Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 16, 1885, Image 4

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The. human system ii so arranged
nd designed that after the ace of ma
turity the decline then commence;
then downward tendency then tukes
place. The imagination and reason
then beeoroes weaker, and the physical
powers are slower and more irregular
nd imperfect in their action. In the
former is observed a depression of the
pewen in the concentrating or ab
stracting of thought, in the latter the
nutrive operations are no longer able
to repair the waste of the body. At
that time external impressions exert
a diminished influencr, aud with the
failure of preception the powers of
memory decline, the objects of early
lsfe being recollected last, while those
of later time flit away like sunbeams
in the shade. Then the brain is less
capable of receiving impressions, le
causa the organs of sense fail to dis
charge their functions. The sight be
comes wistr, the bearing dull, there is
an indisposition for exertion, a desire,
for repose. The mortality in towns is
, greater, thanjnjfce,.ca!intrj, (AE-both.
sexes 20 per rent, die before they are
1 )eai old, and 37 per cent, before
ifcey re 5 jears old. Male infants
a.t more liable to die after birth than
females. Nine-twentieths of the whole
number die before they are 15 years
of age. The mortality of girls in
creases between 14 and 18, and among
men between 21 and 26. At 25 years
half the bjrtht are dead. The mean
life is about 33 years. The capacity
of the skull in the female is less, the
body i longer; the lower extremities
y shorter; the fkin thinner and more
translucent. The strength of the fe
male to that of the male is as 16 to
20. Her muscles contract easier and
are saore easily wearied. Her reason
ing powers are less vigorous but her
s, sensations are mora acute and her
lowledge more intuitive and instruct
Phrenology shows her moral
over her intellectual nature. Her
constancy, warmth of affpctions, and
attachments are our solace, our trust
and confidence in gloom and misfor
tune. "Philadelphia Call."
Life in British Columbia.
An American visiting Victoria, B.
G", writes: "The peeple up here take
life Tory easy, and most emphatically
Are not in the habit of rising before
drawn and working away hammer and
tongs till midnight. Such an action
would at once stamp you aB a crank or
an American. Here the merchant
strolls down to his business about 9
o'clock and gets fairly under way by
10. At noon he takes an hour or an
Lour aud a half for lunch, and then
struggles through the afternoon till 5
or 6 o'clock, when he shuts up and
ges to his dinner, and does not open
shun again till next morning. When
the stranger within his gates remon
strates at this method, he is reminded,
with true British courtesy, that the
Victorians live just as long, digest
their food better and enjoy far more
pleasure, than the American, who is a
clave to his counting house and an
anxious student to his ledger.
In reply to inquiries from several
states concerning the taking of the
semi decennial census, the secretary of
the interior has prepared a circular in
which he quotes the act of March 3,
1879, providing for taking of such cen
sus. The circular states that if the
eenii decennial census is made by the
tate authorities, beginningon the first
Monday in Jane and the result report
ed to the secretary of the interior by
the 1st of Septemeber following, such
ctates will be entitled, upon the re
quisition of the governors thereof, to a
aura equal to 50 par cent of the
.amount which was paid to the United
states supervisors and enumerators
employed within such "t'tfieWi tpr"
tones in the taking of the
oiaies census, ii win do contrrto
such subjects as population, agricult
ure, industry and mortality.
One of the best crops tint can be
cultivated on a snail scale is onions.
There is always a good demand for
them at remunerative prices, and but
few localities in the world will produce
larger orfinerAflBes than can be grown
in this State. The soil cannot be made
too rich nor put in to fine a condition
of tilth. They s'.kkiM be plated early
in the spring and carefully cultivated
so as to keep the weeds down for say
Uirea weeks after they are up. There
after but little attention will ba re
quired and a fine crop is almost a cer
tainty. So large is the yield from soil
adaptel to its culture that in several
localities at the east, fortunes have
been realized from no more than four
or five acres, cropped for many years
consecutively to onions.
