Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 29, 1885, Image 3

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SktURDAT, Aracar 29, 1885.
Hides Wxxtkd. Tbe undersigned
will pay (he highest cash prica for bear
akin an Jail other kinds of fun, deer
afcfajj eto Call around before telling.
Taos. J. Kexxet.
New Postmaster. Medford baa a
Mew petttuatter in the pertoa of D. H.
Millar, rice J. 8. Howard removed.
Mr. Howard made an efficient and
bilging official but he was proven an
flVntive partisan and bad to go. The
atw iele:tien 11 alio a good one.
A Good Haul. Thoi Ross and
George Neuber went out in the valley
yesterday and came back early in the
evening with 69 fine fat quail. They
report quail plentf now, the came law
eridtently having had its effect. We
acknowledge receipt of halt a dcien for
which we return er thanks with the
nope that they do as well .every time.
Piokkek ReTTxioit. Tbe ninth
annual re union of the pioneer society
I SemtkenK-Omfe, -will fee Jield aV
JUnland, on Thursday, September 10,
1885. It is desirable that members
of the society come prepared to pay
their annual dues, to the end that the
annual re-union's of the society may
be perpetuated. Programme here
after. Silas J. Dat, Seey.
Axothkr Boarder. A man nam
d Miller waa brought to the county
jail Tbnrsday night ou a charge of as.
aaulting J. A. Williams. On an ex
amination before Justice Barkdell at
Medford be was bound over in the sum
of $50 which he was unablete furnish at
once and was therefore committed to
jail. He claims that he will be able
to give the required bail soon and
thereby regain his liberty until court
Bouxd Over. Wo. Bybee re
turned home from Waldo this week
standing the trip quite well, his injur
ies not proving as bad an at first sup
posed. In the preliminary examina
tion of Thos. T. Bybee for an attempt
at murder, the defendant was bound
'over in the sum of $750, for which the
bonds were given. Capt. H. Kelley of
this place appeared as Deputy District
Attorney in the case returning home
with Mr. Brbee.
Tee Bio Race. A final deposit of
$1,000, making a total of $2,500 a
aide, will be made to day on the race
between the colts of Lindsay k De
Lkihmult'i Hambletonian Mrmbrino
and Jay Beach's Altamont Tho race
wjll take place on Monday. The colts
who will be entered for the race have
hot -yet been named. Arncne the
lovers of tiro tnrf there is considerable
In teres orer- the race, and it is ex
pected that there will be considerable
money up on the affair. The contest
ants come from blooded stock.
Pcnuc Rkadixcs Miss A. S.
Lute the popular elocutionist ave otie
of her readings at Medford Thursday.
The bou, as might be xpected, in
these harvest and hard times, was not
large but of tbat character as to duly
appreciate the lady's efforts. Miss
Xuse is most happy in her delications
and simply inimitable to be appreci
ated she must be both seen and heard.
She proposes giving one or more read
ings here the coming week if suitable
arrangements can be made, and if our
people desire to enjoy a rare treat they
should not lose this opportunity. The
lady gives her time and talent almost
wholly for benevolent purposes and is
eminently worthy publiccontidence and
as the price of admission is only 25
cents, we bespeak for brr, when ebe
shall favor us with a visit, a full house.
Religious Items. Elder M. Peter
on preachej at Ashland Sundar, and
will be assisted by Elder Whitney,...
Ilder H. O. Fleming will hold services
at the Antelope school houre Sunday,
at the usual hour.... A week frem
aext Sunday the first mass will be held
at Jacksonville at 7 o'clock A. it. and
at Eagle Point at 10:30 A. M , Ret.
XL Straeten offieiating....Tho Bap
tists are holding a successful meeting
at the Antelope school house, a num
ber of converts being reported. Rev.
Jat. Hummer in attendance.. . . .Elder
O. M, Whitney will preaelr in this
place on the first Sunday ia Septem
ber, morning and evening, and at An
. tioch , school .house on the following
Sunday.. .,. Rev. M. Straetea requests
at to stale that on next Sunday the
first asass will be at Medford at S
o'clodfcYA. V. and at Jacksonville at
10 JO "a. m. Sermon: "The true
Church of Christ," In the evening at
7:30 there will be benefio.fon and a
German sermon; subject: "Die' Men1
dAwerdnng Christ!."
