T.?SCmwPHK, ',. -W-WW l m " 1 1 kt .SJUM 0RE30N SERTIHEL JACI.VVILI.K 8ATtmDAT, Mat 23, 1885. Vw Jury Law Invalid. A special telegram to tne,'Oregonian" from Salem reporta that the supreme cosrt baa held the jury lav enacted by lb legislature at ita rewnt session to be invalid. The question cane np on a ease appealed from that count, for the purpose of testing the new law which provides that for an session of state conrt in an county, grand jurors shall be drawn by the clerk and sheriff, not mora than tuenty daa nor lest than ten days before the first day of aeasion apon which they are to report, and that trial jurors be called on the fourth day of session; and further, that if the rand jury fail to fill from the first call, the sheriff shall draw from the body of the county. This law was drafted by Judge P. P. Prim, member of ths state senate from Jack ton county, and ita purpose was to re duce the cost of jury service in the atate courts. The old law required the attendance ' of the fell jury lut from the first day of session, and that the grand jury be drawn from its mem bers. Judge Prim's idea was that to call the trial juror on the fourth day of court sessions would save the charge of maintaining them during the first three dare which are commonly de voted to grand jury and other prelim inary work, and during which they have nothing whatever to do. The saving, Judge Prim thought, would be an average of $300 per year for each county in the atate. The point raised against the law and which has just been sustained was based upon a provision in the state constitution, which, after empowering the legislature-to "aboliih er modify" the jury system, provides that grand jurors shall be drawn from jurors "in attendance from the eourt." It was a quejen whether, under the authority to, I'modity" the legislature could change the manner ef tjrand juries, and if; inch change (organization and duties remaining, precisely as before) was "modification" within fta mean ing of the constitution. The supreme court holds negatively, and this settles the fate ef the law, making it abso lutely void. gjBg.?V Aj report wm published that ar- "M JKKmaifc UWl VTCO K1UT1IJ ill iJUUUUB for consolidation ef the 0. & C. B. R. with the Central PaciSe of California, which was said to be virtually the purchase ef tie Oregon road by the Central Pacific The stock of one to be changed for outstanding stock of the other. New bonds of the Central Pacific were to be issued in lieu of the present defaulted Oregon bonds, and an agent sent to New York to arrange details, whisk, if successfully accom plished, would give the Central Pacific an entire overland read to the East, frost the whole coast between Puget Sound and San Diege, via the South ern Pacific. Inquiry at the office ef the Central Pacific Company, in San Franciseo, however, elicited the fact that bo far as the railroad people in the city know, there is no truth in the rumor. Colo nel Fred Crocker stated that the dis patch was very premature. "Of course," said he, "the subject has been discussed in our office, and plans sug gested by which the road could be pperated in conjunction with eur sys tem, but that was only in the event that the read was finished. The dis patch refers t our obtaining control of the road. Why, the only way we wenld get control of it would be to lease it, -and we would have no use for t unless it is finished. It is possible that negotiations hae been going on trota. )aw York city, but if such was the ease we would certainly be aware of it. do not think there is any truth, in.it."Yreka Journal." Thacen,nt of meneys and securities in the United States Treasury is com pleted. Everything wk3 found in a satisfactory conditian, and the reports of ex Treasurer Wyman pre red, in iwery instants. Even the alleged dis crepancy of two cents repsrted in the count ia the cash room, was shown to be incorrect. The missing pennies were subsequently found on the fisort where they dropped during the count The boeks and accounts of the Tree urer's offiee are yet to. be verified. Professor C. Y. Riley, Etomologist of