The nter Ocean is ol the opinion
that the "war cloud in the East is
(ibout the size of Gladstone's hat, and
depends mostly upon what lays inside
(eraeraeraeBBBBVl JU
Farm Notes.
The Shropshire Dawn sheep are
coming into favor in this country.
They are hardy, very prolific, audi
keep well in largefluc.s.
Pay close attention to Utile th'ngs
on the farm. This is where many
farmers make a mistake in neglecting
what they consider little things.
Corrosive suplimate, dissolved at
the rate of one pound of the poison to
five gallons of water, will keep wood
from decay in nearly all situations.
The wood must be well seasoned, so
that the pores will be entirely filled by
the liquid.
Americans have made more, prog
ress in manufacturing farming imple
ments in the lust fifty years than the
world had made before in centuries.
In the next fifty years the great im
provement will be in live stock, and
the results will be no less astonishing.
Canker worms come out eaily. Ap
ply protection to the trees now. TLe
simplest is a band of thick brown
paper, a f3PJ;jBTjnoj3.-wi4T5k$d L-
around the trunk. On this paint a
band ef pice tar, which should be re
newed if from any cause it does not
remain adhesive.
A Michigan farmer tells how he
manages to conquer Canada thistles
by the help of his 200 sheep. He
puts a small handful of salt en each
thistle at the root. The sheep eat the
thistle close to the ground. The salt
ing is repeated as often as necessary,
and the thistle seldom appears the sec
ond year.
The Stato of Kansas has for two
years past sown nearly one tenth of all
the wheat produced in the United
States The acreage this year is thirty
percent, less than a year ago, and much
less than a year ago, and much of this
is, or has been, plowed up because of
winter killing.
Gold and Silver.
Tho output of the precious metals
in the United States during the year
1884 is said by the Director of the
Mint to be 30,800,000 gold and 548 ,
800,000 silver at coinage rate, from
which should bo deducted. This
would make the silyer at gold value
about foty and a half millions, or say
seventy-one millions for both metals.
This is a large figure for silver, but we
doubt if it can be compared with 'he
wbeat interest, or corn interest, or
cattle interest, or perhaps even with
the poultry interest of the United
States. Yet who shall say that the
National Government should interpoe
to boust any of these products with a
monthly purchase of two million of
dollars' worth, to be stored away so as
to keep the market bare and prices up
Verily, if Congress bo a fair represeu
tation of the people, there is great
need for enlightenment. The war
waged by mechanics and artisans
against prison labor is justly regarded
as a mistake, but that would be still
more clear if Congress were to pass a
law buying up and storing the articles
produced by that labor in order to
keep the market bare!
Major General Irwin McDowell died
in Sau Francisco at midnight on the
5lh inst. He was sick for some time,
and was attended in his last moments
by hi? wife, son and daugh'er. Gen.
McDowell was commander of the
army of the Potomac during the first
battle of Bull Bun, and was n jirenii
nent union general during tlin civil
var. The defeat of the union forces
may not be due to his generalship, but
as success is the only criterion by
which to judge of war strategists, he
has been greatly blamed for the disss
ter. His remains now occupy the si
lent tonib and whatever his faults
they should be forcotten.
r. u. r.t Adams. cHiMiliers Sta
tion, Linn county, lately sold the fine
and famous mare "Oregon Beauty,"
which he has owned for several year,
receiving therefor the sum of 51500.
She is a large, powerful animal, weigh
in; over 1200 pounds. Her long sil
ver gray or white tail and mane sweep
the ground, the mane being 7 feet C
inches, und the foretop 4 feet 6 inch;?,
in length
au the Ease.
To captivate the popular taste and
surpass all previous t-fiorts to please
the palate, requires no small amount
of knowledge and no litt'e skill, and
when we remember that the very agree
ble liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs
is as beneficial to the system, as it is
acceptable to the stomach, we readily
understand whv it is the universal fa
vorite as a cure for Habitual Consti-
pation and other ills arising from a
weakness, or inactive condition of the
Bowels, Kidneys, Liver and Stomach.
