- . .J-rai-r; r?f fa. -j -"&-?- Wail --c '-- V '0 RUSO SEUtim. JACKWI.IMLLKi "Saturday, ISirtTEiiireR "19, 1885 PeiTATiSAtK. Mr. A. Bilger, in 'tending to more from 'JackiOnVille. be ?ore lohg, will offer at private sale'her' 'entire household 'and titchen itifru Hriture, Anions file article to be xola ia first-class 'CHickering piano.Vflne 'marble top bad rodm net, benide tuiny 'other articles tbo'riumerotra'to mention. 'Terms, cath aud ijirlcrti 'to suit fhe HiiMt. Ohakce 'r Sc'nEoucK "Slab tl new Democratic administration lias 'an fit to cut fhe 'Wilderv ille route dowa to'two trln llrr werk.'Pat.lc--Uahon, 'the contractor, ha lietn forced 'to observe the 'following schedule: JLsave 'Jacksotivilln un Mondays al 'two'b'c'ock Kx at. and return TliUmlav evening br tx o'clodc. Tave again on 'Friday nidmlitc antl 'ret Urn "Situ r 'day 'night. Any Truo!raf ic reforturr 'cannot'help'rtoiicing (hat this chrtnfce Vill'niake a tig saving to the rjoverti- taent. -a- 'Grain Ciuculah. Thn rate upon ..Jfcarley in car load from alj 'point 'toujh oi and inclining 'Yoncalla, to Tdrilahd ii hereiiv 'reduced to twenty 'r 'tibia per litndred oundx, and 'upon vbt-at flour and 'mill ctiB, in car loads, from a'll points south of and in cluding iNicbol, 6 Portland, to thirty 'cent per huhiiretl pounds, to remain 'in forca 'until further notice. These. Vat eg subject to chatiL,n. Notice of, change will be given fifteen flays prior Ha the time of 'its taking effect. E P. Rogers, O. F. & P. A. PbotTts ot lU'rstxa Brumes. An industrious gardener of Multnomah county, who own a 'few acre of land on ilia Asylum iod, ifhe and nnehalf 'railes from this city, -While here yes terday gave iioute facta on fhe sul'j-ci of raiting berries. Tie stutpil he had 'act out a 'year ago last spring 'two acu-s "of ttraw'berry plant, and the crop 'this year wai i-SOO pounds nd that 'he told tJirin for $700; that on three "and one-half acres-planted with straw 'herri, raspberries and blackberries 25,000 poinds had been laised the -present year. The prllit, after 'cofn ' 'mistion or Helling anil alt oilier ex Ipetises had been paid, amounted to '$400 per acre. "Oregdnla'ti."" m i RKLtatcfus JThlrs. "Row W. A. Wi'liaun preaches at (Kiltie Point on 'Sunday ... Elder H.XJ. Fleming mil preach at ihe Lone Oak school house son Sunday . . ..JWulur w rvices "ill L-v b held in the Catholic v-huii-H in thin jilace on "Sunday. . ..Thr regular an Tiaal nieeTirij: of the Koue River Bp tiit Association wi I conteco to-dnv -at ilt.iaatn church on Williams rliere will bit a SuuJsv TO-nic or. Rorfce River, one lie below B voce's feiry, toda,Hiul -a banket meeting oti thn tollouui'' "Sunday, E'deT M. Pa'freon infoYum n..... There will be a seneral met- Hng of thnuiikardn of Southern Ore- Kon at Hciea mill on WiIIiMmx cieek Himt Sunday. Iter. Win. Pulleu aud vothr will be in artrndance. PRbCA! Cucr't. Tins follow ingl buMimx naa triiih;te.l ii iIiih csurt Judge toePtiatt, at the September 'term thereof:. . . .In tho matter of 'the 'puardinhii nnd etate of Gvorga Y. Sjillett amd flush If. GillMtln, minors Hnihj o'f petit inn tor aalc eT real property el for thn C li day of Ooio- 'br lirtate -of 'Geo. U. 'Ruln'navn, "deceased. Tnveulory and njipraio 'njent (pproved. Petiitoti to n-t itjmrt 4periona proiertT to ue of widotv partially ranlril..-..E late t)T M.rk HJonger. ftnd of Sarah 'CongT, ad inini'ratrix, wpproxed Etaln of Vui. Uurkn. '1'hfrd n-mi-nnnunl ex 3iiUl apprard..E tatn of .'lohu Bateman. V. Beson appointed ad riHinitra,tor....itatH of Jalin Ri lot. Claim of B. Kootcl ullimtil in full Estate of Michwl OoUell Hearing of j)etirirtii lo'r aln of tel irdpertr et fcr 'October 6 h..E tte of Patrick Mi.fcavanaui.-n. Inivn ' toty and a.riininnt a'jTproneil . . . . dilate of Iaao Miller. Adminirtrator 'gran'ed ubrtl futther Tnh?r in which to file ouch-era V...E-I ate cf Lewis McDaniel. Sale of real jirnpetty con-firued-. Patitiun by adtniniirratrix to pay cluima acaitiKt the extaie in full 'granted.... tate. of V. A. A Ham Sltan. 