Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 09, 1885, Image 3

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    -f -
Saturday, Mat 9,
Notice A meeting of the Grare
Cretk Ditch and Mining company
will beheld inSaeksourille.May 20th.
All tbe stock holders am requested to
be present. By order of
E. F. Walker, President.
Episcopal Service. Bishop Morris
and the Her. John W. Sellwoed will
held service in the Presbyterian chnreh
in this place to morrow morning at 11
and admiaister the Holy communion.
They will held Berries la the craning
ef tbe tame day in Byar's Hall at
Ko Failuiib Yet. While mean
tiering around yesterday afteraeon we
stropped into 0. C. Beekman's express
office when we seen him pat p a pack
age of 25 pounds of gold dust, the re
sult of the week's purchases from the
miners living near by. The mining
eoasen has been an exceedingly poor
teas en aceeunt of the scarcity of water,
but this shewing proves that we have
good paying ground if we only get
irater to work it.
, Good Assay. The owners of the
Enterprise tnino, located in the upper
end of town, sent some et their rock
ta Portland this week far assay and
the answer is that it goes 850.25 in
gold with traces of tilver. To bring
Matters into shape an incorporation
will be formed composed of the follow.
iac centleman. J. G. Birdsey, J.
.Nunan, Win. Hanky, J. A. Cardwell,
and I. W. Thomas. It is the inten
tion of tho tompany to Cbntinus the
work right along and they now feel
confident that they have struck a bo
nanza. Tnu Backs. Four days' races were
held at Medferd this weak cammene
ing Tuesday and ending last night.
Considerable o' a crowd was present
but rery little money changed hands.
A half mile dash en the Grst day was
en by "Jim Lick,," beating "Ketch-
fa and ".Dolly U. A ttoree quarter
race on the second dc, betwoen "Dollie
C," "Pegcy Winters" and "Col. R.,"
which was wen by tbe former with
"Cal. R." a coed secead. On Thurs
day there were two entries for the half
Mils and repeat race, "Dollie U. and
tbe Noherker or are. The first heat
was declared a dead heat, causing
much disratisfaction, when the Neber
ker mare was wathdrawn and "Dollie
C." galloped around the sesend time
and was given the raoe witheat tartb-
or contest. The last day e races was
between "Jim Lick" and "Peggy
''Winters," the latter getting shut out
en the first heat.
Oregon Faces aicd Freights.
ije "Deady has delivered an optnien
the United States Circuit Court.
preaouttoing tbe Uoult .Railway bill
rjonstitutienal in two essential points
viz: That passenger fartr shall net be
Kre than 4 cents a mile, and freight
rates no higher than they were Janu
ary 1, 1885, and that there shall be
4no ditoriiuinatien. This opinion was
brought out by R. Koehler, receiver
of the Oregon aud California road,
appointed by Judge Dead, asking
that he he instructed how to proteod
tinder the new law, whieh goes into
fTt rn the 20th inst. The law pro
vides that rates shall never be less for
long distantes than for shorter dis
lances. Jadga Deady, however, in
structed the receiver to make such
rates at competing river points as will
got the oompany a fare share of busi
Scnoot Courtesies. Prof. Watt,
principal of the Jacksonville publio
tchool, was treated to a picnie by the
fiaplls of his department last Saturday, j
I key spent the day at the camp ground
above Mybees terry em Rogue river
land had a splendid time, and a nice
Bunt. Today, Prof. Priest of the
amar department is being enter-
lined by his pupils at a pitaio at the
sine plaoe. Although frets. Watt
nd Priftit have only been in the school
ince ths beginning of the pressnt
chool year, their government is per
tot, and they also enjey the entire
;ood will and esteem of thsir pupils;
iad the result is, the most satisfactory
progress of the scholars in the various
departments as indicated by the
aentkly examinations. May the re
latieas between teaehers and pupils
ror-eentinue, as pleasant and nrcfi
Religious Items. The Quarterly
nesting for Applegate circuit, II. E.
Church, south, will be held en tho
llGth and 17th of this month at the
)rake school house. Rer. J. R, N.
ell is expected to b? present, instead
Pf the P. E. Rev. J. W. Shreve
rill preach at the Daniels sthool house
En the 5th Sunday in this month at 11
A. K. and at Cenlecnlal school house
tame day at S P. it... Rer. A. It.
