Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 23, 1885, Image 4

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Tlie Beautiful Weather.
Orrgon only Deeded to bo true to
lier tradition thin spring to make 11
admire and respect Ler. The wather
lias been wonderfully fine all through
, the winter and spring niece the snow
melted in January. The pasture be
came excellent at a very eaily date iu
March, and April proved too delight
ful. We begau to fear a possibility of
drouth, though that is something bcarce
. known here. But our showery weath
er seems to be all that could be de-
' sired. Grain fields and gardens are in
prime order and the prospects for a
.- vplendid harvest all over the Pacific
Northwest seems beyond a doubt. If
m the showery weather extends East of
tbo Cascades the whole region will bear
the richest harvest iossibl&
'"Since March first it is probable that
twelve thousand immigrants have ar
rived iu the country. We are receiv
" ing hundreds by every steamer from
Talifornia, while the Northern and
. ShoK'Line railroads are bringing tneir
quota through on every train. Those
who come now from the Northwest
say they saw winter there as they come
away, but here they feel spring fully
ripe and very beautiful. Strawberries
are going away from the hill sides and
suld'yarietiea are almost done bearing.
Cultivated benies are now on the
market' and chvrries of Orpgon growth
shut out California product. We had
' 'the pleasure of selling a basketful on
Friday and two more on Tuesday,
from our own trees. The new com
er can believe a good deal as lis comes
down the Columbia but he does not
like to believe our cherries are ripe.
Yet, seeing ib belikwng in that also.
The thousands who come this year
will have every inducement to send
back favorable accounts of Oregon.
They will tell the truth and the result
will ba that many more thousands will
come in 18S6. We have room for
them, for one half of Oregon is almost
.unknown and entirely unoccupied.
The country seems to be on the way to
as certain prosperity as this world can
offer. We shall rapidly fill up with a
good class of people and they will make
our products increase far beyond pres
ent results. We realize that though
times are hard Oregon is as blessed as
any country can be. The clouds do
not pour down coin but the soil pro--duces
abundantly and great advan
tages of climate invite immigration
an a manner and-to a degree that few
.States or cuuntries caw equal., "Will
.amette Farmer."
Sines Mr. B. F. Irvine resigned his
position with the O. & C. R. It. com
pany Mr. Koehler the receiver of the
company has sent one W. L. Jester,
to take oharge of their business at the
office and depot here, and a great joier
he is, in fact with the business men of
this place. When Mr. Irvine was in
-charge of the company's business he
was always accommodating and oblig
ing aud under his management the
peepla and business men who patron
ized the read were able to get their
iteight promptly and on the day when
"it came but the new joker who hatj
taken his place refuses to allow freight
to depart from the depot or be unload
ed from the cars the same day on
which it arrives, hence freight which
arrives at Corvallis on the trainsiu the
afternoon, the business men are com
pelled by the stupidity and disobliging
management of this joker to wait until
the next day some time in the fore
noon before they get it. This has
never been the case before at this de
pot, and never did we hear of such de
lay or lack of business activity at any
other of the depots on either tbe east
w west side road, and why should it
be done here now. There is not a par
ticle of reason for it, because almost
uvery day the drays and trucks before
the advent of this joker, have been
able to loid and deliver the freights
ta the owners the same day that it ar
rives. Ouly last Saturday Mr. Kuner
was in town, who lives some eight
miles from here, and was expecting
some freight on the train that day,
which came at the expected time but
oh acconnt of Mr. Koebler's joker, he
was unable to gel the freight that
afternoon and hence he wai compelled
to go home without it. By the time
Mr. Koehler employs a few more jokers
tn delay business and abuse their au
thority, his' railroad will need two or
three more receivers to keep it fro
taking the dry rot. It is probable,
however, that Mr. Koehler does net
understand anything of the supreme
stupidity of the management new
adopted at the depot "Corvallis Ga
zette." Quill pens are again in fashion.
They are well adapted (or the large,
angular penmanship now in favor
mong ladies.