'October 6 h set for tttobear iug of.final ttatement. Chan'ob Vs "School BooRv Siiit. cfGlroy'has Kent the followinc ctrcu lar 'letter to all County Superintehd ent in the 5ratftnotif)ttig them -of changes iqaie': I am directed by the :Stato Board of Education to rail oar 'attention to tb recent otn of the . "county strperintendents for text-bnoks to be ued In thi-pnblic schools of Ore ' gon for the tertn of four eara be 'ginniiig October 1 15S5. Ax will be 'aeen by the printed exhibit herewith inclosed '( copy 'of which was tent rou ill Jauoaty), tnere lias beh Httle changa in our present series. Clark's Normal Grammar, Parley's Universal Hitoif and Brooks' Higher Arith Astatic and" Anderson' General Hu tery haie been excluded from the tcriss. The following books have tietn selected for us during the en suing four'yetrs, in addition lo Uioie taow in use, viz: Under Orthograi hr. Swiaten'a 'Model Word Blanks. Sin ton'a New YforJ Analysis, antl Pro hunctalion ltand-Hook SotllR E Caaipbell. Adranced Hutorv: Brhe's ', Univtrsal History, Pbjfio'oav! Otaelas Fourteen Weeks Hvr'ene tjdttisn. Vocal Music! tioomis Pro- iv Eeriest also Weitlake'a "How Write LeUera., YoU Will tdeasa litre official notice (if you hnve but al ir done h) to the school clerks ot rodr county thai these change aud ttiiisna go lino eneei ucioner 1 prox. K. B McEleot, iaftt. -Public laatriKti&u. -Lo'Cttl lteTivis- Yom K'ppur. "Comra'de," to-night. Toimijranti "are numerous, "to 'are tramps. f. J.Stanlrr 'o'f VsodS'ille Hllea "Wednetday. you'can'alW8yrn,nd'VeletStyWl in hatMBtlra-'Priui's. Medford ia to 'kaVa'a 'bakery Villi Charles Wolter as Bjm. Nifw good at Max JHuihrr'a Poit dffico store; also at Colviu'. Xubli has got oftfr one hundred UJxeR in hia ktorcxt fliia tibia. ' 'Miss Al le and "Fred Klippt!! 'bare re'urned from Slamatli county. "D. T. 'Bifser rff Hogue Riirtrsint seeral da-fain town thisVet'k. The Central Ifo'eM at Medford "i now in ruUrjje ovf Wm. Ma field. Tho Golden Rul- B.ziar defya com pcliticn in every line. Call and see. Mim Jennie Moore i now vtulw'ni.' telegraphy in the JacWBo'riviUe 'dffioe. Tile PrMbftfrian unSayJSchoolJ ill be heri? rictt "Stin-da-y "at'SVclo'iflcT r. k. A ten year old son of Mr. Throck morten of Applegtb died o'f diphtheria una neeit. , Report eayj that Jacksonville ha a wife beater. Woudsr f such could be the cast? Seet 'potatoes aro abundtfnt in this maiket, Col. IX. 'P. Maury Uringiny in the best. Plour'is oTf-red for sale-a'tO ce'tits per Kack or Hi per rfceaSsnU-atevi-rii&Ti "Pmher's. Genl. T. CReame', 'Grand Master A. F. & A. M., is now at Cjos-Biy on I ouiciai iiu&iurtt-. Rrtv. 1'. X. B'anehet is now in Stn Francico an I will reach here some tniiu s.vxt nrtk. J. T. Roloson is improving Li rei-den-e in town the latest addi ion being a new baru. Frank Eimh is now in town and a great improvement w noticeable imce the diange wai made. Ftll fights flpeYieil dnt good style! at Ahland tln week thn Mctor in one crimmagn being a woman. Alex Tnompson liasTc'rur'nefJ from a J four Tnontii trip to tlii Ynoanioitis gieatly improedin health. I. B besselV m returned to his mines near w a do utter a three weclcs Mjuru at tho Soda Springs. Peter Ivorr iiss old lii interest in the mtCntile business al Alturas loJ his pKttners, Jop Purlin. 9 oz jel'y glasses with cover, Mason and L'ghttiiiit; fruit j ira i gallons and quarts in lots to tuit at Annan's. Georg Freeman came in -from Link vfltn this week reluming J'es'enlay il"h a load of supplies frcui this tal ley. Now corners wanting lo tent farms .on li o.imn. Ail AtmA 4tt7 rf.alli.irv nn :ii. i. u i." 'r. v." 4Vj .--9 tie. John Flanigin atiech attpbTirtrd ! Collector of Customs for the S mtht-rn ditiicl of Oregon, ilce C. B. Wa'ou, i evened. Mrs. Ulrich iiax nitvud q Medford lo rtf-ide wiili her son, William. Mir iIidI Cariii Iihs renttd her lrtdcuco in this plate. A Redding dispitcn Say two tnon carloads of 'Cnnamen passed thai place nn the W It, to work oh the rati road above Delta. Mrs. M. C. Fitzgerald is thp new Postmaster at Gold Hill. Civil Ser vice reform demanded thU t:htngeand Biily"' Lad to go. GrahtB Pa- faadvVittins to ihe WoYld llnl a bank 1 nee led at that p ace. 1 iiTe lias net cr been a bank in Josephine Ciuuty. II. M. Thatcher is again k resident of LiiikMlle, leing -p'ow in aliarce nf Judce Smiths tWieral uerchandisv htore at that placrv J. C Whipp, our marble cuVfer, is in constant leceipt of new orders and always ttvr fi0od satisfaction with the woik turned out. Dr. Will. Jai.ks3n has returned from a, profehioml trip to Akli'and, and can le foitn I Ht his ofB.