Bickeubaek will hold services at
Phesnix Sunday taernin j; a children's
service at tbe Presbyterian chnreh '
this place at 2:30 P. M.; and the usual'
serrico in tho evening.... lie v. js.
Gittins will hold services at the M. E.
, hurch in this plaes Sunday morning
Land evening.... The third quarterly
seating of the M. 0. church, for this
strict, will be hold at Medferd en
sF third Sunday in this month....
er. Wm.FuIIen will preach at theMts-1
ann Flat school house next Sunday:
at Ashland on the 3d Sunday and at
the upper school house on Williams
ex ea the 4th Sunday at 11 o clock
A. x. in each instance.... Ker. it.
fStrastsn will held divine services at
' the Catiolic ohuroh in this place Sun
day morning at 10:30 o'clock, and in
tho evening, at 7:30 ocleck, he will
preach in the German language Sub
ject: "Unztrttrbarkeit der Kirehe."
Local Items-
Miss Aba Rots has returned from
Good brooms IS cents piece at
lfenser'i stere.
James Drum has returned from
San Franciseo.
Senator H. B. Miller ef Josephine
county is in town.
Beat standard prints 20 yards for
$1 at Mauser's store.
14 pounds host golden 0. sugar for
$1 at MensorV store.
H. M. Rice of this place has goat to
W ashington Territory.
Ready made dresses and aprons just
received at Mentor's store.
Ladies trimmed hats all styles just
received at Mentor's store.
Colvin has a new sidewalk and also
received lots of new goods this woek.
Now is the time te get bargains for
tho next sixty days at Mentor's stern.
lira. N. J. Fitch of Eugene City is
hero en a visit to her brother, David
Fred Floed makes an interesting
local paper out ef the Roseburg "Re
view." Grashoppers are said to have be
come numerous on tho other Bide of
Bear creek.
The town has been full of strangers
this week, most of them drawn here
by court matters.
Miss Anna Dowell started for Port
land Monday night being the last of
the family to leave.
E. A. Swopo, one of the leading
job printers of Portland, left his card
with 08 yesterday.
It ought to be about time for the
agitation of a Fourth of July celebra
tion in Jacksonville.
Strawberry and ice cream festival
this evening, in the basement of the
Presbyterian church.
Doug Morgan is back again from
Baker county as a witness in the Mrs.
McDaniel murder ease.
The old Jones cerner is undergoing
repairs and M. Mensor will open a
storo there when finished.
Ceme one, come all, now Is your
chance for the next 60 days to bur
bargains at Measor'a store.
Dr. Will Jatkson can again be
found at'his rooms ready to extract
molars or to pat new ones in.
One of the Brown houses has bean
purehassd by Prof. Priest for $500
and he has already moved in.
Signer Julian, the well known
Wizard is now at MtdferL-aad will
prebably show here next woek.-
The Jacksonville Silver Comet Band
received their new uniforms this week
and they lsok quite neat and nobby.
Mrs. A. Bilger, and Messrs. A. L.
Renter aad Oscar Kilbonrn are among
the visitors at Tucker's soda springs.
G. W. Holt will go to Csles soda
springs next week to do the plastering
in the fine hotel recently built there.
The ladies of tho W. C. T.U. will
give a strawberry festival seoa in the
lewor story of the Odd Fellows build-
Josephine eonnty witnesses on the
Mackey case have been notified to be
here next Monday when the trial bo-
Mr. A. II. Merritt's family arrived
from New York this week aad will
1 become permanent residents our
Two more weddings are announced
for next week one here and the other
at Ashland. The parties are all well
Gen. Sheridan expects to leave
Washington in a few days on an in
spection tour of the military posts of
the West.
A pleasant social danct was held at
Mart Hurst's place one night this
week at which soma thirty couples
Tho whole valley was favored with
a splsndid rain last Wednesday night
and Thursday and a boaatifal harvest
is now assured
Bovaral couple from here attended a
sosial dance at Qrlando Rose's place on
AppUgate this week and all report an
enjoyaeie iibgu.
Early Summer Seats began, in Jaek
soaville aad Medferd. this week bat
they did not amount te enough to
make a deeent item.
