"75r sv "afs" wyH'wiMSpi 0RE30H 8EHTI3KEL JACKUXVlU.Ki Saturdat, Jthr 9, 1885. 27ic Memorial Stone. Inasmuch as Oregon was one of the two States that had contributed no taemoriai (Una to the monument erect d to tto memory of the Father of hit country (Colorado being the other) our last Legislature made provision to oisel the shortcoming and a gentleman in Albany ka already utilited the ap propriation. It is supposed that each State contribute! taraartals from seme of the natural stone or metals of the Slate. For instance Michigan con tribute! a adld oepper plate, planed smooth, with eoat of arms and raetto in silver plate en !ti face. Nevada sends a block ef porphyry with motto inlaid with silver letters. Oregon will tend a bleok made frees the beautiful raaltei and syenites ef Linn county. The Albany "Bulletin" thus doscriVTes Oregon's contribution: In theoenter of the Week will be oarved the coat of arms efthe State, with the motto "The Union," in a band acresi its face. Aronnd the margin ef the stone is a wreath embracing man of the: berries, fruits and flowers, indigenous to the State. Betweea this and the teat of arms the principal cereals and grasses ef the State appear. All the earring will be done in bas-relief, mak ing the fruits and cereals leok life like and natural. These differeat memo rial stones are to be placed in niches i in the interior walls of the monument, and are to be about l feet leas; bj 2 feet wide and six inches thick, and will be viewed frem plaforms as you assend tewards the top of this monu ment of monuments. The whole ia leriar will be lit up ky eleetrioity, del eting the eye and pretesting a scene of rich and T&ried art not to be found in this country or en the continent ef Europe. The stone from each State is mere or lets elaborately finished accord ing; to tha appropriations made. Prob ably New York and Pennsylvania hare made the largest appropriations and hare at present tha finest and most eoitlloit pisses in the structure. The Leasd of the O. B. $ JV. Niw Toek, May Id. The lease of she Oregon Railway and Navigation V the Union and the Northern Pa- elBe has been the principal Upbof In railroad olrclcc the last wmS.' With both the Union and Norther Pacific vsiag the Oregon Bailwar and Navigation line to Port lead, and the steamer lime to San IfrancUse, aad the Atchison road "building through to San Diego, the Central Paoiie will have both north ra and southern liass to contend against, with pawer on their side to caftrcc a fair division of traffic, or, In the event ef refusal, to demoralize rates se that all profit In the business will be gene. This special dispatch to the "Oregcalan" points out the em- fcarrasimeat at the Central Facile 'cinder the arrangement by which the Northern Paelle and Union Pacific 4ake the Oregon Railway and Naviga tlen property. The impression among railroad men in Portlaad is that the Central Pacific will try for a share of the northern trade, or at least defend its awn field by putting in tie link be 'tween Ashland and Delta. April Is heavily dotted with Grant anniversaries. April 1, 1865, he .turned Lee's right at Fire Forks; April 2, he astaultsd and carried the lines at Petersburg; April 3, he enter ed Petersburg and Richmond; April 6, 1862, the battle of Sbiloh began; April 7, Grant drove the Confederate -army frem the-ield; April S, 1865, he 4 ad thrown his cavalry across Lee'e line of 'retreat; April "9, Lee surrender ed to Grant But, the most moment ous event of all to Gen. Grant, he was bora April 37, 4823. Disappointed office seekers eayi the Marysville "Appeal" arc now spelling Dcmoorat with a small d,and neither of the four Dcmecrallo Senators f rem Ky. and Misseuri will visit the White House. The Demoeratie Senators and Representatives frem Texas also de clare that it Democrats are not given 'the leeal offices at once they will kiok. The kickers tell Hondrioks to held on and they will boost Cleveland in 1888. The Bourbons now call the -Clevclandites "Democratic Nog 'wasps." Wi regret to see that our esteemed independent contemporaries have lost' temper over certain recent federal ap pointments 'in New England. They -should not be oa skittish; as we re--marked on a former occasion, 'it-is now time for Uitm te stand without 'hitch ing, like the rest of us. Really, if the independants feel -to bad at seeing old fashioned Democrats appointed to office, they should iha.ve voted for .Blaine. Circuit Court Proceedings. Watson Wright Co. vs. M. E. Pogue, to rseorer money; verdict for plaintiff in tha sum or $252,49. 