-e ready to Attend to any bubtnesa in his line. Thi being Yom Ivippul-, S dy e.ii erally tibBerved bv our Jewisii citi- Zflu, most of them will c!6ft their places of burners l6-dnV-. Woikontba Yank leilgs at Malice Creek atill continues all reprls to the contrary notwithstanding. Assavs of ih'cVoVkire aUo ltiVrding. Prbf. D. Van Horn was in Jackn villa this week and tuned nearly all the pianos in town. He is a good workman and gives satUfactibit. R. D. Sanrortl, ol dranl's P"aits, sent to the atatc board of imiuit-alioh office in Portland last wenk two watet melons which weighed 180 Tin., 90 2i. each. D. S. K. fijick, o( Myrtle creek, has purchased tile UoseliUrg ''Plain dealer,'1 and ill q.iUbb the manage tnent after the clo.a of the State Fair A three-quarter da.!i betweeh Ihe lurittihg boruk MiHnie it and Jubilee at Yreka rade track last Saturday was won by Minnie R; by a ledgtb; time; lllv. FTe.h It-tie tot sale in rjuahtitiet td ink by Hi Aliiscn nn Jckda erect. lie Has uesn ""ppiying tins article to nearly &1 thn towns in the valley this fieason antl always g"iv ing'.satiefactioh, ha 'stilt c; quits a trade. Jacl-sonville hotels "were so tfrbwd ed OffsVeek that YUrihal Curtis had to give tip some choice roon.s "in tl e cooler to feraser'pairon of that insti- rtstidB. The etbft 'bf'LT. R. Little i'Co.'ha been mcafil to the Ran brick to se cure rodre commodious "quarter. X arge'lbt, of 'new goods hH'fo a'Uo Wen receive'd. ' "Vf. '3. PlT!e,iretnrri;f from Port IaU'1 -oh Tuer-Hiiy hst an'l "can again be found at fhe StceUior tta'jltrt ready to attend 'to 'fir Vauts 'of bi rustonier. i Mr. A. G Colvih and daughter, hare returned frnln their LiTv-e cutinty irip which recount 'fur thn low jirice and ond nature bf 'he proprietdr 'of ihu Farmer's store. Sugar rxifC.1 two'cents in pr'ico in the Sail Francisco "m ibel on Tat-sda lt and the nteragp houehoMer no thinks Lis Imkv star, that the season for putting up fruit'ruri passid. A 'four rHtib,mi(l pound safe was re1 ceived IJy ilodifeDiv thi-t eik wbkli he will ue for Miorinjg p-tpi'nj Wtfti all' unlimirt'd alitount of 'cirftr-i rotidmg hibrfrle'ii2l furnish tlieaini:. ". A' hunter in N-varia.-ent v(ut In look for a g haiy-'tieaTr, and n.i hi rel , atle have pen' thren months man uiixuccessful hunt for Liui, it ii u .uiced that he found that bear. The railroad cdlhpnhv "offers eccur i ii rales to tluie attending the S'ale Fair at Salem, mid iheMerlmnic's Fair at Portland, and the ft'lendance prom ise? to b" qiilt Inrgi from this section The'Giunt lhpior c-y, recently de tided bj J udife Webvter, will beap jiealed to iLr-SJbpVf-lna '-Court in a lehi ca.trtll "fudge H. K Hinna n'f this lla'ie'ha'beeii'rethiiiedtJj ilie di-feiihe. Hon. Henry Warren. State Snilo' fr"in Yamhill coun'y. dil at hi home in Mcliunville one day ibis week Thin will cauN? a acancv in ihu Lezis Uurehou!(l p-.ill eiion be (.ailed. The Cii'erinn SiUijn hat been re paimeil and pierod and tiow preeni8 a mucli tirij,titer appeaTHiice. uiic Cap a call wiien j ou wstit liquid re frcihTnentK rif nay kin'! and he will treat )ou will. Peddling egetab'e in ,f.ickonvi'l- M-eiii to lie npayini; Iiumiihhs. Jo-1i Rapii i lui'dnc a new r deuce -On tiis lilac end dt. Robinon it aim making some .uLetantialinuirovetnen'S on his farm. The ''New Norlhwest" threatens, aneiit thelaiit pnz filii, lo nrlid n re porter to thn next one fhat talcs place and jmbhJh a tist f tlm alleged re- upetlaiilo men prelt, n a warning to their wives aud lady Triend. Morrison Milling, sillky and lang iihsws -for sale twent v per cent, cheiper ilian eNeVwT.Tetl in tins miiket ntfore.J Farmers will viyh Tfloney by callini.' twfore buving elseab")e un A. It. Maeglyt wesor to Bilger i MaegU. A Carpenter 4tim?d McGinweli fell from huildinij iiitoa-e of cointruc tion at Medf jrd on WeJnevIav I it TrCeiving injuries that aro likely to prove fatal. Ho bad (.evirnl Tibs nroken tindcs fceritiiii; Other inter na) injuriiss. Tlie Alturas and R.'d'K-nc sIb&o wn tojiwd at Oon 'Creek llll! al S o'clock n nlliesiUy nigu,1 teit miles lie X Olid Me