x C V is , - -? , ? ! lJS&t l t s a h-&$ s 'Isc rr r " X k : - OASOJN StNTIflti. JHE'iOH SS3I1KEL. PU8LI3HED SATURDAYS AT- Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, FRANK. KRAUSE TERMS Una pr. Tear, In dmnc,...JII SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements will Be inserted In the Sgktusei. at the following' rates: Ten lines, one insertion "J jJJ. " " each subsequent lusertino 1 w CS Legal advertisements inserted roa Benably. job work of all kind done on prompt notice and in workman-like, style; A Dltconnl lo Yearly AitrerUier. - VOL. XXX--NO. 40 JACKSONVHJJK- OREGON, OCTOBER 10, ISS5. 3 PER YEAR t ns , ruy&u JT Vw. ""v. - - i jWjh - v.-? - ' " i II II, 'a"M""y"M l ll n ptj j mi hi, in - , -$-- t i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. P. GEARY, M. D., Pkysiciaa Aad Sargeoa. MEDFORD, OREGON. Office In A. L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG, M. D., 2ays2caa Aad Snrgoon, Cektral Poixt, Orecok. aa; saaa5gd.ag k aigfejar j&mT'j&mdX&L i!Lju mi . i i ..pj- 1 ' '..wy-aE " ' "-r ""rr tFzi Hwrln; located at this place I ask s htre-ef the patronage of this section. CsilKendcd to atanr time. W. F WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Medford, Oregon. AH business in my line will receive prompt attention. H. K. UANNA, Attorney & Counsellor At-Law, Jacksonville, Oqs. "Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office up stairs in drill's brick. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Jacksonville, Ogn., Will practice in all the Courts of the Utile. Office in Court House. R. PRYCE, M. D., Paysiciaa. And Snrgaon, Medford, Oregon. Offlte next door to liver's block, resi 4em. Cunningham's hotel. T. B. KENT, 1 tVJij and Cnn seller Law Jacksonville Oncaorr. w ill fracticc In all the Charts of this mile. Omce in the Uuurt House. G U.AIKEN, M. D TDHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. t3TOfflce opposite P. J. Ryan's store. J. W. EOBINSON, M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jaclcsonvile, Ogn. OFFICE At City Drug Store. Rcsi dence on Fourth Su, op)iite 31. E. Church. Calls promptlyattended to, day and night. 4 B. F. DO WELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Portland, Oregon. All business placed in my hands will re solve prompt attention. Special atten tion given to collections. iOBN n. MITCHELL. It. 3t. DEMENT MITCHELL & DEMENT. Attorney & Counsellors At Law. Office In Kamra't new building, corner l"irst and Pine streets Portland, Oregon. If 111 practice Jn all the oeBrhof ;Oregw. x iteWOHNSON, , , : rV'PmHmwikl Estate Aftat aad Cellectot SXedford, Or. I make conveyancing and TarnlshlBg ab stracts of land titles a specialty. Loans negotiated and collections made. All business intrusted to my caro will receive prompt and careiul attention. WILL. JACKSON, K NTI8T, JAfTtBONVILLE, OREGON. D Tectb extracted at alt hours. Laughing gas administered, "ir aesirea lor watcn extra charge will be made. Office on corner of California and 5th street. A. O. OIBM. ft. B. STXASHr. GIBBS & STEARNS, i TT0RTOYS ASS COUKSELL0RS, Keost t as $ Strowbridge's Btilding, rom-AND, OXKOON. Tf ill practice in all courta of record In the Bute af Oregon and Washinton Terri tory; asi- par particulir atWntlon to sMuiaeMia Federal covt. THE STAFF OF LIFE! THE ROGUE RIVER Mm FLOURING MILLS HAYING RECENTLY BEEN" RE fitted with af modern improvements, are now turning out a first-class article of flour, which is put up in one-fourth bairel sacks, and every sack is warranted to contain 49 pounds of flour If you don't believe this, just compare a sack of our flour with any other brand offered for sale in this market, and note the differesce in Constancy: wr Aaa& sad exebsisgef for x mov r e wueai.. BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to Roll Barley for customers. The vork will be done on short notice, so that par ties can return with thehr grist the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at all times and in the best manner. Tbis pro cess is lar ahead of thecresbcr G.KlREWSEl. Jacksonville, Sept, 22. 