iL ... OREADS SEHTlBJSLl JACK-oWil.l.K Saturday: Atoil 2"j, 1SP5. TIip Silvrton Appeal uniiouiups jliat lion. John II. Jl'tchell will i turn to Ofpon in June, to restdi f ruianditly, aii'l welcomes him home. TllOUntlU3 of OlIlcM will j iiu ill the . welcome. "It is a fact worthy of notP, and One --. .of which ilia Republican party ma ij ; veil lee! proud, that though tlie ml ministration has changed binds nfiei twenty four ipar of rulp, i pt aftpr thorough siftiti"; Iy the now heads u( the department, no fraudj liavu been found. . Tlie inilirog'io in Europe is sli'.l cimtueting. Stock iluctuiip in tin Loudon inarlipisaccnidiii?. as tlm news foreacp if fnoralde or iiiifiiornble. This Russians Htii jiui tinv: tlieir cii.i III a date of Killing defence. If In 'iin time in what Russt desiies she i sui ceedin" admirable Secretary Lamar, in tho easu of the ,'iate'of Oienii latlni; cUiui lo'.eiinii. ' lati Jb in tomiship 41, Likeview html district, under (lie sunn. p iaiel act, de- eiilps n"uitii-t (he Mule and in fniur u! tlm kelllers. The latul in qupoiion i cinliracen 1C0O Mcren and thn t-a-e ha Wen Jieinlin fur hr eral ear. Tl.e wcretar' iewn a ecu id with thop o: the former land coiiiniksioner, Mi Farland. Spliator Fair of Nevada, fipakini: of the ntOiiagp of hilvir ciiiiiis? : "Wlmt the Proldeiit thinks ah-jin ii doe not amount muih. Ii i'- with UoniPhM and Cun::r"i wi'l mn turpend the. ci'lias1. Th'-re in juiv tically no fueh nurii'tia 1 1 ilvi r as ii resented. Nearly the atnouni ofS-IC. 000,000 ljinj; in the treaMirv uiulii-i-itt reality in riiculatio'i ly im-aii of cerlilicatPK.- Thia agnation ahoui -Ver i ki'it ti like a real inaiiv olhei Fcheiuee in Congrehs tv men uhuni to Oiox li-iw much they know. Ii i.- Uforiireil." That all ieriainin to tlm elfirenf 1he iiinniunitiuii now cnining into hit State, nnd to ourUp, lin nyMi-mii i Cal!v and wll doll", the. S'iHi" laiatd of iiiitnijjratioii in asking each count of the Statu to oran'rt' r loci' Inietil of ini'liitfratinii. Y U Ii.i-p veeu lln JioardV latter. Ytti know that ' l-gL.laiurH has regarded this matter f ititiiiisratioi) of eniineul iuinriiic. TliB legiiitatuiu ha tjiveii a rMiiiin amount of niotiey for th hoinlV use We should et at much oml fi in this money as iosili!e. Tnese local boirda ap necesK.iry In pinjH-rly eoin JiIpIp. what thn legi-liilurp hasluai. As real economy isu-iiiny the uio.t gaod from 'Air money we do and -lieml, in iidthing can Jackson rnuu'v iI'ii1mi more pcoiiom', Mid same linn; l.em quickly hetn Dtpil linancislly, ami n largely so, as an tiiiiiiediatp move in tht niatter. If wo havn ndtiint'isey, and will makii them know if, many pen pie will invest in this coitiry, and the result will I ip good. Just as theMaie board of immigration, is of ood to tin who'n state, so in proportion will le local hoard of im;s.ir4lioii to Jaiksnn county. O'her wiin ies am awaken Ing in this matter,, and thai .lacki.nn county lie not lu-hind, and luckwanl It is for us 10 organiz a local Wind u tniiii'graiion thiouuh our i-oinmis-inn em at- their next iiiepiiiia in Ma Tliere is no u.