ChauexsIv Accepted Horace
Dunlap of Eakeview not long since
. challenged HsriTy Mensor of this place
for a foot-raea for any amount, dis
tsnee set namedy. the race to take
plaee at Linkville cTurin the races
there early aext jaontk To this
Menser accepted the challenge; naming
Jacksonville as tfre place for the race,
distance from 60 to 75- yards, and a
forfeit to be pat-ap at once. Yester
day Menser received a telegram from
Dunlap, stating that ke would not run
m Jackioayille but would make the
race at any other point that lie would
name. Mentor immediately tele
graphed him that he would accept the
challenge, far 1250' a tide, distanee'60
yards, asd Jfedford to bo the plaee
where the rui is to be run. Since
agreeing to make the race Menaor'ei
saysician na recommended him tnnm
Jie raee off at least sir weeke or two
nooiBS ana lor tbat reawn be declines
vanning: it at present, promising: to
lfc oq sand when he is in proar con-
Local Items-
Thoa, G. .Retmes. and Hinry Kubli
are back from Cinnabar.
U. A. Handy, the bide bnyerr is here
on one of his periodical visits.
Call on Aiken Bros, at Jacksonville
for superior sugar pine lumber.
The residence- of Wm. HeeTey is
being embelishetf with a new fence.
Buy yourgoods at tbe-Golden Rule
Baxaar cheapest cash store in town.
Country produce taken in exchange
for goods at the Golden Rule Bazaar.
The regular terra of Circuit Court
for Klamath county begins September
Call at N. Fisher's for bargains in
the dry goods line. Prises to suit the
Groceries of all kinds at the lowest
bed rock' figures at the Golden Rule
A prominent citizen of this valley
was takeno Salem this week we are
sorry to say.
New goods and all the latest styles
are being sold very cheap at the Gold
en liule Bazaar.
Jackson county farmers are about
through harvesting and report about
a three fourths crop.
A. H. Maegly ii fitting up a cozy
house for himself and wife in the
lower part of town.
The finest clothing, the latest styles
art being offered very cheap at the
Golden Rule Bazaar.
We need msney and must have it.
All those iudebtegj are requested to
call and settle at once.
Ed Helms officiates as Boss Mixer
at tbe Table Rock saloon buring the
absence of Chris Wintjen.
Price the goods at the Golden Rule
Bazaar and see if that is not the
cheapest cash store it town.
John O'Brien's little daughter, in
jured by a falling gate, is improving
rapidly and out of all danger.
9 oz jelly glasses with cover, Masens
and Lightning fruit jars J gallons and
quarts in lots to suit at Nunan's.
A large amount of wool is now
.being shipped away, A. H. Maegly fc
Co. being among the heaviest shippers.
September 14th is the date set for
the opening of the public school. The
Bisters school comraencesnext Monday.
Dr. Will Jackwon. our well known
dentist goes to Atshland on a profess
ional visit next Tuesday to remain ten
Simon Caro and S. A rend t of Rosen
borg are in town. The former reports
bis new building at tbat place progress
ing finely.
Just think of it two quart fruit eaas
at Kuuli'ri hardware store for 85 cents
per dozen and one quart for GO cunts
per dozen,
J. G. Birdsoy'a dog "Bruno" caught
a young fawn on the Birdsey place on
Rogue River this week and he it now
the proudest dog in Oregon.
Largent line of baby carriiges south
of Portland, at Branch's house fur
nishing store, Anhland. Frices range
from eight to twenty five dollars.
John Orth this weak sold a full
load of tallow to James Thornton of
the Ashland Woolen Mills with which
they make soap to clean dirty wool.
The meeting of the Women's Home
Missionary Society has been postponed
until Thursday next at two o'clock p.
M. Election of officers will take place
County Clerk Parker is still kept
busy drawing warrants for bounties
offered for scalps. The bounties are
too high yet and the hunters ought
not to complain.
George Jackson and several otters
in this tection are reaping quite a har-
Ivcst this season by shipping mel' 8 in
Lear lead lots to Portland where good
prices are realized,
J. W. Hayes is blacksmilhing at
Beallview, He and Ed. R, Owen are
contesting for tire honor cf becoming
the first Mayor of that town', with
chances about even. '
J. C McColly and Win. Xinn came
in from Cinnabar on Spnjfay last the
.., aiuiytut CA, 1U II CHI l-U
While absent this trip McCnllj killed
ten deer and caught 528 trout.
Klippel Iveeton & Co. now have
twe wing dams fn Applegate and will
commence working tbe bed cf the
creek next week. The bays deserve
well for the hard work tbey do.-
A livery and feed stable' wilt soon
be opened at BesJlviaw and J. A.
Slover of this place talk of starting a
hotel there before long. Several oth
er business houses are contemplated.
Thos. J Kenney and Ed Helms in-
f dignantiy deny taat prices differed for
saddlery goods m their stores here and
at Medford and say any party interest
ed can satisfy themselves by examining
their books.
