----.TiV1- gywrr'fc.Tj.-.ueay;1 .jtttj; y 0SB30N 8JBT1H1 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS aT- Jackionville, - - - Oregon, FRANK KRAUSE TERMS On opr. Pr Year, In aitvnnra SO VOL. XXX--NO. 41 -0r JACKSONVILLE OBEGOK 0C10BER 17, 1SS5. M . 3 PER YEAR -S-j-- - iSsae JtW3 irvAA -eA I ADVERTISING RATES. ill8 feiiSfe S11 &$ if if la nf llPi iW E A.ini.i,n'iinrtiith SffSBiw:- rP& S 13 ? a ? I Sk.vti.msi. t ll.e following rates: :SV SsSiWS- -WCT yyk&M,; lb N H .A. Ten fines, one insertion $2 5i -&fS':''Jtk&. fe J-A & l$y Jlody l-?y S? slws )'& " u each snW-qui-nt insertion.- 1 DO ?sik. A sf r sr y y r sr 'r v .. Uga, advrtt!)enM.n,a insenti rca, S - snably. J - " .lob work of all kind done on prompt JR nance and in workman-like style. JJ A ll-eonni lu Vtarl) Altrtlira. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. DM Physician And Snrgeon. MEDFORD. OREGON'. Offlce in A. L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG. M. D., Physican And Surgeon, Central Point, Oregon'. Calls promptly attended to at nil hours. L. L-WHITNEY. M- D-, .EAGLE P01KT OREGON1. Having Incited at this place I ask a share of the patronage of this section. Call attended to at any time. Y. FW1LI.IA1ISOX, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-vT-LAW Medford, Oregon. .All business in my line will receive prompt attention. II. K. II A NX , Attorney & Counsellor Al-Law, Jack-onville, Oos. "Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Ufllce up stirs in Tib's brick. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & C0UN3EL0R-AT-LAW Jacksonville Ogn., Will pnetict: in all tli-s Courts of the fitste. Olllce in Court Uoue. R. PRYCE, IUI. D., Physician And Surgeon, Mf.dford, Okko-ix. 'Ofllie next door to ltyerV block, rrsi dena. Cunningham's hotel. T. B. KENT, .ATTORNEY & OUNSELER- VT-L.1W. jACICSOXViLXB OltUOJ.W Will practice in n tha Cburtsof this SU'e. Office in the l ourt Hou.sc, U tl. A1KKN". M. It., ORYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSON VlLLK, ORF.OOK. IST ):0jc opposite P .1. Ryan' store. .--' 3. .y. ROBiirsou, a d., .PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jack-soavilo, On. OFFICE At City D--ug Store. ReM rfaice on Fourth St., op -ile M. E. Ch'trch. CalU prourUlvnttendid to .1 iv and nisht. B. F. IfOWKI.I., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, P RTI.AXD. OltKOOS. AH l)'line placed in my Innds wU re ooive nroii'it atteiuioi. Specinl atten. tinn given toc illcctions. JOUK n. MtTTItGI.U n.M. DF..ME.NT MITCHELL & DEMENT. Attorneys & Counsellors At Lmo. Oftlce in Kninm's nstv bui'ding, corner First and Pine streets Portland, Okrgon. "Will practice in all the courts of Oregon. A. L. JOHNSON, Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Collector Modford., Or. I make conveyancing and funiishing ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and co'lections made. All business intrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSON, J) E N T I S T, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Teeth extracted at all hours. iLauhing gas administvivd, "if desired for which extra JTW?55 charge will be mtde. Office on corner of California and .rith sircc A. O. OIRBS. L. B. STKAR.Vf. GIBBS & STEARNS, A TT0RNEYS ASD COUNSELLORS. Riorai2 and 4 Stroarbridgc'e Bnildinp, J'ORTt.iKD, O.EG0S. WW pratflice fa all conrfs at record !o Jfa State of Oregon and Waihlslori Tern, tnry: and piy particular attention W tiustoesaio Federal courts. THE STAFF OF LIFE! THE ROGUE RIVER SrB.UI FLODBISG MILLS HAVING RECENTLY BEEN RE fitted with al' modern improvements, are now turning out a first-class article )f