1 se OREGON SENTINEL. JACK801V!.t.Kl Saturday, Mat 23, 1885. Sopkkmc Court Decisions. Id the cue of C. Neil vs, J. C. Tolman, T. Dunn mod- Jr. Houck, concerning water rigbtc ia Ashland precinct, the judgment of the lower court was modi fiad, giving Tolas an- et al. 120 inches of waUr instead of 160 inches. The judgment in the case of Neil et al. vl. Tolman et al was affirmed. Presentation. Appreciating his efferts in the Maekey- ease the Jose phine delegation last Wednesday night preiented District Attorne) Kent with a $12 nugget of Althouse gold, about the finest specimen we have erer seen. The presentation wa.i made at the Table Bock salaon and it is needless to ear that all present seemed to. be The Josephine Ceowd. For about ten days previous to Thursday last e havo had Rome forty old residents ef Josephine county with as witnesses in the JsTackey case. Nearly all of thsai were miners, eld-lime residents " of Southern Oregon, and a more jovial sit it would be hard to find. They evidently enjoyed their trip, meeting many old frieads here, and we hope that all can make it convenient to call gain. Marshal Arrested. John Bed field, City Marshal of Medford, was arrested this week on a charge of as sault and battery on a young man named MiCarty and brought here for trial before Justice Foudray. A large number of Med ford witnesses appear ed at the trial when defendant was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of S10 and costs amounting to about $91 in all. The Marshal was charged with beating McCarty over the head with a heavy king boll inflict ing bruises that were not necessary in making the arrest. Red Geld paid the fine but the costs still remain un paid and stand against him as judg ment. A MuJuricENT Offer. The com mittee ap ointed by the citizr us of Grant's Pass and vicinity to solicit mny by subscription, to be donated to the county commissioners for the erection of county buildings, provided the eounty seat be located at Grant Pass on the first Monday of June next, say they have already secured S1.CC0, with the positive assurance of $400 more, making the fund $2,000. Next week they will execute a bond for this amount, to be filed with the county clerk, insuring the payment of the Money so suSscribed. In their opinion, this ought to be a sufficient guarantee to ths. taxpayers of Josephine county, that in ease the ounty seat is located tOrant'a Pass, they will nothave to tuffer taxatioa far the erection of build mgs eenveuient far the transaction of . county business. Religious Items Rev. A. R. Bickrnbaeh holds services at Ashland on the coming Sabbath .... Elder M. Petersen will preich at Medford Sun day morning and evening.... Iter. H. C Fleming will preaah at the Lone Oak school house Sunday at the usual hour.... Rev. Wm. Pullen preaches at the upper school house on Williams ereek Sunday next.... Rev. Wm. Lund of Coos bay will hold Episcopal services at the Presbyterian church in -thisp cj Sunday.... On the solemnity ef Pentecost, high mass will be sung at the Catholic church in this place at 10 o'clock, Bsv. M. J. Straeten officiat ing. Solemn vcspeisin the evening at 7:30 o'closk, with a sermon. Subject: The Dhinity of Christ." Elders llussell and Slover will hold divine services at Medford on Saturday be fore the first Sabbath in June, for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church. All wishing to be constituent members will be present at 10 o'clock of thatl day with the proper qualifications.... The third quarterly meeting for Jack aoaville circuit, M. E. Church, South, -will be held on the 23d and 24th at the North Phoenix school house, near J. W. Collins'. Preaching at 11 o'clock on Saturday and basket meet ing on Saaday. Official members from all the societies are requested to be present. The sacrament will be administered. Ber. J. R, N. Bell will be in attendance. P. A. Moses, Pastor. A.2tNtvEnsART. The annual meeting f the Jacksan county Bible Society was held at the Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, on Saturdar evening May 17th inst, Rev. M. A." Williams, President, presiding; the minutes of the last meeting were read and ap proved. