"KfcfiF' iw-y-jfr- TS""" "'. ' vgs?"" , : ' S5 J5 ' 0 OREGON SEHTIMEL JACK.BONVIL.LK Satordat. Mat 2, 1885. ' Skawberrt Festival Tb ladies of thn P.esbyterlan church, projoo to Hare a strawberry festival in ashoit tllur; of which duenotise will be given. A Change Tim dnif, jewelry and ho'iuti More, at Ashland, owned by E. O. Brooks, wax this week taught by T. K. Bolton, formerly of this place, who bat lieen in charge for some tiiu past for the owner. Mr. Bolton ie a wideawake business uiau and ought to do well. Fire Thehoeof C W. Kahler. en bin farm near Gold Hill, wax burn ed on Tun lay afternoon. T. P. Kah ler who lias lieen reiding there but u absent with hi family at the time, lout hi en' ire household and kitchen furniture. Thn origin of the fire is unknown, but it ii .-opposed t be ih result of the carelei handling of matches, or a cigarette stump that had been thrown down, by persons viiiiinj; tha quartz ledgo near br tl ere. C W KHhler'i loss it about'$l,2t)0, and T. P. Kahler's 1,000. No iui.yn.nei. New ClU'Ilt. A no outsiders were invited to tin- 0 Id Fellow's odehiatinn liere on the 27th it becamn necfssary to pet the cliuir from those connected with the order, when the folio in: selection wax made: Misa Ali'rDir r:, Mises Sophin and Sophima Ih. Iila Fisher, Genevieve Moire and Messrs John A. River and N. A. Jacobs. To say that they did well on that occasion would be fupeifluou and we heard it Temarked ni're than once that it wax the beet cbor in Jack touvile, mikinir no exc-pt tons what ever. A choir contest will be the next thing in order. Wanted. A position by a man and wife to take charge of a hotel in anv portion of Jackson county. Loni; ex perimcn is iheir recxmiiiemUtiiiu ami good references can be given if re quired. Call on or address Sentinel office, Juckw.nv ille, Oregon. AUDUCTIOX. A warrant for the ariest of iheCliiniimait that got mar Ifd bete last week was received frnni Walla Walla, W. T., last Tuesdav when Marshal Curtis and Constable Crosby arrested the couple also taking long another Chinaman that seemed to have some hand in the matter, ike ci ime charged Wing abduction The i.uiaii was released mi a writ of lulr.v Corpus by Judge Webster, but the trial nf thn men hot been iioH poned from one dav to another in Jut c Fnudiay'n court awaiting the ariival of witnesses. Yesterday morn iiii two Clitiiaimn, accompanieil hi Sir. Rand, a lawyir from Poriland ar rived and the trial cniiiiueiijed atone o'clock. Afier some leg! squihhltny the case wssngsin continued until one o'clock today when a decision will pinhably be, reached. A reward of $300 was cfjVred for the arrest of these parlies and as thn prosecution has put up the coin for the costs in thn ca-e tax payers need earn little about its final i emit Since her release the wo man has been spirited away to some jaunt the exact location of hick the t-Hjceis making the search sa they know, nothing about and the whole ufTdr will probably result in a com promisn jor wutui negotiations are now pending. I. O. 0. F Celkbiution. The Odd Fellaw'a celebration of their CGih an niveary, which took place at their Hall in Jacksonville, on Monday night last, was as pleasant a society gather ing as lias ever been had in the state. The exeicises began by an impressive pravernnd invocation by Brother P. G. P. Day, after which the brethren sang Iim opening ode. A beautiful quartette was rendered bv the choir, after which Sister P. Q. "Fisher wel corned the assemblage in a neat and appropriate addrest, full of fraternal greeting, and hospitable good will. Brother P. G. P. Day's statistical re port. of the work and progress of I. O O. F. sine iu organization in Jack sonville wat interesting and complete, and such vnly at eoald have been furn ishpd by on of the oldest and most active lueiiibera of the Lodge. The address of BrO. P. G. Plynialn was an interesting outline of t'ae purose and progress of the three branches ot the order, their aims and objects, their labors ani aeltMiremrsU and it eon k rkeJ wtUi 4Mi' elegant JrH.ate to the