Sample bottles free and large bottles
for sale by Merritt & Bobinson, Jack
sonville. Hides Wanted. The undersigned
will pay the highest cash price for bear
skins and all other kinds of furs, deer
skins, etc. Call around before selling.
Tiios. J. Kexnet.
Piles! Piles! Piles!.
A sure Cure for Blind. Bleedins.Itchine
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered
by Dr. Wil'iam, (an Indian Remedy,;
wiled Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A
single box has cured the worst chronic
cases of 20 or 30 years standing. No one
need suffer five minutes alter applying this
wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in
struments ana electuaries uo more Harm
than good. William's Ointment absorbs
the tumors, allays the intense itching,
(particularly at night after getting warm
in bed.) acts as a poultice, cives instant
relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch
ing of the private parts, and for nothing
Read what the Hon. J 51. Coflinberry
of lcveland rvs about Dr. William's In
dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores
of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure
to sav 'hat I hate never found onvthins
winch gave such immediate 'and perma
nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint
For sale by all druggists or mailed on
receipt of price, 1.00.
HENRY & CO., Proprietors,
Cleveland, O.
Hodge, Davis & Co., Wholesale Agents,
roruana, uregon.
and rALARJA. M
From these sources arise three fonrt hs ol
the diseases or the ha an rase. Theca
symptoms lnd.avtotnclrexi3tciic:I! of
Anpetltt, Bowels costive, fclelt Hu
'ache, fullness after entlncr, nvewlon to
exertion of body or mind, Krttctatlon
of food, Irritabilitr of temper, low
plr., A Melius juiTicvlnjl neglected
niTinclntv. Blzxiiicsa.FlEitrfrlnirat fcfto
Heart,Iota before Oieeves,Ii!Bl2j-col- I
crerl Brine, COSVTf?ATIOaf, and ? )
on the LIvca As aLl7ermoaiclnoTCTT3
lrxX3Eaver.oc4nrI. Their actlonoatha
Kl Jneys an "I Sklnl3 a'so tjrompt ; Tcniovir 3
nil imparh.103 through thcao thrco scav
engers of the eyetcm," produclns appe
tite, sound dilation, regular stools, a clear
sktnandavlcoroasbodr. BUTT'S rtttS
C ou no nausea or pripm nor ii 33
nth daily wori: cad are a perfect
fcoldeverywb.rt,35c. C)ih.4iImTnyfat.,N.Y.
r-uTfTtn -m bhhh-im mil hi i ipweei ' HimM
Ill I O BBRBtl Elfifen
Gkat 1Iair on Whiskers chicged Ja.
stantly to a Glosst Black by a flnglo ap
plication of lliU DTE. Sold by DruGEi3is,
o-bent by express on receipt of Si.
OfEco, 4 1 Murray Street, Kcw Yor2.
nil i
Eo tlicy Young or Old,
hiTiag Lort those
aitrlbutea of
Pi-of, Jean tlriote. BT THE USE OP
The Civiale Psemedies.
Itwyrnra vvtrr tr&ce or Th Y.llA IV. fil'Li:.
form of i ltiin !oi8 and weaJtnrM nltcthtrr dae
to ouMiFui tolW, Abu or hunrni faflut-e.
Ihldtrvatm ntorlrdnatrd hy li;iK. C1TI .
otlopied tn e-vetr IWfcriTM-i M:NC and
nnqnaUflrf'lr endorsed bv tte Mi-rtnol ,'rofhS'n
l8i.A81LVA.Iriii;MAlM-rrrS,I H K,
and fcboveall 1. V-H.. IN II- i:i s t.T.