1883. Farmer's Store, Medford, Oregon, ANGLE & PLYMALt: Prop's. The undersigned takes pleasure In an nouncing that he has opened his place of bnsinciS in the nt-w town of Alcdftird, Or egon, andis now prepared to famish, in quantitiesto suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND OILS MACHINE OIL TOBACCO AND CIGAKS, CAN DIES, NUTS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Et. My stock is fresh and first-clas, and I propose lo keep a full assortment of every thing in my line and sill at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER ATI I ask is a trial. tS"Hightst price paid for Produce. TWENTIETH YEAR. ST.Z&AZIY'S ACADEIVI, CONDUCTED BT. THE SISTERS OF TSE HOLY ME. THE SnOLASTSC YEAR OF THIS school will commence about the Ciid ol August, ana is atviaca in lour sessions., of clcvcD weeks each. Board and tuition, per term, $ 10.00 Music...... . 15.00 Drawing and painting 8.00 Bed and Bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term,. . $ 5.00 Junior, " COO Prcparatoy " o.OO Senior. " 10.08 Pupils received at any time, and special attention is paid to rmticular studies in behalf of children whbhavc but limited time. For further partrcnlaTS apply at the Academy Nervous Debility. A SURE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E. a WEST'S nerve and brain treatment, a specific or Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Head ache, llentat Depression, Loss of Memory, SpennatoThoea. Impotency, Involuntary emissions, premature old age, caused by over-excrtioo, sclt-abuse or over-indulgence, whicir leads to misery, decay and deuth -One box will core recent cases. Each bo contains one nests' tteatraent , one donSfiTbox, or"sbrfcBxe9'fer SveAW- Hira; eet &yjsmn preps or jveeipi-i price. We guarantee six1 boxes to eare any case. "With each ordr reeeived by is for six. boxes, aceemnssied with Ave do fl.irs, we will send the purchaser our writ ten guarmtce to return tne money if l&e treatment does not effect s cure. Guaran tees issued only by Woodarb, Clarke 3s Co- Wholesale aw? Retail Druggists, Port. lana, uregon. Hrders By mail at regular prices. Vm S. SALOOIV, r. s. dotel ccrLmso, jacesontille, T. T. McKENZIE. PROPER, HAVING ASSUMED THE" JIAN snment ot ihis rvsort. I proDosn keeping it stocked with the-finest brands oi WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, Aad wilT be pleased to receive a call from all who wish the best in- ray line. 8a istaction assun-d. T. T. W cKENZIE. O- LEMPERTr M- D-r tfradaate of Uni versftyyLerig, Germany, FhyBiciaA&na Sargoo Calls atte all hours dav and niebt. Ofl jSlonsr Betel, Jack- sJri -?r. iiirjiTRimaBiHiiH :'iiiuiKirtlV'ia'r'.',ssiBjr' .aSQgaoasr.'aj- wai i - --rr - i." i niuMeaMiKassaciii': -- "wre-.1rairgdfaainrafc Vif'EaWBrTCBHVWanaBMlaBtKeiitaVaMro SHBtWIsSfc'-ssaWaWlg. onvlllc, DH. J. W. ROBIXSOS Gin DRUG STORE CALIFORNIA, STREET, MERRITT & ROBINSON PROPRIETORS, Will keep on hand the largest and most complete assortment of To be found m Southern Oregea. Abo a IUII MUCifc Ul STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, PINE CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY, TOILET SETS, And a sjreat variety of Perfumery, com mon and Toilet Soaps, etc. E" Prescriptions carefully prepared by Dr. J. "Vr". KO3INS0N. Dr. Robinson's office in Drn Store. EXCELSIOR LIVER I2B1RD FEED S T .A. 13 Xi 33 Corner Of Oregon and California sts., JACxsoiriLLh W. J. PXi'STXaAXS, prop'r Would respectfully iniorm the public that he has a fine stock of Horses, Buggies and Co ingef. 4nd he is prepared to furnish his patrons and the public generally With Fine Turnouts .As can be had on "the Pacific coast. Sad die horses hired to go to any part of the county Animals Bonght and Sold. Horses broke to work single or double Homes boarded and the best of care be stowed npon them while in my charge A liberal share of the public patronage is solicitcd'on reasonable terms M TOWS (IF MEDFORD ! Lots for sale at low prices and on easy terms. Apply to J. S. HOWARD, Agent, at Medford. Also, in the Railroad addition to the town of ASHLAND. Apply to JI. L. JlcCall, Agent,Ashland. PHOENIX. Apply to M. V. B. SOULE, Agent Phoenix. GOLD HiLL. Apply to HI. E. POGTTEV Agent, Oold Hill. GRANT'S PASS. Apply foS. M."WILCOX, Agent Grant's Pass. Or to GEO. H. ANDREWS, 0.