When at Medford rive Wm. Egan
at the Union salson a eall. Ho will
treat you well and is always prepared
to furnish something nice.
Mayor Willard, Geo. W. Stephen
son, U. 'J. to maem, o. a. uemn and
numeroas others were here from Ash
land this week attending eeurt.
George Bek is now in charge ef
Volt S-hutx beer saloon on Oregon
street aad will also be prepared to furn
ish a hot er cold lunch in a few days.
James G. Birdsey has been appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Pat
McKavanaugh deceased aad his adver
tisement will be found ameng tho new
The eity authorities at Medferd had
a ealabeese built there last week,
thinking probably that it would prove
beneficial during ths races ending last
The familiar faees ef former days,
during railroad construction, ef John
A. Hurlburt, D. Lering and Reub
Jones, eould have beea seen en the
streets this wsek. They" were here
attending court as witnesses in tho
Dollarhida suit against the railroad
A large amount of wheat is being
brongbt te Karewski's mill and from
there a good lot is being shippsd te the
railroad after going through a cleaning
Call on Chajrlea Keam for a plate
ef icecream. He eon be found at
Mrs. Krtutser's bakery where yen
can take your sweetness aad be treat
ed woll.
Since rewiring injuries from axaa
awar last week Kick Young of Butte
Creek is still lying quite lew with
chances against his recovery, te we are
The overland time ex the 0. & C. R.
R., between Portland and San Fran
eisco, is new two days and a half.
Fare to Ban Francisco 932; to Saera.
mente $30.
Tho strawberry crop will bo plen
tiful in this section all reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. Sample
some at tho Presbyterian Chnreh fes
tival to-night.
Robert Dean and Thomas P. K&h
ler of Willow Springs precinct hare
beught farms on Rogue river near
Flounce Rock, and will engage in stock
raising and farming.
A favorite copy set by writing
teachers for their pupils is the follow
ing, beeanss it contains every letter ot
the 'alphabet: "A quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog."
A judicious asset printers' ink in
stttitg forth tho adrantages of a town,
eity or county, always brings good re
sults when people are abroad in the
land, looking out for new homes.
The bible reading and serrico of
snng, conducted by Rer. A. R. Bick
enbach in the Presbyterian ohurch,
every Wednesday orening is very
interesting, and is being well attendod.
Besides our lo:al bar we netiee the
following attorneys attending court:
Rufus Mallory of Salem, J. T. Bow
ditch, Ed. DePeatt and S. B. Galey ef
Ashland, and Mr. Powell of Medferd.
Flenr is quoted at S16.50 per thou
sand in Jacksonville although we hear
it is held at a higher figure in other
portions of the county. Karewski's
mill is getting an immense reputation.
Pat MeMahen is the suceessfl bid
der for the following mail rentes ad
vertised not long since: From Jack
sonville te Wilderville; from Medford
to Table Rook P. O.; from Crescent
eity te Gasquet'a.
The Chinese abduotion case came to
an end this week by the discharge of
the defendants when the prosecuting
witnesses refuted to pay the $300 re
ward that had been offered for the
capture o'f the parties.
We this week had the pleasure of
meeting 0. C. Perkins, formerly the
popular landlord ef the Metropolitan
hotel at Roseburg. He is just from
EaaternOrga and is looking for a
location im ibis inuoo.
Today the Sisters ef St. Mary's
Academy will take their pupils eut
for a pieaic up on Jackson
oreek. Sargent Dunlap will furuish
the means of transportation, and they
will no doubt hae a fine time.
Hon. Garrett Crockett, County
Judge ef Josephine county and Chat.
Hughes, Clerk of the rame county, are
in town on business conneoted with
their constituency, eomethingboth gen
tlemen never fail in attending te.
The distinguished XT, B. Senator
from Indiana, Hon. Daniel W. Veor-
hecs, certifies that in a case of rhtu
matitm in the baek, he obtained in'
stantansous relief from St. Jacobs Oil,
Ho says it is a remarkable remedy.
