' X" V s ""tef . C-p " s: C7' 1- flREOON SENTINEL JlCVilllOilLLKl Satckday, May 2, 1885. Fruit in this section it not a bsdly injured as at first supposed. Mr. C. N. Jordan, recently appoint rd Trcunrer of the United States, U to nmi individual who forwardrd tat $8,000 to Oregon to purchase an electoral vota for Tilden in 18S0 Tbni ii virtue rewarded by waiting He hat always been a con&dant of Tilden' and it Secretary Minning. it approved helper. In response to tha impatient ap Mause of the galleries, anxUus to ier ha Ruaso English play begin, it i ow annrunced, via the cables, that Ir. Gladstone has at length made up is mind to do something, and that breathless suspense of the sitaation sptsdily to be relieved by develop .eats of a truly irniational nature . o n.lara'i'A, cliiilMOU lo Por ud will leT Conncil Kff on June h, arriving about the 13th. The ain will consist of an engine, baggage r, one day coach and enouch sleeper i accommodate tha party. Fare for ir the round trip has been 6 zed at 21, and none but actual editors or blithers, aecon anied by no more tan ona lady will bs included. A hysician and drag store will accoin any the party for free use. Tha tour vill occupy eighteen days. Our neighbors at Victoria are roach txercited over the discovery of a Rus sian gentleman, who had been therr tnme time, ostensibly with the object ef buying furs, was really a Russian spy securing plans of the forliEcaiions and harbor for use by his gcvernment in cata of war between England and that country. It is barely poinibln an attempt may be made to destroy Brit ish property at Victoria, but a fea taen of war outside the harbor would Bake it exceeding difficult of accom plishtnent. Tha salary of the occupant of the White Home is never applied for by tha President, but is made out in the form of a voucher at tha end of each month and signed by tha Treasurer of the United States in regular order with hundreds of other vouchers. The Private Secretary is always gien the money, but the Department n quires tha receipt ta ba signed by the Prei dent personally. The monthly vouch rit $4,166 66 but for March, the Bontk just closed Mr. Cleveland drew 3,888 87, and Mr. Arthur $277 79. The President las appointed the following collectors of internal revenue: Cirneliut Voorhers, for the Fourth district of Miuouri, vica David A. Stewart, resigned; John Whiteaker, far the dittrict ef Oregon, rice John 0. Cart w right, suspended; r). Frank Bradley, for the district of South Car olina, tics Ellory M. Era v ton, sua ended; Hamilton S. Sheppard. for the Sixth dittrict of Virginia, vice William E. Craig, suspended. He also aji panted John Hohwjn to b collector of customs for the Astoria district of Oregon. The Los Angeles Herald, (peaking t crop pronpects in Southern Califor aia, says the demand for tha single article of cabbage is simply enormeus. Cirload after carload of tha popular vegetable is being shipped to the Ter ritories and to Texas, and they bring a return ef at least $500 an acre to those who ratio them. All the pros pects for a large fruit crop are fine for the present summer. About 17,000,. 000 grapj vin-s will this year yield their lacious fruit, while tha peach, apple, pear, and apricot crop will about double that of former years. Outside Opinion Al. Holman, associate editor of the "Pregcnian," has been in this section several dayg this week and the follow ing it what he says of our town: Jacksonville, tka county seat and the Bast important town in Jackson county, unites, perhaps, it may now have a rival in Ashland, was left to one side by the railroad. It was pais- ad. net from an arbitrary motive, but because it was not easy to build the road to it. The Uwn was located as a rnrniag eamp and for tha cosven ieaes of sniaers and quit wilhaat coo- aideratien of its possible