i&i "'J- "-J "-l.1 ,-.. OSESOH SEJITlflEk JALI0.11.VVII.I.E Satuhdat. November 7, 1S85. Fruit Tbees. J. Luok arid Son of 'th Oakland Nursery, Cat. hav frait trees bare far sale cheap. Apply to G. A. Habbell. Masquerade Ball. Th members of thr Jacksonville Turnversin Society "will give a marquerHa ball here on New Tear's night, and will publish a fall programme in our next issue. Social Party. Tin Red Men of this plac hare conclndod to cive a so cial party sa the evening of Thanks giving at their own hall. Tho tickets have Keen placed at 1 and nothing will be left undone to make it a first class and enjoyable affair. Every body is invited to attend. Important to Settlem Br a lata ruling of the Couiinistiontrs of the General Land Office, the, odd number pd ttctions within tlio indemnity (be tween lite 20 and 30 mile) limits of the Q.& C. R R. crant, are subject to settlement under the pre-emption and homestead lawR. Ym F. Bexjamin, Register. Some Squash. At James Drum's store a squash can be seen that was raised en Thos. F. Beall's place near Central Point weighing 112 pound;. It is of the Mammoth rarictv and a monitor in fact. Another ouo pluck ed from the janm vine weighed 90 pounds and the whole vine yieldfd about 400 pounds. Who can beat this Wedding Bells. Mr. Claud Galcli of Salem and Mitts Helitn M. Plum per, dughtor of Dr. O. P. S Pluuimer of this ctly, were married at Calvarj PreMiyterian Church in this city at liuou yesterday. Rev. E. T. Lee per formed the ceremony. A large num ber of friends were prcbent. Tho young couple left for Salem yesterday afternoon. Mr Gatch is connected with ihi) fir if of Messrs. Ladd it B'isb at that pIhcc. The brida is a graduate of I he Portland High SlIicoI, class of 1S80. Portland "News." Another JJukdlr, Capt. W. W. Sander, late editor of tlie Benton "Lender," published nt Corvallis, lft and killed a young mail named James Campbell near the Court House, in Albsny n Thursday afternoon of this week. Both psrtirs wero suitors for the hand ef Mus Mattie Ai!ion, a handsome icilliner of Albany, and jealousy is suppotcd to be the cause. ''Campbell and Miss Allison were out taking a walk when the tragedy oc curred and the wounds inilico-i were shut from behind. Zanders was ar retted and lodgsd in jtil. Later r qierts are that .Miss Allison is also in jail. Journalistic E5ticki'iuse. The DsMpser-Cmpbell prize fight was the principal topics of the day on tho streets of Portland yesteiday, and knowing the interest it excited, "The News," with its usual enterprise, de termined on issuing an extra, con taiuin; the full particulars. Iu pur finance f (hie, several cat-es of type were put on beard the struer City of 'Ipbi, with a corps of reporters and several lightning cempesitors. They went to the eene of the affray, pro cured all the information, put it in type on board the steamer, and ten minutes after lmr return, liovs nere on the street carting "Extra News." The extra edition containtd five col wuus' closely printed matter, and ahetit 2,500 copies were disposed of on the street. The feat in one unpre cvdented in the journalistic anualb of Portland. Small Business While it is uni versally Acknowledged that tho "Ore Ionian" is the best ne spaper iu Oregon it can nlso be noticed that it will l-toop lower to carry out eonio pet hobby or to punish some one the edi tor may not like. During the pk It published an item about the Jose phine county seat argument bpforn Judge Webster, whish was copied fiom tho Ashland "Tidings," and for which due credit was ghen, but in stead of giving the names of all the "attorneys employed, as nientionsd by tho "Tidiugs," the "Oregonian' rotes them all with tho exception of Hon John II. Mitchell. For tho informa tion of that paper ne will state that Mr, Mitchell was leading counsel for 'Josephine county in the suit men tinned, tint he made an able argu ment for his clients and tho scratch ing out of his name by that paper is considered very small business by nil those who noticed it in this section. , Religious Items. Rov. F X Blan Ichet will hold services at the Catholic