The hearing ef the petition for an
order to satisfy judgment m the ease
of the United Itates rs. Griswold has
been set for Thursday next in tho U,
8. District Court. B. F. Dowell will
be heard from when the case is called,
When at Medferd this week we
seen Mr. Reed's fine mare known as
the "Oregon Scanty." Her tail drags
on the ground and her mane and fore
top is seven, feet long. She will prob
ably be brought hare for exhibition
There will be as appointment mads
to ths Empire City custom house with
out a thorough knowledge of tho
standing and qualification ef the ap
pointee in Washington. So says a
letter from the Interior Department to
J. M. Siglin.
Messrs. Keitz and 'Krantz, brother
and cousin of Joe Neilz of this place
arrired from the East this week with
the intention ef locating here. Both
.are butchers ani one will likely re
main here while the ether talks of
opening a meat market at Grant's Pass.
A cordial welcome was given te J.
S. Kountz, eommander-in-shiefof the
G. A. R., in Portland; one of the most
interesting features ef the ereni&g was
the reading by Miss Luce ef a descrip
tion of the battle ot "Mission Ridge"
in whieh tho gallant commander lost
his leg.
Miss Annie Miller, who has ben in
Portland for tho past two years, re
turned home Thursday on a short risit.
She was acoempanied by Miss Nettie
Starker, who is paying Jacksonville
ker first visit. Miss Annie was cor
dially welcomed by a host ef eld-time
Tho -medical fraternity from ether
portions of the county was well repre
sented in Jacksonville last Thursday
with the following list: Dr. Parsons
of Ashland. Dr. Stanley ot Sams val
ley. Dr. Hremer of Sams valley, Dr.
De Vis of Phoenix, and T)r. Geary of
Mediord. Jae of them informed as
that they had eome here te held an
inquest an the town, but after an ex
amination they concluded that it was
l... ..... w. . .....a awa lhk
tim 1tlit mawmm tlw i.4 . f.
isome time. Tho mqueer was in cease
quence indefiuitclr postponed.
Patrick McKavaaaugh brcathedjhie
last at his room in the old hotel lant
Saturday uicbt about twelve o'clock
and was bcried in the Catholic ceme
tery ea tho following afternoon, Fath.
er Blanchot officiating. Like many
others he was his own worst enemy.
Peace te his ashes.
Tho foundations far Iwo new brick
buildings in Medford has beea started.
George W. Williams is-bmldfng one
and Roberts it O'Neil the other. Mr.
Williams will arrange the upper story
ef his builoing so that it eanbe used
for ledge parposes, with the two reome
in front for offices.
Bids fer laying pipe from the cistern
at the intersection of California and
Third streets, to carry water te a
watering plaeo to what is known as
the Granger stable, will be received by
Recorder Huffer. np te noon ef
Wednesday next. This U sossething
that has baen required for seme time
The staV'stieal report of Jacksonville
Lodge No. 10, I.O. 0. F., published
on the outside of to-day's issue was col
lected and read by S. J. Day, Past
Grand Master of this State. It is an
interesting document for tho mesatersl German parentage, and hare no rela
of the order and makes -a shewing'fhaC f font in this country. He was buried
will compare favorably with any lodge
in the State.
The Supreme Court of low has de
cided unanimously that the Ancient
Order ef United Workmen is chiefly
an lnrurauce organization, aad as sueh
that is amenable to the State insurance
law. The past claim of this and all
other dindred societies has Veen that
they were -fraternal or "benevolent"
associations, exempt from State super
vision. Mr. B. F. Bowell and family have
removed te Portland with the inten
tion ef permanently residing there.
Mr. Dowell is one of the pioneers of
Southern Ortjgon, and he, with his
very excellent wife and tceoraplished
daughters will be sadly missed by a
large circle of friends. The Silver
Cornet Band serenaded them at their
residence on the eve ef thnir departure.
We congratulate Portland on this
worthy acquisition to its society.
Gen. T. G. Reames intends closing
out his extensive stock of dry goods at
cast with the intention of quitting the
business. As he has never handled
any but first class goods, bargains can
be had by purchasing of him. We
hope he may receive one ef the best
appointments in the gift ef the new
administration, fer he is a man of
sterling integrity, a life long Demo
crat, and one of the few who has al
ways honored a public or prirats trust.
The tbree conductors en the pas
senger trains ef the O. & 0. R. R.,
west side, have all been discharged
suddenly, without explanation from
the company. It is rumored that a
trap was set for them and they fell.