future as a commercial town. Tha railroad pass es it five mile to the east. The town has unquestionably suffered, bat it is bv ao meant dead or in tha war of dyiag. It still ha tk large local trade it has always had, and. will re tain it. The new town of Medfon', aituatsd on tha railroad at the point Btarett Jaiksanrille, has gron iu a few aaeathi to be a thriving place of about a hundred houses, but ithaanot, as many expected, robbed Jacksonville -f its traaeMmaUil impartanea as a Central Point Side Track. An Aet ts Facilitate the Transporta tion of Freight. Be it enacted by the Legislative As sembly of the State of Oiegon: SECTIOX 1 That whenever a ware h mse shall be built ou the line of any railroad in this State, with sidetrack graded and tits laid down withou ex pent to said raftl-oiid company, and not lets than three hundred tons of freight stored in said warehouse ready for transportation, then it hall be the duty uf aaid railroad company to lay down the track with the necessary con nections and switches, and shall, from time to time, furnish freight ear nec essary for the removal of such freight, atd shall transport such freight in reg ular order as other freight t lraniwrt ed on said road, whenerer no1 ice shall lie given to the agent of the couimny, or ersiB .in charge of the nearest station thereon. Site 2 If any such railroad com pany shall fail or refuxelo comply wiih the provisions of this Act, the prrsrn injured by tuch failure or refusal shall ho entitled to recover against aaid railroad company in any court having iuridiction. a penalty of two hundred anu u(tv dollar'""" "c" wee ucrinj: cwhich uch neglect, failure or refusal shall cmtinue. On the strength of this bill, which passed both houses of the Legislature, residents of Central Point and vicinitr commenced and have nearly conip'eted the sidetrack for Central Point lately called Beallview and Sol Abraham intended moving his warehouse from Glendale to that p'ace. Yesterday we heard, however, and wc conxidei the authority gcod, that tlm bill had failed to become a !aw by the Governor Failing to sign it which, of course, would blight the fond hopes of Beall view in tha expectation of becoming the centre of population of thin county. Tha fact of the bill paioinghoth hduxea of the Legislature w6u)d indicate that it bad merit and had it been vetoed oar Legislators would then line known what to do. Awaiting further infonua tion we forbrar com men t at this time The cost of maintaining religion in the United States is one half a cent a year for each individual, and when we look over some o? the samples, we ire forced to the conclutiou that priced should be cut down. Minutes of Fruit Grower's Meeting- HELD AT JACKSONVILLE, APRIL 25th, 1885. Meeting was called to order by Prenideiit B. F. Miller. Ths count'i tutiou and by Ih mere read, and the roll cnlle.1. Ole Sever.on, S. J. Da, W. P. FitrgeraM, Martin Pviersnn, U. A. Hulibe), John E Roxv, It S. TllTi.l.... I NY Tk.lIB. S V. l.lNly I ' 'V Tm.vuf .Im-vii Rt.tliur.liil tf-t : ... .. . .v., Hb.- ..... ..-.u.., v C. Be. k man, II. MuEru; Kr. k Krauso and Clia. Nickcli juttied ill. Hwociation. B. F. Miller presented his report on the quemion of varieties of fruit, and their ailapia'iiliiy foi Kliipping; aUo read a communication from dipt. Morgan of I'onlaiiil on the kuljrct. Mi. Miller'a reort a received as given. He wan requested ty the akociatiuii to rtmtinae Ins in quiries, and make a further n port a home futU'e time. Th Secretary reail a communication from E H. Ros-1. general freight agent O. fc C. K. 1 . stating that any vpecimens uf fruit th. t ilia association dei.i ed to ftrwmd U. the Siatn Board of Immigration, woulu he carried free of charge over tlieli line. G. A. Hubbell otRred the ful lowing rrkolutions. Wiikueas, the tatn Board