til e, b) t-vo iitthvviini)fli Wells, Furco 4 Cj "v. Wx " tak-n, but the iimiI- er nt tuuclied. The rub'iers t;ot in money. A Grman prune gaft owried by Win. Turner, Ot this place, pfttift It; April, the main uhot h"s crown 7 feet 5 inchs aud ih- la'erals 39 feet'6 incliff, iiiaktiig a total srowih of 46 feel 11 inches. It was grafted on a plum t-t&ik. Th Jarkaoarille public sthail oppn en for the new r(.hla-lis far on Monday l-.t nh (onii-ilinitf in-sr400! chclars Rerogn-i-n tile a'oe ot Tiia school quite a i.uaijtr i.f nnu resideut are wnding their cbiMien here to take advanitj.e of the sarne. A Ker1ville correspondent of tLe Gritntii : an "Cnurier" kvk lint Din Hunt fins returned, and tux fHemi ae rtjiltvd to vee his ft-nHI face on he sirretorto niore. Report say ke has sol I U 'claim on AppVg-iii-for 20,000. an t we congrattala'j bin. on hi goJ fortune. Peop'e in Sultfle'ri tJreron, who have fi:ie sjimprtr oT tho product of j tin part 'f our State, h(rtllit ceml them to the j.-ciixiiic- Fair Til Po"r land, wiiibli wiftb" Wioieil to leteiv articl? for eX'ubh on Oc'iHier 8 h Jt will be of Iviietit ttV Soiiiberii Oregon ro be well ttpreehlfd therf. The Orecoii S-atb Fair begini Al S-ilecu oti Monda) Hi-kt nnd w 111 tcn tiiius in week. Thn mil agers prom iie a leUer Fir t Iii-t tear than ever held in the Stale befole nnd a large attendants ii expected from all por tions nf the Stale. " The matlnaerx will accept our ttianks for a cotupiiturhtary tickVti A jury was secured In Ihe Brdwn murder cise at Linkvillu on Monday last Slid the i Hal ha) Wit goiil Us dnce lhat tiiil. Uis'rict Attorney Kent, C. W Kibler an- pt-o-rxotinc the ce while J it lifeVt r'lh and'Haiind appear for ihe defense. Tue caso witl prev an rxpeniirj one far Ktanialli county. Jaibes Dcbson, the man whn wa killed near Walla Walla by Fred E Ltlfc. Thur.day night; was E-ic'h ty birth and wa a;d about 56 jrears. He came tb this cjast over thirty year ago, and in 163T ran a pack tiain Crecsnt City to Jacksonville. In i853 h atjd Mc.Kay lan s iiicl f rslh from Wall Walla to tlie Fraser riers Sutisequenily be NftsagVd in the stock bUsioe-a, ahii df latB v$b M conducted ,a fa ml on tile WalM Walla rivsf. He leaves a. widitsxd preptrty valned at $10,009. Buy youroods ii 3Br Brs, Golden Rule -Bazaar. 'CaeaiSjk 'sh re in town and don't ")dt fget it. 1st cuffee -7 lbs.v. . .. .-.v-V-V?! 00 'Blueing r Twr.V.v.w. .-vv.v. .121 1 5 ants dress poods -for-. .-.. -J. 1 00 B-"t 2 lb. oy'xters ftfr. .-.-. .. . .25 Besfl lbolSrs. .- x.v .15 The 'Gra'hti Pas 'paper-, s Veil as soBtetif'the reslUents of that county, afe sti rfihliiig over the coonty seat tpieitioii. A motion to reconsider would I e in order, and as JWksou cduJty'h willing to take her territory birtt Shd thereby settle tkeffouUe-the ta-ayera of that county 'hd Vcller start a mote of that kitlU. The assessment of property in Ash land sc&ool distric, 'completed last weekihow taxable 'jirn(irty to the amount: of $364,988, anil there is eonie whidi the assegvor was unable to fix his graijiplii;'hooks npou wiunn ihe ten das"periud allowed bun by the cllOol law. Th laxpavers itt'tbe ills 'trict tiuhiber 299, rhikinV ah kVtfrag, A 5fl2i-l toach. ti.fiiris.'' i W-l-arn, sava tha tikevJewEx- utuli t.r " i.f nnitw M litft-a. tdtl 1 S lie lint. iiiic tie-n macfe-rn '"SiiNeV lflke VaMev nuiiity, "fBiivUtiug of rser 77,700 acres ti'f vauqi-and-ove41-iwVis Ig'lTds lielnngi'n;'fo Rodin A. NVestet. al and old to if as. M. Al'i'n of Ss'tiPiaircrfCO. This ia on of tlie finest, bodies of land ill Oregon, M'utted as it is. Ihe amouut-psid was $83,96-3. The immediate delivery s'vsten has gone 'into tffct. Apecia! ten "cen't siaiup Will 'insure the immedialx de liver) of a letter in any town of 4,000 inliKui'MkU or over. Tlit s'tanjii N il-trkbtuefric6'lriid '13-16 by 17-16 of an inch in stz. O.i the left in an arched panel containing the woriU "United S ate.1' in the fisure of a bi seiiger boy when running. John G. Thompson, formerly Ser geant at Arm of the llousn of Repre sentatives, readitd Portland Saturday to enter upon his ddites "as pecial ajent of the Interior deiiartment. Mr. Thompxoh hastHisnge.J very much J in the last few years, an I l lint Ilia robut uiau that he