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of Rev. A. R. Bick enbach, A. S. Johnson and J. W. Herritt was appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The de positary and Treasurer presented his report, which was approved. Rev's. M. A. Williams, J. R, N. Bell and A. R. Bickenbach addressed the meeting in behalf of the Bible cause; after which, Rev. T. a Hetxler, district superintendent of the American Bib'a Society, delivered bis address, in which he gave a statement ol the work done within hit jurisdiction during the past year. The committee on nomination of officers for the ensuing year report ed as fellows: Rer. M. A. Williams for President; all resident ministers ng Vice Presideats; Wm. Hoffman, De pository and Treasurer; John A. Boyer Secretary, and A. S. Johnson, 8. J. Day and Wat. Metre-, executive eonv snittee. The report was adopted and the persons named were declared duly elected for their respective offices. A collection wm takes tip for the Bible causa, assoanting to $16.50 and $7.50 additional contributed at Phoenix. M. A. Williams, Pre. Jobs A. Boyer, Secy. Local Items- Rain and cold weather this week. $2J worth ef goods for $15 at Men- sor's store. A. G. Coir in is agent for the Os borne mower. Miss Mamie Judge of Ashland is here on a visit.. The Board of Immigration, meets, at Medford to-day. Wa. Bybee Jr., is back from east of the mountains. Go to- Mentor's store for bargains bsfore it is too late. Miss Carrie-Penn here on a visit to her old time friends. Crockery .and glassware at a bar gain at Mentor's store. More rain, more wheat and more money for everybody. The best standard prints 20 yards for $1.00 at Mensor's store. Fruit will be abundant in Jackson ville from.-present appearances. The Chtmpions oMIonor entertain rrent has been indefinitely postponed. The Keady local option law goes into effect on the 29th of this month. Henry Klippel started for San Francisco yesterday to be gone several weeks. The rush still continues at MensorV store because he is selling goods for al most nothing. Hon. Wm. Kahler and wife are ex pected back from their trip to Eastern Oregon to day. Ber. E. Gittins has removed to Grants Pass where he will hereafter make his headquarters. The largest and best stock of goods in town in being sacrificed for almost nothing at Mensor's store. The M ackey case is said to have cost over $1,600, the mileage of witnesses causing a large part of the expense. John Roloson has gone to Union town with a force of carpenters to build a new barn for Robert Cameron. A young lady named Ingle.-nan, aged about fifteen yearn, died on Suck er creek, Josephine county, this week. C. C. Beeknian starts for S.in Fran eisco to day. His daughter, Hits Carrie, will accompany him on his re turn. Bibles at 25 cents and upward and Testaments at 5 cents and upward, ra y be had of Wm. Hoffman at the depos itory. The contract for building a wind mill on the grounds of tho Fisters Academy has been' let to John T Roloson.. Mrs. H B. Watson has gone to Portland to reside, the Judge having located there and now enjoys a lucra tive practice. Deputy Sheriff Stead man has re signed his position and will go to Link ville for a time to risuuie his trade of stone maEon. E. C. Kane, the gentlemanly rail, road agent at Ashland, paid Jackson ville a visit the other day ia company with his wife. An Eastern circus is expected to ar rive in Portland by way of Northern Pacific about July 1st. Save jour short bits, boys. A fine lot of cattle were brought from the upper end of the county this week by George Barron. They were for John Orth. A case of crira con is said to be th subject of gossip in the northern end of the county and an attempt at settle ment is being made. A neat front is being put en Jones,' saloon corner by M. M elisor and when finished it will present a much ini proved appearance. The present term of Circuit Ciurt terminated quite suddenly by the Su preme Court declaring the new jury law unconstitutional. S. S. Aiken, now a resident of Flounce Rock precinct, was in town the other day. He is now sawing some fine sugar pine lumber at his mill. Contributions were solicited this week for the purchase of a band wagon for our silver cornet band which met with a liberal response from our