wentint; fheWiaithfirf eiemplificxilon of the tenets otm order, and astonl ing to theirj5ierativo influence, in creased,.ptration in tlie work ot OddefVllowshij The address wa KiifhI in beautifullanguiige and was Tgraceful and pleasing enunriation nf the grand accoflipliahment of the order. The music rendered under Mi's Dorrix' tupertUton wa highly complimentary to that Udy'j talent. Liitla Susie Tarner favored tha audience, with a solo, with organ aecotnpainment that was pronounced thn sausical gem of the evening. The sopper prepared by the ladies of the Uebekah Degree nn der the supervision of Mra. N Fisher mora nearfy represented a royal ban. qtiet than a o-.ilr sociable. The table with plates laid for 120 guests was spread with the mseniricent pro duct ion of O'lr favored land, and oma mented with fruits and flowers, wsnld fcavt ifeffghted the heart of an epicure, j Attrr supper all repaired to the lodge roooi again when sor.gr wen aang bv Misa Jennia Moore, JeTmnie Miller and others, and a declamation by little Misa Neitx which all present "enjoyed and the was ca'led out Hie second time. The dimensions of the betiding weuld not permit tha invitation of other than the families of Od Fellows, and for that rrWM'it vsiaHtt a fa SJjaJWf. .- " Local Items- ' " Bock betr tn drasxatatPspe's. The touttty jailjtad tea vctupantt I hit week. Good brooms Mensor's store. 15 cents a piece at Beit standard priatt $1 at Mentor's store. 20 yard for 14 Kundt b st golden C. sugar for $1 at Mentor's store. Ladies trimmed hitt all ityle put received at Meutor'a store. A fool bridge now crauat' Apple gata below the Drake farm. . Dr. Will J.ick&on hat rettrued from Portland on business tiip. Ready mads dresses and aprons put received at Manor's store. O N. Hall is in town again looking after insurance buvinett. P. O. Wilson of lied ford made ut a pleasant call last evening. The Mackey case kar been tet for Monday May ll'h by Judge Webster. Tha Medford races commence next Tuesday and lota id fuu is promised. Now it the time to get ba-gains for tha next sixty days at Meusur's alum. Yesterday was May-day and a line one at that but l-o picnics were held here. W. K. K-nnsy and wife and Win. Uirick of AleJford wer in town ibis evk. The regular May term of Circuit Court U-gii.t next Monday. A lively term is promised. Bunxow ha been doing some line painting on the ttisdofta and front of G ob's beer saloon. Cuiue one, comn al, now is your chance for the ut Xi. GO days to buy bargains ut Meusur'n store. Robt. Armstrong returned from Poitland this week and is paying his relations here a short t isit. Tlioa. Biley has tent for a new bill iunl table which will soon be iu posi tion at the Fanurr't Exchange. The Eutetprise shaft hat row rr ached a depth of filtr feet and work hut been suspended for a few days. Wliile btlow Mr. Maeg'ey purchas ej a large stock of stores and agri culural implements for this uiatket. M. A Mt-G'tiuis editor of thn Med ford '.Monitor" called this week ami sa times are about average in hi section. A number of the member of Med. foul Lodge A. O U. W. paid Dinner Loile of this place a fr.ilrni.il is.it last night, A. T Johnson and James A. Law renin inteii I going to Suckr creek, Juvphiiiecoun y next week on a pros pecting trip. M. Mensor has 'eased S. P. Jones' old stand where ha will open on', a branch merchandise store with Ym Mensor iu charge. A new sidewalk has been put down in front of A. Cualn's saloon and tht iut'de of the building hat also beeti greatly tmproed. Geo. Freeman talks of running the stieet spiinkler this summer provided he can get water and sufficient pay from our merchants. Pat AlcKavannugu fell in a fit this week since which time he has been coiitiiied to bis lied with chance of re coiery appearing slight. J. W. Hamaker, United States Com missianer at Link wile, has sent iu his lekignation to Judge Deady, and the same has been accepted. J. A Wilson has been laid up for repairs fur several daysbut isnow able to resume bis station as chief clerk in K. Kubli's hardware store. R Benedict has a