1L A. Casick ts. J. H. Cnsick, suit for divorce; referred to Charles Prim to take testimony. Joseph Wilsesj vs. Ida Wilson, suit fsr divorce; referred to If. H. Parker to take testimony! W.L. Ckildera and. G. W. Fltz vs. P. W. Olwelt, appeal from Justice's Court; plaintiff granted leavo re file supplemental complaint and defen dant allowed o withdraw their de murrer. The Grave Creek Bitch and Mining Co. vs. John Rast, et a., to recover moaey; demurrer overruled. Jesse Thomas vs. F. M. Parker, rail to foreclose mortgage; second amended answer filed, Geo. H. Bayloy vat admitted to citizenship. Geo. W. Lance was excused as a juror. H. O. DellarhWe vs. O. h 0. R. R. Co. Case en trial. State vs. Walter Taylor, burglary. Plead guilty and was sentenced to a terra of two years in the penitentiary. Frank Kasshafer was appointed biiliff for the grand jury and Charles . Hanna fills the Bame position for the petty juries. N. S. Goodlow and Ita&c Constant being excused for same, J. H. Hnficr end Jamec Elliott were drawn to fill the regular panel of the grand jury. Probate Court The following business was trans acted in this court Jndge DePeatt presiding since the last report ef the Sbntinkl... .In the matter of the estate of Daniel Hopkins, deocassd. Hearing of motion to sell real prop erty continued until Juno term.... Estate et .McKavanaugh. J. u. Birdie appointed administrator and D. CroucBiiller, J. Nunan, T. T. Mo Kenzie appraisers. ...Estate of S. Draper. Time fer submitting semi annual statement continued. . .E.tate of W. A. A. Hamilton. Sals ef real properly ordered.... Estate ef J. P. Parker. Sale of real property con firmed and hearing of final ssltlement set fer June 2, 1885 Estate of H. B. Serbert. Time tor submitting administrator's report extended to next term.... Estate of M.Butler. Final statement of S. G. Meyer, ad ministrator, approved..,. Estate of Luoy J. Farra, a minor. Flaal report of 0. E. White approved and guar dian dischargsd Estate of M. Cald well. Hearing of final settlement sst fer June 2d. The r.pmlar Approval. Of tho now famous Byrup of Figs as the most efficacious and agreeable preparation ever -offered to tho world as a ears i for Habitua OonBtipaflon, Billion Jnese'lndieastien tad kindred ills, has beo.wo bvtho.witB.plaa pursues ny too uauierniat xig mjrap Company.vKnewIng that any remedy truly beneficial is Its effects on tha system, and at tho same Ham pleasant to the taste," will meet 'with a rapid sale, the Company, through its agents Merritt & Robinson gives away a sample bottle free ef charge. Try It and judge for yourself. Largo bottle fifty cents-er one dollar. Child's Sxow Fuel Every lady, wishing a elear, delicate complexion, should use Child's Snow Flaks. It nourishes and freshens the ski a, re moves Tan and Sanborn, and, thenst ural appearante imparted, readers it impesstble to dctcet its use. Warrant ad perfectly harmless. Seld by ail druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Child k Co., Druggists, Port land, Oregen. Mall orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. Closing Out Sale. To quit business. Out entire stock of general merchandise le offered fer sale, in whole or in part, at cost. If you want cheap (cods, now (e your time to buy them as we mean just what we ssy. Reimzs Bros. PuxoFob Salh. K KuVIlnas a fi rat-claw Halle tt k Oumston piano, nsarly nsw, that he offers fer sale at a bargain. The instrumsnt oan be sssn at Mr. Kubli'e store on California street. Hides YTzs'tto. The undersigned will pay the highest cash pries for bear skins and all ethsr kinds ef furs, deer skins, stc. Call around before sellin, Thoi. J. Kxxxet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice. In the mattor of the estate of Patrick UcKavanaueb. deceased. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court or Jackson county, Oreron. sitting in Probate. Administrator of the estate ofPatrickVckavanaugh, de ceased. 11 Dcrsens indebted to said estate are trr-nuMtlti to settle the same immediately. and those caving claims against tne es K .. . .... -' tate will pmC" tnem wim me proper Tonchpm to ths uudersirned, residlnc in Jacksonville, Jactssa county, ureron, within six months from we um puoiicb- tlnn of tfcio ntir- S. G. BIRD3ET. Admlnlttrater of aid esUU. Dated May 9, 1885. u imm, -AST TIMB Day or Erening AT Mrs. KreutzBr'a Bakerj. Xarties,.Seciablcs aid -Families supplied I am also prepared to furnish ice in quuuiitie to suit. Give me a call. Chas. Hears. CEONEMILLER JACKSON1ALL.E, 3Vff 3ES Xogrxa.o AGENTS FOR LaBELLE WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS, LANSING RIDING HARROWS WITH SEEDERS COMBINED, BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND 8PRING TOOTH HARROWS, McSHERRY GRAIN DRILLS AND BROAD-CAST gXEDERS. BUFORD PLOWS, ALL STYLES, COLLINS CAST CA8T-STEEL PLOWS, RANDALL PULVERISING HARROWS, GIDIR MILLS, FANNING MILLS, CORN SHXLLXRt, HAY OTTERS, FAIRBANKS 80ALE3, COOPER'S ENGINES AND SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS, CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACXERB, Etc, EXTRAS SERVED ON SHORT NOTICE- "Wo would respectfully ask onr oar line of goods before purchasing elsewhere, at we feel sure we can Sell As Low Than any first-class goods can be goods as represented. CEONEMILLER vANC-BIRDSEY. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 0, 1884. Inulmai oM Wk Mifmuuuuui JaW. ifW H f JuouawFl for Infants and Children. "CacSoifala bo wen adapted to cMMiea that I Casterla euros CeSe, OasMpaUeo, InxramCTidltoagttBcriortoaDrpitailuULiu I Bor Btomaca, DSmfaCBa, grnctadon. swwotome." H.A.Aaiia,M.n, I KUIbc tfvos sieeR aod ptou3CBB o 18o.OxtedBt,DrooUTn,H.Y. wtt inlurloue oedicatlsB. , Xta CmriAva Ooarisr, earuhoaStree,K.T. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farm, Mill BUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Hbadkm LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWER8, McSHERRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS, TWINE BINDERS, BUFORD'S GANG b BULKY PLOWS, COATE3 SULKY RAKES, BUFORD'S RIDING AND GEAR, WALKING CULTIVATORS, RAN DALL WHEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, THE CELEBRATED HOLLO WTOOTH, BUOKBOARD WAGONS, HAKKOWa, A Full Line Of "Write foT catalseus. Address either" FRANK BROS. IMP'L. Or, R. W. PORTER, Ajeat, Oregen City, Oregon. THE LADIES Of Southern Oregon, are hereby informed mat in aaouion 10 a tarre ana eiegani line of MZLLIlSrEIlY I have added to my stock the followine; class ot goods, of Which I have a full line: ladies' Finishing Ooeds, Both Knit and Muslin. Iifantf8 Wardrobe ComjileUt, As camp as to to bought any place; also CHTLDReTNS' 8MORT CLOTHES, Under 4 years old. A beautiful line f H08IERY! Conslstbg or Lisle and Silk. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Coreets,' And many other things too numerous to mention. Have also secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, And am prepared to execute all orders in that line in flrst-class style at reasonable' rate. Call and sco me at the building form erly occupied by A. L. Johnson on Cali fornia street. MHS. P. P. PRIM. For Bala. Owing to ill health I offer for sale (he property in Ashland known as "Jfarsh's Planing Mill," also the Kcin Creek Saw Mill property. I will sell the whole, or ene half or either or both properties, at a bargain to the right kind of a businsss men. This is a rare chance for an actlvs man to secure the best business In South ern Oregon. For partiBulas apply te tie undersigned at Ashland, Oregen. h. B. P. Xixsx. Take Warning. U1 those knowing themselves indebted to the estate oi Madame Jane Holt, de ceased, are hereby notified that an Im mediate settlement must be had at enoe and thereby save costs. Jxix DeRoboim Administrator. Jaekeenville, Dec