Haxel Knight, a young colored ac
tress of Pittsburg, is to star in a play
called "Seventeen Years in Slav en
I I ! LJ ' JUMIW.MM' '
New York, May 11. The unsatis
factory condition of the United States
treasury is di&cassed in leading eastern
papers this morning. It appears unde
niable that diminished receipts and
increased expenditures threaten a re
duction of the estimated 30,000,000
surplus to one-half that amount, if it
is net wiped out altogether. The San
shows that the SI 1,000,000 di5ciency
of gold in the treasury since the ad
ministration came in is accounted for
by the increased amount of gold on
depotit in New York banks. Another
suggestive fact is that the amount of
silver dollars and bullion in the treas
ury over and above outstanding certif
icates, has increased during the last
two months from 46,168,399 to 55,-
811,978. Of this increase only about!
4,000,000 is due to tbe coinage of
silver dollars required bylaw, leaving
but 5,000,000 in excess of receipts of
silver over disbursements in the regular
course of business. Taking these facts
and figures, in coonnection with the
avowed policy of the administration to
maintain good payments as Inns an
the operations of the Bland Allison act
will permit, and with the hostitity of
eastrrn bankers to the silver dollar,
it looks very much as if Secretary
Manning was unnecessarily giving
away to the banks millions of dollars
of gold at par, which, in a com para
tively short time, will command a
premium. Let Secretary Manning
keep his gold, not pay it out until his
store of silver dollars is exhausted.
It would seem from the following
taken from the Abhland Tidings, that
interest in Oregon mines is again re
viving, and men of experience and
means are taking hold: "The quartz
ledge on Galice creek in Josephine
county known as the Big Yank ledgn,
has for a number of years been known
to ho'd thousands and thousands of
tons of low grade ore, carrying sonie
free gold, but as the expense of reduc
ing under the old methods would leave
but little prefit, it has not been worked.
Two or three years ago ex Governor
Chadwick induced a San Francisco
mining exj.ert, H. P. McNevin, to in
spect the ledge, and ever since that
time capitalists have been negotiating
for the purchase of the ledge. The
newly invented methods of reducing
rsfiactory ores have sade the mine
now one ef the most valuable in the
State if not in the whole country, as
there are said to be millions of tons of
ore ia sight that will assay 15 per
ton and can be cssi'y workid. Mc
Ncyin was at the mines again recent
ly, and it is reported that he and ether
California capitalists have taken hold
of it and have let contracts to N. Mc
Nair (one of the owners) for cutting
400 feet of tunnels atence. The ledge
is said to be over 250 feet wide in
some places and can be traced for
miles. Rogue river cuts directly
across aud through it."
Standing in front of Liebes & Co.'s
establishment, en Montgomery street,
where furs and stuffed animals are
displayed in the show window, a little
ftllow name Dick plied his mother
with many questions regarding the
specimens that excited his curiosity:
Little Dick "What is those animals
in that bin window, mammal' Mam
ma "That is a fur storo window, and
the animals are seals and bears." "Is
they alivel" "Oh, no. They" were
shot aud stuffed 'and then stood up to
lsok as if they were alive." "Who
are those ladies in the window by
them, mammal" ''They are dressed
up figures tc show tbe new styles in
furs." "Ain't the ladies alivel" "No,
pet." "Was they shot and stuffed,
The Hoult bill fixing the rate for
carrying passengers at feur cests per
mild qoM into effect oa the 2 2d in
stant. In order to "comply .strictly
with the law and give passengers-lheir
proper change, it ill be necessary to
use cent pieces. Now the country is
not overstocked with this kind of coin,
and the railroad company will hare to
supply the aobing void. John J,
Byrne, ef the O. R 4 N. Company,
will bay all the surplus cappers that
can be get together in Chicago, while
the 0. C. Company have about 30
oa hand, but have ordered more, as
tbe present supply is considered insuf
ficient. This more will probably bring
the much despised coin into general
circulation in this state.