FRRP TO AT.T. ppojir-eii tore cents
will wnd trco to any eanKwt inauirer our rplen
dldlltiiH mtulM pVjCenici,iclwinL.elTinR'iiyi( p
lomsuliul rorms ot hxniii Pibont description
of tlits trtitm-'ut, irlrea. teUlQiulUiLUaiiilcew
pokier eiidorseniniiis &c Ac.
aro olv agents t r Uj nw and rt!n to
care, Sclt-Adjutinpr ml Glote Jiuhiff mdle
Compresstor, fortlio thorough tuul j-dicalcure,
witLont suivery, of
Con.cltnllon sl h full McJIcal StaT, Film.
Cnials Remedial Agency, 1E0 Fulton SL, N. Y.
Voodburn, Oregon.
A large tock of Fruit, Shade, Omrmicz
tal and Nut trees.
Vines and Shrubbery
Tor sale cheap.
No Insect Pest on Trees.
Bend for catalogue. Address.
J. II. Settlemieu
Woodburn, Oregon.
A. CIIALE, Proprietor, .
California St, - Jacksonville,
Has just been furnished an elegant new
Milliard and Pool Tabic,
The finest brands of
581 iL05DiK8 & 3&&D5
Always on hand.
Settle Up.
All persons kilowin thcmc'ves in
debted to the undersigned, by note or
book acconatare requested to call and
settle at once. Persons knowing them
se'ves indebted to us will do -well to heed
this notice, as we me. n business and are
determined to entorce payment where it
is refused or neglected
Mlso notes and book accounts due the
estate ot t'ilas Draper, deceased, must be
settled at once. JOHN BOLT.
pplegate, Feb. 17, 1SS3.
A Clear "Skin
is only a part of beauty;
but it is a part, livery lady
may baveiitT; at least, what
looks like . it Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
MaSexyal Power
JaekoMilIeq i
'W ' te
mmMm wmeiwip
TS3j j f j 9 no
'I d B h B a Jpln JBvjI3 Jtra MU $? b $ H s 53
The Ilogue River
Distilling Company
In the builjing situated on thecirncrof
uaiitornia anu nun streets wncie
can be obtained a
N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent.
Central Market,
Easlcy & Neitz, Preps.
Tliis market is now fullv prepared to
furnish the public vtith the choicest qual-X
Of all kinds, including
BllFp WEAIL A55 Ea(UJ'irir53.
jllso superior
T1.i.mnct rnfnniMinn..nfa nlTortwl
to patrons, and no effort will be spared to -
ward giving general satisfaction.
Haklet & Neitz
6 Miles Sooth of Jacksonville,
X and is prepared to furnish the markf t
with every description of lumbci of a supe
rior quality at the lowest rates- Bills
sawed to order and satisfaction guaranteed.
All orders addressed to us at Jackson
ville will receive prompt attention.
Jacksonville cooperage,
Adam Schmitt, Fropr,,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
The undersigned is now prepared to
make anything in the line of barrels,
kegs, vats or tubs, and will also do any
kind of repairing in this line. A good
assortment of suitable timber kept con
stantly on band.
Sorehum kegs made to order in quan-1
titles to suit at reduced prices. Give me
a trial.
undersigned by note or book account,
are requested to call and settle without
delay. G. KAREWSKL
Jitsicson-tlie, sept. :w, ic-
Dealers In
Corner Of
Op.eoon and California sts., Jackso. viixr
W. J. i'Zi'S'i&ALS, prop'r
Would respectfully inform the publio-
tliat lie has a fine stock ol
Horses, Buggies nnd Catinpei
And he is -prepared to fnrni-h his patron'
and the public generally willi
Pine Turnouts
s can be had on the Pacific coast. P.id
die horses hired to go to any p'irt of
the county
Animals Boii&liJ anil Soli).
ITorscs broke to work single or doubV
Horses boarded and the best of cire be
stowed upon them while in my charge.
A liberal share of the public p.itronage
is solicited on reasonable terms
The Thoroughbred Ja'cb,
Will make the season of 1SS5 at the fol
lowing times and places:
BEE'-nER will commence at William
By bee's farm, one mile north of Jackson
ville, on Wednesday, April lst. where he
will remain five -days when he will be
taken to Bybee's Ferry and remain four
days returning to Jacksonville on the 9th,
this rule to continue during the season.