C. H. K'ino, formerly mail agent mu-r
ning ta Ashland, has bow appointed ta
fill one ef the vacancies. Ont ef ths
discharged conductors was "Papl
Stroud, who was fermerly en the oas'
side. All three ef the discharged mea
had been in the service for many yean.
The gist ef the discussion relative
to the new lawt relating te the selec
tion ef grand jurors is this: The con
stitution of Oregon provides: Grand
jurers shall be drawn from jurors in
attendance1 en court. -The ntw law :
says: Grand jurers shall he drawn
from the jury list, and in case ef nen
attendanee of persons selected, the
sheriff shall 11 the vacancies from the
body of the .county, net from the jury
list Now, the question is, do these
conflict, and upon the question legal
opinion is divided.
Ths will of the late Mr. Burrell, et
Portland, appoints Hen. D. P. Thomp-'
son executor without bond. The es
tate is valued at about $1,000,000
and runs thirteen years before it be
comes due. The will provides an an
nuity to all the heirs, ar-d when the
youngest, now 8 years of age, becomes
ef age the estate is to ba divided. Mr.
Burrell always had great conSdeacaln
Mr Thompson, as his imposing this
trust in him demonstratss. There is
not a similar instance en record where
so great an estate was placed in a per
son's hands without bond.
The L O. R. M. ef Jacksonville ara
making extensive preparations fer .the
celebration ef St. Tammany day May
12th. At 12 m. the members ef tho
order will march through the principal
streets in lull regalia headed by the!
silver uernet isana. jAt tbeir ball
there will be vocal audJnstrumeRta)
music and other exercises including'
the dedication of their handsome new
hall. In tho evening there will be a
grand ball at Helt's hall. This lodge
is in a jSourishins: condition and is
constantly receiving accessions te its:
membership. Like the Odd Fellows
erder it is beneficiary and protective
The county judges of tho Willamette
valley met in Portland last Wednesday
evening for the purpose ef taking ac
tion in regard te the suit commenced
recently by foreign meaty Iendert
againtt the different sheriffs, with a
vie to escape taxation. From Judge
Washbtme, who attended the meeting,
we learn that the following proceed
ings were had: Each county will be
allowed to fight the case as it is now
before Judge Deady. It is the inten
tion of Douglas, Lane, lann ana Ben
ten te join issues en this matUr. When
Judge Deady decides against the coun
ties, as he undoubtedly will, then
another meeting will be held te employ
tht nttestary counsel te carry the oaec
te the U. a Supreme Court as at the
meeting just held all agreed te combine
and fight the ease to' the end. Ta
is hardly Any doubt the Supreme Court
will favor the counties, and that -hereafter
foreign corporations leaning
money in this State will have te par
their just and fatal share af Uxoe
lac protection the Btate afferde tar
jjrepertr. Eujsae'Gsaid,
Araoni; the numerous visitor in
town this week was Charles Decker,
the papular landlord, merchant and sa
loon keeper of Waldo. A ealary ef
$2 per day as a witness before tho
grand jury is what brought him orrr,
but he says the wages ere net enough,
and ha new thinks ef running fer the
legislature next time so as te hare the
pay increased.
The young German named Deaeeko,
who came, hero with his family seme
four weeks age, stepping at the Slorer
Hotel, died yesterday afternoon after
an illnete of tome eight months with
chronic diarrhea. He came here ill
with the hopes of benefitting his cen
ditien but the disease had taken loo
deep a held. The funeral will take
place this morning from the
hotel. Hit leaves a wife to whom he
hat been married just a year, and who
attended him during his Ung illness
with lering care and dtrotien; the hat
the sympathy ef all in this sad ending
of her brief dream of happiness that
changes in one short year from the
altar to the bier, and leaves her with
a little babe ef a few wcekc, alene in a
strange land heart broken and dese
Mr. and Mrs. Dcnecke were beth
in the Gerrasn'burying place in the
Jacksonville cemetery.
Couktt Court. This body met on
Wednesday last and transacted
considerable business with a
full board present. They established
a eeunty read leading from a point
near Phoenix to the jBautan plaeo on
Peerman't creek, and ordered the can
ttruetion of the new bridge across
Rogue river at ths point originally se
lected near Bybce's ferry. A settle
meat ef tht debt from the four town
ships taken from Jackson and added to
Josephine was also agreed to, the
amount due us being fixed at $241.
