r v.. - OHESOH SENTIBEi. JlCKMIIIMIiLKl SATORD'AY, At'OUST 15, 1885. HltfES WAnTeU. The undersigned wilt pay ihe highest cash price for bear skins arid all other kinds 6f furs, deer ifcimsj etc. Call around before selling. Tnos. J. Eesnet. iMTOKTAsf. A" Justices of the Peace in thiseounty are notified that they can get a cop of the last session laws by calling orl County Clerk Park er and filing their receipt for the tame. Poe Rest. Two good Btcre rooms, tiz office rooms and one good photo graph gallerr, also well lighted and comfortable basement to building suit able for store or restaurant. Enquire of P. J. Ryan. BotiND Over. Two -young men Veil known hare were arrested and tried before Justice Foudray last Sat urday on the charge of stealing a cow and defendants were bound over toap ,pe.ar at the next term of court. It is no doubt a ease of mistaken identity and we expect the boys to prove their innocence when court convenes. Semous Accidekt. One day this -week -while swinging on a heavy farm gate on her father's place on Applegate the little ten year old daughter of John O'Brien had a narrow escape from getting killed by the gate breaking off its hinges and falling on the child. She bad a thigh fractured and received revere bruises about the shoulder. Dr. Aiken was summoned and ne in forms us that she is doing quite will under the circumstances. FirE. The farm house on Antelope 'creek owned by Claude Hill, a young Englishman who bought the place about thrpe years agd, was burned to the ground last Thursday evening to gether with all its fcontents. Mr. Hill went back to England on a visit not lone siiicp, renting the place to other parties whove name we could not find out. The fire is said to have originat ed from an ash hopper near the house and the loss amounts to several hun dred dollars. No insurance. Cause for Divouce. A divorce base is liable to be on the docket next term o: Court, the parties hailing from Applegate. The facts are that the wife left home the other day to go on a short rusticating trip to the moun tains frith others leaving her liege lord at hjmo to do his own cooking while she was awav. Strange as it may appear an examination disclosed the fact, that she had left her hughatid without a stick of stove wood cut, and thinking this good cause he now pro poses asking for a divorce and alimony. Our informant thiuks the prayer should be granted. m RobiSson's Circus This much talked of -circus ten shows combined in one givp an exhibition at Ashland bn Saturday August 8th to what -was generally estimated as a $4,000 house; The show cousibted of a very fair men agerie, numerous side shows with all kinds of curiosities) a minstrel show and the usual circus performance. As regards the last wo cannot say that We believed it up to the usual stand ard of circusses that would mako less blow than this one does, and the riding tiotie by the actors was about as poor us could be imagined. They give only bne show at Ashland in the atter iioon and in the eieuiftg they folded their tents and stole silently, away, a favor for which the people of this sec tion feel grateful for. as an evening performance would have drawn an squally large crowd just because it was a circus. ''Don't go tri the circus." Suddex Death. S. ' W. Sawyer, formerly a prominent merchant in Josephine county, and well known to all old-timers, died at Oakland, Cat , on the Ttli inst San Francisco ex changes give the following account of his" sudden death: "S. W. Sawyer, a prominent resident of Oakland, died suddenly On Thursday night or yester day niornitic at the Galirido Hotel. During Thursday -evening Mr. Sawyer mentioned to Mr. Wright, the proprie tor of the hotel, that ho felt unwell hnd put his hand to his 'sides. Then be wett lipstairs to bed. Yesterday morning he did not rise, and at 3 b'clock in the afternoon Mr. Wright entered his .rooms. He found Mr. Sawyer lying on the bed partially dressed with a spread drawn over him. He called, 'Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer,' and receiving1 no answer put his hand to the, head of the prostrate man'. Im Jiately he perceived tbatliis hand was resting oti the body of a dead man." Religious Items. There will be' no service at the Catbolic.church on Sun day.... Elder H. C. Fleming preaches at Mound school house Stfnday .... Rev. A. C. Fairchitd will preach at Phoenix Sunday morning...