once was. He has accepted the i Bice more for the pake of I ii viiih mine xacinc iioriuwe.i man for any financial benefit. Thn ol 1 Bjwden ledge on Ja&son creek has been re-located tiy Miri-hal Curm a-tid Othe-r, and a tnnnel wi'l Ik?, run there before torn;. iSeVeral Vears 'ago when the owners had a "mill iliere irey -.orked rock iiajing from SS to $30 er ton, ljut with the procest-e then in use they could tint make i pay, lot being sHe to HlVe itie gold. Ex perts now claim '(I'll 18 rook will pay a good dividend, sr.d if such is the cate tlia'niw owner ih'irk tiley can throw pltnty of it iu liglif. Litters are received cfntinually of late 1tr ttrorn stable room. atrace track, ami the directors of the eocietv have lieen ob'ig"d to order thf -erectiou of more stables and stalls to nccfniJ ilate the latge Ytotnber of burse -crrm- -n to take part in the races dunui; Fair weeK. It is exp'cted t'hat there will be twica aH miny as e-r tlefore brought hero for the Vaces, giviii" prmirt of the most interesting and exciting lirtie yH "wiiYvessed in S-skivou county. Tha track is in splendid on ditidrv, an-1 wilt lie improved constant ly nnder the tupervii.ion of tne track committfe -until weyk of racea, s-s tbat j it will be in as fine Condition for "uai in; fast time, an any track ou the coa-st "Journal." The manager of th "Bittle nf Wa terlms" panorama, at Sin FrancUco, has uiors "cheek" than nme people ha v hay. He sen 'u a $4 75 no'ice ainlsaiiif we wo'i'd insert it for a fe-vV week, he woull end ui a com pi i tnenlary.. ''Lakeii'ew Exxminer." Brother 6-ai.li, y"d4 mas) b new in th iieijr baiiiee-. If j ovf can't live ou hasftrt: MioiSlfs Vffii&Ue vol tS 1oin thai I6l of woV n-xt veelr, whi'eat the same time you have the privilege uf occipjing a fron' eal a ihe Iiojv on a complimentary lick ei nu anl the roller boy oujla bo'b to-iarvc. Wh'it wouli yoadiwilh 4 75 anvlio- if th- mansger of the "Il.tite, of Waterloo PanoVam WOufd offer to Jay for the notictt The BAer C.ty '3agt. RrusTi tha.--ly ; eab of the Vef situation ah J the prospect for higher rrice-i Many cat letnen Art? selling off Mocfc at present that it would iav well' to keep for another sear, bucli lioietale. illrpa! of caUle""ftshv8 bceb hiade i1i?Buli' out Eikterii tJrego'ri tliis seasoit, will -eU't in bicher prices next tear. Prtie from .Montana luveWn buy inian'i dtiVing t'fj that e:JLiuaJid ji nnu'd Lot 'u p.iae us Id Leit that ibese fame cAttle will tie 6.d in il) r-'an Fralici'to and Portland rfarkVil next h print; al double what lliey bow )riilg. If the Khimeht continue, f jr another mon h a they hive in ilia jisH the ranges wilt ta u-ed only by hores and heep and thetre will not be euoiigh bbtf to t0p)ily the hams mark et. An interesting incident tOfiK-jiIabe at ihe White IIouiO WwdnejtiVttLe epectacle being preijitted of a Kepu' h ican Senator firgTng before a Deiho cra4ic Presidehtthe apiiointroent of a Deimwrat to ofiie. A Noltner, of Portland, is a meiuber b". the iialio lal Democralio comnilttee of Oregon, Nul tiler it an applicant for the I osi lliirl dF,diitniaterof Portland. There lieilig io Democratic Seusjor or Ilp re dilative from Oregon, njltner was fprced to a.k Senator l3j'pti td intro duce hiril aiii enddrse him to'tfia pres ident, wliich IJo'fb (itd !n a hsad soroe manQer. Dalph said nl re csrded Noltner as the choice of tne DembiiraU of ?ort!uiid For Ihe t post uiaterhip, add that, ofllsiiU of ihe fact (Lit he -was i Denirtfcrsr, h was a (Irett gd-wl felldw. The preidrnt iti rep'jr tiltl lLat alt oiiier thin? beinz eiiuai. tl e fact that lioltner wis I Domocrauwadld nat injur. SiuVwhli 1 Hi adstinUlratioa. Klamath "Codrt The following are the Circtfit Court proceedings at fchikMlle for ihi week paV:..-. State v. T.'Gatxhij indhitoieht for -mailing frllntuoas liquoAi without license. DefendaatfounVurllT ah3 semeiiced to pay afiae-f50 and -costs-.... D. i". tvk m. JVH. 'Ci'ahBir; suit tor injunction. Man iate of ttra 'supreme eoart, aifirsain- Ulgneht 'fhe court below, enteled,..;S ifte S"s. Alfrrsl Cranes. Grand jary tehirdi'J "not a trua bit!."