Nature's own true Laxative. Fleas
ant to the Palate, acceptable to the
Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain
less in its action. Cures habitual
Constipation, Billiousness, Indigestion,
and kindred ills. Cleanses the system,
purifies the blood, regulates the liver
anJ acts on the Bowles. Breaks up
Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc.
Strengthens the organs on which it
acts. Better than bitter, nauseous
medicines, pills, salts and draughts.
Sample bottle free, and large bottles for
sale by Merritt Robinson, Jacksonville.
A suro Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered
by Dr. William, (an Indian Remedy,
called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A
single box has cured the worst chronic
cases of 25 or 30 years standing. No one
need suffer five minntcs after applying .this
wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in
struments and electuaries do more harm
than good. William's Ointment absorbs
the tumors, allays the intense itching,
(particularly at night after getting warm
in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant
relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch
ing of the private parts, and for nothing
Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinlerrv
of Cleveland f ys about Dr. William's In
dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores
of Pile Cures, and it affoids me pleasure
to say ihat I haTe never found anything
which gave such immediate and. perma
nent relief as Dr. "William's Indian Oint
For sale by al' druggists or mailed on
receipt of price, 1.00.
HENRY & CO, Proprietors,
Cleveland. O.
Hodge, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents,
Peruana, uregon.
and RflALAHIA. , t
From theso sources ariso three lourtlis ci
the diseases or tbe human race. Tlieso
Evmptomslndiccle their existence. : Ims at
Appetite, Bowcla coativc, Slelt Head
uttc, fullnese after catinc,aTcriton to
exertion off 'body r mlnti, ErcttaUoa
of food, Irritability or ternr' Xot
iplr.j, A fcelinj of Iiavtaj: ntslectja
me dnty, XH:zliie,FIutirini;at tno
Ileart.Dota before t'.io cy,lilslily col
ored ferine, COS STtPATIO.T nnd de
mand the uso of a rcmeaj .uat acta dire-city
oiitho Liver. A3aLivorrccJciiia'iUA-.i.-'3
PILJ'uavor'oeau'U- TbtracUcconifa3
Kluneys unit SMa 13 also prompt ; removlrs
all Imparities isrcssru tucso Ihrvo "-tav-
ensera of tle ritcm," producing appe
tite, eonnd digestion, regoUrstools, a cl
EMnandavigorousbodv. TCTT'SMr.I.S
c? cj iy3 naosca or grl,.!; act :.:z3
with dally wori as&orQ a v rfcet
bold cTywhir.aac. Ofiir;.41MprniTSt-.ti.Y.
rzm-r ttiti nn WmsEEHS chansred In.
stantly toaGl-ossT Biaas by a single ap.
plication of this DTK. Sold by Draggisus,
tu. tent by express on receipt or Bl.
Office, 44 Murray Street, Kew York.
U tbe YoonzorOld,
hiring Lost those
attributes of
Jtty Rejiln Quicilj
'.Coviinl Dnojnr
ss'$ fettaia Abuit,
Frof. Jean Ctslalc BY THE USE OP
The Giviale-BemG
TVjTonrs crery tre of III UIUTY, SIFK
SiA-lOCiaiGiA, AUICOCKI.L and cYrry
form of SttUn&l lots and ireAkxtsa whether dc
to Youthful lolly, AhnpQ. or f.atnntf Failure.
This trv&tra nt orijrinnu-d by I'lKir. C1VIALK,
aJoptMtnrcry IIO-I'ETALtn I IIAPand
nnquaJLitCdiy endoruod hy the Mfrilt-al lrotVssion
and above all LAM11&C IS MS laMLTK.
FREE TO ALL pi"ppt or s cents
xfliLj lJ fULi in poiaf- stamps. e
fllRpnd free toan earnest Inquirer ourirplen
dkl iUuatrp.U-d H ppf iDedint work,irli gt p
tomaof Kllfonia ot btiual Pt8aM, descrlptloa
of this treatment, pilces, twtltnunlals and uews
pater eiidorverneiits, Ac. Ac.