-. Kev. M. A. Williams holds services at Engle Point next Sunday morning.... 'Af Rev. A. R. Biskenbacb wilt take a month's vacation there will be no serv ices at the Presbyterian church in this place after next Sunday until further notice is given.. . .A camp-nieeting of the M E choreh. south, is being held at the grounds on Williams creek, Josephine county. Revs, E.- G. Michael, P. C. Moses, J. W. Schreve and others are in attendance. ... Elder M. Peterson will be at the camp ground on Williams creek, Josephine county, next Sunday. On the follow ing Sabbath ha will hold services at Medford both morning and evening. Elder G. M. Whitnry is expected to atsut at these meetings..,. Rer. A. BieKenhacb will hold services at the Presbyterian church in this place both Sunday morning and evening'. In con nection with the morning' service thtr Vftf-MMtSttf rtt ftl.A T n-.!'.. U..W.L-.. mSIL administered. PrearatflFry services will be held todsy at II A. it. Local Items- JBrint; your wheat in to KftrewikJ.. Fire in the mountains on all sidw of UB. The town has been full of drummers all week. Chris. Wintjen has returned to soda springs. Peter Britt and" family irt still at Shovel creek; Cbas. Nickel) and wife are at Tuck er's Soda Springs. New opening, bed rock prices at the Golden Rnle Bazaar. . Gaylord Bell and wife have con cluded to remain here. ilalt Obehchairt is reported quite ill with fever at Linkville. Practice economy and buy your bar gain at the Golden Rule Bazaar. Country produce taken in exchange for gbod at the Golden Rule Bazaar. The Misses FJora and Celia Orth are at Sod Springs oh ft" week's vaca tion. Quite a delegation Trom Yreka visited-Ashland Monday-to. tee the circus. W. L. Record is back from Douglas county where he took numerous orders for marble work, Raphael Morat came back from San Francisco this week but did not bring that promised bride. A dollar saved is a dollar earned; therefore secure your bargains at the Golden Rule Bazaar. A sister of Henrr Blecher of this place arrived here yesterday dir'eet from the old country. Considerable prospecting in quafti is now going on in anticipation of the arrival of a quarti milt. J. N. Hall has returned from Link ville and will again take charge of the school at Central Point. David Cronemiller has retorntd trom Cinnabar 'and. his son James has taken his place at the Springs. 9J oz jplly glasses with cover, Masons and 'Lightning fruit jars J gallons and quarts in lots to suit at Nunan's. A fine line of drugs, fancy jjoods, cigars, etc. can always be found at Chitwood's drug short it Ashland. Crops on Applegate promise better than in any other section of the valley. Fruit is remarkably scarce, though. Dr. J. W. Robinson has returned from his Portland trip and will always be found ready to attend to profsplon al calls. Henry Pnpp, Sr , has returned from Shovel crrek soda bpring after four week's absence much improved in health. Mrs. Dave Young of Yreka, accom panied by her sister, Miss Fiock, are here on a ibit io M. v Helms ami family. A number of our business houses were d raped in mourning last Saturday in respect to the memory of Gen. U. S. Grant. The frtJnt of Caton & Garrett's sa loon hss been improved with a new brick sidewalk, the work of Wm. Huggins. Majgly fc Co. have hnd considerable sign painting done to their store front this week. BuDStiw done some good work there. Supply yourself with fishing tackle at John Miller's when you start to the mountains. He keeps a large Stock to select from. Witt the dtcpptidh of young Swope all the runaway boys have re'urned home and they now seem to be willing to remain awhile. Thos. G. Reames, II. D. Kubli, Cap Kubli and Evan Rcatnes Jr., started for Ginnabar this triorniag to' be gone a couple of weeks. D. W. Crosby officiates as stage driver on the Medford route while Geo. W.Brown is absent in California with some drummers. Mrs. M. Hanley's .health has been considerably improved by a visit to McCallister's Soda Springs and she re turned home this week. Some of the boys that went to Ash land last Saturday say they didn't