the Agricultural Department, says that the country will soon be visited by two great breeds of locusts of the seventeen and thirteen year varieties, and this ill be the first time ia 221 years that they bare appeared in con junction. Tbey will not prove greatly destructive, and the injury thev will inflict will probably be confined to trait trees. Their visitation will be prolonged until late in July. $ Temperance Lecture. Kpy. J. N. Bell of Itu.eburg deliver ed a lecture by special invitation of the Women's Christian Temperance Union at the Presbyterian Church on Thursday venmjflant. The exercises were conducted after the usual order of the Unioa and began with an organ voluntary by Prof. EL T. Kugfcr that was rendered in the most exquisite slyley amd filled the church with its grand harmonics. A, song "Where is my boy tonight" by the Presbvte rian choir was touchingly beautiful and exceedingly well rendered. A psslm was read by Rev. A. R. Btck enbach, and prayer offered by Rev. P. A. Mcses and after another song "Sowing the Seeds" by the-Cboir, Rev. Mr. Bell addressed the audience with out the formality of an introduction, he having been to long known to our people. He presented the temperance question, which he designates the great vital issue of the day from an entirely different standpoint, holding that the appetite for strong drink was abnormal and resulted in degenerated mental conditions that projected its vietims to the most violent extremes, making them dangerous to society and often to their nearest and dearest friebds. He however took the view that man created in the Divine image and endowed with Divine attributes, was responsible for the mental condi tion super-induced by the excessive use of intoxicating drinks. He held that the greatest danger in the liquor question lay in its, being a stimulant, and that its first use waa not for the taste hut the afterglow that permeated the brain, and by which its victims were drawn into its teethes until it was impossible to free themselves from its coils. He concluded with womens work in he Temperance cause, holding that women alone bad the power to rid humanity of the terrible curse, a power more- potent than the bayenet or the ballet, and? when pure, true women, enshrined in the hearts of the home circle and reigning in her im perial majesty as queen of society, issued her edict against the drink hab it, man would bow to the mandate, and earth's greatest evil be forever banished frets eur land. The Choir sang "What shall the harvest be" and the evenings exercise? closed with the benediction by Bro. .Bell. He is fav orable in language, earnest in his con victions, eloquent in oratory, logical and 1 pleasant in kis address 'and his lecture was a rare intellectual treat to tho who bad the pleasure oilisteainj to it. At the last sessiun of Congress an appropriation of $100,000 was made for transporting a portion of the mon ey in the vaults of the United States Sub-Treasury in San Franciseo to the Treasury at Washington. Though no official notification of the time of re moving the coin has been published, it is believed that the transfer will be made shortly. The "Alta California" says there will be on hand by the end of the present month at least 90,000, 000, and if n ternary all bat $5,000,- 000 can be withdrawn. Of this large sum $50,000,000 is in gold coin. It weighs eighty-three tons, and will re quire eiglit cars te carry it. The heavy cost of transporting by express companies arises from the fact that they have- to tfvo bond's, fer safe keep ing, and are obliged to keep extra guards over it daring the entire pas sage. After a four months contest the Illinois Legislature has re elected John A. Lotan to the U. & Senate. This body was a tie politically at the start, since which time a Democratic and a Republican member hare died. A Repablicau member was eleeted in the Democratic district, thereby giving that party one majority, resulting as above stated. General John A. Logan it a leader among leaden, hat had long years of experience in the national councils, and it is with pleasure that we record his re-election to the Senate. HACKMETACK a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 35 and S0 eta. at E. C. Brooks. SHILOH'S CURE will immediate ly relieve croup, whoopine congb and bronchitis. ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Lpst of Appetite, Yellow Skint Shi Ob's Vitalizar is a positive cure. Fpr sale by E, a Brooks. THE. HEY- GEA H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says; "Both my self and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE." Brooks keeps it. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Brooks can fur nish it. FOR.DJSPEPSIA and liver oonv plaint, yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of ShiloV vitalizrr. It never fails to cure. Brooks keeps it. SHILOH'S VITALIZES U what you need for Constipation, Lou of Ap petite, Dizziness and all xrraptotnn of Dvsptpsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per lottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.' CKONEMILLER JACKSONI, 3tX Ej :Eogr-u.o; nutw i LaBELLE WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS. i LANSING RIDINGH ARROWS WITH &WIIR9 COMBINED, BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND SPWlf TOOTH HARROWS, McSHERRY GRAIN DRILLS A3CD.MKAD-CAST SEEDERS, BUFORD PLOWS. ALLSTYLES, ' t-gr4 COLLINS CAST CA'ST-STEEL PLOWs,f4 RANDALL PULVERISING HARROWS,df CIDER MILLS, FANNING JHILUSgOORN SHELLERS, HAY OTTERS. FAIRBANKS-tttALES, COOPER'S ENGINES A1W-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS, CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACKERS, Etc. EXTRAS SERVED ON SHORT NOTICE- "We wonld respectfully ask onr patrons and friends to call and see par line of poods before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel snre we can Sell As Low irNot Lower Than any first-class goods can be sold for; and we guarantee all our goods as represented. CRONEMIypieVND BIRDS Jacksonville, Oregon, May , 1884. fPfMl BBBBSkfc Br CBBM BW tfaeaB HsWl BBBei eS.BLlBEseBmlBBT for Infants "CasteTtaJimwen&daptedtoehncreatfc&t I IrecamnenditM.nj.riortoanyprescripaon I atoms." H.A.AjeeHx,M.D, I ,ton"?' " ' lUSeOBteiet,BrooU7BlH.T.' Without Injnrtoae nacdlratlm. Tmi CsaxicB Coxpurr, 182 Fulton Street. H. T. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farm, Mill Machinery IJUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Hfjldf.ik LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, McSHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDEftS, REAPERS, TWINE BINDERS, BUFORD'S G4.NG i SULKY PLOWS, COATES SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, SCOTT k CO.'S Engines i Threshers, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER & CO Saw Mill Machinery, RAHDALL WHEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUCKBO&HD WAGONS, HARROWS, Etc., Etc., Etc ,. A Full Line Of Write for. catalogue tuuitt cilHcr- i" ?? JhtiW4 . FRANKTBItOCP'lgCOT-roftlaUOT.' Or, R. W. PORTER, Agent, OrsonjgtyS(iS3gg'apr 11 3 m Ip3l P0WP Absolutely Pure This potvder never varies. A marvel of purity, sirengtn ana wnoiesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition, with the multitude of low test, short weicht. alum or phosphate powders. Sold only ia (urn. ItOAL BAKING Pow. DEU CO., 100 Wall-St JN. . AKTTIUS Day or Evening AT Mrs. Krevb&er's Bakery J Parties, Sociahlcs and Families supplied at reasonable rates. I am also prepared to furnish ice in quantities to suit. Give me a call. Ohab. Kearxs. CabIt Treai? Seond otlc. OFFICE OF CO. TRE USURER, 1 Jacksonville, April 2nd, 1885. J Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the county Treasury for the re demption of the toTiowing county war rants protested up to October 9th, 18S0. Numbers 1849. 18So 1837, 18S4, 18S3.1S50, 1858, 1853, lbC8, 1877. 1C01, 1805. 