cit izens. Rumors of a mob to hang some one were in circulation this week but the attempt has not yet been made and there is no likeliheod that it will be done. Mr. C. C. Beekman recently present ed two lots to the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church at Medford. J S. Howard, A. L. Johnsou and Dr. E. P. Geary are the Trustees. John Myrtlo was found guilty of larceny this week but owing to the de cision of the Supreme Court in regard to our jury law Judge Webster has not yet passed sentence. Next Saturdar is Memorial Day which will be duly celebrated by the G. A. R. Post at Ashland. Prof. J. W. Merritt of this place has been se lected to deliver the oration. A special session of the Legislature should be called by Governor Moodt to straighten up all matters that were unconstitutional, unfinished or only half done by our last legislature. Thos. F. Beall has returned from his visit to Salem and we are informed that he states that Lc found his bill affecting the Central Point side track passed both houses of the Legislature and that the Governor had also ap proved it with his signature. Evi dently some one is mistaken in this matter. George t Rogers, a former; resideui of Jacksanville,returned from Smith River, Cala., this week nd- we learn that he intends opening ft barbershop at Medford. The Laditi Missionary Aid Society will meet Thursday May 28th at the residence of Rev. A. R. Bickenbach at 2; p. it. Mrs. Wm. Turner, Pres. Mrs. W. J. Plthale, Sec, Dr. Pryee, after a trip to the East ern States, has located at Medford for the practice of his profession and asks a share of public patronage when, in ueed of medical skill. Read his ard. George Love and wife have returned, from Portland and lire-ad present re siding at the home farm, near town. They will soon make their home in B. F. Dowell'a brick JresiifeDce in Jack sonville. Mrs. Sarah Zigler of Roseburg, and Mrs. E. Autenreitb of Yreko are here on a visit to their sister Mrs. P. Brown, who ha been sick for several months past, and is bus little better at this writing. Yesterday's "Oregonian" gives a good description of the quarts, mines in Southern Oregon noticing in partic ular the mines in Jackson county. This paper now ranks with the best in the land. Jacksonville public school closes Friday of next week. The closing school year has been most prosperous and satisfactory and Jacksonville can well boast uf its excellent educational facilities. Over 9,000 yards of flannel was shipped to Schweitzer, Sichs k Co., Sau Francisco, this week by the Abh land Woolen Mills. These goods are beginning to get the reputation they deserve. Mr. Kendall, the efficient manager of the W. IT. Teleraph office at Yreka. was married to Miss Nixon, daughter of the editor of the Yreka "Journal" last Thursday evening. We extend our congratulations. The business house of Landers k McConnell at Ashland has been closed by creditors, their liabilities amounting to something like $5,000. They have heretofore been considered among the solid men of the town. As if by macio ones pains vanish if he be a sutferer from rheumatism or neuralgia and applies St. Juaobs Oil, the pain-banisher. For Coughs and Colds Red Star Cough Cure is a safe, pleasant, sure remedy. Trapper Connor of Siskiyou county is in town again after an absence of some fifteen years. He is on his re turn from the New Orleans Exposi tion, and he also took a look at the big men at Washington while absent. JohnTocpper has just finished a fine large barn on his tot in town. If he lives there long his lot will not admit of the improvements he will want to make, and he will have to en large his premises accordingly. Wish we had more of his kiud. Mis. N. J. Fitch of Eugene City was serenaded by the Silver Cornet baud at the residence of her brother David Linn on Thursday evening. Refresh ments were serted, and the oc:asiou was a very pleasant one for the lady and her o'.d time friends. The TJ. S. Hotel is offered at Sher iffs sale the auction to takn place June 20th. Fur a roan capable of running a first class hotel a. rare chance is here offered as under good management it would prove the best paying business in this end of the State. Hon. Henry