-e livim: in a couiiik OHP thousand years liffore we pi' 1' dpeloiel, when it c-in he dfVrh-ps-. in our day and spiierviion. A 'rt'' in ihe "Times'' of last week sixs, ilo-n ara thousands of peop e in ouronn statu that know nothing of uhu Jiave in Jat-ktJin cniinM; anil wh le lieve it. Rogue Rier ta'ler i, level. To kPC it is "O lldmiiP ii. The nllet ii very taluahlefor fruit 'no valu.ihli for c minion farmi'-g. Mo.l of ih frait lamia are the lands, he cause fruit has heieiofoie hiul llm low est considera'ion. We can i.ii,s- m ui kinds of fruit which tor -u Iness cm not be heal rn. Wh havo a Kplpinbil climate. Nupirluf the slate is tipi it to it, nml in her clinrite Jackson county is a million tiie. IVn art som men having notiiingelse to d., and iiicliuaUwis m do worse, My ihe can't lire on clima'e. Yet it is ilm life of sump men, urn I ilier will inves thnusaiids of dollars in it. It is worth isilliuna of dollars to us. AH in ul tbil coun'y ix such that 'o nuke i known is to huny forward its impor tanee. We thou'd li.ivo a local Umud of iiumisration who h dutv ii will l-e to gather and In keep on hand in Portland for inspection samples of our produce. Mak known the count i nd to gire jwrstinal Riieiitiou to im migrants free ofiharKa. Tlieiv is no man awake who fails to seo tlm duty this poumv oes to its-It in tl.i . . . -.k . MMMIIr M I lt M Il !(. H'1"" ..-,... "' this h 'ailed hy the com, L:t r . " J&oomu.. Dro. 31cErnr of the Grant. Pwm "Courier," sai in ou-r s.v.c utt: yeste. ilar iiml Indus a uea coiner io Suih em Ori-smi n ale.l him mint he thought of Jacks-nu couutv. Hi iiwmer u as as follow and he says he mean, eiery word saidc I', can be no longer dim'-led that -J.ick.-OJi cnvn'r most assuredly is the Eden of S-iUthern Oregon, a least from an nj.ricu" lural it and point. Tne extensive nml feril .valley of Ro,;ue Riior pns-nl lit theme for the pen of tho mwI himI the of theariisi. To ill" i migrant hailing from 'he bleak and chilly clime of ih- Norilnw-s em JSiaiPs wheie, the clima'e is nliimM u - bears'. le thin part of tj.mtl.ei n Oh ".on extends n til stcoid'nl welcome. S III nneliaa spoken nf ;i ptindi-. funned by ihe LitTniv Z"phyrs of im eternal spiiti"; and .clothed in n tjo, eeoiiK sheer of ei-er lilo" mini flittt' Mild licll ill the lllelr.dv of liatlir.- cln.icest songsters. We may milt fancy thit this portirs.1 ilescriji'inn iiiii-nd.