We are also apvnt tc r the bw nnd certain to
euro, Scir-Adl jstinp; MiJ Glore Fittfr.fr Ciftdle
ConuresRorK for the thorough and radical cure,
without surtfwry, of
Con.nltnllnn l:h Tall Medlcml Slor, FRl'E.
Ctviala Fecieciul Agency, 1C0 Fulton SL, N. Y.
Woodburn, Oreson. '
A large stock of Fruit, Shade, Orn'tmcr.
tal and Nut trees. .
. Vines and Shrubbery
For sale cheap.
No Insect Pest ' on Trees.
Send for catalogue. Address,
J. If. Settlemikr
Woodburn, Oregon.
A. CHALK, Proprietor, '
California St, - Jacksonville,
Has just been furnished an elegant new
Billiard and Pcol Sable.
' "TJie finest brands of
Always on hand.
Settle Up.
All persons knotting themselves in
debted to the undersigned, by note or
book account, are requested to call and
settle at once. Persons knowing them
selves indebted to us will do 'well to heed
this notice, as vre meo business and are
determined to enforce payment where it
it refused or neglected
.llso notes and book accounts dbe the
estate o( Silas Draper, deceased, must be
settled at once. JOHN BOLT.
.dpplegate, Fel . 17t 1885.
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it, who would rather,
not tell, and you can't tell
'Til B n S
. rjtsx&&m
3 1 ftp T Sj
ramtlR tBR nin m iwl nJH
JJExtra Sietions fop all Mowersj
..'. Qodtspecid Cook. Sfve
The Ilogue River
Distilling Company
In the building situated on the corner of
California and Fifth streets whcie
can be obtained a
N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent
Central Market,
Han!oy & Neits, Props.
This market is now fully prepared to
furnish the public with the choicest qual
ity of
J Of all
kinds, including
B Vt&IMUzi ilfJiW UOUviiU ULJo
i Also superior
Themost favorable inducements offered
to patrons, and no effort will be spared'to. '
wardjgiving general satisfaction. I
' , Haslet &Neitz
S Biles South of Jacksonville,
A and is prepared to" furnish the market
with every description of lumberofasupi
rior quality at Uie lowest rates- Bill
sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed.
All orders addressed to us at Jackson
ville will receive prompt attention.
Adam Schmitt, Fropr,,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
The undersigned is now prepared to
make anything in the line of barrels,
kegs, vats or tubs, and will also do any
V?H f .nirinT tn fhic tine A trtml
- "" -.rr ,...V1 .!!.. l.
assurimcuv u. -mt uo., cl u-
mjbujouibuu. ; tin world t Urfe.lhtt tbe j cn find.it JttBjK
Sorghum kegs mado to order in quan-1 iUrae.tmj Brttrj,the tenuer--"1''
tities to suit at reduced prices. Give melJ-,'l,, aj qnaatitr the pnrchuei msjeir
,ji insM pf'HrTTT i MJnoae lconimlBtlTiltntcd and mj rom r
x. imlersigneU by note or book account,
re' requested to call and settle without
delay. G. KAREWSKI.
Jwjksonyille, Sept. 22, 1888.
-iae -
ZDetX:rjs Sza.
Corner Of
Oregon axd Cilikorxu its. , xckso. yi: Lr
IF. ff. F&SSS&ZS, prop'r
Would respectfully inform the public
that he haa a fine stock of
Horses, BuggieB mid C;:jJjr.e-
And he is prepared to fumisli his pitrun
and the public generally with
Fine Turnout
As can be had on the Pacific coat. Pad
die horses hired to go to any part of
the county
Animals Bought aud Sold.
Horses broke to work single or donbl
Horses boarded and the best of care be
stowed upon them while in my charge.