Klippel, J. C. Mc- Cully and Adam Ruhl returned from the Cinnabar eouutry the first of the week. Mr. Klippel has been out there for his health, which is much improved, and he will leave to-day on a business trip to San Francisco. The Womens Christian Temperance Union ill meet Saturday, May SOtii, at 2:30 r. m , at the residence of Rev. A. R. Bickenbach. Everybody is in vited to attend. Mrs Alice Bickenbach, Pres. Miss Alice Dorris, Rec Sec The material, consisting of wire-rope, pulleys, etc., fcr the free ferry at this place have been ordered and will be here to morrow. The lumber for the boat is being sawed, vand men will be put to work on its construction Mon day next. Gsant's Pass "Courier." The Ancient Order of United Work men appeare to be in a tolerably flour ishing condition in the northwest. At the beginning of the year it numbered 2873 members. At the end of March the number had increased to S2I6, and at the end of April was 3163. The Sentinel office is not the only place in Southern Oregon where yon can get A 1 printing done, but wn are prepared to bid on and furnish any kind of work in that line at prices to suit the times, and without figuring on the length of the customer's purse be fore making the estimate. "Stick a crowbar in that spot." We acknowledge a pleasant call yesterdav from J. H. Stine, the editor and publisher ol the Grant's Pass "Courier." He reports his 'own boom ing and says that if the county seat should be located there at tho election une week from Monday next fifty new buildings will be started there in one week tnereafter. "Does you know John Jacksoni" asked Jim Webster of Pete Simpson. -'I should iay I does know him. Ho is an awful slv cubs." "What has he eber done that was so berry smart!" "Tho other day I seed him walking along on the opposite side of Austin Avenue. I called out 'JohaT two or free times. Do niggahmade oat as if he didn't heah. zn. 5. overtnek him and cotched him by de arm, and dang by buttons if he wasn't aannder nlggah entirely. You bet tie am a sly one. "Texas Sittings. newartz KaWer- specimen taken oks McDonoueh les M MkaV contain- $140: work A can d box foil of the ts, taken out last weak was frao a very fair week's work. The enk fault w a feaad with President Clevi Sumatra tion is that he did all of his foreign Ministers th.mS.mber.of.th.l6regea Lsgi. ls"from lature.. As legislators they proved a Lfailora,. bt with, proper encourage ment sad liberal salary they might do better ia. foreign, elisaes. 1Tb ssaU service- by steamer from Sen Francfcee, Cal.. to. Portland, Or., has. been disceatinxed by Second Assis- f tan Postmaster Qtneral Knott, and the mail will hereafter kw sent by rati and stage. A saving of $22,000 per annum is thus effected, and the mtil arrives at Portland,. Or., four br earlier than by the old route. The change takes tfeet o June 15th. We visited Msdfcrd IastSwsiay ajul attended Sands sahceljStbe opts terly meeting of thwjJpflC! Cmireh. Medford society ufa&K ? 'k" highe,t moral,. sowMffBinHftoiu pWmsvlMving aUradyJjiH attended Sunday school, aa iffsusssii church, and regular service by. Wary Taligous daaemiuatiea in the vaHiy,'i The' peo ple intend building a in kstek there this summer. L - t The voters of Ji will be called upon to decid rbero their county seat shall be loeati A n special election to be held an Ml mday June 1st. Kfirbyville, Wile)e villa and Grant's Pass are the candidates for the liouor and each place ,ha.fcta frirads. While we have ne vets V eheica in the matter we doubt it ttthsxvof the places gets a majority ef the vstes at this time making another contest nec essary at thnxt general election. Parties who have orchard akrald not neglect te make arrftagesaeats te take cars of their fruit: The latest advices from th Eastern States ga to khow that the fruit crop, there will bo almost an entire failure this year, as the winter has been so severe as to not only kill the prospect but in many places has ki'led the fruit trees. With a failure in the Eastern States and a good crop on this coast we will be at sured of a good price and a demand for all our dried fruits. Max Muller has calculated that at the close of the text two centuries there will be in the world SVtfO'.OOO people speaking the Italian language, 72,571,000. the Freacb, 157,480,000 the German. 