in"' - c 'sj'w " " " ir-t-yUMrt- . Herat THE CITT TnCY BOTH WANT. The citT of Herat, which in, under the present indication, tlir jiriz- for which England ami P.umia a-a ul'i asatelr contrr-ling, pos-ers a geo graphical iniiortance of such a nature as haa for many cnturiea made ii "he point for furious fighting among tribe aim and nations. A&ain and again it haa been made the focus for Persian Cory and ambition, atd it it only by continual hard fighting it remain in the hands of the ameer of Afghanis tan. When England obtained, by in trigue, chicano and hard fighting, dom inant control of Hindustan, dim fully ecojnk'd Herat as one of the point d'appi from which an enemy might threaten that dominance, ami hence it became the fashion to name the city "The j:ale of India." Stualeil pictur esquely upon a spur of the, Hindoo Kookh range, and aurrouiuleil by a bewildering network f deeply ini " gated rice hVlJs bewildering that "cavalry opera-timis arn made inimi- bli with aiiv frredoiu of action Herat is at the name timn powerfully forti fied artificially Recent Rusmmu nav elefa hae aveired that now litre in the east is I lie art of ie n car ried ob sq tlioroughjy ur ou ho vast a jtcsle as it hs been in the valley of "Herat, 1iere tlia wa'.ers of the JUri Rood are utilized to the utmost extent. The state of circumstances natural ,y makes Herat a vuluable base of sup plies for any army that may be fortu nate enough to obtain wssesion of it. It it, therefore, no wonder that Utrnt has become a singularly important jtoint of central Ana commerce, road forking from it into Pemia, to Catml, Candahar, to Beloocliitan, and north ward through the Merv oasis atd Turestan, more especially that part of Turkestan which iknon nsB-Uiura. The city is nearly quadrangular, with faces about a mile long, aud the high inner wall of defense is pierced by lour gate, pointing towards different great cities with which ll has commu nication. Thus, for instance, the great gatas in the celebrated walls of Delhi were known as tie Lahore gt, Cashmere gate, and so on. Tim stu pendous earthwork upon whicl Herat is built ban been the wonder of mod ern times, beins, according to Sir Henry Rawlim-on, the great Engluh authority on eastern matter. 250 feet in width at the bap, 50 feet high, ami 14 wide at the bss-, and supported b no frtwer than 150 circular tower, which again are piotected by a ditch 45 fest wide and 15 feet in depth. There haw been disputes about ilm true strength of the fortresn. In 1816 Gen. Ferrier, of the Britich army, gave it as his opinion that the place whs only an immense redoubt which a European army could reduce in 20 days, but it is significant that in 1837, with the assistance of two engineer lieutenants, the Heratees successfully held at hay for 10 months a Persian army of 35,000 men, supported by 50 pieces of artillery, which were in many cases directed by Russian officers. The mosques of Herat are made exceeding ly picturasque by bluish tasseled tilec; the bazarrs are rich and swarm da) and night with motley group of men drawn from every part of cntral Asia, Afghanistan and India; and hearing in mind all these facts, together witlt the fortuitous geographical position of Herat, it is no wonder that the famous city i coveted both by Rufia and England. It pose.en the unenxi.ihle reputation of beinc nun oftlnee eiiie so happilv Miualed -by nature that it must Woine perjietually the ol jcl of eyery nation placed in its vicinity. fjruv r Fist. Nature's own. true Laxative. Pleas ant to the Pilate, acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Billiouness, Indigestion, and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blond, regulate, the liver and acts on the Bowles. Breaks np Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc. Strengthens the orcans on which it acta. Better than bitter, nauenu medicines, pills, salts and draueht Sample bottle free, and larc Wiles for sale by Merritt Sc Robinson, Jackson ville. United States