of Immi gratiun nas invited each cuunt in the 3-ate to organize a County Board ol Immigration to supplement its work. Tberetor be it molved, That, the committee appointed by the association at last meeting to for ward specimens of fruit to the State Board of Immigration, be ordered to wait on the County Cointuirsioner, to indue them to co operate with the as sociation, in organizing a County Board of Immigration. Considerable ducu sion took place en the motion. Win. M. Celvig, John E. Ross, G. A. HuU bel and several other gentlemen pokr on the question. On being put to yolt the resolution wan adopted unaiiimoua ly. John B. Wrislry moved that the President apioint a gentleman from each important district in the county to act with the committee appointed to confer with the Count) Commission ers, on the Immigration question. The motion was carried. The Presi dent appointed G. F. Pennebaker, G. F. McCounell, Martin Peterson, John B. Wriata, G. A. Hubbell. R. F Maury, and Thos. Hamoud G. F. Peunebaker wan chosen chairman of the committee. H. McElroy of Grant's Pass, favored the house with a short speech, which demonstrated him to ba a clear and impirnsive tpeakei; he assured tha association that the people of Grant's Pas and vicinity would not be larking in enterprise at.d sympathy with th Fruit Grower's of Southern Oregon. G. F. Pennebaker moved that we meet in Jacksonville on Saturday, June 27th, 1885, for the purpose of deciding where the associa tion shall establish permanent head quarter. Motion carried. Tne next regular meeting was ordered to take place at Grant's Pas on Saturday Mar 30! b, 1883. On motion of Martin Peterson the meeting a-ijnurned, J. Henry Griftis, Secretary. Closing Out Sale. To quit husineu. Our entira stock of general merchandise is offered for sale, in whola or k part, at cost If you want cheap coodx, naw ii yonr time to buy them as wc- mean jut irktnr..ay. JR&utxa 1ksv AUCTION SALE OF iik IffiM IK&QSIfiS&T Wagons, Plows, Etc. G. Karewski Will offer for sale to the highest bidder, On Friday. May, 1st, Ills immense stock of . MACHENERT AND WAGQHS AND IMPLEBENTS, Also, his entire remaining stockof GENERAL MERC 1SOW-IS "TOTTR C&AM Your 0-vsnaLlP REMEMBER THE DAY. Friday, May 1st, and come prepared to buy. G. KAREWSKI. CRONEMILLEtt & BIRDSEY, JACKSON I ALX.E. ilVI E3 :Eogu Grolcl Hill, AGENTS FOR LaBELLE WAOONS, BUGGIES AND HACKS. LANSING RIDING HARROWS WITH SEEPERS COMBINED, BUfORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRING 'I OTH HARROWS, Mc-SHERRY GRAIN DRILLS AND BfOAD-CAST SEEDERS, BUFORD PLOWS. ALLSTYLES. COLLINS CAST CART-STEEL PLOWS. BANDALL PULVERISING HARROT'S. CIDER MILLS. FANNING MILLS. CORN SHELLERS, HAY C ITERS. FAIRBANKS SCALES. COOPER'S ENGINES All U SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE W INT-MILLS. CHALLENGE GtfAIN CRACKERS, Etc. EXTRAS SERVED ON CHCRT NOTICE- We wiviM respertfullr ask our TuitrniW nntl friend to ctll and nee our line of gootld before purchasing elsewhere, ar we feel sure we can Sell As Low If No, Lower m Than anj first-clas qootls can be sold for; atvl we guarantee all our goods as retirecntcd. CRONEMILLE AND BIRDSEY. Jacksonville, Orejron. May 9, 18841. for Infants MCatateUs0wena4artedtaelinirent!iat s noeosiendltaaiapetlortoaBrprcKnptioa I some.- n.A.aacHm,JLD mSOster4Sk,Broak)xa,S.T. Frank Brothers Implement Company, DEALERS IN Farm, Mill Machinery RUFORD'S WALKING PLOWS, HODGE'S DOUBLE DRAPER Header LaBELLE WAGONS, WALTER A. WOOD'S MOWERS, M&SHEhRY DRILL AND LEEDERS, REAPERS. TWINE BINDERS, BTJFORD'S G4.NG i SULKY PLOWS, C0ATE3 SULKY RAKES, BUFORD-S RIDING AND ;EAR, SCOIT 4 CO.'S Kngine. k Threahere, WALKING CULTIVATORS, COOPER k CO Saw Mill Machinerv, RAN DALL tt HEEL HARROWS, CARRIAGES. SPRING WAGONS. 