Excursion fates will be granted' over
the O: tCK. R. to parties wishing
to o to. Portland" on the 3'lst to wit
ness the bi trot. The rates are not
announced, bat they will likely be half
the usual rate.
Our railroad friend of former timw,
L S. Whning, but now Superintendent
of the Mechanic's Fair to commence at
Poittand, 0'ctotier 8th. has placed ui
under obligations for a complimentary
ticket to the same.
thief stole John Ortu's riin..
tWtd tn. killin beef at the slaughter
houM one nigh't this week. Johnny
eay be will' gjve' the partr a' whole'
". wi ijuntiOBK lira H- tney
win arjv retain is, i
The BakerCity ''-Tribune" saysiuat
the advance agent of Cuchirs's circus
it t
is m las cooier, in noise, ana ice circus
itself has gonevto pieces is Ketcliura,
being attached" for some $5,000 due
San Francisco parties.
The butcher shop formerly owned
by J. C Neitz has been closed for the
present as Joe and hij brother propose
mining on Galice creek this Summer
We learn that other parties propose
opening the shop again.
The Raimey place in Table Rock
precinct was .last Saturday bid in by
C. W. Kahler, for C. Coleman of San
Francisco, at $5200, subject to mort-'
gage amounting to nearly the sum.
It contains over 900 acres.
The Jacksonville Silver Cornet Bind
turned out in their new band wagon
one night this week and -gate- the
whole town a serenade. They were
trying their new lamps and presented
a fine appearance after night.
L. C. Coleman, formerly one of
Jacksonville's leading business men is
here aeain ou a short visit to old time
frtonris Ma Lao Itiar Hniuhiul k 'V Kl W 1
iiicuiM. -. u juouui-iucu v-a.acy-
uuu re--1 urn ca in oan jcranci9eeraj
will auike tbat bis future homeJiPf
The "Courier" of last Satnrdav "saw
it. : ,. .L-. . -c ' i
li ia ruuiureu tuub h party ol survey
ors are in the mountains near Crescent
City, inspecting a route for a railroad
from that place to Grant's Pass. They
are said to be in the employ of the
Central Pacific."
A gentleman who is extensively en
gaged in the grain trade, informs a
"News" reporter that then heat crop
from Portland to Eugene is twenty
five per cent, short. Between Eugene
and Ashland it is fifty per CliU. lesa
than last year.
The late Sam W. Sawyer, for a long
time a merchant at Kerbyville, Ore
gon, who died suddenly at the.Galiudo
Hotel in San Francisco not long since
left an estate valued at 112,000 of
which 61,000 waa in coin His wife
is the only heir.
A small fracas occurred at the
Eagle Brewery last Saturday between
the proprietor and his brewer. The
brewer had Mr. Heeley arrested on a
charge of assault and battery, but the
jury before whom it was tried declared
him not guilty and he was discharged
in consequence.
We learn from Mr. Thomas Chav
ner that two capitalists, their wives,
with them, and making use of the
presidents car, recently came to Gold
Hill, and spunt four days in inspecting
the iron mines there. There is some
work at present being dona on these
After next Tuesday Jas. Herely,
contractor on the mail-route between
this place and Butte creek, will leave
and return via Medford. Passengers
will be-carried on reasonftl)Ie"teriiis
and all orders entrusted to Mr. H. will
receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
W. V Jones, Nelson Hosruer anil
Joseph Goldwonhy of Fools creek
made us calls this week. Tho former
is now engaged in the mercantile busi
ness at that place with Fred Otten and
says that they are dcine well, whreh
all their friends hope may be the fact
at all times.
Just as we go to press we learn of a
borrihla tragedy that was enacted near
Eureka, where a woman was beaten
and her throat cut from par to ear.
The murderer as taken from the cus
iouy oi me snerin, ny a moo, a rope
put around his neck, dragged some
distance and then shot. "Del Norte
We acknowledge a pleasant call
from L. D. Brown, rroprietor of the
St. Charles hotsl at Portland. He
came here for the benefit of his health,
being afflicted with asthma and hatr
roncludpd tbat our climate will relieie
him. He returned home Thursday
promising to return to remain awhile
after the first of next month.
On August 15th, Jack "Ward, for
merly riding boss on tbe Oregon & Cal
ifornia extension, was killed while
working in tunnel No. 1 on the Cas
cade division of the Northern Pacific
railroad, by the caving in of the east
er end of the tunnel. He is well
known amont; railroad men, having
been with J. B. Hairis fur saveral
Toll pn the Centennial bridge
acrsss Rogue river has been reduced'
one half and tha. citizens of Gold Hill 1
oyb asreeo-Hj- give" a -oonos-oMf avrpe
month to Mr. Chavner if Jie'vill allow
all persons to paw over tbe. bridge free
who have business witb.any merchants
in that place.- Mr. Chavner Las agreed
to the offer thereby making- cheap toll,
on that bridge.