fine colt sired by W. Ray's stsltion, Easter. All horse men admire it as one of the best leuk ing edits thsy have aver seen. Attend the Red Men celebration May l2ih and rem tin for the hall in the evening. The luxnsgert propose making it the event of tks season. The report of tin proceedings of the Oregon Presbytery which took place at Ashland last week, was kindly fur nished its by Rev. A. It Bickenbach. Tha ladiet of the W. C. T. TJ. wi 1 give a strawberry fettival tome time luring the coming month, the pro reeds to be added to the public library fund. A social danea at which seane thirty five couples participated wat hell at Win. Ravs' place on Applegatn one dav this week and a good lime enjoy ed by all present. The regular lice for tieer at Fred G rob's salorn has been re lured to five cents a glass. He proposes keeping none but the best and asks all bit friends to drop in and ttnite. Win. F. Herrin, Esq , of San Fran cisco, eldest son of J. S. Herrin of Ashland,- it one of tha counsel for Sharon in tha eslebrated divorce case brought by Sarah Althea. Rev. Father Blanchat leaves for a five months tiip to Canada next Sun day aight. The Fa h T hat many friends here all of whom with biui an enjoyable trip and safe return. The Esmond hotel of Portland. which burned a few monfc ago, has been rebuilt nd is" open for the rrcep lion of gueftk. Thna. Quintan, the former landlord of ine St. Churlez, U I bo pronritor. Th six'y-sixtb anmversary of Cld Fellowship was appropriately crbdirat ed at Portland last Saturday. Hen. M. C George was president of the day and Grand MacUr J. J., Waltai d Jivfl th antietv v "Whea'-voB want sonie'hing real n:ce call on Capt. Caton at the Crite ridaf saloon, lie it alwayt prepared to fct-nish anything from buttermilk to the fintst mixed drinks, mad of thrf best liquors to te had. Frank Bill has located at Ltgan Cut, Arize na, for ihe present. He does not give a very flittering descrip tion of the country hut a that hit business will bold him there for several mouths, whtn ha will return here. A. H. Maegly and wifa returned troin their wedding tour tbit week and Mr. M. has now settled down to business. While alurnt they vi.iieU San Fraucifco and Portland, taking in the ocean trip between the two p aces. Tka statistical report of Jacksonville Lodgi No. 10, L O. O. F., gathered and read at the cnleVatiou last Mon day night will een proTii interesting reading matter for the community at large and we will publish it iu full a xt week. At the close nf the meeting of Table Jtock EiiCHiii;iiniit on Tuesday even mg a Ixrgrf nu.nber of the ladies of the Ueliekah Degree by Secial invitation asseinb'ed at the lodge room and were handsomely treated by the brethren jof the higher Degree. Kliipel it Keaton nn Poorman'a creek hays nt yet finished cleaning up but keep working all thav can with the limit d supply of wa er they now have. Gun wet season would set thn Iovh up high and their many friends hope for it to come liefore long. The "Astoriun" is authority for the announcement that Dr. Calianiss, of Astoria, formerly of this place, has iieeii apKiiliied Insiector of Indian Reservations for ibis tlistriit. in (lice if ex Governor Newell, of O.ynipia. We trut this reiort it true, as the doctor will make a inoit efficient officer in that depart inetit. A quiet wedding wtx held in town list Mundav night tr.a contracting parties being Charle.SchuItt and Sirs; Kate McDauiel, both well known iu ihi place. Some little bird told the "hooiU" of the fact, however, and the tin can raieuade next evening made the matter public We wish lliem much j'iy iu their new rlatior Our worthy f-llow townsman Rev. J. A. Slaver, while supplying the tern I oral wants of bumani y, is not un mindful of their spiritual mct-fitties, as be relumed this week from Deer crrek, Josephine county, when he ha lieeu bolding a ten days meeting, an. I rept rts as the ieult of hi Islam 14 additions to the chuicll, 10 of ihrjii converts during the meeting. The fnlbiwing are the horses entered for th- Metlfnrd races lota e pl.ie on the 5th, 6th, Till and 8th nf tbia month: 'Dollv C." "Colonel R.""Blu; Moun tain King," "Jim Lick," "Peggv Win ters," "Mav Queen," "Jennv T," "S- ranger" and -'Lidy H' all of which are, in good order. The track is is first class shape and a big time is anticipated. Rev. J. W. Set wood, Episcopal rain-i-terofEtst Portland held ser'ices at. ihe Presbvtensn church in Jackson Mile last Sunday morning.. The sacra ment of baptism was administered to one ieron on that occasion. On n dav. May 10 Rt. Rev. Bi.