The season wil. end Ju y 1st.
BEECHER is a thorouehbred Mam
moth Jack from .Kentucky', black in co'-
Or. 10 VearSOItl.Wltll COOa lorm antt BC-
' tin and weighs 1,000 pounds.
By the season, $12 50; insurance, $1G;
single leap, $8. Payable at end of season
and when mare is known to be with foal,
licst of care will be taken but will be rc-
ffu. BYUEE, Proprietor.
NeiD Cigar Store.
Dealer in
Clsars, Tofcacro, Clsarrttcs, Xolloni, rte.
Also keeps a full line of musical instru
ments, consisting of
Guitars, Banjos, Tamborinrs, Acordcons,
Uarcioutcas Lie
Give me a call and I will- satisfy you
both in price and in the quality of the
goods oflered for sale li hostel
VEIT SOHDTZ,- Proprietor.
form the citiune of JackftonTllIe Al
the world tt large, tbat tbe? can find, t StgvTv
ft ltfma atmw Rr..rt tlu. !,! lnr "
.-. tn mj quantity the -pnrchaMi miy'"1
a-.-V, - -J "-.j.-- v
, jij uuuso ivconTeDiPoiijaiiuzicu anu ui; ruuu-
uwajftiQ order. A -visit wlllplcaio tii
Send six cents for postage.
ad receive free, a costly box
f roods "which will help all,
of either sex; to more asoney- right away
than anything ej in this world. For
tunes await th workers absolutely sure
Atonee addwsTiun & C'o. Augusta, M.
kt&m jm s?3e mm A DR. UEBiG'S
J &m.ui
THIS G-J.lSja.l?
is the legllinntc
ri'MTlIt lf rwttr limn
Wt) lyyi'arsot practical
SKB experience by a
g thoroughly quali-
sifZm -". -. ... ..
gnc(i graauate pny
OS sician of one of tlie
1:a5 highest mnlinnl
llllVf-rP.iAHhiC! 1 olleces of Enrnnr. :
vwBg?E5WsrnrcKirf It pusitm-ly cure?'
TM.U.EOl.i.L.tilLh! ,.r,ni!3 ,! 111,'
sical -Dtbuity. Sminal Weakness, Sptr-malorrhv-H.
I'mpotency, Piosralorrhwa
Hperatsthesia ovtr wnsiliveness of the
pnrts Kidney and flnejder complaint
impurities of the biood and disease-sot the
It permtnenfly stopi all unnatural
weakening drains upon the system, how
o.vir thry occur, preventing involuntaiy
seminal losses, debilitating dreams, semi
nal losses wi'h the urine, or while at stool,
etc., so destructive to mind and body, and
ernes all the evil effects of touthlul Follies
excesses, "restoring e.tlmtisted vitality.
Sexnardcclineand loss of manhootl, how
ever complicated.
A thorough as well as penmnent cure
and complete restoration to perfect health.
Strength and vigor if mnnlicnd is abso
lutely guaranteed by this justly celebrated
reliab'e great remidy. Price $2 50 per
bottle, or five bottles for ?10. Sent upon
receipt of price, or ' O D, to any address
secure from observation and strictly pri
vate by
nit c. n stiFiEtn
SIC Kenrnj- street ?.nn rr.inrlico t'al.
tui 11. coitl:: n:i:::.
f ufficienl to show its merit will be sent
to any one applying by letter, slating his
symptoms and age. Consultations strict
ly confidentia', by letter, or at office, free.
For the convenient of patients and tn or
der to secure prelect secrecy, I IiavcHdopt-
cd a private addicss under which all pack
ages are lorwarueu.
The Pine Stallion
Will make the season of 1885, commenc
ing April 1st, as follows- On April 1st
anil 2nd ho wiljbein Jacksonville.on tho
lira and"?lirhe will beat"Eagle Point, ip
turning to each point every ninth day durT
ing the season, and on the other days lie
willbefoundat Granville Bears' farm. '
Selam is by Sciimpcrdowri, he by Nor
folk, he by Lexington, he by Bostom, he
by Sir Archer, "he bv Arabian Boy.