flour, which is pot up in one-fourth bairel sacks, and every sack is warranted to contain 4!) pounds of flour If you don't believe this, just compare a sack of our flour with any other brand offirwl for sale in this market, and note the difference in weight. FJour and Sliii-Fced Constant1- on hand and exchanged for wheat. BARLEY ROLLERS. Il'ivjng added a set of fiorley Rollers to my mill, I have set ap.irt every Salurdjy. to Roll liarley for customers. The woik will be done on short notice, so that par. lies can return with their jrril the sa,uie day. 1 am prepared to roll barley at all times nd in the best manner. This pro cess is tar ahead of thecn .-her O.KvREWSKI. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 18S3. Fakmer's IStork, JIcdfori), Oregon, ANGLE & PLYMALE Prop's. The undorsisned takes pleasure in an nouncing that he hi opened bi pi of hu.sins in the n-v iwn of Medford,' Or egon. andis now prepared to furnish, in qu.intitiesln buit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TO B A CCO A N D CIG A RS, CANIlIES.NUrs, DRY GOODS, CLOnilNGEtc Iy stock i fresh and firt-cl.isi, and 1 propose to keep a full assortment of every thing in icy line and sell al PRICES LOWER JTH AN EVEk" ' All I ask is a trial. CSIIighe.sl price paid for Produce. TWliNTIJSTl-I YEAU- SgaESARg'S CAUSDIir, CONDUCTED RY. TIIH SISTERS or 111C II.U1 X12E. -piIE SIIOLASTJ.C YEAR OF THIS I school will commeace about the end ol Auirust, and is divided .in four sessions. of eleven weekscach. Board and tuition, pertcrro ...$10.00 Music J."i.00 Draw ins and p-iintHg S.01) Red and Holding. 8.00 SELE -T DAY SCHOOL. Primary, ikt term ,.... .1.0.1 Junior, " O.OO Prepinitoy " 8.WI Senior. " 10.00 Pupils received at .t:y time, and special attention is paid to p. iticuiar studies in behalf of children who have but limited lime. For further particulars appjy al the Academy Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED.. DR. E C. WESTS nerve and brain treitiucnt, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, onvuisioas. Nervous Head ache. Mental Depression, Loss of Memory. Spcnnatorhoea. Impoteney, Involuntary emifhions. nremature o'd ase. caused b over-exertion, selt-abuse or over-indulg ence, winch leads to misery, decay anu death. One bos will cure recent ca.acs. Each box contains one month's ticatment, one do lar a bos, or sis boxes for li -e dol lars; sent by mail prepaid on receip' of price. We guarantee sis boxes to cure any case. With cach.order received by us for six boscs, accompanied with five "do lars, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarrntee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guaran tees issucd.on'v by Woodard, Clarke & Co., Wholesale ant Rlail Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Jrders by mail at regular prices. U. SALOOiV, U. 8. IlOTEi; rtCILniNO. JACKSONTILLE, T. T. McKENZIE. PROPM, HVVINQ A3SUM-D THE HAN ageme it ol 'his r sort, I propos keeping it stocked with 'he finest trands of WINE-?, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, And will be pleased to rccci'C a call from all who wish the best in mr line. Sat isfaction assur- d. T. T. McKENZIE. C- LEMPERT, M- D-, tiradnate of Univcrsity,Leipzig, Germany, Physician And Snrgeon. CdiisaHtcdttHa fit j?l ljwrsilysn pig lit. o&zs opjtfstei&YCf- U&32 sonvillc, Orcgoa. J-HV. JIElllttTT. DK. J. W. ROBLNSON CITY DRUG STORE CALIFORNIA STREET, MERRITT &, ROBINSON PROPRIETORS, Will keep on hand the largest and most eomplcte assortment of PATRT linmclNKS .t CIIKMICAI.".