Garrett Crocket, County Judge, and
H. B. Miller, Senator from the same
county, represented Jetephine in the
matter, and tho people of that county
have a right to feel proud ever the re
sult as it has been generally thought
the amount would reach several thou
sand dollars. Besides the auditing of
numerous bills they also made a dona
tion of (250 te the Jackson county
board of immigration and will prob
ably reach an adjournment for the
term to-day.
HablUal Constipation
Ts a prolific source of misery and
many ills, giving rise to Headache,
Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, Rest
lessness, Biliousness, Indigestion, Pois
oning of Blood, ete. The bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts fermerly used to relieve
the sufferer, only aggravate the disease
and sicken the stomach. All who are
afflicted in that way, know the impor
tance of tho remedy pleasant to the
palate, harmless in its nature, and truly
beneficial ic its action:'- 'Thr trial
bottles ef Syrup ef Figs given away
free ef charge by our enterprising
druggists Merritt k Robinson of Jack
sonville prove that it is all that can be
desired. Largo bottles at fifty cents
or one dollar.
Grand Jurt. The following gen
tleman compete the grand jury fer the
regular Mav term of Circuit Court:
J. H. Huffer, foreman, J. A. Pankey,
John Kine, George Bush, J. W. O.
Gregory, Lewis Sehideler, and Jamas
Elliott. Upvte this date they had
transacted the following business:
True bills were found in tht catea of
Walter Taylor and John Myrtle, both
for larceny, and "net a true bill" in
the case of Ah Jim charged with burg
lary and Fred Frame, charged with
larceny. Tho grand jury is still in
Adjudged Ixsaxe. Mrs. August
Rthkopf ef Applegata wat brought to
town this week fer medical treatment
seme ten days tinoe, but her disease,
as has been the ease sersral times be
fore, assumed alarming mental ten
dencies, and she was adgudgad insane
and committed te the asylum for treat
meat She is a lady of tare executive
ability, and well tsteemtd in the
neighborhood in which tht lives. She
has been suffering with periodical
spells ef aburation for years past.
We hope she may soon recover aad
return home,
Bon Voyage. Rev. Father Blanch
et started en a fire months visit to
Canada en Sunday night last. He
was presented with a purse ef ever
two hundre(L,dallars by hi friends in.
Jackson, Josephine and Klamath
counties. The Rev. Father has labor
ed faithfully in this vineyard for
many years past, and we hope he may
be greatly benefitted by hit brief res
pite from astire duties, and return te
make Jacksonville his permanent
Got Two Years. Water Taylor,
arrested semo time sinseon a charge
of burglary, for breaking into the
railroad eempany'a warehouse sa the
Siskiyeus and stealing aeme powder
and fuse therefrom,thisweekplead guilty
te the charge and a term of two years
was given him in ths penitentiary.
Sheriff Jacobs took him te his new
place ef residence last Wednesday
pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you.
For sale at E. U. Brooks.
erable by that terrible cough. Shileb's
Cure is the remedy fer yoa. Jrooks
keeps it. v"
"Wahtiu. A petition -by a man and
wife to take charge of hotel in any
portion ef Jackson county. Long ex
eriouee it thtir rtcemmeadaiian ad
geei .reference can i giro
i.jT,., . . - ..T" a
aXJSnrnZT """"M
Infrixokvekt ov Patent. A new
hydraulic process for clearing or widen
ing bar and channe's in harbors was
patented by J. ii. Huffer of this place
soma two years age bnt as the iuvanlor
has to far failed in getting men of cap
ital interested in putting it in fercc be
has done nothing with it up to this
time. In tho last number of the
"Mining aad Scientific Press" ef San
Fnufiisce we taw a laag artiela des
criptive af an invention made by a
General Iteae, patented one year later
than Mr. HufTcr's, which corresponds
in every way with tho model aad spec
ification made by our fellow towns
man. The article states that a
thorough test has been made ef the
invention and ths city of New York
has given General Stone a contract to
clear the ehannel near Governor's
Island, fer which he is to receive
$180,000. Proceedings for an in
junction, are now under way aad
Huffer s chances of becoming a mill
ioaare ara away above the average.
