r .- 4 mssssssamessssssi n ,.; iliiJKUUOEKTIfi-lJ'ii. ADVERTISING RATES. . i i Advertisements will Da Inserted: la -Jh Se.vtwel at the following, riteiu Ten Hues, one insertion $8"M each subsequent Insertion... 1VQ CS Leiral advertisements lEettL-d m. 4lfi3.0-SErttlttbL ubUs'hed sxfua'oAYs AT Jacksonville, -' --'-'Oregon, -r- - - TERMS .son ably, xj0 ijnu-M-nrK omii kind dnaer en prurnpt noiiceand la workman-like style. Una efr. PerTwr. In admitr. t vol. xix-ivo. ir JACKSON VII JJR. OR KGON. APRIL -25, ISS5. mm- 3PILR vear M. ,,-.. fie ' ' '-.-- ? E:'"'" M , . ' W M- MM ' U1I.IWLIL M.I.L. , . I 1 L'l L U . . PROFESSIONAL UAItUS E. P. GEARY, M. D., fphpsicia And Surgccfa. MEDFORD. OREGON. Offlce in A- L. Johnson's building. T. R. YOUNG, M. D Physic 'ad urgeimf Ckktral Poixt, Oreoox. Sails promptly attended to at.aU hours. ' X. T-e WHITNEY. MM. EAGLE POIXT, ORtOOX. ' HavIng'Tocatcd a. this place I aslc a share of the patronage of this section. Calls attended to at anytime. W. F. WILLIAMSON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-.VT-LAW MSDFORD, OaEOOX. All business in my line- will receive prompt attention. II. K. IIANNA, Attorney & Counsellor At-Law, Jacksonville, Oqx. s "rrillpracticc ,in all the Courts of the State. Offlce up stirs in Orth's brick. C- LEMPEET. M- D-, 'rfraduateorUnlTersity.Lelprig, Germany, Physician And Surgeon. Calls attended to, at all liours day and nlrht. Offlce opposite Slorur IIo-cl, Jack- "-"Bonville, Oregon. PVP.PR.fa, 'ATTORNEY & C0UN3EL0R.AT.L.VW Jacksonville, Og'n'., Will practice in all the Gourts'or the State. Offlcs in Court Uoue. T. B. KENT, k.lvjtj and ronntfl'or at Lxw Jacksoxville OreqjX. 117111 practice In all th Gwrts of this W atate. Offlce in Che ' ourt House. O II. AIKKN'.M. .. ipffYSICIAtt AND SURGEON, .iAdCSOXVILLK, ORK0OX. !3J-Ofllce opposite P. J. Ryan's store. J. W. R3BIN30N, M D-. Physician and- stiuGEbN Jacksonville, Ogn. OPFHiE At City Drug Store. Rcsi. dence on Fourth St., op..osite M. E. Churcli, . , . , Calls promptly altenled to. Jiy and nisht. MARTIN VRUMAN, M. D. DHYSICIAN AND DRaEDN, MEDFORD, ORKOOX. "Call priaptly atten led to at all hours. B. F. bOWKLI., A TTORNEY-AT'-LAW. Jaccsosvillk, oreoox. 1 "All business placed in my hands w.ll re ceivc prompt attention. Special atten. o n given to collections. A. L. JOHNSON, Uotary Publlc.eii Estate Acent and 'Colltctor OVXeciforca, Or. I make conveyancing and fiiplshlng.ab- 'ttracts of land titles a specialty. Loans aeetitlated and co lections made. Atl business intrusted to my caro will receive prompt and careful attention. WILL. JACKSOk, T) K NTIST. JACKaONVItXE, OREGON. Teeth eltraeteil at all hours. kLaujthlnc gas administered, "if desired, for whiclu. extra tharge will be made. Office on corner of California and Stti streei. A. O. GIBBS. t. . BTKARKf GIBBI5 & STEARNS, A TT0ERETS AND C0UNSELL0KS, Roomi 2 and 4 Stroiio'rlge'i Building, rORTtiND, OREGON. "Will practice in all courts of record in the State of Oregon and Washington Tvrri. lory: ana pay particular attention to business In Federal courts. g m '? wteTc lnj-ourown town. Trrms UU and fj ootflt free. "Addrea. H. HxtiiT, 4 Ox, Pert aad ITalte. AH FJR.MMTOfr! Colman's old stand. A. G. COLYIX, Hereby informs the public thaljie. is dis playing at the above