-, PURE WINES & I.TQUOIIS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., To be found in Southern Oregon. Al 'O a fu'l stock ot STATIONERY, SCHOOLBOOKS. FINE CIGARS AND l UNFECTIONERY, TOILETSETS, And a great variety of Perfumery, com mon and Toilet Snlipi, etc. E3T"Prescriptions carefully prepared by Dll. .1. W. RoilINbON. Dr. Robinsnn's ollice in Dru Slo e. EXCELSIOR LIVBPiI&BiSfl FBLD S T A13XiE . Corner Of OllFOON- AMvOALirnRMA I.TS.. JaC5S: TIM v7. 3". sfZ.'Z'SiZIL'LTi, prop'r Would repoct fully inform the publir hat he has n line stock of liorseF, Humpies ,:! ( n ii lift nd he i prepared to fnmi-li his iatron and the public generally with Pine Turnouts ts can be had on the Pacific coast. Sad die horses hired to ;o to any part of the county AniiuaSa Rotttlit and Sold. Hordes broke to work rinile or double Horses liarded and th b-.t of care bo .to-.ved UK)u them while in my charge AlilH'ral sliarc of the public p.itrr.uage . soiicittd on reasonable terras M TOH OF MSDFOKD ! Lots fur sale at low prices and on easy tei ms. Apply to J. S. HOAYARD, Agent, at Medford. Also, in the Railroad addition to the unvnof ASsHLAND. Apply to 31. L. JlcCal , Agent, Ashland. PHOENIX. Apply to 31 V. B. SOULE, Agent Phoenix. GOLD HLL. Apply lo 31. E. Pv,GUE, Agent, Gold Hill. - GTANT'3 PASS. Apply toS. 31. WILCOX, Agent Grant's Pass. Or to GEO. H. ANDREtVS, O.& C. R. It. Co.. Portland Or. THE ASIILMB BJLLLGB AND IvTORIMAIi SCHOOL, Four courses of study. Normal and Commercia', College, Preparatory and In strumental muic Fot particulars or cataloeuc apply to the undersigned al Ashland, Oregon. 31. G. ROYAL, A. 31. President Valuable Land Tor Sale. The undersisned offers ?,000 acres ol Tsduab'c land tor sale. Land situ-itcd on Antelope creek, eighteen m les from Jack sonville Will be so'd in a body for $10 per acre or in 1C0 or 350 acre lots at fiom 15to $20 pc acre. For particulars ad dress or call on A. L- Johnson, Laud Agent, or "W3I. BYBEE, Jacksonide. Oregon m J. Ti.-ta fiTVJiaaaha E F3 ."ii C2 PR. f. SILSPEE'S TSTJ:BX4I, PILE BEIEDjr Gim tcsttnt Relief, srd an IrfaWblo O'ORE FOR ALL KJKS3S OF PILES. So'd -iy Dmcinsts every here. Price. 'LOO ror 1,-os. irrj)nf.J, by iiiail. SaTip'cs sent free to Phvficians nd ell sufferers, "by NVnrtaedte-f A. Co, lrf)x ?T43, New York r".v. Solemanuucturcrsof ANAKESIS, Farm For Rent. The undersigned offers thcBardcnellcs farm for rent. For full particulars, .call oj tho owner al the place. Tnns- Chat-to. 1 sMi ii p-'il &-.S$ 3&4&Zj&w-zSak 'W-BlAgsaJSa TUT" rs tiji i ( 25 YEARS IP! USE. The Greats Eedid Trjaasa of tieAgo! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVERa lAOSiofnppctIicPovrrUcoiHc, Talnln the head, Tllli a. dall tscnuattoa In ihq Lnctf part. Tain under Iho sbonltlrr hlcffea Fcllncss nfter cn.tlns, irt(hn!l- inclination 10 exertion of jlo lr or mind. lat!?"Ii-af f tmTtn&. T 'i-wv Ten! rf m. nlih a fceU2soJliav!nonra.'Med fame n,v..""ttIordtr.H.UilierjTare. Wart. Do?4rfflrTrsTjcvTleairacUo onrin, ,u Vicwroi '.Ur over itio nsaicjc, xwcsiicssncs, -wun dtfcl ttrenrnp, lUaUly colored Lrluc, and COfiSTJPATEO?J. TPTT'S rilIjS are epjecial!y adapted to bucIi raB, o:.o rttso cirecta i9nt.li a thnnoffH" it'Trstoast.inNHtlicgufft'rcr. ' T'ley Inrrr Rk3 the A n petite .a nil caae the fjiy i 'i nio on I'iC'aii.i nn ixie F-wra is Hnrlshetl,rt byth rToiiic Artlon on itio iUffestlreCrsrausallciailQr Stool are rrMti I. P.h?a5r ll.Miimy Mt.,.V, TBTT8 IftSi BYt- Gsat IIatb or WuiKEB8 chargea to a c;iosr Blacic br.a stncle application ol t 'tf-i H re It 1 injuria a vatural eolor, ac' s 'isun!unT.nlj-. Sola ljy Urnsslsts, or f nt b ejcpn'SH on receipt of 8 1. Offlco. CA Murray St., Kevv York r-e'ffisv?v -r' s gzr&mv- mmz't- ie?SaSfV-7 -z)'m&&i-'- f iv.