1809, 1485, 1875, 1891, 1890, 1893, 1913, 1914, 1909, 18S9, 1902, 1910, 1124, 802, 1.. In terest will cease from this date. Newmuc Fisher, County Treasurer, Jersey Bull! The nnfersign'-d takes this method of lniorraing the public that he now Keeps a fine bull, of th,rce-quarters J-rsey blood, yho has lew superiors in Southern Ore gun, In his pasture near Jacksonville. Parties desirincr to piape their cows in hb enclosure will be charged $2.50, with 50 cents per week for pasturage- For further parliculrs enquire at my butchcrshonin Jacksonville. JOHN ORTH. Jacksonville .4pnl , 1! DSEY, a E.J14 iy - f 3 .!)' v. Stf and Children. Calorie eem OHe, OeastlpaUtm, Bow JSi fSTSS- dL FarnirMacliinery. r" Io nil Sew Bnildinj JacksocTillt, Oregon DEALER AND WORKER IV SHEET IRON, COPPER. LEAD, Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEJv B, "nails, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION r Fuse and Caps, WOODEN i WILLOW WARE ROPE, NAILa, Painte JjTprisli, Glass . &itfc " "' $ 'TTGtFnasY,WIKg. SartrsMstCekug3o se ETC.. ETC: r I have secured the services of a first class mechanic, and am prepared to do all repairing promptly and in superior style. Tnconnectionjwithi the above I am re ceiving and have constantly on haDd a full and flrsUilass stock of GROCERIES, DRT-aOODS, J3U11 BOOTS, TOBACCO RKADT MADE'CLOTIIIJiG. GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, c. EvervtlHAe: stiwat teaaonaTiIe rates. s..After JCKUBLL JackseavJ'lch 9. 1878- tllMTax-pajers. All ,rtum9 who will rnmp forward shsir tezes before thi r " rsaar.isss. will not I do this, or percentage sitv of monev. and Uwtt djfficnlt to nav theiri wrditional ex. pense. Ives, of this oner; I. JACOBS, Tax Collector. Jt: ie- J j '. afU t -is AJcat .. GtoadL Hill, i fflBr?! " 0SrtE ' MtWMw xmcmKammtmrnim. t I a'-JK'- ' 'JHfm- HEW GASH STORE ! ! CJlRO BROS Has just opened & fli stock of General Merchandise' AT His motto is. Qukk &t?es emtf SaaW Profits. And be feels assured that- all 'who favor him with their patronage will be satis fied with his nricek and the duality of his tgoods. He Keeps JBT GOOD, GROCERIES, wtovisros, CLOTUJV?. KCiiMsurxo ooons, HATS AST) CAPS, BOOTS AND3H0KS, Andeveiyrnftrg usually found in a first class Genertl Merchandise More. He will give his customers the benefit -of the reduced freights caused by the ad vent of the railroad, and will not be under soldVby anybody. M. A. BRENTANO, Manager. '. Phoenix, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1884. . JACKSONVILLE NURSERY A- S. Johnson,. Pro. As the demand for fruit trees- is so great in this valley I have started a Nur sery in this place and wilt raise nothing but tire finest varieties. This year I will sell from. theWcodbutn Kurseiy as usual and also- from the celebrated Alameda Nursery, Oakland Cal. The following are some of the leading varieties I will keep: Early York E. and L. Crawford's Wale's e3riy 'Amsden Alexander Briggs Red May. h tump "World. tulwar. Susquehannah. Mary's Choice. Orange Cling j ellow Uergen. Lemon Cling and many more. Pcttite Prime d'Agen Peach Plum. Italian Prune Yellow Egg. Golden Prune Coe's Qo'dcn Drop. Qrosse Prune Brads.haw. et Cathrine Prtme- Japan Plum. Cherries, Nectarine-, Apricot, Qiunce, fi pple, French Goosbcrry, Oregon Cham pagne Berries, and all kinds ot ornament al and shade treea. E. IT. BAKER, Merchant Tailor, Jacksonville - - Oregon. "Ti tn'wrrThfr tajtrsjlessOTJSJn j- TallOTiJlOpk. ,, "j 038 THE !L'3!I FKOKT - Building, and that lie is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line in a su perior manner and at prices to suit the times. tSFClsthing made after the latest and best styles. A large lot of samples al ways on hand to select from. R.N. BAKER. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT or, THE U- S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Sts., Jacksonville - - .Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that a complete change will be made. Tito Tablo will be FUDDlied with eveivthlnt the f market floras, and a general renovation ot tne lOods and. Kooms will be made: The patronngt of the pub lic is solicited. J DeRoboim. City Luiicli House Fred G-rob, Proprietor. Havine moved to my new stand on Cal ifornia street opposite the Union livery stab'e I ask my friends and the public generally to give me a call. I keep Beer. Wine and Cigar- and GST A first class lunch can be had at anj time for 23 cents. FRED GROB. UNION HOrEL, KerbyTille .