Our pioneer furniture dealer, Dai id
Linn has been doing a rushiii" bus:
ness of late selling furni'ure outfits
to newcomers who have recently lo
cated in different (Arts of the valley.
All talk about Jacksonville merchants
bting unable to compete with stores'
on the railroad is disproven by the
fact tb it lots of people cross the rail
road track to come here to do their
The Euglisb Dairyman says that
making butter by electricity is the
latest popular craze in England. The
patent for this process is simp'e. A
pair of electrodes are placed in a large
vessel of milk, and a current runs
through. Directly the milk feels the
force of the electricity and it
undergoes a curious change
Little balls of butter form upon the
electrodes and subseouentlr cetnrh
-themselves and fiot to the ton. Ths
butter is then collected,- plated in a
kneading machine and worked up into
the "best Dossitt" as fast as the opera
tor can turn tbe handle. !The process
is much-quicker than thn old-fsshioned
method' of churning: The" only draw
baclrto' the hutteY so made is tbat it
will'rlot staudtha" ordeal of a thunder
r ew'
. mvf . .-Vpgytl'
DauHuat ofJosephiue county was!
roBQvnnl davi lliio ..l ,:: I
I here aeve&l days this week on ruiniti"
1 e""f .! -a" .
spcuTatians with expertsjrom the put-
sue. iiuiid uciu tie snowed os an
invention, patented by his brother,
which he'calls'a square for a carpen
ter's rule, and .is something that every
mecbRuic should Tiive. It can be car
ried inside th6 rule and is about the
handiest and '-cheapest thing wo have
yet seen for its worth.
Mrs.'Tho35-B.'Keat has been lying
quite low with typhoid feter -for sev
eral weeks past and does not seem
mush improved at this time. Dwt.
AttorheyKent, 'yrho was at.La'eviBw
was telegraphed the otlii-r day, and on
his return liouio bisJjuj'sy was unset
whereby ne-retriveo iiiur:es compell
isfynto laj o acoijle of days
on tue roa. au iniurifj ar not
severe, hpwevsr, and he is e2jcCied
home this.moVai:)?.
Tre county court of Jos-mhinn
county a Sol Abraham the light to
select cbfloieli tbe injilnatio)Cit
uur me iuu,
aue.tfon. heattrM
fl- !-- 2i "n" "i A1
- ? n
lBna;;Irtnaife'llane, Roseburc: Juilce
rWillis, Rossbarir. " For Jonathan
Bourne, Jr., Dolpli, Bellinger, Mnll
ory aud Simon, Portland; J. C. Full
erton, Roseburg; Judge P. P Prim,
Jacksonville, have beenreained.
On Friday orieFindley, hawng bad
wuip business trouble with his partner
W. F. Dill, a carpenter, had Itiut and
(Jonle ia Uhoadpn arreted at their
licme'JQii-ttuq macadamized Told, ou a
charge of aduhery that ban been going
en. ij: a year. The woman in the cas&
is a petite and pretty biau-lo from
Jackeon county, and is the mother of
a child Vy Dill. She and DfU waived
examination and on Fiiday took out a
marriage license. Tbe suter of Cor
delia Rhoades appeared in one of our
justice courts some time ago ou a siuii
lar charge. Por;laud "Welcome,"
Among the more popular resorts in
Southern - Oregon Crater lake lakes
the lead. This lake is represented as
being above thp headwaters of Rogue
river, Rome eighty miles from Jackoou
vilo by wagon. The'lake ia oval, six
miles by three, wjtl) on island near the
inrddle; the surface of the water is
tome 2000 feet below the surrounding
country, and the report is that sound
ings 1800 feet did not "touch bottom.
The falls on Rogue river and the seen
ery in the vicinity arecrand, and came
appears te hIiouikJ. A young man
spent a few days up there recently, and
reports meeting lots of visitors, hunt
ers, and campers; saw seventeen deer,
three bear, one gtay wolf, and one
panther. His parly captured one beur
and three detr and lots of pheasants.
"Salem Statesman'."
Xhtf Welt know r stage team running
between here and Medford left thai
place last Wednesday night while the
driver and others 'Were unloading the
mail and express matter frcm tho train
and started for Jacksonville ou their
UMialgatt. When their absence was
notii-ej George Brown, the driver,
started after them ok horseback and
overtook thpm about half way between
Medford and Jacksonville, going along
as if nothing unusual had htppeued.