---a: 75-'-cv-i. , . .- 0 -n V&- KtA i -g; tf P03. ELS3?0"- Bheumaiisin, lleufalqia. Sciatica, ' Lur-itajo, Bititsiiis, Hcadicht, Tccihsche, Kcrea"5rt,fiwe!IIn?.SprinM bruises, lluntt. Scalds, i'rukt AUCes, Ata ail omn rcBiir vaixs xm irnts. SOIdbjTlru(!jUAlDlrirrpmrbera. VJLJ Cain ljotOo. Fertiou. IilXlLtnsCACCl. THE CIIAItlXS A-A'OGELEK CO. SaMMMMUA.VCQEUXACa) Ealltm.ra.L.rs.A. GEO. SIEVES, WASOxt-ISSAKEK, SaclcsoRville, Or. At the nlii ftsnrt af-S?fel,ir!in, in Crone-i Mllllir UlllfillUC,' IvIT 'S Uli uuuuu tuh line of "Wagon Material! And is prepnrcd to do all work in his line on short notice and in a worl.minlike manner. Vehicles of every des cription made to order. LcvairliKj A- Specially. Terms reasonabl'and.. salisfacatinn guaranteed. 'J?-irGv.b. Rieves V ja. 'Xlio r-nrrr Guroi: is !s s::cd Slarch and Sent., each Slyear: -iJ Faer Sixlli -gin-lies, ith o r 3,:JOO tura callcrv. Tvcs hole- Et!a prices fired to can'vanr ja allfroods for personal cr Ciu.i'.y u Tells how to rn.r, anl ivea ecru yst of every tl I.J5 yo'X . e, t-.tt dri; wcr, cr havp fun a. .h. ' uso nva i!i!o Loohscon ta'n i lil'maiion gkaned from the map Lets of t;.o .nr.'I. We will mail a copy 1'roo to any ad Jrcs r.pon receipt of the potU-T: cents. Let us hear from you. r.e?iectf..llv,- f:OfSTCO?J3ERYVVARD & CO. IB7 -19 Wdui Aau Cilccs. UL pwmws a m& frl frt mctnnAaa r l . i., . -- - "3t?T jiiss .: vr 'i.'i. oraericffit. It contains iiicstmtiocs, prices, descriptions end tllrccioria for plantn? all Vcsstfible and Flower aiUu2S, uuiui, eta D. rj. FERRY&CO,Ds,T 'c, eroan i to set es SoHfltora lor Patents, i("'s. T-ilo KttXs. OHTfi V . i-t Uia '. Mitt". (a'?us. t. E la, d Irjroe n a : ". y. ia JLlrty-llve -rf.. . -. i!.ijt V5rpr.t:edlnlhe 'jo- ' (iL'v ja .2uciat. l.ws vi .- . :i'tvbthJuterenu:ir.)4 s ii r -n rfrrrfcitli. ficrefs KLJ.K i . ' i' t s -frit rs. li'hV rf tucjiTiiic ... ..- t ; ! tsrtay. t.Vw 7 rt; Farms For Kent. Tlie undersigned has ihrce-tooil farms which are hereby offend foi jPnton good tonus. They consist of the Glenn rtnch of 320 acres, the Stearns ranch of 25J acres and the Centres ranch of 1C0 acres, nil located in the vicinity of Jacksonville. and all good farming land. For patlicu- iars, can on or auaress, --Ji!s.S.E-Isii, Jacksonville, Sept. 12,n&S3. . HAGAKS' Magnolia, Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and y ox-can't telL n i m-&'. IJ m& vi valVaels to iLw; y 5 25,9 Wail UTTDilCC The 0. U. Extension. Tlie people of Northern California who want railroad transportation, and the merchants of San Francisco who are arxious to net back tiie lost Ore gon trade, are deeply interested in the work being done on the Ca'ifornia it Oregon road from Delta towards the state- line, and many are firmly -jf tli" belief that the railroad "company n ill ",; uncertainty uUaeliirgito.ihP matter, the Sin Fran Cisco "Post" inquired of Senator Stan ford today whether his company in tended to complete the line as soon as possible, or not. "We ltavH nothing to conceal about this matter," replied tlie tfeti'itor, "and our position has been, made clear from the first, "'lie completion of the road depends entirely on the. confirmation of the I itid grant. If the grant is declared forft-i'ed, we will Mop work on ihe roul for 'ho excelent reason th.it without the grant the coit uould be u!ijnstifiM. " TUB 0 JJPAKV'S POSITION. '"I have eyery confidence in the justice and coiiMih-ratiuu of congress, and, as no act of ours could be cited in justification of a forfeture of the grant, I have no doubt it will 1m coiinVnid. Upon that and that only depends the compleiion of ihu road. We have