-hnn Morris. assisted bv J. W. Selwoml, will hold services there igain, and in addition to usual Sunday service theie will be con firtiiatious, and communion service, and the sacrament of baptism will l.e administered to those who desire to brcome communicants of that church. When ready to start for Like county Cal , this w-ek, C. W. Brobsck iif Meiiford i as informed that a suit for 5,000 daiuigea had been entered agai'ist hi iu liy the widow of William Cwlwell for the killing of her husband not long since. While Mr. Broback did shoot and kill Mr. Col well a judi cial investigation declarrd hi in not guilty cf any crime and he. wat di charged in cont quence, the communi ty iu which he lived approving of ihe verdict. Thn case will ceue up fit trial at the next term of court and Mr. B. hat sat the data of hit depart ure at a time after iu clbte. A rich str'ke has been made in McDenough and Eahlert quartz ledge at Gold Hill near old F.-ri Lane. A tunnel hat l-eeu tun into the trail some distance 1 elow the first, and thn rich ore was struck above instead of below at in1 the old tunnel. The quartz in. sight it fully half gold and it it con ttttaes at good, iht owners mav tonsid er them.altreK bonanza seen. VVe hope, it will prove as rich and extensive a ihe fameut. Gold Hill of evaits) for Mc and the bys are well deserving of it. Tha ceutndtng interest is owned by RsiWrt Kahler f New .Tac'auta a former resident of Jacksonville RfLIGIOCS iTKXs. ReV. E. Gittins will preacn at Grant's Pane on Sunday next.... Elder M. Petsrron preaches at the Mound school house Sunday at the usual hour.... Rev. A. M. Russell of Ashland will preach st Medford Saturday eieningjalso on Sunday Jlder J. A. blover holds verv ices at the Antioch school house Sunday at eleven a. v Bishop Morris of Port land will preach at the Baptist chtrrch in Ashland Sunday morning and even ing. . . . Rev. XV wi L'.n I nf the Episeo p.I church will bold services at the fresbv tertau church in this place San- day morning. . . Rev. A. R. Bickenbach lire iches at Phoenix Suuday fiiormng and at the Fresbyterian church in Jad'ionrilTa on the evenin'g' of the same dy .. . Rev. Pi A. Moses reach ml a the AntelotM school hntfe ves terriay evening; at ifigle Point to dav at II o'clock and at ttin basket meet ing in Brownsboro nu Sumlay .... Rev. M. Strae'en will hold clivina sen ices at St. Frsacis church inEiglf P.int Sunday merning at 100 o'clock, and at the Catholic abort thk placaln Vl?.J!5fii,f,& S.-3T. suto .u. ' Wviithe.q"twuJsgftat.Go.ld Hill and whlie-iTstiiHj on a grassy bink at the mouth Ml lie. tannel after we had exhausted1 oaWH physically, washing the 'voap" Aiff the quartz and feasting our eves on the gold it dis closed to our view, and menially, esii mating, the ioib!" wealth of the owuais, we looked -up for a luomrnt in otter weariness, and spread out before u, clad iu the royal robes ol i-pring time, lay at enchant. ing a scene as ever delighted the heart of a painter or Inspired the tu of a poet. Bick of n, and towering high aliove, wat Gild Hill with its cover ing of inagi.iticent piues ami rich un dergruwth of fir ami cedar, and thn gentle brrez-, a it lippled through the foliage seemed ! wliister nf lUo un told wealth beneath . T-l the left was Tab e Rack with its dark bare surface, and itsf-trmidibie squaru tow er iu front, seeming 10. reilerat the many blood curdling legeudi that clustered about it in piuueer days-, and at its bane Rogue River with us tuagestit; sweep of waters, Wi uud around it ami ditapjieareil from view. To the