11IE CELEBRATED HOLLO .VTOOTH, BUCKBOARD WAGONS, HARROWS, Etc., Etc., E c. A Full Line Of Farm Machinery. Write for catalogue. Address either FRANK BROS.IMP'L. CO, Portland, Or. Or, R. W. PORTER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon. . , pr 11 3 m mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol nurity. r.renetb aad wholcsomeness More economical than- the. ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or, phosphate powders. Sold only n oh KOTAI.rjilXLsa i'CW. i Mi Co , 106 WaU-st N. Y. NDISE. BOX AT and Children. Caatorta euril OotJe, OeatHpatlon. 8onr 8tomaeh, Diarrboa, XracMUon. I Juusworaa, pvea steep, aa HMsa o. WUtajarboa sssdleatka. Ta Ossricx CosfftfT, IS FBltaa ton, H.T. - EXCELSIOR LITER V$K 1KB FEED TAUIiX. Corner Of Istoox ix Csureutu an., Jccxssi tills W. J. TLXMAXXt pr.p'r Would regretfully hrfbrm-the public that he has a Vine stock of tlorscs, Bacgica uni Cartages nd'he is prepared to furnish his patrons asd'ibe public generally witk Flae TarmaXt- s can-be had oa the Pacffc coast. ?ad die horses hired to go to any part ef thecoanty Am1 aaala BaagM aad SaU. e- ice to work single or doable teA'tuuTtb heatof care he Ho Horses j KowedJ 'them While ia my charge. AUh rlf:r, 141 en I CASH STORE!! CAROBROS Has just opened a flae stock af General Merchandise AT Bis motto is Quick Hales and Small Profile. And he feels assured that all who fsrer him with their patronage will be satis fled with his prices" and the quality efhis goods, lie aeeps dbt ooon OKOCKRIES, raovisioxs. CLOTHING. i OKKisttiKO ooont, HATS AND cars. BOOTS AND 8U0U, nd everything usually found in a Arst class Genen.1 Merchandise Store. lie will give his customers the benefit of the reduced freights caused by the ad vent of the railroad, and wilt sat be under 'sold by anybody. ' . M. A. BRENTANO, Manager.. Phoenix, t tregon, Feb. 23, 188. JACKSONVILLE NURSERY A. S. Johnson, Pro. As the demand for fruit trees is so great in this valley 1 have started a Nur sery In this place nnd will raise nothing but the finest varieties. This year 1 wi 1 sell from IheWoodburn Nurse y as usual and also from the -celebrated Alameda Nursery, Oakland (,'al. The following are some of the leading varieties I will keep: Foaoliesi. Early York Brlggs Red May. . and L. Crawford's mump World. Wale's ejriy salwar. Amsilen Suiquehannah. Alexander Jlary'st hoice. Orange C'lng Yel ow Scrgen. Lemon Cling and many more. Z'x-u.za.ooi and PXixxxxai. Pctlile Prune d'Agen Peach Plum. Italian Prune Yellow Egg. Go den Prune Coe's Go den Drop. Grosse Prune Bradslmw. t Cathriue Prune Japan Plum. berries, Nectarine, Apricot, Quince. pple, French Goosberry, Orejpm ham agne Berrien, and all kinds ot ornament al and shade trein. E. N. BAKEH, Merchant Tailor, Jaclssonvilla - - Oregon. The subscriber takis pleasure in in forming the public that be has opened a I'ailorsliop. r . t - DM TTKE 0 G5E F3IL7 Building, and that he is now prepared to in all kinds of work in his line in a hii H'rior manner and at prices to suit the times. GyClathins made after the latest and best styles. A laree lot of samples al ways on hand to select from. R.N.BAKEII. 3HANGE IN MANAGEMtNl or, THE U. S. HOTEL, Cor. 3d and California Etc., Jacksonville - - Ogn. flaving takcir charge of this hotel the undersigned7 take pleasure in announcing to the public that a complete change will be made. ZMi.e Tatolo will be supplied with evetythinr the market (Torus, and a general renovation' ol tne 33oc3CaV 2Xct: ftoozaa will be made. The pdfronnge of the pub lic is solicited. J DzRcsoax. City Lunch House Fred GroB, PropxMtor. Having moved to-my new stand on CU1 itornia street opposite the TJniosr livery stab e I ask my friends and tie public genera'ly to ghe n.e a cal'. I keen I'eer. Wine and Cigars and X3T A first class lunch can be had at an) time for 33 cents. FREDJJROB, UNION RQrEL, KrrBTTille