failed in ro way to eyrrcie due dili- sence to complete the road. ThestO) page in work wai though no fault of ours. As you ar probably aware, the road was proj-cted to meet HoMhcIhj's line on the o'her side of the statft line. You wi 1 readily understand that our line, which extends toward Ashland, would ip of no earthly use unless there was a railioad to connect with when it wa completed. We had the most positive assurance that the Oregon company was going ot. to build, and so w siit out a bin force of men, when uddrnly the 0egon camp.my stopped work, and we were forced to stop also or take thn alternative of goin on lo build a line the terminus of hich is a comparatively desolate cpot in the middle of an uninhabited country with not enough local business to justify a g'od wagon road. The read would be of no use either to us cr San Francisco without i he Oiegon connection, and so e were forcpil to halt and wait until tlio Oregon people got ready to go uliedd. . , A TALK ABOUT FOKFEITUItES. "When ve had sufficient assurance of the extension of the Oregon line and got ready lo go alieud with our work we were confronted with an inti-.nati-iu that as we had allowed time to l.pe the land grant would be forfeited. "Wo r.re forced to deppnd upon that land grant. It makes our bonds sal.ible. People havp no idea what a eostly piece of work th road will be. There is much of it. will cost 80,000 I'er mile, ami that, too, through a country which has no loeal business worth considering. The land grant to us is worthless without the railroad, and as the. company would be glad to sell it to set tiers for less than the gov ernment price, I don't seo how any settler will lie hurt by congress doing us the simple justice to couGrut the graut" i , - ai 'Tills RORK SOW BCIXG DOXE. "But what about the work now go ing oit? "That," replied Senator Stanford, "i, as I told you some time ago, sim ply to pro'ect the woik already doto and to put the line in condition for us to go ahead with when our position is secure. When we thought all was plain sailing our only anxiety was to finish the. road as soon as possible and ge, it open for business. So we sent out a force, and agreit deal of culvert work was done in advance of the line. There are between 400 and 500 msn working now to secure that work asainst hirm from winter storms. Thev are also pushing through a tun nel under "Kettle T5dly' hill, to savp us korap seven miles of hauling over a heavy grade. This piect o work will be valuable to the siag-i route in case wa are forced to di-enntinue. It would be a most ?prious- thing if wp had to shut down, but I have pvery confidence in the action of congress whpn Ihe matter is fully expliined." ' Perhaps you arp not aware that, w-'-rn mmplr'pd, this vutp, by way of thr Siu,ihern Pactum, iit. be 2QQ milus frborter than aiv aiher rrute- from Portland to the rast," remarked Col. Creed Raymond, who was prisent. TIIE SHORTEST ROtTTE FRM OlinOOS. "Tlial'H sty' s lid L'vuator Stanford, and leading the way to a hugo nilroad man showing all thf bxrIpiiih west df the Rocky mountain, lie noin'pd on how thp new route was ro much tdiorltr and more convenient than all others that the whole trade of Orpgon and arijicent territory must of iiiecessUyMiebrouLdiaiai;kaV bfejlUi 'belong, to' ban Francico. brom' Portland to Sin Francisco by the Oregon it Cal'fouiia is CM milic. From Portland lo Galveston by thf new route via the Southern TaiiHc, is only 2743 miles, or lo New Oi leans 306 mile?, while thp hhoiiest route by way of the Union Faeilio and Chicago is 31 3L Asa military roule the. Cilifnrnin and Oirgoli and its