505,286,000 the Spanish and 1,837,286.153 the English. "Oregeaian." Far making this cah culatioa, if far aa other-reason; Max should be kept in his poakias) aa Post- mat..i. in .m 3r Lk U .AAA IMa ....v. ... .-.....,..t .-,.-- -. figure out a yroftteVpisffifr jeaJiaf lower than anyone alee.J<e ' . & 'J&; In conformity with the JaaaltlUil .v .." . i.:ii .L- A j-i.ititM way uui, mi vjrcgoi&BBavaiiiuriiui railroad have reduced the passencer tariff on their line ta four cents per mile, even change. The different ticlrT et agents on the route have been plen tifully supplied with pennies, and ticket buyers will be given the exact amount due tbeu. The difference in rates for small distances is not ap preciable, but for long ones it looms up. By the new arrangement the fire from Medford to Portland will be 13 48 instead of $19.75, the amount charged heretofore. Rer. J. R. N. Bell tho editor of the Roseburg "Review" has been in Jack sonvilln during the week. On Tues day evening he wa seramailed.by the Silver Cornet Band at the" residence of W. J. Plymale. The Rv. gentle man is as pleasant and genial aa of yore and was ntriaiaedav ft suc cession si recepuous irosa at wa urae friends here, fie says his Ufa work is the ministry, but he give a share of his time to the Teraperanoa eau.se, and is also bringing bis t plaadid taltats to bear in the newspaper work Jin which hs is now interested. May M shadow never grow less. ' The gTand eneampsaeni af th In dependent Order ef Owd Jfailews .has elected the fallowing emVsoA far 'the ensuing yar: D. S. K. Baiek. grand patriarch; D. E. Buchanan, ifk priest; K. M. Day, grand semar warden; T. Ford, grand juaior warden; John M. Baeoa, grand scribe; J aha COWright, grand treasurer; and -J. F." Baaheaito, grand representative , j. Tea , grand lodge of the L a a T.-elJaVet'rtn-fol-lowing officers: W.C."TweedaIa of Albany, grand master: R. Alexander of Pen lie ton, deputy grand master: Henry Dosch of Portland, grand war den; John SI. Bacon of Oregon City, grand secretarv; John G. Wright of Salem, treasurer; T. O. Barber of Salem and Doctor Williamson of Wes ton, grand representatives. On Monday night last, ear peaceful slumbers ware interrupted by the dulcet strata of a midnight serenade. In ear semi-semnambulic resteer ef delight, visions af the peats fairest creations peopled our brain. We lis tened again with Hafed tthe musical wail of the detpairiae; Hinda aa it floated out over the moonlit Arabian sea, and heard the pibroch ef Ellen Douglas as it re echoed over lech and glen when James Fitz Jane routed the outlawed clan of Roderick Dhu, and wafted down to us by th revolv ing cycle of centuries .cametMjlad voices oftheGalilean Shepaeafca shay sang their midnight peaM.aBaaiea at the advent of the world'. But the music ceased and we that we were the "earth 'eaatwy" a grav haired reporter, ami mat'aaa fcs- spiratioB of song or senafasaam, fct ih tuneful lays of the were not intended far sin. er and fairer member etjuj, wa the attraction thjaft them hither. "Twaa ef We were yesterday. ' Ste't .wiiEk nanntisalSnntt aHsannVsaa Masaibr' wumitvun nur. r - j- 1 - -i, &t Fruit Growers. The following is a fall list of the members belonging to the Fruit Grower's Association of Southern Oregon. Some of the names may look a little odd in this connec tion but they probably only joined to give the society what encouragement ihej eouldr R F. Miller, 6. F. Pennebaker, H. W. Shipley, G. F. Schraidtlein, J. Henry Griffis, Z. M. Hall, Wm. M. Colvig. Tobias 1"B.1S!,S L0 W. H. Newton, Thou. Haymond, John B. Wrisley, R. F. Maury, W. Beeson, John W. Smith, Arthur Wilsop, I. B. Williams, A. L. Johnson, A. C. Spetr, H. F. Wood, Levi Gartman, W. H. Atkinson, J. M. M-sCall, G. F. Mc Connell, L. Martin, D-. B. Bier, & B. Galey, FL.Townsnd, J. HChit wood. F. Ropar. S. W. Alnutt, Robert Goody eaiy Abram, Buh, W. O. Mver, P. iyttlcton, C. R. Stone, John B: R. Hutehms, H. J. Teal, A. P. Hammond; ;W. H Leeds, Ole Sverson, 8. J..DavK W. S. KtzgeraldKMartin Feterwu, G: A. Bubbell, John. E. Ross, Charles Kic&al, R S. Dualap, J. W. Thomas, &. E, Steam, W. T. Lever, Jesoe Richardson. Frank