r'ght was the blue line of the Caseadn range with Mt. .McLiuglilin in its spotlesa covering of snow m bold relef ill the ceiiter, and a baser peak iu thn clistaiiceji.Ihtle.iAluujit Roxie thn venerabln sentinel nf pio neer days, from which Dished thtsig Hal of tires of the savages, sinking terror to the heart of the few thai dr ed to peiuir nn to this little E lrn, bv their wierlm I wiiked light, completed the magic cir la. Below u Bear creek flowed to its caiifluencn lith Rngun River, ami thn mag:.ificer.t foliage ot the maiiv shrubs und treelets that, bordered it-t Imuks compleied the enchanting suanu of loveliliest lv which we were surrounded. Tne po eilde extent of the great mini-, with its the shining ore that lay around u had ceased to charm ut we thou-jlii iiimu'eawe and bumble reverence of the Hand that had gathried in so small a -pace, so many mute tea timsuials of this myxleriout iovn and goodness. The pneinua metal that Uv hidden in the earth lieneath us tild Us of the wonderful lichra of" His love that w-n could only hope 'to merit bv f.iith in its inexhaustibln bounty and Ubbrin its viuevsrds. Table i(ock,daik and frouning spuke to us of the Great B'ing, who had existed a wavs and wnu'ld exist farever and rho bad hurl ed it iu the fury of e e mental strife amidst the lieauty of its surroundings that it might stand lliiouuh succeed ing ages ns in evideucn ofthepoer and iiitjetty of the O im wlio b.id -x-ialed ln-fiire the mountain weie Toe g n'lymuruiuniig waiirsnf the liier a II jturneved oil to tlie seas whl-pi-rrd hi us of the "green pa-liirr and stl I waiers"' of the lii-h-r life with the great Ocean nf God's eternal goodness beckuiilug ut on in the distance. The towering snow cippr-d mountain in' minded ut of the immulaliiliiy of Ills tirouiita that ia ''unto vuu ami our children and to llioto wliOj-rBjifiirnlr' VMti atat nvditii ku !. T rsr .! 1...1 -- s insiii a sa, s,ltvj 44ji aim vuu sha I call. Th b'uotu and lieauty that was spread nut magnificent pro fusion s-our feet told U-oftllB house of msnr mansions and of the inex haustible goodness of the Onet who i gathering all the nations of the earth into His kingdom. Not a human liabi aiion, or mark nf desecration mart the scene that would be a fit suls- j-ct for thn haud-i of thn. old Misters, and all can feast upon the loveliness. even as they can partake of the bless ing of Lie nal Goodness "without mouey and without price. Government Costracts. The suc cessful bidders for tha contracts to fumuh Fort Klamath garrison with supplies are reoi ted as follow-: Beef and mutton, W. J. Tuubey, 8 to 10 cents ir. lb.; natt, John .11 Miller, $2.15 els ar hundred; (cut on res-r vation) Wonleu i Knhn, $4S0ier. t in; hay cut outside the reserva ion, Mr. Mahr, 150 tons at $7.45 per ton; wood, Worden t Kahu,. 52 48 per cord; charroal, Worden b fairn, 18 ut. per bushel; freigl t transportation from Ashland to the Fort, lletmes fc Mai tin, 2 cents per lb. ''lidiugs. Revival Tha Macedonia Bp it chuich oil Deer creek, Josephine county. Or, has had an interesting re vival with the following results: At a ten da; a meeting held bv elder J. A. blover with that cbtfrctV, tirginfitiig on the 18 b and cosifig on the 27th of April 1885. "The church was revived and strengthened, and sinners aroused some attending the preachittg.whq sel dom, or never had iluringjlbeir stay in ihrs county. Tett tertoms -nlsllf pro fession that tbhy were converted at this meeting, Tanging-fftrth ten yeare old to married Mien and women. The church receive. I fourteen" nd litions as follows: one by relation', thirteen bv experience and baptism. Also bap tised onn whom the church had eight jerago received, bat from vat tout causes had not been baptised. To God be ell the praise. J. A. Q. Wbft Bahy was sicfc; wa gave her CA8TORIA, When sha was a drilti, she crid for CASTORIA, When sis became liiss, slit- cltirij to , . castWrIa, When tfie hid Caifdfenf sh gavt tUerti CAsfaftiA. MAttllllSf?. Schui.tz McDamel In this eitv, April V7,IB85.