-d fur f lii-t ennntry ami Im a stiinnviii of Rreue 15 ipr nllf. Hut to lhoe w Imi half ilnt-lt htlP fjr eeii the jeit frT -iirK uill l.i-iu il out ill uhat we h it n.iid. Wliili ll" snow of litsl 7inter otAeie.l ! V, .mihih vulh-y fr.nn 1G to 2 I intli ,. im snow laid on tii jii.iiini in thi niley. Filpndid ivatir, nine n r nil 1 miisiiiliiulit t-c nrr 11 L'ue Riti allpy stind-i oceile.. and aliinu." T i- the opinion of the ' practimV ,io1iiicians anions the .New Ymk I) iiiocriMy tl.iti tin MpjHitniiii-ni oi j IVurs-'ii as Piuliiinsler, uivs 1 1 ;o' i-rooiship in the lleiiihlic!ins ilrs F-i1 0pr 1,700 p'aces giten tin-.tiiitg-wunilis in one luiep! Whi. I hi t lllliri" JiIhOk I hull I hex cull gie us vole-I'' exehiinied One lending Demo crat, oil hearing nf the 'oin'llietlt T oil's a fnc', and that's hit' goinv ti Upset the I).ln ruilitf plei'iclli II nt long rtin'i-iL'eil D'-mocratic powei; inaik our ptedictioi ! Josephine Circuit Court. The folloAirg proc'Piling sit" lie "T iiii-s" took place in the t-nenit conn for .! M plilnc cotiliiv, ut ihe Apill teiu h.i-..r: O.lii'crs priveiit lion. I. 11 Will -tie, Ciu'iiit J i-Jir-; l'. 15 K-n , lJi ntci A'l"rne; Clia Iluglof, Cleit; C A. Ileiwy Mnilir. J. 1'. Mills un siiiimnni-d as a grnml j iror, ice John (Jeoige, i-cue.! on 4Ci"Uol of sii-kliess. II B. .Millei k U-. vs. U. .M Hi - H-; ! I rem el Inoliel- Judeoiflil ll- 5--'t5iili-i'if ' Ihe A. P. ll.oVing' C. vs. P. A William-; to lecnwr nioloy. DlMiii-s ed nl c-osl ot plaintiff. 1.. I.-oiiaid V-. (J ins. iiml AnlieM lolnisoii; lij in;lluii. ArUfd an., iil'iiiiit d. I, L-i until vs. L E. Ne'; to cm l III sheitirs sale, b le niilii III I ale l-lel .t-iol ill. olel Io lilletio tin Ll I n.ini.i Iiu- v II. II. M.lur.t Co. v. W. M. II. !; In iH'uur money. Diniuissed a' I p iiinliff s cos. tj ui." ot ijreer.ti vs. .tanin ale Wii. Maek-i; iiiiinler in ilm liist il, jiee. nlanda i' of tLe Sjupieme C'nun enti-nd. 5jiales.C 0 Bigelow; iudielineii for soling liij'inr uiihnut license. Ly older of tint dist -'cl in I III IK v. Win Newman vs. Win.; I. sviiit possession of teal eta . C i ii ii .1. Win Ii Lee v Win Newinai : siii l' in i.c oilii'ilig. f'r. S.nm. t-'mie -. Maiiiti Win. M-n-kei; iiiimli-r in the Jiisi-ilen e. M..1101 t'-.r 1-llSllge of xelllll' 1.1 J.II-SS.H eoiliiti made by ill feudani'is couiisi illoui'd. N033V C1.OTIIINU STiRS. Aslihilid Oii'gnii Is I lie p nee f..r eii-r 1111111 1.111, old or nung. In loic their Kill in. I Winter clothing nml fui iii-hini; .jno Is oii can Imv iM-iier e(MH forxoiir inoiiex nml vim id !' Ini" ml prosper, l.ut if ion ; 1 uii.l ptv ! old f.hioii.-il pi ice for eo. lis imd hen gel shoddv olothiii-: inu illelliole In swear lecilllSe n lllo che.lllll. .Ill-ll eu'll l.eeiltse thn eoods HM- shoddv and will not keep mi w ittii, hikI then die, sod then what will tecum- of tl. (Jo to the No'.'y Cloth III" Slore liv nil nieins, ee Imsllcli .Iiiihi.-I T.iiliir ship in connection S 1 veil -in "ei mil tiling jou '".III! Ill iIm. clothing line. ClIH.nsis.vow I'ttst E.erv, wUhllie iiil-iir. ile.lei.e c oii.l.