Kransa, C. C. Beekman, H. McElroy, Etfwsjd Pieo- g, James MeDonougp. A stranger, cosaiag from. A)salandi this way, on foot, was drowned last Saturday afternoon, in attempting; to swim the Klamath, ruse at Sail ferry, stage road crossing. Ha was accompanied by another man. who did net know his name, haying fell in with, him an the road. They had been drinking at Henley, and on reashing r the fsrry, the boat being on this side, the drowned man concluded be could swim across. Taking off his clothes he mada the effort and was soon drawn ! under water by the swift and treach erous stream, but finally casta np near the shore on this side, aJon distance down the stream, where ha stood up in the water to his waist. The ferry man followed down stream with a small W&t, and before reaching him, tho rsan Jell (Jew a again and was drowned, evidently dad by fris long tussel under water, or was chilled. In his clothes, which were taken chatgc of by Thos. Jones, the Henley mcr chant, only one dollar in money, was found. The man drowned was tall and slim, with sandy whiskers, and probably a tramp. "Yreka Journal." Murder in the Second Dfgree. The second trial of Martin Mackey for the murder of Mike Purcell in Jose pbine eounty, tried hers on a change of venue, resulted in bis conviction of ruurdur in the seeend degree. His son William who was jointly indicted and convicted for the sane crirae,-wa dis charged the State not being ready for trial when the case was called. The verdict in each case seems to meet with general approval although Mar- tin Mackey's case will aeain-be an- pealed -te- the- Suprswe Court, sa we are informed. -?TlftrY.lft& evenincr cKartlv nftr nine ft elect the u,. o. Hotel was dis covered to be on fire. The fire depart ment responded promptly and checked it before any serious damage was done. It originated in a room iu the upper story, one that had not been in nse for several rights, and was caused by an incendiary beyond a doubt. Tbe damage by fire and water amounts to about 100, fully covered by insur ance. b. o. a. To insure the perfect digestion and assimilation of food aud to cure chron ic Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Sick headache, etc, use De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure. It never fails to effect a cure and is superior to all medicines offered to the public for these troubles. Sample bottles fret I at E, C, Brook's drug ttvre. Notice to Shippers. George Free man, our popular teamster between here and Medford, cays that after this date he will not be responsible for any breakages and heriby gives due notiee. Mr. Freeman is one of our most care ful freighters nothing, but an accidr.t ever having caused a breakage while in his hands and wa consider him right ia giving this notification. Closing Out Sale. To quit business. Our entire stock of general merchandise is offered for sale, in whole or in part, at cost. If you want eheap goods, new is your time te buy them as wa mean just what we say. Beakes Bros. ei JVotice. Th public is hereby notified that H. McElroy I no longer in my em plov as agent ot tbe urants irnss "Courier" and I will not be responsible for any debt or contracts made by him. J. H. Stine. Proposals Wanted. Bids will be raceivsd by the Silver Cornet Band of this plac natil May 20, 1885, at noon, forth construction ef a band wagon bad, plans and specifications' of which can sen at D. Linn'a cabinet shop. Th right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Wanted. A position by a man and wife to take charge of a hotel in any portion ef Jackson county. Long ex perience is their reeammendation and good references can ba given if re quired. Call on or address Sentinel office, Jacksonville, Oregon. For Sale. The undersigned, hav. ling moved to. Portland, offers all his household and kitchen furniture for sale at reasonable figures. For further particulars apply to G. A. Huhbell. B. F. DowELL. Piajco-Fob Salk. K. Kublihas a Srst-clasa Hallett k Cumston piano, nearly new, that ha offers for sale at a bargain. Tbe instrument san ba acan at Mr. Xubli'a stare on California I street. Communication Headers- BumaiDEPo3xNo-.23, G. A R. Dept. of Oregon, Ashlakd, Or.,. May 21, '85. Captain