yand'a fifbt class tuck of f 'j jt a- -m i j bairel saeks. and every sack Is warranted (xBnBffll JUerClianalSeuta contain 49 pounds of flour If you don't Which he will sell At VeryLoW Prices. His stock consists of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Groccrle-, Provisions, Eic, Evfirytiilng is fresh and of good 'qual fty, and prices put down to The lowest itiotch I t3FCountry Produce bought and sold. Remember Oilman's old stand, and give me atsll when in town. , , A. G. Coi.vix. rtsflNETEENTH YEAR. ST.MAEY'S ACADTJiMY, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTEES"OF THE IIOLY .tftlE. THESHbLASTlcVEAR OP THIS school will commence about theend ot August, and is djyded in fuur sessions, nri'lcrrn weeks each. . -.Board and tuition, per term, 1.$ W.OO .Music i-i.uu Drawine and pointing tf.OO Bed and Redding. ... .,.,.,.,',. 3.00 SELE T DAY SCHOOJ,. Primary, per term, $ 5.00 Junior; " . .COO l'rvwMtoy " 8.00 Senior. " 10Q3 Pupil-, received M ny time, and special attention is paid to p Micular studies in iK'haif of children who have but limited time. Fot furllrer particulars apply ai Jhc Vcidemy Soda 'Springs HoteJ, Teh .Miles From AshlVn'd, L. B. Tucker, Proprietor. This notel Ins leccnlly bo-n much cn- largitl aua impiov.n.aiiu now na pleas ant an'd 35!!??IS'irAiiIL!l KSKGS And excellent accommodations for guests. Thote'IiS&urch OfBsnfa l Should give these JTamott'5 So&a Springs A trial, as they are admitted to possess wonderful curnlive qualities. Nopiinswill be epired to render the sojourn .;1 Invalir's or others p ea-sHut and comtortahle. . The table will, be served with the best the market affords. TABLE "ROCK SALOON, OREGOK I&'reet, WIJVTJEJV Unci HELMS, PROPBIETOKS. Tie proprietors ol this well known and popular resort world inform, their friends and, the 'public generally that a complete an'd first class stock jjf the best brands of liquors, wines, cipirs, ale and porter, etc.,. arc constancy Kepi ua uaiiu. liier win be pleased to have their friends "call ano smile." CABINET. A cabinet. .of curiosities mav also be found here. 'yVp would be pleased tn have persons possessing curiosities and speci mens bring them in, and we will place them in the cabinet for inspection. WI.NTJKN it IIKI.MS. MILLER BKOS., DEALERS IX FIELD. VEGETABLE AND Fiower Sefeds, IMPERIAL EGG- PGOD, TOOLS. r-ERTILIZERSETO. 109 atcond (. Portland, Or, Sheep For Sale. The undersigned has 2.500 head of good stock t-h cp which heoOer for silent a birgaln.. For particularx and pnen call on or adress W. B. K I N CUD, , ,,, Central Point. April t; 1838. ,THS 'STAFF :0F -LlFii! THE ROGUE RIVR srE.1 FLooaiiXG ins HAVING RECENTLY HEEN RE fittcij fcth at' modern improvements, are now turning out a firs: -class article of flour, which is "nut up in one-fourth I bplieva tills. Jus;,compare a sacs 01 our flour witlaBy-otherbrapffeml Tor sa.ejLES MOnEY than ere'r before sold in this market, and note the difference in I ....... ... . ... weight. . Four anA. Hilt-Teed Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat. BARtEY ROLLERS. it Hiving added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill, I have set apart every Saturday to Roll Itarley far customers. The work will be done on short notice,, so that par. ties can return wi(h theierist the same day. I am prepared to rull barley at all times And in the best manner. This pro-1 cess is tar ahead ot tliecrvdlier -c G.KiREWSKl. Jacksonville, Sept. 22. 