SO, l&Si. C0CH9X TRBASUnEIVS F1X3T NOTICE XiTFICB OF CO. TREASURER; 1 JicxsorviLL, March 21, 1885 f Kotlce is herehv riven that there are funds in the county treasury for the tc- demptieaf county warrants, protesieo up toAuguat 81, 18S0 inclusive. Interest on the same will cease from this date. NXWltf FlSHIK, Treasurer ot Jackson Co., Of. $5TO$20a-Ptyw,otrtrti ho AMrew Stissom & 6o.,aoHisil,Vr & BIEDSEY, CSL-Oiia. Hill, patrons and fnandi to call and see If Not Lower sold for; and we guaraatee all onr " Machinery SCOTT k CO.'S Engines. Threshers, COOPER A CO Saw Mill Machinery, ta, Jits., to. Farm Machinery. r Portland, Or. ipr 11 3 m K.KUBLI, Odd Fellow's CiUdlcg JmImctIIIi, Org DEALER AND WORKER IN SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, Pumps, 'J AaniOULTUBALIKPLSMSX e ' NAILS, AFIBST-OLASaiTOOKOr BTOVS HARDWARC,;T1NWARK. POWDER OF BTKBT DE30RIPTION T Fhb ad Oapa( Wooden willow ware ' ROPB, NAILS, Paints Oils, Ttrrtsk, 61ms ... . OUTLER-JffIiUa - Shot, faafcpj, Ckaims. Jtess BTO., KTOs I have SCCBrttl IT. nrf.ie nf Cn). class mechanic, and am prepared to do . itj-unuj prampur ana in superior style. In connection irlth t. ! r ceiylngand have constantly on hand o full and first-lass stookof GROCERIES, T400B, IBM BOOTS, T9IA0C0 tUSABT XAJBB CUTSXIS, oLAiswAmx, cmocKcmT, . ZveryffiTfag-seia at reasonable ratos. K.KUBLL JackaonTille, March 9, 1878. ' Notice To Tax-payers. All delinquent tax-payers who will come forward and settle their taxes before the . " J7 r ssar.-HM, will not be charged mileage or percentage I do this, knowing the scarcity of money, and that tax-payers find it difficult to pay their taxes without any' additional ex pense. By availing jc-areeJves- of this pffer you can save money. A.-S. JACOBS, Iherif aad Tax-Cellsctor. m CASH STORE i! CjIROBROS Has just opened a fine stock of General Merchandise AT HIs motto is Quick Sales and Small ProfiU. And ho feels asmrtd that all who favor him with their patronage will he satis fied with his prices and the quality or Us goods. Ha keeps EBT GOODS, OEOCSMBS, rnovisiONB, CLoniiNO. rem isirrso ooovs, BATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SU0ES, And everything usually found In a Srst class Oeneral Merchandise Htorc. ' He will give his customers the benefit of the reduced freights caused by the ad vent of the railroad, and will net be under sold by anybody. Mt A.BRENTANO, Manager. Phoenix, Oregon, Feb. 23, 1884. JACKSONVILLE NURSERY A. Si Johnson, Pro. As the demand for fruit trees la se great in this valloy I have started a Nur sery in this place and will raise nothing but tho finest varieties. Thia year I will sell from the Woodbum Nursery as usual and also irom the celebrated Alameda Nursery, Oakland Cal. Tho following &ro somo of the leading varieties I will keep: SPottolios. Early Tork E. and L. Crawford's Wale's early Amsden Alexander Briggs Rod May. Btump World. Sal war. Susqudiannaa. Mary's Oheice. Orange Cling Yellow Bergen. Lemon Cllsg and many more. Prunoa nd X'luxxxss. Pettlte Prune d'Agca Peach Plum. Italian Prune Yellow Egg. Golden Prune Cod's Golden Drop. Qrosse Prune Bradsbaw. St Cathrlne Prune Japan Plum. Cherries, Nectarine, Apricot, Qlunee, ipple, French Gooaberrr, Oregon Cham pagne Berries, and all kinds ot ornament al and shado trees. H, N. BAKES, Merchant Tailor, Jacksonville - - Oregon. The subscriber takes pleasure in In forming the public that he has opened a Tailorshop. ' DM VHE OB. RED PROMT Building, and that he is now prepared to do all kinds of work in hla lino in a su perior manner and at prices to suit the times. BSTClothlng made after the latest and best styles. A large lot of samples al ways oa band to select from. R. N.BAKER. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT THE U. S. HOTEL, Oor. 3d and California 6ts., Jacksonville - Ogn, Having taken charge of this hotel the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that a complete change will bo made. TJa.0 TaVtolo will be suppliod with eveijthlng the market ffords, and a general renovation olthe Boda stncl Xloonxsi will bo made. The patronage of the pub lic is solicited. J DbHoboam. City Lunch House A.3am.cT3L f3s3Lcxj: Fred Grob, Proprietor. Having moved to my new stand on CA iiomla street ODDOslte the Union llverv stable I ask my friends and tho public generally to give mo a call. I keep Beer. 