....a:Dnton S-s. Jo. Heiwlrix; apeal from justice's co'art. Judgment afHrmed Slate rs.CiintonJ Brown; itulicmetit for murd(!r'in the firit dogtee. Oi" trial. ....John'F. Miller "v. James Tobin: suit in rq-iitr. S-p!niW 29:h Set as the time for arguing the case at -Chambers is Jacksonville. Railboad Fark To accomodate thrSi iho with-tj attend the'bumerths Fairs SoHn lo be held, the. railroad com pany Vill iua exjuvMin tickts for the 'round trip. F.ir the Stat Fair to coihnieilce at Sil'tn ntt Morrtay fhi rate iii be as follow, and for the M-'banicn Fttir 't Portland lo com Nience'OotoW 8 h, ilia rate will Tie in tha Mint proporlii'ti. 'From Xh'lanl fair umumfi antl return, 14; from Puoeiiix f 13 60; from Xledfftrd, 913 0;' from Central Piut, $13 13; from Gobi Hill, $12 6Xff6fMVoodville, $12 25; from Grant' Pa, $11 83; from Jnmp otT-Joe, 11 40; from Graxel Pit, $l1. 05f from Alia, $"10.85: from Almadcn, 110 50. pFift-KCT Tkloxs. The fame of Rogue river fruit and melons is grow ths. The last delicacy thipted here is a Cipaso melon, one of which fo'nnd iti wav to the"0.esoiiivi" ulHce Yrohi il II. E Battin's commission 1 ouse. it is Minelhing like a canteloupe, and .oroeihing like a Inusk melon anil much finer tbah Vitlie'r. 0n lie out id itlooks like a half wilte I qoash. It U juicy, compact and not mealy, the rind -is Yery thin, and the Uavoi equals tli at of the banana. It is the perfection ot breakfaM fruit "Ore. xftnikn." After all the flirry over the Section of officers of ihe Northern Pacific Hail wa Company, the o'd board was sus tained Ihioughout, and chosen for an other year. Tue Cistads division wai viiluallj killed tiy tie filoption of a resolution 'to tlie eff.tt that no. nea Wads bhnaM he constructed tintes ther cou'd 1 dona out of lha availaW ai sets of toe'Cjmpafir. (ie lease of the 0 R. i N. Company was ratified, which -removes a nource of contention f'r'rffi further di-cission. On ie w'li'b'a, Portfind has no reison to be dissatis fied tilth the result. -A 'Card. I have j m rjiive i a car load of Morri?6u plons'Vhic'h are nCfred for -ale cheaper tbau ever bsfore sold in Id-Icson or JosepTlitoe'co'inty. Parties claiming that ihey rec-ived a car load of Morri-on plows as slated in estir dAy's 'Times' is faNe in every partic ular as I am the regularly appointed and duly authorized asnt for that compiny for Jackson an.t '.Towpbine iouuties-, ii KtbLi. bHILOIfS COJ"Gltand'C..1isum tion Ouie is hold by ns oh a cmrantec. It cures cotiiutppiiou. .Brooks can furnish it. THAT HACKING COUGH can bo o quickly cured by Shiioh's Cure. We guarantee it. Gill at Brook'. ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dl&incsj, L-mof Apbe ite, Yello Skinl SDi ob' Vualiiir is a po-itivu'eafe. JFor yale by E. C. Brooks. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY apositivo eure for CitaVrb, Dipbtheria -tnt) Csnke'r Mouth. Brooks can fur iiiOi Tr. F6l DISPEPSIA and liver :om plaint, you base a printed guarantee on every tiottle o! Shiioh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keep ' SniLOH'S VITALIZER Fa what you need for ConstipAiion, tl6s of Ap I eti'e, Ditz'ness and all svmptoin of DvSjiephis.. Price 16 and 75 cents per tpttrr. For sale at B. C. Brook.' A IsASAb.mECrOR free with "ftich Untie of Sliiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 30 cots, at Brook's. ftabltnal CeniblSatlota L Is a nroliric source of misery, and fniaiir ill",,gUingiis-e to Headache, DallneasIVvers, Jierv miMiess, R"st emiriess, B.liousncs, I'id)getion, Pois onifig of lllood, etc. The bitter nauxedtos Isivei Biiitises, pille, salts ind Uraughta foriberly useil t6 relieve Vie sufferer, tinlV aggravate the disease and sicken tho stomach. All who are aglictrVl in that wav, know the impor tance cf the remedy pleasant to the palale; harmless, ih its nature, and till-, ly heueiuial in its 'action. Tje trial tattles of Syrup of Fig given away free, of charge by our Vriterprising druggists; Merritt and Robinson of Jacksonville prove that tt i all that call lie desired. Ltrge boUlai at fifty cents oi one 'dollar. . CntLD's Sxow FtAEit. Every lady, wishing a cjfar, delicate Cdmplesiop; boul.i, Child's Snow fiake. It nodrUhes ami freshens tha iki'n, re moves Tan and Sunburn-, aitrt, the nat urat k jw'aranoa imiidrl'ed, renders It iinossilie to detect its use Worrant-e-1 perfecily htfoVcas. Sold by all dru;fsl. o'r