18S3. FARaiERS 'Store, Medfoed, Oeegox, AKCrL&, PLYMAK Prop's. The.umlerslsnexl takes pleasure In an nouncin; lliat he IihS opened his plarr of Imsinpss in the n-w liyvR. of .Medford, Or ej;on. andis now prepared to furnish, in quantitieslo suit, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PAINTS AND'OILS MACHINE-OIL tob'a666 and ciga rs, CANDIES.N.Ur.S. DRY GOODS.' CLO 111 ING, Etc. My stock isfrcsh and first-clas1, and 1 propose t() keep a full assortment of every thing inuy line and sell at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER . . .i - .- All I ask Is a. trial. tSTHighesl price paid fur Produce. Nervous Debility. A SUKE CURE GUARANTEED. DR. E C. U'T'S nerve and brain , treUuicuu, a specific for llysterin Djrzincsa, onvu'sions, Kervjm Head .ichc. Menta' I)epressi()nr Loss of Memory Spermatorhoca. Impotenry, Involuntary euiisicius-. premature o d age, caused lA overexertion, kelt-abuse or ovrr-induig ence. which 'ends to misery, drcay anc deatli. NOpe box will cure recent case EhcIi box contains ode month's treatment, one do ar a box, or six boxes for five dol lar; sent by mail prepaid on rcceip' ol pi ice We guarantee six boxes to curr any case. Vith eaclortler received byxu lor six boxes, iiccdmpa'nied withupe"dol lars. we wilj.en'd tliv purchaser our writ ten guarniKe to return theltriioney if the treatment dors not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued on y by . ... ,i .WOOOAIID. ClJVTtCG it CO- Wholesale anc Retail Druggists, Port land. Oregon, rders by mail at regular prices. v. s.'d'otei. nniLTiiso. Jacksonville, T.T. McKtNZIVPRQP'tf, HxVING ASSUMED THE MAN ageme t ot his r-sort, I propo keeping it stocked with 'he finest brands of WlftE-3, LIQUORS AN6 ClfiARS, And will be pleased to receive a-call from all who wish the best in my, line. Sa' Utaction assur d. T. T. wcKENZIE. BHE4T REDUCIIOJi --IN HOTEL PEIGES AT THE SL0VEII HOTEL BOARD AfiD LODGING Best house for the money this side of Pirtland. C. A. HUBBELL, ReM Estate Agent, AUCTIONEER, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. TEcein Dr. Aiken's building on fal. Ifornia street, n.11 buIn?84 entrusted to my ctrewill receive prompt and careful HI ! V. 4L. II TO OFFSET The BuU Times. s RnrilAS FIM1ER Has marked his goods down to Bard Times Prices He wUl sell you MORE GOODS f in Jacksonville His stock i; AS GOOD AS :Tr"iR-BSSi, And his prices will ASTONISH YOU I It Is needless to enumerate the articles he lias to sell, as he keeps everything to be found in a first-class Several Mcirhnndisc Store! AVhen in town give him n call and he will show you goods at prices that will KMOCKTHH HARD TIM1S Idea clean out your head. Tit cl,i.1r ta vrid nfl ftiimntntft .ii,ft you c-in hardly ask lor anything he lias not git. Remember the p'acr coroner of Call fornia and Oregon streets Highest Market Price PAID FOU FARM "PRODUCE ! ESyCall and sec if litis advrrtisjmcnt is not as true as gospel, NEWMAN FI HER. J. W. MKUlllTT. DK. J. W. IIOUI.NEO.N COT DRDG STORE CALIFORNIA ST I! LET, MERRITT & RGBIMSON pnnpr,iitTOKs: . .r Will keep on hind the largest and most complete