-by Hon, L- K- Webster cireait judge;-Cintflcs fScb'nltz and lira. Kale McDaniel. BCRN. IGalbbeath At Ii5nkviller Jnril 17, 1886, la Mr.-and Mrs. Geo, GalbreaUi, n. - DcssAW-iln TaMis Roekipreciacl, April 36, to Mr. asdlfrs. Jfteipsggas.a son. GOBBAXB la MMlora, I Betas y, Hpril Mik. 18SI. so Mi.tmi Mf. Cf Gad- Circuit Court. Docket. ACTIONS AT LAW. Chat. Nickell vs. O M. Krewson; to recover money. Mary Donegan vs. C. D. Reed etal; to recover damages II C. Dollarhide vs. O. &. C It R. Co ; same. Grave Creek Ditch and Mining Co. vs. John Rast, T. J. Crileser and J. C. Fullerton; to recover money. Same vs. sime; to recover money. Jemima Culver and J. Dollarhide, administrator of the estate of L. Cil ver, deceased, vs. P. W. Olwell; to re cover damages. Raymond & Magruder vs. John Swindeiif to recover money. Margaret Caldwell, aduiinistrattix of the estate of Win. S. C-tlilwuli, de ceased, vs. C. W. Broback; to recover damages. John White vs. Wm. Pialtj to re jover money. EQUITY CASKS. Martha Ely vs. John Ely; suit for divorce. Martha Fine vs. Edward Fine; same. B. W. Powell vs. Alice G. Powell; same. J. H. Redfield vs. GraceM.Red lield; same. , W- A. Cusick vs. J. .n. Cusick; Jos. Wilson vs. Xla Wilson; same Nancy Anderson vs. J).P Ander on;same. Frank Lorraine vs. Bernard Lor raine; pirtition of re.il estate. Henrietta Dejiooani vs. G. W. Holt, et al; to foreclose innrlgage. Slate nf Oregon v. Wm. Briscoe and F. S. Biwer; same. Stntn of Oregon, ex rel. S. J. Day, vs. C lunty Court ot Jackson, et al.: writ of review. Chai. Nickell vs. M. E. Pogue. ctal to foreclose lien. O. Hnrbauuh vy. -T. T. and Susan Raimev; to foreclose mortgage. L Solomon vs G. W. Holt et al.; to foreclose mor'gsge. cnmi.VAt. cse.i. State of Oregon vs. Ah Jim; held to Hiisvffcr for burg'nry. State vs. Juhn Myrtlr; hel 1 to ai swer fur larceny. S ate vs. Martin Market- change of vnnun from Jo-ephiue county. S'ate vs. Wm. Ma-;key; same. Stale vs. Fird Frame; held for lar cenv. Stale vs. Walter Tavlnrjsame. State vs. Amanda McDaniel; held for murder. Anaid-ri!iloned ldra. The old-fashioned idea that oi e should never enter u sick room with an -inptv Mi.mucli is a true one. The i:atiiu juice is not secro.e.l in nu euip'y Klniniicli) it is onlv v: hen food is taken that the stomach and diges litit commences ibat the gairic Juice is present. All germs ate Kill-d by coming in contact wiib healihv gastric juice tlierelore a full stomach fortifies one against contracting coti'agiousdis eases. De Haven's Dyspepsia Cure is esjierTalty ndarted to act Uiou the ill gM.tivejuicosof the sH-sten atftl keps them in a pure and natural condition. In this manner it ensures proper di cestiou and assimilation of thn fond. It never fills to effect a cure in the most obstinate cases of DvspepiiiJ, Indigestion, Flatulency and Sickhead ache. Sample bottles free at E. C. Brooks' drug store. Nobby Clothing jJt.ikk. Ashland Oregon is the place for every man ntn! hoy, old or young, to buy their Full and Winter clothing and furnishing goods because you can buy lietter good for v our money and you will live long and prosper, but if you gj nnd pay the old fashioned prices for good and then get shoddy clothing you are liable to swear because you are cheated, entcli coin because the goods are shoddv anil will not keep you wrm, and then die, and then what will be coiiip of ycu. Go to the Nobby Cloth ing Store by all means, take no such diancesl Tailor shop in connection. So you can get uny thing jou vant in the clothing line. CntLD's Sxow FnKK Every lady, wishing a cl-ar, delicate complexion, should use Child's Snow Flake. It nourishes and freshens th skin, re moves Tan and Sunburn, and, thenat ural s jiearance imparted, renders it iuiKssililn to detect its Use. Warrant f tierfectly harmless. Sold by all druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Child i Co, Drpggiste, Port land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly attended to, Price 50 cents. HfKrpt IheTVIiolo Hoave Awabr. "Washington. D. C Mr. P.O. Mc Cleary, a prominent solicitor of pat rnl6f ihNfcitv, wcg troublrd for sev