& C. R. R. Co.. Portland Or. TUB ASHLAND COLLEGE AND NORMAL SCHOOL, -Four courses. 3. V. MEBK1TT. i - - - - 1 stt-Bt study. Normal, aad , D. IVi.FERROO.eSfe OellegerPSfeparatery and 'I- '. rjEifcir t instep . . Z-.sts&Hfr';r " .:.. CeBMrcrciai straiaental musico Vt'oi partigflarn;t)f calftfag--ip1y-fr- " - 'SeTO.WYAL, A. 1V J ;' " - ' 'Presidefit Valuable Xand ForSalef The undersigned oflers 2,000 acres ol vhluablc land for sale. Land situated on Antelope creek, eighteen m les front Jack sonville Will be sold in a body for $ 10 per acre or in 160 or 330 icre lots at from $15 to $20 pee acre. For particulars ad dress or call on A. L. Johnson, Land Agent, or TV'S. BYBEE, Jacksonville, Oregon, ANAKES1S DE. &. EILSBEK'S EXTXEJJL HUB BESEDT Cni Instant Relief, led ii ta Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold byDrnpgisteevcrywhere. Price, 'L00 yer box, mpaut, by mail. Samples sent frre to Physicians :nd all sufferers, by Keustaedter A Co, liox- 3946, New York City. Sole manufacturers of ANAKESIS. arra For Bent. "The underMgned offers thcDardenelles farm for rent. For full particulars call on the owner at the place. Tros. Chaykxx. GaWBilL Sept' 9, 1885. TUTTS PILLS 25 YEARS ilH USE. She Ot uitu JtBIsditil TSnmya ef the .Ago! " SYMPTOMS OF A TORPIDJLlVER. XofcPPethe, Brrrtfccotlie, Painlu the bead, Willi n doll sensation tn'Uie bacll part, .Fain tinder the houlder lade Follne sJter etlnj, with adi ladlcntlon to excrtloa t boar or mind. fenr (pinto, Mi tea soraedntrr leniiutbt rlloadttaba' riesi, rith Crlnef'and t ' COWSTiFAVW?W. TBTTfUJJHire especially adaptca to each ceS'-ciie duse etrects such a -ctnni of feelliitrnitonstunUli the sufferer.- Tbcy Iiiereoso th Appetlteind came thv brdr t Tnke ou ,lclfttliir Ine frtem la nourished, ami bytbclrTonlc Actloaoo Uie HigestiveOre-ane.Tceenl&rStoorsare prodnwl f rice USc. 4 1 ainrr&r ..nt.V. Tons am bye. Ghat Htm or WmEEE8 changed to a G'LOSsr BLiCK by a single application of toiiDTiL IE Imparts a lintarat color, acts Jnstantaneeuly. bold by Druggists, or f nt liv cinrcss on 1 cceipt of 3 1. Office. 44 Murray St.. New York Free from Opiates, .Emetics and Poisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For Covehs Sore Throat, IIoarwaM. InllueBZa, Cold. Bronchitis. Croup TVhooptnc Ooaxh, Aitlmia. lclB9jtPatBln Chest, wrfottr kStelfOtiS of the Thrvat b4 Lnnc. Price SO cents a bottle. SoM oy Dnurelcts and Deal ers. TQrtieivnable to induce their dealerlo promptly tret ttfor them icEl rectfre Uco botUeEzpreti cbargt paid, by tending one dollar to THE ailCLES X.TOGXIXU COXTJJT, Bolt Owners tvl UaiiKrwtarcrt, Baltlauin. XarjUad. C. S. A GEO. RIEVES, WAGOJV-- MAKER Jacksonville, Or. Atthe-oM stand of S. P.'J&nna, In Crong- mtlliT'fl Vtni1r1lnr tiAnami VionI a1 full line of "Wagon Material! And is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every des cription made to order. Hevairing A Specialty. Terms reasonable guaranteed. and sitisfacation Geo. Rieves The Buyers' Guide is Is sued March and Sept., eich ivcarj 216 pages, ojxlli flnthes, rilb ov'e 3.U00 illustrations r hole pic ture fcillerv. .ves whole sale prices direct to tonsume jn all goods for pcrson.il or family a Tells how to order, anl gives exar oost of every thing you ue, cat, drir wear, or have fun with-. Theses hiva ible books con tain iiLormation gleaned from the map lets of the world. We will mail a copy Frco to any address npon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 13- 82 Wftbnxli Arose. Clileaw. LB. INVALUABLE TO AIXV nui oe riuica wwi eppucauB r c. c -v. and to customers of last vtar M iUiou! orferrajtL It contains Illustration; nrica. descriptions and directions for planting ell Vegetable acd Flower SEEDS. 1 , uuajis, etc. "TTSI- - csGrtid tor T'fifrntl IJBEi-i'aVvIslrria tula. Crflaid. Fi 13 -TX?-rli.V. lau- tS tlilrty zrw cvycrlr . -re.-.