Central Poist Side Track We
last week published what were report
ed to ba tho facta in regard to the
Central Point side track and it seems
that our conclusions in tbe mam were
correct, excepting that its failure to
become a law was not the fault ef
Governor Moody. While some oae
must bo mistaken in the matter tht
following letter from R. P. Earhart,
Secretary of State, is self explanatory
aud shews the record on file:
Saliu, Or., May 3, 1885.
Ed. Sextihel: House bill No. 190
introduced by Mr. Beall of Jackson,
being a bill for an act to faciliato the
transportation of freight etc. failed to
pats the House. The record of the
Hsuse shows that it was "ordered en
grossed acd read a third time te mor
row" and there it appears te have
stepped. There is no evidence that
the bill ever reached the Senate.
Yours very truly,
R. P. Earhart.
Card of Thanes. Jacksonville
Lodge No. 10, I. 0. O. F., hereby ten-
dores its heart felt thanks te the era
tors, musicians and all otners wno so
kindly contributed their time and
servtees towards making the celcbra
tion of the 66th anniversary of our
order the success it proved; and special
thanks are also extended to the ladies
of Ruth Rebekah Degree lodge for
the manifieent and bountiful supper
furnished on the occasion. By order
of tbe lodge. R. S. Moore, N. G.
A. IL Maeglt, Rec. Secy.
Jacksonville, Ogn., May 2nd, 18S5.
Guanoed Hands. Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. BJackwoed have sold the Soda
Springs Hotel, together with 222
acres ef land of tho Celwell ranch te
Jaceb Wagner, consideration, 6,000.
These toda springs, already a popular
local resort, are every year attracting
more visitors from a distance, and
tourists who hare been at the maay :
famous springs in California and ether
states preaennee the water hero pre
ferable in many respects, both as to
taste and effects, superior to any they
hare ever tried. Tidings."
Board Appointed. The following
gentlemen have been appointed a
county beard of immigration by the
County Commissioners and we under
stand that they will ols9 make an ap
propriation for this purpose iefere
ihey adjourn: J. J. Wrisley ef Man
zanita, M. Peterson ef Mound district,
Geo. E. MeConnell ef Ashland, J. H.
Grids of Geld Hill, E. P. Piokens,
Table Rook, Thes. Hay mend ef Wood
ville, G. F. Pennebnker of Wagner
rreek, A. J. Daley ef Eagle Point, R.
F. Maury ef Manzanita.
Not Guiltt. Gus. Martin ef
Table Rock was arrested the other day
on complaint ef Fred Hansen charged
with the crime ef threatening the
latter'e life. After an. examination
before Justice Foudray that official
turned Martin loots, there being no
evidence to convict, and the costs ef
the case were assessed against the
complaining witness.
For Sale. The undersigned, har-
j ing moved to Portland, offers all his
household and kitchen furniture fer
sale at reasonable figures. Fer further
particulars apply to G. A. Hubbell.
B. F. Dowell.
Darkeiixb Sanders -On Thompson
creek, May 3, 1835, H. L. Daraeille aad
Alias Martha Bandera.
Row; Near
Willow Springs, May 6,
188S.toUr.and Mrs.
Atarceiiua Kowe,
a daughter.
Trumbmi On Rogue River, May 5, 1135,
to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Trumble, a
Porc On Big Butte April 30, 1885, to
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Pope, a son.
Coolidge In Ashland, 4pril 22, 1835. to
Prof, and Mrs. D. VT. Coolidge, a
Shelt In Medford, Way 1, 1883, to Mr.
ana jars. ii. Jt. sneiy, a oacgnter.
Matix At Yreka, Cala, Tuesday,
May 5th, 1885, Mrs. Emma Susie Mar
tin, aged 18 years and 7 months j wife
of Wm. E. Martin, and dauiter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gee, Roberts cf Douglas
Demecke 4t the Slorer Hotel in Jack
sonville, May 8, 1885, Chat. Denecke,
aged about 29 years.
Pikkikq In Blackwell district. Mar 6,
issd, wtinerue aay, youngest aancnier
of Mr. and Mrs. Xc. Piemag; aged one
year and flro days.