Marshall Uubioa is making it warm for the Mormrns in Otiedia county, Idaho. He has al ready caused the arret of eight, and has a list made out of twenty five oth era who ara to be arrested. This is only a Wginning, as it is stated that over 100 are to lw cited to appear for trial. This is in Onedia alone. After Onetlia -will come B-ar Lake county, which is fairly Tve auli Mormon, General XI rant. .has been improving for the week past, and hopes are enter tained that he may live for some lime yet. Is eld a the Jul'. tka valleys. Or agon Presbytery. The regular spring meeting of th Preyter of Oreg m tt.ok place at the Prenbyteriin church of Ashland, April 1 4(b and 16th. Owing to the indis roMtion of Rev. E. J. Thompson of Salem, Iter. E. R. Murgatroyd (trenched ilw opening sermon on Tuex day eveninc At the close ot the service, in the absence of the modern tor the Presbytery wasctllrd to order by the state clerk Rev. J. Y. Milli gen and constituted with prayer by Re-. M. A. Williams. Rev. D. 6 Ghomley of East Portland was chosen moderator for the ensuing year, and immediately assume-) the duties of the chair. The minutes of the fall meet ing at East Portland, of the aiij uni'd meetings at Seattle, W. T., and Auto ria and Salem and of the PRO RENATA mre'.ing'at Portland were read ar.d approved. The report of the commit tee of arranetnenta was read and adopted. On motion it was agreed that the devotional senices of Ttiurt. day morning be thank-giving" in tlieie character for the manner in which God hul sign illy blessed most of cur churches during the pist winter. Ad. piurned to meet Wednesday morning at 8:30 clncfc TTia Jevot!onal ser viosof Wednesday morning we.eled by Rev. M. A. Wi l.ani, and Presby tery proceeded to matters in hand. Itev. Hogue of CmailU and ISev. MirFarlanil of Eugene were recehed as niemt era on presentation of regular certificates. The organization of St. Johns Piesbyterian church of North Portland was received and arcepied. Tim informal organization "of Myrtle creek and Medford churches were aft proved and pastera thereof instructed to complete the organization by the nrdilmtioli of duly ebcttd elders. Rir . A. C. Fairchild of the M. E cliuicli and Wm. Witlioff of the German re forn:id church were united to sit as corresponding members. R-ports of various committirit were received and discussed. Afternoon session consisted of an interlocutory meeting, during which the narators of the state of re ligion within the different fielus wert read by the ministers in charge, and the narations remanded to the chairman of the committee ou narration, Rev. A. R. Bickenbach to br written into a sepa'ftte narrations and sent to the state clerk of the gen eml Assembly. After the hearing, reports! from several of the commuter on church records, he Pr-sbtlery ad journed with prater. In thefening an eliquent sermon win deliiered by Rev. A. L Lindsay, D. D. of Portland. At the close of sertices Prei-hjtery proceeded to business. The remain mg chuich records passed under the exuiniimtioii of coiuuiittees and were duly reported. Rev. J. N. Milliyam of Ashland, was chosen first commis sioner of the Presbytery of Oiegon to the general Assemb'y ot the Pieshi terian church of the United States. The devotional exercises "ot Thurs day morning were conducted by Rev. E R. Geary, D. D., of Eugene Citv, and the code, of business tor the day taken up. Rev. A. L. Linsdiy, of Portland, was elected second commis sioner to the general assembly of the United States tu represent specially ihe interests and wants of the Alnany Collegiata Institute to -the Etsttrn churches. The Otertun-s from general Assembly to the Presbweries were considt red speiately. Rev. D. O. Ghoinly presented the re, oit of the committee mi temperance. Th report wis receied, the work (.