go to see the circus in, fact had only gone out for a little fide: Bargains can always be had at Cal vin. He will also exchange first-class goods for marketable produce, at cash rates buying and selling. We have been promised th docision of Judge Webster in: the Klamath county liquor case and expect to pub lish it in full next week. Cat Eqbanki,' formerly Hi Ashland, is cow the representative of Jacobs Bros, of Portland aad paid the Srnrs' patrong here a visit thia week. Five parties were drowned in the Columbia River neat The Dalles this week among the number being Wm. Heffron, well known in this place. Report says that "I. Pi Jones" made a rich strike at Gal ice creek this week and he will 'no doubt soon be a million aire. The NeiU Bros.- are with- him. The O'Neil case has been appealed to the Supreme Court and Judge Hanna has been appointed, to assist district Attorney Kent in prosecuting it. Thos. Ferryman Co. have' finished their wing dam on Applegate and com mence work in the bed of the creek on Monday. The first tnVee day's work showed a clean up of from $50 to $70 per day but thir ffuian not working satisfactorily a few day's delay has been caused to make the necesrary I improvements. Orths iron springs on JrfcksOn' creek ha've' bec&ffi- a popular Stfndty resort for Jactsorivillians. A pic nic will be held (fore one week from next Sunday.- TVo of P,. Ivory's children, of AI turas, aged respectively 7 and 10 years, were drowned in the river at that place Isst Sunday. "Lakeview Ex aminer." Rev. E. Gittins delivered his fare well sermon here on Sunday last. He will attend conference and of course cannot fay where he will be located next year. Mrs. Belva Lock wood, late candidate for the office of President of the United States, but fortunately defeat ed, is now making a lecture tour through Oregon. The young Waters girl so severely burned several clays'ago is recovering" rapidly under Dr. G. Le'mpert's care and there is no tonger any doubt about her ultimate recovery. JEJest coffee 6 lbs. for $1.00; best prints 15 yards for $1.00; bluing per box 15cts.;good men's shoes for $1.50; 12 yards dress goods for $1.00 and the cheapest stere in Jackson county. 'Sqoire"Wm. Hoffman one.oL.our most respected citizens and also one of our oldest pioneers, is quite ill we are sorry to say, but his many friends hope to see him enjoy many years of health and happiness yet. The Lucky Queen quartz mill was burned Monday. Origin of the fire unknown. This mill and the Lucky Queen mine were at one time valuable property. Sol Abraham oi Roseburg, was the principal owner. Rer. Father StraeUn, accompanied br Owen ' Keagan. started for Fort Klamath on Monday last, the former going on a pastoral trip. No services will be held in the Catholic Church here to morrow id consequence. A detachment of 31 soldiers, tinder command of Capt. Miller of Fort Klamath, have just hnished patting the military telegraph line from Ash land in good repaid. They were camped at Soda Springs last Sunday. There are many, people in Rogue River valley that will regret to bear of the death of Uncle John Mathews, as he was well known here and liked by all who had his acquaintance. He leaves a large family, mostly'grown lip. Judge Webster and District At torney Kent went to Lakeview Wed nesday to be in attendance orvtbe reg ular term of Circuit Court for that county. The docket is very light and none of our other attorneys went out. A change has been made at the Klamath Indian Agency Rev. Joseph Emery of tho State Agricultural College at'Corvallia succee'ding L. M. Nickerson as agent. Rev. Emery is of the M. J3. Church, South, and will soon take charge. John Bolt and T. T. Layton paid Jacksonville one of their periodical visits this week: The former informs us that two men are now crushing quiirtz in a hand mcrtar near his store ou Applegate and are making $1.50 per day to the hand. J. C. Whipp this wBek received about five tons of ti-arble to sapply the numerous orders for marble work that he has on hand. He is now prepared to furnish any kind of marble re quired and his workmanship is always first-class. Messrs. Kenney i. Helms have closed their saddler shop at Medford, Mr. Kenney buying Helms interest and moving the