fehurch in this place at the usual time. Rev. J. XV. Roberts of the M. E. church south, will preach at Antioch one 'week from next Sunday ... . Rev. A. R. Bickeubach will preach at Phoenix Sunday morning and at the Presbyterian church in this place iu the evening of the same day.... The following are the appointments of Bishop Gross in Jaskscn county! In Jacksonville, mission of three days, commencing on Nov. Sih: in Ashland, lecture on the evening of Nov. 12th; and at Eagle Point, mass and lecture at 10:30 A. it. on Sunday, Nov. loth. . . . .The following aro Elder M. Peter son's appointments for the present month: He will preach nt McClendonV school house Sandny morning at 11 o'clock, and on the following Sabbath will hold services at Central Poiat in the morning and at the Lone Oak achoel house in the evening. He will be at the Phoenix school house on the euenings of the 18th and 19th, and at Mr d ford en the 22nd, both morning and etening. On the 29'hhe will preach at Grant's Pass both morning fend renin JLJUJI JW f i. 4. ! a1 iv . -V-JW.'..SJUUULJ.'i.- JJ. 'MJm J-'J,-'JH 'i'u. Local Items- Pell Cghtx opened out in fine style Thursday night. Morris Mensor made a flying trip to Roseburg this week. The Legislature convenes in special 'Session on itonda'y -next. Late rains have enaeled our far mers to ''commence 'plowin;. A large dreve of fat hogs belonging to Wm. Bybee were taken to Happy Camp this week. Caro Bros , PI oen'x, pay the highest price for be-f hides, fnrs, deer skins, sheep p'elts, "dried fruit, etc. Lots of rain this week and the countenances of our mining population wear a smile in consequence. The Justice property, near Medford, was bought at administrator's sale last Saturday by J. D. Whitman for $3, '600. Hunters should remember that the game law effecting male deer went in ta effect again on the first ef this month. Chas. Wolters, ef Ashland, is negoti ating for the puichase of Mrs. Kreu zer's bakery, which we hope he will conclude to do. James Burns has returned from Portland and will commence mining on Applegate aB soon aa there is a supply cf water. Three teams have besn constantly employed for suveral weeks past in hauling wheat from Karuwskis mill here to the railroad. Geo. W. Lewis, of Josephine coun ty, is still at large and Wynatt, his victim isVery low but there are some hopes of his recovery. D. W H.rdin of Grants Pas has just burnt a fine kiln of brick and is now building flues, etc, for which he has contracts to last hiiu several, months. Wm. Peninger, of Willow Springs, and Com Leaver, of Central Point, are both recovering from injuries rtceited ol late, aud wilUjou be up and around as usual. Opposition in the butcher business at Grants Pass has reduced the price of choice steaks to eight cents per pound. Holwan Peters has opened the new shop. Mat Obenchain -ana family came in froto Klamtth county this week, the latter to remain ad winter. Mat r pDrta times flourishing in that section and money plenty. W. J. Russell has taken up his abode at the peaitentiary in Salrm for a period of one and a half years for stalling a pair of pants from J. M. McCall'i store at Ashland. After an nbsenco of several years in the Eastern States, Uncle Billy Chsmbers hss returned to this alley ta rrmsin. He says the climate was too cold for him back Eist. Call on G. A Hnhbell of this place ifytniwant a choice assortment of fruit tress. He is agent for th'e well known Oakland nun-ery of which J. Lusk fc Son are the proprietors. The grand jury of Josephine 'county has found a tiun bill against Thos. By bee, for an atiempt to kill; aho one ngaiuiil a Chinaman for robbing sluices. They u ere still in session at last ac sount. Tho Coanlv Court purchased the complete het of Township maps recent ly purchased by County Clerk Parker, from the Roscburg Land Office, aud ordered them bound, to become part of county records, i Thn following is a list of 'the grand jurors for the Novemburterm of circuit court for Josephine county: H. KeUy, foreman, G. W Winier, Jr., A. J. Grimes, W. B. Bunch, S. G. Btnga nien, Jos. Polloed, Dan