-omuieiided uml the committee retained in ihf perform Htlte of tllehe duties. At thn nflernooli sesioii i be repot t of committee on home nussions was receiwd and appro ted from the rlitinJies of Roreburg, Eti- geneO'l, OikUnd, Witbur, Blown- ville, C-awfoidsi-ille, North Yamhill, Albany, Tuatilan, Plains. B-atrr cre.k, and North P.nUaml. A call for the axtoral sericen ot ltev. I. J. Lnughlin of the chutch of North Port land was placed in thn hands of a ecial committee, approved by them and tendered to Rev. R. J. Lnughlin hv the moderator, and accepted by him. Tlinnening sermon was preached by Rev. E. T. Lockard of Independence At the close of the buinen the Pret buery proceed" d to thn completion of its business. Mr. J. Al. Adnir co'jior tern of thn Presbyteiian laiard of pnbli cations made his annual report which was accepted and the work vniimen ded. Resolutions were read aud adopted commending the work dot by S. S. Caldwell of Lakeview and re gretting his dej arture. Resolutions of respect to the memory of the Rev. Henry Cans, deceased, were read acd approved. The usual resolutions of limits for hospitality vliowt7ileleg were unanimously adopted, after which the Pre.bxtery was adjourned 1t pray er to meet at North Portland in Oct her. CROUP, WHOOPING. jCOJJGH- ana omniums iinmeuiaieiy reueveu by Shilub a tin. Jireeka .keej'S it. - Piles! Piles! Piles! V SURE CUKE FCUM AT LAST1 NO ONE NKKD SUFFER! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itchine and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by l)r. Wil Urn, fan Indian Kcmedy,; called Dr. William's Indian Ointment A single box has cured the worst chronic caecs of 55 or 30 y tars standing. No one need suffer five minutes after npplying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions in struments and electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, frwrticularly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itch ing of the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. SI. Coffinlierrj of I Icveland rys about Dr. William's In dian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile t uies, and it affoids me pleasure to say hat I have never found anything which gave such immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's' Indian Oint ment. For sale br al' druggists or mailed on receipt of price. $1.00. HENRY & CO, Proprietors, Cleveland, O. Howie. Davis & To, Who esale Agents, Pun and, Oregon. & TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. M , From these sources arlso three lourtns o! the diseases or the human race Thcso symptoms Indicate their existence: toss of ApprtlU, Bowels costlre. Sick Head ache, fullness after catlne; avers Ion to exertion of body ar mind, Ernctatlon Gf food, Irritability OX temper, Xm splr..j, A frellng of bavins ntjltcted same dnty. Dizziness, FlaUcrlnrf at tho Heart, Dots be Tore the eres.hleUlj'Col' ored Crlne, -C0XTIPATIMt7 and de mand thouso of nTcmcdrthai; acts directly ok the liver. AsaLlvermedtclnoTUTT'S rn.13 have no equal. Their action on tho KUncyannlSkin la also prompt; removing nil Impurities through these three " scav engers of the system," produclns appe tite, sound dlsestton, rrgnlar stools, a clear tUnandaviEorousbodv. 'rOXT't PII.LS csnso no naavA or cripicg nor Interfere vrith dally work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bolaeTreywh-r.5S3c. OCi'e.llMnrTTSt.,N.V. TU1TS HAIR DYE. Grit Hub or Whiskers changed In stantly to aGLossr Black by a single ap lUnatlon of this DTE. Bold by Druggists, c- sent by express on receipt of St Office, 44 Jlurrxy Street, New To. TBiT3 HAHUAL OF USEHIL BtP.PTS FEES. IMPOTENT MEN E they Toting- or Old, tuttngLort theM utrftmtei of PERFECT BAHHOID ltr necmln Qnleily PESPECT Sexual Power A.IC33 1 IteiaiBE Aeoct, mf. Jam Cingle. BTTIIEITSEOP The Civiale Remedies. Tbey cure errr trace of III- HIM 1 y rt it. MA10Ultlia!. .AKKOCtLh and rrrrj fotm of Seminal loM and eahn?a8 lictlrr do to Youthrul lolly, Altu-se vr fltnrn failure. Tltls tr -atin lit oriirf nattl by I'lItlF. C11 I A I.I- JoplrdiDtTt-py JIO riTAI.ln tllAVt and niiQuaUCMily endorrd hy theMrribal lYorftftion ii rblLV AI'1'i.iMl. lAlM.IrV4t