stock to this place. We learn that Eddy proposes going to San Francisco soon to work at his trade in that city. The Wflgrier creek mines owned by E. K. Anderson, A. G. Rockfellow and E. C. Brooks have been bonded by H. L. Bragdoa and J. W. Walsh for a period of two years. The new parties propose pushing the work for all there is in it while in ch'arge. A drouth has struck Jacksonville this year about one half of the wells in town having gope dry with at least two months dry weather ahead of us. It looks a little strange to see water hauled around town in barrels, but such is the fact at this time; Evan R. Reames of Linkville, ac companied by hig wife and daughter and Miss Aba Ross, came in from that place last Monday o'ri a short visit Mr: Reames, accompanied by James Dram of this place have since gofte 10 San Francisco, going Via" Portland. Among our forffref Yreka acquaint ances attending the circus at Ashland we noticed the. following: "James Wheeler, Thso. Young and wife, Geo; Witherill, Rufus-Cole; Sheriff Boyd and it. IS. Uillis. Most ot them re turned home on the following day. For a model telegraph office com mend us to the one at Ashland under the management of Mrs. Pauline Rea. The' neatness of the room and the affability of the manager mates it pleasant with all who' h'ave business to transact with the telegraph,company. An enthusiastic Yirgiman whose family has recently been reinforced bv triplets, is reported to have named the collection Cleveland,- Hendricks and Reform. Does he intend that the second of tho Be ries shall, as soon as ho gets strong enough, turn in and stran gle the poor little thirdf During! the present dry spell with water an scarce as it now is a fire would' prove most disastrous to the town. With this fact staring us in the face outfit not tie n wise idea for trie fire company to have at least one regular drill' every week to see that their apparatus was all in good work ing criier so that when they are called on for active worlr nothTiig will he wrong! .Extra precaution shon'd be taken to prevent, a.fire at thjs time. Somi or the finest looking Mitt J rock -eYer found; ,rn tow section Van hrorfcht to town IFhufsdtay if W. J. Stanley, the discoverer. The ledge is in tire vicinity of Woodville and show traces of native silver. Wo hope the -owners' expectations may be fully rr- alized. Requiring all the money due them to make contemplated improvements the firm of Kenney & Wolters at Med ford calls on all those indebted to make a settlement without delay. Bill is still the fighting ma'n for tho firm and he says he is in dead earnest in what he says. - "Don't go tff the circo"''ii Avhat our eotpra has been sayjij. "fpr two week's past; but if his patrons could have seen the editor oFthat paper making five foot strides 'across tho flats above Ashland on Saturday last they would have -thought he wa afraid of setting left. As jet no, definite arrangements have been made for the $5,000 trot between oneof the get of Altamont and one of the get of Hambletofiian; -Mam brmo. It is expected: that J.,'1. Hall ett will. come to Portland' this week and put up a forfeit of -ji',500 on be half of Jay-Beach OJ&rtyaD,,'s Anyone desiring a payihg'saloon business can obtaip ptCrticnla'rs' By call ing at this office. Every-evidence will be given that it is a profitable stand and thestock, fixtures and building will be sold at less than cost. The reason for this sacrifice is' that tht proprietor wishes to engage in other busiues". Call for particulars- at once before it is too late. The much talkrd of straight roid between this place and Medford should be improved by the road supervisor So as to make it safe. As it now is, the new lane is all full of stumps and being a road that is used considerable after nights on account of the arrival of trains, we look for a first class item from, that section before long. It has been suggested by some of the prominent citizens of Jacksonville that a suitable monument should be erected to mark .the last resting place of Madame Jane Holt, in the Catholic cemetery. The Madame was a pioneer, and a woman of generous impulses, who never failed to respond lo the wants of suffering humanity, and she was among the first te contribute