George, of course, had to turn back to
gat the mail But besides being a little
late no damage resulted. Our advice
to the contractor is that he have a
hostler at each end of the route and
when everything is ready tie the lines
to the brake and tell the horses to go.
In that case thern will'always be room
for one more passenger besides saving
the pay of a driver.
t --1
Trie Immigration Board's Pam
phlets. .Our immigration board, aj
pninted not long since by our county
court, ba, in the last few days, gotten
out descriptive pamphlets of the
county. Owing to tbe demand that
is being mado for the pamphlets at a
distance, quick and judicious use is
being made of them. Quite a number
are already hurrvins eastward in Or.
gon's exhibition: car, and our citizens
can rest assured that our immigration
board has done its duty well. The
pamphlets are of 16 pases: a briaf
statement of many existing facts, and
these facts are hugged "ery closely.
The printing done by the "Tidings" is
a credit to the county.
m.t. t. Sj r-. r.. .
aitia, w-uo-wasso BcverpiyjuurueU a
Hefjehancesof MrJfprovSiifair'are
uuusiucrea- very glrQf'tjy-Ttll rnose in
attendance. ' " "
3"hecae of George! W. Ratrie is
unchanged and there seems but little
if any Hope "for his recoverv. Judge
Day received a postal card yesterdav
as" follows; "Dr. Whitney reports
there is no hope whateVer for George
Ratrie. Ere this reaches you he will
be no iiiore."
New Oregon Nasbts. Moving in
its mysterious way, the shadow of
official dtath -has fallen across (he
threshold of a number of Oregon post
offices, and the following is one day's
work, being the fourth grade postmas
ters appointed for Oregon on the 18th
inst: Major A. G. Brown, MarshBeld,
Coos county; J. A. Beard, Jefferson,
Marion county Gus. E. Johnson, La
favette, Yamhill county; Wm. N
Moorp, Roseburg, Douglas.county-'W.
R. McDaniel, Harrisburg, Linnco jnty '
Elmer E. Montagfle, Lebanon, Llun
The Assessment. County Assessor
John Asbpole has jul about completed
tho assessment of Jackson county for
this ypar and reports it about the same
as in 1884. Ashland has lost Medford
ha gained and Jacksonville remains
tho same as it has Ik-pii..
jHACKMETAdK- a Uairtg. W fra
grant perfu:te2$Nnd & ota.
V.- '
""m'i i '"ai JaLLLLLmlT w
tsa-VVcVky na j'biiaF:la.nHH'1!TE)VTlr
Z PbbS r t at BSiad KhnT S!iW&. cnTi
OBMosa;MiiioV.iAL Stoke Readt.
t..VS -.-- .' ". ..
lufoVmatien was received at the
statadpirtment Saturday that O
gon's memorial stone for the Washing
ton monsnfeut waa completed aud
ready for shipment. It will be remem
bere.l tbat at.the last session of tbe
legislature the sum of $2,000 was ap
propnated for the purpose of prepar
ing this stone-, and tbe contract award
ed to Frank. Woods of Albany. AI
though several states have made
heavier appropriations than Oregon for
this purpose, it is said that none of the
stones sent by other states will surpass
this orte in quality and beuuty of stone
noriuSnijh? Tbe tablet will contain
three kinds of Oregon stone. The
stone itseif is a brown sandstone, bear
ing,on its face a landscape containing
the coat of arms of the state, surround
ded by fruits; and flowers, tbe whole
enclosed with a raised moulding. The
i;tars surronndinj tbe -stale shield are
of a "reeqish syenite seTintoj
3t6e,and.tbe-sitew-e)tsd. h
- - . -
Ojiue sann
faedntains .Vrsprjeeenteil by whS!agH5ju.ble, aho
"llBHQigGHowERs'V Meeting. A
r- .'f.. . .
eting ot the Jbrnit Growers associa
tion was held at the town hall, in
Jacksonville, on Wednesday last, pres
ident B. F. Miller in the chair. The.
object of the meeting was to make ar
rangements 'for anexbibition in Oct.
next, but owing to a lack of public
spirit, and the scarcit of choice sam
ples of fruit caused by the late unusual
frosts last spring. A motion was made
and carried to postpone the exhibition
until next year. The committee on
finance and arrangements for the ex
hibition were discharged. The com
miitee on rons'itution and by laws ap
pointed March 28lh, 1885, was also
discharged. A. H. Carson of Jose
phino county as appointed to deliver
an address on tho peach, and Hon. H.