ussortmtnl of 333ES.TLTCS-, 1MTKVT MR1)ICIKIC.A CIIKMIC'Al. POISE WINES LIQUORS, PAINTS OILS, ETC, To be found in Southern Oregon. AI o a fu 1 stuck ot STATIONERY.. SCHOOL ROOKS. FINE CIGARS AND lONFECriONERY. TOILTCTSETS, nd a in-pat variety of .Perfumery, com mon aim lonei.aoaps, etc gPrPScriptioni carefully prepared by Htt. .T. Wl Roiuxsox. Dr. Robinson's office in Dru Sto e. 1118 ASIILAiD O.LLI08 AND NORMAL SCHOOL, j3l.s13.1.iicI Or. Four courses of study. Normal and Commercial College, Preparatory and In rumental music , For particulars or catalogue apply to the undersigned at Ashland, Oregon. M. G. ROYAL, A. M. President Eagle Sample Rooms California Street, S. F. Jones, Proprietor. None but the choicct and best Wines, Brandies, Vbi$itS;ar.d Cigars kept DRINKS, li CENTS No credit in the future it don't pay Families netdin anything in my line can always be supplied with the purest and licst to be found on the Coast. Give me a call, and you will be. we 1 -sttUrled Saloon. Business for Sale.. Thq undersiirnMl iiffers'forsiletheNew Era Saloon and (,i lianl Ilnll. Tliis hmi-e is new and filtd up in first-elacs s'yle throughout having in us: one of Ilrnnr. wick & I! like billiard tajjles. size 4x9; sizeof building 2 1 x40 with office 12 x-0. Situation first -c ass fine trade good open lug lor a live man. Reajon for selling, on account of oilier burner J. Will alsoseli Uie property without th stock. GEO. CROSS. PhotDLT., Or.. Sept. 20Ut. 1884. CTJVtTTKKA.tUUKK'.I'invrSiUTICK i. - . OFFIQE DF,CQ TRE.VSURER, J Jacksowillx, March 28. 1885 f Notice is hereby given that there are Junds in the county treasury for the rr demnlion of county warrants, nrotested Uipto uirust 31, lSSOlncliisivp. Intertet on we gams win ceaseinwn mi rial-. Newjian- Fisiieij, Treassrer el J&okaon Co., Or "fflSrcfjQl f? TUC fZTSrAT MAM-rail u&n zi&m FOR 3JO- Bheumatlsrn. fleuroia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Siciache. Htsdschs. Toctfijche, CoroThront.SwelIlnc-SpmlnJJrnIae5, Banu, Senldt, rrott Bite. aid xu. ornm bosilt nils asd ickes. 'tKtloaatallLacstiiiin. THE CHARLES A. VOSEIXS CO. rVee from Oplata'jSmctFc onrt rd:&. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Tor Cousft Ooro Throat, IT ftrscnMS, Inflncnxst Colas. isrozteaitUt Creep, noopinff uovcbf Asthma. Qnlnj Petri In Chest, S other tffiicUoni of Ui Thrcct am! Litre Price CO cents a bottle. BeM tr Drnnrlt? snd Deal ers. Parltei tmabU to induce their dealer to promptly gel itforthtmuUl receiva ttoo loulet,xprc9 charges paUZ, by tending one Cellar to 13E CtUKLEJ A.TOCELHI C03riITt Sola Owatrj tn t Mtaubrtnrtr. BUU3r, Su-usd, C. S JL GrTO. RIEVES, waWnmakek, "JTaclisoLVille, Or. At the olu jtand of S. P Ilinni, in Crone- uiiller's building, kti ps ou hand a lull line of "Wagon Material ! Andis prcpind to do all work in his lint on short notice hihI ipa'worSmThlike mannerr Vthicltf of every tics criptiun made to mdr. Hennirinff A fj-caaJti. Toinn rrnsBnnble and . stlisficatioh siiirantetfl. Geo. Rieves. 'Ifcc rr3' Cras U 13 s cli-arJiandtcj teJc!i year: '..S X-1) 8tll i:i.!:cs, vita c. S,"0O iii-btratio5 r iho'.o pic-t-re ca.'cir. . ui w Lolc- salepriccj cVrctJ to cuntumr M i-II goods ljr j'crso?l tr faiiy i. TcJaLojt i to 'rJirj kill ;ivcs c-a' c"cft cf every. tlihtj J (U ' i-e, tit, irii v tor. r Lai e f.in v..h. 