Hunt. Hon. Thro Cameron started north ward Tuesday night to be in attendance when the oxtra session of the Legisla ture meets on Monday next. He will visit Portlnnd first to liuy a stock of goods for his Uniontown store. The new brick drug store of Dr. "V. F. Kremer's at Grant's Pass 5s one of the finest in this end of the State and would be R credit to a Biuch larger place. The Dr. also enjoys a large practice and seems to be thriving gen erally. Hon. Thos. F. B3all starts for Salem to morrow night and Senator Prim will join him at Grant's Pass pre viding the latter gets through with Court business at Iverbyville by that time. They go to represent Jackson county in the Legislature. irrff. J. M. Smith has moved her dressmaking establishment to rooms in Mr. Foudray's residence on Califor nia street where she will be prepared to take any numbar of orders. The satisfaction given heretofore onght to guarantee her all tho werk wanted. Privcs reasonable. The ball to be given in the ware house building at Central Point on Wednesday night of next week prom ises to be a grand affair. The Jack sonville band xill furnish music, and the supper will be provided .by Gus Delpey at the Central Point hotel. ; A large crowd from here will be pres ent The young man named Pickett, of the TJ. S. Geological Surveyors, who died at Fort Klamath last week, is the laft male survivor of the neted Gen. Pickett family of revolutionary fame. The young man belonged to Rick sacker's party, and was engaged in surveys throughout Southern Oregon, having late'y finished similar work in Northern California, throughout Siskivu, Modoc, Lassen and Shasta cou nties. "J ournah" .Lin-ju The law of the Suuuof Oregon ex plicitly 3ays that no person who is di yorced can marry again for the space cf six months, nmnti! the time for an appeal has expired; and any person violating this express statute is liable under the law. Old '"Billy Whitcock," the favorite saddle naulu owned by Col. John E Ross, is ho mere, haying passed in his checks en Thursday last after having reached the ripe old age ef about thirty years. Ho was imried with military hseors and the Col. was in town veaterday negotiating for a monument to mark his last resting place. A special school raeoting for school district No. 1 will be held at the dis trict school house in this place en Tuesday, Nov. 7th. The object of the meeting is for the purpose ef voting to levy a tax to support a school for one year; a'so to elect a director to fill the unexpired term of Geo. Lrown, which expires on the first Monday in March, 18SC. A number of the young men organ ized a Turnverein last week by elect ing J. 4)lh44Vs-'ey President, Ike Muller Secretary and James Crone miller Treasurer. The boys have rented a room in Orth's brick and have already commenced operations. They propore fitting up a first class gym nasium and they say it will prove a good thing by keeping boys out of saloons and off the street. After hearing all the argiimrnl in the Josephine county injunction suit Judge Webstor last Monday denied the motion to dissolve the same The caso will now come up on its merits, as to whether Abraham's addition is a part of Grant's Pass, but no date has yet been set for ilie argument. The friends of Jonathan Bourne, Jr , claim this decision a dfcidsd viclorp for their side. We hnvp been informed that a large and enthusiastic ami Chinese meeting was held . in Mndford, tho metropolis of Southern Oregon, one evening this wpek at which a number of bristling sand-lot-speaches were made, and tlio C' inse incontinently ordered to "go." Nothing like aping the pretensions of a city boom. By thn way, we were not aware that Medford had arisen to thn dignity or ability of supporting a Chiuauiau. The QuARrz Mill Mr. F G. Dyer, agent for L D Brown of Port land informs ns that he has inspected a numW of our quarts mines and finds a lot of them even much better than represented. While a certain bonus is asked from our citizens to secure a mi',1 he thinkR there is no longer any doubt but what the amount will bo subscribed and a ten stamp stamp