M. Caton." A. cordial and earn est invitation is hereby extended- to you,, and through vou- to-all "old sol diers" in your vicinity, to jpin with us in observing. "Annual Memorial Ser vice" to b held here on the 30;h inst. AH ceremonies will be- conducted in afternoon. Comrades will assemble at headquarters at 10 o'clock. Parade at 2 P. M. "By order of the Post." t Branch, General Committee, Stone, I Hyzer. Nobbt Clothing Stork. Ashland Oregon is the place for every man and boy, old- or. youne, to buy their Fall and- Winter clothing and furnishing goods because you- can buy bettor good for your money and you. will live long and prosper, but if you, g) and pay the old fashioned prices for good and then get shoddy clothine you are liable to swear because you are cheated, catch cold because the goods are shoddy and wll not keep.yon.wum, 'and then die, and then what will be ,com of yeu. Go to the Nobby Cloth ing- Store by all means, take no such chances!' Tailor shop in connection. So you cartt get anything you-, want in ,taa-clothing, line. Child's Snow Flake. Every lady, wishing a, elf an, delicate complexion, should use ChRil's. Snow Flake. It nourishes aiul freshens the skin, re moves Tan and Sunburn, and, the nat ural arpearance imparted, render, it impossible todetect its us. Warrant ed perfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Child & Co., Druggists, Port land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. When Baby was sick, we gave her CASTOBIA, When she was a Child, she crLd for CASTORIA.. When shs became Miss, she clung to CASTORrA, When she had! Children, she gave therm CASTORIA, MARRIED. Smith ATTcn In this city, May 14th 1885, by E. D. Foudray, J. P , Chas W. Smith and Japtfe Aytclu. Stevens English. In this city, at the residence of SI. J. Straeten, Andrew Stevens and 3Iisfe3tary English both of Sam's valley. Ross L!E At the residence of Gej John RJRoss, May 18th, 1833, by Rev. 31. J. &rae.ten, Lewis Q. Rom and Hiss Ida Lane. Lewis Siupkins -In Medford precinct April 28th, 1885. by Rev. M. A. "ft 111- lams, John VY. Lewis and Miss Phoebe Simpklns. - . , . . v BORNT. Herelt In this city, May 18th. 1883, to Jlr-and Mrs. Jas. Herely; a daughter Hoeft In Chimney Rock precinct. May 11th, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ltoeft a son. Larison Al Yreka, May 3d, 1883, to the wife of Dr. '. A. Larison, a daughter. iiEr, IUngDALK In Willow Springs precinct Jlay 20th, 1883, Mary Ann, wife of J. F. Ragsdale; aged, (U yearsj 4 months and 18 days. nMnnaagoiiiiiw wt.wm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , R. PRYCE, M. D., Physician And Snrgoon, Medfokd, Oregon. Office next door teByer8 block, resi dence. Cunningham's hotel. Cosnty Treasurer's SJotico. Third Office of Coustt Treasurer, ) Jacksonville, May 22, 1883. f Notice is hereby gWeu that there are funds in the County Treasury for the re demption of the tallowing county war rants, protested up to November 3, 1880: Numbers 1DC5 I'JOd 1808 1897 1951 1932 1954 1933 1933 1943 1917 1915 1900 1952 1900 1959 1935 1932 1931 1930 1574 1948 1890 1975 7 5 3 2 4 Interest will cease upon this date. NEWMAN FISHER, County Treasurer. GOLD I SILVER ORES WORKED. 85 Per Cent, of Fir AT HORSE 4 JACOB'S MILL 25 Miles from Ashland. HvVING LEASED the above named mill and at great expense put in my FOR WORKING Rebellions Ores ind Sulphurets I will be prepared on and after May 20th, 1885, to work any oie in Southern Oregon, 85 per cent, of fire assay. Parties having Gold and Silver Mines developed, so as to show in sight, the val ueofmy process, can have work put on the same with my process, and the pay for feeb works taken from the mine, PROVIDING the parties wjll ship five or more tons of the average ore front such mine to ray works in hcnlcy, and have it worked by my process, which. I agree to work 85 per cent or make no charge fur working same. Talk is Cheap, Tell the hut Results Story. GEO. B. CHICK!, Agtnt. Henley, Siskiyou county, Cal. Alt Ue Itaco. To captiyate the popular taste and' surpass all previous efiorta to plea&o the palate, requires do small, amount of knowledge and no little skill, and when weremember that the very agree ble liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Fig-t is as beneficial to the system, as it. is. acceptable to- the stomach, we readily understand why it is the universal, fa vorite as a cure for Habitual Consti pation and other ills arising from a. weakness, or inactive condition of tho. Bo-tals, Kidnev- Liver and Stomach.. (.Sample bottles, free and large bottUa-. for sale by Merritt k Robinson,. Juckx soaville. WAHTEd. .A middle aged wn&aatr desires to correspond with a lady about tha rama age. Object matrimony. Address J. R,,care Box 85; Jacksonville, Oregon. Hides Wanted. Tbe uadsrstrned i will pay (he highest cash price for bear skins and all other kinds of furs, deer skins, etc. Call atound before selling. Tnos. J. Kennet? Hl'M'liaS Blr-DOW.: Jacksonville, Oregon.. JOHN MILLER Proprieloix DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF AGRK cultural implements, tools of alt, kiwis and a general assortment of ihtlt. naraware. if? He also keeps the largest stock of, aacfe all the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS,, AND A FITLL ASSORTMENT Or Fishing Tackle, Powder, Shot; fte ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS,, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him. call and examine his sioek. before making your purchases. igfe flllgp? Pioposak iorJ?lotsri J Office of Purchasing & Dp't, CoaEaissary. Vancouver BksW. r.-MaySriW. r5 L QEALED proposals, in duplicate,1 sub-. kt jrci iti iuc uvuui coaumuns, wiu ue received at this office and at the offices of tho Acting Commissaries uf S ubslstcnce at the following named posts, until X& o'clr "k, noon, on Wednesday, June 10th, 1885, at which time-and places they will be opened in the p tsence of bidders for the delivery on or before June 80th, 1885, of the following amounts offtour:viz:. Boise Bks., I T., 5.880 pounds; Fort Coenr dMleue, I. T., 22,148 pounds; Fort Klam-. nth, Ogn 15,080 pounds; Fort Spokane W. T., 39,934 pounds; Vancouver Bks , W. T., 69,188 pounds; Fort Walla Walla, W.T, 21.750 pounds. Samples ot the flour (not less than ten pounds) proposed to be furnished,' must be Submitted with the proposals. The flour to be tested by baking before accep-. tance. Proposals tor quantities less than: the whole required will bereceived. The, Government reserves the right to reject any or al! bids, and to diminish, or with the consent of the bidder to whom award te nude, to increase the quantities called for, as the exigencies of the service !jf require. Blank propositi and printed ciroulara stating the Kind of flour required, and giving full instructions as to the munner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders, terms of contract and payment,, will be furnished on applicatlan to this office or to the A. C. 8. of the post at which it Is proposed to make delivery. Enveloped containing pioposals should be marked : "Proposals for Flour bIt , and addressed to the undersigned, or to the Actlag Commissaries of Subsistence at the posts to be supplied. C. A. WOODRUFF, Captain and C. 8., TJ. S. , '? '. ieLzC Of either $ex. admittedjo the-, PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLBGS On any week-day of the year,. The College Journal, containing informs-. ion of tho course of study,, rates of tuition, board, examinations, etc., and cut? of plain, and ornamental penmanshrp, free. Address, A. P. ARMSTRONG, Lock Box 104. PoirrLtsn, Ob. $SIn crillruj, please mmiton this paper Take Warning. All those knowing themselves indebted to the estate ot Madame Jane Holt, de ceased, are hereby notified that an inu. mediate settlement must be had at once and thereby save costs. Jean DeRoboax AdmwlUrator. Jacksonville, Dec 20, 1884. CoysTT, TltKASCKKItM PHUT NOTICE OFFICE OF CO TREASURER. ) Jacksonville, March 26. 1885 J Notice is hereby civen that there aro funds la. the county treasury for the re demption of county warrants, protested up to August SI. 1880 inclusive, interest on Hub same will cease from this-- date. Newman Fisher, Treasurer of Jackson Co., Or,, Sa'.cuii lor Sale. ' The siloon property at ChavnerV bridge, consisting of tho home liquor and fixtures, I offered fur sale at alar. MB. .For particulars cal X on Thoas Chatner, Gold Hill, January 38, IMC. 0 ) m V ,.a