjthsra would lis less complaint and less dis satisfaction on the part of the intelli gent tax-payer.Now, for instance, suppose that; hs should, prior to web election,, hold a kind of competentive examintSin of tin, to de with a grand tournament and fool thooc at thirty yards rise; or thetfool tcould be madalo' payaoheior licenSBj-1. tho revenue to go to ths government, partial fools to pay $50 Ir&nse, chronic fools $100 and hopeless Tools $200 per year. I'd like tobe instrumental in getting such a law paised, and then get out. of the country before it went into efTect. Bill Nye." Bob Ingersoll's Latest. Cotonel Bob Ingersoll drops into John Gault'8 vaults, in the basement of No. 71 Broadway, every now and then. He has come donn, from old rye to beer as & beverage. A little while ago I saw him there playing pool. Ho beat his opponent every game then treated the house, told his story and vanished: "When I was up in the Northwest, Le said, 'I notic ed that the men cut down tress, and the wotueufolks raftid tbem down stream." "I ehould think the tnen would do that, too," observed Sam Hazard. "It's not woman's work." "O," said Colonel Bab, "I, for my part, do not believe in heraftera." Ho escaped with his life by way cf the back window. Where the Oraxqk 13 lossojis Grow. "Gsorge," said & country young lady to Irer bran as tbey snug gl'jil into a seat, "k'a nice to ride on the cars, ain't il?" "Yes, Sarah." "George, if you were going to travel a long way son the cars where would you rather gol" "To Chicago or California. Where would jtju rather go" "To Florida, by all means." "Why!" "B-becau8e, you know, Gsorge, because because in Florida they have so many orange blotsoms, you know." On the ratnrn trip they s.t still closer together, and she laid her pretty head upon his big shoulder. Hs must have taken the hint. The Insionia op TliKlfc Offices. Police Justice "You were drunk last nightt" Prisoner "Yes, your honor, but it's the first tiine. I'm a hard work ing man, sir, and " "What do j ou work atj" "I'm a brick layer, sir." "Show me yenr hands!" The prisoner showed a pair of horny hands. "All right yon n ay go. Shew up the next prisoner. Ah, sir, you are a hard working man, looJ" "Yes, your honor, and I'm the President of the Laboring Men's Agi tation Association." "Sol Show mo your tongue." "Chicago News." Lead hs Not Into Temptation. A bey on High street west placed a big apple on the front steps and walk ed acrosi the street to see who would take it. A gentleman who had ob served the action said: "You shouldn't do that, tny son. Some poor boy may be tempted to steal it." "That's what I'm fishing for, sir. I've hollowed oat the inside and filled it with mustard1." Detroit Free Press Two Willamina, Polk county girls, are now putting in a crop of wheat, the youngest one driving two horses, while the oldest one manages three. Their work is said to be first-class. The population f New York City la now 1,400,000, having doubled in 30 years. The great chewing gum states are Kentucky, Illinois and Ohio." "The woman who hesitates is' lost." The man who hesitates is left. Apple and cherry trees are in blos som at Pendleton. Baker City's population is 3,300. .IU..L M.JgtCP President's Proclamation. SAH FKANCI3CO PEOPLE LOOK UPOX IT A3 A BIG FARCE. San Francisc. Nov. S. It is the general impression here 'among all classes, Drmocrats as veil as others, that the Pre&ident made a big mistake in calling out the soldiers. He is criticised by every pavtr in the city. So far as is known the people in the State to a man sympathize with the inmrntn.iih of tliA fleattln. and Tnpnmii ciinsTlierelMHnoCdfllBreuc.o opinion, the people are solid and united. J. K. Holmes, a well known citizen of Suattle is at present in thin city. To the "Call" he said: "It was high time something was dene in our town to prevent the spread of Chinese. - You cannot conceive how they had almost gained control of the town and run everything. Now, however, the peo ple are aroused and tent forth the fiat the Chinese must move. vI lived some time in Tacoma, also. Tiie satne story applies to that place with more force. There the Chinese settltd in greater number and became a nuisance and pest." "What do you ihink the outcome will bei" "Simply, despite the proclamation of the President, the Chinese vtilt be compelled to emigrate. I know, for one, there is a.&ecret organization in Seattle composed of some of the best citizens of tire placr, whooQ sole pur pose is to expel the Chinese. I do not think a single white resident of Wash ington Territory will disagree with me when I say the President's proclaraa tion was an insult to our people." "In what manner does this secret organization intend to go about the task of getting rid of the Chinese" "lata a member of the organization and must not divulge its secrets. This I will say: Not by incendiaries. We do not intend to pursue the Chinese with rifle and torch. The people of Tacoma acted sensibly by giving the Chinese notice that they must everyone go." Mr Holtsos wos interviewed at length by the dailies here. president's proclamation. Washington, Nov. 7. The Presi dent to-day issued the following proc lamation: By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation: WriEREAS, It is represented to me by the Governor of tho Territory of Washington that domestic violence exists within said Territory, and that, owing to unlawful obstruction and combinations, and the assemblage of evil disposed persons, it has become impracticable to enforce by ordinary course of judicial proceedings the laws of the United States ttt Seattle and at other points and places within said Territory, whereby