to the support of the church, and all oth er worthy charitable 'purposes. It would only be a just recognition of the good works of hVr life for our peo ple to erect a suitable monument to her memo'v; Fodr g ntlemen arriyed in Eugene last weK with "come race stock from La-ie coui.ty; (Nebeker & Co.) as they said, for the purpose .of mating a race with Hon. R", B. "Hayes. Monday last they sent for Hayes fo's come to town, claiming they wanted, to run his gray bo'rse. Dick immediately came lnland',propdsttl to rjjrt tlrenVSOO yards lor any amount mej imgui, name. After considerable talk- he$ agreed to run them 400 yards for $1,000 a side, they tft carry 12o pounds and he to carry 135 pounds. When they eanm to pnt up forfeit money they would not agree to run the race in Lane county, but wanted to run in Salem, to which Mr. Hayes senaibly would not agree. Th general opinion here is that the professional horse racers from south ern Oregon tried to "run a bluff," and being unable made thfc Salem' propo sition to cover their back down,- as they were aware' that Mr. Hayes would n&t make a race fo be ran out side of Lane cbUnty. "Guard.'' Now is the time to prospect for quartz. At ne time in the history of Jackson county has it been so certain that suitable machinery would be. put Up for a thorough and practical test of the vafions leads in this section as at preBerit. The country aboiirt'ds ir quartz, and it is confidently be lieved from the nattering prospects which hire lately been obtained, from a number of leads on the bead of Jack son creek that with proper reduction works they will pay without a qnes tion. The prorpects from the ledges of Fred Grob, Tom Brown, Gaylord Ball and Moody are especially flatter ing and 4show free gold enough te pay well if it can be saved without any at tempt to master the sulpherets. It is not believed that the test mill which will be pat up by oar citizens ean be operateM'witb much success until la'e in the fall on account of the scarcity of Walter; but the mill will be here and ready in due time and those who have leads woold do well, to sink sbafts-and and givn them ty thorough-""p-f"oipeting. inai me isst, wnen urn mm ik put in operation,ehall be, a fair one and show the true value of the ledge. Goto Work; everybody and lei us nave n new mining era in Jackson county. m" Child's Skow Flake. Every .lady, wfsh'ing a clear, delicate complexion, should us Child's Snow Tlake. It nourishes and freshens the- skin", re moves Tan and Sunburn, aH, theiat nral appearance imparted, renders it impossible to detect'its use. Warrant ed perfectly mwmlws; Sold by all druVgtsts, ot By the manufacturers, John A. Child fc" .Co., Dcuggists, Port land, Oregon.. Mail orders promptly attended to', Price 50 cents. Health aad Education. The Sisters at the Academy of the "Visitation, Frederitk, Md., are amongst those in charge, of educational institu tiani who use Red Star Cough Cure and eive it to their puiiils. Thev write that they ca tesrtil trecom mend it to their friends. SHILOH'S OOfTGH and Consump- tion Cut is soltf by us on guarantee It surer cOHXUBiption.' Brooks can furnish it. iHATHACKING COUGH can be so quickly cared by Shiloh'fcCure. We guarantee it. Call at Brooks. LutKY Escape. Ex Sheriff Win j-Bybee went over to Josephine county last week to look after his varion in txfests in that section and while in that vicinity he made, it a point to call on Thes. Bybee, a nephew of his, with whom he had some business transactions, as they were partners in a ranch and crop in that locality. "When driving into the enclosure Tho Bybee came out and ordered Bill off the place and for the balance of the story we submit William Bybee's own statement of the case which is as fol lows: Waldo, Or., Aug. 10. 