'i..'io i.i iW.a Uki!cs con Liin i ..nrnistloti gle:inel from tl.o rra.r J-cnof tj v.r. I. WtiMi.I raail a C1117 I'reo to my a lJrcsi.;wm rpceiia ol tl.o pott ago 7 cents. J .ct u hear lrom you. llesnectf Ilr, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ;7 : 039 Vf -;l ATCBtt-. CMcr.-. Ui AAKESS 32. 5. SILSCEITS r-JCTERSAI. PILE KE3IED7 Civet Instant Retisf, asd is a l&IUtl&ts CURE FOR ALL ICIKDS OF PiLES. nlilhyDrii;!Btos ccrywlicrc, Pric.l.C0 er box, prrpniJ, by mail. Samp'cs sent fire to PliyVpIans r"d all sufTercrs. bv X'ustnwltci A. Co., wit J04G, ICew York nty. Sole manufacturer o! AAICESIS. A Clear Skiii is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it: at least, vh3t looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. vFovr -lasf IN VALUABLE TO ALLr wm be mailed pjnr r? to all applicauts Y St El t -end to customers of Iu; rear ltccct -onterinelt. It contain illostrations. nrles. aesenpuons ana aireciions iot piinung tu . : M . .. r - "t: ' .. III :ic Vegetable and Flower SEEDS iiuLia, etc. D. Wu FERRY&.CO.DE8 nn-BTsT mu iZ We cuntlVT to act u SoMtors for ratent. Cr-ests. T" vie Marts. Cnprrirtts.- etc- tor U- CliK? 'a-es. ta: tea. t uta. Ei ;Ia. d. rrai.cv (to- -o ere- t e rsve 1-1 :Jrty-fl-e jean.' vipcrtcmc. lit? total td iliiiiLrisremctllatce ratvn v". iinni Ib itirea-dpmdKl Illustrated vrftlv j a . (IT.SO a yi ar.fh i bePrcrws Irie-ie. 1U) inrrerUrp.irid Has ai en rnins rtmilatliin. iCuvt it.tK X co. Paten solicit' rs. rrh's f .-cicirK AlCSJCAi. STLDtoaduaj" Ne: Virs. 8ud buck hiKUt Pv bo. m yausn TRAD eA7 MARK. kV Jj fieasP H!? W P VS HffT&, S3MMtr &S1LB7S,D J acksonvillcPublic School. The following Is the report for the month ending April 7, 1S33: SS DETAETMESTa. o . s Higher .4 Grnuiuurvi ... I 3 tfji 2t 5 .'22 50 511 1 4 Ud , 4t) itT 4i 3 24 II CJ 591 6 C 83 Total 11 l'JJ IdOI 2l(; 117 UOLI..OF HONOR,-, IIIcnER DEPARTltEST. " A 1 Fletcher Linn, OS. si 2 HUicReames,!)3. B 1 Miles Cantral Oo: Thos. T. Tu: ner02; Byron Presley, 00. - . U 2 Lena Cameron, 02; Gu. Nt.w bury, 0; George Linn, 87; 'lata Cn. tron. 84; Gcmvicve Moore. 84. C I James -lover, 89; Kjspcr Kubll, 87; Louie Reed, SB; Fred Pup?, 8(5. . 2 Susiir Turner, DC; Jennie Jack son, Co; John Jeffrey, 03; Mnella, Muller, 8o; Heiia in ilgcr, 83; Willie Mi ler, 84. GUA1IMAR. A Birdie Doncgan, 93: Louis Plymi c. 92; Amelia Benz.Oi; A E. ReameJ, 10 It Maggie Shipley, 97; George Slov. r, 94; James Wat-on, 03; James Donegrn, 93; John Belliiigcr, 10; Minnie Bybee. 00; Lorn Smith. t9;Evart Smith, 9; John O th,83; Essie Fi3h.;r,87 lulia Mcnsor, 8C; Fred Luy, S3; Cnriie O'ronemil er, 84; ' l. lie-V.i'lllrmi. 83; Percy McKcnize, 80; flattie Hanna, 80; W. Ui son, 80. C Lydia Clcmniens, 01; Ltura Luy, 92; George B.cvaiiue, 9"; Miry Day, 90; da Illicit, 90; ISosi Sunpsin, 9i; Hay Hufier, 90; Rob.rt Jeffrey, 9i; Mo'Hc Miller, 49; Edumd Mills, 80; KityPly md.'.Bi; Coumb'ts Knowlcs, 83; Henry 15ij,tr, 8J;Binlie Helra3, 81. INTERMEDIATE. A Maggie Moody, Gtis. Pip;, Jamw Linn, Maiy Jtffrty, Narcissa Colvin, Biidiefclm tL B Eddie Kussn, Maude Kress, Jennie Reumes, Lena Rice, Ll.i '"ltmtnens, Lena R'wden, Edwin Reynolds, Uavcl Taylor, George Huli.MIIo Iteggs, Frank Brllin iniir. C Bcnnle Taylor, Albert Mensor, Jlenty Klippel, Jora'- K'iowle, Robert Byb.e, Hurry Hull.Rudiilph Beuz. ' . PRIMXRV. -v .4 Jennie -Eoath. Uy -Ealoa,Biara He ms. Rost Luy, Helen Rice, Emma ic.