-xieii, should ue (.'iiil.l'.s Snow 1' 1: lllllriles Mild ls-sll-IIS the skill. ! and Siiiiliurn. and, Ihe list unil h eirMiij impirtetl, rentiers t uhhissIii 111 ih-ti cl iisii-e. V.irr.ini si i-ifec;l" lnr:ii'i.s. S .hi l.v all drlljei. or he ihe IH lmf"U;llUer, Is.Ii'ii A'.Ch Hi C., Driuiist., l..ri Uiid, Oiegin. Mid orders (loinpilt Vlteieleil to, Pi ice TO cats. WattcDi A si-i(i..n bv a ma,H ninl Wife Io tMSerh-llse- .f n ho'el III 11 til ("irtioii of Jrtcks,!!. cHiniv. Tviii x perinjie is heir rissoiiiMeodiiim awl e.Mll lefelfllres C.IJI le "lieu if te qiiied. Call on or nddresx SkSTIsKL i.llis- Jscksi mille. O.eeoll. I TlinCS WaVTKU The nn l-rsiune-I . ... lit .... . al u I.l.Iiu.i ...! . V-s lut-ip ; Will imt M.f iiij;i,-si i, iii .- .... l.iHsMiiiln!l nlhe- siti.lsof fur-, ilerr I y,lity eltf, C"H Biound Iwfore selling. i Taos. J. Kexxev. A-UCTIN SALS OF-. lain iMHiiai Wagons, jPIows, Etc. a daaii Will cJTer for sale to im WrMmjv Mjs lst9 IIU imnucsL' if iibert 'm mm m ihpiibhts, Als i. his cnl'r. rc:ii-iin n slo.-fc of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. rriorr o VnTT"1 '1 , i nu 1'xisT" A 'T' A' ! t w xo X j U Ai in xlx ivui j x j jj J jl Ix x "sOIUO? C3s7i7Ziil.TOS. JiEMEMBEltTilli DAY. Friday, Hny 1st, and come prepared to CltONEMSLLER & BU1DSEY, JACKSONiAl.T.n ,G N I S FO.'t LtRKi.i.E wa'.on-. ani haqk. LANDING tMl.lNi: !I.i:UiU n 11 .-KK1-EKS COM P. INF. P. i;irF)i!DcuLriYA nuts and "si'iti-vo r utii haimhws, MsrsilKRiiY t:i!AIN IHMI.LS AN. JiitOAD-CASr &LEDE 5J-. r,UFii:irpi.t)w-i. a!.i.siyi.e. QOLUNS i.'.s5.r fAs-T-viEKI. PLOWS. ' IIANDAI.L -UI.VKRISING IIA-tUOYysi. CIDER MIl.l.x FANNINC MILLS CORN SUELLERS, 1JAY UITKR-. FIRI!NKS SCALE-;. t. U( lERS V N( : I N Es AND A W-M I LLS CIlAI.I.ENt.E l-NH-MlLI.s-, C1IALLENUEURAIN CRACKERS--, E-c EXTRAS SERVtD ON f KOriT NOTICE- Wo u'ntiM ro; pptfiiiiy tisk dtir ;.:itntns :nnl fripnds Io p:i! :iml pc 'iir linu nl" g;coiI bcfnru iiiirU :trt:.n" cVfivIicit, ji vc luul emu wi- IMI. Sell As Low Df Not Lower Tln'ii tiny lir-t-i-l is iriKiiM ssui ho snlil for; :inl wo ail niii sjiintls iis-itfjiicsfiitotlr CROXKMILTiR AND BIEDSEY. Jrksvnriil'. Oregon, llav !. tSSl tS&rttw-wxxrw.s&m-& vor Dnfanto "Ca;tertjLisoTrcnci:-te:)cin!-iCttt trecojann-;:llta3cuiKaortoa7j rir-.,iuaa Uui. tu I.IU. 11. a. -rni. :...!., d VI Co. Orionl Et, E<. ". T. tl Prank Brothers Implement Compsiiiy, DE ,LERS IN l-.lJKORD'-s WALKING PLOWS, lIODfiK'R LDUP.LE DRAPER IIiadu: LaI'.EI.LE WAUdNS. WAI.IER A U til IDS .MO liR.-, Mr.sllEI.RY DRILL AND lEERER5', REA PICK'S. TU INE 1! NI)ER. IIU KURD'S V,' Nt: & tULK Y PI UWS. C. I IN .ULKY I5AJ.CK RUKuRDS RIDINU AN'D i;EAR, M.'O.'T.v C Lnaiu-. & WALKING CULTIVATORS.' COOPER .V CJr4. tin. .Mi.-im,..,,. ISAMnl.l. v HEEL HARROWS. CARRI.(?ICs.. SPRING WAGuN-. rilEuELEUKATKD IHM.I.o ATOOIII, ROCKRUARD WaGON. HARROW S, lie, Ec, E"c. A Full Line Of Farm" Machinery. "Write cat-tlojtn. AiUa-ss cither KR.tNK DROS IA1P"L. CO, Pn I'nml. ()-. O, R W PORTER. A..'e..t,0r.-o-...i C-i. l).e..i,.if ai.r.l I r, 11. excelsior J-.,.. - K - .