tnill'put in operation heic in a short time. With a good wet 'season for placsr mining and a start in work ing quartz Jacksonville would soon be heard from in tonej that could f.di be minundersteod and we hope all inter sted in thn town nil) view it in the same light. Habitual Constipation Is a prolific source of misery and many His, giving rise to Headache, Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, -Rest-pssness, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois oning of Blood, etc Tho bitter nauseous Liver mediciurs, pills, (Salts and draughts formerly used to relieve the sufferer, only aggravate tho disease ind sicken the stomach. All who are kfflicted in that way, know the impor tance of the remedy ploasant to the palate, harmless in its nature, and tru ly beneficial in its action. Tjo trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away frpe of charge by our enlerprining druggists Merritt and Robinson of Jacksonville prove that it is all that can be desired. Lrge bottle at fifty cents or one dollar. Child's Sxow Flake. Every lady, wishing a clear, delicate complexion, fhould use Child's Snow Flake. It nourishes and freshens tho skin, re moves Tan and Sunburn, and, thenat ural arpearance imparted, renders it impossible to detect its use. Warrant ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Child k Co., Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. Heller ia SIIciclM. Mr. S. W. Benerman, of Philadel phia, Pa., for many jears identified with the whoUoeia hardware business, had rheumatism in his arm, and could not dress or undress, but with the most excruciating pain. He used St. Jacob1 Oil, and the result, he says, was wonderful if not miraculous. Whn Baby was sick, we gavn her CASTORIA, When she was a Child, she crid for CASTORIA, When she became Miss, she clnns to CASTORIA, When she had Children, shp gave them CASTORIA. MARRIED. Meter Toxx At the residence of the bride's paients, in Chimney, Rock pre cinct, Oct. 20th, 1835, by A. J. Florey, J. P., II. G. Mcver and Miss Mollte Tonn. Wilcox SrAnux At Grant's Pass. Or- Nov. 4th, X8S5, Ijy Rer. W, P. Will iams, Mr. Scott M. Wilcox and Miss Char'otte M.Sparlin. All of Joscplilne county. The ceremony took place at the groom's residence, in the presence of a number of friends on Wednesday evening Mr. VMicox. is ine gentlemanly ana efficient railroad agent at Grant's Pass. The couple begin th'ir married life accompa nied by many good wishes. They will reside at ine i'.ass.j H "nimmmLi tagctrog'jj: BORN. HEnTFORE At Lakeview, Oct. 10th, 1B85 to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. llereyford, a ITork On pplcpate, Oct. IStl 1ES3, tol 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. "ft. Yorkj a son . J I?fc - j nv"' Anj---i-'"-i- ' ' Josephine Circuit Court. The following is tbe;docket for tho November terra: ".j-K State vs. D. Stenehaker, 'three in dictuents for killing derv in violation of the law. - " State vs. Hay Vng; held to answer for robbing sluices. State vs. Thos. T. Byhse; held to answer charge of an assault with -in-ttxttokill. State -vs. M. L. Woody and Blake Baldwin; indictment for selling Ii quor without license. State vs. High Acres; indictment for kil'ing Jser in violation of law. ? Stale vs. Avery Ferrin and D. Stonebaker; saw. State vs. Chas. Agee and Gates; samit. H. B. Miller vs. W. M. Royal; con firmation of sale. Wm. 'Newman vs. "Wm. Bybee; to re:ov?r possession of raal property. T. T. Bbee vs. Wm. Bybee to re cover maney. Wm.fBybeo vs. T. T. Bjbee; action I far damages. Grave Creek Ditch and Mining Co. va. John Rast et alj.'over dam ages. r Henry Smith vs. John Lee; to re caver money. I, Solomon vs. W. U. Tel. Co., ap peal from justice court. Hartman and Burroughs vs. lhos. Prry; same as a"bOve. Win. Bybee vs. Wm. Newman; suit in equity. J. Bourne, Jr., vi the County Com mis-iuuers of Josephine county; in junction. J. T. Lyton vs. O. T. Topping-injunction. A. J. Walcott" vs. John W. Stal copp; dissolution of partnership etc. Holman Peter vs. Cu'ioiua Peter; divorco. Kerbyvill Lodge of Odd Fellows vs. Win. Griffin; to foreclose mort uagr. J. L. Adams vs. Mary Adams; man datu of supreme court. R. Lovelady vs. T. B. Loveladj, divorce. Wm. Pullen and D. H. Whetstone vs M Chapin; to foreclose mortgage. Pollard and Thurston vs. Henry Smith; equity. The proceeding up to this time are as follows: Htinry Smith vs. John Lee;Jo V cover money. Judgment for 400.000 and co-its. I. Solomon vs. 