-T--? ;3nsreicrTonn France live Ml ml! wi uatrncarencttceaintne Kr i- 1AV J teFlartreard splendid ri-J afljT5,r:$.20a-ear. shows s'rifi-i 'Frsn-a tftiTclsurnrterestlEI-.and sa rar- r f.t-Elatlun. Address MUJ.N i 'v t r.iifit'm, rub's of ccirsmric "as S 1 U.cia!ay.Xew Tort. . s-m ra&?it free. Farms For Rent. The undersigned has three good farms which-are hereby offered for rent on good terms. They consist of the Glenn ranch of 320 acres, the Stearns ranch of250 acres and the Centres ranch of 160 acres, all wealed in tbc vicinity ot .lar-Ksonville, and all good farming land. For particu lars, call on or address, Mns.S.E. Ish, Jacksonville, Sept 12, 1883. Thfc Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it telTa sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm xs the c'udrm er that almost cheats the Tooking-glass, -y$ Med Star tradeJZmahk: , te-BBa A LsoluteJrf trrr wry 0S tLJU.J : I' 03 i fr SfS&w .J "ii5 .Soiitherji Oregon Opinion. JicKsoxvuiE, Or., Sept 29, 1885. Ed. News: Your course regarding an extra session meets general and htartr approval among Republicans here. It is rumored that Governor Moody will convene the Legislature, and if he does so, it may .have an op portunity to undo the bungling and rnischievioUa work performed at its late session. One law, yet unnoticed, that which virtually places county. courts t the Mfrcjofjbridgejjcontrac-, tors, has already worked badlv in this oounty, and should be repealed at once. Proper amendment of the Keady law would save the State much vexatious litigation, and general re vision of the work of the late Legis lature would purify it of its uni&vory odor, and save the Republican party in this State. Olhewise that party, hav ing had a majority in the Legis'ature, must be held responsible for its sins of commission and omission, and it the Governor refuses to give it an oppor tunity to rectify its mistakes, then he will be held responsible for whatever disaster may occur to the party at the next election. The Senatorial question, with us, is not sfcondary. "We feel that, with a largo popular majority and a clear ma jority in the Legislature, we are en titled to a Republican Senator to bold for the full term, and we would not give a fig to have even the man of our choice appointed for omy two years. Therefore, if the Governor should ap point the one man e prefer he will lake a horn of the dilemma that will not satisfy us, and find himself severe ly gored by the other. If the Leaixla lure is convened its first act should be a stringent law excluding long haired cranks, temperance howlers, woman suffragists, Senatorial strikers, and all other ppsts with axes to grind from the capiiol building, and let it gather common sense it has and confront the question before it in a business like way, only with the public good in view. It is time for the Governor to fpeak, and now let him be either a man or a mouse. ''Portland News." We learn that two or three more carloads of Ch'namen have arrived at Delta, to work on the railroad, and that several Cbinamen' haie 'reached S'ate Cretk, by wagon road from Delta, to work in the tunntls above Slate Creek. When th O t C, Railroad is com pleted, Portland may probably be made a terminus for the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific; the same as San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Jose, Stockton and Marysville; to all of which points the overland rates will be the same, thus giving all points between the same rates for Eastern freight, with of course a different sched ule for local business, rated according to distance hauled. This would of course make the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific competing lines with the Northern Pacific in supplying Ore gon and Washington Territory. Syrup- of tlss. I Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the Palate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain, less in its action. Cures habitual ConstfpatwnTiiliwasBees, Jndigetion7 nnrl Irtlu2r0tl!illft . ;f!iMMuaM fluiswa44U ' " . " i' riitM.lha.bMMLfrM'iilafefiftherlrVBr and.aedTMfce1iJbwIes?i"5Srea-:s on ".