-- - , 44 Lotwr Ui i:n:n ip(;Aiiroi:MA its.. Jacks, n 1 W. J. 2ISEI&LV, prop'r Wruilii rrsrsx-ifnUy inlorra the puhli -1 thst-ho has a Use btocK ot Horses, RugpH-s nntl C'nilnci' tnd he is prcpnrfd t-i furnish his patron and the puhircjjrncr.tlly vrtlli. Kim- Ttirnuiitft v is rin ! had nn the Pacific crs't. Pi dlt.. horses, hired t-i "o to any pan of the cotiaty Antmnls ami Sol.l. ITorsis hro'je to iror s!nTlP "r rTmi.1 llnrs" lmnletl an-l the li't of ctr-1 1 Mowed npna Ihem while in mr rlnret A lili-ral sh".re or the p'thlic patrrnas. Is solicited 03 rcaiosahls term vu QW Ollia the h's'icst ui Jd r. itnc&of and QhKdrena C'r.rrli cucj Colic, Ccnstlje;" . Vmxi l.romach, Dlarrlicoa, Ens t isn. JL' TO&a'isjnria ' ' -i orms, givua cax'p, iivi wits3 &i : CESTiri Cosast, IS rultoa Circct, H. T. -JsJra.Jl,,l,fa.fca.tJt)N,i, j ciearanee. Sale 'Mrs. P.'V. Prims' Mi iinexy Store. .- OR THE NEXT TH-RTY CAYS I v,-iU olT.-r my cnlirsftoc'c ? C.1NT AM) FREIGHT! .' ccnsis'.ins ir HATVoF ALi. STYLES, HI P.RONs. ' KEATlIF.Rs. I'LOWIcf. CUbi.ARS , , and cures, '7oIITsn?t OUNA5IENTS. SILKS. LAOES. "'tallraiu' anJ LuIIrs Hjulktrejitfx ETC., ETC, ETC. Call and peliemi.i Ihs building fnrm rlrocrnpipd by A. T, Jilin"n "n Pali. .W-ia street. Hlfe. PP. PKI1I. II 'BJi fTOBE-Ii 2RO BROS lias j list opcnctFa Gncitockof General Merchaniise AT - A'" - Iiij motto is ? Quk'l.SttlcsauiTrSimtU Profit". Anil hfW Is '.assured that all who fjior him with llieir p-.tso'iic will Uo s-ilts. thd nitli !iib prii-s and tku quality oVliu e()I)Is lie sups n:r civiih, (ItlN"kRir. I'BOVIMIUVS. Ctarni.NO. tBiiMSIIINCRIO.S. llAts AMlt'AI. Ujor? ANUains, 1 nil everything Usifilly found iu a firl cjs. Generti Mciclntnilfcs; store. He will sire hi ciisii.m rs the lx;ntfil of the n iTncnl freights raiiM d by t hf i.d i nt of the railroad, and wih notisrundcr sold by aiivlaidv. ' Jl". A. llRKNTANO. Mana-fr. Hinmfjc.'' rtgonM"ili.'!3.1ite4. JACK'iOKV LLE NURSERY A. S. Johnson, Pro. As Iho dimnrfl for fruit trees is so great in ll.isM.llir 1 l:llUda Nur ssrv in this plaic'nnd will raise notbiii:: imi the tiucsi luiiitiiF. 'Iliis iinr I ui sell ii m the ci dbiiin Nur.-ey as usual .mil aso trnm the Alnmuli Nur-eiy, Oakhiml ( al. 'I'm- following ireMuno of the leading variitks I uill keep: j?cnclicn. I'ailyYoik Rris"s Rul May. V.. and L. t'nwfor.l'i tutim.i World. '.V:.:.'oe riy Mihw.. Am.-deii Susqi;ili:ti.!uli Alesind. r Jl.irjV lioice. Urauw C nig "i I n'w terser.. Linimi Clin; and many more. PruixoM pud 3?lxxx23ii. Pet lilc Prune d'.Vsc't P.-.-ir!i Pluia h.i'.iin Pune " Yellow Has. (Jo, di 11 L'liucr tot's Go den Ru-p Urosse Prune liiid-ha K'aihriiic Pittne- Jsp.-.n P.tim liri". Nict.iruie. Apricoi. Qiinne ' pphv Fr:-nch Co .sherry. )rojnn Inui -iieii- Ii- rrh-s. aril all kinds ol orn 1 1 and li adotriej Y1:J. B.lKE"Hr Merchant Tailor, Jackson vills - - Cregon. T1ip Fti'iseiib'T ttikis p'ensurj in dr- .iimin Hf public t Lull he liua opcneila r.iilorthop. y - J , 3B tf. SILT EEU FI- 'ni'di'ic, -in 1 lint h is TiWpr -ivir-a tie 11 -i'l k: 1 Is oris irk ri lis Itn tras-- ii .r m nit rand at pr.ccs to suit th Ullis. r3"i'l!hi'i!r mdeafttr the :al"' and s-ytcs. A l.irse lot of samples al i'.ivs on ii.iu-1 lo select fm'n. R X. HWvT.K- JfJAK9 IN MA'KAa.MMI or. 1ji2 3'j 3;. 