connections is un-! surpassed for strategic -importance. The who'o line i.s itiside of u rungp of uiountaiiis and forms a connection be Iween every onp of th( whole range of Forts between Idaho and Yuma. In csp of any tiouWe all iIip troops we"st of the Rockies could be masked at any given point on thp toutp in three days, or at any intermediate point, such as Sun Fiuiiuiscn, in h cl.u mid a half. From a buines point of iew alone, the importance of this route mm its mail'.' ways of commanding tiade for Sa'i .Francisco are inextitnable. Escaped Lepers. At -C.30 o'clock last evening two men diove up to the police station nnd informed C'plHiu llolmberg that they had seen a diuvt of nnie Chinamen coming towards t lie city bvidently from the P or Ilou-e, vvlioe swollen faces told plainly of the presence of leprosy. Ofii.vr James was detailed to look the upitter up, and arrested five of the lepers on Tenth and JefiVrson ftreeis. Shortly afterwards the same olHVer .arrested two more of them on jWoriison and Second streets. They were locked up in the city jxil, and will 1m returned to tlie farm to day. The remaining two hi)ve not vet been found. The Chinamen gave as their reason for leaving to Pjor Farm, that ihey weie invited to come into town by their countrymen and view the festivities. "Purtbind News." The consumption of liquor in this country is ofli'.-iallv reported by the authorities at Washington as amount ing to 69,loG 003 gallons of spirit!-, 19,185,953 barrrls of fermented liquor and 20,508,345 gallons of wine. Es timating the population at about 58,000,000 the average consumption appears to be aliout 1 2 gallons o whisky for each person yearly, ovei 10 25 gallons of beer and .35 of a gal lon of wine. The quantity ot beer consumed eppears lo be about 595, 000,000, gallons. In other words, the people of this favored bud drink about two galbns of liquor for every bushel of wheat that thev consume. The growth of opium in China is at tributed by a good observer to the in crease of Jlohammedans in the empire. There are now not less than 20,000,000 Moslems in China, and as thee people are forbidden to smoke tobacco or to drink wine or liquor they fall back for stimulant and narcotic in one on epium, which' they et In large quan tities. The North China provinces now supply nearly all tlio opium con sumed there, and the prospect is that a few years will Rea a great falling ofl'in- the import of Indi-i opium, and that before the cloio of the century China wiil virtually produce all her own opium. The following .is an extract from the U. S. land laws: No jerson, by force, intimidation, or any other un lawful means, shall prevent or ob struct any erson from peaceably en tering upon or establishing a settle ment or residence on any tract of puh- t: land under the law of thn United States, or shall prevent or obstruct free passage or transit over or through the public lands; provided, this section shall not beheld to affect thp right or title of persons whahavp. occupied said land under the land laws, claiming a title thereto, in good faith. ARE YOU .MADE miserable bv indigestion, Constipation, D zzinrs, Loss of Appp ite, Yellow Skin! Shi oli'n Vitalizer i a positive cure. For sale'-bv K C. 