-...--.-...Ore:oH, Mrs.. M Ryder; Propr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. tTAn excellent stable connected with the hotel. CITY BARBlOMP Caiojoesia St.,. Jacksonville, Oregon. The undersigned is fully prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. GEORGE SOHnMPF, F.RITSCHARD, praotioal Watchmaker ad Jewelek, Califaraia Sret, M' AKES asDecialtr of cleaning and re- lVx pairing watches and" clocks Mj j efers are reasonable, dive Ritcifi. you m hxd them AT K a BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. Olooka. A fine assortmeot of 8-day clocks, with and without alarm. W atobos . Gents', ladies' and boys' gold and silvei hunting-case, open-face and skylight watches, from 5 to $10O. Braoolota. A fine lot of ladies1 cold band and bangle I bracelets. Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stone cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearln,and onyx rings with hidden mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California rngs. Diamonds in every shape. Ladies'' sets of jewelry, from the 50-cent black set to the $200 bird sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charms. f-Lrrai axxc! Bixttoxxs. Gents' gold scarf pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. Sllvor CSTn.x:. Silver and silver-plated knives, lorks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-spoons and tongs m cases. 3VT.isooll,n.ooixa. Gold and silver thimbles r coW. silver and steel spoctacles; and a full slock of evcry- luiuir in uie jeweirv line. A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc. A lot of steel engravings and pictures for cnuaren. la short, a complete and first-crass line ot HOLIDAY GOOES. All to be sold at the LOWEST PRICE! Also accordeons, violins, banjos, and the oesi uneoi vioiin.guitarana uanjostrmgs. The best sperm oil for sewing machines. A lull line of Drugs and Medicines. "KS-Prescdplions. uefully compounded .fc. U.tiU.UUli.S. NEW TOWS (IP MSBFOuD ! Lots for sale at low prices and on easy terms. Apply to J. S. HOWARD, Agent, at Slcaford. Also, in the Railroad addition to th town or ASHLAN' Apply to JI. L. JlcCall, agcnt.Ashland . ...... . PHOENIX. Apply to M. V. B. SOULK, Agent l'hoemx, GOLD HILL. Apply to M. E. PuGUE, Agent, Gold uiu. fiRAWT'S"PA5 -'"Appfir'toS. M. WILCOX, Agent Grant's Poui ' Ctr ta nvf w A vn un a f 4. ?V:& C.R. K. Co., PorUand Or. ri. W DAVID UNN. GESERAL UNDERTAKER. AXD DHALKR IK COFFINS FURNISHED ON TIIE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kepi on hand oi made to order EMPIRE HOTEL. Modtord, Or. J. W. Cnnninghan, Prop. This commodious and well arranged hotel is now open for the accommodation of guests, and will be kept on pie most approved plan. The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords. Especial in ducements are offered the traveling pub lic. J. W. CUNNINGHAM. Medford, Feb. 25,1884. Criterion Billiard Saloon- CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS popular resort; under new man agement, is furnishing the best brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me a call. The Bishop Scott Grammar SOBCOOTj. A Boardlns and Day School for Boy, The seventh year under the present management will, begin September 2d. Boys successfully flttca'for Colleger for business. Fire resident and three visiting teachers- Discipline strict. For further information and for catalogue containing list ot former pupils. Address J. W, HILL, Head Master; 2m a23 Drawee 17, Portland, Or. Organ for Sale. The undersiimed offers for sale on eay terms to a good party a first-class Taber urg&u, iv siuus, uciuguscuuuimcw wccno. For particulars enquire at this office or address the undersigned at Phoenix. GEO. CROSS. Phoenix, Or., Sept. 20th, 18M. Eatray Efotlco. Notice is hereby given that I, the un dersigned, have taken np one bay horse maiked as follows:: Two white feet on right side, white speck in right eye, fore head white, and saddle marked, about 12 5 ears old and'appraisedTjy J. W. Wimer, ustice of the Peace for ilurphy precinct at twenty aoiiars David LtMAT,.Er. THE LADIES Of Southern Oregon, are hereby informed urat in addition to a large and elegant line of MILLINERY I have added to my stock the following: class ot goods, of which I have a full line ti "Caddies' wBissuag Ctoeds,. Both Knit and Htulia. Infanfs Wardrobe Complete, As cheap as to be bought any place; also CWLDRENS' SHORT CLOTHES, bnder-4 years old. A beautiful line ot' HOSIERY! Consisting of Lisle and 'Silk. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, SSojrpliyx' S"aAT7l And many other things too-numerous to- iuvuuuu. x usve auu Kccuretfc uie services of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER And am. prepared to execute all orders in that line in first-class, style at reasonable rate. Call and see me at the building form erly occupied by A. L. Johnson or Call fornia street, MRS. P. P. PRIM. M4M Ml SILAS J. DAY, Notary Public, Real Estate AgU Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. XjosairOoouxtiozita Of all kinds drawn np, especially pertain-, lag to the settlement of estates. Collector of Accounts Prompt Bemiilances Investment Securities a Specialty. Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold. I have a complete set er Maps of alE Surveyed Lands- in this- county, and re. reive abstracts monthly fronvRosebnrg ef all new entries midc. I am. tluis. pre. pared to make out Homestead and: Pie. emptioi papers, and can thus save to par lies me expense or a trip to KoseDurg-j Land Office. J Several fine farms arc In my hands tor" stle. Prompt reply made to all letters. Charges in accordance with the timet. Refers, by permission, to C. t). Beek man, Esq , Banke"; to- Hon. L. R. Wel ster. Judge of this judicial district, aad to. any business house In Jacksonville. Office at south cast corner California, and 5th street, Jacksonville, Oregon. fe SILAS J. DAY. m&$mfi2HEKr -- - t , P. O. SBildisg, Jacksonville- -DEALKH IX- I General Merchandise. 'PHE TJNDER5IGNED TAKES JL pleasure in informing the public: that he has purchased L. Solomon's in terest in the- POST OFFICE STORE. VTiich will be kept stocked with a com. plete and first ctusa. assortment of general merchandise. I will'sell it Very Seasonable Bates.. Give me, a call and see for yourselves. MAX MULLER Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Patrick McKavaniugh. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILVT the undersigned ha been appoints by the County Court of Jackson ounljv Oregon, sitting in Probate, Administrator of the estate ot Patrick VcKavanaughf' de ceased. 41 1 persons indebted to said estate are requested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the es tate will present them with the proper' vouchers to the undersigned, residinzin Jacksonvil'e, Jackson county, Oregon, within six months lrom Uie nrst publica tion of this notice. J G.BIRDSEY, Administrator of said estate. Dated 3Iay 9, 1885. Taclisnville Crescent City ZKEail Route, P. McMahon, Proprietor.' Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings at 3 a. it. arriving at Waldo in the evening, where close connection is made next morning lor Crescent uity. wnen tne new wagon' road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San Francisco will be hold for f 18 by this route. Express and order business done at re. duced rates. P.ilcMAnON Proprietor Hiss S. Joiinson. Miss hi. Cavers.' Dressmaking) "We arc now prepared tO'takVorders for anvthinp in the Dressmaking line and ask the ladies of Jacksonville to give us at share of their patronage. We Guarantee Satisfaction At prices lower than ever aked in Jack sonville. Rooms at the residence of J..?. Johnson, f-Giveus a trial Misses cavers ec joHjrsos. For Sale. Owine to ill health.I offibr for sate the roperty in Ashland known as 4l3Jatk'e laning Mill,; also the Kean Creek Saw- Pli Mill properly- Iwillstll the whole, on one half of either or both properties, at a bargain to the right kmdof a busineso man. This is a rare chance for an active man to secure the befet business in South ern Oregon. For partitulas apply to tbflr undersigned at Ashland, uregon. , Li. .i. jlvss. V .'