U k'. and aboTa)l l.llf. IN II- Itl-M I.Tf. willFpnd free to nnr earnest Inquirer oarrplciv didlllustrnt-t MpiniiiedlclworL,ffivliigar p tomttofalirortiii or Sexual Pirea-e, deartiptlon of thla trvatment. i1fYS. trtlnu nialf and uena paper eudonrmenls,tc., Ac. e are alao am-nta U r tlie new and c tMn to nre. Self-Ad just inp t nd UloTe Fittinc Cradl CompreMrtr, (or tlie tborouxli aid radical euro. itiiout surcery, ot VARICOCELE C.B.IUtl.a l k rail Me4lal SLIT, mm. Cinalt Renedul Agency, 1C0 Fulton SL, N. Y, WQ0D3UM NDRSERY, Woodburn, Oregon. A large stock of Fruit, Shade, Ornamen tal and Nut trees. Vines and Shrubbery For sale cheap. No Insect Pest on Trees. Eend for catalogue. Address. J. U. SETTI.ElIIEn Woodbura, Oregon. Notice. Land Office at IIosebckti, Ore , ) M.ircli24. 18i. Complaint Unving b.'eo entered al ibis nIDneliv II. G. M.ithes ngtlnst WilHs;r. H Half for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 3104 , dated Jan. 1G, 18?!). onon Hie t. W M ofS K V Sec 30, N H ofN E if and S frX E if ec. 31, Township 37 boutli, IUmre 1 Ettst 31 . in JacL ktm county, Oreirnn, with a view to the cancellation oC s dd entry: the said par ties an licrebv Elim linnwl tn iniwir at the ofllec of S.J. IJity-a notary -public of JacKsonviiie on the t u ly uT M.iy , 1835, at 1 1 o'clock A. u.. to resjtond nnill'uniish testimony concerning said alleged abau dunnient. Wm. F. Henjkmin, ltegister. J. C. FciAETTOX, Kecciver. Settle Up. All persons knowing themse'ves in dehted to the undersigned, hy note or book arcotint, are requested tn cill antJ settle at once, l'ersnits knowinp llum se ves indebted to us wi do well to heed this notice, as we me. n business and are determimd to entorcc payment where it is refused or neglected KTJBLI &-BOLT. .4!sn notes and book accounts due the estate ot rilas Draper, deceased, must be settled at unce. JOHN BOLT. Administrator. pplegate,Fcb.l7, 1885. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails o man and . beast, need a x&mg lotion, MastaagLiniaaeat. J uCig iMltdSalaWii mmm yHaHkamHalBKlamSaB BUfil M j?t VICTOR ROWERS, BAIIST WAGONS, Extra Serious for all Mowers, DOUBLE Hit 001 Uf 18111, Goodspeed Cook Stoves, TIGER SULKY BIKES, BARHES WOODEH RAKES, IR$ TOOLS, ETC The Kogue River Distilling Company HAS OrEXED A. WMES&IE HOUSE lN JACKSONVILLE In the buildiny situated on the crncr of California and Fifth streets whcie can be obtained a ?lJRE; 1ADHLTERHED AKTICLte or BOVJiBORYE ANU CO Rf WHISKY, IS QUANTITIES ASD.AT PRICES TO SUIT- Satisfaction guaranteed. N. K. LYTLE, Superintendent. Central Market, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Hanley & Neitz, Props. Tlii market is now fully prepared to the public with the choicest qual ity or FRESH MEATS ' Of all kind, Including SEiEFp WSA&, AM EH!lU'u,Tir!?S. Aa superior CORN BEEF, SAUSAGE & LARD The most favorable induo nicnts offered to patrons, asd no effort will be spared to-' warn giviujr general salistncti'OT. Ham,et&Neitz LUMBER FaRV:RY333y 1 -I STERLING i Miles Soalh af JukiesTilfe IS NOW TJNDEH FDl-L HEADWAY, and is prepared to furnish the marki t with eveiy description of lumbei of a sup rior qualityat .tlie. lowot rates. Bilh sawed to order andsatisfaction guaranteed. All orderf addressed to us' at Jackson ville will receive proir-pt attention. PARKS & SON. JACKSONVILLE COOPERAGE; .Adam SckwiU, Prpr Jacka6i?Oregbn. The" undersigned is" now prepared to make anything in the line of barrels, kegs, vats or tubs, aad will also do any kind of repairing in this line. good assortment of suitable timber kept con stantly ob teaman-'"; 'n-27 SorglTrim kegs made tn order in quan. I tities to soit'atTedacwi prices- Oive me t 4 trial - Ai. o,n Jii it. NOTICE. ,1. 