Orecaa, Mrs. M. Rydtr, Fropr. First-class accommodation can always be had at this house at the most reasona ble rates. tar An excellent stable collected with tfaehotvi. Gift B1RBE1 SHOP CauroKxtfc St., JaeaUaarille, - - - Orcgaa. The undersigned Is ftlly prepared to do all VorS in' his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. F.EITSCHiED, SSlAeTIOAI. Watcbiukxx- d Jewxlxx, CaHfaraia Sr-ft,' AKES a specialty ot ckaniag and re- MSNWHuVt. Civs a call. ton ci m mm AT E. C. BROOKS' New Drug Store, Jacksonville, Or. Cloolxjaa. A fine assortment of 8-day clocks, with ana without alarm. XVMoliea. Gents', ladles and boys gold and silver bunting-case, open-face and skylight watcnes, iroa f3 to ?150. BrAoelots. A fine lot of ladies' gold bsnd and banjlt bracelets. Diamond and ruby rings, cameo stnnt cameos set with diamonds, cameos set with pearls, garnet and pearK turnnnis and pcarKand onyx rings with limdec mottoes, solid gold band and bangle rings, plain and solid t'allfornla r'ngs. fevcolryi Diamond: its in every shape. Ladles' Vh of fewr-lfy from the 50-ccnt r-WMs or jcv black set to the $200 birdsets of diamonds. Gents' and ladies' gold chains, lockets and charms. . Pins and Buttona. Gents' gold scarf-pins, scarf-slides, studa and Millar-buttons. aBll-vcx Wnro. Silver and silver-plated knives, lorks. spoons, napkin rings, silver sugsr-spoons and tongs in cases 3VXlasoollMxxooxxai. Gold ana silver thimbles: gold, silver and steel spectacles; and a full slock of every thing in the jewelry line A full assortment of perfumery, toilet soaps, etc lot of steel engravings and pictures for children. In short, a complete and first-classlineol HOLIDAY GOODS. U! to be so'd at the LOWEST PRICE! tlso acconlenns, violins, banjos, and the best 'ineof violin.puitnrandbanjostrings. The best sperm oil for sewing machines. 4 lull line of Drugs and Medicines. tQfc. Prescriptions irefuMy compounded E. 6. BROOKS. m TOWN HP MfflDRD ! Lots for sale at Inw prices and oa easy terms. Apply to J. S. HOWARD, .Agent, at Medford. Also, in the R tllrond addition to tin own of A: HAND. Apply to I. L. McCal', Agent, Ashland. PHOENIX. Apply to M. V. B. SOULE. Aecnt Phoenix. GOLD HILL. Apply to M. E. PGUE, Agent, Gold GRANT'S fSASS. Apply to 3. M. WILCOX, A ;c!itGrant's 4:s Oc-m GEO. Ii- ANDttKA S. O. & C. R. KCu,, PortlnnU 0 DAVID LINN, ARD CEALKR IS COSTX2V TILXmSXISiGS. COFFINS FUUNISIIED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at an other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kind kept on hand oi made to order EMPIRE HOTEL. AZoclXoxc3.t Or. J. W". Cnnninghan, Prop This commodi ns and well arranged hotel is now open for the accommodation of guests, and will be kept on the moat approved plan. He tali e will a'ways tc inpp'icu witii the best the market anorus. iipecl dnccments are ofi-red the traveling cial in pi ub- lie J. W. CWI Medford, Feb. 25, 1884. CUNNING II Ail. Criterien SilHard Sulocn CALIFORNIA ST., CATON & GARRETT, . Prepri&ters. THIS populai resort, under new man. agement, is furnishing the best brands ot liquors, wines and cigars. The reading table is supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading papers of the Coast. 'Give me a call. The Bislifp Scott Grammar SOHOOZi. A KMrdlng ad Bay fefcMl rr Baya, The seventh year under the present management win begin September 2d. Boys successfully fitted for College or for business. Fire resident and three visiting teachers; Discipline" .trict. For further information and for catalogue containing list ot former pupils. Address S. W. HIEE. Head Master, 2m a23 Drawer 17, Portland, Or. Orfpat for Sale. TBe UBdersigned offers for sale on easy terms to a good party afirstlass Tiber organ, 10 slops, being used bQtarfew weeks. For particulars enquire at this office or address the undersigned1 at