life and property are threatened and endangered; and Whereas, The Legislature of said Territory cannot be convened, and in the judgment of the President an emergency has amen und a case is now presented which justifies and requires, under tho Constitution an'd laws of the United States, the employment of mili tary to suppress domestic violence and enforce the faithful execution of the laws of the United States, if the com mand and warning of this proclamation be disoajed and disregarded; Now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, do hereby commaud and warn all insurgents, and all persons who have assembled at any point in said Territory of Washington for the unlawful purpose aforesaid, to desist therefrom, and disperse and retire pescebly to their homes on or before 12 o'clock meridian on the 8th day of November, instant, and I do admon iah all good citizsns of the United Slates, and all persons within the limits of jurisdiction thereof, against aiding abetting, countenancing or taking any part in such unlawful acts or assemblies. In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the sea! of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 7th day of the year of our Lord 1885, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred-and tenth. Geover Cleveland. By the President,) T. F. BayabDj. Secretary; of State;- 3 PER YEAR What Shall Wo Drink? V '. v Of all stomach questions this is thA most difficult to answer.. If coffe6 and other beverages were disagree able, and we drank ths in as a duty-, it would all be easy Duty is weak, appetite strong. If your teeth am good, chew your food till it is ready for (let lutition and digestion. With out this you miss the foil pleasure of eating. To bite a piece of bread in two or more pieces and wash it dowfj wish coffee or tea is to cheat the pat- r1 . Jt? S33- m.- a . .rf-ffieSv." x ou.nSeflCMslifarablegwUgi""Uh,a,i. systt-m to run the machine.- ""This may be taken ou rising and on going to U2d. If within a mile or two of a spring make a visit early in tho morn ing, -and take one or more draughts of fresh water charged with electricity, from the earth. To boil water is to lessen its physiological value. There, is something magical in the influence of water fresh from j .spring, drank on rising in the corning. Cold water morning and nights is so stimulating to tho alimentary canal that it relieves constipation. 4 . Milk is a bad drink for 'students. Those who have studied the laws of digestion in the light of Beaumont's experiments know that a quant'ty of milk in the stomach must interfere with the digestion of solid food. Milk, even when ta'xen with simple bread, will not leave the brain as clear as will dry food with abundant masti cation, j , Tea and coffee injure the brain of the student. The human brain no more' heeds the stimulcus narcotism of tea and coffee than does tho brain of a deer or race horse. Alcoholic drinks are poisons. We drop a little into a man's eye. It red; dens and irritates ic. The eye is not scratched, it is poisoned. , A living man with an opening through his sida into his stomach pre sents himself for experiment. It is the famous cas4 of St. Martin. Gazing through that strange opening, we see when alcohol is introduced, the same poisoning as in the eye. So strong was this Frenchman's stomach that on going to bed at night he could gorge himself with the most indigestible food, and the lining coat of his stouif, ach would show no irritation the neit morning. But when he was given a glass bf pure French wine, the lining the next morning showed distinct irri tation. After a glatt of whisky the veins were very much swollen, and the irritation continued several hours. And now we study the stomachs of drinking men after dath. The mild drinkers show a stomach resembling. St. Martin's afier ihe wine. The free drinkers discover . a worse lining, Hard drinkers show a stomach dotted. nith dark ulcers. The stomach oE the poor wretch who shrieks out his life in delirium tremens is a putrid looking mass riddled with black destruction. Dio Lewis' "Nuggets." ' , . t Cutter's Fine Wihskies. Again, we greet our many friends, reminding them that the season of "peace -orr earth and good will towards men," is rapidly approaching, when prosperi ty and generosity go hand in hand, and the whale civilized world seeks for those tributes and mementoes whiuh serve to bind closer the friends of fleeting years. After the lull conies the storm; the season of depression is rapid lj- paating owajr Tl- igna -f, the times indicate a better and mord. active future, and in anticipation of art increased demand for fine Whiskies,, we will give personal attention to the best of European and Eastern liquors.. We now offer to our patrons the ad vantage of selecting frotn these fiue vhiskies, which we guarantee tijl hdi be excelled on the const. We have in stcck, J. F. Cutter, Extra, Old Bonr uon, and Argonaut whiskies. Mefritt & Robinson has been appointed agent for the celebrated" "J. F, Cutter'' whisky for this section of Jackson county. He will Bell at same price that you would have to pay at E. Martin & Co.'s distillery, Ky'.'. Put up in half and whole b,bls.; also cases of Cutter at S. F. Prices'. John L. Burns, commercial agent for E. Martin fc Co., 408 Front t., San Francisco. 3m nOv 1 A New England editor declares that the womin who knows how to coolc a beefsteak and boil a potato is- more to be admired than the best "angel" that ever flapped a wing". The latest freak of fashion- at the' seashore is for young ladies on their departure to give their bathing suits- to gentlemen friends wlio have thee? sel'gs scarf pins.