'Wine ad Cigars and wr A first class lunch can be had at anv time for 25 cents. UNION HOrEL, Kerbyrllle Oresoa, Mrs. M. Ryder, Fropr. Flrst-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. gAn excellent stable connected with tho hotel. GITT BARBER SHOP Gaxitoxvia St., JacluoaTille, - - - Oregass. Tha cndersienedls fully prenared'to do all work in bis line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. ukukuh suMnarr. F.BIT8CHABD, PRAOTtOAl. WATOHHAKXa AUD JewSTJCX, Callfarstlss Sreet, a TAKES a specialty of cleaning sad re- IVI nsfptap vatAinc And rlnrra. Vv ohafcsc an MaooaabU. Cjivoaaca salt A YOU m n THEM AT . E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. A fine asMrtmeot of 8-day clocks, with and without alarm. Gents', ladles' and boys' gold and silvei hunting-case, open-face and skylight watches, from $5 to $150. Braoolota. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and bangls raceieis. Zlxacex XUxasxas. Diamond and rnby rings, cameo stone' cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearls, turquoise and pearls, and onyx rings with hidden mettoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid California rings. eTo'olary. Diamonds In every shape. Ladles' sets of jewelry, from the 5¢ black set to the 8200 bird sets of diamonds. Gents' and ladles' gold chains, lockets and charms. rimes eaz3.cS. 33ixttoaa.ss. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studs and collar-buttons. Sllxrexr 7Cetxo. Silver and silver-plated knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings, silver sugar-ipoons and tongs in cases. nXlaooUanoous. Gold and silver thimbles; gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full stock of every thing in tho Jewelry line. A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc A lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and firstclasslineoi HOLIDAY GOODS. ill to be sold at the LOWEST PRICE! Abo accordeons, violins, banjos, and the best line of violin, guitar and banjo strings. The best sperm oil for sewing machines. A full line of Drugs and Medicines. a$SPrescriptlons trefully compounded .6. BROOKS. MEW TOWN OF BEDFORD j Lets for sale at low prices and on easy terms. Apply to J. S. HOWAHD, Agent, at Also, in tho Railroad addition to tho town of ASHLAND. Apply to JI. L. McUall, Agent, Ashlaad. PHOENIX. Apply to U. V. B. SOULE, Agent Phoenix. -"S& GOLD HiLLW Apply to M. E. POGUE(igeBt, Gold HilL 4? GRANT'S PASS. Apply to 8. It. WTLCOX, Agent Grant's Pass. Or to GEO.JH. ANDREWS, O. & C. R. it. Co., Portland Or. DAVID L!HN, XXV DKAXJA Bl corrar Tinanvnsfca. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice an J cheaper than at an v f other establishment in Southern Oregon. Jt urntture ot all xmaa Kept on nana or made to order EMPIRE HOTEL. Modforct, Ox- J. W. Cnnninghatn, Frop. This commodious and well arranged hotel is now open for the accommodation of guests, and will be kept on tho most approvod plan. The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords. Especial in ducements are offered the traveling pub lic. J.W.CUNNINGHAM. Medford, Feb. 23. 1884. Criterion Billiard Saloon CALIFORNIA ST., CATON &. GARRETT, Proprietors. THIS popular resort, under new man agement, is furnisning tho best brands oi liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. Give me a call. Tne Bishop Scott Grammar aoHooii. A Bearding and Bar Sebael for Beys, Tho seventh year under tho present management will begin September 2d. Boys successfully fitted for Colleger or for business. Five resident and three visiting teachers. Discipline strict. For further information and far catalogue containing list ot former pupils. Address J. W. HILL, Head Master, 2m a23 Drawer 17, Portland, Or. Organ for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale on easy terms to a good party a flrstclass Taber organ, 10 stops, bemgusodbut