- --c "SirJ-fcA fc-cr'-rrM-e1'' i i -K.je-iA. i f. Colds, Chills and Fevers," etcr Strengthens the organs on which is acts. Better than bitter, nauseous medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottle free, and large-bottles for sale by Merritt & Robinson, Jackson ville. Thomas Callahan and his wife were divorced about a year ago. but present ly concluded that they had made a mistake and were married again by a Justice. Very soon it appeared that the Jnstice had forgotten to make out any certificate, and as the easiest way out of the matter, they were mirried to each other for a third time not long ago. "Hartford Courant," Douglas- county now owns a "poor farm," the county court havint; bought J. Booth's idace of 400 acres for 7,000. The Review says; "The cost of maintaining the poor per year is now in the neighborhood of , 000, and it is thought that it will be rodaeed to ssere nominal sutn. We shall see. Siberian Prison Life. If the statements of Dr. Bream, a German who has' been studying Si beria and the treatment and mode of life of the- Siberian prisoners, can be relied on, the Siberian system of im prisonment is an improvement on many other s)8tems. He thrtws nrw light on Siberia, whereby almost everything asuumes a radically differ ent appearance from the conclusions regarding it?' which .have' he'rtfcfore beenflroBWe.HeindErMlTllB single one of the horrors usually ac credited to the exiles. He says that the long march on foot ns longer ex. ists, as a portion of it is now facili tated by steamers. Over the portfen where it is necessary to travel on foot, the dailv stages are on'y seven miles, and every third day is a rest, during which the prisoners have an' oppor tunity to beg or earn- something by performing little jobs for the. people. The officials, according to BrdiJi, are still warmly interested in the priso ners; they advise- them, assist and en courage them, and lrfftor to reconcile them to their fate. The family of the prisoner is allowej to follow him into exile, and he is allowed to care for them. It is in this direction that the Siberian system has a feature superior to that of any 6. her The cons quence of this system is that the con vict usually settles down for life, as he is allowed to enter on any pro fession for which he is suited. Gov ernment land Citn be had on lete cheap, and he suffers no loss of social consideration on account of being a convict. The only exception is in roses of prisoners sent there for a higher class of offenses, and who have a sentence of dimb communted. They have more haidship to endure, as they are compelled to wear chains and are forced to work in the mine lor a cer tain number of years. The Alaska Explorer. Dr. Wm. E. Everett, who was sent by General N. A. Miles two years ago on an exploring tour into Alaska, re turned to Vancouver yesterday. When he started out he crossed from Chileat to the Yukon river, descended that and mapped it, went north through the country to BuhrhigStrait, where ho wintered, then down along the Aleutiands, reaching' Kodiae in July. There he took a Sealing vessel to San Francisco, thence home. On his trip the doctor collected all thn fauna and flora of the region passed over, geological ELeci-neni, and has notes of the native tribes, languages, etc., and has made charts of the coun try explored. He hasp) baWy seen more of Alaska than any other white man. He made his explorations with out a white companion. Vancouver "Independent." m Poor Old Junibo. Jumbo's flesh was cut from his bones and cremated as fast as it was cut away. His hide weighed 1,600 pounds, and it requires a tort of salt and 100 pounds of elm bark to curt it. Barium paid the English $10,000 for him; but it cost Barnum $20,000 to lard him safely in New York. However,. Jumbopaid for himselt in (.A i,n.iiL. til nalMAj hatii rAn a?S30C0t. JE hundred"; pounds GfaayfTocejWaeltof 1 Ok'-fA potatoes, ana one i.usnei. oi onions. Scott, an "Englishman, was his keeper, and he never used a prod on him, but ruled him by kindness. Scott is a grea' lover of beer, and Jumbo used to drink a pailful every night with his keeper. Hibbs, the defaulting postmaster of Lewiston, lost his bravado when told he was about to be brought to the United States. He was, heavily iron ed in order to prevent his escape, a weight of 20 pounds being attached to one of his legs. When arrested he had SIO.SOO1 in his pockets. Mr. T6ec dore Davi, counsel for the prisoner, received 8750 for his services, and the remainder S&,750 was .jgiven to In spector J. J. Murphy, as well as all Itbe papers and documents bearing up on the case. These will be used Against Hibbs on his trial al Lewiston, Idaho. Honesty is the best policy after all. Fishing Catching fish by hook aad lyia'. Boston "Transcript," threj'wes.tiLva)aeJm,jC,wia. 