-d, C'ljde Cary, Lk.nJs Eiton, Ullliu Grub, Harry flier, Wi lie .M.-Daniel. llemy Orth, John Rcutcr, Jutass Wilson. B -abtl Priest, da Pritst, Mary "a t r. I'ennitf Fisher, Willie Harden, Willie Hanna, artin LuUjignonl, Frank O'ueu cluiiii, Asa nteis. C A nnie Helm? , R( na Knowles, Velcne Kubli, lua Webber, Ray -i Ir.ght, Ed ward Diy, Isaac L'iuignuat, George Ucnsor, Birtie l.icc, John JJeitoboam. CLO. U. V ATT, Principal. WM.I'RItST, 1 AlkisDjri.h, ss't. teachers. ArriE NcwDtritr, J TllKATMEST OF CaSCER. A recent l pi lined in tide iim.ii cancer by Dr . I ) u 1 1 1 1 of L'Jinloi', oue of the highest E'lgU-h aui lioritie.-, is e.peciilly inter eating at lllit time, na a n New Yik eorie.pciideut, in Hllmling lOj.Geii. Grain 'a cam. Aecoitling to Dr. Dunn iheie uere in Great ll-itxill 80,049 deaths from cancer during the ten jfttiB iinliiig in 1S69. During the next ten ert llierti nvrn 111,301, and liie lutn of increaHK Meiint to Im perfectly steady. Dr. Dunn ciiiun: explain the iucreaii o: the disease, and meiely htnte I lie curious fact that eiviliz-d man seenit to be more or lei-s h victim according to the dfgree of civ ilizition; N.ivngs never have cancer, mid th n poor cbilizeJ n.itiuiit at a much lens rate than ihe rich. Cancer eiin neither be caught norgiien. It beinx anew in each individual. If cancer npiienrs m n family, the mem terH nliiv lie mill In po.rexa a liabiliu to i lie' disease, but they do not inherit ihe disetise. Dc. Uunn reeiewt thr main drugx which ha been brought forwiird ut mincer curen, uml fiiidt i linn all uoilblett. II-i looks to urgery for relief, but sei ma to be doubtful whether a permanent cure. is possible. A great mrsterv urrnundxn murdrr committed in Si. Louis recently. On the iniiiuiii of tlie 14'h, a trunk con taining ihe heaillesK trunk of a body uatiliscovereil at llie SnUtliern Hole1, with it nole nttacht'd bearing lh. Aiinln, "So perish nil traitors to the urent cnu-e." The n mainx davn been nli-n ilieil an ihoe of an Englishman, C A'thur Preller, uf lyiudnn, and (lie n.uiderer is supposed to bo "Waller W. Lennox MhxwcI'. Hu left the hotel f-eteral iiata ago aim nat not neeii , s . - tlrl' hearu of etnee. The two. men nccupi- eil the valiin rolu. io lesson fur Ihe crime it known t A car load of fine bred cowa from Mi-nuri wax nciel iy Lieiu county ktock UtBtJtT j!t uimJL IngcvsoU on larnaga. I lieliftte in the institution of, mw r4g and I h iva no sort of nvmpathy with tliosa persons who mvleavor to ojlposa that institution. The flresid it ihf most crel thi-u on eirth, anj the love of husband for wife is God like. I would rather lite with lit woman I ljve in a world of sorrow limn he fnrrrrr, in jl Jarnn of men aloni, We may forgntalpiherCrrrds wijh impunity, fw'lirlierein.'p r(-puMicti.iiu of-tt-fcirMiiJ,, the de. iii'jcracy of the home Mith absolute rquality of the husband and w'ife I iluubi if men realize what it is to liava won the lovt- of a good woman. Ha who has dune that has made a,ueceti in liff, even though he dies in the gutter. No limn has a right to re nrd hitifelf as bos of the household. Tin family should La an affair