eral wpfks with a M-vprn cOngh, which not Olib d'privpir Iiim of bis slnpp, hut annovtl others. The only thins: whieh ilid him any cood, hsav. was 'in new preparation Rnl Stsr Couuh Cure, a purely egetubla compound, free from opiates, narcotics of poison of any kind. For Sals. The undersigned, desir ing to remori to1 Portland soon, offers all his household and kitchen furniturn for sa'a at reasonabla figures. For further particulars enquire at my fesl Jenr. B- F. DowELL. PfASO For SaIle. K. Kubli has a n"rxt-b ass Hallett & Cuniston piano, near'jr newthat Im offers fors'aleata lmrcm. The id'strDiuent can lift feen n Mr. Kib'i's store on California street. TTinva Wtvrtri .TTifi nndersinned wilf.jTay ifm highest cash pjica for liear skins and all other kinds of furs, deer skins, etc- Call around lieforn wiling. Tnos J. Keyset. "WasteiI &j iniddb.sceil widon er desires to correspond with a lady alsout tha sauia agw. Oj-ct matn'motiy. Addnts J. R-. carBox 86, JacksAQvillv, Orrgon. AVllJ. YOU SUETfift with Dys pepsia and LiverCompIaitnl Shilob's Vitalizer is-guaraiueeu to cure you. For sale nt E. O Brooks. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, madonna erable by that terrible cough. Shlloh's Cur? is the rt niedy for you. Brooks keeps it. For lame Ba;k, Side or Chest ne Shiloh'a Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents, tor sale at iv u. urooss. A NASAL IN I ECTOR free with each liottle of Shilob's catarrh wmsdy. Price 50 cets. nt Brook's. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump tion Cute is iold by us on n guarantee. Tt. cures consiimiilton. Brooks can fnrniuh it. THAT HACKING COUGH can 1k so quickly cured by Shilnli's Cure. We guaiimtee it. C-ill a Biooka'. CATAHRHl CURED, hetltli nhd s-veet breath nccured bv Shilob's Cv t.irrh Remedy. Price 50 cents at E. C. BrooKs's. Naal Injector free. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shilob'ii core will give immediate er- lief. Price 50cts. and 81.00. Brooks keep it. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH nnd Bronchitis immediately relieved by ShiloliNCurc Brooks keeps it. t - Habitual, Contlliintloa Is h urolitic source of inierv':"ari'tl many ill, giving rie to Headache, Dullness, Fevers, Nervousness, R-st lessness, Bilioun(-K, Indigestion, Pois oiling of Blood, etc The bitter. nauseous Liver medi'-ivrs, pills, salts mid draughts formerly used to relieve the sufferer, only nggravate the disease and sicken tha stomach. All who an afflicted iu that wav. know the inipnr- lance of the remedy pleasant to the pilaie, barmlesslu us niture,and Irulv beneficial in its net ion. Tim trial bottles of Syrup of Figs given away free of uiargi hy our enterprising druggists Merritt & Robinson of Jack sonville prove that it is all that can be desired. Large bottles nt fifty, cents dollar. NEW ADVKUriSEMENrS. TII12LADIUS Of Southern Oregon, are hereby informed that in addition to a 1 irgeanil elegant line of MILLHSTEKir I have added to my stock the following cUsi ot goods, of v.hich I 1m vc a full Hue: Ladies' rurnishiag Goods, Both Knit and Madia. Iiifam's Wardrobe Complete, As cheap as to be bought nay place; also CHLDRENS" SHORT CLOTHES, Under 4 years old. A beautiful line nt HOSIERY!- Consisting of Lisle and Silk. Gloves, Ilandkerchicfe, Corsets, Eojplxy-r 33Ja.trovLmt And miny other things too numerous to mention. I have also secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, And nm prepared to execute all orders in that line in first-class style at reaSonub c rate. , Call and see me at the building form erly occupied by A. L Johnson on Cali fornia street. MBS. P. P. PRI M. TJSE gXJSTNY SIDE, A. CIIALE, l'roiirietor, CALffonsiA St, - - Jacksonville, Has just been furnished an e'egant new Eillidrd and Pool Tabic. The finest brands of wombs iygoDo&S & eisi Always on hand'. Notice To Tax-pa'ertf. All delinquent tax-payers wfi6 will come forward ana settle their trfXcs before the I8th liny of 31 ay, IHsi. will not be charged mileage or percentage. I do this, knowins the scatcitv of money. and