Keren In Little Butts precinct, May 1,
1885, inlant cbiia ot Ml. and Mrs. ii.
Roycc; aged 3 years.
Murray- In Uauzanita precinct. Mar 3.
1885, Jas. Surry;aged about GO years.
McKAVAHAton In this city, May 8, 1885,
Patrick llcKavanaugh; aged about 32
'H-re".1" J P"'1 a"T AP"J 2. 1885;
l of diphtheria. Johnnr. onlr son oi
Mary and Thomas Panky;agil7ycalTV
AnOld-rathloBed Idra.
The old-fattiioned idea that one
should never enter a sick room with aa
nmptv stomach is a true one. Tho
gasttio juieo ic not sccreved in an
empty etemuch; it is onlv when feed
is taken that the ttomtch aad digeo
ticn commences that tho gastric juice
ic present. All germs are killed Ky
coming in contact with healthy gastrin
juice therefore a fall stomach forlifieu
ens against contracting contagious dis
eases. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure it
especially adapted tdaet upon the di.
gettivo juices of the system and krepa
then iq a pure and natural condition.
In this manner it ensures proper di
gestion and assimilation o4.-tho food.
It never failf to effect a care in (lis
most obstinate cases of Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Flatulency and Stekheart
aehe. Sample bottles free at E. C.
Brooks' drug store.
HACKMETACK a lasting and fra,
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cts.
at E. C. Brooks'.
SHILOH'S OURS will immediate
ly relieve croup, wkeoping cough and
ARE YOU MADE miserable by
indigestion, Constipation, Eizxinew,
Lessef Appetite, Yellow Skint Shi- '
oh's Yitalizer it a positive sure. For
sale by E. C. Brooks.
of Bourbon, Ind,., says: "Both my
self and wife owe our lives te SHI
Brooks keeps it.
a positive cure fer CaUrrb, Diphtheria
and Canker Mouth. Bracks can fur
nish it.
FOR DISPEPSIA and liver cam,
plaint, yoa have n printed guarantee
on every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer.
It nersr fails to euro. Brooke keeps
you need for Constipation, Loss ef Ap
petite, Dizziness and all cymptemc of
Dyspepsia. Prict 10 and 76 cmts per
kottle. For sale at E. C. Brooks.'
Nobet Cuyiaisa Stobe. Ashland
Oregon is the place for every man and
boy, old or young, to buy their Fall
and Winter clothing and furnishing
goods because you can buy better goods
for your money and you wit) live long
and prosper, but if you gs and pay the
old fashioned prisrs for goods and
then get shoddy clothing; you are liable
to swear because you are cheated,
catch cold because the goods ara
shoddy and will not keep yoa ssra,
and then die, and then what will be
came ef you. Go to tho Nobby Cloth
ing Store by all means, take no such
ehancesl Tailor shop in ennnactioa.
So you can get anything yen want in
the clothing line.
When Baby was sick, we gave her
WhotKthe was a Child, she cried far
"Who shYhtoante Miss, the clung te
Whs the had Children, the gars thtta
WANTsd. A middle aged widower
desires te correspond with a lady abeul
the same age. Object matrimony
Address J. R., care Bex B6,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
" " ' 'I
Jaokaoarillo, Orejgoa,
JOHN MIJJLES, Preprletsr,
cultural Implement!, tools ot all
kinds and a general assortment of shell
He alto keeps the largest stock & m&
all the latest Improvement! in
FiskiBt; Tackle,
Powder, Jlkot, It
Giro him a call and examine kit SJ0s
Duora ss&uig jour purcuasw.
Of either sef adtril&jd to the
On any weekly of the year.
The Collego Jo-ornal, containing informa
tion of tho coarse of study, rates of tuition.'
board, examinations, etc., and euts of plain
anoomam8ntol penmanship, free. Addrtei
Lock Box 101 PoaiLuro, Ob.
fBJn vri&ng, pleata trmKm ttlc pop?.
SilMn for- .jfele.
The saloon property at Ckaracr'o
bridge, consisting of tho house ltauors"
and fixtures, is offered fer sale at bar
gain. Tor particulars call on
Gold ill, January Jfc Ue
,",?;--?. .2 ' J ?,j)tJWi'u,u;,'i