Sclam's tlam was a' Rifleman.
He is 10 hands high, weighs 1,300
pounds and is 8 years old.
Terms- Single leap 5; by the season
$10; insurance 15.
I will not be responsible for any acci
dents but wilt exercise due caution to pre
vent the same. S. BOOTH.
.Vu!(i Awalic
& Frisk)
Boppnor Ti.333.01s.
A Newsy. Progressive, lnstmc!
kive snei Refined Newspaper, puW
fished in the hert of the Great In
landEmnire. Published every week
tit2..j0 per year. Sample copies
10 cts. bend lor it.
Address Tiiies PcnusniKO Co ,
Ileppner, Orego
ggfin -toc3, to 333co1i..xi.so.
To exchange a house of It rooms nnd 2
lots 100x100 feet with spring and cistern
water en it. near public school nnd street
cars, in city of Porthnd, rents for 35 per
month, will exchange lor gooK siock
ranee in Southern Oregon.
Address. C.W. Lacks S.O, R. N. Co.
Portland. Oregon.
Samp'es worth
Jress Stk som & Co., Portland, Me
EET 9 .7i J 1
w onclorful
Goiaian lnvigorator.
The oldest, greatest and
bett nmitly for the cure of
Vinous and Physical Dtbi'
ity. Vital .UaustK)n, Semi
nal Atkr.is, I.otstf Jlun
hod. Falling Memory and
lieliixul anil Enftibkit con
ditionsof the Gcnito-Urinarn
rgans. It speedily enres
Impotence, Early Decay-,
Loss of Vigor, Seminal
cakness, nnd all the sad cf-
Q ficts of youthful failles and
O abuse or txcess or Muturity
O It permanently prevents
3; all Unnatural Loss from the,
2 system, as thousands can at
r test -uho have used the Item
2edy in the pttst quarter of a
century which it has been
before the public
It is indeed a Wonderful
Remedy tonins the nerves, strengthen
ing the museles, checking the vUstc, in
vigorating the whole system and restoring
the afflicted to health and bappinc-.
The Dr. will agree to forfeit $1,000 for
tt case undertaken, not cured. Tho reason
so many can not get cured of "Weakness
and the aboe dUeasesis owing to acorn:
plication, called Prostntorrhea, with
Hyper icbthl.1 which requires special treat
menu Dr. Liebig's lnvigorator, No. 2, with
our peculiar special treatment, is the only
curi for Prostatorrbea- By It Manhood
isicstorecl and the hand ot time moved
back from aro to youth.
Price ot cither "lnvigorator. $2. Casd
of six bottles, $10. Sent to any address,
covered securely from observation.
Dr. Liebig & Cjx treat successlully hy
Homoeopathy every funn of Special, Priv.
ate or Chronic diseise without mercury
or nascou3 drugs. If vitality ts drained
from the body, numerous: diseases follow
that baffle ordinary medical treatment. It
allowed to continue, the ur.n mral loss
causes Consumption,. DuibUis, Brights,
DUeaie, Insanity, etc. Cures guaranteed
Diseases of the genito-urinary organs.
kidneys, liver and bladder specially treat
ed. Diseases of women speedily cured.
Qualified and Responsible.--Dr Liebig
& Co. from Europe, are oigauizcd in com
plianic with California Medical Law
Diploma procured by regular college ed
ucation and nro now in their nineteenth
year of srxcial practice.
Most powerful el.-ctric belts free to pa
To prove the wonderlul power of tha
lnvigorator a 2 bottle given or sent free.
( onsultation free nnd private.