Phoenix-. GEO. CROSS. Phoenix, Or., 8ept. 3th. lgffc 'Xastrca-T' 3HTotlr. Notice is hereby given that I. the ne dersigafd, have taken np one Day none maked as IWlows: Two white feet on right side, white speck In right eye, Tore. years nldand appraised by J. W. Wimer, ., -m.L-T-z .uH-i.M ..!.. at twattvaouar T ...... DliLHMlT.Sr; -i ER1ID CELEB&ATIOH 1 AM ASSS KiTTEi? At Jacksonville, Oregon, ox St Tammany's Hay Under the auspices of CRKICMAN' PxTAn VtiS TElBEf SO IMP'D O-R. M- Exerciiea Of Iht Day. Emenrine from their new Wirwsm i corner of Call ornia and Third streets i I o'clock r. M., the Order will pirade thl principal streets of Jacksonville, headc by the Jaclcsoiivil'e Silver Cornet Biinc AND OTHER BANDS. On return of the procession to the Wigwtj HON.H.K. HANNA.P. S., Will dtliver an address, which will be followed'by approprtaUf- vocal and lruttUC mental music and the DEDICATION Of their new Wigwam; besides other In. tercsting exercise;! ; alter which there wi.lbea Band Contest For three prizes, with a The whole to conclude Gnl Xlnll nc a of music has been prtKMired for this event, and the committee has eft nothing un done to make it the grandest bin ever given in Southern Oregon. Ticket including supper- $3.01. ALL A RE INVITED TO ATfEu P. OoxaeL-aoLlttoes. Reception II. Piipc, Sr., T.T MiKrn. zie. Adam Schmilt, E D. Foudray. E. U. &tnnandE Jacobs. JIuir . F. Eddy, 11. Pape, Jr., D. W. Crosby. Floor 3rani.?crs J. C. Whipp. Win. Mensor.Clws.Nickell, Cbas Pnre l.llrait Dean. Char es Prim, J. T. Roloson, Uavo CnncmilliT. Detomtion D. W. rrosby, II. Pap, Jr D. llanlin, John liicvt-nuc, Fr.ntc Lnraine. Generhi Committee Adam ScLmitt, JimcsG. Birdscy.J. It Little. $ SILAS J. DAY, Nuiari Puhlic, Rial Erfule Jgt. Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. Xiorvl I3ooud( Of all kind drawn up, especially pertain ing to mu siiuement ot estates. Collector of Accounts Prompt Pemiltunccs. Investment Securities a Spechltr. Jackson County Scrip Bought and Sold. I have a complete set f M ips of all Surveyed Lsinds in this county, and re icive abstracts monthly l'ronr Itoebar of nil new entries in ulc. I am thus pre pared to make out Homestead and rrc cmptioi papers, and can thus save to" par-tii-sthe expense of a trip to HoscbUf (.and Office. Several fine farms arc in my hands tor sale. Prompt reply made to all letters. Charges in accordance with the limrs. llefere, by permission, to C. ' . Biek man, Esq., "B inker; to Hon. I. II. Web ster, Judge of this judicial district, aua to any business Iioum; in Jacksonville. Office at south east corner Ca Ilorn'm and 5th street, Jacksonville, Orej,tin. SILAS J. DAY. MAX MULLEK, P.O. Snildicg, Jcckscnvilfef BKALKK IS General Merchandise -pilE UNDEIt-lGNED TAKES L pleasure in informing the public that he has purchased L. Solomon's in. terest in the POST OFFICE STORE. Vhlch will be kept stocked wilU a com plete and first class assortment of giii(iral merchandise. I will sell -t Very JUasemable Hat. Give me a call and ace for yoursslves. r yoursslvf! JlTTLLElt MAX JacksmvHle Oresceat Oitv Kail Koate. F. McMahon, Froprietox Stages leave Jacksonville every Monday Wednesday and Friday mnrninjrs at 3 a m. arriving at Waldo in the evening, where close connection is made next morning tor Crescent City. When the new wagon road is finished about January 15th through tickets to San- Fascisco will be sold for $18 by thir route. Express and order business done at re. ducei d-rates. P.McMAHON Proprietnr Miss S. Johicson. Miss Ju. Cxveks. IXressraaking. We arVBOW prepared Intake orders for snythinr n the Bressmahiag line and aste tbe-ladfes ("Jacksonville to give us a hare of their patronage- We Guarantee Saiiffactvon tpricea lower than" ever akTrinrjsek., uwvt imntn nR miucDCE Dt d. ?. TA..M1 eBfltvAitA atrial- t "" ? ---- -is, ,t iaJM.vj V