B. Miller was chosen to speak on any
sutjuit he saw fit, at the next meeting
Oct. 8th, 1885. L. D. Brown of Port
land addressed tho meeting a few min
utes. On motion of G. F. Pennebaker
the meeting adjourned.
J. H. Geiffis, Secy.
..trock an Artesian Well. B. F.
Dowell yesterday was engaged, near
his fish ponds in this county, putting in
a hydraulic ram to throw the water
on the hill. He was running a drain
to a small drain near the hill, and
about fifty feet from the Bpring he
struck the quick-.sand, about seven
feet below the surface of the ground,
and a large stream of water gushed up
from below and flooded everything.
The water was so cold and the stream
so rapid none of the hands were will
ing to go into the drain to open the.
sewer. Mr. Dowell left and came
Tiotne to wait for further developments.
If the water continues to run as bold
.as it did lahLnighr, he t'iII need a Tur
bine wheel in place of a ram, and he
will have plenty of water to supply
Eist Portland without Mr. Ladd digg
ing his art"sian well any deeper. It
is an accidential artesiin well onlv
seven or eight feet deep. "Oregonian."
Nnvv Brooms Sweep Clkan. Post
master General Vilas is making nu
merous reductions in the mail service
on this coast being careful however to
inteifere with nothing but the small
fry mail lined leaving ihe larger one.
as they are. Among the changes
made we notice that the route from
here to Wilderville haa beeu changed
to a semi-weekly formerly a tri
weekly and the mail will hereafter only
go once a week from Waldo to Happr
Caiiiji. All this is done tor the prom
ised Democratic refcria but works a
.hardship on the settlers ou the line not
recompensed for by the paltry snm
saved to the government. Even our
Democratic cotem gets a little indig
nint over this change and if be don't
have it considered at once we will
always think he has been eiving us
taffy about the ponderous influence of
his immensity.
Johnson's Xtrr Cnlreml Cjrlopardla.
Is endorsed by the press, pulpit and
bar from Maine to Oregon, as "the best."
Testimonials from the highest authorities
in the world, including fifteen Of our
greatest institutions of learning, vizr
Harvard University Tale, Brown Uni
versity, Dartmumh, "Williams, AmhcrsU
Hamilton1, Rochester University, etc. It
has a corps' of editors; such as has never
beeu called together on a single work of
the kind, and over 2,500 contributors
from alLpartsof.the, worldr which for ya
rietyoCulcnt and' literary, ability has
never b?CD equalled, in this country or in"
JSnrc. "It Tie indeed i. monnm'entaf
ixkttsiitf-Mrl- GrTl'r Lihbrgare,-Bsa7
'woriTa sawt-tSms since.- TVeT are nleiscd
,foll)ca.' subscriber and cordially coin-
menu ic 10 our reauers as tne nest in print.
It is complete iff eight good sized vol
umes, well bound, and the low price
brings it within the reach ot the laboring
men. No iutelmgent family should Ira
without it.
Odituart George W. Ratrie, an
old time resident of this county, died
at his home on Rig Butte yesterday
morning at six o'clock aged 53 years
and 14 days. Deceased was taken ill
several weeks'ago with what appeared
to be a stroke of paralysis and. has
never left his bed since that cime. Hp
was born in Virginia. Joined the M E.
Church when he was 21 vears of age
aBd always lived a consistent mpmber
since. A. Tvife and several children
survive, him. His remains will be
buri,ied in tho Jacksonville cemetery
tomorrow morninsr at 10 o'clock A. M
(Sunday) when the Odd Felloes, of
which order he was art exemplary
mpmber, will take cbajge of the funeral.
Sad and Tatai Accident Last
Sunday evening F. M. Parker wife aud
r.aughter were taking a bugjry ride near
the Meadows w hen suddenly ados ru
out from a farm house frightening1 the
team and causing it to ran away. The
wagon was then upset throwing alt thn
occupants out, kiliin; the little girl al
mqst instantlv and, also caching severe
injuries :o fltr. raiser aud wife. , Jffr;.
New -Mines
Pink Vallxy, Or.r Aug. 16,' 1885:
EdituN Semisel; Tbe Pine crek
excitement oKPr the new discoveries
made this summer are undoubtedly
the best ever kuonn on thij coast.
For a permanent camp, it prospects to
be one of the best ever disrOvered ye.
Its quartzs are of such even nature, and
the gold, so plainly to be seen with the
naked eye that it has astonished the
most experienced miner and capitalist.