A liberal snare ot tne puDlic patronage
is solicited on reasonable terms
The Thoroughbred Jack
Will make the season of 1SS5 al the f ol-
Iowinsttime? and places:
BEE HER will commence arwilliara
Bybfe's farm, one mile north of Jackson
ville, on Wednesday, April 1st. where he
wilU remain five diys when he will be
taken to Bybce's Ferry and remiin four
days returning to Jacksonville on the Clh.
this rule to continue during the season.
The season will end Ju'y 1st.
BEECHER is a thoroughbred 51am
moth Jack from Kentucky, black, in col
or, 10 years old, with sood lorm and ac
tion, and -neighs 1,300 pounds.
By the season, 12 50; insurance, $16;
single leap, $8. Payable at end of season
ana when mare is known to be with foal,
llest of csre will be taken but will be re
sponsible for no accidents.
Wm. BYBEE, Proprietor.
Cigar Store.
Dealer in
Clsars, Tobacco, Clsarcttes, .Notions, Etc.
Also keeps a full line of musical instru
ments, consisting of
Vnltars, Banjo, Tamborlnts, J,cordcons.
Uarmonlcas tie.
Give me a call and I will satisfy you
both in price and in the quality of the
goods offered for sa e B Hostel
VEIT SCHUTZ,- Proprietor.
Xfvrmtli. eltiien. of Jsckfonrill. End,"
"wiji m order. Ariilt wlllpleue To
inn7r Send six cents for postage,
rK 1 1 I" AD receive free, a costly box
I E'lLLiOf goods which will help all,
of either sex. to more money right away
than anvthiner else in this world. For
tunes await the wnrkcrs absolutely sure i
firic!.,,flTiJ!?lvn nrBcr.t
HSSWSMMU logitima:..
y result ot over twen
Qtyyearsot practical
experience by a
thojoughly quali
fied graduate pliy
sician of one of the
hifthct mwlical
colleges of Enrone.
ariKtsT5S3Bzsts3 Itp)sitiviIvour'-tkiai.J1.j-i
.d. -ia Kcnouaund Phy
sical Debility, Seminal Weakness, Sptr
matorrhta. Impotency, Prustato-rhoen.
II)pcraethesia over tensiticness of the
pirts. Kidney fnd I'hiddcr cnn'ihinN
impurities of the biocd uaJ uiiuuf tL.
It permanently stops all unn-tural
weakening drains upon tho system, how
ever they occur, preventing involuntaiv
seminal 1o3s(ji. debilitating dream, t-emi-nal
losw with the urine, or while at ftool
etc., so destructive to mind and body and
cmes all the evil cfftcisot'oufalul tollies
excesses, restoring cx!iiutc(I vinlitj'
Sexual decline ai.d loss of manhood, how
ever complicated.
A thorough as well as permanent cure
and complete restoration to perfect health.
Strength and vigor (if manhood is abso
lutely guaranteed by thisjiiitly celebrated
reliable great rcnudy. Price $2 50 per
bottle, or five bottles tor ? 10. Sent upon
receipt of price, or''. O. D, to any address
secure from observation andstuctly pri
vate by
JIC Steamy Street an E ranrlico Cal.
tz::al euttm: rt:i.E.
Sufficient to show its merit wi'l be sent
to any one- applying liy letter, stating his
symptoms and a-rc. Consultations strict-
vconfidentiai. bv letter, or at office, free.
For the convenient of patients and in or
der to secure prelect secrecy, 1 have adopt
ed a private address underwhich all pack
ages are forwarded.
The Fine Stallion
Will make tbe season of 1885, commenc
ing April 1st, as follows: On April 1st
and 2nd he will be in Jacksonville, on the
3rd and 4th be will be at Eaulc Point, re
turning to each point every ninth day dur
ing the season, unit on tne other days he
will Dclounu at uranviue sears' larm.
Selnm is by Scampcrdown, he by Nor.
folk, he by Lexington, he by Bostom, he
by Sir Archer, he by -Arabian Boy.
Selam's dam was a Rifieman.