1883. On the 9th inst , I went over to Tom Bybee's for the purpose of putting my- horses on ha there, the hay being my own. When I drove into the barnyard Tom Bybee ordered me to leave in very abrupt terms, calling me very hard names. Haing an inter est in the ranch and hay there, and not supposing that he meant to shoot me, I proceeded to unhitch my horses and put them in the barn and fed them my own hav. When I cams out of the barn I started to go to my bug gy, intending to get up in the seat and wait forTom's passion to subside, when I intended to ask him to cqme out to the wagon and have- a friendly tilkr about oar business matters. bad L gone but seven or eight step toward my wagon when he fired on me from behind the chimney of the house, the ball s'riking my left leg about five inches below the knee cap and one inch to tho- left of the middle of the shin bone, coming out through the calf of the leg about four and 'a half inches from where it entered. The I all glanced on the bone. I will soon be all right again. I state this for the benefit of friends. New Daily Mail. Hon. Binger Hermann, our wide awake Congress man elect is in receipt of the following letter from the Second Assistant Post master General which is self-explana tory and is in accordance with a peti tion sent Mr. Hermann by citizens living along the route: Post Office Department, 1 Office Second Assistant Postmaster Gel. Washington, D.-C July 30, 1885. ) Sir: I have the honor 'to inform you that, iil accordance with your recommendation, the bervice on toute No 44290, from Gold Hill by Sam's Valley to Table Rock, State of Oregon, has been ordered under contract for six trips a week. The contract was awarded to J. B Thomas of" Sam's Valley, at 468 per annum. This order to take effect September 1, 1885." Very Rospectfully. A. Ixo Knott, Sec. Asst. Pm. Gen. Hon. Binger Hermann, itosobnrgj Oregon. SHILOH'S CURE will immediate ly relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. ARE YOU ftlADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation,- Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skinl Shi oh's Vitalizr is a positive cure. For sale by E. C. Brooks. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur nish it. FOR DISPEPSTA and liver jom plaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's vital izer. It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps it. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Ap petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per tottle." For sale atE. C. Brooks.' THE KEV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both my self and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps it. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cets. at Brook's. Ilore Than a JltlMon. New OrLeaxs, La. A reporter of the "Times Democrat," who recently completed a tour of this and neighbor ing States visitiiig every city, town and hamlet, states that he interviewed all the wholesale and retail druggists and storekeepers, as welr aa trans portation companies, with at v'ew of learning the volume of trade in certain articles. Thn statistics thus gathered show that d urine: the past two years over one million two hundred thousand bottles of Ft. Jacobs Oil were sold in this section alone, and that this quan tity largely exceeds the total combined sales of. all other similar remedies dur ing that 'period. He adds that deal ers', as well as the- public, continue unanimous" in their praise of the won derful pain-5curing powers of this un approached remedial agent. r FouSD DEAD.-Jame3 Murphy, for merly of Scott Bar, Cab, says the Linkville 'Star." was found dead in the woods a few days at;o, not far from Fort Klamath. Mr. Murphy came to I Klamath county some time during the winter, and engaged in a contract for chopping wood for the Fort. He had been missing tor some time, and it was thought that he had left the county. But it seems now that this was a mis take, and when found it was discovered that he had accidWtly fallen a tree upon himself by which h'e met his death. Wlfen found by some Indian police that, wertf on a' hunt for a cou pie of deserting soldiers, the body waa considerably decomposed. Should any of the friends of the deceased see this notice, thev know whrre to locate hisr last walks among the living. "Yre ka Journal."' Whfn Ba,by tfaa sick, we gave her CA STOMA, When she was a Child, she crid for GA'STORIA, When sh9 became Miss, she clung to CARTORIA, When she had Children, shf gave them CASTOBIA. Habitual -Constfpatlnir Is a prolific source of misery and many ills, giving rise lo Headache, Dullness, Fevers,- Ntrvoustiess, Rfist- essness, Biliousness, Indigestion-,- Pois oning of