by the iqanufactarcr', Jo'hn A.Cntll i Co., Drugaist, Port land, (3rn.. Ml, orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. Wfcen Baby was wckf w gave her; , ..,.,, CASTOPJA, When she was a Child, ah.efid for CASTORU, Wbca ah4 became Miss, sbeclunz to ., cAonrA, j "vyv jfc ai CiiMrMC-ali" gave ihi J i 3ASTORlA. Klajiath Coirarr 'Gbaxd Jurt. T. O. Andrews, 'fuTr.jnian, warren Pratt, Daxid Shook, 1ST V. Kuhn. I. Awbrey, J. D. Haniaker, Maihias Walters. Petit Jury D. J. Fcrree, Ja. Ma iotse. J D. Walker. O. I'. Brown. I? '6.'Galbreath, Henry Conn, John H Miller, Jos. Nichols, Amos Luudy, W W. Finlev, Frank Adam Simpson Wilson, W E. Decker, O. C. Apple Vatfr, Jas.'Parfc, X. K Gonlcn, J. II. Rowley, 'Fretl. Schulin, V Bi'ei'eu stem, Matillall Or, It. E Dar S, Gv-o. T. 'Baldwin, S. A. ParWcr, John Mc Curdv. Jcet List Th fallowing is the panel drawn tor the October lenn oi Circuit Court: James Mt-Dougall. 'Fr.d White, John Bver, James Mor toil, r. II. GiUon, John Van Horn C. C. Low, M S. Wakeman, Join. Rsde', 'R. F. Deau, T.J. Cochran, C C. llagjdale, J-, V4 Iiicram, Ileurv Ammeiman, W. L- Webster, H. C. Turpin, H T. Sd'e'rttltcs "Geo. A. Jacksdn, B. IU Williis, J. O. C Wimer, Geo Schumpf, G. S. Walton, Btrtlet: 0K'iicliaiii, Win. Ma field, A. O me. Rufus Cox, I. A. Webb, Wir. Morris, Geo. BialJ Adam "Schmidt, S. C. Tavlb'r.. , ;, A Jloihrr'a lean. E.- W. C. We know that tnsnv children Live die J from cough mix--tUfes coataining mordiia or opium But the new remedy Rel Star Cough Cure is entirely ie;elable and lurrn less, and eminent phv s'cians "tes'Tfy at to its curative powers. GOLD & SILVER OSES WOKKKD. S3 Per &ciit. of Fini Assitj. AT ii JACOB'S HILL 25 IViilea 'frorit Ashland. HVVIKO LBSi:D the abovo named mill and at gnat cxpsusc put In my FOR VORKIXG Eebslliouj tires antl Sntyhursts I Trill be prepared on and after ,31-iy 2Jtlr, I8i5. 'tovarksny ore ih SAtrtTijrn Orejjon, 85 pcr'ceflt. ot fire a.siy. Partits h.ivins Gold anl Silver Mine;. developed, so as to s'iow ia sight, Ihu val ue hi my pnicesj. can nave wors put on the same with my proces , and the py for tech vvoks taken from tlie mine, PROVIDING the pitVies Wi 1 ship five or more ton3 of theavsraze ore from suib mine to my works In 'tenley, Harl have it worked .by my process wLic'i I agree to woik Sj percent. ormaKs no cniirc for Tvorki&s same. Talk is Cheap, Tell the bat e&Vrs Story. GEO. n. CHICK, Jigtnt. Ilcnlcy, Siskiyou couily, Cal. AUCTIONEER. lis ving taken out the necessary license, I btfer my services to "the public as a General Auctioneer. .Ml business in my line wi 1 be .iromnt. ly attended to at reasonablo rites. SUiS- fattiongmraritecu. tor tarllicr panicu-1-T3 euquirc ol'or address, N li. A. Owkv, Central Poinl, Or atafmor Kent. The Uadcn.igned Ins three good farms Wnich are hereby offend for rent on go&l terms They consist of the Cltnu rancli of 320 -acre-, the Slcnrns ranch of 25 1 acres anil the Centres ranch of 1C0 acVc, all located in the vicinity of Jacksonville, an 1 all good farming Had. For particu lars, call on or address, . ,.JIns,S.E Isir, Jacksonville. Sept. 12. 1335, Iiast CsxlX. to -nnnh 4t ji4Y cncsnVi As we n'e closing up our basinets heie, all who are indebted to In are hereby requested lo coma forward and settle without unnecessary delay". RkAmss Bros. Fartl! JTOr jtcnt. The rindersigned tofI"r luc Dardanelles farm for rent. For full particulars tall Oa the owner lit tae place. .. Tnos. Cuav.-ikR. Gold IIUI, Sept. 0, 188o. tJHOlVEMiLL'EK & BIREfSEYi JACKS02S'Ylt.TaE. LiBELtEWAOOSBUGGIES AD HACKS, . nlNsiNG riding harrows with senders combined, BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRi: i' OTH HA I.ROW3,- - . , .McSHERRV GRAIN DRILLS AND Blip AD-CAt.T SEEDERS, BUF6RI? rLOWd, ALf.STYI.E-?, uoijL.ijns uasi' uas r-vrisKij t'Luws, randall rulvkrihing arrows, cider-mi ma Fanning mills, corn sHeLJ;rs7 IIAYCrtF.RS. F.AtRltNK&CALD. , , wUOOUE"i'ci ENGINES AND RAW-MILLS", . CHALLENGE yiND-MlLLS.