He is 16 hands high, weighs 1,300
pounds anu is s years oiu.
terms- Single leap o; oy tne season
$10; insurance 15.
I will not be responsible for any acci
dents but will exercise due caution to pre
vent the same. S. BOOTH.
A. lewsv. Progressive, Instruc-
.. ., r.T.3 I x- -..I.
live nu lieuneu aewsuaucr, pub
lished In the heart of the Great In
land Empire. Published every week
at $2JHQ per year. Sample copies
10 cts. aenu tor it.
Address Times PcBUsnisa Co ,
Heppner, Oregon!
"CTfvzitoci to Exclianso,
To exchange a house of 11 rooms and 2
lots 100x100 feet with SDriuc and cistern
wter on it, near public school and street
cars, in city of Portland, rents for $35 per
month. Will exchange for gook stock
ranzein boulhern Oregon.
Address, C. W. LAintE s. O. R N.Co.
Portland, Oregon.
tcr rn fririDer di
day at home
tDUjl J tp-VSamp'ea worth $5
free Address SriAso & jo.,PortlaBd,Me
j .Mu., w k .aut.A.1 u .JlLAfciaJ &
':;ii' -i"-'
Effide Avnke & Fiislijlg
German lnrigorator.
The oldest, greatest and
best remedy for the cdreof
Nervous End Phvhirail Debll-
fi ity. Vita Exhaustion, Serai-
.O- bond. FaiTinf Mmnnr and
Relaicd and Enfeebled 000-
ditions of the Genito-TJrfcrtn'
organs. It speedily cures
Impotence. Early Secay.
Lois ef Vigor, Seminal
Weakness, and all the sad tC-
feels of youthful fellies anil
O abuse er Excess of Muturily
O It permanently prevent
X n" Lnnatural Loss from the
;2 system, as thousands can at
test who have used the Rem
cdyinthc past quarter of a
century which it has beea
before the public
It is indeed a Wonderful
Remedy toning the nerves, strengthen,
ing the muscles, checking the waste, in.
vigorating the whole system and restoring
the afflicted to health and happiness.
The Dr. will agree to forfeit $1,000 for
a case undertaken, not cured. The reason
so many can not get cured of Weakness
and the above diseases is owing to aeon
plication, called Prostatorrnea, with
Hypcruesthla which requires special treat
ment Dr. Liebig's Invigorator, No. 2, with
our peculiar special treatment, is the enly
cure for Prostatorrhea. By it Manhood
is restored and the hand of time moved
bock from ace to vonth.
Price ot cither Invieorator,$3, 'Case
of six bottles, $10. Sent to any address,
covered secnreiy trom ouservation.
Dr. Licblg A; Co. treat successfully by
nomceopathv every form of Special, Prlv.
ate or Chronic disease without mercury
or naseous drugs. If vitality Is drained
from the body numerous diseases follow
that bnffie ordinary medical Ireutinent. If
allowed to continue, the unnatural loss
causes Consumption, DiabeUs, Brights,
Disease, Insanity, etc Cures guaranteed
Diseases of the genito-urinary organs,
kidneys, liver and bladder specially treat
ed. Diseases ofwomen speedily cured.
Qualified and Responsible. Dr. Lieblg
& Co. from Europe, nre organized in com.
plian.e with California Medical Law.
Diploma procured by regular college ed
ucation and arc now In their nineteenth,
year of special practice.
Most powerful electric belts free to pa
To prove the wondertul power of the
invigorator a $2 bottle given or sent free.
I onsultaUon free and private.
Dr. Lb-big's wonderful German Invigo
rator is protected by copywright from
Patent Ofl.ce of United States Govern,
ment. Beware of imitations. C.vll or ad.
drcs3 Lirjim Dispensary,
400 Geary Street. San Francisco, Cal.,
Private entrance, 406 Mason Strrst, four
uiocks up Ueary atrcet irom Jk.carny,
Main Entrance throug.i Dispensary Drug
. II Kearny SI reel, San FrauelieoJ
a never-failln!
cure tor nervous IJe-.
t-Vrzr . -r..