Blood, etc The bitter nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts formerly used to relieve the buflvror, only aggravate the disease and sicken the stomach. All who are "afflicted in thai way, know the impor tance of the remepy pleasant to tho palate, harmless in its nature; and tro. ly tvncfivial in its action. Tie trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away free of charge by our enterprising druggists Mcrritt and Robinson of Jacksonville provn'that it is all that can be desired. Large bottle) at fifty cents or one dollar. Closing Out Sale. To quit business. Our entire" stock of general merchandise is offered for sale, in whole -or in part, at . cost. If yon want cheap goods, now i your time to buy them as w mean just what we say. ReAues Bros. COSTIVENESS .ffMl. .Mutn.T. Mil 4tia rliimcttl. nl - assImilathc organs. Including tho Kid neys, xv hen these organs are so affected, they fail to extract from tho blood tho uric acid, which, carried through the cir culation, causes Rheumatism and Neu ralgia. The frmctions of the Liver aro also afltcted by costh cues9, causing Bilious Disorder. Anions the warning symptoms of Bilious-: ness aro Kausea, Dizziness, Headache, Weakness, Jtocr.- Dimncs3 of Vision, Yellowness of Skin, Tains In the Side, Back and Shoulders, Foul Mouth,-Furred Tongue, Irregularity in- the action of ths Bowels, Vomiting, etc. , Tho Stomach suffers when the bowels are constipated, and Indigestion or 25yspepsia, follows. Fetid Breath, Gastric Tains, IIcad.iche, Acidity of the Stomach, 'Water brash. Ken ousness, and Depression, are all et idences of the presence of this distress ing malady. A Suro Relief for irregu larities of "the Stomach and all consequent diseases, will be found in the uso of AVER'S PILLS. They Ftlmulate the stomach, frcd fhd bowels healthfully imigorate tho torpid liver and kidnevs, and by their cleansing, healing and tonics properties, strengthen and purify tho whole system, and restore it to a salutary and normal condition. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold Jy all Droreit. GOLD & SILVm ORE WORKED. 85 Per Cent, of Fire Assaj. a MORSE 4 JACOB'S MILL. 25 Miles from Ashland. HVVING LEASED the above named mill and. at great expense put in my gGJKgiSHiiFilSIL FOR WORKINd Rebellious Ores and Snlphurets I will be prepared on and after May 2Uh, 1885, to work any ore in Southern Oregon, 85 per cent, of fire assay. Parties having; Gold and Silver "Mines developed so as to show in sight, the val ue of my process; can have work put on the same with my process, and the pay fur such works taken from ilie mine, PROVIDING the parties will ship' five or more tons of the average ore from such mine to my works in Henley, and have it worked by my process, which I agree to work 85 per ceat. or make no charge for working same. Talk is Chtfap, fiU the but Results Story. GEO. H. CIIICK!, Jgent. Henley, Siskiyou county, Cah Wantsd. Ten thousincf bushe's oT good, well filled wheat for which I Will pay 50'cents per bushel delivered at my mill in' this pace. To all those who are owing me either by note, booker other accounts, are requested to pay the same in vtheat fo which I will allow GO cents per bush el (IelFvercd. G. EARE W SKI, Jacksonville,' Aug. 8, 18S5. Notice Is hereby given that from and after this date I will not be responsible tor any debts that may be contracted by my wife. Sophie Duncan. Sho having left my bed J ana uoara. uiias. uusuah. Dhted Kerbyvillc, June 20, 1885. $5TO$20S p.er flay at, home Sumnles worth $5 free Address Stihson f- . " '"-Tlland.Me NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Settlement Wanted. rTWOSE PERSONS KNOWING them J. selves indebted to .the undersigned are hereby notified that we need and muit have the money at once and costs and- trouble can- be saved by giving us an early call. All notes and book accounts must be settled at once. W. U. KCTNET, ILH-VToL-rjais. Medford, August 15, 1885. Notice. Laxd Office at Rosebtko, Ojt, August 13 1885V; j Notice is hereby given, that the following-named settler lias filed notice of his' intention to make final proof-in support of this claim -and that said Drool will be made before the Judge or Clerk of" Jack son county, at