'Ekrusui, f.'at wb (ibio of- bn it&iK knaE-li.--KtAu n .hnnnOltALBt- .-J1- JA - -- ' tiffig?ssafeg The Old Printers A YEBT prettt story by one or TUB t CRAFT. And so .the old printer was dead. Of course, whpn a man has been stick ing type until his head is whiter than pstper, and he counts the ycarof, his work by the boles in the lower east?, you may expect him to turn his rule J A J fc S.I.A. An.tilr naaa A if --w-anV'H-i-3SMMBaTffS--n--aTS"-f'B Ionesome'tiexr-aayTA'6r",'n,a"Jr times that day the boys, who. wro unusually quiet, looked over at hisr sase, and wondered if the old man wouldn't miss it, and th6 office clock, and the high stool, and his old stiek, and the big solemn looking spectacles he used to wear. Of course he'd get along; but for so manv years thoser things had been his daily companions, the boys wondered if the old man might not miss them a little bit, at first. I think, indeed, that Slug Severe said: "We ought to have sent theiu with him; we could have buried them with the old man anyhow," ho said: You see, Slug Seven was a good print er and a good man, but he used to work on a sage brush and alkali paper down in New Mexico and out in Ari zopa, and he had a whole brain full o? heathenish ideas. He wanted the bays to put on subs that night, so tha regulars could go out to the cemetery "bone yard" Slug Ssven called it and burn the stool, case, and the olA shoes that served for the old mait's private hell-box, on the old printer's) grave. The old man had beon on the paper lo lger than any of us. He used, to shake his head when the boya stopped a the stone to jeff before, they went d iwn stairs. "Tn unt do fellows, ho would say; I've been there, and I kn w. Night of the 27th of Novem ber, 1844, I came into this town a b'.lin', nof, a cent in ray pocketand enough tamarack in my head to get me a night'b lodgin', and I slept in the-cel-Iar that night with my legs on the ground, ray back on a bundle-of paper, and my head on an ink keg. The next day I caught on to this very case and I sajs: 'How long cin I keep this job, bosbf And the old man looked at me, and he was lookin' at the; rag giest and oneriest tramp printer that ever struck him for grubstake, and he; said: 'Long as you stay sober, young fellow.' And he kept his word, and here I am siuce, and wberVs all the1 boys that started even with me and away ahead of met It dont pay young fellows. There's beer down stairs and there's ice water in the pail in the coroner. One costs money and the tother'8 free; one makes trani printers and the tother taves 'em. Stick to the saloon in the corner, fel lows; drink at the sign of the tin dip per, and you'll have eyes and nerves to stick type when your seventy." Somehow the boya alvays enjoyed the old man's homely little temperance lectures, and in the forty years he stood at the case and preached, if he wasn't quits eo , eloquent as Gough, every now and then he coaxed some typo away from the sign of the glass mug to the sign of the tin dipper. And sometimes the old man used to ?tuuibla-a -Jittle-hitaself, Wt"tJi2wiS:' whtr ago'-He-wouKJ'fce'gay .tVTWjcy ly&tendu who would drift up and down the al leys. But this didn-'t often happen, because the boys always liked the old man and felt sotj for hiro, and they respected his penitence, and finally only the new men or the subs ever said a word about those annual disap pearances. All the old man would ever ray abeut them was that he had "been up in the eouutry to bury his uncle." His uncle died hard, but he did die at last, and the old man, for many years, stood like a conqueror at the time worn old case with his enemy under his feet. A Montana Indian began raiding stock a few years ago, having t th start on'y two or three head. Lately he sold his herd for 22,000. He is probably of the opinion that ramn cattle is more profitable than "raising hair" and his white neighbors prob ably ngrper with him. At least they would rather let him raise thair outtle than their seal'i. trwejfawi eeflBWkiaMey;rw'Jtt' rr?uwrk"o"f ' a myatenous'characler 3S' 'oat?! jlTHl 102.0