a few weeks. For particulars enquire at this office or address the undersigned at Phoenix. GEO. cross: faooais, Or, Sept. Sets, 1884. itray XO'ottmom Notice Is "hereby given that I, the uiy dersigaed, have 'taken up one bay horse marked as Tollcws: Two white feet oa right side, white speck in right eye, fore- neaa wnite, ana saaais maraea, aoaui ia J ears old and appraised by J. TT. TTImer, ustice of the Peace for Murphy precinct' at twenty dollars AJATIS LiHDCAT, Or. ' i -?fBtfjjj"' "' i's&y-- yv GRAND CELEBBATIOH I A5S0 BARS C053TTESTT At Jacksonville, Oreon OX St Tammany's Day 3VX.y IB, lQOG, Undsr the auspices of OREEQMAI PICWeXTiS TRUE, IS 1 IMP'D O. R. M. EcerotHS Of lha Bay. Emerging from their new7igwam on comer of Caliiornia and Third streets at 1 o'clock p. m, the Order Win parade the' principal streets or Jacksonville heades by the Jacksonville Silver CorneiBand AND OTHER BANDEC On return of the procosslea to the Wigwam HON.H.K. HANNA. P. S.f Will deliver an address, which will to fallowed by appropriate vocal and mstru. mental music and tho DEDICATION Of their new Wigwam besides othor in. teresting exercises; after which thera mil be a Band Contest For three prizes. Tho whole to conclude with a Br3PcvanLeil. DOf;ze.XX In the evening at Holt's Hall. Tho best - - -- ........ ,.vt.,U AW, ,UM U,.14., and the committee has left nothing un- uuuu iu maKo u me grandest uaii ever given in Southern Oregon. Tickets Including supper $3.00. ALL ARE INTITED TO ATTEND, Oommlttoosi. Reception H. Pape, Srn T.T. McKen. zie, Adam Schmitt, E D. Foudray, E. Ii. Watson and E. Jacobs. Music A. F. Eddy, H. Pape, Jr, D, w . urosDV. Floor Managers J. C. TThlpp. Wm Mensor,Cbas.Nlckell, Chas Fursell,Brad Dean, Charles Prim, J. T. Roloson, Davo Cronemiller. Decoration--D W' Crosby, H. Tape, Jr., D. Hardin, John Bievenuc, Frank Loralnc. General Committee Adam Schmitt, James O. Birdsey, J. R. Little. 'M M M H SILAS J. DAY, Notary Public, Heal Estate Agi Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. IiOK(vl33oouxnon.tai Of all kinds drawn up, especially pertalnr lng to tho settlement of settles.- Collector of Accounts ''Prompt Bemittances. Investment Securities a Specialty. Jackson County Scrip Sought and Sola. I have a complete set of Haps of all Surveyed Lands in this county, and re--eeivo abstracts monthly from Roseburz ? all new entries made. I am thus pro pared to mako out Homestead" and Pro. emption papers, and can thus save to par ties the expense of a trip to Roseburg Land Office, Several tine, farms are in my hands tor sale. Prompt, reply made to all letters. Charges (n accordance with the times. Refers, by permission, to C. C. Seek man, Beq., Banker; to' Hon. L.R. Web ster, Judge of this judicial district, aad to any business house In Jacksonville. Office at south: east corner Caliiornia and-51b. street, Jacksonville, Oregon. SILAS X DAY. MAX MUULER, P. 0 ailiiiiff, Jackse.nri.le? SEAlini ts General Merchandise. rpHE UNDERSIGNED TAKES' A pleasure in informing the public' that' he has purchased L. (Salomon's in. terest in the POST OFFICE STORE.- Which- will bo kept stocked with, a com plete and first class as?irtment of general' merchandise. I will sell' nf Very Reasonable JLateB. Give me a call and see for yourselves. MAX MULLER JacksBville Crescent City Mail Route, F. McMahon, Proprietor Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday' "Wednesday and Friday mornings at 3 a m. arriving at Waldo in the evening; where close connection is made next morning, lor Crescent fllity. When' the newwai8' road is nntsnett aDOut January loin through tickets to San Francisco will bo' sold for (18 Express an sold for (18 by this route. xpress and order business does at re. duced. rates. P. MoMAHOy. Prcpriotor Miss B. Johksoic Miss il. CAVExsi- Dressmaking. Ws are now prepared to take orders fer anything in the Dressmaking 4ao xnd ask the ladies of Jacksonville to give no a share of their patronage. We Guarantee Satisfaction tpricesjower than ever asked iiJacfc soaville. Rooms at tho residence of 41'. Johnson. E7Give us a trial JtlSSSC CATXKS JOBLHSOV.