. '.
& F viSa wtIity,'ntaal.Weafc.
iSS f3-'?syimness.Spermaton-ha;a
Z&JX .Ci3KjS Lest Manboml Im.
?&o5S&fP'tency. Pj-ostalQr.
tTSKrhoca, Paralysis and
ji7'-hs,'Sri-."ocii, raraiv:
,&&5$Siiv.ilI the terrible cflects
S'il&'PZ'SSSot self abuse-, voutlv
ful follies apd excesses in matnrer years,
r ue'i as 'osj of Siemo y, L ssilude, Koo
tui-.al Lw --hions, Av-rsi ns to Society-Di-incsa
of Vision, Noises in the Head,
the vital fluid passing unobserved in the
urine, iiLioth-T diseases that lead to in
sanity and tlu-tli.
Dr JImtie. who is a regular physic'-n,
graduate ot the LTnivnity ofPcnnsylva.
nia, wil agree to forfeit S'iOO for a case t
this kind the Vital Restorative, (under h s
spetial advice and treatment) will not
cure, or for anything impure or injuiioiu
found a iC Dr Mintie treats all Private
Diseasis successfully without Mercury.
Consultation Free. Thorough examina
tion and adwee, including analysis of
urine, 3. Price of Vita! Restorative $1,50
a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5;
sent to any address upon receipt of price,
or C. O. D , secure from observation, and
in pm ate name it desired, by Dr. A E.
Mintie, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco,
Send for pamphlet and list of questions.
yuinple llolllr Free
Will bo sent to any one applying by let
ter, stating symptoms, sex anil age. itiict
secrecy in regard to all business trans,
Dr. Viintic's KidDey Remedy, Neph.
reticum, cures all kinds of Kidney and
Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet.
T. 1. ...... ... !.'- .!.. 1... ..1! .J-..
l.cueuruit'cu, ciu. I'm suic ujr tin urur
dists; $1 a bottle, six buttles for $5. 1
Dr. Mintie s Dandelion Pills arc tho.
best and cheapest Dyspepsia and iiillou
cure in the market. For sale by all drug.
No. 11 Kearny Street,
Treats al Chronic anil Special Diseases
Wlio may be suUenng from the effects
of youthful follies or indiscretion will do
well to avail themselves qf this, the- great
est boon ever lam at the art.Tr ol sTrrrering
humanity. JJlt. anriJNJSX wui guaran
tee to forfeit $500 fottvery case of Scmin.
al Weakness or private disease of any kind
of character which he undertakes and
tails to cure.
There are many at the age of thirty to
sixty who are troubled with too frequent
evacuations ot tne Diauacr, oiten accom
panied by a slight smarting or burning
sensation ana a weaRening ol tne system
in a manner tbe patient cannot account
for. On examining the urinary deposits a
ropy sediment will often be found, and
sometimes small particles of albumen will
appear, or the color will be of a thin milk
ish hue, again changing to a dark and tor.
pid appearance. There are many men
who die of this difficulty, ignorant oftho
cause, which is the second stage of seminal
I weakness. Dr. S. wilt guarantee a perfect
cure Id all such coses, and a healthy res.
toration" of the genito urinary organs.
Office Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Sun.
days, from 10 to-11 a. m. Consultation
free. Thorough examination and advice,
$5. Call or Address
Di(.Bt'ixKi en uv
No.ll Kearney St, San Francisco.
June 3,1882. tf
Valuable land For Sals.
Tile undersigned offers 2,000 acre's el
valuable land for sale. Land situated on
Antelope creek, eighteen m les from Jack,
sonville Will be sold in a body for $10
per acre or in 160 or CJ0 acre lots at from
I S15 to $20 per acre. For particulars ad.
I dress or coll on A. L Johnson,. Land
Agent, or
V M . i i itr,r,
Jacksonvlilei Orcgoa.