Of what" is kuown as the "Forest
Queen mine" which iv now "Bonded for
40,0l)0 to an Eastern company, a
seamless sack of rock cud ore was tak
en out on lliu 7th, and four men were
required to put thesackin a wagon. It
was said by urwv vyho saw it, that it
was almost the" puro gold, as chunks
were seen as large as a man's hand
that were go'd only. There is consid
erable excitement at present in camp
ovor tbe jumping of claims,, and tho
Prinesvilla law is likely to take effect
soon if not stopped. The notice 101
is plainly to be sen tabkedin and
Around, catniv with 100 charges to
swing to a limb where there is only
one chance to get away. There is a
daily stage running in to the mines
from Baker City and tbe travel is
terrible, an eight passenger coach is
loaded dailv. . Bio.
tion Cure is sold y us on a guarantee.
It cures consumption. Brooks can
furnish it.
so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Call at Brooks'.
ARE YOU MADE miserable by
indigestion, Constipation, Dizzinrss,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shi
oh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For
sain by E. C. Brooks.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediate
ly relieve croup, whooping cough and
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur
nish it.
FOR DISPEPSIA and liver com
plaint, you have a printed- guarantpe
on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer.
It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps
you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Dizziness and all symptomx of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per
lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.'
eaclobrrMle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy.
Price 50 cets. at Brook's.
Habitual Constipation
Is a prolific source of misery and
many ills, giving rise to Headache,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Rest
essness, Biliousness, Indigwstion, Pois
oning of Blood, etc. The bitter
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts formprly used to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that way. know the impor
tance of the remedy pleasant to the
palate, harmless in its nature, and tru
ly beneficial in its action, T.ie trial
bottles of Syrup of Figs given away
frpe of charge by our enterprising
druggists Merritt and Robinson of
Jacksonville prove that it is all that
can be desired. Large bottle at fifty
cents or one dollar.
A Hotel Han'D- Discovery,
San Francisco, Cal. Mr. George
H. Arnold, proprietor of the Occident
al Hotel, says that as the air is purer
a? we ascend, a man should not object
to being assigned to a room on the up
permost floor; that he sbou'dVt mind
taking a room-attic, as ft were, in
view of therfact that St. Jaccbs Oil so
promptly cures the rheumatic. He
states that throughout California it is
regarded a the great paiu-cure of the
Child's Snow Flake. Every Jady,
wishing a clear, delicate complexion.
should use Child's Snow Flake. It
nourishes and freshens the skin, re
moves Tan and Sunburn-, andthenat
Ural appearance imparted, renders it
impossible to detect its use. Warrant
ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all
druggists, or by the manufacturers.
John A. Child & Co., Druggists, Port
land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly
attended to, Price 50 cents.
' - ' r
When 3by, was saekivjieeeaye her
When sEsbciHie'.MislVni":ian: to
When she had Cnildren, she gave them
Closing Out Sdle.
To quit business. Oar entire stock
of general nierchinilise is offered for
sale, in whole or in part, at coat. If
you want cheap goods, now is your
time to buy them as wo npan just
wjial we say. Reahes Bros.
Brown Hansen At the Central Hotel,
Grant's Pass, August 17, 1883, Robt. H.
Brown of Oakland, Cal., and Miss Ella
Hansen of Althouse, Jescphinc county.
Ioallister. Near "Witrtemtle, Aus.
12, 1833, to Mr. and. Mrs J. W. McAlIts.
tor-, a son.
Carrice. At Linkville, Aug. 16, 1885, to
Mr. and Mrs. A, I). Carries, a son.
Taylor At Sprague river, -4ug. 18, 1883,
to Mr and-llrs James. Taylor, a son.
ArPLEOATE At Olcne, Aug. 19, 1885, to
Mr. and Mrs. O. C pplesate, a son.
VK1TSCUOTZ,-- Propifcioi.
ajomw jiuzniioi .iMKsoumi amf
ufoisu.nncgf, millfoT can art.S
.Khan site was,avGB,lId8&e;crwd 'or
- v;jV'5Ji
. PYS!iA :-
IS the most a tru lent form ot b!ooJ-pohW
Ins. Less speedily fatal, but not less cer
tainty so, Is the Vitiation ot the blomt "oI
whish tho first symptoms are Pimples,
Sties, Bolls; and Cutaneous Urup
tlons. "When the taint of Scrofula gives
warninsof Its presence bv such inthratlont,
no time should be lost In using Atzr's
SiK3iPAitn.LA,tLc only perfect and reli
able medicine tor th puriflcatioa of lb
Ii a foul corruption In the blood that rots -out
all the uiuchhierv of life. 'otJliur
will eradicate it from tho system mid pre
Tent its transmUsloa to oikpriu; Dut
Aykr's SinSArATULtA. This prepara
tion is also the only orro that will ck-snse
tho blcod of Jiemirial poison and tho
taint of Contagious I)leasej. lmpovsi"
thcdWovdiiprodacavecl a.