- : ..., CHALLENGE (JRAIN CRACKERS, Eti eXfflAS SEUVZD ON SHd.1T NOTICE ' Wrj iroujil rospep(fiiUj ask.ottr f-iffrfms, rfijtj friducls lo cali and see outline of pboda befora 'ijitfciiastit elsewhere, a? tvo feel uurc io Sell As Lowlflbt Loitei - Thnn anj,first-clas3grkKi c3n bk- , w 3kcTllle,Or8jon,3Cay9, 1864. AFTER tNNNER. Tcrsocs svho cuScr fron Iniugestloa etui arrest the Trogrcsi ' fttofal icaiady by the uso ot sn rftcr-tUnner pllli so ccapond t!iit It v.i't Rive tono to the stomaili, j-rccnt beanburn, roaaa tbo KVir to LealtUul action, tavlsorsta the L!dneys,asd thiu, through tho acilvttr ot these organ?, promoto tho natural -movement oi tha stomach and bowels'. lA.VTli'S riixa 'aro so rompouaded ttaj their OLtloii, though tnlkl, effectually pro slufts tho 'above rcscl.9. They also. In uirinjc Consltcatlcn.J-cciove tbo cause of Hlllouncss,ll cr Complaint. Kldaev DU cafe, RheutaatUnJ, tsdiiuuiy other sertsus ailments. "tcaitln V.&. tlncrsl ccr ro'fuotts sab s'snee', 'csd do ret rrit"6 vnless thi bowels fcra-frr!tatcd,andven thru ttelr iufiuence Is bcallua To tvnw MsSf tficct in coustlpatevfcr chronic vcasei, tcV LCtd oalv bo taken In illmlnUImig lustecd cf IncrcJsinj doses, lot stamen, sad In habitants cr travelers In Fsely settled countries where ihvs'claas sro tot at hand, ther aro ct iaesttznab'o salue. Thcro Islardly a iIcIoicm ihty wt!I not alleviate, ml 16 -most cs'cs cure, K takeii 1 roir.ptlv. To young rlrla jo:t cnt-rlns upon wonanhoodtnd t a womeu whoso period rf laaternlty li drawing to a close; A? Tllb, la. mqderata "doses, merely JUfilJcnt to en.uro reuitr action ot tha liovv els, will be Xouad of 'rhb&lclalablcb'Varue. J rrxi-asED BT Dr. J. C. Aytr & Co LowelJH 'EoM by-all DrolitS. Speed Programme THE 22t. Shasta isgricuUura Ae&cciatica Eist. No. 10-. At YREEA, CAL. CCOUIESCCiQ On Wednesday, Oct. 7t&. COSTIXCIXO FOUR D.1T8. i . ' V For racinz purposes this district shall coaprisc Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta and Modoc counties. California! and Jackson, iviiuniu uu xjat.u couuvics, orcuu. Firt Dav Wednesday, Oct. "th. ltnce Xo. 1 Running race, free for air, tn le heats, " in 8; purse $30-1; Ul horse $i; 2d horse ;5. Race No. 2 'J'n.ttlnw T.ice. free fon all hordes owned la ihe district prior l6,My 1st, tint hare wcvir O'aten 3 minutes-; ptirsc $20j; Ht Tiorso $150; 2d horse $36. Second Day Thnrsday, O-t 8vh. Rice No i lunntn race, frca for sl, half-mile and repeat; purse $200; 1st horac $ 50; 2d hore$50. Rsee Xo.4-Trottn; race.frie Jt VX & ) eaV bids owned ia the district $rror to M y 1st ; mile heals, 3 in 5; purse $2u0; .st horse IW; 2d horse $3 1. II ice No 5 Runniu? rice, free for alh tf mile, sindc itasli; pursa $'50; 1st In rse 120; 2a hoVie $ ii. Tmrl Di) Fridav.Oct. Vth. Orand pirptli of Stock , IUce -No. 6 Trottins race, free for ai two year olds owned In tlia district (VrJof tn May 1st : mile htat, 2 in 3 ; parse 150;" 1st hors.-1!20 ii hirse SO doUjis Ruce No 7 Trotting race, free for alj horses ovv.ied i.i the dislrii, prior (o May 1st tint hive nut beatin 2-50; 3 in 5 pureS 0 iTnllaT.; 1st n6rss liO dollars; 2d horse 50. Fourth Diy Saturday, Oct 10. Ilace No. 8 Trotfinsj n-c, free for all; mile heal-3 in 3; pu sc S;0 dollors; 1st hqrse 22 doiUrs; 2 fiOVse 75 dol ifs. Usee 2o. 9 Kuanlft race, Srca Tor all; J.( mile aadrepjat; parss 2Q0 dnl urs; 1st tiorsc lo'J dollar.-; 2d horse 50 dollars. Rules and Regulatijas. 1. Ten per csnt.of the amount of tha pu so sii-ill b.a the cutraa:s Ice ia all tha abuva ran a. 2. Kniries to bo placed in ths entry boi kept for that purpos? al thft Pavtltoa, prior to 9 r.M. oa tha tlav prior lo race 8. Kntrics riiust give n-ra;. pedigree and description ot horsj entertd as tarai known. 4. It all ths above races, three to oa ter and two So start, J . . , , 5. 'A 1 ?oWa races Hus U in iiar ness'. . , , ,, . G. National Trotting Jsjodatioa rule to govern I rotl I ri races. , 7 Pacific CVat Blood Uorse Aaiocla1 tion rules to govern .ruAnlnj races . 8 Time pinde ut this meeting, shall not be a bir during Iheso races at tbls District Fair, 0. Alt races over this course shall be bffua dde. Beddinjr for horses svl 1 be Tumlshsd 30 days prior to nuetin;, ,. D..V. fivOT, President. Fked Lehssrs. Secrttary. UNION HOTEL? Kerliy viUe,.Yv Oro.B Mrat'.Mi Ryder, Fropiv Ffrstlass acpommodatl'n r;an always be. had at this house at the labst rcttsfana Wp. rites. , ,,,. J"Aa excellent stablo toanecteo wttH sold far; anfl ire tmfuijle alVftUr eRONEMrLLEil AND' BIPvDSEY,