55a, tiit? a s'iBi. Cor. 3.1 and California Sts.. Jacksonville - - Oarn s Riv-'irj l-iken c'rirjejif this Ifnll the 1 ide-s "aid take i!iM-ilr.- in lmomieim: 1 ilit inJb!ic ilut a. coaiph'tt: change will ! nuib. TIxo TS?rt,'k'o vill be fitplicd Willi 'eiythirip the n-iiktt lTjrLi,:ijd a general rcnov.uion I tlf Ecrls Xtooras .vill br m-id . 'J he of the pub ic is Milicitul. J DeRouiimj. City Lunch House' .r?X nSGSl-SSisiSBa. Fred Grcb, Frcpiietcr. Ilavins moved lo my new t:tnd on Cd-lorni-i streil nppos to tne Union livery jtabe Ius'c my friends and the public nneri ly lo siio " o a cal . I kec s err.'M irien'id (."ir and ZJ A lirst cla-s luack ran Is; hd at aii) time fur -j ccnls. fred (n:or. UNION JiOi'EL, Ivt'ltl "llle , OlCSnil, Mrs. M Ryder, Prbpr. .First-lass accommodation ran ahviy. behid at this house at the most reasona ble riles. tSAn excellent stable connected with he hotel. CITY BAR8EE SHOP Cameorxia St. IncUsonville, - - - Oresoii, TIip undersigned 1 fulTy prepired lo do ill work in hi line in UuTbcsl manner and al reasnn-ihti; prices. ;e;jifMrv-i ii' "i F.RITSCHAED, ocj ACTIO At Watchmaker At Jeweler, t'lilirori.lii Sre t, MAKFS a specialty ol chinin and re. reiirins w-itrhi-s nml clocks. 3I Oisi'a arc reaiasahlc Give ine a ct.l. yob m HAD 'imi AT- ? e. .& brooks: . New. Drug Store, . Jacksonville, Or. Cloolts'. A finpassefnient of SS-day clocks, -n itlt ana n Ithout aUrm. . .- h, " -" ' AJ ntoTios. rtriit." ladies' and Un-v-s- gpJ.J aRI silve, lmniinp:Mse. open-face and skylijh watt lies, from o "to SLID. Erncolota. A fine lot of ladies' gold band and bangk brarclcls. Diamond and ruhv rlnss cameo tnn. dtiiios sol wiili iliamondsV cameos set uiili eiirl. camel and p-wlts. tttrnnois. ard pi-arls.and nnvx rinffs uiih hhhh-i. moiioc.. solid sold bind and bangle ringc plain anil solid ahfonri.i r'ns. ; Diamonds in everv slnnc.-. 1 1 . - . I j dies sets or j"el y. rmm tlie .)D.ceni bl-ii-lrsi-t-to the $200 liird sclsof diiunondst. (.mis anil ladies" gold chains, lockets and charms. - rl33.3 and XJxi.ttoxi.s. Gents' cold- scarf-pins, scarf-slides, stud. and r-i.llar.buttons. . Sil-tr.-x- "CCRro. Silver and silier-phitisi knive?. lorks 'pnons. n;iikin rings, silver sugar-spoons ind lonirs in casta lVIistooilrxr-ooT.xai. Gold and silver thimble: sold, silver and sitd spifiiir-ies; nml -i fuir stook ofeiery iliins in thj.jrwilry line A full asior.iiK'M of pcrlumery. toih-i -naps. ele. - lot of steel ensravinssand pictures I'm hiidr. ;i. In short. a coaipltleaml 11 rat-clnits linen' iiTii in ,t V" .Tiriiv;i 111 tl I l 1 f I. l.i"'X0. I lo be sod al the LOW- ST PRICE' il'o accordeens. vio'ins. li-mjos. ami tin 'ipt ineofiio in.suil-irand b-injnstrinss The best sp.