Jacksonville, on-baturday, September 19, 1885, vir: John T. Lay. ton. Homestead No 308-1 for the S 4 of N Eif.andN JofSEif Sec.l8Tp33SR 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said" land, viz; John Bolt, August Rehkopf, Kasper Kubli, John R. Bailey, all of Applegate, Jackson county, Oregon. Wm. F. Bu.JAMia,Begisl;r. Programme --OFTriE ZKtJ Shasta Agricaltaral Association Dist. No. 10 At YREKA,- CAL. COMMENCES , On Wednesday, Oct. .7lfc i CONTINUIXa FOUR'IUYS, t For racing purposes this district shil-? comprise Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta and Modec counties. California, and Jackson', Klamath and Lake counties, Or'tgbtt. ' First Day "Wednesday, Oct. 7th Race Jfo-. 1 Running 'nice; free for all,- mile heats, 2 in 3 f purse $300;. 1st horse ?2252d horse $75. Tlace Nor. 2 Trotlinff race, free for alt horses owned in the district prior to Maj 1st, that hSvc never beaten 3 minutes r purse $20011 horse $150; 2d horse?59. Second Day Thursday, Oct. 8th. . Kupe No. 3 Running race, free for all,-half-mile and repeat; purse $300; lit horse $150; 2d horse f-W. Race No. 4 Trotting race, free for all S year olds owned rn the district prior to JUy 'Islamite heats, "8 in 5; purse $300; IstlW: $H; 2d horse. $5U. . . Knee No 5-Rnnningracc, free for all;; lf mile; single- dash; purse $158; 1st horso $120; 2d horse $30. Third Day Friday, Oct. Sth. Grand pirade of Stock. Race NO. 0 Trotting race, free for alf two year olds owned in the district prior to Muy 1st; mile heats, 2 in 3; purse $150; 1st horse $120 2d horse 30 dollais. Race No. 7 Trotting race, free for all horses owned in the district prior to May 1st that have no't beaten 2:50; 3 in 5; purse 200 dollars-; 1st horse 150 dollars; 2d horse 50. Fourth Kay Saturday, Oat 10 Race No. 8 Trotting race, free for all ; mileheaUoin 5; pu'ne 300 xfollors; 1st horse 225 dollars; 2 horse To dollars; Race No. 0 Running rare, tree tor all; Jf mile and repeat ; purse 200 dollars ; - 1st horse 150 dollars; 2d horse 50 dollars. . Rulni and Regulations. . . , 1. Ten per cent, of the amount of tho pu scs shall be the entrance lt'e in all the-. above races". 2. Entries to be placed in the entry box kept for that1 purpose at the Pavilton, prior to 9 p.m. on the day prior to race. 3. Entries must give name, pedigree and description ot horso entered as iar as known. 4. In all the above races, three to en ter and two to start. 5. All trotting raccs must be in har1 ncss. G. National Trotting". issociation rnlea to govemlrOtting races. 7. Pacific Kubt Blood. Ilorso Associa tion rules lo govern running races. 8 Time made at this meeting, shall not be a bar during these races, at tbU DistrictFair. 0. Alt, races over this course shall be" bona fide. Bedding for horses will be furnishe'd 30"days prior to nneting. IXtN. Iitsii, President Fred Leiiners; Secretary. K. KVBIA, In flfi New Building JnckiorTllIi, Orejof DRAL.ER AND WORKER Vi H SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD,, Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEJ '. NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF ST0VB3 HARDWArErTINVyARE, POWDER OF EVERT DESORrPTK;! t Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE- f EOrE, NAILd, Paints Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERY, WIRE, ' Shot,Srnshs, Chains, Sfova ETC., ETC- I have sedurcd'the services of a first-" class mechanic, and am prepared to da" all repairing promptly and in superior' 6iyie. , Inconncclipn with tho above I am r." ceivfngand have constantly on hand al full and first-class stock of GROCERIES, DET-O00DS, OUM D '0T3, TOBACCO-' HEADV MADE CtOTIIlSO,' GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, itf.- Everything sold at reasonable rates. K. KUBLr. Jacksonville, March 9, 1878. Criterion Billiard Saloon CALIFORNIA ST., CATON & GARRETT, Proprietors. , TMS popular resort, under'new man agement, is furnishing the hestbranda ot liquors, wines and cigars- The reading table is supplied wilVEastern periodical and leading papers oi the Coast. Give me a call. """"-u.'tolio KTotioo. Speed Notice li hereby given that I will riot be Tesponsib'e for any bills or account made without my express order or author, ity. Morris Mexmhu Jacksonville,Or.,June4, 1888.