A wretched condition indicated by Pallid
Skin, Flaccid 31uscles, ShrUerel
Nerves, and Melancholy. Irs tint
symptoms are "Weakness, Languor,
Loss of Nerve Force, and Mental Da
lection. Its course, unchecked, lead
inevitably to Insanity or death. Women
t requcntljr suffer from It. Tbe'only meuv
cino that, wliile purifying the blood, en
riches it wrjh new -vitality, sad tavlgoretd
tn wbote sjstcai. Is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
FitEPAitr.D nr,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mut.
Sold, by all Druggists : Price $1 ;
Six bottles for $5,
eed Programme
or THE
XVZt. Shasta Agricultural
Association Sist. Xtfo. 10.
On Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
For racing purposes this district shall
comprise Sisslyou, Trinity, Shastt-aud
Modoc counties. California, aad Juckuou,
Klamath and Lake counties, Oregon.
First Day Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
Hace No. 1 Running race, free Tor all,
mile he.tts, 2 in 3; purse $300; 1st hono
235; 2d horse $73.
Race No. 2 Trottin j race, free for all
horses owned in the district.prior to May
1st, that have never beaten 3 minuter;
purse $200; 1st horse $150; 2d horse $3U.
Second Day Thursday, OcL 8th.
Race No. 3 Running race, free foall.
half-mile and repeat; purso $200; 1st
horse $150; 2d horse $30.
Race No. 4 TrUting race, free for all
3 year olds owntel in the district prior Ut
Jliy 1st; mile heats, 3 in 5;pune $2u0;
1st horse $150; 2(1 horse $53,
Race No 5 Running race, free for all ;
lif mile, sindc dash; purse $158; 1st
horje $120; 2d horse $00.
Third Day Friday, Oct. atb.
Grand parade of Stock.
Itace fo. 6 Trotting race, free for a'l
two year olds owned la the district prior
to May 1st; mile heats, Sin 3, purse $150;
1st horse $120 2d horse 30 dollars.
Race No. 7 Trotting race, free for all
horses owned in the district prior lo May
1st that have-not beaten 2:50: 3 in 5;
purse 2C0 dollars; 1st horse 150 dollara;
2d horse 50.
Fourth Day Saturday, Oct 10
Race No. 8 Trottinjr, race, free for all;
mile beau 3 iu 5; pu'c 300 dollors; In
horse 225 dollars; 2 horse 75 dollars.
Race No. 0 Running race, Iree for all;
3 mile and repeat; purse 200 dollars; 1st
horse 150 dollars ; 2d horse 50 collars.
Rules and Regulations.
1. Ten per cent of the amount of tho
pu scs shall be the entrance fee in all the
above" races.
2. Entries to be placed in the entry
box kept for that purpose at the Pavilion,
prior lo 9p.m. on the day prior to rsce-
3- Entries must give name, pcdijjroo
and description ot horse eatorsd" as tar as
known. 4. In all the above races, three to n
ter and two to start.
5-. AU trotting races must isla iax
nes3 6. National Trotting Association rules
to govern trotting races.
7. Pacific Cbast Blood Horsa Associa
tion rules to govern running races.
8 Time made at this meeting, shall
not be a bar during these races at this
District Fair.
9. All races over this course shall be
bona Ado-.
Beddinc for horses will be furnishvd
30"djys prior to meeting.
ii. a. lasn, President.
FnED Lehsers. Secretary.
85 Per Cent, of Fire Assaj..
at"- , .S-
25 Miles from AbklahcL
HvVING LEASED the above named!
mill and at great expense put in my
Rebellions Ores and Salpharetr-
I will be prepared on and after May
20th, 1885, to work any ore in Southern.
Oregon, 8o per cent, of fire assir.
Parties having Gold and Silver Mines
developed, so as to show in sight, the val
ue of my process, can have work puton.
the same with, my process, and the. pay
for each Moib taieiv from the mine..
I PROVIDING the parties will ship five
i or mora tons oi tne average ore xrom-'suca
mine to my works In.Ileulcy, aoaVliave
it worked by my process, which. TagTeej
to work 85 pes cent, or make? &o charge
fur working, same. .
Talk is Cheap,
Tell the
but Results.
Storv, .
Henley, Siskiyou county, Cab
The undersigned having retired" front
business wants all parties having, bills
against her to present them at once and
all indebted tn any manner shane.or form
must come lorwaro ana