-rm oi- liirewi:iMu.icltiiii.s ' tn line of . Drugs and Medicine?. SQal'icscrinlhin irel'u v u uipomiihi! P. t RROOKS. LW 10VJcFH .RFIlilll ! Lots s lie al li w prici a and on cast .etnis. ivilv In J. S. HOWARD- Agvnt, at Mulfoitl. Also, i.i the Iiti'rnad aihlilion loth own of a H AiD- Apply to 31 L. Mel nR.Ascni, Ashland PHtNIX. Apply to 31 V- 15. SOULE, Agent PitociiiV. GOLD HILL. Apply lo 31. IL P OL'i:, Agent, Gold Uill. cam-: pass. , Applrtoa. lI.WII.CX,.n;critGraiirr 'Pa. Tjrln GKO. II. aN'imJK S, O. & I . R. R Co., Pn.llaiid l)r DAV3D .U?2M., UNDERTAKER. ASD BE.ECrr w COSTIST TllSSSSgZSBCtS SSpSsR COKKIXS FUI1X1SHE1) OM THr sliorti-sl tmlii e .nd . Itciner lltali atan 'ithkr e-t ihlishni 'in 111 S nilrn Urefon Kurnnur- (f jll kitiiU kejil on liand o made ! onbr HMP1RE HOTEL. J. W. Cunninghan, Prop This rommodi 11s and well arnnged hotel is nowopeu fir the acciiinniisl-.tiiiii of gnosis, and will be kept on the most approved plan. The tab e i.ill a w.ivs be supp ieil with he best the m-irkct aff mis. hspieia in liiCAinentsare nlT rid the irnvtlim; puis jr. .1. W. (UXNIiiGH.VM. 3Ii droi d, Tib. 2.1, bb4 Criterion & elui is CAUl'"OHMA ST., CATOfsLi GARRETT, Trcpribtors. - HIS IK11111I.11 resort, under new nian- asement. 1 IiiriUiihis the bs-st brand ol liipn-iu, iiiues and ciyirs. Tlu-rvjiliiitr latile is supplied with, Kaslern per.o.lie:d. anil li-adiii",piH.Tsol lli'Coisl. Gne me 1 call. Tht; l!ilii p Si; tt (I'nmimiir SCIZOOIt. A Ctarillasaail Ilajr srtitol (h-Cot. The s v nlli tcir under Ihe ires.nt m iimzcincnt will b.'s.n- SpieralKT 2d. Itiys slero-'stntly ntti-d for('oHc"C .rfor business. Five KS.deul andllinc visiilns teachers. llseipline .-met. Forfutllu-r informa'ioa and for c-tt-ibvjUL- containing list ot fonn-r pupils, dlrta-s J. W. HILL. Read Mister, 2m nC;! Drawer 17, Portlnml. Or. Orgsn for Sale. The nnilrrs.-mi d oirers for sa'p on easy trims lo a sond truly n II svl-irs Taber erjin. I I'slors. la-ins ii-cdbnl a few innks. For uriirn!ars mqu'n' al this flice or addresB ihe umLisisucir at'I'ln tni.'c GKO. -ROSS. Plioenis. Or.Sipr. SOlh. lSsl- "SZatvcry 2Xotieo. i Nntieo is herrbv Civpn that T, the it- dr-isn.d, h-ve taken up one liny horse mi kid as f Hows: Tr while feet on- rirhi n:''e, -white speek in tlclu eve. Ton'. I head whin-, and saddle marked, about 13 1 vrarHoldaearppniis.dbv.I. W 'WIm-r.i JtiHirp ofhe Peace f.n- Vufphy prsciccri at twenty dollars . Eflun.carB3.noiE A53B BA3EB CK'SECT dt Jacksonville, Oregon SfcTannnany's Day TVZary ISt, ICOCf, v Under the :u;splces of IKtlUVAN PAH-JTIX THIBEf SO !, ..IMP'O O.R. M. , Exercises Cf The Day. Kntcrzinz from their ncwWisvvam oa coin.'rol Calliirnia and Tliinl s:reetsa& I o'clock i. h , Ihe Order will piradu the princlp tl streets of J:iekaonvlllc- headed, bytho Jadc&ouvU'c Sitceir Comet Bdnit'' AND OTHER UxVNDS. Un return of His proccbsion to Ihe VVigwanv HONH. K. HANNA, P. S Will deliver an addrefs. wliltlT"fTt ioltoncd by apjVropriale vocal and tnslra ui -111:11 music ami me DEDICATION Oftlnir. nyy "Iwam; b-siihs other