of co- par.tii3n,Iiip. No man has thet right to aisansinate iho joy of a day in his own Iitfuw, and no woman should ba coinpelleil to live ith across man. T.eat her 'ike a tender fljTer and she will fill your life with the perfume of love. And, to begin with, court roar wife. Dovt think vour wife's lovo it not of (sufficient value to take care of after ou have secured it. The fami ly circle should be a man's heaven, and if you are tilessed with children. hum up your rods and let your love mill kindness rule. The man who has not sutiicient brains to ba able to gov. ern hit children without appealing to their fear, is unworthy ef being a fath er. You may call me infiilrl, atheist or what jou trn, but I intend so -te live that when I die my children can point to my g'av and say, 'Ha wb lies 'lifrn neirer gave ut a nionicn'a piin.' Hateyuur ph,ot,ograiih taken in the act pf beatirg your awtet little ehi d. It will I in a comfort to you, peihap.', nfter the ch!M it dead .logo out in 'be firing time toils litll urtY and tlfte hiuk upon the phuto riipirso taken. I wmit to do whs I can while I live lo take th whip uut of the family. I know that Solo mon rays, 'Sparc the rod, xjioil the child,' but I duii't ilittilc we need go tor instruction uhjii the lieit way of 'riiiiifnvr up children . lo a mn who aiis idiot mouth to look fur domestio hxppiiiPM by uiarrtiug six or sereo nundieJ wives. .-. jntj f Flo. - ( Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant lo the Palate, acceptable to the Stoiiiacn, Iririiiless in iu nature, puiu lest iu its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Billiousness, Indigestion, and kiudretl ills. Cleanses the system, polities the blond, regulates the litpr anJ nets pn the Bowles. Breaks up Cobli', Chills anil Fevers, etc. Strengthens the organs un which it acta. Brtlter than bitter, naueous inediciup), pill", salts and draughts. Sample liottle free, and large bottles for ii1h by Merritt J: Itobiuuon, Jackson i'le. Is New Orleans ix DanoerT -Pi moDih of the Mixiiisippi ha coit mill, iont from first to last. It is a g'eedy mouth at;d will swall;w greenbacks ibcpt at fast as they can b'prj;j.jed. With all the money spent on this great Htream it appear that there it immi nent danger rl of. tfin drSectioa of the river into . Biyoa A'chafijlaya, by which it wpuhl-rea'ch ihe Gujf very much sconer than at present. Thin would ruin Now Or lenn, leaving her high and dry as an inland town, and some of the richest territory of Louisiana would also "bo permanently submjerged. Secretary Manning' manner of licok keeping has produced at least-one good rpsuh; it hat forced the free traders openly to avow their real pur pose to cripple and destroy Ameri can manufacturing industries1, or to force American wages and the condi tion of American workmen tdown to the European levelf and, in either ease to allow British, French and Germs mtnufetures to fix and regulate the price of every manufactured article ued or consumed by the peopla of tut United States. It is estimated that if Clevelsai were toaverage oije hundred appnlnt menu every day, for.mx da'vJ rveiy" eek, it wuuM take hitm three y-..ra md it half to GU the ou1ck. At this, rate we don't expect a pot oflJce fot at least four jearj. fs?l J i J I FPU 103.0