1 -. -n Xf, welaOM8 INDEBTED TO THE A undeWisned by Bote or'booifacconBt; tc requested,?"01' "HKCJtleSrhhnatljliapHijtalne.hjejIf .thisOrorkl.tForj : re delay. HelBv: -(- u.'KAi(a.neavx. ,fcfCrm.t:-- ' 1 MAE6LI, Jacksonville Oregon LBaaka Ml laatfal ' " -3s aCrSalLlsBstaPaVHy- - " aaaW attaVBTy aaaaa' .aWmatfataAuaVsiBlaSBiaBr " " l3 M MaMiani X HH JK aLBBPHainatalaBBayTnaf " ' " -JBBflHM8aHLtt- o lalSSllbESv SBaLiBSIlSB The Thoroughbred Jack BEECHER 1 Will make the season of 188! at the fol lowing times and places: BEE HER nil! commence at W illiam Bybi e's farm, one mile north ofJacksun xille, on Wednesday, April 1st, where he will r tmin five days when he will be taken to Ryhcf-'s Ferry and rtmain four rttiys rrttirningto Jacksonville on the Oth. this ruic to continue during the season. The season wil end Ju y 1st. Description, BEECHER is n thoroughbred Mam moth Jack from Kenmrkv. blaek in en . or. 10 years old, with gooti lonn and ac tion, ana weilis l.UOO pounds. Trrais , By the season, $ 2 50; insurance, $10; sinsle leap, $8. Payable at end of season and when mare is known to lie with foal Utstof care will be taken but will be re- sponsib e Tor no accidents. M. BYBEE, Proprietor. Notice. U S. Lakd OrriCK, RosEncno, On , Manh 20. 1884. f Notice is hereby civen that the following-named settler lus filed notice of his intention to mxkc llnul proof in support of his, and that sad proof will bi made before the Judge or clerk of Jack son county, at Jacksonville Oregon, on Jfonday; Uav 4,1883, vizf Harvey Iticli anlson, homestead No. 3272 for the 5 U of N E and of S K k Sec, 4 T 34 Sit 1 Wist. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his conlirtu ids m.i dence upon, and cultivation of, said land, iz: Julin 1. Black, Oanl. Hodges, O. J tVillard and 1L Hill, all ot Una, Jackson county, Ongon., Wji. F. Bekjamin, Register. 1 ' t ' - Notice. Land Office at RosEnuRO, On., ' Jrarchl7."1885: ;f Notice is hereby given that the, follow-inir-named settler li'xs filed notice of hi.-, intention to make fina proof in support of his calm, and that said proof will be made before the Cerk of Jon-phine county at Kcibvvillc.Dregori', on Saturday May 2d, 1885, viz; Prestori Womalt, pn-1 cmplion I). S. No. 4tJ0 for the Iot 1 Fee 19t and Iits 8 and 4 ec 20 T 86 S R (5 West. ;il&names the following witnesses! to nrovc YiT contjnunus. residence upon, and cultivation ni:&a!d land, viz": "J. H. Harris. A'. M' 'JohnsU,brAriderson''Vanoy, A r n n -1 . 1.? --v.-i.-- New" Giqar "Store B"."R&STEL, Dealer in fixarV Tobacco, Clzarrttes, Hatlaas, Ftc. 'Also keeps a 'full line ot musical instru ments, consisting of Caltars, Baaios, Tambortaes, acardeauJ Haraaaaiea tic Give me: a call and I will t satisfy, yon lioth in price and in the quality of "the goods offered for sale B " RosTKt, CITY BREWERY, VEITSOHUTZ,- Prooriator. T WOULD MOST RESPECTrtJLLT IW. fora tbc citlsB ot JscktoT;i gad tbawnrlilat lrc.thsltijcsB Bs4, t b UIaa.bIibt Itrtverv. tint BrUcvr br. in Bnv oMBtfrr th ire1iBiii anrMlr' Mt Imiwi lrnBTBnlBtNraf M nd kit roa ar b1wbt1b nHr t vilt wIIIbTbmt I KDITT Fend-six cents for postage. I rKlfl1 and'nTeive'free.afotrbox I Hlll.fifgoods which wiirherpall, of either ir'r" io store' rBOBpT.'riehtawav itnneaawalt me w rltera aoaoiuitiv sore ' UmmUJM7MX?T jTl'tlla BILGER & MJEGLY. SfREIVGTKEMAG l;E31RY ASD Uir5Jp-V4a ICoimu I? is the legitimate result of over twen ty years ot practical experience by a thoioughly quali fied graduate phy. slcian ofoneofilu highest medical colleges of Europe Tl n.iattfvtli iiim. Tiirir. tiotti-e puck.! i.. J, n. " ' ncrvuus ana I'oy. sical Debility. Seminal Mc.vkness, Sper matorrhea.. ImiKitenev. Prostaiorrhoea. HypcraeBthesia ovi-r sensitiveness of the nirts. Kidner and I ladder comnl.iintK impurities of the blood and discavol" ihe skin. It permanentlv stops all unnatural weakening drains upon the system, how. ever they occur, preventing lnvolunUiv ;-eminal losses, debilitating dream. K-ml. nal losses with the urine, or while at stool, etc., so destructive to mind and bod v. and cuies all the evil effects oi'outlilul lolliey excesses, resionng exiriusted vnality. Sexual decline and loss of manliood, how evtr complicated. A thorough as well as permanent cure ana complete resionmon 10 