Dr. Lifbig'B wonderful German invito,
rator Is protected bv copywright fn la
Patent "fllcu of United States Govern
ment. Beware of imitations. Call or ad.
dres3 Lirr.iu Dispfns.vuy,
400 Geary Street, San Francisco, Cnl .
Private entrance, 400 Mason S'rret, four
blocks up Geary Street from Kearny
Slain Entrance tlirouga Dispensary Drug"
(spr.ciu.ivr ah.i auAUCAii:,)
yo. II Krnrcy Mrcft, San rnmrUru, 'r(.j
a never fai'ing
cure lor Nervous Dr-
1 Mf. ''J minium 1
Wj-'ijE ness, Spermittiir
Sf.'xfitLos.t Mnnhoiid
g m Uile-y, fnwIaWr
tnKilincii, Parihsnanii
.niiine UTrihl-etiLctB-if
self abuse, toutli'
ful follies cud excesses in nwlnrcr ye-itts,
biich as loss of Memory, La&situdo, Noc
turnal Emissions, Aersions tit Sooicty,
Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head,
the vital fluid passing unobserved in tha
urine, and other diseases that le-ad to in
sanity aud death.
Dr. Minlie. who is a Tegular phjsic' -n,
graduate ol the Umvcrttitj of Pcnnsylra'
nia, will agree to forfeit tJoOO for a case f
tiiis kind the Vital Restorative, (under h 8
special advice and treatment) will not
cure-, or for anything impure or injurious
fnund in it. Dr. Minlie treats all Private1
Diseases successfully without Jlercury
Consultation Free. Thorough examina
tion and advice, including analysis o(
urine, $5. Price of Vital Restorative $1,50
a bottle, or four tidies the quantity, ?Ji;
sent to any uddrtss upon receipt of price,
or C. O. I) , secure from observation, and
In private name it dcsirnl, by Dr. A E.
Minlie, 11 Kearney street, "San Francisco.
Send forpimphlct and list of questions.
MimplQ ttottlr tree
Will be sent to any one applying by let-
ter, stating symptoms, sex and age Miict
secrecy in 'regard to all business trans
Dr. Slintie's Kidney Remedy, Neph
rcticum, cures all kinds of ICiJlney and
manner tompiamis, uonorrnoca. uiei.
Ltucorrhoea, etc. For sale by all drug
dists; $1 a bottle, six bottles for
Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills are the
best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Bilious
cure in the market. For sale by all di ug
gists. DR. SPINNEY
No. 11 Kearny Street,
Treats at Chronic anil Special Disrates
Who may be suffering trom tho effects
of youthful follies or indiscretion will do"
well to. avail themselves of thk, tbe-graf
est boon ever laid at the altar of suffering
humanity. DR. SPINNEY wHl guarnn
tee to forfeit $500 for every case of Semin
al Weakness or private disease of any kind
of character which he undertakes and
(tails to cure.
There aro many at the age of thirty to
sixJy who are troubled with too freqicnt
evacuations of the bladder, 'often accom
panied hy a slight smarting or burning
sensation and a weakening of the systeriv
in a manuer the patient cannot account
for. On examining the urinary deposits a
ropy sediment will often be found, nnd
sometimes small particles of albumen wilt
appear, or the color will bo of a thin milk
ish hue, acain changing to a dark and tor'
pid appearance. There are many men'
who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the
cause, which is the second stage of seminal
weakness. Dr. S. wilt guarantee a perfect
cure in all such cases, and a healthy res--
toration or the genito urinary organs.
Office Hours 10 to 4 and 0 to 8. Sun
days, from 10 to 11 a. m. Consultation
free. Thorough examination and advico,
$3. Call or Acldrcss
No. It Kearney St San Francisco.
June 3,1882. tf
Valuable Zand For Sale.
The undersigned offers 2,000 acres ef
valuable land for sale. Land sitnated orV
Ajtclope creek, eighteen m les from Jack
sonville Will be sold in a body for $10
per acre or in 160 or 320 ncre lots at from
S15 to $20 per acre. For particulars ad-
t dress or rail on A. L. Johnson, Land
5 ( Agent, or WM . BYBEE,
UBbaDUuniivj yjivvij