'the W. TJ T.-l. C-.; appeal from justice court. Suit dis missed. Hartmvi and Burroughs vs. Thos. Terr) ; appeal from justice court. Some order. Fred Gayer, S. B. Mayben and J. S. MoFaddcn were excused as jurors for the term. Holman Peter vs. Celorna Peler, divorce. D-cree-grantedr .t U. B Miller and Co., vsW. M. Rov at; confirmation of Sheriff's sale. Confirmed. Wm. Pullen and D. H. Whetstone vs. Matluas Chapman; suit to fo re el of-o mortcage. Decree granted. L. Leonard vs Bach & Platter et al.; to foreclose mortgage. Taken un der advisement. t A. J. Valcott vs. John Staleopp; dissolution of partnerihip, etc. Chance of Venue granted. , It. Lovelady vs. T. B. Lovetady; di vorce. Decree nauted. Railroad Items. Chief Engineer Htod aud his party of K. R. Survey ors, are well fixed for winter, v.ih comfortable quarters about two raiies this side of Soda Springs. They are evidently preparing for a great amount of work in surveying tlie country from the vicinity cf Castle Rock northward, and it is toriiised that surveys may be made around the etut side of Mount Shusta, and thence through Klamath Lake basin to Rogue River Val'ey, especially if the land grant is forfeit ed. If they gain the land grant, the conditions required the road to be built through Shasta Valley, and with out it, the comptny wil5 build the cheapest and easiest way to make a thrmigh road to Portland. Tunnel 7 "ill ba finished in a few weeks, and work is being pushed along steadily in tunnel 8. Work has also been coramnici-d ou 'unnels 10 and 11, the latter being the second lqngest tunnel, and next to No. 4, below Del ta. The only opniing between 9 and 10 is the bridge across the river, and the masonry wings at river are 32 fpet long, said to be the mjt extennve vtalls of stone yet built oTKny road in the Union. i-vV The road from Redding,! owards Ml. Shasta will bo one of tho most r'oman tic routes in the coentry, with numer ous tunnels and picturesque scenery to gratify tourists and lovers of meun tain grandeur, which s'ght will attract considerable travel, if trips through that section can be made by daylight. A splendid road, with easy grade 'has been established as far as built, but there seeins, to be much trouble about making either a zigzag or loop road from Bailey's to Sisson's, owing to the limited extentof low lhd between the high mountains along the head waters of the Sacramento. "Journal" Johnson's Xevr tnlTersel Cyclopaedia. A scienlific and popular treasury of useitil Knowledge. - The best," planned by IIorace.Grecley, LL. D. It has thirty-one denartmsnts, tvith an editor Of the hiahest ochaUrly SL"nding for each Tiz. iTiblic Law, zc, oy t;res. T. D. Woolsey, LL P. .CitII Liw, &c. Iiv Prcs. T. XV. DvriSht, LI. D. American History, by Hon. Horace Greeley, LL D, and Hon. Alex. n. "tephens, LL T. Botany, &c, by Prof. Asa-Gray, LL D. Mod. &cM by Dr. Willard Parker, LL D , &c &c It i the best and the, only orig inal cyclopaedia. Mnstraled with rdins. plais. and en- craving? ot the finest kind. More con- Sensed than the Britannica, and more accurate than theAppleton Contains more type mailer; is a iaicj r; ireais about 2.1.WW more suujecis manppie- ton's, and costs about half the price It is truly the busy man cyclopaedia.. I CoUaiy CoURr. L'ao ioIiwiug is the busiur&s transacted at tho' regular N vpiubr term: A. S J-urofes uppoin'ed ta iusp'.'ct ai.d receivt. (hi Gr.tfin creeK brid. Jnmes McDbui;iI1 was allowed 60 for repairing Antelcpn h-idge. Jsmew Matnsy, A. J. Daley and Cha. Liukswxiler appointed viewers or. thn pioposvl change in the Bu tel creek road. D. W. Smith having paid in 'the costs for viewing and surveying the mountain road in Antioch district said read was