nerlett health Strength and vigor of manhood is abso lutely guaranteed by this jtislh ce'ebned reliable great rcrm'dy. Price $2 50 per oouie, ornve Domes nirfiu. sent upon receipt of price, or '. O. D., to any address bvluic uuui uustiiau'ju uuu&iricuy pri vate by BI. C. t. 8tLFIKI XI Itrarnj Mreet n rranrluro t'al. Till At. BOITLK FBIK. -ufDcient to show its merit w i I be sent to any one applying by letter, stating his smploms na age. Consultation stnrt ycontidintiii ,-by letter, or at office, free. For the convenient of patients and, in or der tn secure prelect secrecy, 1 have adopt ed a private address undezwhich all pack liges an. forwardeil. The Fine Stallion I SEL AM ! 7 . . - M 1 m-iaeioc season, ;u isou, cuniinciic ing April 1st, as follows: On April 1st and -2nd he will be in Jacksonville, on the f3rd: and 4th lie will be at.Kaele Point, re turning to tacli point every nintb day dur ing tlie season, and on tne oilier days be win oe round at uranviue sears' larm. bv Nor folk, he by Islington, he by Bostom, hr by' Sir Archer, he by Arabian Boy. Selam'i dam was a Rifleman. He is 16J4 hands high, weighs 1,:00 pounds and is s years old. Terms. Single leap $5r by the season $10; insurance $15. I will not be responsible for anr acci dents but wi'l exercise due caution tn pre- vet the same. S. BOOTH. Hide Awake X Frisk) 3ECoi3ian.oy vjPlmoa A lewsT. Proeressive. Instruc tive and Refined Newspaper, pub 3 lined in tlie nesrt or tue ureat In Baud Empire. PubfishedeverTweek Ltt $250 per year. Sample copia- tucts. fcenairlt. Address Times Pcbmshixg Co. Heppner, Oregon Wsuitodto 3B3CplHTil8r, Torxrlnneea fiouseoril rooms anil 3 ots 100x100 feet with s'pritig and clstef wzier on 11, nearpnoncicBooi--BBis nree cars, in city of Portland, rents for $33 per month, "ill exchange for gok. stock ranee in boumern uregon. address, a Wu Laurxys, O. It- N. Co. j l( ortlandOregoo. per,daT; (atThee Saaaft'eawortli $6 ( ddressif SEP EE V lJ.,Sa3Ufjaijaja DrVLIEIiG'S XCojadoxluX OetaaH laricerater The oldest, greatest and ben na.tdy for the cure nt Ntivousand Physical DebU iiyrVital ExLcition; Stmi nal Wtrkctts. Losf lsn htxd, Failing Btmnry and Rrlaxtd acll Enfitbltd con ditions oflheGenito-Urinara irgans. It speedily cures Impotence. Earlr Dccar. Loss of Vigor, Seminal Weakness, and all the sad ef fects of vouthOll Tallies and O abuse or fxems of Maturity O It pirmsBtntly prevents t; an Unnatural Loss from Ihe 2 sjstim, as thousands can at . test who have used the Rem ctly in the past quarter of a century which it has beta before tlie public. It is Indeed a Wonderful Remedv toninir the nerves strengthen.' ing the luusrles, tlatking the waste, In vigorating the. whole system and restoring the afflirled tn licalth and happiness. Ihe Dr. will agree to rorleit S1.000 lt a case undertaken, notcund. The reason so many can not get rurtd of Weakness aud the above distases is owing to a com plication, called 1'roHtatorrliea, wita Hypcr.'t-sthia which n quirts special trtaU ment. Dr. Lieblg's Invlgorator, No. 2, with our peculiar special treatment, i the oalr cvrt for Jro&t torches. Br it ila4eM Ia trWtOWImX bMu2 tlat- tlaVaaaal &1 tllfl 11 -" J book frorage tp vowh. h- u' VaLcrc4 iHTj.vitini T" vt ' of 4x'-SfHHr.V$l-"St W aaraMrsst" covered sccnreiy iresi owervntHin. Dr. LIcliig .t Ou treat HecnMRllr'Irj Homaopathy every form of Special, Priv. ate or Clir.inic disease without mercury or naseous drugs. If vitality Is drained from the body, numerous diseases follow that battle ordinary medical treatment. Ii allowed to continue, the tinnitural loss causes Consumption, Diabetes, Bright!, Disease, Insanity, etc. Cures guarant ecd Diseases of the genitourinary organs, kidneys, liter and bladder specially treat ed. Diseases of women speedily cured. Qualified and Responsible. Dr. Liebijf & o. from Europe, are oiganlzed in com pliame with California Medical Law. Diploma procured by regular college d ucation and are now tn their nineteenth, year of special practice. Most