ln- tcrisiing esercis-s; :,iier WiiLh Ihcro M lb." a Band Contest Firihrce prizes. Tho whole In conclude w.ili a In 1I13 eve.iin at Holt's Hall. The best .1 tmisii: lias tiini'tiusl for this event. t .ml ihe c. mmiitee has ifi notlnn ' un done in inak.) 11 tin! gnudest bin-ever jiven in bi.uihitn ureyon. '1 iclist inclit ling supp?r- $ J 01. A LL A RE.IN VI 1ED TO ATIEDv. Com nlttocs. II. Papv Sr T.T. SRKrn. . Ailaiu SM-luiiill, K i). Foudray, E. B. : t-onand f .larols. Mn.ip . F. Eddy, II. Pape, Jr., D. tV. Cmsbr. FI001 Jlanrisi-r. j. 17, 'Wliipp, Wm. ' is. Xn kell, I'lns Pure 1, Riad Dean, t 'hares Prim, J. T. Rolosou, Ufa t'miipnulh r. Us oration I) YI. roshy, IT. Pi'P", Ir., I). H.irdin, John Rlevenue, Fr ni I.orainc. (lenirt C'mmitice Adim Sclmlttr i.-m 'S tr. tiiiiix-v, J . K i.iuie. . SILAS J. DAY,- XJ,tn. IzMic, Ii al BlatoJ'jL . - r" Absitsstsnudi! of Titles lo Lajfdi IiC5atfSlb.c-a.mon,-;3 Uf all kind- draw:i'H.cspeei-iIIy pcrtais in; to tlie s. lllcnitul. ol'isUles. Coll. dor of Aaxutuh Vawjjff lleiuUluncte.' Itireslment Securities a Specialty. ai'ks'iii Gouuty Scrip tioughv and ijulsl. I have a ctiaipjcle s.-t r 31 tpa of all -nrviyril Lnuls u this rnnniy, and re live ".imlraciS.nw.ithiy from UibilH; if nl .1 w tBtues nirfl' I am tints pre-r-:nst li nuke out IIoni.s.let and 1'r -mplio p.ifHrs, and r in llius nave to p r! of a trip I jjebun IjnidUfilie Sen ml line faira.3 are in tny hands tor .!.-. Prompt n ply niaiK In all 1 .Iters. I'liargis i.i accoul.inee with ihe times. Kefirs, by permission, to C. . Beck in in, Eq.'Binker; lo Hon. L. R. IVn's st( r. Jtttle,c of 1I1U j tdieial district, and to my business Iiou.-s; in Jacksonville. tXlice at Mititli east comer Ca ilornia ind 5lh street, Jacksonville, Oreeon. SI LAS J. DAY. MAX AHULL UK, 2.O. Etti'dirg, J-cliionvillo -DCALKIl IX- General Merchandise. jMIE UXDER IUXED TAKES 1 pleasure in informing the public hat he h is purchased L. . olomuu's in in the POST OFFICE STORE- fhich will bo kcpl stockisl with a rrin plete and rtrst el iss as' .runout ol gtni-ral meltli-imllse. 1 will sell -l V.ry Zleasonable Slate?. Give me a call and see!vps. 31 AX 3IUIXEK sTackoville CJroscent City iridil B.outc. P- McMalion, Proprieto? Staeps-leave Jarksonville every 3Ionday Wediiesd.iy and Friday moiniiits at 3 x. 11. anivins at Waldo iirtlteeveiiins.Mherc close i-oniicptioii is made next morning lor Crescent City. When the new as.a n.ul is linislicil ahum Jauuiry 1.1th Ihrnush tickits to San Francisco ill he sold for $18 bv this route. Express andiirdcr bt'sincsa done at r& raits. P. 3!c3iAHOX Pniprirtr 3Iiss S. JoiiNna.v. 31 iss . Cavshs. Dressmaking. Wp arc now prepared to lake orders for anvthins in. the DmtMiMkins line- ndT "k Hie Isdlen of Jaeksouvllle lo give us a. snare onueir p-uionngi.-. no. -, . r ... . . Onturaillce Mtllf'JitCtU.n . . , , , . . t priers lower than ever- b d In Jark. sonvilh-. RisTfisatthe niIem.e or A. . Jotatrfa. nfOiwusa-trHi;