therefore ordered esub lishnl. Bids wrn krd fa- gravelVg the rosd in Tico'a lane ea tha Med turd route. County Clerk Prker was author ized to purchase a complete set of township maps from the U S. Land office at Rnseburg, the price td be paid being 200. Th maps have arrived. R. S. Danhp, N. FSteadman and A. G. Colvin appointed viewers on the road leading from Jacksonville to Peorrann' creek. A change of road msds near Joseph S iiiIi's place on Buttn cr-ok. An imrmnisa number of bil!swre audited and ordered paid. SIIILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive oure for Cat.inh, Diphtheria and Canker Muulh. Brooks can fur nish it. SUILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of A p pctiiH, DFzziness and nil symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per tottlr. ' For sale at E. C. Brooks.' WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's cur- will give immediate er lief. Price 50cts. uud 1:00. Brooks kerps it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and Liver Complain'? Shiloh's Vi'alizer is gusrintped to euro you. For ss.le nt E. C IJrooks. SLEHPLESS NIGHTS, made mN prable by tint terrible cough. Slnlnli's Curs is the n medy for you. Brooks keeps it. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Tnd., sayR": "Both my self oi'd wife own our lives to SHI LOU'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brooks keens it. ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation; D-zzinfSs, Losiof Apnetite, Yellow Skin? Shi oh's Vitalizr is a positive euro. For' ale by E. C. Broolts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Furs, Skins, Hides, .VTi Cl S'oitCt. I will pay the Tiifaest cash prices for all kinds of Furs and aiciiis. Font! for price list to GEO. W. GOhRNFL'), Krie, Pennsylvania. BBE3B2LGlEING, BY mi j. i sum Having moved to a n"v looation on Cnliforuia siroet at the residence of B. D. Foudray I hereby ask iny friends and the public generally to give uie ;v call for anythin-r in the line" of Dressmaking, FitUS;; and Cutting, Dress Pal'criti Furnisicd. t . My prices ure regulated to suit the times and satisfaction is guarantee 1 MftS J. M. SMITH. Freal Pole id Pose Atec'3 Sassapvuilxa 1m dcnio-istntcd its poorer cf euro for ull dlinaea of tho tlood. Tho tiarpconcr'c Story. Aeu Ltilford, Junel, 18S3. T)r X C. ATrn & Co Twitr yerrs sgo I vu a l-vrpoon rsn ttws North l'a- i&c, "when firo o;hcr of tlie crew a d mysr-rf Trtre laid up with Mrurvy. Cnr bodiis were ulwatvd, guma svrcllrii ni,d Vjfeod'flff, tocth Ivft, p!rpi blotch's sit oxr f), awi vojr Lrealh stfiiii d roOcn. Ta7ll by si d Ibtstv jvim P'srtty badly off. AU onr lime-'uita wal aeHicst:iny destroyed, bat tho caput n bd r couDta dozm bottles of Arzn'a SiRSAPiMLT-V and mo Vi tint. "Wo rccov td on II qutcfcir than I bavo cvtr tnamta oronTUtfcbout by any othtrtrcalirttrtforBctrrrr, oniiro.Hnpfwdi,aIoflt. Breinsrro men tion ! j oiir Almnnic of yorr Saraaparilla otto? pood fir aenrvy, I thoncat y3 cughi to know of tii, and u tend you the t-KU. TLCkpxO): y j ours, IUlphT. TVrsaiTZ. Tho Trooper's Esporlcncc. 2ratrta,EamtotatHi.S.4frIca,lSJrJ7,ieS2. Dc. J. C. Atik fc Co. G'nUemcn? I havo jnncb otourar U XnUfy ia the gnat value of roar- 6aruii'la. r3 b'vo bn ftaUontd here for prvr ;wo year, duriog -which time we had 10 live In tnta Bcinir under cwras for tuth a tine bronsM n vthit la cslltd In this coualry "vdclt-soTes." Ih d t'uo's aorrs for tome rime. I wa udvist M taVo yonr Sarw. paril a, two battles of Vihli.'t made my rorea dlaapncar rap'ulr, aa.l I Mn rnrr qulto tvcll. TToaw .v iW, T. K. EoDlf. Tmprr, Capt Jljinttd Eljttmcn. Aer's Sarsaparifci Is this enly thorooshly electlre blood pariSer, tho only medtrti that eradlcstra the pOtona of Bcrotuia, Meroury. and Conuifom DIaeaas from U.c aybtcm. I3STU.E3D jrr " Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, 3Ias3 Sold by all Drrcsists : rriee SI ; S.I bottles toz 'i. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of theStits of OregOrr; for th GtiiiDty of Jackson. Mary A. Doncgau, plaialiff. ) vs. i John Dvincj-in, defendant. ) TovJohn Daneaaa: . . THE NAME OP THE STATE OF i Oregon anil byordcr of L. H. Wcl ster Judge of said coart dated 24, October, lSil. Tou are required to appear in said Court, and anvner the rsimplamtof said Plaintiff filed against yuj, on or before the 11th d :y or Jan3ir.-, 1S3C. And you are notified that, ifyoufiil tojinsvrsiiid coraplsint as atnTe rtnjuirea, tlie i'Uintm Tvillnnpyto' o Court for the relief (I s- manded therein. towt: bor a decree ' against tou for a divorce and the care and fttstodvof the minor children, Given under mv lund this 2lst day o. October A. O., 1833. B F Dowtxt Altorncj' for Plaintiff. Lt 'IJJI.l.W-.t-JAJJJL.WUfllj-UUJllS.Jjm.lJll-'SiJ'.L -PS eS3 m m fiwB SAb Ma Eli Successor to PSS ilger & Selling goods for Glory and "Very Small Profits. We keep in stock all Tilnrls of Shell Hardware, Store and Tinware, Oils and Plow. Wagons Harrows imd Cultivators L-amps, Bells, Rope, Iron, Paint and other Brushes, Curry Combs, Tacks, Window glass, Coal oil, Hinges, Blackings, Pad locks, Door locks, Powder and Shot, Fues, Caps. Sand Paper, Knives and forks, Cross cut saws, Hand saws, Planes, Nails, Traps, Grind stones, Bolts, Augers, Cable chain, and many other goods too numerous herein to mention. JLarges t.,S to ck-oJEa rtoamand Farm Implements in Southern Oregon. Call or write fo prices. A. II . 3Iakolt & Co., Jacksonville, Oregon. CRONEMILLER & BIBDSEY,, JACKSONVILLE. LaTJELLK AYAOONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS, LANSING l: I DING HARROWS WITH SEEDERS COMBINED, BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRING T .OTH HARROWS. , . .McSHERRV GRAIN DRILLS AND BROAD-CASTSEEDERS, BUFORD PLOWS, ALL STYLES. COLLINS CAST CAST-STEEL PLOWS, RANDALL PULVERISING HARROWS, . . CIDER MILLS, FANNING MILLS, CORN SHELLER3, HAY CTTERS. FAIRBANKS SCALES, COOPER'S ENGINES AND SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS, . CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACKER'', Etc f IAS SERVZD ON SHORT NOTICE- "We would respectfully aak our patrons and friends to call nnd pb our line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel sure w'e can. Sell As Low If Not Lower Than any iirst-clnss goods can be sold for; and we guarantee all out goods as repteseiited. CRONEMILLER AND BIEDSET. Jacksonville, Oregon, May !), 1S84. WlMWlSW'1 Mm m W k CoiFee, Spices, Table Linen Table Covers Flannels, Muslins, Overalls, Toilet Sets, Parlor Lamps,. Clothing, Dress Goods, SEATS Rjiill, MD UDIES FMCT- GOODS, ETC, ETC. ETC'. In Full Measure and Fine Quality - AT MERRITT'S CASH STORE-, Red Men's Bni'fl'np, JacksonviIlc,Orson JASV1ES DEALER IN HATS ARID BOOTS, Tobacco, Cigars. Candies, Etc:; Etc; Calilomia strcctbetween Oregon and Third, Jacksonville. CALL AND SEE AIY Fresh New Stock and New Priced I PRO DUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE . 1., JWljagJlilJIlTJ WOOL WANTED Parties haTing.'Wool for sale will find It to their advantage to call on ma before selling to 'dther partiej, as I am paying tho HIGHEST CASH ..PRICE For both Spring and Fall clips. Call dutir address me at Ashland, Ogn. David C. .Herri. Ashland, Oct C, 1833.-' UNION HOTEL, ftrliyvi He... Ordson, Mxbi 3M. Hyder, Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rites. JSTAn excellent stable connected with the hotL - -a-. -.-. &Co, Maeglj Sugar, Teas, Oil- cloths, Bed Spreads, Tickings Sliii'tingsi -Jumpers, DRUM, AUCTIONEER. Having taken ont the necessary license, I oiler my services to the public as a- Genefal Auctioneer. A'l business in myjine will be prompt; ly attended to at reasonable -fates. Satis ULtiongu;irantced. ;For further particu lars enquire Of or address, XX m. A. 0 wex, Cantral Point, Or Xjast Cn.ll. TO STHOM IT MIY COJICSRSft As we are closincj np our business here, all who are indebted to n aro" hereby requested to conif .foranl and settle without unnecessary U.Uy. Re ames Br.os. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TOE undersigned by note or book account are requested to call and settle without delay. . O. KAREWSKIi Jacksonville; June 32; 19?5. SIIIIWI SWOWB IK 'h R" y r'fS