powerful electric belts free to pa tlcnls. To prove the wondcrlul power sf the invigorator a $2 bottle given or sent fres. ( onsultiition. free and private. Dr. Llebig's wonderful German invigo rator is protected bv ropywright f(vm Patent office of Un'ited States Govern ment. Beware of imitations. Call or ad dress LiF.nm DisrE.vsART, 400 Geary Street. San Francisco, CaU Private entrance, 406 .Mason Street, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearny. Main Entrance throng.! Dispensary Drug Store. DR. IWINTIF, (SPF.UAI.I-.T Ah.I CJKADCAIK,) No. II Kearny Mrwt, aaa Franrlirn, Cal. TOEATS Al t CIirtOMC. SrKCtAL AD TIH VATE DI!EStS WITH WOXDMUCL SUCCTC63. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Is a never failing cure for Nervous De bility, Exhausted Vi tality cminal Weak ness, Sprnnatnnliffa Lost Manhood. lm. pi tency. Proslator rhoea, Patalysjraiur all the terrible eflvrts of self abuse, voutli. ful follies and excesses in mnturer years, Mich as loss of" .Memory, Lassitude, Noc turnal amissions. Aversions to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in the Head, the vital fluid passing unobserved in the urine, and othir diseases that lead to la sanity and dtatli. Dr. Minlie. who is a regular physic'n. graduate of the University of Pennsylva nia, will agree to forfeit $500 fur a caie f Ibis kind tlie Vital Restorative, (under 1 s special advice and treatment) will not cure, or Tor anything impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Minlie treats all Private Diseases successfully without Mercury. Consultation Free. Thorough ciaminn lion and advice, including analysis of urine, $". Price of Vital Restorative $1,50 a bottle, or four times Hie quantity) $3; sent to any address orxin receipt of price, or C. O. D secure from observation, and in private name it desiml. by Dr. A. E. Mintie, 11 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. Send for pimphlet and list of qucstttas. ralnplr tlollli- frrr Will be sent to any one applying by let ter, stating M mptonis, sex and age. Miiit werecy in regard to all business trans actions. Dr. Mintic's Kidney Remedy, Neph reticum. cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea. Ulcct, Li ucorrhocn, etc. For sale by all dnig dists; $1 a bottle, six bottles tor $-1. Dr. Minlie s Dandelion Pills are the best and cheapest Dyspepsia and Bilhrtrs cure in the market. For sale by all drug gists. .. DR. SPINNEY No. 1 1 Kearny Street, Treats al Ckranle aad Hperial Blarair m "sroTjnao- mehs- Whn mar be suffering from the effects of vomhfnl follies or Indiscretion will iltr wefl4to avail themselves of this, the treaty C3?lx)03 trvef laid at the altar of Battering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guaran tee to forfeit $5tXlJor every case of Semi n. al Weakness orprTSi disease of any kind of character whichrV undertakes and tails to cure. MIDDLE AGES UEX There are many at the age oNtlrty to sixty who are troubled with too frctfcicnt evacuations of the bladder, often accom panied by a slight Smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits s ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen wih appear, or the color will be. of a thin milk ish hue, again changing to a dark and tor pid appearance. There are many men whodieofthrs difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr.8wil guarantee a perfect cure in all such cascsand a hea'thy res toration or the genito urinary organs. Office Hours 10 to 4 and S to 8. Sure days, from 10 to II A. u. Consultation tree. Thorough examination and advice, $5. .CallorAddrcss- k DR. SPINNEY & CO.. "Nolt Kearney fcH San Francisco. June 3, 1882." tf , TalMlvla Xaatl Tmr MU. -The UBoVpigaed; oflers 2,060 acres t vklnab e land for saJe.,.Land lituiled o Antelope qretk'. eighteen m les from Jack, sonville Will be so'd In" a body for $10 -per acre or W IfS or 9t0 -ere hHi at front tlSTUi M9.,ner acre.'1 For Bartiealart - ffla&Sffi:?- 'iaaffff i?aBf' JBJiTlCidat OMfaav I