that tax-p tyers Qnd it difficult to p iy their taxis without any additional ex pense. By avai ing' yourselves of thi offer you can s.rve nnrniy Afct. JACOBS, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Jersey Bull!' The undersigned lakes this mfrthod of informing the public that ho now keeps n fine bull,' Of three-quarters Jersey blood, who has: lew superiors in Southern Ore gon. in his pasture near Jacksonville. Tiirftf.Q liirintr Irt iilflri lliptr elu. in bis enclosure wiTl be cuarged $2.50, with 50 cents per week for pisturagc. Forfnrtnif parttaulsrs enquire at my butchershopin Jacksonville. JUilJN uuiu. JacVsonville; Xpril 2; IMS. Ccuitj Trrainrrf's Second bailee. OFFICE OF C . TRE USURER, Jacksonville, April 2nd, 1885. ) Notice I hereby riven that there are funds 'it the county Treasury for the re- iiemption or tuc lorowing county war farrts, protested lip to October Oth. 1880. Numbers 18W. 18Sil. 1887. 1884, 1883, 1850. 1858, 1853, 18C, 1877. 1601, 1&&, 1800, 1435, 1875, J801, 1800, 1803. 19t2. 1914, 1000, 1889, 1003, 1010, 1 124, 802, 15C9 In tcrest will cease from this dste. Newmas FisnEn, i ounly Treasurer. CuUTTTllKArttKll' PlIlsTNUTICK OFFICE OF CO THEASTJREB, ) Jacksonville, March 20. 1883 f Notice is hereby clven that there are lunds In the county treasury for the re- dcmptlon of county warrants, protested tip to 'ugnst 3iri880 inclusive. Intentt on tbe aase will cease from 1bic ditto. t Newmax Fkhk, ,. TreMtmrot Jackson Co., Or. &.KCJBLI, OuM Fellow's BnililiBg JstkswTillc, Drtsot DEAliGR AND WOUEJCR IN c - SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD; Pumps; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME.S4 Wails,- A FIRST-CLASS StOCK OF STPVES HARDWARE, TINWARE, PODEROF E7ERT DESCBIPTTON Fuse and Caps; WOODEN & WILLOW WARE- t, UU1 Cl, AlA.llOa Paints Oils, Varnish, Gli CDTLEItr, WIRE, Sbot,3rushs, Chains, ifoso ETC.. EIC- I have secured the services of u flrst cl iss mechanic, and am prepared to do Sm rl an repairing prompuv ana in superior st) Ic. In connection with the above I am re ceiving and have constantly on band a full nnd first-class stock Of GROCERIES, DUT-QOODS, OUM D 0T3, TOBACCO READY 3UDC CLUTUISG, GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, c. Everj-thlng so'd at reasonable rales." K. KUBLI. Jtc'csonville, Jfarch 0, 1S78. IIUiTliliS BHPURIIJA! Jacksonville, Oregon. JDHX MILLE2, - Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS of AGRI cultural implements, tools nf all kinds and a general assortment of shell hardware. He also keeps the largest stock of, and ali the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, AM) A FI7LL ASSORTMENT OF Pishing Tackle, Powder, Shot, Stc ALSO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL. Give him a call and examine his stock before making your purchases. Of either sex admitted to the r6ETLAND B0SINESS COLLEGE On any week-day of tie year. Tha Collegia Jonrnnl, containing inforas- .ion of tha'courso of study, rates of tuition, board, examinations etc.. and cuts of plain" and oTnahiefrfal penmanship, free. Address, A P. ABM3TBONG, Lock Box 101. Voszzixs, Os. In writing, pteuse mention this papfr. For Sale. Owing to ill health I offer for sale" the property in Ashland known as "Marsh's Planing Mill," also the Kean Creek Saw Mill property. I will sell tho whole, or one half of either or both properties, at a bargain to the right kind of a business jnan. This is a rare chance tor an active man to secure tne uesi Dusiness in oouin era Oregon. For partitulas apply to tho undersigned at Ashland, Oregon. L. 8. P. Harsh. Take Warning. All Ihose knowing themselves inrfehfed to the estate ot Madame Jane Holt, de ceased, aro hereby notified that an lm mediate settlement met be had af once and thereby save rosts. Jean DeBocoam Administrator. Jacksonville, Dec. 2t), 1834. Saloon for Sale. The saloon property at Chavoer'. bridee. consisting of tho hotm liquors and fixtures, is offered for sale at a!tsr gain. For particulars call on Thomas ('havker. xMteU QMd am, January , last. - I: r' Cisi r