'Brooks, Sbxsatiox in' a Napa Ciiuucii. -One of the churches of Napa City was electrified last S.uodny evening by an incident which, tiestroyed muchot' tin) potency of what had promised to be an effective dUcouue. The sermon was delivered by a young clergyman who at prp'ent has no tegular profe xioual engagement. In order that he may procure the means of support he Ins accepted the agency of a hand grp nadp. Tiiut h might introduce hii Ji'randlh'Avi.snedljNHpalCitv, where his etieegy made 'his'Tice welj known to many. It wns not strange that he as iecgnized Ly a Urn number of the congregation, when, in response to an imitation of u broiher minister, he aop-eil to fill the pulpit fur him. Whether it was su.i'gesed by the na ture of Ui present business, or by hia eirnen(iie.sN for the solvation, 0f 1,;9 v. low man, the tenor of his discourse wis on 'he punishment which awaua "evil doers in the oilier world. He depicted in blood curdling srntpwa the Seething and bubbling furnaue, unii' his 1 s'eners night lc have been in fearfu' trepidation. I was then ho propounded the question, "You who tonight iefusp the ,fT-r, what will you do when in that ferrib'e cauldron?" From some ungracious man witlv a deep voice 'he nnswer came, "Throw in a hand grenade." A Seattle uppciui to ihe Portland 'Newa" of 0.:t. 1) I. savs: The Grand Jury today presented an indienneut for iiiunlr in the first degree against Oeorge W. Tibbftts, who is cliHigd with complicity in flip massacte of the Chinese ut Sqaak. Tibbett is a store keeper at Spnik, and is a Man of con siderable wealth and influence. He has held several olfices. under the Ter litoriul Government, and hasi repre sented King county in the Leginlatuie. lie is a ptouiiueiit member o? thcrU. A. H , and is al present Post in ister at iiquik. The-indie nient was a greaf" surprise and created a iensation. Tib- betts has been arrested, and is now in Jul. This makes twenty-two indict ments for minder in the first degrie growing cut of the Squivk "Hair. Three indi'-tments have been prestnted against each of the-seveu men previ ously arrested, one ior each ot the three Cliinimcn killed. More, indict mrnts will follovv. What will become of the defaulting bank cashiers who have coloniz-d in dtiada should the small pox continue its lavages and civil war ensue on th,i vaccination qnestion The wild West, is filled with fleeing Chinamen and whistling bulletts there is an epidemic of yellow fevpr along the coast r.f Mexico; th?re is cholera in Europe. It isn't safe for the defiiuUhig bank cashier even in the far olf Curoline Islands, ai.d the hospitable eeccluMon of a State's pris-on is all that his own, his native laud, has to offer in the way , of inducement, but even this i pre ferable to Montreal. The defaulting cashier hould cross the line again and throw himself upon the mercy of; hia bondsmen. Fitz Hugh Lee, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Virginia,, is riding on horse back through Vir ginia on he saddle of his unelp, Gen. Robert E. Lee, with an attendant car-, ryitig a rebel flag- riddled by Union bulletts at Gettysburg, The saddle and rebel fljg create a great deal of enthusiasm among te. Virginia Demo crats. prank Jan'es, who contributed so. much to enliven, the dull monotony of Missouri, seveial years ago, is. ndw clerking in a country store near Inde pendence, lie is endeavoring to earn an honest living, and as a salesman, is Raid to create plenty of business and, daily drawscrowded houses. San Fbascisco, Oct, 8th. Large, stationery and printing establishment of II. S. Crocker k Co , on Bu-h St., was burned to the ground this morn ing, and four men buried in ruins. Tutal loss of stock and building, ia over a half million dollars, with esti mated insurance about one-third. Is Chinese labor bemticial to the, Pacific Coast Afiirmativp, Oregonipn. Negative, State presR. Qc in, "and, d el lie. he who first fries hoW", enough." Albany Bulletin. "Doctor, what is. the hp-l material for a bathin" suit," "A bear skin." t EU 1 04.0